Re: libcurl and S3

2024-08-23 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Fri, Aug 23, 2024 at 11:08:29AM -0600, R C via curl-library wrote:
> I have been using libcurl to write a few simple S3/AWS programs.  Is there an 
> add ons to easily
> use S3 with libcurl, or future plans to build in S3 functionality, or 
> examples/docs  that show hoe
> to do S3 with libcurl.  (I am using gnu c mostly)

libcurl supports the proprietary AWS V4 signature authentication method. What
other kind of AWS functionality might you expect to have in libcurl? You can
build just about any kind of REST client you want on top of it already, but
including support for the HTTP API of one particular cloud API provider is out
of scope of the project. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that someone has
already built a front-end to various AWS service using libcurl as a base.


Re: Libcurl and CTR ciphers

2024-08-22 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Thu, Aug 22, 2024 at 07:07:18AM +, Jan Lindberg via curl-library wrote:
> We want to create a SFTP client using libcurl that supports cipher
> “AES-256-CTR” but cannot find it in the list of available ciphers (https://

SFTP uses SSH, not SSL, so SSL ciphers aren't very relevant with it. SSH
ciphers will depend on the SSH library, either libssh or libssh2, so you'll
need to check their respective documentation to find out what ones they


Re: FR: curl CLI: -O/--remote-name: Decode output filename

2024-08-10 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Sun, Aug 11, 2024 at 04:39:52AM +0300, Samuel Henrique via curl-library 
> This feature request comes from a discussion we've had in wcurl:
> It's about performing the decoding of the output filename when -O is used, so
> for example, if I call:
> $ curl -O
> I would like to be able to get as the output file:
> "filename with spaces.txt" instead of "filename%20with%20spaces.txt".

The big problem with this is character set conversion. If the URL is in UTF-8
and the user's filesystem is in CP1252, this will produce a garbage file name.
Or even worse, the other way around which could result in a file that's not
even accessible by some software. Since there's no way to tell what character
set the URL is in, this seems impossible to do correctly. Unless you're
suggesting just handling characters in the range 0x20-0x7e or something along
those lines, but that could result in confused users when some files are
converted and some are not.


Re: What is curl_multi_perform for?

2024-08-02 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Fri, Aug 02, 2024 at 06:10:38PM +, Jeff Mears via curl-library wrote:
> In a program using curl_multi_socket_action in a select/poll loop, what is
> curl_multi_perform supposed to be used for?  I’ve been simply not calling it,
> and things seem to work, but doing this seems incorrect somehow.

The multi interface provides two different ways of running the transfer loop: 
curl_multi_perform and curl_multi_socket_action. The application only needs to
call one of them for libcurl to do its thing. Which one is the best to call
depends on the architecture of the application.  curl_multi_perform is easier
to use and is typically used with select or poll while curl_multi_socket_action
is often used in an event-based application (based around something like
libevent) and allows higher performance with many open handles. Many other
curl_multi_* functions only make sense to call in conjunction with only one of
these two.

The page goes into
some more detail on the two approaches.


Re: Thoughts about upstreaming wcurl

2024-07-05 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Thu, Jul 04, 2024 at 11:23:43PM +0100, Samuel Henrique wrote:
> The purpose of wcurl is partly defined by the fact that it's not upstream, so:
> * To be a command that lets users download files without having to pass any
>   parameters, using curl;

This goal, strictly as written, applies to curl as well.

> Do I understand correctly that you're saying wcurl is close to what you have 
> in
> mind, only missing the nice parameters you gave as an example? It sounds like
> what you had in mind is also a simple portable script (but with its own
> parameters instead of doing the -o wrapping).

wcurl currently doesn't do much more than a shell alias, so it's not at all
like the tool I envisioned. My idea in a nutshell is a wget clone (as far as it
can be cloned given the following constraint) of all features provided by curl
and no more. That restricts the tool to basically command-line option
translation and allows it to be written in highly-portable Bourne shell. But,
since wget, when you run it without options, just downloads a file to disk, my
made-up tool would work very similarly (identically?) to wcurl when given just
a URL.


Re: Thoughts about upstreaming wcurl

2024-07-04 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
As it is, I don't think wcurl adds substantial enough value to carry along
upstream. Right now, it doesn't do much beyond setting a few standard options
on curl itself, which people can do themselves already in a number of different
ways to suit them.

You mention a few possible improvements, but there seems to be a lack of
clarity of what wcurl is supposed to be. Is it a more simple interface to curl
for certain use cases? Is it a low-resource way to access curl functionality
with a wget interface? Is it a wget replacement rewritten from the ground up
using libcurl to perform transfers?

When I saw the announcement, I thought it was the second case, namely a way for
people used to wget to run curl. It wouldn't add functionality that curl didn't
already have, but it would give access to what it DID have in a familiar way.
I talked about this a bit on IRC, since this is an idea I've had for a long
time that I've never acted on. My idea was that a small script would translate
options for features that curl already supports and just call curl to perform
the transfer in the end.  So --bind-address would be translated to --interface,
--no-clobber would translate to --skip-existing, --https-only would translate
to "--proto -all,https", etc. And the options (like -r) that curl doesn't
support would cause an error.

As it is, the current wcurl doesn't do that and can't do that because its only
current option (-o) is already defined by both wget and curl in completely
different and incompatible ways. So, given that, I don't really see what the
path forward is for further wcurl improvements, unless it just becomes a third
new utility for performing network transfers.

I personally think that second case hits a sweet spot in that it adds
significant functionality (a new user interface for curl) that many people are
familiar with in only a few KB of space without significant portability
concerns (although it sounds like the getopt issue needs to be solved). That
would be a Busybox-style approach to wget functionality. Actually, Busybox
already supports a "wget" applet, but reimplemented the Busybox way and only
supporting 14 options. A curl version could support many, many more wget
options and would probably take even less space, if we assume that curl is
already available.

The third case (wget reimplemented) would be better as a separate project since
its added functionality strays away from what curl is trying to be.


Re: graceful shutdowns coming in 8.9.0

2024-06-27 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 06:44:14PM +, Dmitry Karpov via curl-library wrote:
> It would be nice to have an option to abort connections and close their 
> sockets even in cases when transfer(s) were completed successfully, 
> but connections must go away by some reason (i.e. too old, too many etc).
> The graceful shutdown may take some time, and during that period connection 
> resources (i.e. socket buffers, SSL contexts etc) will be held until it is 
> done.
> For resource limited systems, it may be critical to release resources for 
> expired connections as soon as possible and use them for something else (i.e. 
> fresh connections).

One of the benefits of this change is actually to *free* some resources that
weren't before, specifically TCP ports. When a socket is closed uncleanly the
network stack can prevent reuse of that port until a long timeout passes, which
can be an issue on some systems doing hundreds or thousands of connections a
second to a low number of servers, which can use up all their ephemeral ports
and stop communication altogether.  So, this change trades off saving one set
of resources for another, but in most cases the graceful shutdown should take a
fraction of a second so those resources shouldn't be needed for much longer
than before.  Hopefully, it's a net benefit, but it will be interesting to get
some real-world results.


Re: Where is curlx_dyn_addn defined?

2024-05-28 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Tue, May 28, 2024 at 05:52:08PM -0500, Bill Pierce via curl-library wrote:
> I like to figure things like this out myself. I find that it's the best way 
> to learn how things work. So, I
> grabbed the sources from github using Git Bash on May 24, 2024, but when I 
> tried to compile a test program
> with selected libcurl files, curlx_dyn_addn was undefined. I found that it is 
> called in many places in the
> libcurl sources using Windows Explorer's search feature, but I couldn't find 
> where it is defined.

It's called Curl_dyn_addn() in the source (in lib/dynbuf.c), but it's renamed 
to curlx_dyn_addn with a macro in lib/dynbuf.h.  It's a bit backwards, but 
there are reasons.


Re: Reproducing the release tarballs

2024-04-01 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Sun, Mar 31, 2024 at 11:24:27AM +0200, Daniel Stenberg wrote:
> On Sat, 30 Mar 2024, Dan Fandrich via curl-library wrote:
> > SPDX seems to be the standard SBOM format for this that tools are
> > starting to expect.  The format is able to handle complex situations,
> > but given the very limited scope needed in curl and for source releases
> > only, once you get a template file set up the first time filling in the
> > details for every release should be simple.
> I can't but to feel that this is aiming (much) higher than what I want to
> do. If someone truly thinks SPDX is a better way to provide this information
> then I hope someone will step up and convert the scripts to instead use this
> format.
> This is a SBOM for the tarball creation, not for curl.

Well, what is the tarball but the tarball of "curl"?  SPDX can provide
information on the files in the tarball as well as the files used to create the
tarball. How much you provide is up to you, but the more information available,
the more possibilities there are for others to use it.

> I rather start with something basic and simple, as we don't even know if
> anyone cares or wants this information.

That makes sense. SPDX is definitely heavier weight than a few version numbers
in an .md file. But, a lot more useful, too.

> > Even running "reuse spdx" in the curl tree (the same tool that's keeping
> > curl in REUSE compliance in that CI build) will output a SPDX file for
> > curl.
> I tried it just now. It produces 86,000 lines of output! And yet I can't
> find a lot of helpful content within the output for our purpose here.

That example was just the first one I thought of that you might already have on
your system (due to the work in getting REUSE compliance some time ago). It
doesn't solve the problem at hand, but it shows what SPDX looks like and it
could still be integrated into a final curl SPDX file provided with each
release if we wanted it to. Few projects provide SPDX files right now which is 
companies using SPDX only for license compatibility checking need to run "reuse
spdx" on the source code themselves. But if curl provided that SPDX file already
filled in with each release, including the additional information on the
dependencies used to create the tar ball itself, that single file can serve two
purposes.  Even more purposes, actually, since it could be additionally be used
for security scanning, such as finding that curl used a back-door autoconf m4
macro found only in the tarball (if that ends up happening one day).

> It does not seem like a suitable tool for this.

Agreed. It just gives a flavour of one of the kinds of things a SPDX file can
provide, but could become part of a solution.

A tool that might actually do what you want is  That creates a SPDX file listing all the
packages in the current system (e.g. Debian packages on Debian).  You probably
don't want to run that on your personal system (way too many irrelevant
packages), but it could be run from a minimal container used just to create a
tarball to provide a more easily reproducible set of packages for others to
fall on want to completely reproduce that build process.


Re: Reproducing the release tarballs

2024-03-30 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Sat, Mar 30, 2024 at 06:29:48PM +0100, Daniel Stenberg via curl-library 
> Any proposals for how to document the exact set of tools+versions I use for
> each release in case someone in the future wants to reproduce an ancient
> release tarball?

SPDX seems to be the standard SBOM format for this that tools are starting to
expect.  The format is able to handle complex situations, but given the very
limited scope needed in curl and for source releases only, once you get a
template file set up the first time filling in the details for every release
should be simple.

The spec is at but it's probably easier to
look at some simple examples to get a feel for it. Even running "reuse spdx" in
the curl tree (the same tool that's keeping curl in REUSE compliance in that CI
build) will output a SPDX file for curl. That one doesn't include the source
build dependencies that your interested in (because that's not what that
particular tool does) but could be a start of something. The curl SBOM could
also include Debian package names+versions as dependencies.


Re: libcurl and s3/minio

2024-03-26 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Tue, Mar 26, 2024 at 03:16:31PM -0600, R C via curl-library wrote:
> btw; you mentioned : "curl versions since 7.75.0 have AWS signature 
> calculation
> built-in, with the
> --aws-sigv4 option."
> is there something similar, a function,  in libcurl?

