Happy new year!

2015-01-04 Thread Andrey Repin
Greetings, All!

Execute from Cygwin terminal with write access to installation root.

echo -e "[.ShellClassInfo]\r\nIconFile=Cygwin.ico\r\nIconIndex=0\r\n" > 
/Desktop.Ini; attrib +R "$(cygpath -w /)"; explorer /select,"$(cygpath -w /)"

Andrey Repin

Sorry for my terrible english...

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FAQ:   http://cygwin.com/faq/
Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
Unsubscribe info:  http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple

Fix for ssh-user-config /etc/passwd parsing

2015-01-04 Thread Andrey Repin
Greetings, All!

Replace line 79 with

  pwdhome=$(getent passwd ${uid} | cut -sd : -f 6 )

The error messages in the next few lines should probably be updated as well.
Something along the lines of

83:  "Unable to determine user's home directory from system settings." \

90:  "${pwdhome} is found to be set as your home directory" \

99:csih_warning "Your home directory is found to be set to root (/). This 
is not recommended!"

Andrey Repin (anrdae...@yandex.ru) 05.01.2015, <09:04>

Sorry for my terrible english...

Problem reports:   http://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ:   http://cygwin.com/faq/
Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
Unsubscribe info:  http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple

Re: SSH login to cygwin sshd (6.7p1-1) fails with error seteuid1000: Operation not permitted when ~/.ssh/id_rsa keys available on client

2015-01-04 Thread Andrey Repin
Greetings, The Sec Maestro!

> SSH Login, using 'tester' account (in Adminstrators group) to the Cygwin
> sshd server fails from a client machine which has ~/.ssh/id_rsa keys
> available.

Check permissions on the ~/.ssh directory and subsequent files. ssh is VERY
picky about them.
Both standard POSIX and ACL permissions.
Use setfacl -b option if necessary to strip unwanted extra ACE's.

> Login from the same client, without the id_rsa keys is successful. SSH
> locally (on cygwin box) is also successful.

> Comparison of the sshd logs (debugging enabled) of a good vs failure login
> shows that when id_rsa is enabled on the client, the following in the
> failure case:  

> debug1: temporarily_use_uid: 1000/513 (e=18/544)
> seteuid 1000: Operation not permitted

> This seem to be related to a permission related problem, but cygcheck_output
> though shows the 'tester' user is member of Administrators group.

> What am I missing?

Andrey Repin (anrdae...@yandex.ru) 05.01.2015, <08:23>

Sorry for my terrible english...

Problem reports:   http://cygwin.com/problems.html
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Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
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SSH login to cygwin sshd (6.7p1-1) fails with error seteuid1000: Operation not permitted when ~/.ssh/id_rsa keys available on client

2015-01-04 Thread The Sec Maestro
SSH Login, using 'tester' account (in Adminstrators group) to the Cygwin
sshd server fails from a client machine which has ~/.ssh/id_rsa keys

Login from the same client, without the id_rsa keys is successful. SSH
locally (on cygwin box) is also successful.

Comparison of the sshd logs (debugging enabled) of a good vs failure login
shows that when id_rsa is enabled on the client, the following in the
failure case:  

debug1: temporarily_use_uid: 1000/513 (e=18/544)
seteuid 1000: Operation not permitted

This seem to be related to a permission related problem, but cygcheck_output
though shows the 'tester' user is member of Administrators group.

What I am I missing?


Novice Cygwin user

Cygwin Configuration Diagnostics
Current System Time: Mon Jan 05 04:34:58 2015

Windows 7 Professional Ver 6.1 Build 7601 Service Pack 1

Path:   C:\Windows\system32

Output from C:\cygwin\bin\id.exe
UID: 1000(tester)   GID: 513(None)
513(None)   0(root) 544(Administrators) 545(Users)

