vim / cream

2003-12-27 Thread Bruce Ingalls
Some members of this list expressed interest in packaging
for Cygwin. Here is why I doubt this will happen soon:
I chatted with Steve Hall, the author, and unfortunately, Cream is only 
effective, when run as a gui with menus.
Cream is partially useful for console mode, but not much is planned to 
pursue that direction.

Note that porting Cream to be used with Cygnome's gvim makes sense. This 
brings back the issues I faced in packaging EMacro: how to centralize 
the startup, or deal with distributing .vimrc-s to each HOME directory.
Some versions of Vim do support /etc/vimrc for startup. This may not 
work so well with Cream, which was written to work in HOME directories, 

Happy Holidays!

joe-2.9.8 and ce-1.3.0

2003-12-27 Thread SP
Hello. I've tried to contact the developers of these packages but it appears
to exist some problem with the mail (mine or their). This message is only
to tell you that I could compile succesfully both editors under cygwin.
The joe editor has its own ./configure, but ce editor needs a little hack.



textmode web browsers and their setup.hint descriptions

2003-12-27 Thread Lapo Luchini
Hash: SHA1
Harold L Hunt II wrote:
| I would like to contribute and maintain elinks
when we will have lynx, links and elinks I think it culd be very
useful to differentiate descriptions a bit.
lynx = Text-mode WWW Browser
Lynx is a terminal based WWW browser. While it does not make any attempt
at displaying graphics, it has good support for HTML text formatting,
forms, and tables.  This version includes support for SSL encryption.
links = Text mode web browser
Links is a very capable text-mode web browser. It obeys
keyboard commands similar to lynx but unlike lynx, links supports
the HTML TABLE tag. Links also allows you to download files in the
elinks = Text mode web browser
ELinks is a program for browsing the web in text mode.
At least links tries to be better than lynx in the ldesc, but
ldescs are not yet used by setup.exe, imho they should be different in
the sdesc also.
The ldesc of elinks is way too underscriptive IMHO.
The differences in the sdesc od lynx and links are also quite
ridicolous: if we really want to use that description then let's use the
*very* same for both, not a sligthly modified version of the same
BTW: lynx's ldesc talks about support for tables, links's ldesc negates
that... where is the truth?
- --
Lapo 'Raist' Luchini
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (PGP  X.509 keys available) (ICQ UIN: 529796)
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (Cygwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Re: textmode web browsers and their setup.hint descriptions

2003-12-27 Thread Harold L Hunt II

I don't see the point in discussing it.  Just propose a set of new 
sdesc's and ldesc's.  If they are fine, I'll put them in the packages 
that I maintain.  Honestly, it isn't easy to come up with good 
descriptions since the home page of each project has roughly the same 
descriptive sentence.


Lapo Luchini wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Harold L Hunt II wrote:
| I would like to contribute and maintain elinks
when we will have lynx, links and elinks I think it culd be very
useful to differentiate descriptions a bit.
lynx = Text-mode WWW Browser
Lynx is a terminal based WWW browser. While it does not make any attempt
at displaying graphics, it has good support for HTML text formatting,
forms, and tables.  This version includes support for SSL encryption.
links = Text mode web browser
Links is a very capable text-mode web browser. It obeys
keyboard commands similar to lynx but unlike lynx, links supports
the HTML TABLE tag. Links also allows you to download files in the
elinks = Text mode web browser
ELinks is a program for browsing the web in text mode.
At least links tries to be better than lynx in the ldesc, but
ldescs are not yet used by setup.exe, imho they should be different in
the sdesc also.
The ldesc of elinks is way too underscriptive IMHO.
The differences in the sdesc od lynx and links are also quite
ridicolous: if we really want to use that description then let's use the
*very* same for both, not a sligthly modified version of the same
BTW: lynx's ldesc talks about support for tables, links's ldesc negates
that... where is the truth?
- --
Lapo 'Raist' Luchini
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (PGP  X.509 keys available) (ICQ UIN: 529796)
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (Cygwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Re: textmode web browsers and their setup.hint descriptions