--libcurl tells me it's CURLOPT_AWS_SIGV4

Re: libcurl and s3/minio

2024-03-26 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Tue, Mar 26, 2024 at 02:17:10PM -0600, R C via curl-library wrote:
> > >      -H "Host: $URL" \
> > This is seldom needed because curl adds it on its own.
> without it the script doesn't work with minio
> > >      ${PROTOCOL}://$URL${MINIO_PATH}

I don't know what minio is, but looking at how $URL is used in the second line
it appears to hold a host name, not a URL (it's a confusing name), so curl
should be setting the same thing already. But, I'm just guessing because I
don't know exactly what those variables hold. It can make things more brittle
to add low-level headers that aren't actually needed as when the script is
changed in the future, it can break things. It sounds like these headers are
being cargo-culted in so cleaning them up could save effort in the long term.

Re: libcurl and s3/minio

2024-03-26 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Tue, Mar 26, 2024 at 11:36:07AM -0600, R C via curl-library wrote:
> I am trying to find out how to write something, using libcurl, to do some io
> with a minio object store (s3 compatible)
> I did go a bit through the examples page (some I have used as een example for
> other projects), but could really find what I was looking for. I did find a
> script that uses curl (the command) that seems to work
> this is a code fragment, for what I try to write into C.

Do you know about the --libcurl option? It can write your code for you.

> curl --insecure \

--insecure is a bad idea, especially when you're sending credentials over the
wire. You should fix your certificate store so that it's not needed.

>     -o "${OUT_FILE}" \
>     -H "Host: $URL" \

This is seldom needed because curl adds it on its own. 

>     -H "Date: ${DATE}" \

Date: on a request? I've never seen that before. Is that needed by AWS

>     -H "Content-Type: ${CONTENT_TYPE}" \

This one doesn't make much sense on a GET request, because there is no content
being sent. Did you really want Accept:?

>     -H "Authorization: AWS ${USERNAME}:${SIGNATURE}" \

curl versions since 7.75.0 have AWS signature calculation built-in, with the
--aws-sigv4 option.

> I saw an example called httpcustomheader, which came closest to what I'm
> looking for I think.

This is a very simple request with one custom header, so simple.c will do fine
with the addition of CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER which you can see how to do in many
other examples. But look at the curl's built-in AWS support first.

Re: M1 macOS | Memory leaks at SSL that is used by libcurl/8.1.2 (SecureTransport)

2024-01-30 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
Is the code calling curl_global_cleanup() before checking for leaks? Does this 
happen on the latest curl releae (8.5.0)?

Re: HTTP header validation

2024-01-29 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Mon, Jan 29, 2024 at 08:59:03PM +, Stephen Booth via curl-library wrote:
> I eventually tracked the problem down to the bearer token being passed
> having an extra newline inserted at the end. This was copied through to
> the http request (adding a blank line and making the server ignore any
> subsequent http headers breaking the upload).

This is a case of GIGO. The man page even warns against this:

curl makes sure that each header you add/replace is sent with the proper
end-of-line marker, you should thus not add that as a part of the header
content: do not add newlines or carriage returns, they only mess things up
for you. curl passes on the verbatim string you give it without any filter
or other safe guards. That includes white space and control characters.


Re: Seek problem with curl_formadd with CURLFORM_STREAM

2024-01-29 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Mon, Jan 29, 2024 at 07:33:59PM +, Jeff Mears via curl-library wrote:
> I have code that’s attempting to use CURLFORM_STREAM with curl_formadd, and it
> is getting a CURLE_SEND_FAIL_REWIND error from the library.
> Looking at the libcurl code, it looks like it might be a bug, but it’s hard 
> for
> me to tell for sure.  A full example of how the library is being used would
> take a while to construct.

If it's a bug, it's unlikely to get fixed because this API is deprecated. This
is your excuse to move to the supported API. See


2024-01-18 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Wed, Jan 17, 2024 at 03:28:11PM +0100, Nejc Drašček via curl-library wrote:
> I'm using ftp library ( ), which under
> the hood uses libcurl, and some requests are "polluting" stdout with http
> headers:
> Last-Modified: Mon, 15 Jan 2024 14:32:44 GMT
> Content-Length: 0
> Accept-ranges: bytes
> According to comment in lib/ftp.c this define is/was supposed to be removed
> at next so bump. The define is still enabled on master at the time of this
> message. Modifying libcurl source locally is not an option since we're using
> vcpkg to manage (external) libraries.
> If there is a way to do this I would be much obliged to be pointed in that
> direction.

I zoomed right over the identifier in the subject and didn't see it. Those
#ifdefs were added 17 years ago, and given curl's goal of backward
compatibility and no SONAME bumps, it's unlikely to be removed in the next 17

Having said that, this codes writes to the write function so what happens to it 
under the application's control. If an application doesn't want it written to
stdout, it shouldn't write it to stdout. But, if the application is performing
a NOBODY request over FTP, presumably it wants to get some metadata for that
URL and therefore some output. In this respect, ftp: is handled the same as
http: support in this respect. Both:
  curl -I
  curl -I
return similar kinds of information in similar ways.

I don't know what ftpclient-cpp does or wants to do with these requests, but it
sounds like it's not doing them in the way you want or expect. That's more
likely to be a problem with it rather than with curl.


Re: problem with unpaused connection

2024-01-18 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Thu, Jan 18, 2024 at 01:46:34PM +0300, Sergey Bronnikov via curl-library 
> Before Curl version 8.4.0 everything worked fine (exactly with Curl 8.3.0),
> but after updating Curl to 8.4.0 in our HTTP client

Have you tried 8.5.0? There have been some important HTTP/2 changes since that



2024-01-17 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Wed, Jan 17, 2024 at 03:28:11PM +0100, Nejc Drašček via curl-library wrote:
> I'm using ftp library ( ), which under
> the hood uses libcurl, and some requests are "polluting" stdout with http
> headers:
> Last-Modified: Mon, 15 Jan 2024 14:32:44 GMT
> Content-Length: 0
> Accept-ranges: bytes
> According to comment in lib/ftp.c this define is/was supposed to be removed

Which comment? Which define? There are well over 4000 lines in that file and I
don't see any relevant comment or define added since the last 3 releases.


Re: Experimenting with parallel tests on Debian

2024-01-12 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Thu, Jan 11, 2024 at 10:44:42AM -0300, Samuel Henrique via curl-library 
> I have recently pushed an experimental build of curl with parallel test
> execution on Debian. This was done with the hopes of helping reporting issues
> and understanding if it's feasible to enable it for non-experimental builds.
> We have quite a diverse set of supported architectures and different build
> hosts[0].
> There were a few failures that went away after retries. I have not done any
> investigation other than noting the failed tests were not always the same and
> at least one failure occurred on a host with a high number of CPU threads (16,
> high-ish for non-server standards nowadays).

You've discovered why we haven't turned on parallel tests by default yet.
They're quite reliable when run on an unloaded machine, such as a developer's
PC, but CI and build machines (especially in the free CI tiers) tend to be
heavily oversubscribed. This results in highly variable timing and task
scheduling, and, unfortunately, some of the tests are fairly sensitive to this.
Some of the worst ones have keywords "flaky" and "timing-dependent" so they can
be easily skipped if desired.

There are a couple of classes of issues still left in the tests, that if
solved, would eliminate some timing dependencies and make them more reliable.
For example, one of them has to do with sending data immediately before closing
a connection, which tends to make the final "QUIT" command in ftp tests
disappear. The reason for most of these are hard to figure out though, given
that they almost never fail locally when you try (although icing has a theory
about this particular one)>

> All the builds were done following the suggestion of using 7 workers per CPU
> thread [1] and without valgrind.
> Do note that I did not try a lower number of workers and I'm only sending this
> in case someone is interested in finding possible bugs. I plan to keep testing
> future releases and me or someone else from Debian might report something more
> concrete in the future.

I've found reducing the number of workers makes things better, but even at only
2 workers, you still see failures on the most oversubscribed hosts. If someone
could figure out how to consistently make a/some tests fail locally, it would
go a long way toward finding and fixing the cause.


Re: Empty file name in CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE optimization

2023-12-13 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 09:49:07PM +, Dmitry Karpov via curl-library wrote:
> I propose to add a simple check for the cookie file name length and call 
> fopen() only if it is greater than zero like:

Sounds reasonable.

>if(data) {
>  FILE *fp = NULL;
> -if(file) {
> +if(file && strlen(file) > 0) {
>if(!strcmp(file, "-"))

This forces a traversal of the entire string, which isn't necessary. This would
be much faster:

if(file && *file) {

Are you able to turn this into a PR?


Re: Callback after http request has been submitted

2023-12-07 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Thu, Dec 07, 2023 at 08:02:04PM +0100, Jeroen Ooms via curl-library wrote:
> I am looking for a way in libcurl to trigger a callback once, after a
> http request has been completely submitted (including upload if any),
> but before the server has responded. So basically when we have done
> our job, and we are waiting for a (potentially slow) http request to
> return a response status.

Why not call the callback function from within the CURLOPT_READFUNCTION.3? The
only difference is where the data about to be sent has been buffered; is the OS
or (potentially) within libcurl or the HTTP library. libcurl doesn't ask the OS
when the data has left the network interface, if that's what you're wanting.


Re: systemd-resolved support

2023-11-24 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Fri, Nov 24, 2023 at 08:25:05PM +0100, Max Kellermann via curl-library wrote:
> For the long term, I was wondering whether libcurl would be interested
> in incorporating a systemd-resolved mode if I were to submit a pull
> request.

Wouldn't it work to simply switch to c-ares for resolving instead of adding a
new resolver back-end?

Re: How to identify that extensions are not supported on SFTP server? [libcurl]

2023-11-22 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 07:26:15PM +, Nimit Dhulekar via curl-library wrote:
> We have been using statvfs as a CURLOPT_QUOTE command via libcurl to identify
> whether the entry on the SFTP server is a file or folder. Is there any way to
> know in advance (preferably through libcurl) that a certain command is not
> supported on an SFTP server?

libssh2 just throws away the list of SFTP protocol extensions sent by the
server that would allow it (or clients) to know whether or not statvfs would
work or not.  I don't know how libssh deals with this info, but determining a
priori if statvfs will work using libssh2 would require changing libssh2 to
return this info to the client somehow, then writing a libssh2 program to query
that info before running curl, or somehow shoehorning that function into
libcurl (via curl_easy_getinfo() perhaps).


Re: Fwd: Adding IPFS Trustless Gateway Protocol Questions

2023-10-26 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 03:42:34PM +0200, Hugo Valtier via curl-library wrote:
> Instead of using the Path Gateway it uses the Trustless Gateway which
> answers with a stream of blocks and walks the merkle-tree, verifies
> hashes and deserializes it on the fly.
> This would make curl or libcurl capable of downloading ipfs:// content
> from any reachable IPFS node, not just a localhost trusted one.

I'm far from an expert in IPFS, but my understanding was that there were two
main ways to get files over IPFS: one is to get them via HTTP from an IPFS
gateway that knows about IPFS (what curl does now) and the other is to become a
full-fledged node in the IPFS network and speak the IPFS protocols to the
world.  What you describe sounds like a third method, where one may somehow
find a full IPFS node that happens to have your file and talk a subset of the
IPFS protocol to get that file. Is that an accurate assessment? If so, is that
really a mode that would be used by a significant number of people?  How do you
find an appropriate node for each file, for example?

Re: "getaddrinfo() thread failed to start" under heavy load

2023-10-17 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 12:29:55PM +, m brandenberg via curl-library wrote:
> On Mon, 16 Oct 2023, Matt Toschlog via curl-library wrote:
> > I'm using libcurl in a voice server app running on Ubuntu 20.04 on an
> > Amazon AWS EC2 instance.  When I get around 500 users on the system I
> > start getting the error "getaddrinfo() thread failed to start" in my
> > curl_easy_perform() calls.
> > 
> > Memory doesn't seem to be an issue -- I'm not going above 15%
> > utilization.  Perhaps there's a Linux limitation (number of threads, for
> > example) that I'm running up against but I haven't found it.
> Few ideas but I can confirm.  On Debian through Buster and libcurl
> 7.64, I've seen this on occasion.  ~1000 servers with 1000s of
> client connections each.  I'll get a small, micro-burst of resolver
> failures due to thread failure with a hint that resolver
> piggy-backing may not be working correctly.  Hosts are safe on
> memory, process and system fd limits, and process/thread fork
> limits.  Another resource seems involved but haven't got beyond that.
> Problem clears on retry a second or two later.

