Re: [Cooker] gnome1.4 v gnome2

2002-03-30 Thread Olivier Dormond

On Fri, Mar 29, 2002 at 10:27:05AM +0100, Frédéric Crozat wrote:


> Seriously, this would add too much work for almost no real pro. And since
> we intent to remove GNOME 1.4 (core, not librairies) for next release, I
> want this to be done as early as possible..

 Will there be any way to have the theme changes affect both 1.4 and 2.0
at the same time ? The user will get confused if some applications have
their look changed and not others. So I'm not conviced it's a good think
to keep 1.4 libs if we can't exchange the themes config in some way.

Just my .2 SFr :-)


Olivier Dormond aka Odie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [Cooker] gnome1.4 v gnome2

2002-03-29 Thread Frédéric Crozat

On Thu, 28 Mar 2002 17:31:40 +0100, daz wrote :

> I know Frederic Crozat is on vacation/guadec next week, however, if any
> other cooker developers that work on gnome are floating around, please
> respond.
> I was wondering why there isnt a parrallel gnome1.4/gnome2 installation
> like there is for kde2/kde3? kde3 installes in /opt, gnome2 replaces
> crucial gnome1.4 files, like 'gnome-panel', 'gnome-session', etc. Whas
> this just overlooked, or is it intentional?  If it was intentional, can
> it be changed?  I like testing gnome2, but its not ready for regular use
> and its nice to be able to go back to gnome1.4 with out having to spend
> an hour uninstalling, then reinstalling stuff.

I'm in vacations but I can respond :))

GNOME 2 libraries are parallel installable against GNOME 1.4 librairies
=> you can still use GNOME 1 applications in GNOME 2 environments (ie
evolution, ...)

GNOME 2 core applications (nautilus, gnome-panel, ...) are not parallel
installable (by design) and I will not use different prefix than /usr. 

Why ? Because this is cooker :)) You want to live at the bleeding edge ?
Then go ;)
Seriously, this would add too much work for almost no real pro. And since
we intent to remove GNOME 1.4 (core, not librairies) for next release, I
want this to be done as early as possible..

If you want to test GNOME 2, I suggest you use a second computer or use a
chrooted environment..

Frédéric Crozat

Re: [Cooker] gnome1.4 v gnome2

2002-03-28 Thread J.A. Magallon

On 2002.03.28 Steve Fox wrote:
>I've been using GNOME 2 every since beta 2. Some of the applets don't
>work and such, but no big deal. The panel and Nautilus have been almost
>rock solid (and Nautilus is also *much* faster :).

I have noticed it works much much faster.
but now the million$ question: have you got it look remotely like the
Crux theme ? Is anything like Crux or Eazel ported to gtk2 ?

Have you got gtk2 to obey the font= directive in gtkrc ?. I have not been

As I said, it is faster, but the default font size is really tiny on
a 1600x1200 screen.


J.A. Magallon   #  Let the source be with you...
Mandrake Linux release 8.3 (Cooker) for i586
Linux werewolf 2.4.19-pre4-jam2 #1 SMP Mon Mar 25 01:34:14 CET 2002 i686

Re: [Cooker] gnome1.4 v gnome2

2002-03-28 Thread daz

On 28 Mar 2002, Steve Fox wrote:

> Intentional. It is meant to replace GNOME 1.x. There are many more KDE

I know its supposed to *eventually* replace gnome1.x.  However, its going
to be awhile yet (see below).  kde3 is supposed to replace kde2, also. 

> people at MDK so they have the time to build it in the /opt directory
> until it's ready for inclusion in /usr, hence obsoleting kde2. But I
> have a feeling Frederic is already quite overworked.

I think this is the one thing I dont like about mandrake.  it seems too 
kde-centric.  There are alot of people(users) that dont like/use kde (me 
one of them).  it doesnt work for me.  it never has.  I force myself to 
use the newest version every once in awhile for at least a week (so I can 
get familiar with the differences over gnome), and I always come back to 
gnome.  I think mandrake need to reassign some developers to help out 
Frederic :).   

> I've been using GNOME 2 every since beta 2. Some of the applets don't
> work and such, but no big deal. The panel and Nautilus have been almost
> rock solid (and Nautilus is also *much* faster :).

I have tried every beta that garnome has an install for :).  Besides 
applets, and some other stuff *ahem* sawfish *ahem*, its fairly nice.  
Unfortunately, some of those applets are important to me :)  
unfortunately, untils some more porting to gnome2 is done, it wont be 
usable for me (except as a plaything).

I just think its irresponsible to *replace* stable software(gnome1.4) with 
very-much-in-beta-testing-not-quite-there-yet software (gnome2).  yes I 
know I dont have to download it, yes I know that this is cooker and meant 
to be unstable, but by people like me downloading it and trying it, thats 
how bugs, etc get fixed and the software made better.   Besides, they did 
it with kde.  

again, this is just a suggestion, not a flame.  I use cooker exclusivly 
and report bugs when I find them (if they havent been reported already).  
If the gnome1.4/gnome2 things isnt/wont be changed, thats just less 
software I can help make better.  and that would make me sad :)

well, anyway, thanks for the reply


"I find your lack of faith disturbing."
--Darth Vader
  3:05pm  up 19 days,  1:51,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

Re: [Cooker] gnome1.4 v gnome2

2002-03-28 Thread Steve Fox

On Thu, 2002-03-28 at 10:31, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I was wondering why there isnt a parrallel gnome1.4/gnome2 installation 
> like there is for kde2/kde3? kde3 installes in /opt, gnome2 replaces 
> crucial gnome1.4 files, like 'gnome-panel', 'gnome-session', etc. Whas 
> this just overlooked, or is it intentional?  

Intentional. It is meant to replace GNOME 1.x. There are many more KDE
people at MDK so they have the time to build it in the /opt directory
until it's ready for inclusion in /usr, hence obsoleting kde2. But I
have a feeling Frederic is already quite overworked.

> If it was intentional, can it 
> be changed?  I like testing gnome2, but its not ready for regular use and 
> its nice to be able to go back to gnome1.4 with out having to spend an 
> hour uninstalling, then reinstalling stuff.

I've been using GNOME 2 every since beta 2. Some of the applets don't
work and such, but no big deal. The panel and Nautilus have been almost
rock solid (and Nautilus is also *much* faster :).


Steve Fox
IBM Linux Technology Center