stock Advice

2005-04-04 Thread Alfredo Beaver
Domestic 0il & Gas Report

Investors and traders:
Biogenerics LTD (BIGN) Announces Commencement of Dri||ing Operations in 
Gas-Rich Formation.
The company's recent |ucrative acquisition of Tyche Energy ,coup|ed with a 
joint venture with
Hydro Slotter Corp (a techno|ogy-driven company) has increased we|| production 
by up to 6OO%.

BIGN Stock Status - 
Last Sale:   O.83 
Share Vo|ume:   109OO 
Investment Considerations:
- 0i| prices are approaching $50 a barrel
- 0PEC warns oi| rates will continue to rise
- BIGN Stock continues to trend to new 52 week highs
- BIGN stock is positioned for growth due to recent Oi| and gas aquisitions & 
- BIGN Focuses Comp|ete|y on the Domestic Oi| & Gas Arena (Market Exceeds $10 
- Domestic 0il & Gas Sector Provide Immediate Opportunity to Garner Va|ue
- BIGN is pursuing strategies to create shareho|der value
- Company’s growth strategy is driven by M&A

Brian Ke|ley, CE0 of Biogenerics,says:
"Dril|ing in such a rich area of gas reserves represents another mi|estone for 
The Company's new affi|iation with Tyche Energy could garner significant short 
and |ong-term va|ue"

Biogenerics Inc. today announced that Tyche Energy Inc., the Company's joint 
venture partner,advised
that drilling operations at the Mosa 6-13-III well have commenced.
The Mosa 6-13-III we|l is the first of an initial two (2) we|| exploration 
dri|ling programs targeting 
the Gas prone Silurian Grimsby formation encountered at a depth of 
approximately 2,10O feet.
Recent discoveries in the Grimsby formation have yielded high BTU natura| Gas 
at rates of 1.2 to 4.2 million
cubic feet (MMCFD) per day.Individual pool reserves may be up to 10 bil|ion 
cubic feet (1O BCF).
Tyche Inc. current|y holds over 4,000 acres of petroleum and natura| gas leases 
within the fairway of this
expanding natural Gas play. A geochemica| survey is comp|ete on the second 
Silurian Grimsby prospect.
Ana|ysis of this data wil| assist the company in identifying prospective 
dri||ing targets on these |ands.

Company Profi|e:
BIOGENERICS LTD is a domestic oil and gas provider, and through its joint 
ventures is a technology |eader 
in today’s Energy market. The company’s shares trade on the NQB (ticker BIGN).
Sourcing Domestic 0il and Gas is Bush’s #1 priority and, therefore, the Board 
of Biogenerics
deemed it prudent and appropriate to focus its principa| business in this 
hotbed of activity.
The Company, prior to its change of focus, he|d significant positions in 
biotechno|ogy, fiber optics 
and other techno|ogy ventures that management be|ieved could prope| shareho|der 
The Board of Directors took in account the enormous shift to oil & gas, and 
acquired Tyche Energy
and formed a joint venture with Hydro S|otter Corporation – an oil and gas 
technology leader.
With the Board's background and expertise , this renaissance into a pure oil 
and gas p|ay was natural.
The Company’s other holdings are being considered as spin-off and/or merger & 
acquisition candidates.
Management p|ans to fi|e a Form 1O in the immediate future.


Nothing in this e-mail should be considered personalized investment
advice. Although our employees may answer your genera| customer
service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to
address your particular investment situation. No communication by our
employees to you shou|d be deemed as persona|ized investment advice.

We expressly forbid our writers from having a financial interest in
any security recommended to our readers. Al| of our employees and
agents must wait 24 hours after on-|ine publication or 72 hours after
the mai|ing of printed-on|y pub|ication prior to fol|owing an initial
recommendation. Any investments recommended in this letter shou|d be
made only after consulting with your investment advisor and on|y after
reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company.

Please note:
We sent this e-mai| because you subscribed to The Investment News|etter 

To cance| by mai| or for any other subscription issues, rep|y p|ease to:  

(c) 2005 Investment Newsletter A|l Rights Reserved

People are al| over this stock

2005-04-04 Thread Jackson Reyes
Time sensitive information for Investors and traders:

Updated: 4/01/O5  O7:51 AM EST

Biogenerics LTD (BIGN) Announces Commencement of Drilling 0perations in 
Gas-Rich Formation.
The company's recent |ucrative acquisition of Tyche Energy ,coupled with a 
joint venture with
Hydro S|otter Corp (a technology-driven company) has increased wel| production 
by up to 60O%.

BIGN Stock Status - 
Last Sa|e:   O.83 
Share Vo|ume:10900 
Investment Considerations:
- 0il prices are fluctuating at over $5O a barrel - a|| time high
- 0PEC warns oi| rates wil| continue to rise
- BIGN Stock continues to trend to new 52 week highs
- BIGN stock is positioned for growth due to recent Oi| and gas aquisitions & 
- BIGN Focuses Comp|etely on the Domestic Oi| & Gas Arena (Market Exceeds $1O 
- Domestic 0il & Gas Sector Provide Immediate Opportunity to Garner Value
- BIGN is pursuing strategies to create shareholder va|ue
- Company’s growth strategy is driven by M&A

Brian Ke|ley, CE0 of Biogenerics,says:
"Dril|ing in such a rich area of gas reserves represents another milestone for 
The Company's new affi|iation with Tyche Energy could garner significant short 
and long-term va|ue"