SysDir: C:\Windows\system32
WinDir: C:\Windows

Here's some environment variables that may affect cygwin:
Path = 

Here's the rest of your environment variables:
APPDATA = 'C:\Users\tester\AppData\Roaming'
CommonProgramFiles = 'C:\Program Files\Common Files'
ComSpec = 'C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe'
HOMEPATH = '\Users\tester'
LOCALAPPDATA = 'C:\Users\tester\AppData\Local'
OS = 'Windows_NT'
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER = 'x86 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel'
ProgramData = 'C:\ProgramData'
ProgramFiles = 'C:\Program Files'
PSModulePath = 'C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\'
PUBLIC = 'C:\Users\Public'
SystemDrive = 'C:'
SystemRoot = 'C:\Windows'
TEMP = 'C:\Users\tester\AppData\Local\Temp'
TMP = 'C:\Users\tester\AppData\Local\Temp'
USERNAME = 'tester'
USERPROFILE = 'C:\Users\tester'
windir = 'C:\Windows'
windows_tracing_flags = '3'
windows_tracing_logfile = 'C:\BVTBin\Tests\installpackage\csilogfile.log'

Scanning registry for keys with 'Cygwin' in them...
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygwin\Program Options
  (default) = '\??\C:\cygwin'
  (default) = 'C:\cygwin'

obcaseinsensitive set to 1

Cygwin installations found in the registry:
  System: Key: c5e39b7a9d22bafb Path: C:\cygwin

Listing available drives...
Drv Type  Size   Used Flags  Name
a:  fd N/AN/A
c:  hd  NTFS 39897Mb  18% CP CS UN PA FC WindowsPartition
d:  cd N/AN/A

fd = floppy,  hd = hard drive,   cd = CD-ROM
net= Network Share,   ram= RAM drive,unk= Unknown
CP = Case Preserving, CS = Case Sensitive,   UN = Unicode
PA = Persistent ACLS, FC = File Compression, VC = Volume Compression

Mount entries: these map POSIX directories to your NT drives.
-NT- -POSIX--Type-  -Flags-
C:\cygwin/  system  binary,auto
C:\cygwin\bin/usr/bin   system  binary,auto
C:\cygwin\lib/usr/lib   system  binary,auto
cygdrive prefix  /cygdrive  userbinary,posix=0,auto

Looking to see where common programs can be found, if at all...
Not Found: awk
Not Found: bash
Not Found: cat
Not Found: cp
Not Found: cpp (good!)
Not Found: crontab
Found: C:\Windows\system32\find.exe
Not Found: gcc
Not Found: gdb
Not Found: grep
Not Found: kill
Not Found: ld
Not Found: ls
Not Found: make
Not Found: mv
Not Found: patch
Not Found: perl
Not Found: rm
Not Found: sed
Not Found: ssh
Not Found: sh
Not Found: tar
Not Found: test
Not Found: vi
Not Found: vim

Looking for various Cygwin DLLs...  (-v gives version info)
Warning: cygwin1.dll not found on your path

Checking for any Cygwin services... 

Service : sshd
Display name: CYGWIN sshd
Current State   : Running
Controls Accepted   : Stop
Command : /usr/sbin/sshd -D
stdin path  : /dev/null
stdout path : /var/log/sshd.log
stderr path : /var/log/sshd.log
Process Type: Own Process
Startup : Automatic
Dependencies: tcpip
Account : LocalSystem

Service : sshd2   
Display name: CYGWIN sshd_debug
Current State   : Stopped
Command : /usr/sbin/s

Re: Backwards compatibility

2015-01-04 Thread Larry Hall (Cygwin)

On 01/04/2015 06:31 AM, Laurens Blankers wrote:

Of course this question doesn't come out of the blue. It is triggered by the
release of xinit 1.3.4-1 last month, which breaks setups for many people. If
you like you can check the cygwin-xfree mailing list. Unfortunately the
responds from the package maintainers has been: The way it has worked for
years was a bug, your setup is wrong. Which would be fine if there was
documentation on how to do this, or even a way to do this, but there is
neither. There seems to be a general unwillingness among the maintainers to
acknowledge that user experience matters.

Before you ask, yes, I did post this to the cygwin-xfree mailing list.
However I am not getting anywhere there. So I am interested in the thoughts
of the wider, beyond X11, Cygwin community on backwards compatibility.

