[CTRL] Bush's Satanic Verses - He hears God – or does he?

2005-10-07 Thread Bill Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

October 7, 2005 

Bush's Satanic Verses He hears God – or does he? 

by Justin Raimondo

George W. Bush was under orders from God to invade Iraq. That's what he told the Palestinians, according to Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas, who describes what transpired during his first meeting with the American president in June 2003. According to Abbas, Bush told the Palestinian leaders:
"God told me to strike at al-Qaeda and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them."
Unlike your typical secular liberal, I am not one to snark at any mention of a divine entity, be it Jehovah or Phoebus Apollo. Instead, I wonder: how does Bush know the voice he's hearing is God's? What if it's the Devil's? 
God, it seems to me, is the strong, silent type; it's the Other Guy who's a bit of a chatterbox, always whispering in people's ears, trying to get them to do cool-but-forbidden stuff, tempting and flattering them at the same time. If Bush is hearing voices in his head, then I fear we ought to be very worried, because it's either the delusions of a dry alcoholic, or something far more sinister. 
If Bush thinks God Almighty wants him to "stay the course," then that explains his imperviousness to facts, his fanatic certitude, when it comes to Iraq, and foreign policy in general. His most recent speech, delivered in front of that most useless – and dangerous – of government agencies, the National Endowment for Democracy, exemplifies the sort of worrisome dogmatism that seems to animate him. It is worth trying to understand what, exactly, is going on here, if only because we want to know how and why we're being led to ruin and utter damnation.
Bush opens by conjuring the specter of 9/11, perhaps in the hope that fear and anger can still overcome reason and the likelihood of reassessing a foreign policy that reaped the whirlwind. The biggest terrorist attack in American history was a boon to the War Party, one that empowered them to unleash their armies on the world. That's why they constantly hark back to it, like the memory of first love. However, even someone who hears voices in his head cannot miss the point that the American people don't see the connection between Iraq and al-Qaeda: they don't believe Saddam Hussein plotted the 9/11 attacks, and they are coming to realize that you don't stick your hand inside a hornet's nest without expecting to get stung, perhaps quite badly. So it's time to bring out the big guns…
A specter is haunting the world, says the president, the specter of "Islamofascism"! Aside from the laptop bombardiers of the "blogosphere," however, it's hard to know whom this is meant to thrill. Christopher Hitchens? Andrew Sullivan? He's already got them on his side. While American armies sweep through the Middle East, wreaking destruction and calling their blitzkrieg a "liberation," it isn't the dispersed networks of Islamic radicals who come across as "fascists." 
As red-state fascism fastens its grip on the president's followers, and the White House embraces a foreign policy that owes more to the Jacobins than the Jeffersonians, the only proper response to the president is: look who's talking!
Fascism is metastasized nationalism and abhors any sort of decentralism: yet, as the president said early on in his speech, al-Qaeda is "more like a loose network with many branches than an army under a single command." What kind of "fascism" is that? Fascism is a product of Western modernity that operates according to a super-centralist leader principle. Unless the term is now reduced to a simple epithet, bereft of any real meaning, bin Laden and his followers have little if anything in common with Mussolini, Juan Peron, or the German National Socialists. Bin Laden doesn't advocate nationalism, which romanticizes a given geographical area and its culture: his movement and the ideology that motivates it is explicitly supranational. It isn't blood-and-soil but blood-and-spirit that energizes the worldwide Islamic insurgency spearheaded by al-Qaeda. 
"We know the vision of the radicals," avers the president, "because they've openly stated it in videos and audiotapes and letters and declarations and Web sites." What follows, however, is proof that Bush neither understands the enemy, nor does he have the slightest idea how to combat a danger he likens to international communism:
"First, these extremists want to end American and Western influence in the broader Middle East, because we stand for democracy and peace and stand in the way of their ambitions." 
This misunderstands the essentially religious character of the radical Islamist "vision," which is readily apparent in the very next sentence of Bush's peroration:
"Al-Qaeda's leader, Osama bin Laden, has called on Muslims to dedicate, quote, 'their 