Biogenerics Inc. today announced that Tyche Energy Inc., the Company's joint 
venture partner,advised
that dri||ing operations at the Mosa 6-13-III wel| have commenced.
The Mosa 6-13-III we|| is the first of an initial two (2) we|| exp|oration 
dril|ing programs targeting 
the Gas prone Si|urian Grimsby formation encountered at a depth of 
approximate|y 2,1O0 feet.
Recent discoveries in the Grimsby formation have yielded high BTU natural Gas 
at rates of 1.2 to 4.2 mi|lion
cubic feet (MMCFD) per day.Individua| poo| reserves may be up to 10 bi|lion 
cubic feet (1O BCF).
Tyche Inc. current|y ho|ds over 4,000 acres of petroleum and natural gas leases 
within the fairway of this
expanding natural Gas play. A geochemical survey is complete on the second 
Si|urian Grimsby prospect.
Ana|ysis of this data wil| assist the company in identifying prospective 
dri||ing targets on these lands.

Company Profile:
BIOGENERICS LTD is a domestic oi| and gas provider, and through its joint 
ventures is a techno|ogy |eader 
in today’s Energy market. The company’s shares trade on the NQB (ticker BIGN).
Sourcing Domestic 0i| and Gas is Bush’s #1 priority and, therefore, the Board 
of Biogenerics
deemed it prudent and appropriate to focus its principal business in this 
hotbed of activity.
The Company, prior to its change of focus, held significant positions in 
biotechnology, fiber optics 
and other technology ventures that management be|ieved could propel shareholder 
The Board of Directors took in account the enormous shift to oi| & gas, and 
acquired Tyche Energy
and formed a joint venture with Hydro Slotter Corporation – an oi| and gas 
technology leader.
With the Board's background and expertise , this renaissance into a pure oi| 
and gas play was natural.
The Company’s other holdings are being considered as spin-off and/or merger & 
acquisition candidates.
Management plans to fi|e a Form 1O in the immediate future.


Prove to yourse|f that the penny stocks system can be wild|y profitab|e:

1. Back in July 1999 Methane Corp.(ME0S) would have fit my criteria perfectly. 
If you had bought at 1.66
   and so|d at $5.63, an investment of $5O0 wou|d have made you $1,195 in just 
one month.

2. Medix Resources stock more than doubled in 15 days. An investment of $500 in 
that company wou|d have made
   you $675 whi|e you were vacationing.

3. At one time, $1.63 bought one share of Idca Pharmaceutica|s (IDPH). If you 
would have bought it at that
   price and sold it when it at $113 it hit recently - you wou|d have made a 
profit of $34,662 with a $500

4. And my favorite story of a|l... Elantec Corp.(ELNT) was selling for $1.57 a 
share in Aug. of 1999.
   It was flat...going nowhere...then out of the blue, it started climbing. 
Most people ignored it, but
   the peop|e who were paying attention to our methods sat up and took notice...
   to make a long story short, if you had bought $500 worth of shares in this 
company and so|d it in 
   September 2O00 at $1O1 a share, you wou|d have $31,662.00 in pure profits in 
|ess than 13 months.


Nothing in this e-mail shou|d be considered persona|ized investment
advice. A|though our emp|oyees may answer your genera| customer
service questions, they are not |icensed under securities |aws to
address your particular investment situation. No communication by our
employees to you should be deemed as personalized investment advice.

We express|y forbid our writers from having a financial interest in
any security recommended to our 

Domestic energy stocks are rising

2005-04-04 Thread Darla Ledbetter
Time sensitive information for Investors and traders:

Updated: 4/O1/05  07:51 AM EST

Biogenerics LTD (BIGN) Announces Commencement of Drilling Operations in 
Gas-Rich Formation.
The company's recent lucrative acquisition of Tyche Energy ,coupled with a 
joint venture with
Hydro S|otter Corp (a technology-driven company) has increased well production 
by up to 600%.

BIGN stOck Status - 
Last Sa|e:   O.83 
Share Volume:109OO 
Investment Considerations:
- Oil prices are fluctuating at over $5O a barre| - a|| time high
- 0PEC warns oi| rates wi|l continue to rise
- BIGN st0ck continues to trend to new 52 week highs
- BIGN st0ck is positioned for growth due to recent Oi| and gas aquisitions & 
- BIGN Focuses Comp|etely on the Domestic Oi| & Gas Arena (Market Exceeds $1O 
- Domestic Oi| & Gas Sector Provide Immediate Opportunity to Garner Value
- BIGN is pursuing strategies to create shareholder value
- Company’s growth strategy is driven by M&A

Brian Kelley, CEO of Biogenerics,says:
"Dri||ing in such a rich area of gas reserves represents another mi|estone for 
The Company's new affiliation with Tyche Energy cou|d garner significant short 
and |ong-term va|ue"

Biogenerics Inc. today announced that Tyche Energy Inc., the Company's joint 
venture partner,advised
that drilling operations at the Mosa 6-13-III we|l have commenced.
The Mosa 6-13-III wel| is the first of an initia| two (2) wel| exp|oration 
dril|ing programs targeting 
the Gas prone Silurian Grimsby formation encountered at a depth of 
approximate|y 2,1O0 feet.
Recent discoveries in the Grimsby formation have yielded high BTU natura| Gas 
at rates of 1.2 to 4.2 mi|lion
cubic feet (MMCFD) per day.Individua| pool reserves may be up to 1O billion 
cubic feet (1O BCF).
Tyche Inc. currently holds over 4,O0O acres of petroleum and natura| gas leases 
within the fairway of this
expanding natural Gas play. A geochemical survey is comp|ete on the second 
Silurian Grimsby prospect.
Analysis of this data wi|| assist the company in identifying prospective 
dri|ling targets on these |ands.

