Re: May I ask?

2002-09-17 Thread Colin Ward

On 17/9/02 8:00 am, Jeroen Diederen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I live in Leiden, The Netherlands, about 35 km south west of Amsterdam.
 Sounds like a nice idea.
 Stephan Haller wrote:
 May I ask you all on the list where you are coming from? Perhaps we
 are all in range of 400 or 500 km to meet? Was only an thought!?! Does
 anybody come to a meeting of PPC users? For myself, it does not matter
 if in France or in the Netherlands or in Germany or somewher else in a
 radius of 400 km around Colone (oops who you know wher I am ;)===)
 Stephan Haller
 Currently a PPC user

I'm in London, although I always find an excuse to go to Amsterdam ;-)

Re: 8.2 install report

2002-04-29 Thread Colin Ward

on 24/4/02 11:35 pm, Henrik Edlund at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Okay, I am now running 8.2 on my iBook-2001. I have a few comments though:
 The yaboot-setup during install setup yaboot.conf to have
 append= devfs=mount
 . This made the first boot to fail (can not find /dev/hda5). I had to
 reset the machine and boot with linux devfs=nomount and then remove this
 append line deom yaboot.conf and then run ybin. I am running ext3 on all
 my file systems.
 Install program should ask if you want to use Linux or Mac keycodes. What
 is the way to change to Mac keycodes now?
 Airport is so easy to get working it really should be automatically setup
 during install. I just added alias eth1 airport to /etc/modules.conf,
 copied /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 to ifcfg-eth1, added a
 ESSID line to it. Then I just can do ifup eth1 and Airport is working
 without hazzle.
 When I close the lid or press a sleep button (in some program) and then
 wake the computer up, either by opening lid or pressing a key, then the
 screen is frozen (I can see this by that the clock in WindowMaker is not
 ticking), and the keyboard has no effect. I can move the mouse cursor
 though, but clicking has no effect. I had to do a hard reset. Known

I've had those same pmud problems since the 8.2beta1 release. I did post
them here and there was a pmud update, it didn't fix the problem for me. The
only way i can get pmud to work on the ibook is to use one of benh's
kernels. You even get a nice little bat meter in status bar and acurate
readout for charging-useage etc. But if i use that kernel my Speed touch
modem refuses to work, which sucks. Everything eles works though, very well.

Problems burning iso

2002-04-25 Thread Colin Ward

Is anyone having problems burning the 8.2 final iso image?
I've tried a few times now and it always fails when trying to verify the
disk after burning. I always use the disk-burning utility in OSX as its
never given me many coasters in the past, only when the iso's are faulty.
I will try a different mirror but they should all be the same yes?

Re: Problems burning iso

2002-04-25 Thread Colin Ward

On 25/4/02 2:19 pm, Stew Benedict [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, 25 Apr 2002, Colin Ward wrote:
 Is anyone having problems burning the 8.2 final iso image?
 I've tried a few times now and it always fails when trying to verify the
 disk after burning. I always use the disk-burning utility in OSX as its
 never given me many coasters in the past, only when the iso's are faulty.
 I will try a different mirror but they should all be the same yes?
 That's why we publish md5sums.  There was one report of bad ISO's at
 Stew Benedict

Ok, wanna tell me how to use them? And do I need any special software or
anything. Sorry to be dim, never had to use them or come across them before.

Re: Problems burning iso

2002-04-25 Thread Colin Ward

On 25/4/02 4:09 pm, James White [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm no expert, but here's what I did (from memory). The ftp sites
 include files named, like, md5sums-8.2.ppc. Look in these file and note
 the numbers. Write them down.
 Get the application md5app for OSX. Here's a link:
 MD5APP against the downloaded iso's. Compare the number. It should match.
For some reason the the check

Thanks, for some reason the MD5sums where not matching from the site. I have ADSL and always get ISOs in one session, I
never resume. I went to a danish mirror and things worked out straight away.
I don't think it was a error on my part because I downloaded them twice on
different macs, and and the bad sums where the same on each mac, both
times.Anyways I've got them now and its running great on my ibook. Still
can't get x on the G4 though :-(.
Many thanks