As I mention in my response to the cygwin-xfree thread you're referring to
here(), you
haven't been conversing with package maintainers.  I believe that the
statements you've made above which you say came from maintainers are ones
you're attributing to me.  And as I asked you before and do again in my
response in that thread and here as well, please don't attribute statements
that I didn't make to me.  The statements you make don't represent my
views, it's not polite to misrepresent another's views, and doing so
doesn't advance your cause.  Beyond that, I won't re-iterate
any comments I made in that thread other than to say I agree that any
discussion of this as a policy should happen separate from any discussion
about the xinit package and it's most recent release.



A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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Cygwin script wrapper (native)

2015-01-04 Thread Andrey Repin
Greetings, All!

I think I've finally ironed out most of the issues I had with it. (Infinite
number of arguments, quoting, etc.)
The only known issues that cause script to break seems to be the same as you
would expect with direct script executions - uneven/misplaced quotation marks.

How to use:
Place the attached script as /bin/cygwrap.cmd (placement is important, as the
script working out certain paths relative to its location).
Run the script. Short notice should appear, mentioning usage and registration
Run the script with "--install" option. By default, the script only register
the ".sh" extension. You may list additional extensions after "--install",

  cygwrap.cmd --install .pl .py

Then try executing a simple test.sh[1] script with all kind of arguments and
see if there's any significant discrepancy in what you pass to the script and
what is actually interpreted from your input.
Keep in mind, that "="(equality sign) is a parameter separator in CMD, and
parameters containing it must be enclosed in double quotes.

If you want to execute Cygwin scripts from native CMD scripts through this
association, and/or use CMD completion/executable search functions, you will
need to adjust your %PATHEXT% variable to include relevant extensions.

If you are not happy with wrapper prepending Cygwin's bin directory to the
%PATH%, i.e. if you already have your path set up to include Cygwin/bin, feel
free to comment out the relevant line from the script.

#!/bin/sh -x
echo "$PATH"
echo $#: "$@"

Andrey Repin

Sorry for my terrible english...@SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS
IF NOT "%~1" == "" GOTO :SETUP

ECHO Cygwin script wrapper.
ECHO Usage:
ECHO   %~nx0 script [parameters ...]
ECHO   %~nx0 --install [ext ...]

IF NOT "%~1" == "--install" GOTO :WRAP
FTYPE unixshell.script="%~f0" "%%1" %%*
ASSOC %EXT%=unixshell.script
IF "%EXT%" == "" GOTO :END

SET ENV=%~dp0env.exe

FOR /F "usebackq" %%a IN (`cygpath.exe -u "%~1"`) DO (

SET _tmp=%1
IF .%_tmp% == ."%~1" (
) ELSE (
  IF "%~1" == "" GOTO :EXEC




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Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
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Cygwin 1.7 pthread hides segmentation fault

2015-01-04 Thread Howard Guo
It seems that segfaults go unreported using pthread and Cygwin 1.7.33-2.

Here is a minimal code piece to reproduce:


void* thread_run(void* _) {
int *p = 0;
*p = 1;
return NULL;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
pthread_t t1;
pthread_create(&t1, NULL, thread_run, NULL);
pthread_join(t1, NULL);
return 0;

Simply compiled with gcc -pthread, and the result executable returns 0
without reporting segmentation fault.

Could this be a bug?

Happy new year & regards,

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Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
Unsubscribe info:  http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: doxygen-

2015-01-04 Thread David Stacey

Version of doxygen has been uploaded.


Numerous new features and bug fixes. For the full change log, please
see: http://www.doxygen.org/manual/changelog.html#log_1_8_9_1


Doxygen is a documentation system for C++, C, Java, Objective-C,
Python, IDL (Corba and Microsoft flavours), Fortran, VHDL, PHP, C#, and
to some extent D.





If you have questions or comments, please send them to the
cygwin mailing list at: cygwin (at) cygwin (dot) com .


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Please read *all* of the information on unsubscribing that
is available starting at this URL.

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FAQ:   http://cygwin.com/faq/
Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
Unsubscribe info:  http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: perl-Text-CSV_XS-1.13-2 [TEST]

2015-01-04 Thread David Stacey

Version 1.13-2 of perl-Text-CSV_XS has been uploaded. This is a test
release, built against the test version of perl 5.18.2, and is only
available for x86 at this time.


