Re: OM Camera - a new angle

2007-09-23 Thread Bryan Larsen

Then comes the part which really pisses me off: Panasonic has crippled
the camera so that you can't use zoom or focus functions while recording
video. Now, I know this is not a camcorder. I don't expect it to record
good quality video - just something casual once in a while. However,
maybe I'm gullible, but I do not fucking expect Panasonic to maliciously
lock me out of basic camera controls when recording.

They lock you out because the results would look terrible if they 
didn't.  So I guess it's a marketing reason, but it's a good one.

The optics on cheap zoom digicams move in a jerky and noisy fashion. 
Optics that aren't are significantly larger and/or more expensive.

It's a significant marketing bullet point when they do allow you to zoom 
 during video on a digicam.  Of the current Canon digicam's, only the 
S5 IS has smooth optics to provide that capability.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: OpenMoko != Neo1973 (Was: Openness (was RE: Concern for usability and ergonomics))

2007-06-13 Thread Bryan Larsen

Marcin Juszkiewicz wrote:

Dnia środa, 13 czerwca 2007, Werner Almesberger napisał:

Shawn Rutledge wrote:

What is your favorite hardware and software for doing this?

We use our own debug board. You need a special flexible cable to
connect to JTAG (*), and our board has the corresponding connector.

Debug board has also space to solder standard 20 pin ATM JTAG header and 
after that can be used with other devices then Neo1973. My friend used it 
to debug his own AT91 based project.

Heck, they could probably make money selling the debug board separately. 
 Any embedded software developer probably has a ton of jerry rigged 
MAX232 level shifter dongles, USB<->232 dongles and USB<->JTAG dongles. 
   This all in one design is sweet.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: built-in scripting languages.

2007-04-19 Thread Bryan Larsen
Well, that's "official" enough for me.  I'll develop new apps in PyGTK 
for now.  If I need to, I'll port to C later.

The announcement today of the Gnome Mobil & Embedded Initiative 
( also shows Python in its block diagram, 
right below a picture of a neo1973.  Python is the OLPC language of choice.

I'd still like to see gtk-server ( in the base 
install, so shell scripts can have GUI's too.


Michael 'Mickey' Lauer wrote:

PyGTK looks like the most likely contender to me -- not just because I
wrote a book about it and I'm the author of almost everything
Python-related in OE, but also because PyGTK is pretty mature and
easy to extend (you probably have seen Zecke's work in wrapping the Moko
classes did you?).

The thing that worries me is the performance. The Neo1973 has a really
slow CPU. I didn't test on a device yet, but I'm afraid running
'import gtk' alone will take roughly 30 seconds, if not more.

We will probably have to jump through hoops to make _any_ scripting
language to perform reasonably on the Neo1973 (first incarnation).


OpenMoko community mailing list

call for testers: MokoList, a pilot-db clone.

2007-04-09 Thread Bryan Larsen
One of the most useful apps on my Palm Pilot is 
[ Pilot-DB].  I figured it would be a 
good "first app" to get my feet wet programming for OpenMoko.  I've got 
a first pass at it, and am looking for alpha testers: if you have used 
[ Pilot-DB] or any similar application, 
have databases in a format supported by 
[ palm-db-tools] (i.e. 
pilot-DB 0.3.x, pilot-DB 0.2.x, MobileDB, List or JFile 3) please 
contact me.

Right now it's just a plain GTK desktop app.  At this stage anything 
else would be silly.  So alpha testers would also need a Linux computer 
or enough patience to recompile a GTK app on whatever desktop they're 


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: built-in scripting languages.

2007-04-03 Thread Bryan Larsen

Steven ** wrote:

I'm not sure why you need an external MicroSD card, but all Neo's come
with a 512 MB MicroSD card.  Sean mentioned that in the FOSDEM
presentation.  Also, see

Sure, the developer's kit comes with a microSD card.  I expect all 
developer's to have one.  I'm worried about end users.  I don't expect 
all user phones to come with a micro SD card.  I also don't expect 
phones to come with firmware installed on the micro SD cards.  I expect 
users to balk when installing "small" applications that take up precious 
megabytes of space because a large scripting language is a prerequisite. 
 I expect users to want to "reserve" their microSD cards for large 
music and video files.