Re: update to G4 install, please help

2002-04-20 Thread Colin Ward

On 4/19/02 11:47 PM, Stew Benedict [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, 19 Apr 2002 14:33:33 +0100
 Colin Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At text install there wasn't a listing of my monitor (apple 15in flat
 screen 1024x768, dpi 72x72). I didn't know what to pick so i tried a
 generic one. After install x didnt start and i was left with the choice
 to login to terminal. When trying startx i got a flicker and this
 (EE) r128 (0): no DFPz
 FBIOPUT_VSCRREENFO invalid argument
 fatal server error
 addserver/screenlink  x server
 or something very close to that.
 What can i try? i really need help with this
 There are only listing for monitors folks have given me specs for.
 Essentially I need resoultion and horz and vertical ranges.
 You could try backing down to fbdev instead of r128 in /etcX11/Xf86Config-4,
 and see if that does anything for you.  I'm not familar with those messages
 above, but it almost looks like X is asking the display for capabilities and
 not liking the answer.
 Stew Benedict

Ok stew, remember I'm a nubie so I need to know a few things. Firstly the
exact monitor I have is a Apple Studio Display 15, and it runs up to
1024x768. The res (DPI) is72x72.

 You could try backing down to fbdev instead of r128 in /etcX11/Xf86Config-4,
 and see if that does anything for you.  I'm not familar with those messages
 above, but it almost looks like X is asking the display for capabilities and
 not liking the answer

How do I edit XF86Config-4 from within the terminal. I can navigate through
the file system ok, but don't know how to edit a particular file from with
in it. (I know I should). Also someone just wanting to try ML wouldn't know
what to do if they where new to it. There are more of these apple monitors
sold with pre silver G4s than any others. But any help is appreciated

Re: update to G4 install, please help

2002-04-20 Thread Colin Ward

On 4/20/02 9:17 AM, Ben Reser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sat, Apr 20, 2002 at 08:53:27AM +0100, Colin Ward wrote:
 How do I edit XF86Config-4 from within the terminal. I can navigate through
 the file system ok, but don't know how to edit a particular file from with
 in it. (I know I should). Also someone just wanting to try ML wouldn't know
 what to do if they where new to it. There are more of these apple monitors
 sold with pre silver G4s than any others. But any help is appreciated
 Short Answer:
 pico /etc/X11/XF86Config-4

I get pico command not found. I obviously don't have it installed (although
I picked everything from the test install). How do I do this? I take is I
would have to get it from one of the cd's? Which one and how ( I am new to

 Longer Answer is well pretty hard to answer without knowing preciously
 what needs to be done or going into a really long explanation of how the
 XF86 Config files are setup.
 However, have you tried adding:
 (if you already have append= devfs=mount then it would be,
 append= devfs=mount video=ofonly)
 You can add that to your yaboot.conf via;
 pico /etc/yaboot.conf
 When you're done run (as root):
 ybin installs the bootloder options from the yaboot.conf config file.

Just ybin , or ybin -v  ?
Yes i need to get in there to ad my osx line. The installer didn't ask me if
I wanted to do this (add another os).

 I got the ofonly thing from this mailing list post:
 Otherwise searching for a prewritten XF86Config-4 file (which is what I
 started to do when I found the above link) for your video card + monitor
 should resolve your problem.  Then all you'd need to do is copy it over
 the existing /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.  You probably will want to copy the
 existing one to save it in case the new one doesn't work.  I usually do:
 cp /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.mdk

I just wish I have the right line to put in so I could get a graphical
install. I have thought about putting in my radeon card and seeing if it
will pick it up from install with install-radeon. I may need to get back to
few times with this, so please be patient with me.
Many thanks.

need help with G4 install

2002-04-19 Thread Colin Ward

Having trouble installing 8.2 beta2.
i have a G4 500 (sawtooth) with a 15in flat screen apple monitor. It has 
the defult ATI rage pro graphics card.(i also have a radion mac edition 
32 but i want to keep this as simple as possilble). I've tried to do a 
graphical install but none of the options i pick seem to work. I've 
tried install-atyfb, aty128fb, infact i tried most of the options given 
(execpt 2.2 options). The screen just goes blank if i try any of above, 
the screen light also flashes as if in sleep. if i try the no video mode 
i actuly get to a blue screen after the cdrom has loaded, but thats it.
I am now trying a text install, but i don't think theres a 15in apple 
monitor listed (1024x768), what would be the best to choose?. I will 
post result of this but any help would be very welcome.
For your info i'm installing onto a 10gig partition on a 25GBHD, i have 
already installed OS9/X, they work fine.
many thanks

