[CTRL] Proud to be an American ?

1999-07-27 Thread Robert Paul

 -Caveat Lector-

Tim wrote:

>"Thank You "Workers of Iniquity"!
Proud to be an American? I don't think so,"

It's sad, Tim, many on this List will have no idea what you're talking
about. They can see a Conspiracy but not their responsibility for the
loss of their Liberty.

Robert Paul.
Ohio state

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Re: [CTRL] Deepdudes use of divisive headlines etc,

1999-07-30 Thread Robert Paul

 -Caveat Lector-

Kris wrote:

>"Yo deepdude is there a particular reason whilst you keep us here at
CTRL informed about various social phobias that have a tendency to
polarize people and promote hate and ignorance in your headlines?"

I appreciate Peter's posts. People often polarize themselves with their
own hate and ignorance. Many of them consider opposing viewpoints "hate
and ignorance" as well. Go get 'em Bard.

Robert Paul

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Re: [CTRL] War on Poverty Yields Few Victories

1999-07-09 Thread Robert Paul

 -Caveat Lector-

Nessie wrote:

>"Absolutely. But let's think long, hard, and above all realistically
about how we dismantle them."

Yes, it won't be easy; I don't think that dismantling the
welfare-warfare State can be done collectively.There are things that one
can do individually, we need to encourage each other in that direction.

>"let's keep in mind that on a world in as sorry a state as ours is in
it is not possible to disarm unless all forces do it together."

That'll never happen, the Plutocrats that orchestrate these "forces"
won't stop until They take the World or until We stop financing them.

>"America in particular must take care because the predatory
transnational capitalists based here"

Yes, this is true. The Ugly American is the mask the Plutocrats wear to
rape the World.

>"There are no national solutions to global problems,"

There are some national solutions...if we wait for the World nothing
will happen.

>"least of all making the world into a single nation state."

This is true, if we ever get a World State it will mean universal

>"The nation state must die in the mind of humanity before we can all
live in peace and plenty,"

Yes, statism must die in ALL it's forms before that can happen (even
one's favorite version).

>"but the corporation must die with it or we're out of the frying pan
into the fire."

I agree, the corporation is the State's most evil creation. These
fictitious "persons" plunder with the privilege of limited liability. A
Frankenstein's Monster that feeds on greed and death. Whose fault is
that but our own...we all seek our State granted privileges. The
government should not have the ability to grant any privilege but that's
one way they maintain their authority...

Robert Paul

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Re: [CTRL] War on Poverty Yields Few Victories

1999-07-11 Thread Robert Paul

 -Caveat Lector-

Joshua2 wrote:

>"Instead of a war on poverty, we should declare war on big business."

I agree if you mean corporate business"

>"The state is not the problem. Capitalism and businessmen are the

The State creates the problem by giving privileges to big business. The
word capitalism means many things to many people...if you mean
mercantilism you're right.

Robert Paul

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Re: [CTRL] War on Poverty Yields Few Victories

1999-07-11 Thread Robert Paul

 -Caveat Lector-

William Hugh Tunstall wrote:

>"If there is not a massive restructuring, we're going to see a repeat
of the kind of social unrest we saw back in the sixties..."

That's what we need except most will argue for more statism, the very
poison that creates poverty.

Robert Paul

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Re: [CTRL] War on Poverty Yields Few Victories

1999-07-11 Thread Robert Paul

 -Caveat Lector-

Piper wrote:

>"To imply that they are Capitalist. The only thing that some of those
politicians have capitalized on is other peoples thoughts and work."

Most people have no idea what capitalism is...that ideology has been
defined mostly by it's enemies and incompetent supporters. I'd rather
use the word free enterprisea separation of state and economics with
privileges for none. With un-alienable rights for all instead of
regulatable, taxable privileges and licenses.