2003-12-27 Thread Lapo Luchini
Hash: SHA1
Harold L Hunt II wrote:

| I don't see the point in discussing it.  Just propose a set of new
| sdesc's and ldesc's.  If they are fine, I'll put them in the
| packages that I maintain.  Honestly, it isn't easy to come up with
| good descriptions since the home page of each project has roughly
| the same descriptive sentence.
I agree it's not easy to differentiate them, but at least let's try
not to let them clash with each other (like lynx has good support
for tables and unlike lynx it supports tables) 0=)
Some possible sdesc could be:

lynx = The first text-mode WWW browser
links = Improved text-mode WWW browser with support for frames
elinks = An extension of links, a text-mode WWW browser
Maybe we could also point out that links and elinks are alive, while
lynx' last release is in 2001.
- --
Lapo 'Raist' Luchini
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (PGP  X.509 keys available) (ICQ UIN: 529796)
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (Cygwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

website identifiers

2003-12-27 Thread Thomas Dickey
When perusing the website for news, it would be useful if the pages were
marked (in their source) as generated or manually updated.  For the former
(unless they're generated on demand), a modification date would also be
useful.  For the latter, an RCS/CVS/etc identifier to distinguish
successive versions is normally expected.

Are the pages all generated from another format, or are some in CVS

Thomas E. Dickey

Re: Keyboard auto-repeat defaults when using 'xwin -query host'

2003-12-27 Thread Chris Green
On Fri, Dec 26, 2003 at 06:41:14PM -0500, Harold L Hunt II wrote:
 Chris Green wrote:
 The problem is that when I connect using cygwin/xfree the auto-repeat
 is set to silly values, if I do an 'xset -q' I get:-
 auto repeat:  onkey click persent:   0LED mask:  00
 auto repeat delay:  100repeat rate:  10
 That auto repeat delay is much too short.
Thanks for the response and for treating me gently, I'm just feeling
my way in cygwin/X although I have been using Unix/Linux for many
years (since the early 1980s in fact).

 When running locally, I get:
 Keyboard Control:
   auto repeat:  onkey click percent:  0LED mask:  
   auto repeat delay:  500repeat rate:  31
   auto repeating keys:  00ffdbbf
   bell percent:  50bell pitch:  400bell duration:  100
Just about exactly what I get except for the auto repeat delay values
which I reported above.

 When logged into a remote machine via -query I get exactly the same 
 values.  I do not have an XF86Config file, and I am not passing any of 
 the following command-line parameters to XWin.exe:
 The X Keyboard Extension adds the following arguments:
 -kbdisable the X Keyboard Extension
 +kbenable the X Keyboard Extension
 [+-]accessx [ timeout [ timeout_mask [ feedback [ options_mask] ] ] ]
enable/disable accessx key sequences
 -ar1   set XKB autorepeat delay
 -ar2   set XKB autorepeat interval
   Specify a configuration file.
I'm running using a copy of startxwin.bat with the XWIn start line set
to start XWin -query server.  I have no XF86Config either.

 My /tmp/XWin.log file has the following:
 (--) Setting autorepeat to delay=500, rate=31
 (--) winConfigKeyboard - Layout: 0409 (0409)
 (EE) No primary keyboard configured
 (==) Using compiletime defaults for keyboard
 Rules = xfree86 Model = pc101 Layout = us Variant = (null) 
 Options = (null)
 Could you please confirm that you are not passing any additional args to 
 XWin.exe, then send in your XWin.log files from both a local session and 
 from a session when you use -query to connect to a remote machine?  That 
 should help us to investigate the problem.
The remote XWin.log file is:-

ddxProcessArgument - Initializing default screens
winInitializeDefaultScreens - w 1600 h 1200
winInitializeDefaultScreens - Returning
OsVendorInit - Creating bogus screen 0
(EE) Unable to locate/open config file
InitOutput - Error reading config file
winDetectSupportedEngines - Windows NT/2000/XP
winDetectSupportedEngines - DirectDraw installed
winDetectSupportedEngines - Allowing PrimaryDD
winDetectSupportedEngines - DirectDraw4 installed
winDetectSupportedEngines - Returning, supported engines 001f
InitOutput - g_iNumScreens: 1 iMaxConsecutiveScreen: 1
winSetEngine - Using Shadow DirectDraw NonLocking
winAdjustVideoModeShadowDDNL - Using Windows display depth of 16 bits per pixel
winCreateBoundingWindowWindowed - User w: 1600 h: 1200
winCreateBoundingWindowWindowed - Current w: 1600 h: 1200
winAdjustForAutoHide - Original WorkArea: 33 0 1200 1600
winAdjustForAutoHide - Adjusted WorkArea: 33 0 1200 1600
winCreateBoundingWindowWindowed - WindowClient w 1594 h 1137 r 1594 l 0 b 1137 t 0
winCreateBoundingWindowWindowed -  Returning
winCreatePrimarySurfaceShadowDDNL - Creating primary surface
winCreatePrimarySurfaceShadowDDNL - Created primary surface
winCreatePrimarySurfaceShadowDDNL - Attached clipper to primary surface
winAllocateFBShadowDDNL - lPitch: 3188
winAllocateFBShadowDDNL - Created shadow pitch: 3188
winAllocateFBShadowDDNL - Created shadow stride: 1594
winFinishScreenInitFB - Masks: f800 07e0 001f
winInitVisualsShadowDDNL - Masks f800 07e0 001f BPRGB 6 d 16 bpp 16
winCreateDefColormap - Deferring to fbCreateDefColormap ()
winFinishScreenInitFB - returning
winScreenInit - returning
InitOutput - Returning.
MIT-SHM extension disabled due to lack of kernel support
XFree86-Bigfont extension local-client optimization disabled due to lack of shared 
memory support in the kernel
(--) Setting autorepeat to delay=500, rate=31
(--) winConfigKeyboard - Layout: 0809 (0809) 
(--) Using preset keyboard for English (United Kingdom) (809), type 4
(EE) No primary keyboard configured
(==) Using compiletime defaults for 