update to G4 install, please help

2002-04-19 Thread Colin Ward

 Having trouble installing 8.2 beta2.
 i have a G4 500 (sawtooth) with a 15in flat screen apple monitor. It has the defult 
ATI rage pro graphics card.(i also have a radion mac edition 32 but i want to keep 
this as simple as possilble). I've tried to do a graphical install but none of the 
options i pick seem to work. I've tried install-atyfb, aty128fb, infact i tried most 
of the options given (execpt 2.2 options). The screen just goes blank if i try any of 
above, the screen light also flashes as if in sleep. if i try the no video mode i 
actuly get to a blue screen after the cdrom has loaded, but thats it.
 I am now trying a text install, but i don't think theres a 15in apple monitor listed 
(1024x768), what would be the best to choose?. I will post result of this but any 
help would be very welcome.
 For your info i'm installing onto a 10gig partition on a 25GBHD, i have already 
installed OS9/X, they work fine.
 many thanks


At text install there wasn't a listing of my monitor (apple 15in flat 
screen 1024x768, dpi 72x72). I didn't know what to pick so i tried a 
generic one. After install x didnt start and i was left with the choice 
to login to terminal. When trying startx i got a flicker and this

(EE) r128 (0): no DFPz
FBIOPUT_VSCRREENFO invalid argument

fatal server error

addserver/screenlink  x server

or something very close to that.
What can i try? i really need help with this

Re: Missing /dev/hda during install

2002-04-10 Thread Colin Ward

On 4/10/02 10:09 PM, Stew Benedict [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, 10 Apr 2002, Paul Sabatino wrote:
 Just for the heck of it I grabbed the YDL 2.2 iso, and tried it on the
 same iBook with exactly the same results. No /dev/hda and no mention of
 /dev/hda in the dmesg output. Nothing seemed unusual in the dmesg output,
 except for the fact that the hda device was missing :(
 If I get a chance I'll try an install again and post all the ide
 Interesting.  One way to keep folks from putting Linux on their Apples ;^)
 Stew Benedict

Stupid I know, but I've seen it done before. You are making your linux
partition as 'free space when partitioning the drive?

Re: 8.2 beta issues (again), and some

2002-04-09 Thread Colin Ward

Johanna wrote:
 Okay, I've given it another try and spent yesterday on re-installing 
 Mandrake and trying to tweak. Not very successfully, but at leat I 
 understand a little more of Linux now, I believe :-)
 Three main issues remain unsolved for me, and I'd really, REALLY 
 appreciate any help on them, as I'm quite keen on getting at least a 
 Linux system I can work with for the beginning on my iBook2:
 - The text cursor still tends to jump away to where the mouse cursor is, 
 which is REALLY REALLY annoying when typing text. As I want to use Linux 
 in order to write research papers and theses on Lyx, I somehow have to 
 resolve that issue. Could it have anything to do with poor trackpad 
 control? I.e., that I possible touch the trackpad lightly while typing 
 and the system interprets this as a mouse click? How could I find out if 
 this is the case and possibly fix it?
 - I've followed Sylvain's HowTo on changing the keyboard layout. The 
 result was that NEITHER the alt nor the Apple/AltGr button produced any 
 secondary signs like , EUR etc. My problem was not the keyboard mapping 
 in itself - that's basically identical between PC and Mac in Germany 
 (perhaps I've expressed myself unclearly previously) but the function of 
 the other keys, ESP. the alt key and the wonderful signs it produces in 
 MacOS. Is there any way to change it (I know, it might interfere with 
 lots of shortcuts) and how do I do it?
 - My printer still doesn't work, and I don't know why. It's a Lexmark Z 
 42 which is supported by Gimp-print. I could chose it in the printer 
 menu in the Mandrake Control center. I tried chosing all the USB ports 
 (actually, it's in USB #2), several resolutions etc., but to no avail. I 
 don't get any error messages; Linux seems to be under the impression 
 that the printer works, there are no print jobs on queue left when I 
 check, but no printed page cames out. The printer works perfectly under 
 MacOS, so I'm a bit at a loss. Being able to print would be quite 
 important for me...
 I'll try Stew's suggestion re the CD-drive as soon as I've booted 
 Mandrake again - at the moment, a huge download is running under MacOS 
 which I don't want to interrupt for too long.
 Modem is fortunately not so important for me (anyway, not Mandrake's 
 fault it doesn't work), I've got ADSL, which works just fine.
 I haven't tried burning CDs yet - I hope that works without too much 
 hassle? Mandrake obviously recognizes my CD-RW as a Sony RW XYZ, so that 
 seems to be fine.