Robert Paul

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Re: [CTRL] War on Poverty Yields Few Victories

1999-07-11 Thread Robert Paul

 -Caveat Lector-

Bob Stokes wrote:

>"When you look even further the bankers control the Corporations with
their money."

This is true, but...

>"Convert the Federal Reserve from a private institution to a bank for
the United States"

To give that bank a state sanctioned monopoly would still leave power in
the hands of the Plutocracy.

>"and the Corporations will be put in their place"

We can put them in their place by ending limited liability and other

>"Then, make it illegal for lawyers to hold office"

There would be no problem with "liars" holding office if you took away
their monopoly and excluded them from legislative or executive office.

>"the shares will go to the workers,"

The shares should go to the investors not to political beneficiaries.

>"eliminate the IRS and have a flat 10% sales tax on everything"

Let's just eliminate the IRS and cut government down to size. The
constitution provides for all the necessary taxation to support proper

Robert Paul

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[CTRL] Immigration Fueling Poverty

1999-07-12 Thread Robert Paul

 -Caveat Lector-


Immigration Is Fueling Poverty Rate
It is irrational to maintain a government policy that is increasing the
burdens on our social welfare programs.

Two new studies provide compelling evidence that, amid an unprecedented
economic boom, U.S. immigration policy is fueling an increase in poverty
in the U.S. Both the Urban Institute-a Washington-based think tank-and
the federal General Accounting Office have found exceptionally high
rates of welfare dependence and poverty among immigrants and newly
naturalized citizens.
While ostensibly making the case for restoring welfare benefits to
immigrants, the Urban Institute report, "All Under One Roof:
Mixed-Status Families in an Era of Reform," found that poverty among
immigrant households is dramatically higher than among the rest of the
population. According to the study, one-third of such households have
income levels of less than 125% of the official poverty rate, and in the
nation's largest county, Los Angeles, immigrant households constitute
59% of those classified as poor.

The GAO report found that newly naturalized citizens use public
assistance programs in much greater numbers than the native born. The
study examined 927,000 people who became U.S. citizens during 1996 and
1997 and found that their dependence on government assistance programs
was, in some cases, triple that of the rest of the population. In
California, for instance, which is home to the greatest number of
immigrants, 23.7% of newly naturalized citizens are receiving Medicaid
benefits, compared with 8.2% of Californians as a whole. Nationally, the
price tag for providing public assistance just to those who acquired
U.S. citizenship during this period was $735 million.

This information alone should be enough to lead our government to
question our immigration policy. But the GAO report raises another red
flag that ought to be sounding alarm bells in Congress: The number of
people who became citizens in the fiscal year 1996 was triple the
previous peak in the naturalization rate. It also coincided with changes
in federal welfare policy, which made noncitizens ineligible for many
welfare programs.

Thus, it is fair to surmise that the stampede to become American
citizens was not a sudden outpouring of patriotism but rather motivated
by immigrants' fear that they would lose their government subsidies. But
is this a motivation that is really in the long-term interests of the

Rising poverty attributable to our immigration policy and the apparent
surge in naturalizations to retain eligibility for public assistance
programs is a scenario that the late Barbara Jordan cautioned against in
her report to Congress as chair of the U.S. Commission on Immigration
Reform. Congresswoman Jordan, a Democrat from Texas, warned that our
failure to control illegal immigration and the lack of skills-based
admission criteria for most immigrants would inevitably lead to a new
underclass in our society. She also stressed that becoming an American
ought to be an expression of commitment on the part of immigrants to
this country, not simply an affiliation of convenience.
Given the fact that what Jordan predicted apparently is coming true, it
is incumbent on Congress to enact the basic reforms that her commission

Those include enforcement of laws to deter illegal aliens from coming to
seek work and collect benefits in this country and, at least initially,
a rollback of legal immigration levels from about 900,000 a year toward
more traditional, moderate levels of approximately 500,000. : In
addition, the commission's recommendations, which have been ignored by
Congress, urged that the selection process be changed to emphasize the
personal skills that immigrants possess.