[CTRL] Fwd: Whiffs, Whim tap 1999-2000 class

2005-10-07 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: "Aaron E. Baldwin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: October 6, 2005 9:24:50 PM PDTTo: Kris Milligan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Whiffs, Whim tap 1999-2000 class   Published Wednesday, April 21, 1999 Whiffs, Whim tap 1999-2000 class  The Whiffenpoofs and Whim 'n Rhythm tapped their class of 2000 members last night, preparing for yet another year of Yale singing tradition. At midnight, current members gathered at High Street Gate before setting out to collect their chosen few, most of whom come from Yale's many singing ensembles -- a capella and accompanied. "I can't say enough about these guys," said Max Mednick, current business manager of the Whiffs of the new taps. "They are going to be one of the strongest solo classes in recent years." The Whiffenpoofs have a guilded place in Yale tradition -- their voices and coat-tails are equated with Blue institutions from Mory's to Commencement. Their 91st class will include Damon Mayrl '00, as musical director, Chris Gentile '00, as business manager, along with Brian Neff '00, David Mish '00, Joel Phillips '00, Carl Lonnberg '00, Brendon Graeber '00, Dan Logan '00, Abraham Levitan '00, Andrew Hongo '00, James Lim '00, John Walker '00, Brian Smith '00, and John Muse '00.Seven women established Whim 'n Rhythm in 1981 to give female senior singers the opportunity to create a premier a capella group to equal the Whiffs. The now-14 member group has travelled throughout the world.The Class of 2000 Whims include Kimberly Sargent '00 as pitch, Jennifer Heikkila '00 as business manager, along with Lesley French '00, Angie Burton '00, Eleni Dimopoulos '00, Katherine Hamm '00, Mary Beth LeCroy '00, Mimi Do '00, Fuphan Chou '00, Gabi McColgan '00, Joelle Jaffe'00, Miriam Lederer '00, Qi Cui '00, and Katharine Lister '00. -- YDN Staff  
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] House Narrowly Approves Bill to Boost Refineries, 212-210 (fwd)

2005-10-07 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations
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See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 07 Oct 2005 18:26:02 -0400
From: thew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ctrl] House Narrowly Approves Bill to Boost Refineries, 212-210

October 7, 2005

House Narrowly Approves Bill to Boost Refineries, 212-210
Filed at 5:57 p.m. ET
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The House voted to encourage U.S. oil companies to build
new refineries Friday in a raucous roll call that Republican leaders
extended 40 minutes while they buttonholed their own members to avoid an
embarrassing defeat.
Democrats crying ''shame, shame'' -- and some GOP moderates -- called the
bill a sop to rich oil companies that would do nothing to ease energy costs
including expected soaring heating bills this winter.
The bill would streamline government permits for refineries, open federal
lands including closed military bases for future refinery construction and
limit the number of gasoline blends refiners have to produce, eliminating
many blends now designed to reduce air pollution.
President Bush welcomed the vote. ''I commend the House for passing
legislation that would increase our refining capacity and help address the
cost of gasoline, diesel fuels, and jet fuels,'' he said in a statement.
The legislation, which now goes to the Senate, passed 212-210, but not
before a standoff on the House floor. Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., asked at
one point, ''Is this the House of a Banana Republic.''
It looked as if the bill was going down to defeat, two votes shy of
approval. Democrats to no avail called for gaveling the vote closed as GOP
leaders lobbied their own members to switch votes and support the bill.
''He worked me over a little,'' said Rep. Bill Young, R-Fla., among the last
group of lawmakers to switch to support the legislation, referring to his
discussions with House Speaker Dennis Hastert of Illinois.
Rep. Tom DeLay, who recently stepped down temporarily as majority leader
after being indicted in Texas over a campaign finance issue, was as active
as ever, administering pressure on wavering lawmakers in the crowded, noisy
House chamber.
Finally, long after the vote had been scheduled to close, two GOP votes
switched, providing the Republican victory. A tie would have killed the
bill. ''Shame, shame, shame,'' came a chorus from the Democratic side of the
Afterward, Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California called it all ''a
shameless display of the Republican culture of corruption,'' a theme she has
used in recent days on a number of issues since DeLay's indictment in Texas
on conspiracy and money laundering charges in connection with campaign
finance activities.
Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas, who had predicted a close vote, said he was not
aware of ''any deals'' being made to get the last votes. No Democrats voted
for the legislation, although three initially favored it, only to change
their minds after talking to Pelosi and Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the
second-ranking Democrat.
Supporters of the measure said that Hurricanes Katrina and Rita made clear
that the country needed more refineries, including new ones outside of the
Gulf region. No new refinery has been built since 1976, although large
refineries have been expanded to meet growing demand.
Critics of the legislation argued a cash-rich industry with huge profits
over the past year shouldn't need government help to build refineries. They
said the bill would allow the oil industry to avoid environmental
regulations and would lead to dirtier air.
Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., accused GOP leaders of using ''the hardships and
devastation of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita ... to pass Republican and
industry wish lists'' that would do nothing to curtail gasoline prices or
help people facing huge heating bills this winter.
Pelosi called the bill a rehash of ''all the special favors to the industry
that were too extreme'' for Congress last summer when it passed energy
Barton said the bill simply would give industry more certainty that a
refinery project will not be delayed in government red tape.
Opponents said the bill would stifle legitimate lawsuits against refinery
projects and in some cases override state or local objections if a refinery
were located on federal land. A community or citizens group would have to
pay an oil company's legal costs whether they