Switching to c-ares for resolving won't fix the underlying issue but there's a
good chance it will avoid it altogether. It's more resource efficient than the
threaded resolver.

Re: Test server SSL handshake using libcurl

2023-10-06 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Fri, Oct 06, 2023 at 02:54:22PM +, Taw via curl-library wrote:
> Hi, I am trying to use libcurl to test a handshake with an internal server.
> Unfortunately GET/HEAD methods do no work, I get 404 error from the server.
> Practically I would like the cURL equivalent of this command: "openssl 
> s_client
> -connect : -cert="
> I can use OpenSSL lib to do it, but cURL is more elegant and OpenSSL is not
> that friendly.

You should be able to do that with CURLOPT_CONNECT_ONLY.

Re: Handling Cloudfare issues

2023-09-26 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Tue, Sep 26, 2023 at 11:29:16PM +0200, Mac-Fly via curl-library wrote:
> To rant a little: I don't now whats wrong with the internet these days
> and why such checks are required at all. I am sure they break a lot of
> applications like mine! (Rant off.)

You're preaching to the choir here.

> I am sure I am not the only one and now I am searching here for answers
> because I believe many curl users are affected, too. Please help me! :-)

There's a project called curl-impersonate that uses a patched version of curl
to exactly impersonate browsers in how they talk to sites; headers, cookies,
TLS negotiation flags, etc. That has worked for me to get around this problem,
but I'm sure it won't be long before even that won't be enough.


Re: 8.3.0: test1474 fails every time

2023-09-23 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Sat, Sep 23, 2023 at 08:16:42PM +0200, Christian Weisgerber via curl-library 
>   So in the end this regress test is built on assumptions and is
>   therefor non-portable and prone to fail.

That basically verifies my guess as to what was happening. Thanks for following
up on this.


Re: curl_multi_perform creates new thread

2023-09-21 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Thu, Sep 21, 2023 at 12:08:33PM -0400, Anass Meskini via curl-library wrote:
> Thanks Dan for the clarification. 
> I think it might be worth mentioning in the doc that this function might 
> create
> a thread.

It is called the "threaded resolver" after all, and that name is found in 8
different documentation files in the source tree, including in
libcurl-thread(3) which is the go-to location for information about threading
in libcurl. Where else would you like to see it? curl_multi_perform(3) seems
like a poor place for it, because *absolutely everything* happens in a call to 
curl_multi_perform and we can't document everything there.

> Would setting CURLOPT_RESOLVE result in curl_multi_perform never creating a 
> new
> thread?

I'm pretty sure that the name resolve cache is checked before the system
resolver thread is created, so this should work.

> Also when I run multi-app.c in helgrind, I see:
> ==339231== 
> ---Thread-Announcement--
> ==339231==
> ==339231== Thread #1 is the program's root thread
> ==339231==
> ==339231== 
> ==339231==
> ==339231== Thread #1: pthread_mutex_destroy with invalid argument
> ==339231==    at 0x483FC96: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/valgrind/
> ==339231==    by 0x572D16F: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
> ==339231==    by 0x4011F6A: _dl_fini (dl-fini.c:138)
> ==339231==    by 0x49468A6: __run_exit_handlers (exit.c:108)
> ==339231==    by 0x4946A5F: exit (exit.c:139)
> ==339231==    by 0x4924089: (below main) (libc-start.c:342)
> ==339231==
> ==339231== 
> ==339231==
> ==339231== Thread #1: pthread_mutex_destroy with invalid argument
> ==339231==    at 0x483FC96: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/valgrind/
> ==339231==    by 0x4011F6A: _dl_fini (dl-fini.c:138)
> ==339231==    by 0x49468A6: __run_exit_handlers (exit.c:108)
> ==339231==    by 0x4946A5F: exit (exit.c:139)
> ==339231==    by 0x4924089: (below main) (libc-start.c:342)
> Are these false positives?

Not that I'm aware. Note that libcurl uses pthread mutexes aside from
threading, so these a not (necessarily) related to the threaded resolver. Other
libraries like OpenSSL, GnuTLS and libssh also uses mutexes, so this might not
ever be an issue in libcurl.


Re: curl_multi_perform creates new thread

2023-09-20 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Wed, Sep 20, 2023 at 09:11:32PM -0400, Anass Meskini via curl-library wrote:
> I compiled curl from the github repository with --with-openssl then I compiled
> multi-app.c.
> When I run the program in gdb and add a breakpoint for pthread_create I see:

curl will use the threaded resolver option by default, so yes, this is
expected. You can configure with the --disable-threaded-resolver or
--enable-ares option to avoid this.


Re: 8.3.0: test1474 fails every time

2023-09-19 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 01:47:45PM +0200, Daniel Stenberg wrote:
> Maybe we should consider adding a way to
> disable/enable tests based on the OS name where it runs?

There's already the "win32" feature for that platform since it's needed often
because of its "special" behaviour.  For finer-grained detection (e.g. msys but
not Cygwin) a number of tests are using ; this is the first time I
can find that we're skipping a test based on another OS. If that starts
happening more often it might be worthwhile adding that feature, otherwise
 works fine, which I've done in PR#11888.


Re: 8.3.0: test1474 fails every time

2023-09-19 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Mon, Sep 18, 2023 at 01:13:34PM +0200, Christian Weisgerber via curl-library 
> Dan Fandrich:
> > I wanted to try this patch on NetBSD to see if it's related
> > to Nagle's algorithm, but couldn't get to the point where I could try it:
> > -http://%HOSTIP:%HTTPPORT/we/want/%TESTNUMBER -T 
> > %LOGDIR/test%TESTNUMBER.txt --limit-rate 64K --expect100-timeout 0.001
> > +http://%HOSTIP:%HTTPPORT/we/want/%TESTNUMBER -T 
> > %LOGDIR/test%TESTNUMBER.txt --limit-rate 64K --expect100-timeout 0.001 
> > --tcp-nodelay
> This makes no difference, the test fails the same way.

After much pain I was finally able to install OpenBSD under KVM and reproduce
this problem. I verified that curl was correctly sending the first 65536 bytes
of data to the socket in a call to send(2), but the OS reports that only 32716
bytes were actually sent. The test assumes that the OS will send all 65536
bytes, so the test fails.

I tried adjusting all the relevant sysctl parameters I could find, and couldn't
change this behaviour. Typically, pattern is the first three 64 KiB sends only
actually send 32716 bytes each, then the next couple send 65432 bytes, then
finally the kernel sends all 65536 bytes, as requested (with the occasional
65432 one). I also tried using write(2) instead of send(2) with no effect.

The OS is free to do this of course, but the test depends on the OS sending
all the data at once in order to set up the specific conditions needed to make
the test work. I don't see any reasonable alternative to just disabling this
test on NetBSD and OpenBSD.


Re: libcurl usage - memory error

2023-09-18 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Mon, Sep 18, 2023 at 09:26:36AM -0400, Anass Meskini via curl-library wrote:
> When I run my program in valgrind, I see memory errors. What am I doing wrong?

Both these instances occur in GnuTLS, which deliberately uses some undefined
memory in its operation. It has code to mark these areas as undefined, however,
to stop Valgrind complaining, but this support may not have been enabled in the
GnuTLS library you're using, or it might be inadequate.  You might need to
compile your own to make sure it's enabled (_gnutls_memory_mark_defined is the
function) and then ask on a GnuTLS forum if you can't get it going.


Re: 8.3.0: test1474 fails every time

2023-09-17 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Sun, Sep 17, 2023 at 10:43:17PM +0200, Christian Weisgerber via curl-library 
> The comment for test1474 says "This test is quite timing dependent and
> tricky to set up."  On OpenBSD, it fails every time for me.  And this
> is not an overloaded machine.

I've noticed failures on the NetBSD autobuilds as well, but I've been unable to
successfully install NetBSD in a VM to test it. Maybe I'll have more luck with
OpenBSD. What I noticed in the NetBSD logs is that rather than receiving an
initial 64 KiB block of data, it looks like on NetBSD it's only receiving
closer to 48 KiB. I wanted to try this patch on NetBSD to see if it's related
to Nagle's algorithm, but couldn't get to the point where I could try it:

diff --git a/tests/data/test1474 b/tests/data/test1474
index 848f15211..24b349b19 100644
--- a/tests/data/test1474
+++ b/tests/data/test1474
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ http
 HTTP PUT with Expect: 100-continue and 417 response during upload
--limit-rate 64K --expect100-timeout 0.001
--limit-rate 64K --expect100-timeout 0.001 --tcp-nodelay
 # Must be large enough to trigger curl's automatic 100-continue behaviour

It's a finicky test (which is why it's marked flaky) but it should work fine on
an unloaded system.


Re: Curl Configuration Weirdness for libz.a

2023-09-01 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Fri, Sep 01, 2023 at 01:53:27PM -0400, wrote:
> Slight change, please. The i386 should be x86 (and eventually x86_64 when I
> get the 64-bit builds working).

i386 is a historical tag that basically means 32-bit Intel x86 architecture
these days.  We should probably change them all to say x86 since there aren't
very many actual i386 binaries available in the world any longer.


Re: Curl Configuration Weirdness for libz.a

2023-08-31 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Thu, Aug 31, 2023 at 01:50:07PM -0400, wrote:
> On Thursday, August 31, 2023 1:41 PM, Dan Fandrich wrote:
> >On Thu, Aug 31, 2023 at 11:09:58AM -0400, Jeffrey Walton via curl-library
> wrote:
> >> I think you should change strategies. You should use sed to change
> >> references from -lz to libz.a (and friends).
> >
> >While that would work, devs shouldn't need to do this. curl's configure is
> simply doing
> >the wrong thing. I'll work on a patch.
> Thanks.

I've tested that a zlib.pc file with a static library path now works fine.

Re: Curl Configuration Weirdness for libz.a

2023-08-31 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Thu, Aug 31, 2023 at 11:09:58AM -0400, Jeffrey Walton via curl-library wrote:
> I think you should change strategies. You should use sed to change
> references from -lz to libz.a (and friends).

While that would work, devs shouldn't need to do this. curl's configure is
simply doing the wrong thing. I'll work on a patch.

Re: Curl Configuration Weirdness for libz.a

2023-08-30 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Wed, Aug 30, 2023 at 06:08:38PM -0400, wrote:
> Unfortunately, the packaging team for the platform did not help on this one. 
> zlib.h is in the /usr/coreutils/include directory, the zlib.a,, 
> are in /usr/coreutils/lib (which collide). The zlib.pc file 
> does not help particularly:
> prefix=/usr/coreutils
> exec_prefix=${prefix}
> libdir=${exec_prefix}/lib
> sharedlibdir=${libdir}
> includedir=${prefix}/include
> Name: zlib
> Description: zlib compression library
> Version: 1.2.11
> Requires:
> Libs: -L${libdir} -L${sharedlibdir} -lz
> Cflags: -I${includedir}

You could try hacking a copy of zlib.pc and replace "-lz" with 
then force configure to use it with PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/hacked/file, but
I'm pretty sure that even that won't completely get rid of the use of -lz.
Running 'make ZLIB_LIBS=' after the configure should get rid of one lingering
instance of it but there's another one that will still show up.

If you can confirm that behaviour, then IMHO, configure should be changed to 
stop doing
that. If pkg-config has successfully found zlib, then configure shouldn't be
adding its own libraries and link flags to what pkg-config says is correct.

> which really will force being selected, and I cannot use that 
> for packaging curl for the general population as that DLL is only available 
> on the minority of machines. (On that subject, can you change the ref on 
> from my name to ITUGLIB - which is the 
> volunteer org who would take over if I get hit by a bus - but I'm glad we're 
> listed there and it is otherwise correct).