It is simply irrational to maintain an immigration policy that is
contributing mightily to the growth of poverty in our country and
increasing the burdens on our social welfare programs, and doing so
during a period of prosperity and nearly full employment. Congress, and
particularly the Republican leadership, erroneously believed in 1996
that they could "fix" the immigration problem by denying immigrants
public assistance. Leaving aside the question of whether that was a
desirable solution, it clearly has proved to be an untenable one. The
alarming poverty rates among immigrants in general and the cost of
providing public assistance to newly naturalized citizens have proved
that approach to be a failure. In 1999, the only way to fix the
immigration problem is to fix the broken immigration policy.

Dan Stein is the executive director of the Federation for American
Immigration Reform based in Washington.

Robert Paul

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Re: [CTRL] War on Poverty Yields Few Victories

1999-07-13 Thread Robert Paul

 -Caveat Lector-

William Hugh wrote:

>""The state" is here to stay."

This is good...anarchy leads to statism any way. I oppose statism
because it is idolatry and the root of most social evil.

>"Why should the wealthiest of Americans eliminate something that serves
the interests of monopoly capitalism so well?"

The Plutocracy will never give up their wealth and power unless we're
willing to give then an incentive to do so. "Monopoly capitalism" (a
poplar contradiction in terms) doesn't exist. Only the State can
maintain a monopoly and only if given the power to do so by an ignorant
and lazy People.

>"We haven't even touched on the issue of local governments, local
politics...how local businessmen use the power of LOCAL governments to
keep competition to a minimum"

Statism is like cancer...it is difficult to stop and often ends in
death. Unfortunately, most advocate more statism as an antidote.

>"I'm sorry, Mr. Paul."

Robert Paul is my Christian appellation and I avoid the word Mrit
has a negative history .

>"I remember very well how states, counties, and city municipalities
would gleefully violate the civil rights of Americans with impunity."

This is true...civil rights are easy to violate since they are mere
(state given) privileges. Un-alienable rights is stronger ground to
stand on, but against the almighty State no rights are possible.

>"It was only the power of the federal government that brought an end to
the Jim Crow era."

The Jim Crow era was a product of State statism and thanks to the
Federal "government" we have "affirmative action" (reverse
discrimination),"hate crimes" (thought crimes), the so called drug war
and the "War on Poverty" etc..

>"If you want to believe that deregulation will usher in some golden age
of prosperity for all,"

It's not a matter of belief, if one advocates freedom, one advocates

>"you're welcome to believe that, but I don't think that's likely."

Thanks and I think it's likely,,,if we get real deregulation...that
is...get the state out of Our business. Proper government acts, as a
policeman, to protect the Rights of all. Regulation exists, like a
storm-trooper, to control a right-less people.

Robert Paul

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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Re: [CTRL] War on Poverty Yields Few Victories

1999-07-13 Thread Robert Paul

 -Caveat Lector-

I wrote:

>"anarchy leads to statism any way."

To which Nessie wrote:

>"This is like saying gravity lead to weightlessness."

In a free fall one IS weightless. What I meant was...without government
criminal gangs come to power and later after one gang conquers the rest
they become the "government".

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] War on Poverty Yields Few Victories

1999-07-13 Thread Robert Paul

 -Caveat Lector-

Nessie wrote:

>"Do you personally need the gun and the club to keep you in line?"

No, we need the gun and the club to keep criminals in line. All
government means is organized defense. We have organized food production
so that one doesn't have to grow one's own food, otherwise we'd be
compelled to defend ourselves without any objectivity.

>"Or do you behave like a decent human being because that's what you

Yes and even if every one did behave as such we'd still need an
organized defense agency if only to arbitrate honest disagreements. We
both know that crime will always be with us, though.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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[CTRL] Marine who refused anthrax vaccine convicted of disobedience

1999-07-14 Thread Robert Paul

 -Caveat Lector-


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