I hadn't noticed this as i don't do to much typing. Yesterday my wife 
was in a hurry and was writing some emails in ML. She would normaly boot 
into macos or use her compaq laptop. Well she reported to same thing 
while writing emails in a web browser. At first i thought she must be 
accidently touching the trak-pad or something, but shes a 90wpm person 
and after wacthing for a while i saw that she wasn't touching the pad at 
all. So could that be looked into.

Another bug i've found is with the ADSLspeed touch pro modem setup. I've 
managed to get mine working now for a few weeks, and it took some trial 
and error. When i want to connect i always have to load the modem 
microcode manuly by doing
'modem_run -m -f /usr/share/speedtouch/mgmt.o'.

Using the 'connect'tab in CC does nothing. i then have to go through the 
'wizard' to re-enter my isp details. I'm then told that i'm not 
connected, but really i am .(i've read that the pc version sometimes 
does this)
 From there it stays connected for days if need be and is very stable(i 
also get a faster download speed than macos9/x or wintel), its just a 
hassle having to go through the whole process if for some reason i have 
to disconect. Can this be looked at, the Alcatel USB modem is very 
populer and i know a number of people that want to use it with linux of 
any kind. I still can't get pmud to start and boot, and it still won't 
wake from sleep after i have started it manuly.

i  also  can't play audio CD's. I can if i rip them to MP3s and burn 
them to cd, and the sound is perfect. I know there was a issue with this 
but thought it had been fixed?

Apart from the probems i have mentiond my ibook is working very well 
under this latest beta. The disply is so sharp and crisp and it runs 
very fast, faster than macos. It also runs a lot cooler under linux. It 
used to get so hot when using os9/x. It also very stable as in

Keep up the good work stew, i for one really appreciate all the hard 
work that you've done.

Re: 8.2 beta issues (again), and some

2002-04-09 Thread Colin Ward

 I also don't know why pmud is so problematic for you. If I recall you
 don't have the latest greatest ibook right?  Power management did not work
 correctly on the new TiBook, but these things are a matter of letting the
 development catch up with the hardware.  The new pmud is up on my web
 space, if anyone want's to try it.

i have been testing teh latest version. One thing, the other day i again 
tried one of benh's kernels and pmud seemed to work perfectly. It would 
sleep and wake up very quickly and didn't crash. Problem was though 
after installing it i couldn't get my USB modem to work, and DRI wasn't 
enabled. I have last years (may 2001)ibook2. The first one released, 
luckily with the hard modem.

i  also  can't play audio CD's. I can if i rip them to MP3s and burn 
them to cd, and the sound is perfect. I know there was a issue with this 
but thought it had been fixed?

 I wasn't aware of anything that needed to be fixed.  It's a known issue
 that Apple removed the analog connection between the CDROM and soundcard
 on newer machines and you have to use the cdreader plugin to play CD's.
 It's also known that xmms and supermount are somewhat less than
 compatible.  These issues also exist on x86.  I tested the cdreader plugin
 on the TiBook Phil lent me, and it seemed to work fine.
Ok, where do i get the CD reader plug-in? i haven't seen it anyware.


Re: 8.2 beta issues (again), and some

2002-04-09 Thread Colin Ward

Stew Benedict wrote:
 On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Colin Ward wrote:

I also don't know why pmud is so problematic for you. If I recall you
don't have the latest greatest ibook right?  Power management did not work
correctly on the new TiBook, but these things are a matter of letting the
development catch up with the hardware.  The new pmud is up on my web
space, if anyone want's to try it.

i have been testing teh latest version. One thing, the other day i again 
tried one of benh's kernels and pmud seemed to work perfectly. It would 
sleep and wake up very quickly and didn't crash. Problem was though 
after installing it i couldn't get my USB modem to work, and DRI wasn't 
enabled. I have last years (may 2001)ibook2. The first one released, 
luckily with the hard modem.

 tradeoffs I guess ;^)
i  also  can't play audio CD's. I can if i rip them to MP3s and burn 
them to cd, and the sound is perfect. I know there was a issue with this 
but thought it had been fixed?