OpenMoko community mailing list

built-in scripting languages.

2007-04-03 Thread Bryan Larsen

There was a discussion on the mailing list in January about choosing a
built-in scripting language.  Many good arguments were expressed, but
disappointingly, it appears to have not gone anywhere.

Many different scripting languages will be optionally available in the
repository. However, developers who choose one of these languages for
their applications will not be able to see their applications included
in the standard ROM nor available for use by those without an external
microSD card.

A scripting language should be chosen as the default.  Yes, it'll be a
hard choice, but there's also no 'wrong choice' (except for "none").
I've put a lot of work into  Please
comment here or on the discussion page.

Harold, Sean and the rest of the OpenMoko team:  please, please make a
decision, and make it soon.  There are several of us that are delaying
development of OpenMoko applications in the hope that a scripting
language will be chosen soon.

Apologies for quoting so liberally from list e-mails, but I feel it was
the right thing to do.

thank you,

OpenMoko community mailing list

debug board

2007-03-08 Thread Bryan Larsen

I really like the design.  I was expecting a MAX232 and connector 
breakouts.   For not much more work you have something much more functional.

One warning though:  Those connectors are rated for 20 insertions.  They 
get sloppy/fiddly real quick.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: built-in scripting languages

2007-01-22 Thread Bryan Larsen
There are already (I assume) at least two very powerful scripting 
languages on the OpenMoko.

The first is sh in whatever variant they decide to include.  I've used 
sh to write CGI scripts on a couple of deeply embedded web servers; 
you'd be surprised how much can be done with just boa+busybox.

The other is javascript, which I assume will be included with the web 
browser.   Javascript is a very powerful modern scripting language (it 
has closures and other cool stuff that python is only now getting). 
Javascript gets lots of bad press because the APIs that browsers provide 
are often awful and incompatible, but the core Javascript language is 
very nice.

Since a javascript interpreter is going to be provided as part of the 
stock build, perhaps it would be nice to allow it to be used outside of 
its browser sandbox?

The power of Perl & Python lies not in the language itself; the power is 
the huge standard libraries as well as external libraries available.  On 
an embedded platform, these cannot be necessarily counted on.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: IMHO more a viewer problem and not a display problem one ; ) -> better pdf and webbrower Re: Idea for one of the next Neos: Projecting the display via LEDs

2007-01-22 Thread Bryan Larsen

Robert Michel wrote:
> Salve Uwe!
> On Sun, 21 Jan 2007, Uwe Koch wrote:
>> it's still always the same problem:
>> Mobile phones' displays  are to small (size or resolution) to view 

>> ebooks, whatever - but they are small to carry with.
>> On the other hand PDAs are to large to carry with but are a better
>> solution for ebooks or reading texts - but is it large enough?
> Yes it is - I've read complete books on my Palm 160x160.

I read a lot of books on my Treo, which has a smaller screen than an old 
school Palm.  However, it's resolution is higher at 320x320.  99% of the 
books are from the Baen free library ( or the Baen 
webscription service.

Here are the advantages:

1) you always have a book on you when you have 10 minutes to kill
2) built in backlight means you don't need a light on or one of those 
awkward booklights to read.  Great for reading in bed without disturbing 
the wife.
3) comfortable to read with one hand.  In a normal book you hold the 
book with one hand and turn pages with the other.  This makes it much 
more comfortable when reading in bed or when you're reading on the bus 
and you don't get a seat.

The cons are:

1) you have to either plug in or make sure you have a full battery 
before you start reading

2) hard to read in sunlight

The size is not a problem.  The limited width of the device is actually 
an advantage in speed-reading: less eye movement.   Eye strain is also 
not a problem, for me.  Properly formatted books are crucial:  PDF's 
suck horribly; even HTML usually doesn't work too well.  Mobipocket 
format works great.


OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Gaming oportunities (OT:nGage)

2007-01-18 Thread Bryan Larsen

I wouldn't write off nGage just yet.  Nokia can still make it a
successful platform.

If pretty much every new phone that Nokia introduces from now on is an
nGage phone, then it won't take long for the number of nGage's to
approach the number of Gameboy's.  Sure, most of them may never touch a
game, but the market will be large enough that games will start to sell
and nGage will become a feature worth looking for, even though currently
today it's worth very little.


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