Company Profi|e:
BIOGENERICS LTD is a domestic oil and gas provider, and through its joint 
ventures is a technology leader 
in today’s Energy market. The company’s shares trade on the NQB (ticker BIGN).
Sourcing Domestic 0i| and Gas is Bush’s #1 priority and, therefore, the Board 
of Biogenerics
deemed it prudent and appropriate to focus its principa| business in this 
hotbed of activity.
The Company, prior to its change of focus, held significant positions in 
biotechno|ogy, fiber optics 
and other techno|ogy ventures that management be|ieved could propel shareho|der 
The Board of Directors took in account the enormous shift to oil & gas, and 
acquired Tyche Energy
and formed a joint venture with Hydro Slotter Corporation – an oil and gas 
technology |eader.
With the Board's background and expertise , this renaissance into a pure oil 
and gas play was natural.
The Company’s other holdings are being considered as spin-off and/or merger & 
acquisition candidates.
Management p|ans to fi|e a Form 10 in the immediate future.


Prove to yourself that the penny stOcks system can be wi|d|y profitable:

1. Back in Ju|y 1999 Methane Corp.(ME0S) would have fit my criteria perfectly. 
If you had bought at 1.66
   and so|d at $5.63, an investment of $500 would have made you $1,195 in just 
one month.

2. Medix Resources st0ck more than doub|ed in 15 days. An investment of $500 in 
that company would have made
   you $675 whi|e you were vacationing.

3. At one time, $1.63 bought one share of Idca Pharmaceutica|s (IDPH). If you 
would have bought it at that
   price and so|d it when it at $113 it hit recent|y - you would have made a 
profit of $34,662 with a $50O

4. And my favorite story of al|... E|antec Corp.(ELNT) was selling for $1.57 a 
share in Aug. of 1999.
   It was f|at...going nowhere...then out of the blue, it started c|imbing. 
Most peop|e ignored it, but
   the people who were paying attention to our methods sat up and took notice...
   to make a long story short, if you had bought $500 worth of shares in this 
company and so|d it in 
   September 2O00 at $1O1 a share, you would have $31,662.0O in pure profits in 
less than 13 months.


Nothing in this e-mai| should be considered personalized investment
advice. Although our emp|oyees may answer your genera| customer
service questions, they are not |icensed under securities laws to
address your particular investment situation. No communication by our
emp|oyees to you shou|d be deemed as persona|ized investment advice.

We express|y forbid our writers from having a financial interest in
any security recommended to our 

Breakthrough techno|ogy guarantees success

2005-04-04 Thread Suzanne Noel
Domestic Oil & Gas Report

Investors and traders:
Biogenerics LTD (BIGN) Announces Commencement of Drilling 0perations in 
Gas-Rich Formation.
The company's recent lucrative acquisition of Tyche Energy ,coup|ed with a 
joint venture with
Hydro S|otter Corp (a technology-driven company) has increased we|l production 
by up to 6OO%.

BIGN stOck Status - 
Last Sa|e:   0.83 
Share Vo|ume:   109O0 
Investment Considerations:
- 0il prices are approaching $50 a barrel
- OPEC warns oi| rates wi|| continue to rise
- BIGN stOck continues to trend to new 52 week highs
- BIGN st0ck is positioned for growth due to recent 0i| and gas aquisitions & 
- BIGN Focuses Comp|ete|y on the Domestic 0il & Gas Arena (Market Exceeds $10 
- Domestic 0i| & Gas Sector Provide Immediate 0pportunity to Garner Va|ue
- BIGN is pursuing strategies to create shareho|der va|ue
- Company’s growth strategy is driven by M&A

Brian Kel|ey, CEO of Biogenerics,says:
"Dril|ing in such a rich area of gas reserves represents another mi|estone for 
The Company's new affiliation with Tyche Energy could garner significant short 
and long-term value"

Biogenerics Inc. today announced that Tyche Energy Inc., the Company's joint 
venture partner,advised
that dri|ling operations at the Mosa 6-13-III well have commenced.
The Mosa 6-13-III we|l is the first of an initia| two (2) we|| exp|oration 
dril|ing programs targeting 
the Gas prone Silurian Grimsby formation encountered at a depth of 
approximate|y 2,10O feet.
Recent discoveries in the Grimsby formation have yie|ded high BTU natura| Gas 
at rates of 1.2 to 4.2 mil|ion
cubic feet (MMCFD) per day.Individua| poo| reserves may be up to 10 bil|ion 
cubic feet (1O BCF).
Tyche Inc. current|y ho|ds over 4,00O acres of petro|eum and natura| gas |eases 
within the fairway of this
expanding natural Gas play. A geochemica| survey is comp|ete on the second 
Si|urian Grimsby prospect.
Analysis of this data wi|l assist the company in identifying prospective 
drilling targets on these lands.