Re: website identifiers

2003-12-27 Thread Harold L Hunt II
Thomas Dickey wrote:
When perusing the website for news, it would be useful if the pages were
marked (in their source) as generated or manually updated.  For the former
(unless they're generated on demand), a modification date would also be
useful.  For the latter, an RCS/CVS/etc identifier to distinguish
successive versions is normally expected.
Are the pages all generated from another format, or are some in CVS
The Documentation (User's Guide, Contributor's Guide, and FAQ) are 
generated from DocBook source; see the following page for information on 
where to get the source in CVS:

I believe that all other pages on the site are manually generated, and 
they are stored in CVS.  My various attempts to find a public CVS 
interface to the tree and to find a CVSWeb interface to the tree have 
not been successful; I have not checked with Chris whether this is 
intentional or not, in either case, it is beyond my control.

We could add an identifier to each file.  I have to look into some 
options for doing so.

In the meantime, enjoy the following hack:


Re: Keyboard auto-repeat defaults when using 'xwin -query host'

2003-12-27 Thread Alexander Gottwald
Chris Green wrote:

 I have a odd problem with the keyboard auto-repeat setup.

 I have two verions of cygwin/xfree installed on two different win2k
 computers and the problem is the same on both.  One has the latest
 cygwin/xfree (just downloaded) and the other has a version from a
 few months ago.

 I have searched through the mailing list archive and see that a
 similar problem has been reported before but it isn't exactly the same
 and I don't see how to fix the problem anyway.

 I am connecting from both these win2k systems uisng 'xwin -query
 server' to a linux Slackware 9.1 system on my local (home) network.
 I have also got another X server available to me, X-Win32 but I'd
 prefer to use cygwin as it's free and otherwise I keep having to pay
 for upgrades to X-Win32.

 The problem is that when I connect using cygwin/xfree the auto-repeat
 is set to silly values, if I do an 'xset -q' I get:-

 auto repeat:  onkey click persent:   0LED mask:  00
 auto repeat delay:  100repeat rate:  10

 That auto repeat delay is much too short.

XWin tries to set the repeat rate to something similar to the windows
repeat rate. This is noted in the configfile.

Maybe the session scripts of the linux host set the repeat rate to a bogus

You can verify this by starting xwin without the query paramter and run
DISPLAY=:0.0 xset -q from windows. This should print the default setting.


NP: grauzone.03-12-14
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 126018723

Re: Keyboard auto-repeat defaults when using 'xwin -query host'

2003-12-27 Thread Chris Green
On Sat, Dec 27, 2003 at 02:31:58PM +0100, Alexander Gottwald wrote:
 Chris Green wrote:
  auto repeat delay:  100repeat rate:  10
  That auto repeat delay is much too short.
 XWin tries to set the repeat rate to something similar to the windows
 repeat rate. This is noted in the configfile.
 Maybe the session scripts of the linux host set the repeat rate to a bogus
But the problem only occurs when I connect to the remote system using
cygwin's xwin, when I use my commercial X-Win32 X server I get the
default keyboard set-up that I expect.

 You can verify this by starting xwin without the query paramter and run
 DISPLAY=:0.0 xset -q from windows. This should print the default setting.
No. locally I appear to get the same problem too.