[CTRL] Fwd: Bush's Televised Speech Arranged by Neocons

2005-10-07 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: October 7, 2005 8:24:08 AM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Bush's Televised Speech Arranged by Neocons  Bush says Muslim radicals building [rival?] empireSwitzerland: http://www.isn.ethz.ch/news/sw/details.cfm?id=13071ISN SECURITY WATCH (06/10/2005) - US President George Bush, fighting low poll numbers and setbacks on Capitol Hill, told the US people on Thursday that intelligence agencies had foiled at least 10 terror plots around the world, including three in the US.In a speech at the "National Endowment for Democracy," a congressionally funded but independent institute <>, Bush warned that Muslim radicals were trying to set up an empire with Iraq as their base. He said the only way to counter them was not to back down, as some critics of the war in Iraq are demanding, but to stay the course and show the militants that the resolve of the US had not waned."The militants believe that controlling one country will rally the Muslim masses, enabling them to overthrow all moderate governments in the region, and establish a radical Islamic empire that spans from Spain to Indonesia," Bush said. "Against such an enemy, there's only one effective response: We never back down, never give in, and never accept anything less than complete victory."Since the 11 September 2001 terror attacks on the US and subsequent US-led "war on terror", Bush has presented terrorism and Muslim militancy as the new challenge facing the world.On Thursday, the president said intelligence agencies had foiled 10 terror attacks worldwide, including three in the US. He did not elaborate. Separately on Thursday, officials in New York said they had received a specific and unconfirmed threat against the city's transit system and said that police presence would be heightened. The threat extended to the coming days, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said.On Thursday, Bush compared radical Islam to Communism and invoked the memory of the Cold War-era struggle for ideology."The murderous ideology of the Islamic radicals is the great challenge of our new century," Bush said. "Like the ideology of Communism, our new enemy teaches that innocent individuals can be sacrificed to serve a political vision."The comments came amid slumping poll numbers for the president and criticism even from his allies in Congress over the way the war in Iraq is being conducted. In the latest setback, the Senate voted on Thursday overwhelmingly, 90-9, to establish specific guidelines outlawing torture and abuse in interrogations of detainees in the "war on terror". Bush has threatened to veto such an attempt, saying it undermines the war effort.The president also noted, in the face of growing calls for a complete withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, that it was important to stay the course. Otherwise, he said, extremists might think they had the upper hand.He said the extremists hoped to use "the vacuum created by an American retreat" to gain control of Iraq and use it as a base for launching attacks against other countries."There's always a temptation in the middle of a long struggle to seek the quiet life, to escape the duties and problems of the world, and to hope the enemy grows weary of fanaticism and tired of murder," he said. "We will keep our nerve and we will win that victory."Bush also criticized Iran and Syria, calling them "allies for convenience" for their alleged support of Iraq's anti-US insurgency. Both nations have dismissed the allegations.Democrats criticized the speech, saying it was more of the same."The president went into Iraq under a false premise, without a plan, and has totally mismanaged our involvement," Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said. "Now he is trying to justify his actions with a series of excuses."Top Republicans praised it, however."I've been saying for a long time the president needs to better define this war," Republican Senator Rick Santorum said.Ted Galen Carpenter, vice president for defense and foreign-policy studies at the libertarian Cato Institute, told ISN Security Watch there was nothing new in what the president had said, except for his attempt to link radical Islam and Communism."The speech was another feeble attempt to shoehorn his unwise war in Iraq to his larger war on radical Islam,” Carpenter said. "Iraq is unpopular. The public supports the war on terror, so he tries to merge the two." (By Krishnadev Calamur in Washington, DC)   -    Trojan Horse: "The National Endowment for Democracy" excerpted from the book "Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower" by William Blum Common Courage Press, 2000http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Blum/TrojanHorse_RS.html How many Americans could identify the "National Endowment for Democracy," an organization which often does exactly the opposite of what its name implies? The NED was set up in the early 1980