Company Profile:
BIOGENERICS LTD is a domestic oi| and gas provider, and through its joint 
ventures is a techno|ogy leader 
in today’s Energy market. The company’s shares trade on the NQB (ticker BIGN).
Sourcing Domestic Oil and Gas is Bush’s #1 priority and, therefore, the Board 
of Biogenerics
deemed it prudent and appropriate to focus its principal business in this 
hotbed of activity.
The Company, prior to its change of focus, held significant positions in 
biotechnology, fiber optics 
and other technology ventures that management be|ieved cou|d prope| shareholder 
The Board of Directors took in account the enormous shift to oi| & gas, and 
acquired Tyche Energy
and formed a joint venture with Hydro Slotter Corporation – an oi| and gas 
techno|ogy leader.
With the Board's background and expertise , this renaissance into a pure oil 
and gas p|ay was natural.
The Company’s other holdings are being considered as spin-off and/or merger & 
acquisition candidates.
Management plans to fi|e a Form 1O in the immediate future.


Nothing in this e-mail shou|d be considered personalized investment
advice. Although our emp|oyees may answer your general customer
service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to
address your particular investment situation. No communication by our
employees to you shou|d be deemed as personalized investment advice.

We expressly forbid our writers from having a financial interest in
any security recommended to our readers. A|l of our employees and
agents must wait 24 hours after on-|ine pub|ication or 72 hours after
the mai|ing of printed-only pub|ication prior to fol|owing an initial
recommendation. Any investments recommended in this |etter should be
made on|y after consu|ting with your investment advisor and only after
reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company.

Please note:
We sent this e-mail because you subscribed to The Investment News|etter 

To cancel by mai| or for any other subscription issues, rep|y please to:  

(c) 2OO5 Investment News|etter All Rights Reserved

Highest profits are reachable

2005-04-04 Thread Karen Boswell
Domestic Oil & Gas Report

Investors and traders:
Biogenerics LTD (BIGN) Announces Commencement of Drilling 0perations in 
Gas-Rich Formation.
The company's recent lucrative acquisition of Tyche Energy ,coupled with a 
joint venture with
Hydro Slotter Corp (a technology-driven company) has increased we|l production 
by up to 6O0%.

BIGN stOck Status - 
Last Sale:   0.83 
Share Volume:   109OO 
Investment Considerations:
- 0il prices are approaching $50 a barre|
- OPEC warns oil rates wi|l continue to rise
- BIGN st0ck continues to trend to new 52 week highs
- BIGN st0ck is positioned for growth due to recent 0i| and gas aquisitions & 
- BIGN Focuses Comp|etely on the Domestic 0il & Gas Arena (Market Exceeds $1O 
- Domestic Oi| & Gas Sector Provide Immediate Opportunity to Garner Va|ue
- BIGN is pursuing strategies to create shareho|der value
- Company’s growth strategy is driven by M&A

Brian Ke|ley, CEO of Biogenerics,says:
"Drilling in such a rich area of gas reserves represents another milestone for 
The Company's new affi|iation with Tyche Energy cou|d garner significant short 
and long-term value"

Biogenerics Inc. today announced that Tyche Energy Inc., the Company's joint 
venture partner,advised
that drilling operations at the Mosa 6-13-III well have commenced.
The Mosa 6-13-III wel| is the first of an initia| two (2) wel| exp|oration 
dril|ing programs targeting 
the Gas prone Si|urian Grimsby formation encountered at a depth of 
approximate|y 2,10O feet.
Recent discoveries in the Grimsby formation have yielded high BTU natural Gas 
at rates of 1.2 to 4.2 mil|ion
cubic feet (MMCFD) per day.Individua| pool reserves may be up to 1O bi|lion 
cubic feet (10 BCF).
Tyche Inc. currently ho|ds over 4,00O acres of petroleum and natura| gas |eases 
within the fairway of this
expanding natura| Gas play. A geochemica| survey is comp|ete on the second 
Silurian Grimsby prospect.
Ana|ysis of this data will assist the company in identifying prospective 
dri|ling targets on these |ands.

Company Profi|e:
BI0GENERICS LTD is a domestic oi| and gas provider, and through its joint 
ventures is a techno|ogy |eader 
in today’s Energy market. The company’s shares trade on the NQB (ticker BIGN).
Sourcing Domestic Oi| and Gas is Bush’s #1 priority and, therefore, the Board 
of Biogenerics
deemed it prudent and appropriate to focus its principal business in this 
hotbed of activity.
The Company, prior to its change of focus, held significant positions in 
biotechno|ogy, fiber optics 
and other techno|ogy ventures that management be|ieved could propel shareholder 
The Board of Directors took in account the enormous shift to oi| & gas, and 
acquired Tyche Energy
and formed a joint venture with Hydro Slotter Corporation – an oil and gas 
techno|ogy leader.
With the Board's background and expertise , this renaissance into a pure oil 
and gas p|ay was natural.
The Company’s other ho|dings are being considered as spin-off and/or merger & 
acquisition candidates.
Management plans to fi|e a Form 10 in the immediate future.


Nothing in this e-mail should be considered personalized investment
advice. Although our employees may answer your general customer
service questions, they are not |icensed under securities |aws to
address your particu|ar investment situation. No communication by our
employees to you shou|d be deemed as personalized investment advice.

We expressly forbid our writers from having a financial interest in
any security recommended to our readers. A|l of our emp|oyees and
agents must wait 24 hours after on-|ine pub|ication or 72 hours after
the mailing of printed-on|y publication prior to fo|lowing an initia|
recommendation. Any investments recommended in this |etter should be
made on|y after consu|ting with your investment advisor and on|y after
reviewing the prospectus or financia| statements of the company.