I wasn't aware of anything that needed to be fixed.  It's a known issue
that Apple removed the analog connection between the CDROM and soundcard
on newer machines and you have to use the cdreader plugin to play CD's.
It's also known that xmms and supermount are somewhat less than
compatible.  These issues also exist on x86.  I tested the cdreader plugin
on the TiBook Phil lent me, and it seemed to work fine.

Ok, where do i get the CD reader plug-in? i haven't seen it anyware.

 It's in contribs on the mirrors.  I moved into main for the final PPC
 release though.  I tried to package it as part of xmms, but the maintainer
 would have no part of it.
 Stew Benedict

Sorry steve but whats the file called? i've looked here
and there are a number of things that begin cd-, but i'm not sure whats 
what. Sorry to be a pain

Re: 8.2 beta issues (again), and some

2002-04-09 Thread Colin Ward

Stew Benedict wrote:
 On Wed, 10 Apr 2002, Colin Ward wrote:
i have been testing teh latest version. One thing, the other day i again 
tried one of benh's kernels and pmud seemed to work perfectly. It would 
sleep and wake up very quickly and didn't crash. Problem was though 
after installing it i couldn't get my USB modem to work, and DRI wasn't 
enabled. I have last years (may 2001)ibook2. The first one released, 
luckily with the hard modem.

 Colin, I can look at Ben's kernel and see if I can pull in any new power
 management stuff into the Mandrake kernel, without impacting too many
 other things.  Would you be willing to test it?
Sorry steve but whats the file called? i've looked here
and there are a number of things that begin cd-, but i'm not sure whats 
what. Sorry to be a pain

 No Prob, I'm not seeing it either.  Try this:
 Stew Benedict

Yes steve, would love to do that for you. Let me know when you've got 
something. And thanks for the link

pmud, can't wake from sleep

2002-04-07 Thread Colin Ward

well i've been trying out the latest pmud that you directed me to. I can 
only get it to start if i do it manuly, it doesn't seem to want to start 
at startup, i get a failed message. I can get the ibook to sleep mode, 
but when i try and wake it things go bad. The screen comes back up, but 
nothing can be selected or used. It just hangs there and i have to power 
down. I then had problems booting, but managed to get back up with 
failsafe. THis has now happend a few times, i can get suspend though. 
What info do you need to see whats going on?

Re: pmud, can't wake from sleep

2002-04-07 Thread Colin Ward

Ben Reser wrote:
 On Sun, Apr 07, 2002 at 04:45:48PM +0100, Colin Ward wrote:
well i've been trying out the latest pmud that you directed me to. I can 
only get it to start if i do it manuly, it doesn't seem to want to start 
at startup, i get a failed message. I can get the ibook to sleep mode, 
but when i try and wake it things go bad. The screen comes back up, but 
nothing can be selected or used. It just hangs there and i have to power 
down. I then had problems booting, but managed to get back up with 
failsafe. THis has now happend a few times, i can get suspend though. 
What info do you need to see whats going on?

 Actually come to think of it my Titanium is doing this too.  Sometimes
 it works sometimes it doesn't.  Perhaps the newer PMUD fixes this.  At
 least the 0.10 version says something about lid opening and closing in
 it's changes.  I haven't specifically tried it to see if it resolves the
 issue.  But then again it's probably too late to change to 0.10.

i am using 0.10. It does go to sleep if i close the lid, it just won't 
wake? It beeps when the screen comes back, then just hangs there. on the 
plus side though the ibook runds a lot cooler than it does with OSX/9, 
infact it hardly gets hot at all even after being on all day. WOuld be 
nice to get it working though. I did also try in today with a benh 
kernel (2.4.19-pre4-ben0). While it does give you a battery/charging 
icon in the kicker, pmud still has to be started manuly and it still 
hangs when comming out of sleep. So i'm at a loss. I have the may2001 
ibook 2 500, 384, 10. With a real hard modem :-)