Re: Curl Configuration Weirdness for libz.a

2023-08-30 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Wed, Aug 30, 2023 at 05:03:34PM -0400, wrote:
> Actually, there is no libtool on the platform, so upgrading will be
> difficult. No LIB, INCLUDES, or other compile-related environment variables.

Then it will be using the built-in libtool, which should be fairly recent. But,
if there are NonStop-specific changes that aren't upstream, you won't get them.
I think this is unlikely to be the issue here, though.

> For the OpenSSL 3.0 build:
> -WIEEE_float -I/usr/coreutils/include -I/usr/local-ssl3.0/openssl/include"
> LDFLAGS="/usr/coreutils/lib/libz.a -L/usr/coreutils/lib
> -L/usr/local-ssl3.0/lib" ./configure --prefix=/usr/local-ssl3.0
> --with-ssl=/usr/local-ssl3.0 --with-ca-path=/usr/local-ssl3.0/ssl/certs
> --disable-pthreads --disable-threaded-resolver --enable-ipv6
> --with-zlib=/usr/coreutils/lib/libz.a

--with-zlib doesn't work this way. It's intended to receive the path to a zlib
installation such as would be created after 'make install' when building zlib.
Specifically, there should be …/include/ and …/lib/ directories underneath this
path.  If there isn't such an install path on your system or it contains both and libz.a, it won't work. In that case, use --with-zlib and set
PKG_CONFIG_PATH to a location of a zlib.pc file that only contains information
on a static libz. Failing even that, then you'll likely have to resort to
setting things like LIBS=/path/to/libz.a an CPPFLAGS=-I/path/to/zlib-include/
and hope the existing doesn't get in the way.

Re: Curl Configuration Weirdness for libz.a

2023-08-30 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Wed, Aug 30, 2023 at 03:27:34PM -0400, Randall via curl-library wrote:
> ln: failed to create hard link '.libs/libcurl.lax/lt1-libz.a' =>
> '/usr/coreutils/lib/libz.a': Cross-device link

This looks like a bad assumption on the part of libtool that a hard link is
possible. I don't know why it's try to do this in the first place.  Have you
tried updating libtool?  What configure options and environment variables are
you giving when this happens?


Re: Adding a new --option to the tool

2023-08-28 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 08:11:14PM +0300, Florents Tselai via curl-library 
> Is there any documentation / how to on the process I’d need to follow to add a
> new option to the tool ?
> Particularly the sequence of files / function / macros I’d need to 

There are lots of documentation in the docs/ directory, including general
development tips, contribution guidelines and something more specifically on
adding a new protocol, but I don't think there's something exactly on that.
What I would do is just search for a particular option in the code (--etag-save
is probably a good one because there shouldn't be many false positives) and
following the trail starting with what you find.

> Specifically I’m working on a new  - - warc-file flag which should be similar
> to —outputt or —etag-save .

I suggest bringing up a proposal to this list (or the curl tool list) to get 
feedback before spending too much time developing it if your goal is to push it
upstream. I personally think WARC a good idea but it would be a shame if after
finishing it you found pushback because it's not a good fit for the curl tool,
or were asked for major design changes because of reasons (like we'd prefer
WACZ instead, for example).

Re: Cirrus CI limiting free compute time

2023-08-22 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 04:06:17PM +0200, Jimmy Sjölund via curl-library wrote:
> Considering that Cirrus CI lists curl and use the logo on their first page

I didn't notice that before!  Usually, it's the companies that pay to show up
on the curl sponsors page. curl has become such a trusted brand that companies
now want to have it on their own pages!

> they might be open for some kind of sponsorship, if contacted?

I'm guessing if this were an option they would have reached out to us ahead of
time so I don't have high hopes, but it doesn't hurt to ask.


Cirrus CI limiting free compute time

2023-08-21 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
The curl Cirrus CI pages now link[1] to a notice that they're limiting their
free CI tier starting next week. The new limit will be "50 compute credits" per
month, which seems to buy us about 260 hours of compute time.  Unfortunately,
curl has been using about 6000 hours of compute time per month lately[2]. At
that rate, our free time will be used up on the first day.

They have an easy-to-use credit-card entry form for us to buy credits, but it
looks to me like that would cost us almost $3500 per month (presumably USD).

Another option is to rent one or more virtual servers somewhere and hook them up
to Cirrus CI for only $10 per month. To replace our current usage would require
at least 8 virtual servers, though, so still several hundred dollars per month.

Finally, we could migrate all but the FreeBSD jobs to one of the CI services
still offering a reasonable free tier (Azure and GHA). We can almost squeeze in
our FreeBSD builds within our the Cirrus CI monthly credits, and I'm not aware
of another CI service that offers FreeBSD servers, so that's probably the
cheapest way forward. But it probably means more latency and slower build
results as we load the other services even more.


[2] (must be logged in)


Re: NSS and gskit are getting the axe

2023-07-18 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Wed, Jul 19, 2023 at 12:30:02AM +0200, Patrick Monnerat via curl-library 
> No tests on OS400: would need perl among other features. These are available
> under PASE which is an AIX emulation, but certainly not native OS400.

If the tests won't even run there, then maybe you can convince our BDFL that a
simple compile test would be good enough. That could be self-contained on OS490
and trivially feed to the autobuilds ( but that
doesn't provide much visibility. It could also tie into another server that
does the GitHub interfacing to bring the results into the GitHub PR interface,
such as how Dagobert uses BuildBot to run Solaris builds (e.g.
You don't need to turn OS400 into a GitHub runner to accomplish this.


Re: Ajuda com instalação AutoGPT -Library não carrega

2023-07-08 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Sat, Jul 08, 2023 at 08:18:26PM +, Ligya Fernandes via curl-library 
> Desde já agradeço a ajuda, Dan! Você sabe onde eu posso encontrar uma
> biblioteca libcurl que seja compatível? Pode me indicar o local, por meio de 
> um
> link, se não for pedir muito?

My point is that you shouldn't have to find your own library. Whoever supplied
your git binary should have supplied the library, too.  You can find a bunch of
libraries at but it will be hard to find
which one is compatible with your git binary since some important compiler
flags need to be the same between the two.  I would try just reinstalling your
git rather than go this path.

Re: Ajuda com instalação AutoGPT -Library não carrega

2023-07-08 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Fri, Jul 07, 2023 at 08:21:33PM +, Ligya Fernandes via curl-library 
> Fatal: failed to load library "libcurl -4.dll

This is an indication that your git installation is corrupt. Whatever way you 
git should have also installed a compatible libcurl library.


Re: Goal: for every setopt, have at least one stand-alone example

2023-06-09 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Fri, Jun 09, 2023 at 10:35:45AM +0200, Daniel Stenberg via curl-library 
> The idea is simple: for every existing option we have to curl_easy_setopt(),
> there should be at least one full-size stand-alone example (in
> docs/examples/) showing how it could be used.

This would be really useful for some of the more complicated options that
interact with callbacks or other options in order to work properly. But does it
really add anything to have a standalone example for, e.g.
CURLOPT_FTP_USE_EPSV?  It's just a boolean that's either set or it isn't, and a
standalone example program doesn't show what effect it has or how it helps.

Every option's man page already has an "Example" section showing how to use
each option properly that can easily be cut and pasted into a program . I think
a bigger concern is that having all kinds of simple example programs cluttering
up docs/examples/ will make it harder to find the truly useful ones.


Re: Parallel curl tests

2023-06-08 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Thu, Jun 08, 2023 at 05:40:04PM +0200, Daniel Stenberg via curl-library 
> Just a few days ago, Dan Fandrich merged the necessary commits into master 
> that now lets us try out running the curl tests in parallel as compared to 
> the old serial way.

It's been a long road of refactoring the test suite to get here, but there are 
finally some visible benefits. The biggest remaining issues to fix before 
enabling it by default have to do with general test flakiness.  Running tests 
in parallel changes test timing significantly, so timing-related test failures 
now occur more often. I've made some improvements in this area recently that 
also benefit sequential tests (one of my recent PRs actually went 
green!) and there are more to come. Still, running tests on your local 
system should usually go fine, so try it out!

I'm also interested in finding out what the optimum number of test runners is, 
so if you experiment on your own system and find the number that reduces 
test times the most, let me know what it is and what CPU you're using 
and I'll use that data to set an optimum value when it's time to enable 
it by default.


Re: multi interface with hsts cache

2023-05-29 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Mon, May 29, 2023 at 11:41:04PM +0200, Przemysław Sobala via curl-library 
> If I understand the documentation correctly, the HSTS cache is applied to each
> curl easy handle and it's read and written on each easy handle open and close
> action.
> I'd like to use the in-memory cache as reading and writing a cache file on
> every easy handle is redundant in my opinion and can slow down my service.
> 1. How can I configure the in-memory cache for easy handles in Multi 
> Interface?

You're probably looking for the share interface:

Re: WebSocket custom port name as in JavaScript websockets

2023-05-25 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Thu, May 25, 2023 at 05:23:58PM +0200, Johny Bravo via curl-library wrote:
> I have tried websocket API, but I cannot get it working and receive message.
> If I use the ws in JavaScript, I have:
> var socket = new WebSocket( "wss://some_url", "example");
> However, I dont know, how to set "example" port in libCURL API. I have tried

It sounds like you're trying to use libcurl to talk to a browser. My
understanding is that this will never work, because WebSockets is for
peer-to-server communication and not peer-to-peer and libcurl provides only
a client WebSockets implementation, like a browser does.


Re: curl tests now use perl module

2023-05-17 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Wed, May 17, 2023 at 09:48:39AM +0200, Rainer Jung via curl-library wrote:
> I just wanted to note, that the test suite now uses the perl module
> That module is contained in the perl base package eg. for RHEL
> 7, but for RHEL 8 must be installed as perl-Memoize.

I had assumed this would be available everywhere in a base perl installation 
and therefore safe to use, especially since nobody complained until now.
Memoize just improves test performance and isn't critical, so if it's going to
cause issues it could be made optional. Are there any other perl distributions
that relegate it to a separate package?


Re: Progress meter always there

2023-04-19 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Wed, Apr 19, 2023 at 01:26:13PM +, Arnaud Compan via curl-library wrote:
> Is there a way to silence the internal progress meter ?

There's an opt for that: CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS

Re: Help using libcurl with HTTP proxy on Android device

2023-04-12 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 03:08:02PM -0700, David Castillo via curl-library wrote:
> What permissions does OpenSSL need to read the certificates?

I'm guessing the app would need the READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission.

Re: curl/openssl crash

2023-03-24 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Fri, Mar 24, 2023 at 05:45:18PM +, Philippe Lefebvre via curl-library 
> we are having some crashes when using CURL library. We are in mutltithreaded
> environment, and in these crashes mostly happend on heavy/loaded process (lots
> of data, lots of Get/Post requests).

The first question to ask in a case like this: have you read ?

Re: Parallel curl testing project

2023-03-23 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Thu, Mar 23, 2023 at 01:24:18PM -0400, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
> You can run particular self tests rather than the entire test suite.

The problem is, I'm changing the test suite itself so I need to run everything
to get a better chance of hitting the edge cases. Stefan is similarly working
on low-level connection code that affects most (if not all) of the protocols,
so he's doing the same. I particularly like the keyword method of choosing
tests when I can, so if I'm modifying the POP3 code, selecting test "POP3"
lets the test harness choose all the relevant tests for me instead of having to
think about it. But, if I'm working fixing a specific bug, giving a test number
is definitely the way to go.

Re: Parallel curl testing project

2023-03-23 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Thu, Mar 23, 2023 at 08:57:20AM +0100, Stefan Eissing wrote:
> very happy that you will work on this. I like to run the test suite locally 
> before a large push and the time it takes on my machine is around 10 minutes. 
> I'd very much appreciate that to go down!