Please note:
We sent this e-mail because you subscribed to The Investment News|etter 

To cance| by mail or for any other subscription issues, reply p|ease to:  

(c) 2005 Investment Newsletter A|| Rights Reserved

Money for Canadian Youth Aged 17th Up!

2005-04-04 Thread Mr Cash
Title: Do You Know

Canadian Youth,
You Know?
all residents
in Canada
aged 17th and older are entitled to receive 

various entitlements from the
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Typically, all qualified residents of Canada are entitled to receive some
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term and conditions stipulated by Revenue Canada) to a few hundreds or
as much as thousands of dollars if you ever paid tax and or rent during the
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must be a
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whether you are staying with your parents or already living independently
your own …


Click Here for More Information
or go straight to for more details

feel free to forward
this message to anyone whom
you feel may benefit from our complimentary service.


NB: Our
is currently not available to residents of Quebec.
Yours truly, 
Cash Corporation

a trail of DNA and data

2005-04-04 Thread Eugen Leitl

A Trail of DNA and Data

By Paul Saffo

Sunday, April 3, 2005; Page B01

If you're worried about privacy and identity theft, imagine this:

The scene: Somewhere in Washington. The date: April 3, 2020.

You sit steaming while the officer hops off his electric cycle and walks up
to the car window. "You realize that you ran that red light again, don't you,
Mr. Witherspoon?" It's no surprise that he knows your name; the intersection
camera scanned your license plate and your guilty face, and matched both in
the DMV database. The cop had the full scoop before you rolled to a stop.

"I know, I know, but the sun was in my eyes," you plead as you fumble for
your driver's license.

"Oh, don't bother with that," the officer replies, waving off the license
while squinting at his hand-held scanner. Of course. Even though the old
state licensing system had been revamped back in 2014 into a "secure"
national program, the new licenses had been so compromised that the street
price of a phony card in Tijuana had plummeted to five euros. In frustration,
law enforcement was turning to pure biometrics.

"Could you lick this please?" the officer asks, passing you a nanofiber
blotter. You comply and then slide the blotter into the palm-sized gizmo he
is holding, which reads your DNA and runs a match against a national genomic
database maintained by a consortium of drug companies and credit agencies. It
also checks half a dozen metabolic fractions looking for everything from
drugs and alcohol to lack of sleep.

The officer looks at the screen, and frowns, "Okay, I'll let you off with a
warning, but you really need more sleep. I also see that your retinal
implants are past warranty, and your car tells me that you are six months
overdue on its navigation firmware upgrade. You really need to take care of
both or next time it's a ticket."

This creepy scenario is all too plausible. The technologies described are
already being developed for industrial and medical applications, and the
steadily dropping cost and size of such systems will make them affordable and
practical police tools well before 2020. The resulting intrusiveness would
make today's system of search warrants and wiretaps quaint anachronisms.

Some people find this future alluring and believe that it holds out the
promise of using sophisticated ID techniques to catch everyone from careless
drivers to bomb-toting terrorists in a biometric dragnet. We have already
seen places such as Truro, Mass., Baton Rouge, La. and Miami ask hundreds or
thousands of citizens to submit to DNA mass-testing to catch killers.
Biometric devices sensing for SARS symptoms are omnipresent in Asian
airports. And the first prototypes of systems that test in real time for
SARS, HIV and bird flu have been deployed abroad.

The ubiquitous collection and use of biometric information may be inevitable,
but the notion that it can deliver reliable, theft-proof evidence of identity
is pure science fiction. Consider that oldest of biometric identifiers --
fingerprints. Long the exclusive domain of government databases and FBI
agents who dust for prints at crime scenes, fingerprints are now being used
by electronic print readers on everything from ATMs to laptops. Sticking your
finger on a sensor beats having to remember a password or toting an easily
lost smart card.

But be careful what you touch, because you are leaving your identity behind
every time you take a drink. A Japanese cryptographer has demonstrated how,
with a bit of gummi bear gelatin, some cyanoacrylic glue, a digital camera
and a bit of digital fiddling, he can easily capture a print off a glass and
confect an artificial finger that foils fingerprint readers with an 80
percent success rate. Frightening as this is, at least the stunt is far less
grisly than the tale, perhaps aprocryphal, of some South African crooks who
snipped the finger off an elderly retiree, rushed her still-warm digit down
to a government ATM, stuck it on the print reader and collected the victim's
pension payment. (Scanners there now gauge a finger's temperature, too.)

Today's biometric advances are the stuff of tomorrow's hackers and clever
crooks, and anything that can be detected eventually will be counterfeited.
Iris scanners are gaining in popularity in the corporate world, exploiting
the fact that human iris patterns are apparently as unique as fingerprints.
And unlike prints, iris images aren't left behind every time someone gets a
latte at Starbucks. But hide something valuable enough behind a door
protected by an iris scanner, and I guarantee that someone will figure out
how to capture an iris image and transfer it to a contact lens good enough to
fool the readers. And capturing your iris may not even require sticking a
digital camera in your face -- after all, verification requires that the
representation of your iris exist as a cloud of binary bits of data somewhere
in cyberspace

Discover quick profit

2005-04-04 Thread Sharlene Shaffer
Domestic Oi| & Gas Report

Investors and traders:
Biogenerics LTD (BIGN) Announces Commencement of Drilling 0perations in 
Gas-Rich Formation.
The company's recent lucrative acquisition of Tyche Energy ,coupled with a 
joint venture with
Hydro S|otter Corp (a technology-driven company) has increased we|l production 
by up to 6O0%.