Re: website identifiers

2003-12-27 Thread Harold L Hunt II
Thomas Dickey wrote:

When perusing the website for news, it would be useful if the pages were
marked (in their source) as generated or manually updated.  For the former
(unless they're generated on demand), a modification date would also be
useful.  For the latter, an RCS/CVS/etc identifier to distinguish
successive versions is normally expected.
Are the pages all generated from another format, or are some in CVS
By the way... what are you looking for?  CVS identifiers wouldn't 
necessarily help to determine that new information has been posted since 
commits for spelling fixes, grammar changes, dead link correction, etc. 
would cause irrelevant noise in the modified date tags.  That's really 
why I chose to put a hand-coded date at the top of the pages; that way 
people are notified when content has been modified in a meaningful way, 
but there aren't false-positives when minor changes have been made.

Would CVS identifiers still be useful for whatever you are trying to do? 
   Maybe I'll start adding them as comments for starters but still keep 
the hand-modified date for each page.


Re: website identifiers

2003-12-27 Thread Thomas Dickey
On Sat, 27 Dec 2003, Harold L Hunt II wrote:

 Thomas Dickey wrote:

  When perusing the website for news, it would be useful if the pages were
  marked (in their source) as generated or manually updated.  For the former
  (unless they're generated on demand), a modification date would also be
  useful.  For the latter, an RCS/CVS/etc identifier to distinguish
  successive versions is normally expected.
  Are the pages all generated from another format, or are some in CVS

 By the way... what are you looking for?  CVS identifiers wouldn't

If it's maintained (i.e., if the file isn't edited w/o checking it in),
it's a quick way to check if the file's been changed recently.  The
identifier also provides a point of reference to check if there are
changes that aren't committed.  Hand-coded dates are more readable (and
of course I use those where readability is a factor), but the automatic
ones are preferable for identifying distinct versions.

 necessarily help to determine that new information has been posted since
 commits for spelling fixes, grammar changes, dead link correction, etc.
 would cause irrelevant noise in the modified date tags.  That's really
 why I chose to put a hand-coded date at the top of the pages; that way
 people are notified when content has been modified in a meaningful way,
 but there aren't false-positives when minor changes have been made.

 Would CVS identifiers still be useful for whatever you are trying to do?
 Maybe I'll start adding them as comments for starters but still keep
 the hand-modified date for each page.


Thomas E. Dickey

Re: website identifiers

2003-12-27 Thread Thomas Dickey
On Sat, 27 Dec 2003, Harold L Hunt II wrote:

 Would CVS identifiers still be useful for whatever you are trying to do?
 Maybe I'll start adding them as comments for starters but still keep
 the hand-modified date for each page.

That's what I do, e.g.,

Thomas E. Dickey

Re: website identifiers

2003-12-27 Thread Harold L Hunt II
Thomas Dickey wrote:

On Sat, 27 Dec 2003, Harold L Hunt II wrote:

Would CVS identifiers still be useful for whatever you are trying to do?
   Maybe I'll start adding them as comments for starters but still keep
the hand-modified date for each page.

That's what I do, e.g.,

Each page should now have:

HEADER MODIFIED: $Date$ $Author$
BODY MODIFIED: $Date$ $Author$
FOOTER MODIFIED: $Date$ $Author$
Additionally, the home page has:

NEWS MODIFIED: $Date$ $Author$


Re: website identifiers

2003-12-27 Thread Thomas Dickey
On Sat, 27 Dec 2003, Harold L Hunt II wrote:


 Each page should now have:

 HEADER MODIFIED: $Date$ $Author$
 BODY MODIFIED: $Date$ $Author$
 FOOTER MODIFIED: $Date$ $Author$

that's better.

Thomas E. Dickey

src/winsup/cygwin ChangeLog dtable. ...

2003-12-27 Thread cgf
Module name:src
Changes by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   2003-12-27 17:41:18

Modified files:
winsup/cygwin  : ChangeLog fhandler.h 

Log message:
* fhandler.h (fhandler_tty_slave::archetype): Make public.
(report_tty_counts): New macro.  Use throughout for reporting tty use counts.
* (dtable::vfork_child_dup): Add debugging output for usecount
increment.  Increment open_fhs if appropriate.
(dtable::vfork_parent_restore): Close artificially bumped ctty.
(dtable::vfork_child_fixup): Close ctty since it was bumped prior to vfork.
Save open_fhs around close since the closing of these handles has no effect on
the console.
* (fhandler_tty_slave::open): Reorganize calls to allow for
easier tracking of usecount modification.
(fhandler_tty_slave::open): Ditto.