[CTRL] Fwd: Moses Bush

2005-10-07 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: October 7, 2005 7:22:51 AM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Moses Bush          Bush said God told him to invade Iraq,  Arab leaders say Palestinian officials confirm  comments from documentary Matthew Kalman, Chronicle Foreign ServiceSFGate, October 7, 2005  Jerusalem -- President Bush told two high-ranking Palestinian officials that he had been told by God to invade Afghanistan and Iraq and then create a Palestinian state to bring peace to the Middle East, they recall during a documentary on Middle East peace that airs next week in Britain.  "President Bush said to all of us: 'I'm driven with a mission from God,' " said Nabil Shaath, who was the Palestinian foreign minister at the time of a top-level meeting with Bush in June 2003. Mahmoud Abbas, then Palestinian prime minister and now the Palestinian Authority president, was also present for the conversation with Bush.  "God would tell me, 'George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan.' And I did, and then God would tell me, 'George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq ...' And I did. And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, 'Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East.' And by God I'm gonna do it," Shaath quotes the president as saying in the three-part series.  Shaath, who is now Palestinian minister of information, said he was encouraged, not dismayed, by the president's comments.  "President Bush was saying that, 'Having been imbued with a message of God to free the people of Afghanistan and then Iraq, I have a calling now to give the Palestinians a state of their own and their freedom, to give Israel security and bring peace to the Middle East,' " Shaath told The Chronicle, confirming the accuracy of the BBC report.  But Shaath said the Palestinians at the meeting did not think the president was suggesting that God actually spoke to him. "I think it's a manner of speech," Shaath said. "I don't think he meant an actual call from God. He was talking about a commitment. The man wasn't saying there was an angel hovering over his head talking to him.  "We took it as a commitment of the highest level by Mr. Bush to really invest his effort and his determination to get an independent Palestinian state. We welcome this commitment by the president and hope he will fulfill it."  It wasn't the first time Bush used the symbolism of his Christian beliefs to describe the U.S. role on the international stage. U.S. foreign policy is still paying for Bush's post-Sept. 11 description of the U.S. war on terror as a crusade, a term that reminded many people in the Middle East of the medieval Christian crusades in which European warriors trying to wrest Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Islamic rule killed untold thousands of Muslims.  "One of the biggest problems the Bush administration has is the translation of American Christian culture to the world, and specifically to Muslim countries," said commentator Micah D. Halpern, author of "What You Need to Know About: Terror."  "It's not that these societies are foreign to Christians, it's just that the Christianity that Bush embraces is not the Christianity that these Muslim countries see at home," Halpern said. "In that mistranslation, his message is ballooned out of proportion. One of America's biggest diplomatic mistakes is their lack of understanding of local Muslim and Arab cultures abroad. You can't just throw out the word God and assume that everyone's on the same page."  When Condoleezza Rice arrived in the West Bank last June for her first visit as secretary of state, Hamas leader Mahmoud Al-Zahar went on Palestinian television to accuse Bush of launching a wave of crusades that had already claimed the lives of 70,000 Islamic martyrs.  "This is a new ... war of crusades that Bush is leading," said Al-Zahar, interspersing the English word crusade with the Arabic equivalent "hamla salibiyya." In 2001, Pentagon officials junked the name "Operation Infinite Justice" for the war on terror after realizing it could upset Muslims' belief that only God can dispense "infinite justice."  Although U.S. officials have tried to play down the war on terror as a clash of civilizations or a war of Christians against Muslims, the imagery of the United States as the reincarnation of those medieval warriors has taken hold.  Osama bin Laden's videotaped speeches are laced with references to crusaders and infidels, designed to stoke religious sensitivities.  Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Abd Al-Latif, a professor at Um Al-Qura University in Saudi Arabia, told viewers on Saudi Channel TV1 last year that the U.S.-led wars to oust the leasers of Afghanistan and Iraq was evidence of the Christians' "cruel aggression against Islamic countries."  "This is a crusading war whose goal is to harm Muslims," he said.  Page A - 12 URL: http://sfgate.com/c