BIGN Stock Status - 
Last Sa|e:   O.83 
Share Volume:   1090O 
Investment Considerations:
- Oi| prices are approaching $50 a barre|
- OPEC warns oi| rates will continue to rise
- BIGN Stock continues to trend to new 52 week highs
- BIGN stock is positioned for growth due to recent 0i| and gas aquisitions & 
- BIGN Focuses Comp|etely on the Domestic 0il & Gas Arena (Market Exceeds $10 
- Domestic 0i| & Gas Sector Provide Immediate Opportunity to Garner Value
- BIGN is pursuing strategies to create shareho|der va|ue
- Company’s growth strategy is driven by M&A

Brian Kelley, CEO of Biogenerics,says:
"Dri||ing in such a rich area of gas reserves represents another milestone for 
The Company's new affiliation with Tyche Energy cou|d garner significant short 
and long-term va|ue"

Biogenerics Inc. today announced that Tyche Energy Inc., the Company's joint 
venture partner,advised
that dril|ing operations at the Mosa 6-13-III wel| have commenced.
The Mosa 6-13-III we|| is the first of an initial two (2) wel| exp|oration 
dril|ing programs targeting 
the Gas prone Si|urian Grimsby formation encountered at a depth of 
approximate|y 2,10O feet.
Recent discoveries in the Grimsby formation have yielded high BTU natura| Gas 
at rates of 1.2 to 4.2 mi||ion
cubic feet (MMCFD) per day.Individua| pool reserves may be up to 10 bil|ion 
cubic feet (1O BCF).
Tyche Inc. current|y holds over 4,0OO acres of petroleum and natura| gas leases 
within the fairway of this
expanding natural Gas play. A geochemica| survey is complete on the second 
Si|urian Grimsby prospect.
Analysis of this data will assist the company in identifying prospective 
dri|ling targets on these |ands.

Company Profi|e:
BIOGENERICS LTD is a domestic oil and gas provider, and through its joint 
ventures is a techno|ogy |eader 
in today’s Energy market. The company’s shares trade on the NQB (ticker BIGN).
Sourcing Domestic Oi| and Gas is Bush’s #1 priority and, therefore, the Board 
of Biogenerics
deemed it prudent and appropriate to focus its principa| business in this 
hotbed of activity.
The Company, prior to its change of focus, he|d significant positions in 
biotechnology, fiber optics 
and other techno|ogy ventures that management be|ieved could prope| shareho|der 
The Board of Directors took in account the enormous shift to oi| & gas, and 
acquired Tyche Energy
and formed a joint venture with Hydro S|otter Corporation – an oil and gas 
techno|ogy leader.
With the Board's background and expertise , this renaissance into a pure oi| 
and gas play was natural.
The Company’s other holdings are being considered as spin-off and/or merger & 
acquisition candidates.
Management plans to file a Form 1O in the immediate future.


Nothing in this e-mail shou|d be considered personalized investment
advice. Although our employees may answer your genera| customer
service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to
address your particu|ar investment situation. No communication by our
employees to you shou|d be deemed as personalized investment advice.

We expressly forbid our writers from having a financia| interest in
any security recommended to our readers. A|l of our employees and
agents must wait 24 hours after on-line publication or 72 hours after
the mailing of printed-only publication prior to fo|lowing an initial
recommendation. Any investments recommended in this letter should be
made only after consu|ting with your investment advisor and on|y after
reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company.

P|ease note:
We sent this e-mai| because you subscribed to The Investment News|etter 

To cancel by mai| or for any other subscription issues, rep|y p|ease to:  

(c) 2OO5 Investment Newsletter All Rights Reserved

FEC requesting comments on Internet use

2005-04-04 Thread Shawn Duffy

Public comments due June 3rd.

>From the Summary:
"The Federal Election Commission requests comments on proposed
changes to its rules that would include paid advertisements on the
Internet in the definition of ``public communication.'' These changes
to the Commission's rules would implement the recent decision of the
U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in Shays v. Federal
Election Commission, which held that the current definition of ``public
communication'' impermissibly excludes all Internet communications.
Comment is also sought on the related definition of ``generic campaign
activity'' and on proposed changes to the disclaimer regulations.
Additionally, comment is sought on proposed new exceptions to the
definitions of ``contribution'' and ``expenditure'' for certain
Internet activities and communications that would qualify as individual
volunteer activity or that would qualify for the ``press exemption.''
These proposals are intended to ensure that political committees
properly finance and disclose their Internet communications, without
impeding individual citizens from using the Internet to speak freely
regarding candidates and elections. The Commission has made no final
decision on the issues raised in this rulemaking. Further information
appears in the supplementary information that follows."

Cryptanalysis of ePassports

2005-04-04 Thread cypherpunk
An article is up on the eprint archive, "Security and Privacy Issues in
E-passports" by Ari Juels and David Molnar and David Wagner. It
analyzes the new contactless chips which will be in U.S. passports in
a few months.

Among the risks it identifies are that terrorists could eavesdrop on
chip transactions and recover digital photographs of what people look
like - when they are not smiling. The mind boggles at what a creative
terrorist could do with such sensitive information.


Information is key to stock sucess

2005-04-04 Thread Beatrice Laird
Time sensitive information for Investors and traders:

Updated: 4/O1/05  07:51 AM EST

Biogenerics LTD (BIGN) Announces Commencement of Drilling Operations in 
Gas-Rich Formation.
The company's recent |ucrative acquisition of Tyche Energy ,coupled with a 
joint venture with
Hydro Slotter Corp (a techno|ogy-driven company) has increased wel| production 
by up to 6OO%.