1.13- 2015-01-01, H.Merijn Brand
- Simplify code path for old perl
- Fix quote_binary (#RT100676)
- Fix csv () for hashrefs with aliased headers
- Update copyright to 2015


Text::CSV_XS provides facilities for the composition and decomposition
of comma-separated values. An instance of the Text::CSV_XS class will
combine fields into a CSV string and parse a CSV string into fields.

The module accepts either strings or files as input and support the use
of user-specified characters for delimiters, separators, and escapes.





If you have questions or comments, please send them to the
cygwin mailing list at: cygwin (at) cygwin (dot) com .


If you want to unsubscribe from the cygwin-announce mailing list,
look at the "List-Unsubscribe: " tag in the email header of this
message. Send email to the address specified there. It will be in
the format:


If you need more information on unsubscribing, start reading here:


Please read *all* of the information on unsubscribing that
is available starting at this URL.

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FAQ:   http://cygwin.com/faq/
Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
Unsubscribe info:  http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: perl-Text-CSV_XS-1.13-1

2015-01-04 Thread David Stacey

Version 1.13-1 of perl-Text-CSV_XS has been uploaded.


1.13- 2015-01-01, H.Merijn Brand
- Simplify code path for old perl
- Fix quote_binary (#RT100676)
- Fix csv () for hashrefs with aliased headers
- Update copyright to 2015


Text::CSV_XS provides facilities for the composition and decomposition
of comma-separated values. An instance of the Text::CSV_XS class will
combine fields into a CSV string and parse a CSV string into fields.

The module accepts either strings or files as input and support the use
of user-specified characters for delimiters, separators, and escapes.





If you have questions or comments, please send them to the
cygwin mailing list at: cygwin (at) cygwin (dot) com .


If you want to unsubscribe from the cygwin-announce mailing list,
look at the "List-Unsubscribe: " tag in the email header of this
message. Send email to the address specified there. It will be in
the format:


If you need more information on unsubscribing, start reading here:


Please read *all* of the information on unsubscribing that
is available starting at this URL.

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FAQ:   http://cygwin.com/faq/
Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
Unsubscribe info:  http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple

[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cppcheck-1.68-1

2015-01-04 Thread David Stacey

Version 1.68-1 of cppcheck has been uploaded.




Changes from 1.67 to 1.68:

New checks:
- Multifile checking for buffer overruns and uninitialized variables

- Libraries are now able to contain platform specific types
- Improved handling of function overloads
- Improved handling of integer literal suffixes
- Improved stability of template parsing
- Improved accuracy of ValueFlow analysis
- Improved checking of pointer overflow
- Support noexcept(false)
- Support attribute((noreturn))
- A bunch of additions to several Libraries, especially posix.cfg and

Additionally, lots of false positives and bugs have been fixed and
several existing checks have been improved.


Cppcheck is a static analysis tool for C/C++ code. Unlike C/C++
compilers and many other analysis tools it does not detect syntax
errors in the code. Cppcheck primarily detects the types of bugs that
the compilers normally do not detect. The goal is to detect only real
errors in the code (i.e. have zero false positives).





If you have questions or comments, please send them to the
cygwin mailing list at: cygwin (at) cygwin (dot) com .


If you want to unsubscribe from the cygwin-announce mailing list,
look at the "List-Unsubscribe: " tag in the email header of this
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If you need more information on unsubscribing, start reading here:


Please read *all* of the information on unsubscribing that
is available starting at this URL.

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Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
Unsubscribe info:  http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple

Re: Backwards compatibility

2015-01-04 Thread Andrey Repin
Greetings, Laurens Blankers!

> I was wondering what the Cygwin community thinks about maintaining
> backwards compatibility, especially regarding configuration files when 
> updating or changing a package. As a long time Debian user I have grown 
> accustomed to upgrades going very smoothly, backwards compatibility with 
> previous setups being maintained, and smooth, well documented, and 
> mostly automatic migrations if compatibility can't be maintained.
> What, if any, is the policy regarding upgrades for Cygwin?