[CTRL] Fwd: Prof. Walter Edwards Houghton Jr. (S&B - 1924)

2005-10-07 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: "Aaron E. Baldwin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: October 6, 2005 8:56:41 PM PDTTo: Kris Milligan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Prof. Walter Edwards Houghton Jr. (S&B - 1924)   Esther Lowrey Rhoads (F) b. 30 March 1901, d. 15 February 1987, #18259 Esther Lowrey Rhoads was born on 30 March 1901 in Philadelphia, PA. She married Prof. Walter Edwards Houghton Jr., Ph.D., son of Walter Edwards Houghton and Nancy S. Acheson, in 22 June 1929 age 24 and 28. Esther Lowrey Rhoads died on 15 February 1987.    She and Prof. Walter Edwards Houghton Jr., Ph.D. appeared in the census of 1930 of New Haven, New Haven Co., CT age 25, none.    Children of Esther Lowrey Rhoads and Prof. Walter Edwards Houghton Jr., Ph.D.:  Nancy Acheson Houghton   (living)Esther Edwards Houghton   (living)   Prof. Walter Edwards Houghton Jr., Ph.D. (M) b. 21 September 1904, d. April 1983, #18258 Pop-up Pedigree    Prof. Walter Edwards Houghton Jr., Ph.D. was born on 21 September 1904 in Stamford, CT, age 25 in 1930 census; Love: 9 Feb. He was the son of Walter Edwards Houghton and Nancy S. Acheson. Prof. Walter Edwards Houghton Jr., Ph.D. married Esther Lowrey Rhoads in 22 June 1929 age 24 and 28. Prof. Walter Edwards Houghton Jr., Ph.D. died in April 1983.    He and Esther Lowrey Rhoads appeared in the census of 1930 of New Haven, New Haven Co., CT age 25, none. Notable: Prof. Walter Edwards Houghton Jr., Ph.D. noted Victorian scholar.    Children of Prof. Walter Edwards Houghton Jr., Ph.D. and Esther Lowrey Rhoads:  Nancy Acheson Houghton   (living)Esther Edwards Houghton   (living)Nancy S. Acheson (F) #18257 Nancy S. Acheson married Walter Edwards Houghton, son of Joseph Goodhue Houghton and Sarah Pierrepont Edwards, in 1903 age 31 and 27.    Children of Nancy S. Acheson and Walter Edwards Houghton:  Prof. Walter Edwards Houghton Jr., Ph.D.+   b. 21 Sep 1904, d. Apr 1983Nancy Acheson Houghton+   b. 30 Jul 1906   Nancy Acheson Houghton (F) #18260 Pop-up Pedigree  Nancy Acheson Houghton is the daughter of Prof. Walter Edwards Houghton Jr., Ph.D. and Esther Lowrey Rhoads. Nancy Acheson Houghton married Howard Howland Brown Jr in May 1960.  Esther Edwards Houghton (F) #18261 Pop-up Pedigree  Esther Edwards Houghton is the daughter of Prof. Walter Edwards Houghton Jr., Ph.D. and Esther Lowrey Rhoads. Esther Edwards Houghton married Thomas G. Foxworth.  
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Edward Rowland Sill: (S&B -1861) & Sextus Shearer (S&B - 1861)