Re: problems with beta2 on white ibook

2002-04-07 Thread Colin Ward

Christopher Molnar wrote:
 Doesn't seem to be. If I hold down the ctrl-alt (actually Option)-F1 
 keys I start messing with my video settings (makes screen dimmer). I am 
 new to the ibook, so I may be missing something.
 On Sunday, April 7, 2002, at 06:36 PM, Ben Reser wrote:
 On Sun, Apr 07, 2002 at 05:42:54PM -0400, Christopher Molnar wrote:

 I am also wondering what keys do I need to press to get to the install
 log window and other great information (like in the i586 version I can
 use ctrl-alt-F1...).

 I thought all of these keystrokes were made consistent with x86 in this


 What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless,
 whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism
 or the holy name of liberty and democracy? - Ghandi


You also have to use the funtion key (fn) to use F1 -F10 in the normal 

Re: 8.2 beta report - several problems

2002-04-07 Thread Colin Ward

Henrik Edlund wrote:
 On Sun, 7 Apr 2002, Justin Christopher wrote:
 JC Sleeping an iBook2 by closing the lid or using the
 JC 'snooze' command does not work. When you awaken the
 JC computer, it does not accept keyboard or mouse input.
 JC Colin Ward has the same problem so it's not just me.
 I had this working under 8.0 with a BenH kernel back in October last year.
 Must have been 2.4.10 or something like that.

As i said in a post earlier tonight, i tried the latest benh kernel 
today. While it did give me a battery meter in the kicker it didn't help 
the wakeing from sleep problem.

Re: Mac OS gives boot problems

2002-04-04 Thread Colin Ward

On 4/4/02 9:41 AM, Tom Hutchinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I realize that i can make a partition for os 9 and X and it will be fine
 but i dont use 9 much so i dont like wasting space with a big partition
 for it(plus it just takes away soem flexibility)
 -Tom Hutchinson

It's probably better to have a separate partition for each. I have three
partitions and the OS9 one is only 1gig, OS9 doesn't really need much space.
In fact a basic install is only around 3-400MB. This is how I have my ibook
(dual usb 500, 384MB, 10GB, CDRW)
OS9 =1GB
This works perfectly for me.

Re: KDM and ATI Rage 128

2002-04-04 Thread Colin Ward

Peter R. Wood wrote:

 I installed these packages on my PowerBook Pismo with an ATI Rage Mobility
 128, commented the DRI modules back into my XF86Config-4, and everything
 works beautifully now. Tried the OpenGL xscreensaver modules - they run as
 smooth as silk with hardware acceleration!  Amazing... I haven't tried
 OpenGL on here for some time, so maybe it's been good for a while, but this
 is the best I've seen it. :-)

Yes, i can say the same. I can still only get 16bit color though (ibook2 
500). I must say though that the disply is still very nice and crisp and 
DRI seems to be working very well.

Re: Unable to eject CDROM... and why two zip devices....

2002-04-04 Thread Colin Ward

James M. White wrote:
 I am a Linux newbie, but have installed on (perhaps) four machines. 
 Here's my current.
 PM G4/733 Quick
 ATI radeon 7500 32M
 hda = IBM 60gig
 hdb = WD 20 gig   Linux installed in 4 gig partition at the end of 
 this drive
 logitech wheel mouse
 SCSI Zip 100 drive
 Internal CD-RW
 Apple 1705 multiscan monitor
 Epson Color SW 740 printer
 How do I open my CDROM drawer ?
 It won't open when I press the 'eject' button on my keyboard.
 It won't open when I click the 'eject' button of the CD  player application
 It won't open when I right click on the CDROM deskop icon and then left 
 click on the 'Eject' option.
 The device is NOT mounted and evidenced by 
 [root@localhost etc]# umount /mnt/cdrom
 umount: /mnt/cdrom: not mounted
 Here's my /etc/fstab file..
 [root@localhost etc]# cat fstab
 /dev/hdb4 / ext2 noatime 1 1
 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
 none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
 /dev/hdb6 /home ext2 noatime 1 2
 /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount 
 dev=/dev/scd0,fs=iso9660,ro,--,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
 /mnt/zip /mnt/zip supermount 
 dev=/dev/sda,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0 0
 /mnt/zip2 /mnt/zip2 supermount 
 dev=/dev/sda4,fs=vfat,--,iocharset=iso8859-1,umask=0,sync,codepage=850 0 0
 none /proc proc defaults 0 0
 /dev/hdb5 swap swap defaults 0 0
 Also why two zip devices? Not sure how that may have happened? I 
 can't seem to mount either... perhaps because disks were formatted on 
 Mac OS8.
 [root@localhost etc]# mount /mnt/zip
 [root@localhost etc]# cd /mnt/zip
 bash: cd: /mnt/zip: Input/output error
 Thanks for any help provided. In general the 8.2 beta install went 
 fine. Of course, Gnome control panel is fubar, but that has been 
 reported earlier. I needed to fuss around to get 1024*768 resolution 
 configured... thought my monitor specs clearly indicate it's within 
 spec. CUPS did not, initially, install correctly.  Had some problems 
 defining my epson printer.. but most bugs have been worked out.