I've been hit pretty hard with this myself lately as I've been working on
implementing this.  I've taken to having a window open that basically
continuously runs the test suite and when it fails, I look back to what I was
doing 10 minutes ago to figure out what went wrong. Surely, there's a better
way! ;-)

Re: On more stable curl releases

2023-03-22 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 04:10:32PM -0700, bch via curl-library wrote:
> This is a curl binary, or a release tarball

The daily tar balls are available at

> (how much processing *does* go on
> from a repo checkout -> curl-x.y.z.tar.gz?)?

I think it's just running autoreconf and maketgz. The latter does things like
updates make pages, creates the MSVC build files, generates the CHANGES file
and runs "make dist" to build the tar ball.

Parallel curl testing project

2023-03-22 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On the long road to 8.0.0, curl has taken on close to 1600 test cases 
[1] that help verify that it stays running correctly. These tests are 
one of the ways that curl stays operating reliably year after year, but 
the downside is that they can take an annoyingly long time to run.  
Normal test runs in the CI builds take between 6 and 25 minutes, and 
that's not including Valgrind or torture runs which take much longer 
than that. The test suite runs tests sequentially, so running them on a 
multi-core CPU makes hardly any difference to the run time.

Several CI services we rely on run builds sequentially, so it can take many 
hours between submitting a PR and seeing the final results. Developers 
working on their own machines are also slowed down when testing adds 10 
minutes to a edit-compile-run cycle. Speeding up a test run would make 
developers' lives that much better.

I looked into running tests in parallel a few years ago as a way to 
speed them up [2], but the testing infrastructure had various 
assumptions baked-in that would have required a commitment to do some 
major refactoring.  Since then, at least one of the hurdles has already 
been been overcome (running servers on random ports [3]) and the number 
of test cases being added keeps increasing. As CPUs advance more by 
increasing the number of cores rather than making each one faster, the 
test suite's serial nature is becoming more of a bottleneck that needs 
to be addressed.

I"m glad that I'm finally going to be able to tackle this problem. I'll 
be working on parallelizing the test suite over the next few weeks, 
funded by the curl project itself.  I've put together an outline of what I 
intend to do [4] and would welcome comments as I dive in. Commits 
will reference this issue [5] if you want to follow along.

Dan Fandrich


Re: On more stable curl releases

2023-03-22 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 09:17:48AM +0100, Daniel Stenberg via curl-library 
> So, how about this for adjusted release cycle and release management:
>  - Increase the post-release ("cool down") margin before we open the feature
>window. We currently have it 5 days, we could double it to 10 days. That
>would then reduce the feature window with the same amount of days leaving
>us with 18 days to merge features.
>  - Within the cool down period, we are only allowed to merge bug-fixes.
>  - Lower the bar for a patch-release. Even "less important" regressions should
>be considered reason enough to do follow-up releases. And if they are not
>reported within the cool down period, chances are they are not important
>  - After a follow-up release, we start over with a new cool down period of 10
>  - If we decide to do a patch release due to a regression, we set that release
>day N days into the future so that we can accumulate a few more fixes and
>get our ducks in order before we ship it. N is probably at least 7.

That looks pretty workable to me. The trick is going to be deciding when a
patch release is worthwhile. If we look at git now, 2 days after the last
release, there are already 7 commits. Two are CI adjustments (not
release-worthy), one fixes a problem introduced 9 years ago (not
release-worthy), one improves detection of bugs in debug builds (not
release-worthy) and one improves error detection in testing (not
release-worthy). So far it's pretty easy.

The last two changes fix compile problems in two platforms, OS/400 and Haiku.
Normally, I'd say that would be enough to trigger another release: users can't
build curl when they used to be able to, but these are super marginal
platforms. Are there even a dozen people out there compiling curl for them? If
the situation is such that we could send them all personal e-mails with the
patches then maybe it's not worth doing an entire new release. I really have no
idea how many people there are using this support, though. Haiku's official
curl package is only 6 releases old, so there's some development happening
there.  There have also been at least 5 people contributing to OS/400 support
over the last few years, so maybe it's more than a dozen.

Perhaps the answer will be clear in another 8 days.


Re: On more stable curl releases

2023-03-21 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library

On Tue, Mar 21, 2023 at 12:40:28PM -0400, Timothe Litt via curl-library wrote:

I expect that with frequent patch releases, curl would end up in the situation
of most M$ releases whose strategy is- "wait for the other people to find the
bugs and only take the nth patch release."  And with fewer users, the bugs
would take longer to turn up...which is a worsening spiral.

That's true, but it's no worse than the situation we have now.  I'm 
truly hoping that the big distros will continue releasing every version 
and not skip the regular releases or there's much less benefit to doing 
it this way.

To make a more frequent patch release scheme work, you'd need to find a group
of aggressive users/testers who'd find and report bugs early.   And be willing
to take the intermediate releases. 

It would be great if we can find more people to test pre-release curl 
versions, but my proposal essentially turns everyone who runs the 
regularly-scheduled release into such a tester, from a certain point of 
view.  Some projects that do infrequent release might post an rc1 and 
rc2 release to get wider testing before releasing the final version.  
curl, embracing the release early, release often mantra and with its 
fast pace of development, doesn't really need to do that.  Now, I'm 
deliberately mischaracterizing the proposal, but you could look at each 
regular .0 release as an rc1 and the patch release (if there is one) as 
the "real" release.  In our case we truly believe based on our tests 
that the .0 is production ready and not an RC, but stuff happen.

And if you can do that, you can also pull them into the regular release

The kind of things that usually seem to go wrong are the marginal 
features that take a large user base to find. I don't know if there 
would be enough users in the early testing pools to make a big 
difference. If we're only leaving the patch release window open for a 
week, there's also not much time for said testers to do their testing 
thing. Maybe we should label the daily snapshot one week before a 
scheduled release as "rc1" and promote it that way and see what happens?


Re: On more stable curl releases

2023-03-21 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library

On Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 12:10:56AM +0100, Daniel Stenberg wrote:
BTW, "regression" is just another word for "test coverage gap", since 
if we had tested the thing we would've detected the problem and the 
bug would not have been shipped. It is important that we learn from 
the regressions and improve the tests every time.

That's a good way of looking at it! On a related note, what's the 
current code coverage?  I haven't tried myself in a looong time, and 
there hasn't been a Coveralls build in 5 years.  That would be a great 
graph to see on  But with all the 
different build configurations it would be hard to get a single 
meaningful number out of it; maybe that's why it hasn't happened since 

I understand your thinking with your proposal, but I am scared of going that 
route: because either we need to do the patch release management in a 
separate branch, so that we can allow the main branch to merge features for 
the next feature release and then we get a huge test and maintenance 
challenge: meaning we need to do everything that in two branches. Gone are 
the days of simple git history.

My idea was to continue development in master as normal, but if 
something comes up that necessitates a point release, a point branch 
would be created and only the relevant commits would be cherry-picked 
from master into it.  There would be nothing new in such a branch so 
people wouldn't need to look at it to figure out development history.  
But, you're right, you wouldn't be able to just run git log and search 
for the point release tags any more. IIRC, there's at least one point 
release in curl's history like that already.

Or we don't do different branches because the testing would be too 
difficult to handle.

We can configure most (all?) of the CI services to run on specific 
branches, so we should be able to have testing happen automatically on 
point branches.  Worst case, someone would need to create a dummy PR 
before release, wait for the results then delete the PR. Not nice, but 
probably also not necessary.

like we would basically not merge lots of things into the master 
branch for several weeks after a release. Also not ideal.

That would definitely slow the pace of development too much.

I instead propose this much smaller and simpler change:

We lower the bar for doing follow-up patch releases for regressions reported 
already within the period between the release and the re-opening of the 
feature window. For such we can do another release again already within a 
week or two. It is usually good to not stress them too much since then we 
get the chance to also find and fix other issues in the patch release.

That might be enough of a change to improve things. It's a minimal tweak 
to the existing workflow but with the improvement that more people get 
to eventually benefit from the quiet period after a release.

I am a bit worried about the point Timothe brings up that if too many 
people (especially distributions) skip the regular releases and just 
wait for the point release, problems won't be found in time and people 
won't get a more stable point release. Still, that's really no worse 
than the place we're in now so it shouldn't stop us from trying.


On more stable curl releases

2023-03-21 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
I've been getting a feeling that there have been more curl functional 
regressions (compared to plain bugs) in releases over the last few years. I 
don't know if that's true or not, but the pace of bug fixes generally has been 
going up (see I'm splitting 
off regressions into a separate category of bugs since those directly fail 
curl's objective of allowing applications to upgrade and without 
noticing any negative change in behaviour. The remaining bugs genrally 
fix issues that existed for a long time which applications presumably 
hadn't hit yet, or aren't concerned about, or fix a problem created 
since the last release.

Some examples of regressions would be the crash that prompted yesterday's 8.0.1 
point release, the noproxy host matching bug #9842 (fixed in 7.86.0) and the 
wrong units bug in --write-out %{time_total} (fixed in 7.75.0). Of these 
three examples, one resulted in a point release while the other two did 

The problem with allowing regressions to live until the next scheduled release 
without fixing them is that as the number of such regressions goes up, 
the chances of everybody being able to upgrade to a scheduled release 
without a problem goes down. If there ends up being one regression in 
every release cycle then each curl release is no longer better than the 
last one because it's going break somebody's application. And the one 
after that is going to break something else.  There ends up being no 
release that that meets our goals for users (assuming such a goal is 
even possible).

curl probably isn't at that point yet, but I would hate for it to get 
there.  To try to see how things stand, I looked at three Linux 
distributions and counted the patches they added to curl over the past 
two years of releases.  These three distros, Fedora, Debian and Alpine, 
are widely used and have frequent curl releases, and typically upgrade 
to every new release, so I could get enough data points to be 
interesting.  I looked at patches between 7.75.0 (or 7.74.0 in one case 
that didn't ship 7.75.0) and 7.88.1. I only counted patches that seemed 
to be fixing curl functionality and ignored patches to do with the 
packaging process itself.

Fedora: released 18 curl versions in that time, of which 10 included 
functional patches: 56% were patched releases

Debian: released 11 curl versions in that time, of which 6 included 
functional patches: 55% were patched releases

Alpine: released 17 curl versions in that time, of which 4 included 
functional patches: 24% were patched releases

So, between all of them, 43% of their releases included patches that the 
distros felt could not wait until the next release to include.

To look at it another way, between tags 7.75.0 and 7.88.1 (17 versions 
of commits), 32 commits say "regression" in the comment, averaging 1.9 
regressions per release.

The document states the criteria needed to do an 
extraordinary release, but I think the bar should be lowered to include 
more regression fixes. For example, the noproxy bug did not get an out 
of band release, and we received bug reports about it for weeks (IIRC, 
somebody was asking even in the last week about Apple's release policy 
because they shipped the problematic version). I personally developed a 
script relying on %{time_total} on a distro that shipped 7.74.0 without 
realizing that version had the wrong time units. When I ran the script 
on another system with a newer curl, it mysteriously failed because of 

With an installation base of 1e+10 even a "minor" regression can still 
affect a huge number of people.  Not all users have a distro maintainer 
to curate patches and ensure they have a stable version.

I would like to see patch releases more often that include fixes that 
target regressions. That's easy for me to say since I'm not the one 
doing the work of making those extra releases, but that work could be 
reduced by increasing the time between scheduled releases from 8 weeks 
to perhaps 12 weeks. If we include a "soft" point release date 3-4 weeks 
after each main release date (maybe less if the main release contained a 
security fix) and half the time we use that date to do a point release 
(using the distributions' ratio of patching curl), both the average time 
between releases and the number of releases per year stays the same. So 
it's free! (Assuming cherry-picking commits is considered to be fun and 
not work...) "Release early, release often" can also relate to frequency 
of releases with respect to code churn and not just calendar time.

A point release would only contain regression fixes and other fixes 
deemed low risk. The idea would be that a curl .1 release is 
(practically) always strictly better than anything that preceded it so 
people can upgrade from a .0 release without thinking, and those who are 
looking to maximize stability can just wait for the .1 (or timeout 


Re: Drop support for building with mingw v1?