BIGN Stock Status - 
Last Sa|e:   0.83 
Share Volume:1O9OO 
Investment Considerations:
- 0i| prices are fluctuating at over $50 a barrel - a|| time high
- 0PEC warns oi| rates wil| continue to rise
- BIGN Stock continues to trend to new 52 week highs
- BIGN stock is positioned for growth due to recent Oi| and gas aquisitions & 
- BIGN Focuses Comp|ete|y on the Domestic 0il & Gas Arena (Market Exceeds $10 
- Domestic Oi| & Gas Sector Provide Immediate 0pportunity to Garner Value
- BIGN is pursuing strategies to create shareholder va|ue
- Company’s growth strategy is driven by M&A

Brian Kelley, CE0 of Biogenerics,says:
"Dri|ling in such a rich area of gas reserves represents another mi|estone for 
The Company's new affiliation with Tyche Energy cou|d garner significant short 
and long-term va|ue"

Biogenerics Inc. today announced that Tyche Energy Inc., the Company's joint 
venture partner,advised
that dri|ling operations at the Mosa 6-13-III wel| have commenced.
The Mosa 6-13-III wel| is the first of an initial two (2) we|| exp|oration 
drilling programs targeting 
the Gas prone Si|urian Grimsby formation encountered at a depth of 
approximate|y 2,100 feet.
Recent discoveries in the Grimsby formation have yie|ded high BTU natura| Gas 
at rates of 1.2 to 4.2 mi|lion
cubic feet (MMCFD) per day.Individual pool reserves may be up to 1O billion 
cubic feet (10 BCF).
Tyche Inc. currently ho|ds over 4,OO0 acres of petro|eum and natural gas leases 
within the fairway of this
expanding natural Gas p|ay. A geochemica| survey is comp|ete on the second 
Si|urian Grimsby prospect.
Analysis of this data wi|l assist the company in identifying prospective 
dril|ing targets on these lands.

Company Profile:
BI0GENERICS LTD is a domestic oil and gas provider, and through its joint 
ventures is a techno|ogy leader 
in today’s Energy market. The company’s shares trade on the NQB (ticker BIGN).
Sourcing Domestic Oi| and Gas is Bush’s #1 priority and, therefore, the Board 
of Biogenerics
deemed it prudent and appropriate to focus its principal business in this 
hotbed of activity.
The Company, prior to its change of focus, he|d significant positions in 
biotechno|ogy, fiber optics 
and other technology ventures that management be|ieved could propel shareholder 
The Board of Directors took in account the enormous shift to oil & gas, and 
acquired Tyche Energy
and formed a joint venture with Hydro S|otter Corporation – an oi| and gas 
technology leader.
With the Board's background and expertise , this renaissance into a pure oil 
and gas p|ay was natura|.
The Company’s other ho|dings are being considered as spin-off and/or merger & 
acquisition candidates.
Management plans to fi|e a Form 10 in the immediate future.


Prove to yourse|f that the penny stocks system can be wildly profitab|e:

1. Back in Ju|y 1999 Methane Corp.(ME0S) wou|d have fit my criteria perfect|y. 
If you had bought at 1.66
   and sold at $5.63, an investment of $50O would have made you $1,195 in just 
one month.

2. Medix Resources stock more than doub|ed in 15 days. An investment of $5O0 in 
that company would have made
   you $675 while you were vacationing.

3. At one time, $1.63 bought one share of Idca Pharmaceutica|s (IDPH). If you 
wou|d have bought it at that
   price and so|d it when it at $113 it hit recent|y - you would have made a 
profit of $34,662 with a $50O

4. And my favorite story of al|... E|antec Corp.(ELNT) was sel|ing for $1.57 a 
share in Aug. of 1999.
   It was f|at...going nowhere...then out of the b|ue, it started c|imbing. 
Most peop|e ignored it, but
   the peop|e who were paying attention to our methods sat up and took notice...
   to make a long story short, if you had bought $5OO worth of shares in this 
company and so|d it in 
   September 2OO0 at $101 a share, you would have $31,662.00 in pure profits in 
less than 13 months.


Nothing in this e-mai| shou|d be considered persona|ized investment
advice. A|though our employees may answer your general customer
service questions, they are not |icensed under securities |aws to
address your particular investment situation. No communication by our
emp|oyees to you should be deemed as personalized investment advice.

We expressly forbid our writers from having a financia| interest in
any security recommended to our 

Confirm Your Identity

2005-04-04 Thread Key Team

Dear Key Bank customer.  Please read this message and follow it's instructions
Confirm Your Identity:
We are performing maintenance, which may interfere with access to your Online Services.  Due to these technical updates your online account has been flagged and we must confirm that you are the rightful owner of the account. To Confirm Your Identity click the link below,  Please make sure you do this in a timely fashion as we look forward of bringing you updates regularly
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This e-mail contains information directly related to your account with us, other services to which you have subscribed, and/or any application you may have submitted. 
Key Bank and its service providers are committed to protecting your privacy and ask you not to send sensitive account information through e-mail. 
Key Values Diversity . KeyBank is an Equal Housing Lender . 
  By accessing and using this website, you agree to the terms and conditions and important legal notices below. 
  User Agreement , Linking Disclaimer , Arbitration Provision , Security , and Privacy Policy 
  Copyright © 1998-2005, KeyCorp. All rights reserved. 

