[Couchdb Wiki] Update of "Installation" by RandallLeeds

2010-06-17 Thread Apache Wiki
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The "Installation" page has been changed by RandallLeeds.


  == General Production & Deployment Tips ==
  '''Third Party Tool Configuration'''
+   * [[Performance| Tips for getting more performance out of CouchDB]]
* [[Apache_As_a_Reverse_Proxy| How to configure Apache as a reverse proxy.]]

[Couchdb Wiki] Update of "CouchDB_in_the_wild" by Linicks

2010-06-17 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Couchdb Wiki" for 
change notification.

The "CouchDB_in_the_wild" page has been changed by Linicks.
The comment on this change is: Add link to Anologue IRC like web app..


  == Software ==
   * [[http://www.ajatus.info/|Ajatus]] A CRM that runs as a local Ajax web 
+  * [[http://www.anologue.com/|Anologue]] is like comments, meets im, meets 
irc, meets your favorite paste app, meets instant coffee.
   * [[http://www.aptela.com/|Aptela]] Hosted VoIP/PBX Service that uses Couch 
for persistence services
   * [[http://www.couch.it/|Couchit]], minimal site creator 
([[http://bitbucket.org/benoitc/couchit/|source code]])
   * [[http://github.com/benoitc/couchdbproxy|CouchdbProxy]], Simple multinode 
couchdb proxy

[Couchdb Wiki] Update of "Performance" by RandallLeeds

2010-06-17 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Couchdb Wiki" for 
change notification.

The "Performance" page has been changed by RandallLeeds.


  As an example one of my benchmarks turned out to be mostly limited by the 
json module's encoding and decoding speed.  The process was using 40% of a CPU. 
 Switching to simplejson with no other changes resulted in 5% of a CPU.  
Switching from threads to processes (using multiprocessing module) gave yet 
another performance improvement finally pushing CouchDB to consume more than 
100% of a CPU (this is on a multi-processor machine).
+ = Resource Limits =
+ One of the problems that administrators run into as their deployments become 
large are resource limits imposed by the system and by the application 
configuration. Raising these limits can allow your deployment to grow beyond 
what the default configuration will support.
+ == CouchDB Configuration Options ==
+ In your configuration (local.ini or similar) familiarize yourself with the 
following options:{{{
+ [couchdb]
+ max_dbs_open = 100
+ [httpd]
+ max_connections = 2048}}}
+ The first option places an upper bound on the number of databases that can be 
open at one time. CouchDB reference counts database accesses internally and 
will close idle databases when it must. Sometimes it is necessary to keep more 
than the default open at once, such as in deployments where many databases will 
be continuously replicating.
+ The second option limits how many client connections the HTTP server will 
service at a time. Again, heavy replication scenarios are good candidates for 
increased {{{max_connections}}} since the replicator opens several connections 
to the source database.
+ == System Resource Limits ==
+ === Erlang ===
+ Even if you've increased the maximum connections CouchDB will allow, the 
Erlang runtime system will not allow more than 1024 connections by default. 
Setting the following option in {{{(prefix)/etc/default/couchdb}}} (or 
equivalent) will increase this limit (in this case to 4096): {{{export 
+ === PAM and ulimit ===
+ Finally, most *nix operating systems impose various resource limits on every 
process. If your system is set up to use the Pluggable Authentication Modules 
(PAM) system, increasing this limit is straightforward. For example, creating a 
file named {{{/etc/security/limits.d/100-couchdb.conf}}} with the following 
contents will ensure that CouchDB can open enough file descriptors to service 
your increased maximum open databases and Erlang ports:{{{
+ #
+ couchdb  hard  nofile4096
+ couchdb  soft  nofile4096}}}
+ If your system does not use PAM, a {{{ulimit}}} command is usually available 
for use in a custom script to launch CouchDB with increased resource limits.
+ If necessary, feel free to increase this limits as long as your hardware can 
handle the load.

[Couchdb Wiki] Update of "Performance" by RandallLeeds

2010-06-17 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Couchdb Wiki" for 
change notification.

The "Performance" page has been changed by RandallLeeds.


  The second option limits how many client connections the HTTP server will 
service at a time. Again, heavy replication scenarios are good candidates for 
increased {{{max_connections}}} since the replicator opens several connections 
to the source database.
  == System Resource Limits ==
  === Erlang ===
- Even if you've increased the maximum connections CouchDB will allow, the 
Erlang runtime system will not allow more than 1024 connections by default. 
Setting the following option in {{{(prefix)/etc/default/couchdb}}} (or 
equivalent) will increase this limit (in this case to 4096): {{{export 
+ Even if you've increased the maximum connections CouchDB will allow, the 
Erlang runtime system will not allow more than 1024 connections by default. 
Adding the following directive to {{{(prefix)/etc/default/couchdb}}} (or 
equivalent) will increase this limit (in this case to 4096):{{{
+ export ERL_MAX_PORTS=4096}}}
  === PAM and ulimit ===
  Finally, most *nix operating systems impose various resource limits on every 
process. If your system is set up to use the Pluggable Authentication Modules 
(PAM) system, increasing this limit is straightforward. For example, creating a 
file named {{{/etc/security/limits.d/100-couchdb.conf}}} with the following 
contents will ensure that CouchDB can open enough file descriptors to service 
your increased maximum open databases and Erlang ports:{{{

[Couchdb Wiki] Update of "Performance" by RandallLeeds

2010-06-17 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Couchdb Wiki" for 
change notification.

The "Performance" page has been changed by RandallLeeds.
The comment on this change is: Add information on +A  flag.


  If your system does not use PAM, a {{{ulimit}}} command is usually available 
for use in a custom script to launch CouchDB with increased resource limits.
  If necessary, feel free to increase this limits as long as your hardware can 
handle the load.
+ = Disk and File System Performance =
+ Using faster disks, striped RAID arrays and modern file systems can all speed 
up your CouchDB deployment. However, there is one option that can increase the 
responsiveness of your CouchDB server when disk performance is a bottleneck. 
From the erlang documentation for the file module: {{{
+ On operating systems with thread support, it is possible to let file 
operations be performed in threads of their own, allowing other Erlang 
processes to continue executing in parallel with the file operations. See the 
command line flag +A in erl(1).}}}
+ Setting this argument to a number greater than zero can keep your CouchDB 
installation responsive even during periods of heavy disk utilization. The 
easiest way to set this option is through the {{{ERL_FLAGS}}} environment 
variable. For example, to give Erlang four threads with which to perform i/o 
operations add the following to {{{(prefix)/etc/defaults/couchdb}}} (or 
equivalent): {{{
+ export ERL_FLAGS="+A 4"}}}

[Couchdb Wiki] Update of "Performance" by RandallLeeds

2010-06-17 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Couchdb Wiki" for 
change notification.

The "Performance" page has been changed by RandallLeeds.
The comment on this change is: Add table of contents.


+ <>
  With up to tens of thousands of documents you will generally find CouchDB to 
perform well no matter how you write your code.  Once you start getting into 
the millions of documents you need to be a lot more careful.
  Many of the individual wiki pages mention performance when describing how to 
do things.  It is worthwhile refreshing your memory by revisiting them.

svn commit: r955773 - in /couchdb/branches/new_replicator/src/couchdb: couch_api_wrap.erl couch_api_wrap.hrl couch_doc.erl couch_httpd_rep.erl couch_replicate.erl couch_replicate.hrl

2010-06-17 Thread damien
Author: damien
Date: Thu Jun 17 22:35:49 2010
New Revision: 955773

URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=955773&view=rev
Reorganized and commented the new replicator code for easier understanding.