2023-03-02 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Thu, Mar 02, 2023 at 05:51:07PM +0100, Daniel Stenberg via curl-library 
> Today I fell into an issue with PR #10651 where everything builds fine,
> execpt on Windows with mingw v1.
> There's really nothing unusual with that while working on a PR, but this
> time it struck that I should at least ask the question:
> Can we drop support for building with mingw v1?

Is this from msys (not msys2)? The job configuration hints at it. My
understanding is that msys is well and truly obsolete and I doubt anyone would
notice if it were dropped. Additionally, it uses gcc 9.2 which is 4 years old
and no longer supported upstream. But, I'm far from a Windows toolchain subject


2023-02-20 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Tue, Feb 21, 2023 at 03:19:12AM +, Matthew Bobowski wrote:
> No cast is necessary.
> #define CURLAUTH_BEARER   (((unsigned long)1)<<6)

Ah, good. Many of the other contants (like CURLSSH_AUTH_* and CURLFTPAUTH_*)
*do* need that cast.


2023-02-20 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Tue, Feb 21, 2023 at 03:01:53AM +, Matthew Bobowski via curl-library 
> c = curl_easy_setopt(pCurl, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BEARER);

Don't forget to cast this to a long; this makes a difference in some


Re: Roadmap 2023 ? -- Enhance security of curl's release

2023-02-09 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Thu, Feb 09, 2023 at 05:14:12PM +0100, Daniel Stenberg via curl-library 
> On Thu, 9 Feb 2023, Diogo Sant'Anna via curl-library wrote:
> > Checking, it seems the
> > project's release is still managed manually. Have you considered
> > migrating it to an automated release — e.g., through GitHub Actions,
> > Google Cloud Build, or any other hosted build environment? This would
> > protect against human error and potentially building with incorrect
> > dependencies.
> Not the strongest argument. I have made 212 curl releases to date. Not once
> have I made a mistake like that in a release. Probably because I make
> releases with the same machine and environment I use to build and develop
> curl on.

The other point to consider is that a "curl release" is not much more than
packaging the source code that's in git into a tar ball. It doesn't involve
gathering multiple library dependencies, compiling against them, then building
an installer that includes all the above, so there is not a lot that can go
wrong. Fully automating the signing step is especially tricky in order to to
maintain an adequate level of security.  You can read about the release
procedure in docs/

That said, there is these days a Windows binary that's released in parallel
with the source code that does involve at least some of those steps, and I
don't know the details of how it's generated. It's certainly not done manually,
even if it might be triggered manually.


Re: Close sockets asynchronously when using libdispatch (GCD)

2023-01-31 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Tue, Jan 31, 2023 at 09:58:13AM +0100, Frederik Seiffert wrote:
> Could you please explain what you mean by "compiling with a different 
> resolver"? I didn’t see any build options like that. Do you maybe mean 
> building with "CURL_DISABLE_SOCKETPAIR"?

I mean using the --disable-threaded-resolver or --enable-ares configure options
(or whatever the cmake equivalent is) to use a different DNS resolver. I
thought that it was only the default threaded resolver that used a socketpair,
but in looking through the code it seems that curL_multi_poll() also uses it so
that function would need to be avoided to avoid its use.

Re: Close sockets asynchronously when using libdispatch (GCD)

2023-01-20 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Fri, Jan 20, 2023 at 11:52:41AM +0100, Frederik Seiffert wrote:
> Unfortunately it seems that in some cases when using multi handles this "close
> socket function" is not being used, so I don’t think this approach would fully
> work atm:
> asyn-thread.c#L409-L410

That's a special case, but an interesting one. I'm not sure if that use
overlooked the socket callback functions, or if it was added with the idea
being that since the socket isn't used for data transfer, it doesn't need to
use the callbacks. In any case, you can easily stop use of that socket by
compiling with a different resolver.

> Would the multi handle API also need open/close functions to be added in order
> for this to be supported? Sorry I’m not familiar with how sockets are being
> used between easy and multi handles.

The multi handle consists of a bunch of easy handles and the multi handles
doesn't have sockets of its own. It will sometimes share sockets between the
easy handles under its umbrella, though (at least, I'm not aware of any
exceptions to this).


Re: HTTP/2 PING : how can execute curl_easy_perform function only to connect to the server side

2023-01-18 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
Are you looking for CURLOPT_CONNECT_ONLY?

Re: Close sockets asynchronously when using libdispatch (GCD)

2023-01-16 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Mon, Jan 16, 2023 at 04:30:48PM +0100, Frederik Seiffert via curl-library 
> When receiving CURL_POLL_REMOVE, I call dispatch_source_cancel() [2] to stop 
> the dispatch source. As this is done asynchronously, it is required to wait 
> for the cancellation handler before closing the socket according to the 
> documentation:
> > The cancellation handler is submitted to the source's target queue when the 
> > source's event handler has finished, indicating that it is safe to close 
> > the source's handle (file descriptor or mach port).
> However libcurl closes the socket immediately after calling the socket 
> function, and at least on Windows this causes GCD to sometimes crash because 
> WSAEventSelect() returns WSAENOTSOCK ("Socket operation on nonsocket") here: 
> [3].
> Does anyone have a suggestion as to how to work around this? The only thing I 
> can think of is to use CURLOPT_CLOSESOCKETFUNCTION and wait for the 
> cancellation handler before closing the socket. Would this be the recommended 
> approach? I’m fairly new to this topic, so I might be missing something 
> obvious.

IMHO, that sounds like a good approach. curl assumes POSIX semantics on sockets
which allow them to be closed at any time. If your environment doesn't allow
that, then hooking in to CURLOPT_CLOSESOCKETFUNCTION sounds like a good way
to maintain those semantics.

> I found that building libcurl with "CURL_DISABLE_SOCKETPAIR" fixes most these 
> crashes, but this seems like a poor workaround and some crashes remain.

I agree. That option just stops one source of socket closes, but others will


Re: Accidental debug-enabled version

2023-01-11 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Wed, Jan 11, 2023 at 02:24:57PM +0100, Daniel Stenberg via curl-library 
> Like this:
> $ curl -V
> WARNING: this libcurl is Debug-enabled, do not use in production

Writing the same thing as the first line of -v output would double the chance
it's actually seen.

Re: Time to deprecate gskit

2023-01-06 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Fri, Jan 06, 2023 at 01:44:48PM -0400, Calvin Buckley via curl-library wrote:
>   - I have capacity on a shared system intended for open source 
>   development. I should be able to set up some kind of CI runner here.  
>   The very annoying part is Go isn't supported (bar an experimental  
>   port of 1.16), so the stock GH Actions runner et al is likely to 
>   cause trouble. I know Jenkins' runner works fine.

It might be easier to integrate this into the autobuilds at  There are Solaris and NetBSD builds by 
third parties going on there right now (among others). But, they're not 
integrated into pull requests and you have to manually go looking there 
for failures after a merge, so it's not a great substitute. It's better 
than no builds at all, though.


Re: verbose Log from libcurl to a file

2022-12-30 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Fri, Dec 30, 2022 at 05:24:46PM +, Samantray Bhuyan, Madhusudan (GE 
Digital) via curl-library wrote:
> How to I redirect libcurl verbose output to a log file . I found https://
> getting-verbose-information-from-libcurl-to-a-file but the log file is empty
> for me.
> Using curl 7.79.1 on windows

Are you compiling libcurl yourself or are you using a pre-built DLL? As I
recall, Windows has a problem when using stdio when two different CRTs are
involved, one for libcurl and one for your application. The two versions may
have incompatible structures, so creating a FILE* in your application with one
CRT and passing it to libcurl that uses it with another might not work.

If you don't want to compile your own libcurl, then you'll probably have to
install your own CURLOPT_DEBUGFUNCTION so you have complete control over which
functions are used to write to the log file.


Re: option to disallow IDN ?

2022-12-16 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Fri, Dec 16, 2022 at 01:18:12PM -0500, Timothe Litt via curl-library wrote:
> And/or the callback registration could specify "all domain names", "Just IDN" 
> -

The browsers (at least Firefox) do something subtle but pretty useful for
avoiding spoofing.  Based on the name registration policies of the TLD being
used, they either show the IDN as expected in the URL bar, or just show the
ugly punycode version of the name. TLDs with policies that forbid names that
could lead to confusion (homographic attacks) get the desired behaviour (of
seeing the IDN name) but those without policies, or with policies that could
lead to confusion get the punycode version, making it obvious that some
spoofing may have gone on to get you to that web page. Mozilla's original
policy can be seen here:

They've amended that policy since to allow displaying IDN in some cases even on
those TLDs with bad or nonexistent policies. This only happens if all the
characters in the TLD come from the same script. If a TLD mixes, for example,
Cyrillic and Latin characters, it's displayed as punycode, but all Cyrillic is
shown in all its UNICODE glory. The idea is that people (who can read that
script) will recognize the different characters within that script and be able
to tell them apart, and there won't be any mixing of similar-looking characters
within a single domain name. That policy can be seen at

Lots of thought has been given to this problem already (Mozilla seems to have
implemented the first policy 17 years ago), and curl could take advantage of
that. But, since it's not a browser it can't use the same means of notifying
the user (displaying punycode in the URL bar), but some viable alternatives
to that have already been brought up here.


Re: credentials in memory

2022-11-19 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Fri, Sep 30, 2022 at 09:43:39AM +0200, Daniel Stenberg via curl-library 
> libcurl hold credentials (passwords for servers and proxies) in memory in
> clear text, potentially for a long time. If something goes wrong and that
> memory is accessed by an external party, things would be bad.
> Is it worth doing something about?

It's important to define what exactly the threat is we want to protect against. 
These are the main ones I can think of:

1. local attackers with access to the process & its memory
2. local attackers with access to memory, core dumps, swap space or hibernation
3. remote attackers tricking curl into returning secrets from memory (via a
Heartbleed-style attack or by returning uninitialized stack or heap space, for

In the 1. case, if an attacker can access the process' resources and memory,
there's not much left to protect. If the attacker has the same rights as the
process, then everything that curl can access, including passwords, the
attacker can, too. Even if secrets are encrypted, the attacker has access to
the same decryption keys as the real process so he can just decrypt them. I
don't see any way to protect against this in the general case.

However, if the attacker somehow only has access to the memory and not the rest
of the process' assets (case 2.), then use of a hardware security device can 
protect the
keys from directly being stolen, But, there will be some times that curl needs
the raw secrets in order to pass them to other dependencies or write them into
buffers, and when they're in memory, the attacker can still get them. And if
they're in memory, then can end up on disk in a core or hibernation file where
the attacker can read them.

The 3. case is the most interesting one that this proposal could help mitigate.
A Heartbleed-style bug that gives arbitrary memory to an attacker could return
memory containing a secret. If secrets are not stored in plaintext in RAM, then
it becomes much harder to obtain those secrets. But it's still not perfect.

Here are some possible mitigations we could implement in curl:

1. Clearing secrets with memset once their need is over. If the secrets are
out of RAM, they won't end up in core files, swap files or process debuggers.
However, curl needs some secrets for the entire lifetime of the process (e.g.
proxy credentials) so it can't clear all of them all the time. Also, curl needs
them in RAM for a short time to use them before they're cleared, so an attacker
could just grab them at that time.

2. Creating a random session key at startup and encrypting secrets as soon as
possible using that key. This suffers from the same problem mentioned before,
in that the secrets have to be decrypted to use them, even if only for a short
time. Also, encrypting many secrets using the same key makes it easier for an
attacker to guess that key. So, a Heartbleed-style attack that is able to
obtain many encrypted secrets could still obtain the decryption key.

3. Creating a new random key for each secret. This avoids the key reuse problem
in mitigation 2. by creating a new, random key for each and every new secret
that needs to be protected. The overhead is greater but it's more secure.
However, those random keys are still stored in RAM so a Heartbleed-style attack
that obtains the encrypted secrets might at some point also obtain the
decryption keys as well, exposing those secrets.