> I did search through the Cygwin documention and couldn't find this
> information. If I overlooked something I apologize in advance. Please 
> point me to the appropriate document.

It's up to each package maintainer, there's no centralized supervision of the
project. "Cygwin documentation" you were looking at only covering the
cygwin1.dll itself and the few accompanying tools.

> Of course this question doesn't come out of the blue. It is triggered by
> the release of xinit 1.3.4-1 last month, which breaks setups for many 
> people. If you like you can check the cygwin-xfree mailing list. 
> Unfortunately the responds from the package maintainers has been: The 
> way it has worked for years was a bug, your setup is wrong. Which would 
> be fine if there was documentation on how to do this, or even a way to 
> do this, but there is neither. There seems to be a general unwillingness 
> among the maintainers to acknowledge that user experience matters.

In case of a bug, it, however unfortunately, does not. If, instead of
complaining, that "nothing works", you would rather ask how to fix it, you may
have received a more constructive answer.

> Before you ask, yes, I did post this to the cygwin-xfree mailing list. 
> However I am not getting anywhere there. So I am interested in the 
> thoughts of the wider, beyond X11, Cygwin community on backwards 
> compatibility.

There's no such thing as "bug support", I'm afraid.
Beside that, Cygwin packages are mainly a recompilation of existing upstream
packages. Often with very little or no patching.
If upstream maintainer make a deal breaking change (like with grep last
month), Cygwin maintainers could only help you fix things, if at all possible.

Andrey Repin (anrdae...@yandex.ru) 04.01.2015, <20:27>

Sorry for my terrible english...

Problem reports:   http://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ:   http://cygwin.com/faq/
Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
Unsubscribe info:  http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple

Backwards compatibility

2015-01-04 Thread Laurens Blankers


I was wondering what the Cygwin community thinks about maintaining 
backwards compatibility, especially regarding configuration files when 
updating or changing a package. As a long time Debian user I have grown 
accustomed to upgrades going very smoothly, backwards compatibility with 
previous setups being maintained, and smooth, well documented, and 
mostly automatic migrations if compatibility can't be maintained. What, 
if any, is the policy regarding upgrades for Cygwin?

I did search through the Cygwin documention and couldn't find this 
information. If I overlooked something I apologize in advance. Please 
point me to the appropriate document.

Of course this question doesn't come out of the blue. It is triggered by 
the release of xinit 1.3.4-1 last month, which breaks setups for many 
people. If you like you can check the cygwin-xfree mailing list. 
Unfortunately the responds from the package maintainers has been: The 
way it has worked for years was a bug, your setup is wrong. Which would 
be fine if there was documentation on how to do this, or even a way to 
do this, but there is neither. There seems to be a general unwillingness 
among the maintainers to acknowledge that user experience matters.

Before you ask, yes, I did post this to the cygwin-xfree mailing list. 
However I am not getting anywhere there. So I am interested in the 
thoughts of the wider, beyond X11, Cygwin community on backwards 


Laurens Blankers

Problem reports:   http://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ:   http://cygwin.com/faq/
Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
Unsubscribe info:  http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple

Re: Possibly wrong Admin group ID in cygwin 1.7.34-003 (x64)

2015-01-04 Thread Achim Gratz
Ilya Dogolazky writes:
> But if I use the testing cygwin package 1.7.34-003 (available in the
> installer by clicking on cygwin package), then the group 544 doesn't
> appear anymore:
> Plain window: 197121 197610 545 4 66049 11 15 4095 66048 262154 401408
> Admin window: 197121 197610 0 545 4 66049 11 15 4095 66048 262154 405504
> Now I don't know if it's a bug, but some scripts assume that an admin
> shell can be identified by the number 544 in the output of "id -G", so
> I'm sure something is very wrong here.

Remove the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files that have been created by
the postinstall scripts or create an /etc/nsswitch.conf file that does
not use the "file" database.

+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

Factory and User Sound Singles for Waldorf Q+, Q and microQ:

Problem reports:   http://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ:   http://cygwin.com/faq/
Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
Unsubscribe info:  http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple