Re: NRC asks for reviewers for forthcoming Internet porn report

2001-08-14 Thread Tim May

On Tuesday, August 14, 2001, at 04:18 PM, Declan McCullagh wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 14, 2001 at 05:50:37PM -0400, James B. DiGriz wrote:
>> Be nice if it actually said what it was about, rather than eliciting
>> projections and interpretations  on the part of the reader. But, as you
>> say, ho hum. Presumably it is to give "scientific backing" to whatever
>> position Congress wants to take on upcoming issues and legislation, 
>> and to
>> couch various, no doubt conflicting,  agendas in scientific
>> doublespeak. Excuse my cynicism, but that's the way it looks to me.
> No cynicism necessary. That's what's probably going to happen.

Which is what the NRC did with the crypto issue. They sensed which way 
the wind was blowing (anti-Clipper, by 80% plus if I remember the 
opinion polls correctly) and came out with a report which massaged the 
inputs in such a way as to come out against key escrow.

If the opinion polls, weighted appropriately by inputs from media 
conglomerates, conclude that regulation of access to speech is 
advisable, then the NRC will issue a suitably-weighty report outlining 
the issues and presenting Congress with options for regulating speech 
and access to speech.

--Tim May

food fo thought

2001-08-14 Thread Gabriel Rocha

I figure this list is as good a place as any if not better to discuss
this one. It is off of /. today. Just thinking that these ethos do still
apply, in my mind anyway. What needs to happen for them to be true is
education of the general population (Yes, I know it is a naive idea.)
Perhaps the day will come when a great enough (howvere small it may be)
percentage of web users are in f act savvy and somewhat computer
educated to manage to circumvent the bonds placed upon them, wether it
will be legally or not, the times will decide. --gabe

Taming the Web 
By Charles C. Mann September 2001  
"Information wants to be free." "The Internet can't be controlled."
We've heard it so often that we sometimes take for granted that it's
true. But THE INTERNET CAN BE CONTROLLED, and those who argue otherwise
are hastening the day when it will be controlled too much, by the wrong
people, and for the wrong reasons. 

"It's not brave, if you're not scared."


2001-08-14 Thread Derek Belmontes

Dear Friend,

AS SEEN ON NATIONAL TV : ''Making over half million dollars in about a years 
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Before you say ''Bull,''please read the following. This is the letter you have been 
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Pam Hedland, Fort Lee, New Jersey.
 Order all 5 reports shown on the list below= 
For each  report, send $5 CASH, THE NAME & NUMBER OF THE REPORT YOU ARE 
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in case of 
any mail problems. 
=== When you place your order, make sure you order each of the 5 reports. You will 
all 5 reports so that 
you can save them on your computer and resell them. YOUR TOTAL COST $5 X 
=== Within a few days you will receive, vie e-mail, each of the 5 reports from these 5 
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them on your computer so they will be accessible for you to send to the 1,000's of 
who will order them 
from you. Also make a floppy of these reports and keep it on your desk in case 
happen to your 
=== IMPORTANT: DO NOT alter the names of the people who are listed next to each 
report, or their 
sequence on the list, in any way other than what is instructed below in step '' 1 
through 6 '' 
or you will lose out 
on majority  of your profits. Once you understand the way this works, you will also 
see how it 
does not work if 
you change it. Remember, this method has been tested, and if you alter,  it will NOT 
work !!! 
People have tried 
to put their friends/relatives names on all five thinking they could get all the 
money. But it 
does not work this 
way. Believe us, we all have tried to be greedy and then nothing happened. So Do Not 
to change anything 
other  than what is instructed. Because if you do, it will not work for you. Remember, 
honesty reaps the 

1 After you have ordered all 5 reports, take this advertisement and REMOVE the 
name & 
address of the 
person in REPORT # 5. This person has made it through the cycle and is no doubt 
counting their fortune.

2 Move the name & address in REPORT # 4 down TO REPORT # 5.

3 Move the name & address in REPORT # 3 down TO REPORT # 4. 

4 Move the name & address in REPORT # 2 down TO REPORT # 3.

5 Move the name & address in REPORT # 1 down TO REPORT # 2

6 Insert YOUR name & address in the REPORT # 1 Position.  PLEASE

MAKE SURE you copy every name & address ACCURATELY!

 Take this entire letter, with the modified list of names, and  save it on your
Save this on a disk as well just in case if you lose any data. To assist you with 
your business on  the 
Internet,  the 5 reports you purchase will provide you with invaluable marketing  
which includes how 
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Let's say that you decide to start small, just to see how it goes, and  we will assume 
and those involved 
send out only 5,000 e-mails each. Let's also assume that the mailing receive only a 
response (the 
response could be much better but  lets just say it is only 0.02%. Also many people 
will send 
out hundreds of 

The Latest News from the King of Pop!

2001-08-14 Thread News From Michael Jackson
Title: Welcome to MJWorld





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The Latest News from the King of Pop!

2001-08-14 Thread News From Michael Jackson
Title: Welcome to MJWorld





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Driving Guide

2001-08-14 Thread adman

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Re: Organized crime groups going online, report says -- beware!

2001-08-14 Thread Ray Dillinger

On Tue, 14 Aug 2001, Declan McCullagh wrote:

>- Forwarded message from Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -
>>In addition, of course, organized crime groups use the Internet for
>>communications (usually encrypted) and for any other purposes when
>>they see it as useful and profitable. Indeed, organized crime is
>>proving as flexible and adaptable in its exploitation of
>>cyberopportunities as it is in any other opportunities for illegal

Just a note here, but this is one of the most common stereotypes 
about organized crime figures, and it's just not true.  These guys 
are businessmen -- they won't turn down a deal just because it 
happens to be legal. Organized crime figures are proving flexible 
and adaptable in their exploitation of opportunities to make a 
profit -- they are not interested in "illegal activity" exclusively, 
they just don't give a damn whether a given opportunity happens to 
be legal or not.  


Re: NRC asks for reviewers for forthcoming Internet porn report

2001-08-14 Thread Tim May

On Tuesday, August 14, 2001, at 04:17 PM, Declan McCullagh wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 14, 2001 at 03:32:06PM -0700, Tim May wrote:
>> Whether the technology yet exists to allow parents (or wives) to block
>> certain sites is neither here nor there, and it's a shame something
>> called "The National Research Council" is getting involved in this.
> The NRC is very prestigious. It is part of the even more prestigious
> National Academies, which includes the Nataional Academy of Sciences,
> the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine.

I doubt the "prestigious" part, at least out here in the boondocks of 
Silicon Valley. Herb Lin may be a nice enough droid, but he certainly 
wouldn't be an attractive hire to the Intels, Ciscos, Ebays, Oracles, 
and others in the Valley.

The last Washington insider hired by a Valley company was, IIRC, Joe 
Lockhart, former press secretary to Clinton. Larry Ellison hired him to 
do something vice presidential at Oracle. He lasted several months, then 
left "to spend more time with his family" or somesuch. (If I'm wrong 
about it being Lockhart, I'm definitely right about it being Oracle. A 
search should turn up the details.)

The National Research Council is inconsequential, which is why they are 
now carrying water for the anti=porn crusaders.

--Tim May

Re: NRC asks for reviewers for forthcoming Internet pornreport

2001-08-14 Thread James B. DiGriz

On Tue, 14 Aug 2001, Declan McCullagh wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 14, 2001 at 01:53:58PM -0700, Tim May wrote:
> > Third, the issue of online porn, the CDA, the Amateur Action case, etc. 
> > have been discussed many times here.
> The NRC study will be very important in Washington DC circles (less
> important than the Meese commission, more important than the COPA
> Commission). While it may be of passing interest to cypherpunks, many
> of these topics have been discussed before, as Tim says, which
> explains why there's little reaction.
> -Declan



Snowhite and the Seven Dwarfs - The REAL story!

2001-08-14 Thread Hahaha

Today, Snowhite was turning 18. The 7 Dwarfs always where very educated and
polite with Snowhite. When they go out work at mornign, they promissed a 
*huge* surprise. Snowhite was anxious. Suddlently, the door open, and the Seven
Dwarfs enter...


Re: NRC asks for reviewers for forthcoming Internet porn report

2001-08-14 Thread Tim May

On Tuesday, August 14, 2001, at 02:36 PM, Declan McCullagh wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 14, 2001 at 01:53:58PM -0700, Tim May wrote:
>> Third, the issue of online porn, the CDA, the Amateur Action case, etc.
>> have been discussed many times here.
> The NRC study will be very important in Washington DC circles (less
> important than the Meese commission, more important than the COPA
> Commission). While it may be of passing interest to cypherpunks, many
> of these topics have been discussed before, as Tim says, which
> explains why there's little reaction.

And there is, after all, VERY LITTLE that such a study should do.

Some people don't like porn, some people like it. Some subscribe to porn 
sites, some surf for free, some even generate online and other porn.

Some people don't want their husbands to access porn. Some don't mind. 
Some don't want their children to access porn. Some don't mind. Some 
people don't want bookstores to carry "To Kill a Mockingbird," some 
people don't want them to carry "Lolita." Some don't mind.

However, in a free society with protections similar to the First 
Amendment, what people like or dislike is not germane to what government 
may pass laws about. There is nothing in the First which allows 
government to regulate speech or music or any other such form of 
expression based on its offensiveness to some. Nothing. (The landmark 
Supreme Court cases on obscenity, like Miller, have to do with fairly 
gross obscenity. Not that I agree they were justified, but the "online 
decency" issue is a long way from what the Supremes have said may be 

"For the children!" is no more a reason to trump the First for Web sites 
than it would be to trump the First for bookstores, for example, by 
requiring that "Lolita" be kept in an adult's only section. Or that 
children not be allowed to enter bookstore's containing images and text 
deemed unaccepable by some.

Nor is "self labelling" acceptable under the First. My words are my 
words, my pages are my pages. I don't have to "rate" them for how a 
Muslim might feel about them, or how Donna Rice might react, or whether 
I included material "offensive" to Creationists. Nothing in the First

Whether the technology yet exists to allow parents (or wives) to block 
certain sites is neither here nor there, and it's a shame something 
called "The National Research Council" is getting involved in this.

By the way, this is an area which is ideal for an analysis using Larry 
Lessig's "tripod" of "Custom" vs. "Law" vs. "Technology." I wrote about 
Lessig's model a few years ago. (I haven't read his latest book, "Code," 
so I don't how he fleshes out the ideaI have combined it with my own 
models. Maybe I'll write up some thoughts. (Not for Herb Lin, of course. 
Nothing against him, but these "studies" are usually just opinion polls 
and are crushingly boring reads. I tried to read the NRC's "Crypto" 
report...even went to the Palo Alto unveiling. B-o-r-i-n-g!)

--Tim May

Re: NRC asks for reviewers for forthcoming Internet pornreport

2001-08-14 Thread James B. DiGriz

On Tue, 14 Aug 2001, Tim May wrote:

> On Tuesday, August 14, 2001, at 01:22 PM, James B. DiGriz wrote:
> > On Tue, 14 Aug 2001, James B. DiGriz wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> And so I've said my say,
> >> jbdigriz
> >>
> >
> > Uh, ya'll don't all respond at once now.
> >
> > Seriously, I know I'm not a regular poster, but don't leave me twisting 
> > in
> > the wind here. I haven't heard this kind of deafening silence since the
> > time I told my lawyer the church job was a frame up and who did the
> > framing. He didn't believe me, but he found out I was right. (I think 
> > his
> > point then was "yeah, so?", but he got us off without a trial. Damn 
> > sharp
> > attorney, that one.)
> First, people are less likely to respond to whimsical nyms, even a 
> stainless steel rat.

Ouch, whimsical. Let's just say that keeping the character in mind tempers
my comments. Believe it or not. 

> Second, you comment on Declan's forwarding of a forwarding of a Herb Lin 
> call for reviewers for some study his group is doing. Ho hum.

Be nice if it actually said what it was about, rather than eliciting
projections and interpretations  on the part of the reader. But, as you
say, ho hum. Presumably it is to give "scientific backing" to whatever
position Congress wants to take on upcoming issues and legislation, and to
couch various, no doubt conflicting,  agendas in scientific
doublespeak. Excuse my cynicism, but that's the way it looks to me.  

> Third, the issue of online porn, the CDA, the Amateur Action case, etc. 
> have been discussed many times here.

No doubt everyone is tired of it, then. No problem.

> Fourth, Cypherpunks are probably more interested in making sure Big Bro 
> can't block porn, via technical means, than in advising Herb Lin on yet 
> another study.

Or blocking anything else in particular. I concur. 

> Fifth, you expressed your view of Herb's study. Absent some point, what 
> is there is to discuss?

Mainly I was wondering if others were as dubious as I am at moment
about the apparent level of integrity of the NAS. I should research this
matter more myself, I admit. If I'm not giving Herb proper credit,
even if I remain skeptical of the institution, I'll be the first to say so. 

> Sixth, you're always welcome to post more. Some things generate 
> interest, some don't. Don't sweat the posts that don't. I don't.

Point taken. Thanks for the response. 


Re: If we had key escrow, Scarfo wouldn't be a problem

2001-08-14 Thread Tim May

On Tuesday, August 14, 2001, at 03:03 PM, Declan McCullagh wrote:

> The Washington Post finally catches on to the fact that the Scarfo case 
> exists, a few weeks after everyone else wrote about the hearing in 
> Newark. The front-page story today by Jonathan Krim contains this 
> memorable passage:
> "Encryption is virtually unbreakable by police today, with programs 
> that can be bought for $15," said Stewart Baker, former general counsel 
> of the National Security Agency and now partner at the Washington law 
> firm Steptoe & Johnson. Although agreeing that surveillance should be 
> done under strict guidelines, Baker said that "to a degree, the privacy 
> groups got us into this by arguing that there should be no limits on 
> encryption, and the police have to deal with it."

Not that anyone had any doubts about the ultimate intentions of the "key 
escrow" people, but it's useful to remember what the _ostensible_ goals 
were, and then compare it with what Stewart Baker is saying above.

Item: the "key escrow" controversy arose with Clipper, the _telephone_ 
system to be sold by AT&T containing the Clipper chip made by Mykotronx.

Item: anyone think Scafo or his pals would have bought such a 

Item: even a few years later, when the key escrow issue surfaced with 
_software_, there was no plausible way that the horses already out of 
the barn (*) could have been herded back into the barn and made to 
incorporate Skipjack or any other "key escrow" features.

(* The horses being: a vast number of already-deployed laptops, PCs, 
modems, cellphones, cable modems, satellite phones, PDAs, etc. What was 
the government to do, tell people to turn in their laptops? Banning 
crypto use, and enforcing such a ban in the face of millions of users of 
unskipjacked machines, would be very difficult. Stego would make it even 
harder to detect and enforce.)

Item: the key escrow thing never got out of the NSA dreaming stages. No 
legislation was ever introduced (nothing serious, at can 
never count out bizarre fliers). The massive logistical and technical 
and _CONSTITUTIONAL_ issues were the reason a key escrow law never got 

The "privacy groups" pointed out that the Emperor has no clothes, but a 
real proposed law never would've gotten anywhere. Only a police state 
could "ban" unescrowed crypto. Only places like Russia, South Africa, 
and Britain. (And they will find enforcement and what it does to their 
communications infrastructures to be daunting problems.)

--Tim May

Re: Linux On Steroids: DIY supercomputer +Distributed Terascale Facility

2001-08-14 Thread Faustine

Tim wrote:
On Sunday, August 12, 2001, at 02:41 PM, Faustine wrote:
>>> Cryptographically speaking, *yawn*.
> "Fairly impressive" in that it's better than what I've got in my 
> basement
> right now. And for me, part of the appeal lies in the satisfaction of
> putting something like that together entirely yourself out of components
> other people considered worthless and discarded. Not to mention being 
> able
> to use it for whatever you want, whenever you want, without depending on
> anyone else's machine: a wonderful blend of self-sufficiency, ingenuity 
> and megalomania, ha.

>>So, are you now claiming you plan to build one? Why else the "part of 
>>the appeal lies in the satisfaction of" bit?

As a way to address the implicit question "why would anybody ever want to 
build a thing like that". 

For what it's worth, at one point I was tantalizingly close to getting my 
hands on a donation of 53 G3s. Unfortunately it fell through, but if an 
offer like that ever happens to come my way again, I can't really say I'd 
turn it down.

If someone else is convinced it's interesting enough to be willing to foot 
the power bill (as I had anticipated would be the case), where's the 
downside? Nobody thinks strategically enough to see why they'd be better 
off buying me a few shiny new G4s instead. Since I know that's 100% out of 
the realm of possiblity, it's better to be resourceful and take whatever I 
can get: more CPU power than I have now (or am likely to get adequate 
access to in the near future). I might have even been able to turn around 
and share/rent time on it to other "low-priority" people like myself who're 
just out to further their own research without getting underfoot elsewhere. 
Not a bad idea, at any rate. 

I still maintain that the lure of tinkering and scavaging is a large part 
of the appeal anyway. If it leaves you flat and, being rich and retired, 
have far better ways to spend your time, to each his own.


I used to be in debt too!

2001-08-14 Thread jessica

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If we had key escrow, Scarfo wouldn't be a problem

2001-08-14 Thread Declan McCullagh

The Washington Post finally catches on to the fact that the Scarfo case 
exists, a few weeks after everyone else wrote about the hearing in Newark. 
The front-page story today by Jonathan Krim contains this memorable passage:
"Encryption is virtually unbreakable by police today, with programs that 
can be bought for $15," said Stewart Baker, former general counsel of the 
National Security Agency and now partner at the Washington law firm Steptoe 
& Johnson. Although agreeing that surveillance should be done under strict 
guidelines, Baker said that "to a degree, the privacy groups got us into 
this by arguing that there should be no limits on encryption, and the 
police have to deal with it."


RE: Organized crime groups going online, report says -- beware!

2001-08-14 Thread Aimee Farr

it's The Seven Seals.
> A fifth trend that we can expect to see is what might be termed
> jurisdictional arbitrage. 

> A sixth trend is that the Internet is increasingly likely to be used
> for money laundering. 

> A seventh trend involves growing network connections between hackers
> or small-time criminals and organized crime.

I wonder if they could get me off Windows. 

FW: important notice .

2001-08-14 Thread wilson

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2001-08-14 Thread barrymay

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Re: NRC asks for reviewers for forthcoming Internet porn report

2001-08-14 Thread Tim May

On Tuesday, August 14, 2001, at 01:22 PM, James B. DiGriz wrote:

> On Tue, 14 Aug 2001, James B. DiGriz wrote:
>> And so I've said my say,
>> jbdigriz
> Uh, ya'll don't all respond at once now.
> Seriously, I know I'm not a regular poster, but don't leave me twisting 
> in
> the wind here. I haven't heard this kind of deafening silence since the
> time I told my lawyer the church job was a frame up and who did the
> framing. He didn't believe me, but he found out I was right. (I think 
> his
> point then was "yeah, so?", but he got us off without a trial. Damn 
> sharp
> attorney, that one.)

First, people are less likely to respond to whimsical nyms, even a 
stainless steel rat.

Second, you comment on Declan's forwarding of a forwarding of a Herb Lin 
call for reviewers for some study his group is doing. Ho hum.

Third, the issue of online porn, the CDA, the Amateur Action case, etc. 
have been discussed many times here.

Fourth, Cypherpunks are probably more interested in making sure Big Bro 
can't block porn, via technical means, than in advising Herb Lin on yet 
another study.

Fifth, you expressed your view of Herb's study. Absent some point, what 
is there is to discuss?

Sixth, you're always welcome to post more. Some things generate 
interest, some don't. Don't sweat the posts that don't. I don't.

--Tim May

Re: NRC asks for reviewers for forthcoming Internet porn report

2001-08-14 Thread Declan McCullagh

On Tue, Aug 14, 2001 at 01:53:58PM -0700, Tim May wrote:
> Third, the issue of online porn, the CDA, the Amateur Action case, etc. 
> have been discussed many times here.

The NRC study will be very important in Washington DC circles (less
important than the Meese commission, more important than the COPA
Commission). While it may be of passing interest to cypherpunks, many
of these topics have been discussed before, as Tim says, which
explains why there's little reaction.


bugging IM, as reported in Red Herring

2001-08-14 Thread Yeoh Yiu

Fatbubble says, "Privacy? You're in control. You decide who sees where
you surf. Turn on fatbubble Invisibility when you need it. Your
buddies won't know you're there."

as seen in Red Herring ...

San Francisco
FUNDING:   $370K
ROUND:   1st
CATEGORY:   Software
DESCRIPTION:   Develops monitoring software applications for
instant messaging (IM) platforms.
LEAD INVESTORS:   Two Japanese angels, Jun Makihara and
Joichi Ito
THE HERRING TAKE:   Fatbubble has designed a monitoring
software solution that collects anonymous information on
users and sells it to marketers. But there's a twist.
Instead of following Net surfers, Fatbubble is tracking the
navigational habits of IM users. "We're building vast
behavioral maps that track the movements and influences
among a large network of users," says CEO and cofounder
Brady Bruce. The implications for marketers and consumers
are vast, and call into question privacy concerns. The
affable chief declares sternly that Fatbubble is not
intercepting IM discussions. Rather, the startup is charting
the Web destination points that IM users visit. Once this
information is collected, it'll sell it to marketers. Thus
far, that's Fatbubble's only revenue stream, as the software
is available for free. Mr. Brady harbors grand plans for his
modest startup and will launch his product first in the
States later this summer, and then take it to Japan and
Western Europe. Fatbubble is burning $8,000 per month and
has a post-money valuation of $3.5 million. The startup is
looking to raise $3 million for its second round. Mr. Brady
will consider all offers. --R.B.R.

Re: Affects of the balkanization of mail blacklisting

2001-08-14 Thread Jim Choate

On Tue, 14 Aug 2001, Eric Murray wrote:

> It's easier to write a rant than it is to write code, but
> code is what counts.

Actually unless somebody (even the programmer) is ranting there is no
motivation for writing code. Code solves a problem, a problem requires
somebody to bitch about it.


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Matsuo Basho

   The Armadillo Group   ,::;::-.  James Choate
   Austin, Tx   /:'/ ``::>/|/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]',  `/( e\  512-451-7087
   -~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-

Re: NRC asks for reviewers for forthcoming Internet pornreport

2001-08-14 Thread James B. DiGriz

On Tue, 14 Aug 2001, James B. DiGriz wrote:

> On Tue, 14 Aug 2001, Declan McCullagh wrote:
> > - Forwarded message from Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -
> > 
> > From: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: FC: NRC asks for reviewers for forthcoming Internet porn report
> > Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 10:37:21 -0400
> > X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.0.2
> > X-URL: Politech is at
> > 
> > Background from Politech archives:
> > 
> > "Net-sex NRC panel asks for testimony, will hold regional mtgs"
> >
> > 
> > "Patricia Nell Warren's comments to NAS porn panel"
> >
> > 
> > "National Academy of Sciences panel hears about porn & kids"
> >
> > 
> > "Free speech advocates fret about NAS Net-porn commission"
> >
> > 
> This is science???
> What I want to know is: what color should the pantaloons on the piano legs
> be?
> jbdigriz

Let me elaborate:

  Panels, meetings, testimony...where's the research? What is even being
studied here? This sounds like a "problem" fumbling around until it
reaches a critical consensus of definition. The opportunities for
shenanigans, for good or ill,  should be evident. 

 Personally, I was a horny little fucker as a kid. I won't say when
exactly, but the the lurid pulp covers at my eye level at the time tended
to focus on Ilsa the she-bitch of the SS S&M type themes. I DID find this
somewhat disturbing, if fascinating. It was not till sometime later that a
friend and I discovered his father's Playboy collection (my old man kept
his stash a lot better hidden)  and I was exposed to more gratifyingly wholesome 
images. I can't say that any of it did me any harm, though. 

 Anecdotal, to be sure, but it tallies with my observations of children in
recent years, whether watching cable, surfing, or whatever. I know there
are folks who won't abide it, but they will be better served by
Consumer Reports. 

And so I've said my say,

L@@K -> Remove ALL DEBT Now!! xssbh

2001-08-14 Thread nodebt22

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Re: NRC asks for reviewers for forthcoming Internet porn report

2001-08-14 Thread James B. DiGriz

On Tue, 14 Aug 2001, Declan McCullagh wrote:

> - Forwarded message from Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -
> From: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: FC: NRC asks for reviewers for forthcoming Internet porn report
> Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 10:37:21 -0400
> X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.0.2
> X-URL: Politech is at
> Background from Politech archives:
> "Net-sex NRC panel asks for testimony, will hold regional mtgs"
> "Patricia Nell Warren's comments to NAS porn panel"
> "National Academy of Sciences panel hears about porn & kids"
> "Free speech advocates fret about NAS Net-porn commission"

This is science???

What I want to know is: what color should the pantaloons on the piano legs


Organized crime groups going online, report says -- beware!

2001-08-14 Thread Declan McCullagh

- Forwarded message from Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FC: Organized crime groups going online, report says -- beware!
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 11:30:46 -0400
X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.0.2
X-URL: Politech is at


>Indeed, it is possible that some jurisdictions will
>increasingly seek to exploit a permissive attitude to attract
>business, creating information safe havens (paralleling offshore tax
>havens and bank secrecy jurisdictions) that make it difficult for law
>enforcement to follow information trails, and offering insulated
>cyber-business operations from which illicit businesses can operate
>with a minimum of interference.

>In addition, of course, organized crime groups use the Internet for
>communications (usually encrypted) and for any other purposes when
>they see it as useful and profitable. Indeed, organized crime is
>proving as flexible and adaptable in its exploitation of
>cyberopportunities as it is in any other opportunities for illegal
>activity. The implications are far-reaching and require a response
>from government that is strategic, multi-level, multilateral, and
>transnational in nature.

>The Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime,
>largely supported by the United States, is the first major step in
>this direction and can be understood as the beginning of the process
>of setting norms and standards that national governments ultimately
>will be expected to meet in their legislative, regulatory, and
>enforcement efforts.

Background on Council of Europe treaty:



Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 10:01:41 -0400
Subject: Organized Crime and Cybercrime: Synergies, Trends, and Responses

Byliner: Internet Is Likely New Target of Crime, Expert Warns
(Criminal Organizations find new opportunities in cyberspace) (2850)

(The following originally appeared in the Global Issues Aug. 8
Electronic Journal "Arresting Transnational Crime.")

Organized Crime and Cybercrime: Synergies, Trends, and Responses
By Phil Williams

(Professor of International Security Studies, University of Pittsburgh
2001-2002 Visiting Scientist at CERT/CC, a center of Internet security
expertise at Carnegie Mellon University. Williams is also the editor
of the journal "Transnational Organized Crime" at

The capabilities and opportunities provided by the Internet have
transformed many legitimate business activities, augmenting the speed,
ease, and range with which transactions can be conducted while also
lowering many of the costs. Criminals have also discovered that the
Internet can provide new opportunities and multiplier benefits for
illicit business. The dark side of the Internet involves not only
fraud and theft, pervasive pornography, and pedophile rings, but also
drug trafficking and criminal organizations that are more intent upon
exploitation than the disruption that is the focus of the hacking

In the virtual world, as in the real world, most criminal activities
are initiated by individuals or small groups and can best be
understood as "disorganized crime." Yet there is growing evidence that
organized crime groups are exploiting the new opportunities offered by
the Internet. Organized crime and cybercrime will never be synonymous.
Most organized crime will continue to operate in the real world rather
than the cyberworld and most cybercrime will be perpetrated by
individuals rather than criminal organizations per se. Nevertheless,
the degree of overlap between the two phenomena is likely to increase
considerably in the next few years.

Organized Crime and Cybercrime

Organized crime is primarily about the pursuit of profit and can be
understood in Clausewitzian (1) terms as a continuation of business by
criminal means. Consequently, just as brick-and-mortar companies move
their enterprises on to the Worldwide Web seeking new opportunities
for profits, criminal enterprises are doing the same thing. Criminal
organizations are not the only players in illicit markets, but they
are often the most important, not least because of the added
"competitiveness" that is provided by the threat of organized
violence. Moreover, criminal organizations tend to be exceptionally
good at identifying and seizing opportunities for new illegal
enterprises and activities. In this context, the Internet and the
continuing growth of electronic commerce offer enormous new prospects
for illicit profits.

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the
sophistication of organized crime and drug trafficking groups.

NRC asks for reviewers for forthcoming Internet porn report

2001-08-14 Thread Declan McCullagh

- Forwarded message from Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

From: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FC: NRC asks for reviewers for forthcoming Internet porn report
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 10:37:21 -0400
X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.0.2
X-URL: Politech is at

Background from Politech archives:

"Net-sex NRC panel asks for testimony, will hold regional mtgs"

"Patricia Nell Warren's comments to NAS porn panel"

"National Academy of Sciences panel hears about porn & kids"

"Free speech advocates fret about NAS Net-porn commission"

From: "Herb Lin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 06:03:30 -0400
Subject: 8-CALL FOR REVIEWERS: Draft NRC report on "Tools and Strategies
for Protecting Kids from Pornography and Their Applicability to
Other Inappropriate Internet Content."


The National Research Council seeks reviewers for a draft report on its project
on "Tools and Strategies for Protecting Kids from Pornography and Their
Applicability to Other Inappropriate Internet Content."   More information on
this project, including a list of committee members, can be found at <>.

Purpose of review

Every report of the National Research Council must be reviewed by a diverse
group of experts other than its authors before it may be released outside the
institution.  This independent, rigorous review is a hallmark that 
the NRC from many other organizations offering scientific and technical advice
on issues of national importance.  The purpose of such review is to assist the
authors in making their report as accurate and effective as possible, and to
enhance the clarity, cogency, and credibility of the final document.

Responsibilities of reviewers

Reviewers are asked to consider whether in their judgment the evidence and
arguments presented are sound and the report is fully responsive to the study
charge, not whether they concur with the findings.  Reviewers provide written
comments on any and all aspects of the draft report, and the authoring 
is expected to consider all review comments and to provide written responses to
those comments, either modifying the report accordingly or explaining why the
report was not modified.  The committee's responses are themselves evaluated by
the National Research Council for adequacy and completeness.  Note that NRC
reports have a history of changing significantly between draft and final
versions as the result of reviewer comments.

Qualifications of reviewers

Reviewers of NRC reports are selected on the basis of personal expertise in a
field or fields relevant to the subject matter of the report; a dedication to
drawing conclusions based on the analysis of data and information; sufficiently
seniority in their fields to warrant broad respect for their intellect,
fairness, and stature.  Names of reviewers are made public at the time of the
report's final publication, but during the review process they are anonymous to
the committee and staff.

Confidentiality of report

Because NRC reports change as the result of review, reviewers must be 
willing to
keep the draft report absolutely confidential and otherwise abide by the NRC's
guidelines for reviewing of reports.

Procedure for submitting names

Please forward nominations for reviewers (self-nominations acceptable) to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  The "subject" line of the e-mail should say "reviewer
nomination."  Submitted nominations should include contact information,
biographies (including relevant published works, public statements, and current
or former positions of relevance), and indications of relevant expertise 
and the
perspective on the subject that the nominee will bring.  Note that while 
the NRC
seeks nominations from a wide variety of sources, it reserves the exclusive
right to determine reviewers of its reports.

Deadline for Nominations

While nominations may be submitted at any time, nominations without the
information described above, or received after September 15, 2001, may not be
fully considered.

More information is available from the Web site of this project at <> or from
Herb Lin (Study Director), at 202-334-2605.

POLITECH -- Declan McCullagh's politics and technology mailing list
You may redistribute this message freely if you include this notice.
Declan McCullagh's photographs are at
To subscribe to Politech:
This message is archived at

- End forwarded

Notícias Jurídicas do Espaço Vital de 14/08/2001

2001-08-14 Thread \"Espaço Vital & Mpsoft\"

   O Espaço Vital 
- página do Jornal do Comércio especializada em casos 
judiciais - além de sua forma gráfica tradicional (publicação às 3as. e 
6as.feiras) está tendo atualização diária na Internet.
(sem br), ou lendo o Jornal do Comércio, Você toma contato com algumas 
das mais importantes decisões da Justiça. E clicando na base de dados, pode 
dispor de elementos (número do processo, por exemplo) que lhe podem auxiliar em 
sua pesquisa de jurisprudência.
   Nesta semana, por exemplo, estamos disponibilizando parte 
nuclear da sentença do juiz federal de Curitiba que encontrou uma inteligente 
fórmula para baixar as prestações 
   No Espaço Vital 
do Jornal do Comércio (cujo texto desta 3a. feira, 14 de 
agosto) lhe estamos enviando, aqui, adiante, por via virtual, há uma publicação 
de peculiar interesse dos advogados, porque trata de  seus 
honorários. Também o registro de um lamentável assalto contra o 
escritório do colega Fernando Magnus, em Porto Alegre.
   Para agregar o Espaço 
Vital aos seus favoritos, clique no link adiante:
   MPSoft Sistemas
   Administrador do Site

Notícias desta 3a.feira no Espaço 

  Indenização para pedreiro preso 
  abusivamente por PMs
  Interessante precedente sobre 
  Três decisões contra a atuação do 
  fisco estadual

Caso não queira mais receber este informativo, por gentileza, simplesmente 

Re: Affects of the balkanization of mail blacklisting

2001-08-14 Thread Eric Murray

On Mon, Aug 13, 2001 at 11:33:36PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Tue, 14 Aug 2001, Jared Mauch wrote:
> > > No, I'm not talking about the spammers who were caught in maps, I'm
> > > referring to the INNOCENTS who were caught in MAPS.  If the LEO community 
> > > acted like MAPS does, there would have been armed revolution in the
> > > streets *years ago*.
> > > 
> > > MAPS never gave a shit about facts, they cared only about their agenda -
> > > no matter who got hurt in the way.
> > > 
> > > Fuckem.  Vixie is a netnazi who would do us all a favor if he just blew
> > > what little brains he has left out of his left ear.
> > 
> > I think you are confused and talking about ORBS.  the MAPS people
> > have not acted with any agenda that I've ever seen.
> I assure you I am not confused.  ORBS was intolerably worse, but MAPS is
> still not something I am looking forward to seeing survive.

The best way to do that is to produce a solution that's better than MAPS.
If you strongly beleive in end-user filtering, then make a better
end-user filter.  In fact you can start with mine (see web page)
and make it user-friendly enough that your Mom can use it.
Then it might see significant use.

MAPS might not have been perfect, and ORBS was overly agressive, but
they were actually doing something.  It was simple, just add
a couple lines to your and much of your spam
would go away.  Great for ISPs with users complaining about spam.
(that's a hint about how your better-than-MAPS system might work).

[stuff deleted]

It's easier to write a rant than it is to write code, but
code is what counts.



2001-08-14 Thread the . godfather


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Follow the signup instructions carefully. Sign up for all of 
the free stuff. There may be stuff that you would have to pay 
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Follow all subsequent instructions to complete the signup 


STEP 2 – Go to:
Click on the register button the click on the "Basic" program. 
Follow the instructions carefully. You are required to enter 
the email address or the login ID of the person who referred 
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Follow the signup instructions carefully. Sign up for all of 
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for – do not sign up for these services. Follow all subsequent 
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use the e-mail address that you received from ''. 

STEP 4 – Go to:

Follow the signup instructions carefully. Sign up for all of 
the free stuff. There may be stuff that you would have to pay 
for – do not sign up for these services. Follow all subsequent 
instructions to complete the signup process. Don't forget to 
use the e-mail address that you received from ''. If 
you are asked for the person who referred you, 
type 'wolfie'.

STEP 5 – Go to:

Follow the signup instructions carefully. Sign up for all of 
the free stuff. There may be stuff that you would have to pay 
for – do not sign up for these services. Follow all subsequent 
instructions to complete the signup process. Don't forget to 
use the e-mail address that you received from ''. If 
you are asked for the person who referred you, type 'wolfie1'.

STEP 6 – Go to:

Follow the signup instructions carefully. Sign up for all of 
the free stuff. There may be stuff that you would have to pay 
for – do not sign up for these services. Follow all subsequent 
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extract your referral page from there.

STEP 7 – Go to:

Follow the signup instructions carefully. Sign up 

RE: Terrorist [was: and....]

2001-08-14 Thread Trei, Peter

> On Mon, 13 Aug 2001, Eric Cordian wrote:
> > Regarding terrorists.  Our government conveniently defines a "terrorist"
> > as any sub-national group that breaks the law in order to influence
> > opinion.
> > Note under such a definition, no recognized government can commit a
> > terrorist act, even if it firebombs nuns and orphans holding kittens.
> Close, but not quite.  It does not require the breaking of law, only
> actions which are in some way "offensive".
> Yours,
> J.A. Terranson
You also forget another critical condition: It's OK if your sub-national
group opposes a government which the US dislikes; therefore those
trying to overthrow Saadam are 'freedom fighters'., rather than

The same group can easily flip from one status to another as outside 
conditions change - many of the Afghanis the USG now labels 
'terrorists' were started on their careers as US sponsored 
'freedom fighters'.

Another example: Kurds striving to establish Kurdistan are regarded
by the US as either freedom fighters or terrorists, depending which
side of the Turkish/Iraqi border they are on.

Of course, by the US Governments definition, George Washington 
and the other Founding Fathers were terrorists.

'We have always been at war with EastAsia'.

Peter Trei

RE: Terrorist [was: and....]

2001-08-14 Thread Trei, Peter

> On Mon, 13 Aug 2001, Eric Cordian wrote:
> > Regarding terrorists.  Our government conveniently defines a "terrorist"
> > as any sub-national group that breaks the law in order to influence
> > opinion.
> > Note under such a definition, no recognized government can commit a
> > terrorist act, even if it firebombs nuns and orphans holding kittens.
> Close, but not quite.  It does not require the breaking of law, only
> actions which are in some way "offensive".
> Yours,
> J.A. Terranson
You also forget another critical condition: It's OK if your sub-national
group opposes a government which the US dislikes; therefore those
trying to overthrow Saadam are 'freedom fighters'., rather than

The same group can easily flip from one status to another as outside 
conditions change - many of the Afghanis the USG now labels 
'terrorists' were started on their careers as US sponsored 
'freedom fighters'.

Another example: Kurds striving to establish Kurdistan are regarded
by the US as either freedom fighters or terrorists, depending which
side of the Turkish/Iraqi border they are on.

Of course, by the US Governments definition, George Washington 
and the other Founding Fathers were terrorists.

'We have always been at war with EastAsia'.

Peter Trei

RE: Products Liability and Innovation. Was: ...

2001-08-14 Thread Trei, Peter

It's been interesting seeing the back and forth on this,
especially since I kicked off this subthread.

I've found the anti-liability arguments quite persuasive.

Peter Trei

RE: Products Liability and Innovation. Was: ...

2001-08-14 Thread Trei, Peter

It's been interesting seeing the back and forth on this,
especially since I kicked off this subthread.

I've found the anti-liability arguments quite persuasive.

Peter Trei

8-CALL FOR REVIEWERS: Draft NRC report on "Tools and Strategies for Protecting Kids from Pornography and Their Applicability to Other Inappropriate Internet Content."

2001-08-14 Thread Herb Lin

Apologies if you get more than one copy of this note - we are sending this to
many parties to generate the broadest possible universe from which to select


The National Research Council seeks reviewers for a draft report on its project
on "Tools and Strategies for Protecting Kids from Pornography and Their
Applicability to Other Inappropriate Internet Content."   More information on
this project, including a list of committee members, can be found at <>.

Purpose of review

Every report of the National Research Council must be reviewed by a diverse
group of experts other than its authors before it may be released outside the
institution.  This independent, rigorous review is a hallmark that distinguishes
the NRC from many other organizations offering scientific and technical advice
on issues of national importance.  The purpose of such review is to assist the
authors in making their report as accurate and effective as possible, and to
enhance the clarity, cogency, and credibility of the final document.

Responsibilities of reviewers

Reviewers are asked to consider whether in their judgment the evidence and
arguments presented are sound and the report is fully responsive to the study
charge, not whether they concur with the findings.  Reviewers provide written
comments on any and all aspects of the draft report, and the authoring committee
is expected to consider all review comments and to provide written responses to
those comments, either modifying the report accordingly or explaining why the
report was not modified.  The committee's responses are themselves evaluated by
the National Research Council for adequacy and completeness.  Note that NRC
reports have a history of changing significantly between draft and final
versions as the result of reviewer comments.

Qualifications of reviewers

Reviewers of NRC reports are selected on the basis of personal expertise in a
field or fields relevant to the subject matter of the report; a dedication to
drawing conclusions based on the analysis of data and information; sufficiently
seniority in their fields to warrant broad respect for their intellect,
fairness, and stature.  Names of reviewers are made public at the time of the
report's final publication, but during the review process they are anonymous to
the committee and staff.

Confidentiality of report

Because NRC reports change as the result of review, reviewers must be willing to
keep the draft report absolutely confidential and otherwise abide by the NRC's
guidelines for reviewing of reports.

Procedure for submitting names

Please forward nominations for reviewers (self-nominations acceptable) to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  The "subject" line of the e-mail should say "reviewer
nomination."  Submitted nominations should include contact information,
biographies (including relevant published works, public statements, and current
or former positions of relevance), and indications of relevant expertise and the
perspective on the subject that the nominee will bring.  Note that while the NRC
seeks nominations from a wide variety of sources, it reserves the exclusive
right to determine reviewers of its reports.

Deadline for Nominations

While nominations may be submitted at any time, nominations without the
information described above, or received after September 15, 2001, may not be
fully considered.

More information is available from the Web site of this project at <> or from
Herb Lin (Study Director), at 202-334-2605.