2005-10-07 Thread RoadsEnd

-Caveat Lector-

Begin forwarded message:

>Sextus H. Shearer   Huntington  March 4, 1865   Mustered  
> out as Major with regiment.

> -- 
> --

> *Edward Rowland Sill*: (S&B -1861) An Early American Poet
> *Edward Rowland Sill* (S&B -1861) was born in Windsor, Connecticut,  
> in 1841. His mother's side of the family was religious, while his  
> father's family was scientific. Deeply rooted in New England  
> heritage, the Sill family could trace their ancestry back to  
> *Jonathan Edwards*. Sill's background in religion and science led  
> him to a life-long struggle between faith and doubt. He has been  
> described as a /"poet of antithesis, torn between intellectual  
> conviction and spiritual question" /(Ferguson 1). These qualities  
> strongly shaped his personality as well as his writing style, and  
> influenced him throughout his life as a poet and teacher.

> As a child, Sill was weak and constantly in poor health, leading to  
> a chosen life of seclusion. Although he remained active in his  
> later years both teaching and writing, Sill constantly struggled  
> with his introspective qualities. He was quiet and shy, despite  
> a /"talent for friendship"/ (Ferguson 22), which he displayed upon  
> entering Yale at age sixteen. At Yale, Sill spent two years in  
> academic rebellion, refusing to conform to general expectations,  
> and instead choosing to think for himself and follow his thirst for  
> knowledge. During his last two years at Yale he matured into a deep  
> thinker, still yearning for ultimate knowledge. The poems Sill  
> published in the/ Yale Literary Magazine/ signaled the start of his  
> writing career.

> Despite his university education, Sill remained indecisive about  
> his future career. His love of knowledge pulled him in all  
> directions, from writing to medicine. To make his final decision,  
> he moved to California with his good friend *Sextus Shearer* (S&B -  
> 1861). Ultimately, Sill spent a majority of his life writing and  
> teaching, both on the East coast and the West. Constantly traveling  
> across the country, he was torn between his two homes, and between  
> his religious faith and scientific knowledge. Sill died on February  
> 27, 1887, in Cleveland, Ohio. Ferguson concludes that, "To the end  
> of his life he was, in his own phrase,

>. . . a clouded spirit; full of doubt
>And old misgiving, heaviness of heart
>And loneliness of mind; long wearied out
>With climbing stairs that lead to nothing sure,
>With chasing lights that lure,
> In the thick murk that wraps us all about.  
> (201)

> Edward Rowland Sill's thought and writing were both largely  
> influenced by the works he read -- namely Charles Dickens and  
> especially Alfred, Lord Tennyson, whom he idolized as the /"king of  
> poets"/ (Ferguson 26). However, Sill often took advice from his  
> close friends at Yale, with whom he shared his work. His friend,  
> *Henry Holt* (father of *Henry Chandler Holt* - S&B -1903),  
> arranged for the publication of Sill's first volume of poems.  
> Sextus Shearer, Sill's closest friend, guided him through years of  
> indecision about his career and supported him in everything he  
> attempted.

> Ferguson often compares Sill to both Emerson and Thoreau. Like  
> Emerson, Sill had deep family roots in the New England church; both  
> men went through times of turning away from their ancestors'  
> religion. Like Thoreau at Walden, Sill isolated himself at Yale in  
> a quest for knowledge. Sill was both an idealist and a realist in  
> his thinking -- yet another dichotomy in his personality. He  
> believed that /"the poet's calling was sacred, since the poet  
> served as interpreter between man and God"/ (Ferguson 43).