Beijing Yanjing Professional Cultural School

2003-12-27 Thread guo
Beijing Yanjing Professional Cultural School
Approved by Beijing Municipal Education CommissionBeijing Yanjing Professional 
Cultural School is now running educational services for foreigners, where core Chinese 
language courses integrate various culture courses of specific characteristics. 
Teachers recruited for the language programs are experienced and expertise in teaching 
Mandarin Chinese as a foreign language. These language programs developed feature for 
their dexterity and variety in teaching approaches, lectures and seminars, in 
conjunction with guided tours and abundant cultural activities will enhance a profound 
understanding of Chinese culture by the program participants. After participating 
these language programs, students could be qualified enough to attend the HSK exams at 
all levels.
1.  Survival Chinese
Study the basic Chinese that is to make the beginners talk freely in the short 
can succeed to navigate daily life in China;
2.  Customized Chinese Training
Understand more grammar items  points on basis of the Intermediate grammar 
items  points;
Tailored courseware development for companies,organizations and associations 
targeted at their specific Chinese learning needs and level;
Courses on Chinese Culture
Calligraphy, simple seal cutting, Chinese poet and so on. These are the extracts of 
Chinese Culture, learning these courses will lead to profound understandings of 
Chinese Culture, encourage your interests on learning Chinese language and enrich your 
life in China.
Btw: School can arrange single room or double room with condition and single toile as 
dormitory of the student who needs.

Teaching Specialties of Our School:
1.  Wide varieties of alternatives for curriculums, classes, academic hours and 
tuition conforming to degrees, time and interests of the participants;
2.  At the end of each week's classes, the participants are rewarded with one hour 
of free talking opportunity to converse with the Chinese tutors. The place for such 
conversations could be in the classroom or other sites.
3.  In case the participants could not attend the program after the payment of 
tuition, they are subject to choose other schedule within the tuition validity period 
of six months.
4.  HSK Preparation Programs will train the all-around exam competence of the test 
participants with sufficient exam tips in pursuit of best performance and scores for 
the participants;
5.  We will arrange after-class tours;
Contact us now, get more discount

School AddressRoom 536 Building l Foreign students Square
No.3-l ZhiXin Xilu Haidianqu Beijing
Postal Code100083 
Tel and Fax86-10-6231857l
Admission OfficerMiss Zhang

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Problem reports:

Re: Please try the latest snapshot -- it is close to cygwin 1.5.6

2003-12-27 Thread Philippe Torche
Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Fri, Dec 26, 2003 at 05:37:36PM +0100, Philippe Torche wrote:

Christopher Faylor wrote:

The subject says it all.

I'm hoping to release cygwin 1.5.6 shortly after Christmas.
I've tested it (CVS version 12:35 GMT + 1) on our 4 Xeon on W2003S and 
unfortunately my previous test case ( and always fails. 
I've replace bash with sh and no problem anymore (not have wait enough 
maybe) ! A bash bug ?

Let me be extremely clear about this again: I don't have a 4 Xeon
processor running W2003S.  I will not be able to test this and I,
frankly, don't care much about this corner case -- especially if it is
not a regression from previous releases.
So, if you were just reporting this as a data point, then thanks.  If
you are expecting me to do something about it, then, you will,
unfortunately, be disappointed.
:-( Not you but other maybe ! If you show old threads, I'm not alone 
with this problem ! I can't give access to a multi CPU computer (client 
machine), but maybe somebody can ?

The test suite runs soon happily (except now 3 cases) with my Athlon on 
WinXP, and I'm preparing to run it tomorrow on our 4 Xeon.
:-) The test case give me the same result

I think I will have to give a gold star to the person who figures out
why those three cases are failing.  It really isn't that hard.

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Re: Please try the latest snapshot -- it is close to cygwin 1.5.6

2003-12-27 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Sat, Dec 27, 2003 at 05:29:56PM +0100, Philippe Torche wrote:
So, if you were just reporting this as a data point, then thanks.  If
you are expecting me to do something about it, then, you will,
unfortunately, be disappointed.
:-( Not you but other maybe !

Ok.  I'll just ignore your periodic reports of the same problem from now

Or, if you want to send me a 4 Xeon system, I'll look into the problem.
This is not something that can be easily debugged remotely.