4. Storing the random keys from 3. in a hardware security module. This avoids
the possibility that the attacker might obtain the decryption keys by storing
them in an HSM. Unfortunately, curl still needs to decrypt them eventually and
they'll be in RAM for at a least a short time while that happens, during which
time they're still subject to being obtained by an attacker.

So, no matter how much we are able to protect those keys, they'll still be
vulnerable to an attacker. All we can do is reduce the time that they're
vulnerable, which just increases the time an attacker needs to get them, not
whether or not they *can* get them. Still, reducing the time could turn a
practical, but slow, attack into an impractical one.

And, unless applications do the same that curl does, these mitigations are of
limited use since the application itself becomes the weak link in the chain.
But, if libcurl does something then we can at least point our fingers elsewhere
if the application doesn't take the same amount of care.

We also need to consider the costs of implementing a solution: implementation
costs, maintenance costs, increased difficulty in debugging, performance
degradation, portability, etc.

This isn't my area of expertise, and I'm sure there have been many PhDs
theses written on exactly what I'm speculating about above. It's a complicated
topic, and we should have a clear idea of the benefits of retrofitting some
kind of protection into curl before doing it.


Re: Slow Performance with libcurl when changing Ip Address

2022-11-01 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library

On Tue, Nov 01, 2022 at 08:42:45PM +0800, frankfreak via curl-library wrote:

curl 7.70.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.29.0 NSS/3.53.1 zlib/1.2.7 libidn/
1.28 libssh2/1.8.0

You're using mismatched versions—an over 2-year-old CLI (ver. 7.70.0) with an 
almost 10-year-old library (ver. 7.29.0). While that should technically 
work, you're going to find it hard to find someone willing to help 
debugging that combination here. Try using the latest version (ver. 
7.86.0) and ask again if there are still problems.


Re: [RELEASE] curl 7.86.0

2022-10-26 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 10:26:40AM -0400, Randall via curl-library wrote:
> If we build under 64-bit, which is scheduled later in the
> year, then there is no need to override the defaults. Do you want a PR for
> this?

Keep in mind that this will cause an ABI break on this platform.


2022-10-17 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Mon, Oct 17, 2022 at 04:34:05PM +0200, Daniel Stenberg via curl-library 
> On Mon, 17 Oct 2022, Timothe Litt via curl-library wrote:
> > > My initial PR for this work:
> > > 
> > Why change the default behavior?
> For improved privacy. Because the browsers sort of do it like this.

I agree with Timothe that this doesn't seem worthwhile breaking backward
compatibility. I discovered only recently that browsers have changed their
behaviour in this area when a site that was depending on receiving the full URL
broke.  If someone is going to the trouble of enabling this option, then
they're doing so for a good reason and there's a reasonable chance they need
the full URL. I'm all for adding an option to add the host-only behaviour as an
option, but not to make it the default. I could probably be convinced to change
it in curl 8 when there's an expectation of some changes in behaviour.


Re: Undefined reference of a new libcurl function

2022-10-13 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Thu, Oct 13, 2022 at 08:46:20AM +, Arnaud Compan via curl-library wrote:
> In details, I've added the function in lib/multi.c:
>   void my_test(struct Curl_easy *data)
>   {
>   }
> And in include/curl/multi.h:
>   CURL_EXTERN void my_test(CURL *curl_handle);

The function signatures do not match. This will cause a problem with some
compilers. Try making the arguments in both cases the same type.

Re: App fails when rebuilt with newer library, but only when MTU is small

2022-09-29 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Thu, Sep 29, 2022 at 09:58:58PM +, Mark Fanara wrote:
>> Some servers have an issue with 100-continue, and I don't recall which 
>> version
>> of libcurl enabled it by default. You could try disabling it and see what
>> happens. It theoretically shouldn't have anything to do with MTU, though.
>> What happens in this case when the MTU is greater? How do the client and 
>> server
>> handle this 100-continue?
> I don't know how to disable it. Change the timeout to 0ms ?

It's a FAQ:

> When the MTU is larger, the TLS packet sequence continues

This seems unlikely to me to be a curl issue. It sounds more likely to be
something lower in the networking stack that's interfering. Try using Wireshark
to sniff the traffic to see if the short application data packets are getting
through, and if they are, if they're being acked.


Re: App fails when rebuilt with newer library, but only when MTU is small

2022-09-29 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Thu, Sep 29, 2022 at 08:05:00PM +, Mark Fanara wrote:
> Sorry if my response is not per best practices as far as formatting goes. I 
> will respond to a number of your questions here rather than inline.


> As to MTU - I of course can't increase the MTU on the fielded system, so I 
> have a test system that does not include the wireless link. I have a wired 
> router in place of the wireless router. I have set the MTU of the outside 
> interface to value matching the wireless router. When I do that, the file is 
> not sent. When I simply change the MTU back to default 1500, all works fine. 
> I can use this setup with and old client/sending device and it works 
> regardless of MTU.

Ok, it sounds like you're pretty confident that MTU is the issue. Did the old
OS use the same MTU?

> *  SSL certificate verify result: unable to get local issuer certificate 
> (20), continuing anyway.

I assume you're deliberately not verifying certificates to get around this
issue, but it's bad for security.

> Expect: 100-continue
> * Expire in 1 ms for 0 (transfer 0x10823a80)    I changed this value 
> from 1000ms to 1ms to see if it made any difference
> * Done waiting for 100-continue

Some servers have an issue with 100-continue, and I don't recall which version
of libcurl enabled it by default. You could try disabling it and see what
happens. It theoretically shouldn't have anything to do with MTU, though.
What happens in this case when the MTU is greater? How do the client and server
handle this 100-continue?

> * OpenSSL SSL_read: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL, errno 104
> * Closing connection 0
> libcurl: (56) ERROR : OpenSSL SSL_read: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL, errno 104

errno 104 is ECONNRESET "Connection reset by peer", which makes it look like
the server is closing the connection while waiting for the rest of the message
after the 100-continue. I might have though it could be bad timing on a slow
wireless link, except that you tried changing that timeout without a difference
in behaviour.

It just occurred to me that the 564 byte MTU your link has is less than the
RFC 791 specified minimum 576 byte datagrams for IPv4. But, that is after
reassembly, and 564 bytes is more than the 68 byte minimum datagram size, so
you should actually be OK here. But, it's possible something is in the path
that assumes 576 byte minimums and is improperly messing things up.


Re: App fails when rebuilt with newer library, but only when MTU is small

2022-09-29 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Thu, Sep 29, 2022 at 01:58:23PM +, Mark Fanara via curl-library wrote:
> Recently the device vendor updated the OS image to Debian Buster. 

The subject of this message doesn't match this line. If it's an OS upgrade that
happened, then it's much more than just a newer libcurl that's changed. In
effect, absolutely everything other than the hardware (and possibly your
application) has changed, including the OS, drivers, configuration files, libc,
libcurl as well as every other library in the system. Figuring out which of
those actually made things stop working is your challenge.

> After rebuilding the application, it is no longer able to push the data to
> the endpoint

How is it no longer able? What are the symptoms? Is it a client issue? Server
issue? What is failing and how?

> If I increase the MTU (bypass the wireless link), the push is completed.

Bypassing the wireless link sounds like it would cause a lot more changes than
just altering the MTU. How do you know that the MTU is the part that matters?
Have you tried lowering the MTU on the working networking transport to see if
it stops working in the same way?

> - Upgrading to newest libcurl is not feasible because of reported library 
> dependencies. i.e. newer version is dependent upon newer version of libc 
> which I am unable to update.

You can compile a recent libcurl very easily and link your application against
that.  Even if you decide not to release it that way, it can give you valuable
data for testing. There have been 2481 bug fixes in curl since 7.68.0, after

> Are there any known changes to libcurl (or other dependent libraries) that 
> would be MTU sensitive? 

There were 2503 bug fixes and 162 other changes between versions 7.38.0
and version 7.64.0.  libcurl's dependencies are likely similarly changed. You
are welcome to check yourself if any of those are relevant in your case.

> Any suggestions on where to go from here?

I'd first figure out what exactly is causing the push to fail. Is the
application getting an error code? Is it getting a remote server failure code?
Is it timing out? That will help drive following steps. Next, enable libcurl
logging to see if something useful is coming out of that. It's probably also
worthwhile trying to run the old application (linked to the old libraries) on
the new system. Copy the binary and all the necessary libraries to a directory
on the new system and run the binary using LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point it to the
old libraries. This isn't failsafe, since the old libraries will be reading
configuration files intended for newer versions, but there's a good chance
they'll be compatible enough to run, and it's easy to try.


Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Feature request: provide ability to set a global callback function telling libcurl if IPv6 works on the system

2022-09-23 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Thu, Sep 22, 2022 at 11:48:58PM +, Dmitry Karpov via curl-library wrote:
> And for me the biggest problem is that I just can't change the code of 
> certain curl-based components used in my application.
> They are written by some other developers and closed for any modifications.

That is what I suspected, and it's why I described the underlying issue as a
"software engineering" one. 


Re: C99

2022-09-23 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Thu, Sep 22, 2022 at 10:02:04AM -0500, Kevin R. Bulgrien via curl-library 
> By advocating for "our responsibility" to avoid backwards compatibility
> because it "promotes irresponsibility", comes off to some of us as, well,
> so sad to be you, a responsible person, because we are going to rip away
> your ability to be responsible, because we despise the actions of others
> and because it makes our lives easier.  Mind you, having done these hard
> things, I appreciate making lives easier, but I also greatly appreciate
> the additional effort by others to make my life easier too.

I'm glad that my C89 fixes to curl (as well as those of countless other
contributors) have helped over the years, as they also helped me, but it's not
the 20th century any more.  Sorry, you're not entitled to a free program that
meets your every need indefinitely into the future.  Most curl developers do
this work on curl not because they have to, but because they want to. 24 years
ago, they wanted to (perhaps by default) maintain compatibility with a 9 year
old language standard. Today, there are fewer who want to maintain
compatibility with a 33 year old language.

> So essentially, if I follow the logic here, I am actually, an irresponsible
> person because I have empowered someone to continue to run an old system -
> as if I was irresponsible myself, even though, by doing what I am, there
> has been a reduction in potential negative impact of a decision I have no
> ultimate control  over.  So, yeah, I don't want any part of that kind of
> thinking.  I actually doubt that is what was intended, but that is how it
> reads.

If an ancient system you're working, despite the hard effort you're putting in
to make it secure, gets hacked, added to a botnet then DDoSes one of my
servers, then yes, you bear a part of the responsibility for allowing that
foreseeable result to happen. I maintain it's impossible to harden a ancient,
closed-source system to make it impervious to attack. It's awfully hard to do
so in a modern, open-source system, but you can at least get a lot closer, a
lot easier. And arguing that you're only following the orders of your employer
to do so doesn't absolve you.

But, this isn't the only or even the main reason to drop C89 support. Please
don't fixate on it.

> Please don't accuse someone that
> patched libssh2, openssl 3.0.3, submitted patches to curl, and made this
> thing, of actually being irresponsible for doing so without first engaging
> at a level that can help you see what kind of person I actually am and what
> I actually do with respect to placing pressure toward or away from good.

I don't know you I don't recall looking at your patches, and I'm not passing
judgement on you or your code. Clearly, you've considered some of the risks of
maintaining legacy systems on the Internet already.  My main point is that
there's comes a time to raise the bar for the minimal system that a modern curl
needs to run on and that making extra effort to help the few legacy legacy
systems out there is no longer worthwhile.


Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Feature request: provide ability to set a global callback function telling libcurl if IPv6 works on the system

2022-09-21 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Wed, Sep 21, 2022 at 06:21:08PM -0700, Dan Fandrich wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 22, 2022 at 12:24:57AM +, Dmitry Karpov via curl-library 
> wrote:
> >  > If Curl_ipv6works() were not called in the CURL_IPRESOLVE_V6 case, would
> >  > that solve the issues that are remaining?
> > 
> > Your question was:
> > "So, if libcurl eliminated that call in the CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4 case, would 
> > it fix your problem?"
> That was my previous question. The question above refers to CURL_IPRESOLVE_V6.
> > YES, adding a callback doesn't fix anything on its own. But it allows curl 
> > applications to work around problems/regressions caused by default 
> > Curl_ipv6works() behavior.
> I'm betting that this problem can be fixed without adding a new callback,
> especially one that goes against the way libcurl works, namely that callbacks
> are used to change behaviour during a transfer.

You also didn't answer this question:

> Since you're calling it a regression, then where did that regression occur? 
> Was
> it in libcurl or in the kernel? Maybe this problem needs to be solved
> elsewhere.

Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Feature request: provide ability to set a global callback function telling libcurl if IPv6 works on the system

2022-09-21 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Thu, Sep 22, 2022 at 12:24:57AM +, Dmitry Karpov via curl-library wrote:
>  > If Curl_ipv6works() were not called in the CURL_IPRESOLVE_V6 case, would
>  > that solve the issues that are remaining?
> Your question was:
> "So, if libcurl eliminated that call in the CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4 case, would it 
> fix your problem?"

That was my previous question. The question above refers to CURL_IPRESOLVE_V6.

> YES, adding a callback doesn't fix anything on its own. But it allows curl 
> applications to work around problems/regressions caused by default 
> Curl_ipv6works() behavior.

I'm betting that this problem can be fixed without adding a new callback,
especially one that goes against the way libcurl works, namely that callbacks
are used to change behaviour during a transfer.


Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Feature request: provide ability to set a global callback function telling libcurl if IPv6 works on the system

2022-09-21 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Wed, Sep 21, 2022 at 10:46:45PM +, Dmitry Karpov via curl-library wrote:
> I think that my proposal will provide useful customization for dual-stack 
> curl applications, and I am not sure that I fully understand your objections 
> like " It might in your situation, but it wouldn't in everybody else's.".

My point is that adding a callback doesn't fix anything on its own. An
application would need to add a function to be called back, and so far, your
application is the only one that would currently use it. I suspect there is a
better way to solve this issue.  For example, you didn't answer this question
from my last message:

  If Curl_ipv6works() were not called in the CURL_IPRESOLVE_V6 case, would
  that solve the issues that are remaining?

Since you're calling it a regression, then where did that regression occur? Was
it in libcurl or in the kernel? Maybe this problem needs to be solved


Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Feature request: provide ability to set a global callback function telling libcurl if IPv6 works on the system

2022-09-21 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Wed, Sep 21, 2022 at 08:19:46PM +, Dmitry Karpov via curl-library wrote:
> Daniel's PR fixed the issue only for CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4, but not for 
> use Curl_ipv6works() and thus face regressions.

I find many of your messages too vague, and I can't tell any more what 
exactly are the specific problems that you're still having.  They're 
using terms like "regressions" and "problem" but I can't tell any more 
if you're referring to the 30 msec delay during Curl_ipv6works() or if 
there are other issues you're seeing.  Is that what you're referring to 
in all cases?

> Before Daniel's PR, the problem was for all three resolve modes:
> After his PR, the problem remains for two modes:

If Curl_ipv6works() were not called in the CURL_IPRESOLVE_V6 case, would 
that solve the issues that are remaining?

> My proposal, in addition to Daniel's PR allows to close the gap and avoid 
> connection regressions for all three modes.

It might in your situation, but it wouldn't in everybody else's.


Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Feature request: provide ability to set a global callback function telling libcurl if IPv6 works on the system

2022-09-21 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Wed, Sep 21, 2022 at 07:40:10PM +, Dmitry Karpov via curl-library wrote:
> Yes, doing things "lazily" in Daniel's PR fixes the problem for explicit 
> CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4, which will not call Curl_ipv6works() anymore.
> But the problem is still there for the CURL_IPRESOLVE_WHATEVER, which is the 
> default value for the CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE option.

I'm clearly missing something. If Daniel's PR fixes the issue by setting
CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4, then why not just set CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4 when needed?  Why do
you feel an additional callback mechanism is still needed?


Re: C99

2022-09-21 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library

On Wed, Sep 21, 2022 at 11:50:50AM -0700, Ben Greear via curl-library wrote:

My opinion is to stay conservative, for those wanting/required to build recent 
curl on ancient
systems with old compilers...

This certainly makes life easier for people who are forced to use 
ancient systems, but it doesn't come for free. curl developers are then 
stuck in a time warp from 33 years ago, a time when 79% of adults alive 
today weren't even born.  None of the improvements in the language made 
in the subsequent one-third century are available to us to improve the 
development experience.

Kevin's message highlights another issue; even if curl can be built on a 
21-year-old compiler, lots of other packages can't. And in the world of 
the Internet of 2022, you can't rely on older packages because of 
security concerns. So, what's the point of begin able to compile the 
latest curl to get its security fixes when you're forced to use an 
outdated TLS library riddled with security issues, or run on a kernel 
that has been broken a dozen times over, or use a libc full of security 

Moving to C18 (or C23) right now isn't on the table, since it does take 
a while for toolchains to get that support. But, at some point we're 
going to have to say that if people want the benefits of the latest 
curl, they're going to have to use a compiler made in the same 
millennium. One could go so far as to argue that keeping C89 
compatibility is irresponsibly encouraging users to stick with outdated 
dependencies with security issues and is therefore harmful to the 
Internet as a whole.

I could actually go back and rewrite this e-mail to replace C89 with C99 
and make pretty close to the same arguments. C99 will be just a few 
months shy of a quarter century old by the time this proposal would kick 
in next year. Maybe the proposal should really be to switch directly to 
C11 (instead of C99), since it will already be 12 years old by the time 
of curl 8.0. That's probably too aggressive, though, since there are 
companies around today back-porting security fixes into software nearly 
that old, so it's harder to make the irresponsibility argument for that 


Re: Feature request: provide ability to set a global callback function telling libcurl if IPv6 works on the system

2022-09-20 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Tue, Sep 20, 2022 at 11:49:08PM +, Dmitry Karpov via curl-library wrote:
> No matter how difficult it is (and maybe not always possible) to do it in 
> multiple places, setting IP_RESOLVE option doesn't solve the problem which I 
> am trying to resolve via this proposal.

How doesn't setting CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE fix this? Is it because Curl_ipv6works()
is being called somewhere anyway, and it adds a 30 msec delay? So, if libcurl
eliminated that call in the CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4 case, would it fix your problem?

Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Feature request: provide ability to set a global callback function telling libcurl if IPv6 works on the system

2022-09-20 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Tue, Sep 20, 2022 at 08:28:10PM +, Dmitry Karpov wrote:
> Yes, I want to use dual-stack in general. That's why my application has 
> numerous components which use CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE = AUTO.
> But if IPv6 doesn't work on a "system level", I want my curl code to be as 
> fast as "IPv4 only" resolve mode without changing anything in my code - like 
> doing detection that IPv6 doesn't work and modifying IP resolve mode in all 
> the places where I create and set an easy handle (that's your suggestion as I 
> understood it).

I still haven't seen any reason this needs to be a callback, besides that it's
easier to integrate into your program. If you insist on this being a callback,
then you can just call it yourself by changing your code from using
curl_easy_init() everywhere to using dmitry_curl_easy_init():

CURL *dmitry_curl_easy_init(void) {
  CURL *c=curl_easy_init();
  return c;

libcurl doesn't need a new callback mechanism to do this.


Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Feature request: provide ability to set a global callback function telling libcurl if IPv6 works on the system

2022-09-20 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library

On Tue, Sep 20, 2022 at 07:24:42PM +, Dmitry Karpov wrote:
Not necessarily. 
If we have a bunch of applications on the system with large codebases which use CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE = AUTO in too many places, then all these places should detect somehow that "IPv6 doesn't work" and change the resolve mode to IPv4. It is just not always feasible or desirable.

The "curl_global_init_ipv6() with callback" solves this problem very easily and cleanly - 
as just one global callback can instantly tell all multi handles created in the application that 
"IPv6 doesn't work" and let them all fall back to IPv4.

I don't see your argument. Either you want IPv6 for a connection or you don't. 
Just set the right value using curl_easy_getopt() before you call perform. A 
callback is only useful if the application needs to change something while a 
transfer is ongoing, which isn't the case for this option.


Re: Feature request: provide ability to set a global callback function telling libcurl if IPv6 works on the system

2022-09-20 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Tue, Sep 20, 2022 at 06:58:31PM +, Dmitry Karpov via curl-library wrote:
> To cover such a range of cases, curl application needs a more flexible 
> approach for detection whether IPv6 works on the "system level".
> And I guess the "curl_global_init_ipv6() with callback" provides such 
> flexibility and allows to satisfy a wide range of application-specific needs.

Without discussing of the merits of such an idea, a callback function doesn't
seem like the right way to configure this in libcurl. An option like
CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE seems like a much cleaner solution.


Re: Above and beyond 32 protocols

2022-09-19 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Sat, Sep 10, 2022 at 01:44:42PM +0200, Patrick Monnerat via curl-library 
> - Drop support for non-64bit curl_off_t.

FWIW, shows that all 
Debian-supported architectures (and I count 30 of those) have a 64-bit 
long long type. That means dropping support for 32-bit only 
architectures might actually be viable. The Debian list isn't 
comprehensive, so there might other architectures out there that don't 
define a 64-bit type (seems unlikely), but there are definitely older 
compilers out there without 64-bit types.

If the decision is to drop 32-bit only compilers/architectures, then it 
probably makes sense to drop C89 compatibility at the same time. I 
suspect that the intersection of C99 compilers and compilers without a 
64-bit type is pretty close to ø, although technically, C99 doesn't 
mandate the existence a 64-bit type.


Re: [RELEASE] curl 7.85.0

2022-09-07 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Wed, Sep 07, 2022 at 05:19:36PM -0400, Dennis Clarke via curl-library wrote:
> So I am guessing that there is a way for me to re-run test 831 in verbose
> detail.

The most straightforward for an in-tree build is:

  cd tests
  ./ -a -n -p -v -d 831 834 877 880 933 936 2023 2024 2026 2027

Re: curl-7.85.0 fails test 831 on Solaris 11.3 SPARCv9

2022-09-07 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library

On Wed, Sep 07, 2022 at 07:28:32PM -0400, Dennis Clarke via curl-library wrote:

The LD_PRELOAD borks things up badly :

/usr/xpg4/bin/sed -e 's/foo/bar/' sed: fatal: 
wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64 is built as part of the test suite and not as part of the rest 
of curl, and it sounds like it's not being built appropriately for the host. 
Can you take a look at the logs to see what the difference is? I would try 
configuring without the --build and --target options.


Re: [RELEASE] curl 7.85.0

2022-09-06 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library

On Tue, Sep 06, 2022 at 11:57:24PM -0400, Dennis Clarke via curl-library wrote:

TESTFAIL: These test cases failed: 831 834 877 880 933 936 2023 2024 2026

So not sure how to proceed. In the past I was generally able to get a
fantastic clean results from curl.

So then ... how to proceed here ?

If you run the tests using the -p and/or -v options, you'll get much more 
detailed information about why each test is failing.


Re: About a websockets write callback

2022-06-17 Thread Dan Fandrich via curl-library
On Fri, Jun 17, 2022 at 01:39:00PM +0200, Daniel Stenberg via curl-library 
> I would like to provide websockets data with the CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION
> callback as well. But how would libcurl provide the additional necessary
> metadata?

I'm admittedly not very familiar with websockets, but would it make sense to
move the abstraction up a layer? In other words, giving each web socket its own
easy handle with its own set of websocket parameters. The different easy handles
would be tied to a single web socket transport via a multi handle with curl
handling the multiplexing of websocket data onto a single transport. That way
no extra data would need to be sent in each write callback; any such data would
instead be tied to the easy handle. I don't know how often things like opcode
would need to be changed, but they could be set on the appropriate handle using
curl_easy_setopt whenever necessary.


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