> Although Edward Sill wrote beautifully, his isolation from most  
> literary circles left him forgotten among the more famous poets of  
> his time. While he published many poems and some works of prose in  
> literary magazines and reviews, most of his published work has been  
> posthumous, with only one published volume of collected prose and  
> one volume of poetry (Cambridge History). Sill's poems do not  
> reflect the whole of his life. According to /Cambridge History/,  
> "[Sill's] overmodest mind . . . together with his unresolved  
> struggle of faith and doubt, encouraged his tendency to rest in the  
> unrecorded thought - to read widely, to feel and reflect  
> abundantly, rather than to shape his conception in the concrete poem."

> _
> A Brief Discussion of Works by the Famous Early American Poet  
> Edward R. Sill

> _
> Edward R. Sill wrote many works, the most famous of which are "The  
> Fool's Prayer" and "Oppor

[CTRL] Fwd: John Van Loon Sheffield (S&B 1983) - Nephew of Actor Johnny Sheffield and son of Billy Sheffield

2005-10-07 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: "Aaron E. Baldwin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: October 6, 2005 7:37:11 PM PDTTo: Kris Milligan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Linda Minor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: John Van Loon Sheffield (S&B 1983) - Nephew of Actor Johnny Sheffield and son of Billy Sheffield  Johnny Sheffield (born April 11, 1931) is an American former child actor.He was born Jon Matthew Sheffield Cassan in Pasadena, California, the second child of actor Reginald Sheffield (February 18, 1901-December 8, 1957) and Louise Van Loon (January 21, 1905-April 14, 1987). His older sister was Mary Alice Sheffield Cassan and his younger brother was William Hart Sheffield Cassan (actor Billy Sheffield).His father was himself a former juvenile performer when he came to the United States from his native England. His mother, a native of New York, was a Vassar College graduate with a liberal arts education who loved books and lectured widely.Johnny was said to have been sickly and frail as a small child, but his father saw to it that he have a daily regimen of exercise. Not only did his health improve, he became strong and physically fit. His father also encouraged him in an acting career.In 1938, Sheffield became a child star when he was cast in the juvenile lead of a West Coast production of the highly successful Broadway play On Borrowed Time, which starred Dudley Digges and featured Victor Moore as Gramps. Sheffield played the role of Pud, a long role for a child. He later went to New York as a replacement and performed the role on Broadway.The following year, his father read an article in the Hollywood Reporter that asked, "Have you a Tarzan Jr. in your backyard?" He believed he did and set up an interview.MGM was searching for a suitable youngster to play the adopted son of Tarzan in its next jungle movie with stars Johnny Weissmuller and Maureen O'Sullivan. Sheffield was taken to an audition and was extremely fortunate, as Weissmuller personally chose him out of all the other juvenile actors to play the part of "Boy" in Tarzan Finds a Son! (1939).In that same year, Sheffield appeared in the Busby Berkely movie musical Babes in Arms with Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland, classmates of his at the studio school.He appeared with many other performers over the years, including Jeanette McDonald, Pat O'Brien, Cesar Romero, Ronald Reagan and Beverly Garland.Sheffield played Boy in three Tarzan movies at MGM, and in another five after the star, Weissmuller, and production of the movie series moved to RKO. The blonde actress Brenda Joyce played Jane in the last three Tarzan movies Sheffield appeared in.After he outgrew the role of Boy, the teenage Sheffield went on to star in his own jungle movie series. In 1949, he made Bomba, the Jungle Boy with co-star Peggy Ann Garner. In all, he appeared as Bomba twelve times.Sheffield appeared in his last movie, as Bomba, in 1955. He then made a pilot for a television series, Bantu, the Zebra Boy, which was created, produced and directed by his father, Reginald Sheffield. Although the production values were high compared to other TV jungle shows of the day, a sponsor was not found and the show was never produced as a weekly series.Sheffield decided to leave the industry and enrolled in college to further his education. He lived and worked for a time in Arizona.He was married to Patricia in 1959 in Yuma, Arizona. He and Patty have three children: Patrick M. Sheffield, Stewart Sheffield and Regina L. Sheffield.After leaving show business, Sheffield completed a business degree at UCLA. Turning his attention to other fields, he involved himself variously in farming, real estate and construction. For a time, he was a representative for the Santa Monica Seafood Company importing lobsters from Baja California in Mexico. He has also written articles of his movie reminiscences and sold copies of the TV pilot Bantu, the Zebra Boy on video.Johnny Sheffield lives in Southern California. Filmography   Tarzan Finds a Son! (1939) (MGM) ... Boy  Babes in Arms (1939) (MGM) ... Bobs  Lucky Cisco Kid (1940) (20th Century Fox ) ... Tommy Lawrence  Knute Rockne, All American (1940) (Warner Bros.) ... Knute at 7  Little Orvie (1940) (RKO) ... Orvie Stone  Tarzan's Secret Treasure (1941) (MGM) ... Boy  Million Dollar Baby (1941) (Warner Bros.) ... Alvie Grayson  Tarzan's New York Adventure (1942) (MGM) ... Boy  Tarzan Triumphs (1943) (RKO Pathé) ... Boy  Tarzan's Desert Mystery (1943) (RKO Pathé) ... Boy  Roughly Speaking (1945) (Warner Bros.) ... Frankie at 9  Tarzan and the Amazons (1945) (RKO Pathé) ... Boy  Tarzan and the Leopard Woman (1946) (RKO Pathé) ... Boy  Tarzan and Huntress (1947) (RKO Pathé) ... Boy  The Sun Comes Up (1949) (MGM) ... music lover  Bomba, the Jungle Boy (1949) (Monogram) ... Bomba  Bomba on Panther Island (1949) (Monogram) ... Bomba  The Lost Volcano (1950) (Monogram) ... Bomba  Bomba and the Hidden City (1950) (Monogram) ... Bomba  The Lion Hunters (1951) (Monogram) ... Bomba