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Re: Please try the latest snapshot -- it is close to cygwin 1.5.6

2003-12-27 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Fri, Dec 26, 2003 at 10:27:51PM -0500, Pierre A. Humblet wrote:
At 09:40 PM 12/26/2003 -0500, Christopher Faylor wrote:

I tried the current CVS version and I don't see any stray tty garbage
with inetd.  I never tried this with an older snapshot, however, so I
don't know if I would have been lucky before.  I did try a much simpler
test case which worked incorrectly with CYGWIN=tty and correctly after
today's initial setsid change.

Here both exim and inetd are still off, with

CYGWIN_ME-4.90 hpn5170x 1.5.6(0.108/3/2) 2003-12-26 22:04 i686 unknown unknown Cygwin

The trace of sh -c inetd in on

The problem is the same, AFAICS there is an unaccounted for jump in usecount.

  177  298078 [main] SH 480747 fhandler_tty_slave::open: /dev/tty0 opened, 
 incremented open_fhs 4, archetype usecount 4
  178  336409 [main] sh 480747 fhandler_tty_slave::dup: incremented open_fhs 5, 
 archetype usecount 6

I missed the 'sh -c' clue in your previous message.  Since sh uses
vfork, that indicates a vfork problem.  I've checked in some more
changes to deal with this.  It seems to do the right thing both with sh
-c and without.  It also should have the added benefit of doing the
right thing wrt deallocating the console appropriately since open_fhs
should now track the ctty usecount.  This was screwed up before,
apparently even before I started mucking with the tty stuff.

I sure do hate usage counting.


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How to get it working with gdb ?

2003-12-27 Thread Frédéric L. W. Meunier
I did the following:

Start the application in a terminal.
Use ps in another terminal.
Use gdb -p from that terminal.


(gdb) c

Do something with the application.

Then I tried ^C in gdb and it didn't work, but it works on

Sorry, I'm not used to debug things, but I'd like to know why
the above doesn't work.

I'm trying to investigate the ELinks problem with compressed
files, but it turns out to be a PITA. I can't reproduce it on
Linux, but I guess it'd have worked since ^C does.

How to contact me -

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Re: Please try the latest snapshot -- it is close to cygwin 1.5.6

2003-12-27 Thread Pierre A. Humblet
At 12:46 PM 12/27/2003 -0500, Christopher Faylor wrote:

I missed the 'sh -c' clue in your previous message.  Since sh uses
vfork, that indicates a vfork problem.  I've checked in some more
changes to deal with this.  It seems to do the right thing both with sh
-c and without.  It also should have the added benefit of doing the
right thing wrt deallocating the console appropriately since open_fhs
should now track the ctty usecount.  This was screwed up before,
apparently even before I started mucking with the tty stuff.

I sure do hate usage counting.


Yes, that works fine now, as does bash -c inetd.

However when I launch inetd from an rxvt window running bash, or
from a Dos window running cygwin.bat with tty, I still see tty handles
in inetd.

CYGWIN_ME-4.90 hpn5170x 1.5.6(0.108/3/2) 2003-12-27 17:25 i686 unknown unknown Cygwin

I ran   strace -o trace rxvt -d :0 -e bash 
followed by inetd in the rxvt window.

The trace, available on,
shows that the usecount is off by one. 

Correct run (bash -c inetd):
  159  220557 [main] inetd 34889607 setsid: sid 34889607, pgid 34889607, ctty -1, 
open_fhs 3
  168  220725 [main] inetd 34889607 fhandler_tty_slave::close: /dev/tty2 closed, 
decremented open_fhs 2, usecount 2

Incorrect run (under rxvt)
  167   88587 [main] inetd 34937947 setsid: sid 34937947, pgid 34937947, ctty -1, 
open_fhs 3
  159   88746 [main] inetd 34937947 fhandler_tty_slave::close: /dev/tty2 closed, 
decremented open_fhs 2, usecount 3


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Re: How to get it working with gdb ?

2003-12-27 Thread Christopher Faylor
On Sat, Dec 27, 2003 at 07:42:18PM -0200, Fr?d?ric L. W. Meunier wrote:
I did the following:

Start the application in a terminal.
Use ps in another terminal.
Use gdb -p from that terminal.


(gdb) c

Do something with the application.

Then I tried ^C in gdb and it didn't work, but it works on

Sorry, I'm not used to debug things, but I'd like to know why
the above doesn't work.

I'm trying to investigate the ELinks problem with compressed
files, but it turns out to be a PITA. I can't reproduce it on
Linux, but I guess it'd have worked since ^C does.

Type ^C on the console that is running ELinks.


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