I do this
[colin@colinsbox colin]$ cd /mnt/cdrom
[colin@colinsbox colin]$ eject

should work

white/dead pixle with r128

2002-04-01 Thread Colin Ward

Just thought i should let you know that just now i noticed a dead/white 
pixle on the left side of the screen. The bottom of my dmesg gave
[drm:r128_cce_indirect]*ERROR* process 4072 using buffer owned bt 0
[drm:r128_cce_indirect]*ERROR* process 4072 using buffer owned bt 0
[colin@colinsbox colin]$

After restating x it went and the error went from the dmesg. I'm using 
the latest x rmps that where posted a few days ago.
This won't cause any damage to my screen will it?

Re: Ati cards: new XFree to test

2002-03-31 Thread Colin Ward

David BAUDENS wrote:

Can people using Ati card(s) can test new XFree86 packages available 
here: and report bug at 

I'm very interesting to know:
  - if X works ;-), especially with Mach64 and Radeon cards (and other 
Ati cards if you have one). Rage128 should work but I will be very 
happy if someone can confirm that
  - if dri is used
  - if dri is used, then if the problem with KDM is fixed

People using other video cards than Ati cards doesn't need to test 
these new packages because I have only modified Ati support.

Thanks for your help.

Yes dri is enabled and the kdm login screen seems to be fixed. Heres the 
end of my  xfree86.0log

(II) R128(0): Reinitializing Xvideo subsystems
(II) R128(0): X context handle = 0x0001
(II) R128(0): [drm] installed DRM signal handler
(II) R128(0): [DRI] installation complete
(II) R128(0): [drm] Added 128 16384 byte vertex/indirect buffers
(II) R128(0): [drm] Mapped 128 vertex/indirect buffers
(II) R128(0): Direct rendering enabled

i have also swithced back to default kernel (remember i put in 
2.4.19-pre4)dri wasn't being enabled with it. All seems fine now (ibook2)

Re: 8.2beta 2 and ibook2 install, everything working, almost

2002-03-30 Thread Colin Ward

On 3/30/02 6:48 AM, David BAUDENS [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Saturday 30 March 2002 01:46, Colin Ward wrote:
 Another thing was the login screen, it won't display right and looks
 ugly, and its hard to pick a different manager as well as
 password/login information. This was fixed though once I installed a
 newer kernel (2.4.19-pre4).
 Please give more information here. It seems (I'm sure) that the
 r128/KDM/dri problem is related to the r128.o kernel module. I tried to
 use 2.4.19-pre4 like you did and I saw like you that KDM looked nice.
 But, it looked nice only because r128 module was not used (even if it
 was loaded).
 Did your r128 module was used?
 What contains your /var/log/XFree86.0.log when you use 2.4.19-pre4?

From what I can see yes it is. I can even get the openGL screen savers to
work. The display seems fine to me, only 16bit color, but its crystal clear.
If you tell me what I'm looking for I could give you more info

My main problem is with Gnome, I get bonobo-moniker- rchive(process 2005)
has caused crash), anyone else getting this? I don't really use gnome
anyway, but I'm one of those people that has to have everything working.
Otherwise I'm pretty pleased. It's only been a few days and I'm still
testing, but its looking good guys.