[CTRL] enslaving mentally ill, stockholm syndrome, abuse of infants, senate/abu ghraib

2005-10-07 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-


Kansas couple on trial for enslaving mentally ill 10/4/05 by Carey Gillam - Kansas City, Kan., Oct 4 (Reuters) "A Kansas husband and wife who ran a psychotherapy practice were to go on trial on Tuesday on charges that they kept mentally ill people as slaves, forced them to perform sex acts on videotape and then billed Medicare nearly $1 million for the "therapy." Prosecutors charged that Arlan Kaufman, 68, and his wife Linda Kaufman, 62, spent 18 years taking advantage of patients entrusted to their care. The couple ran a residential care facility in Newton, Kansas, where they worked with at least 20 mentally ill individuals from 1980 until 2004." http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/N04656916.htm

Love and Stockholm Syndrome: The Mystery of Loving an Abuser By Joseph M. Carver, PhD http://www.mental-health-matters.com/articles/article.php?artID=469

Sexual Abuse of Infants  - A five-part question focusing on sexual abuse during infancy.  Http://www.childtrauma.org/ctamaterials/infant_abuse.asp

Senate sets standards on detainees 
Lawmakers defy Bush to overwhelmingly OK McCain bill in response to Abu Ghraib
Richard Simon, Los Angeles Times
Thursday, October 6, 2005
Washington -- In a break with the White House, the Republican-controlled Senate overwhelmingly approved a measure Wednesday that would set standards for the military's treatment of detainees, a response to the Abu Ghraib scandal and other allegations that U.S. soldiers have abused prisoners. 
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., a victim of torture while a prisoner during the Vietnam War, won approval of the measure that would make interrogation techniques outlined in the Army Field Manual the standard for handling detainees in Defense Department custody and prohibit "cruel, inhuman or degrading" treatment of U.S.-held prisoners. 
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