  - copied unchanged from r955001, 

Modified: couchdb/branches/new_replicator/src/couchdb/couch_api_wrap.erl
--- couchdb/branches/new_replicator/src/couchdb/couch_api_wrap.erl (original)
+++ couchdb/branches/new_replicator/src/couchdb/couch_api_wrap.erl Thu Jun 17 
22:35:49 2010
@@ -12,13 +12,29 @@
+% This module wraps the native erlang API, and allows for performing
+% operations on a remote vs. local databases via the same API.
+% Notes:
+% Many options and apis aren't yet supported here, they are added as needed.
+% This file neesds a lot of work to "robustify" the common failures, and
+% convert the json errors back to Erlang style errors.
+% Also, we open a new connection for every HTTP call, to avoid the
+% problems when requests are pipelined over a single connection and earlier
+% requests that fail and disconnect don't cause network errors for other
+% requests. This should eventually be optimized so each process has it's own
+% connection that's kept alive between requests.
@@ -34,6 +50,12 @@ db_open(#httpdb{}=Db, _Options) ->
 db_open(DbName, Options) ->
+db_close(#httpdb{}) ->
+db_close(DbName) ->
 get_db_info(#httpdb{url=Url,oauth=OAuth,headers=Headers}) ->
 Headers2 = oauth_header(Url, [], get, OAuth) ++ Headers,
 case ibrowse:send_req(Url, Headers2, get, [], [ 
@@ -67,9 +89,11 @@ open_doc(#httpdb{url=Url,oauth=OAuth,hea
 open_doc(Db, DocId, Options) ->
 couch_db:open_doc(Db, DocId, Options).
 update_doc(Db, Doc, Options) ->
 ensure_full_commit(#httpdb{url=Url,oauth=OAuth,headers=Headers}) ->
 Headers2 = oauth_header(Url, [], post, OAuth) ++ Headers,
@@ -85,6 +109,7 @@ ensure_full_commit(#httpdb{url=Url,oauth
 ensure_full_commit(Db) ->
 get_missing_revs(#httpdb{url=Url,oauth=OAuth,headers=Headers}, IdRevs) ->
 Json = [{Id, couch_doc:revs_to_strs(Revs)} || {Id, Revs} <- IdRevs],
 Headers2 = oauth_header(Url, [], post, OAuth) ++ Headers,
@@ -109,22 +134,6 @@ get_missing_revs(Db, IdRevs) ->
 couch_db:get_missing_revs(Db, IdRevs).
-options_to_query_args([], Acc) ->
-options_to_query_args([delay_commit|Rest], Acc) ->
-options_to_query_args(Rest, Acc);
-options_to_query_args([{atts_since,[]}|Rest], Acc) ->
-options_to_query_args(Rest, Acc);
-options_to_query_args([{atts_since,PossibleAncestors}|Rest], Acc) ->
-options_to_query_args(Rest, [{"atts_since",?JSON_ENCODE(
-couch_doc:revs_to_strs(PossibleAncestors))} | Acc]).
-query_args_to_string([], []) ->
-query_args_to_string([], Acc) ->
-"?" ++ string:join(lists:reverse(Acc), "&");
-query_args_to_string([{K,V}|Rest], Acc) ->
-query_args_to_string(Rest, [(K ++ "=" ++ V) | Acc]).
 open_doc_revs(#httpdb{url=Url,oauth=OAuth,headers=Headers}, Id, Revs, 
 Options, Fun, Acc) ->
@@ -163,6 +172,107 @@ open_doc_revs(Db, Id, Revs, Options, Fun
 {ok, Results} = couch_db:open_doc_revs(Db, Id, Revs, Options),
 {ok, lists:foldl(Fun, Acc, Results)}.
+update_doc(#httpdb{url=Url,headers=Headers,oauth=OAuth},Doc,Options,Type) ->
+QArgs = if Type == replicated_changes ->
+[{"new_edits", "false"}]; true -> [] end ++ 
+options_to_query_args(Options, []),
+Boundary = couch_uuids:random(),
+JsonBytes = ?JSON_ENCODE(couch_doc:to_json_obj(Doc, 
+{ContentType, Len} = couch_doc:len_doc_to_multi_part_stream(Boundary,
+JsonBytes, Doc#doc.atts, false),
+Self = self(),
+Headers2 = case lists:member(delay_commit, Options) of 
+true -> [{"X-Couch-

svn commit: r955782 - /couchdb/trunk/share/www/script/jquery.couch.js

2010-06-17 Thread jchris
Author: jchris
Date: Thu Jun 17 23:17:15 2010
New Revision: 955782

URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=955782&view=rev
jquery.couch.js works with PUT to delete.


Modified: couchdb/trunk/share/www/script/jquery.couch.js
--- couchdb/trunk/share/www/script/jquery.couch.js [utf-8] (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/share/www/script/jquery.couch.js [utf-8] Thu Jun 17 23:17:15 
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@
 beforeSend : beforeSend,
 complete: function(req) {
   var resp = $.httpData(req, "json");
-  if (req.status == 201 || req.status == 202) {
+  if (req.status == 200 || req.status == 201 || req.status == 202) 
 doc._id = resp.id;
 doc._rev = resp.rev;
 if (versioned) {