Re: 8.2beta 2 and ibook2 install, everything working, almost

2002-03-30 Thread Colin Ward

On 3/30/02 12:46 AM, Colin Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well after a few days uptime and a little tweaking (new kernel and such) I
 have a working ibook2(may 2001), 500/CDRW/384/10. Most things working
 straight from install including sound, 16bit color, modem, network,
 printing, CD burning.
 Also have a working control center (seemed to be broken in 1st beta), but if
 I use hardware detection most of the information is blacked/grayed out.
 Everything in KDE seem to work fine, but gnomes not so good. Only spent 10
 minuets in there because everything kept crashing, I didn't write down what
 the prompt kept telling me, but I will later and report here so it can maybe
 get fixed. Enlightenment seems to work very well though, not my type of
 thing but it looks and sounds very pretty.
 Another thing was the login screen, it won't display right and looks ugly,
 and its hard to pick a different manager as well as password/login
 information. This was fixed though once I installed a newer kernel
 (2.4.19-pre4). I also have a working battery monitor/APM after the new
 kernel install, very useful.  That¹s about all I've done so far. Will get
 the gnome info to you all after I've had another look.
 Overall this is a huge improvement on the 1st beta.
 One thing though, in the graphical installer you don't get the choice of
 adding OSX or another OS to your boot menu in yaboot (you do in 8). I had to
 manually do it once install had finished. All in all though I'm pretty
 please with it. Keep up the great work

The gnome error I get is
bonobo-moniker-archive (process 2005) has crashed, please send bug report
or something of that nature. Mainly happens in the gnome config panel.

8.2beta 2 and ibook2 install, everything working, almost

2002-03-29 Thread Colin Ward

Well after a few days uptime and a little tweaking (new kernel and such) I
have a working ibook2(may 2001), 500/CDRW/384/10. Most things working
straight from install including sound, 16bit color, modem, network,
printing, CD burning.
Also have a working control center (seemed to be broken in 1st beta), but if
I use hardware detection most of the information is blacked/grayed out.
Everything in KDE seem to work fine, but gnomes not so good. Only spent 10
minuets in there because everything kept crashing, I didn't write down what
the prompt kept telling me, but I will later and report here so it can maybe
get fixed. Enlightenment seems to work very well though, not my type of
thing but it looks and sounds very pretty.
Another thing was the login screen, it won't display right and looks ugly,
and its hard to pick a different manager as well as password/login
information. This was fixed though once I installed a newer kernel
(2.4.19-pre4). I also have a working battery monitor/APM after the new
kernel install, very useful.  That¹s about all I've done so far. Will get
the gnome info to you all after I've had another look.
Overall this is a huge improvement on the 1st beta.
One thing though, in the graphical installer you don't get the choice of
adding OSX or another OS to your boot menu in yaboot (you do in 8). I had to
manually do it once install had finished. All in all though I'm pretty
please with it. Keep up the great work

Re: iBook2 modem configuration issue

2002-03-28 Thread Colin Ward

On 3/28/02 5:47 PM, Justin Christopher [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Early versions of the iBook2 have an internal hardware
 modem that is known to work with Linux. However, the
 user has to change some timeout values in the dialer
 setup in order for the OS to see the modem.
 From comp.os.linux.powerpc - I had lots of trouble
 myself on a mandrake distribution (see earlier
 thread/s). If you try the KDE internet dialer, set the
 pre-int delay to 126, and the post init to around 100.
 It should pick it up then.
 There is no way to guess these numbers, if you don't
 know them, you're screwed. The search for modems
 function included with the various dialers will not
 find the internal modem.
 It would be nice if those numbers could be set
 properly by default so that the modem will show up.
 Why? Because a big obstacle to setting up Linux is
 getting internet access going. (Can't get online, then
 you can't search how-to's, usenet, google, etc.) If we
 can help people get online, that goes a long way.
 If it can't be done dynamically, well, at least folks
 know if anyone else is trying to get things going on
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I thought that looked like something I wrote in a NG :-), yes I had to mess
around quite a lot and also had to do the same with 8.2beta2.
The latest beta is a lot beta, but the login dialog screen is still messed
up. I've still got testing to do but will post info on how my ibook is
running over the next few days.