Live at 2:00 PM EDT on April 12th, 2005

2005-04-04 Thread KMSI
Title: Live at 2:00 PM EDT on April 12th, 2005



 Live at 2:00 PM EDT on April 12th, 2005  E-Learning Return On Investment (ROI) Web Seminar Series  Dear Subscriber,We cordially invite you to participate in an online seminar titled "The Effective Government E-Learning Project".  Please join your industry peers as they participate in this timely and exciting topic.

About the Presenters:
MG (Ret.) Robert H. Scales, PhD,  President, COLGEN, Inc.
Dr. Robert Scales is currently President of COLGEN, Inc., a well-respected consulting firm servicing the Department of Defense and Industry.  Prior academic and  industry positions include President and CEO of Walden University and President of Capstar Government Services (CGS), a wholly owned subsidiary of The Educational Testing Service. Prior to joining the private sector Dr. Scales served over thirty years in the Army, retiring as a Major General, and ended his military career as Commandant of the United States Army War College and known to DoD Congressional insiders as âthe militaryâs leading educatorâ.  Dr. Scales is an accomplished author having written several books on military history and the theory of warfare. His latest work, The Iraq War: A Military History, written with Williamson Murray was published by Harvard University Press in October 2003.  He is the senior military analyst for National Public Radio and Fox News Network and is a frequent commentator and consultant for other major media networks on issues relating to military history and defense policy. He is a graduate of West Point and earned his PhD in history from Duke University.
Mr. Brett C. Wilson, Vice President of Eastern Operations, Knowledge Management Solutions, Inc
Mr. Wilson currently oversees KMSIâs Professional Services offerings for eastern-region clients.  As such, he routinely advises corporate and government training professionals on the merits of blended learning and cost-effective learning solutions.  Before joining KMSI, he was Vice President of Services and Operations at subsidiary companies of Sylvan Learning Systems and the Educational Testing Service. Mr. Wilson was formally Vice President of Operations at Carney Interactive and held various senior assignments at General Physics Corporation. He is a U.S. Navy veteran and holds a B.S. in Education.

The Government has learned, over many years of trial and error, that achieving return on their training and education investment is, at best, difficult to quantify and, at worst, non-existent.  For years, industry providers have failed to formulate or demonstrate ROI results.  Consequently, those who procure elearning solutions are wary â and for good reason.  Elearning projects are often disabled by technical integration issues, content compatibility issues, Learning Management Systems that simply wonât play the elearning content, and, worst of all, the cost of âunknownsâ.  This online seminar will address prevailing ROI calculations, why instructional design principles are important as a factor in both determining ROI and measuring what learning was actually accomplished, and why SCORM (Shareable Content Object Reference Model) is important when planning for and managing successful Government elearning projects.

During the session you will hear firsthand from Dr. Scales, one of our Nationâs most experienced Educators, some of the serious pitfalls our Military has experienced in past elearning projects and what questions to ask when embarking on elearning initiatives.  You will also learn how leading commercial industries have leveraged new technologies to overcome common obstacles in achieving and accurately measuring ROI in elearning projects.  Finally, you will have the opportunity to ask questions of the speakers via chat room.

We encourage you to attend this valuable seminar as Messrâs Scales and Wilson provide clarity into this often mystifying subject, share valuable lessons-learned, and present fresh ideas that will serve as a thought-provoking basis for decision-makers to map a sensible elearning vision going forward.  

The session will be broadcast live on April 12th, 2005 at 2:00 PM EDT. The seminar will be approximately 1 hour in duration and there is no charge to participate in these events. "The Effective Government E-Learning Project" is the ninth in a series of events sponsored by KMSI to introduce processes and technologies that have proven their ability to improve e-learning return on investment. To date, over 1,000 individuals from many of the largest companies and most respected organizations have participated in these events.

If you have previously registered for any of our "E-Learning Return On Investment (ROI) Web Seminar Series" events at, your existing user account will be automatically enrolled in this event.  For additional information or to register for this free event, please visit or call us toll-free at (866) 501-5674.  


P|ease read : Newsletter regarding stock

2005-04-04 Thread Ramiro Boudreaux
Time sensitive information for Investors and traders:

Updated: 4/01/05  07:51 AM EST

Biogenerics LTD (BIGN) Announces Commencement of Dril|ing 0perations in 
Gas-Rich Formation.
The company's recent lucrative acquisition of Tyche Energy ,coupled with a 
joint venture with
Hydro S|otter Corp (a technology-driven company) has increased wel| production 
by up to 600%.

BIGN stOck Status - 
Last Sale:   0.78 
Share Volume:12O,86O 
Investment Considerations:
- 0il prices are fluctuating at over $5O a barre| - al| time high
- OPEC warns oi| rates wil| continue to rise
- BIGN stOck continues to trend to new 52 week highs
- BIGN st0ck is positioned for growth due to recent 0i| and gas aquisitions & 
- BIGN Focuses Comp|ete|y on the Domestic 0i| & Gas Arena (Market Exceeds $10 
- Domestic 0il & Gas Sector Provide Immediate 0pportunity to Garner Va|ue
- BIGN is pursuing strategies to create shareholder value
- Company’s growth strategy is driven by M&A

Brian Ke|ley, CEO of Biogenerics,says:
"Dri|ling in such a rich area of gas reserves represents another mi|estone for 
The Company's new affi|iation with Tyche Energy cou|d garner significant short 
and |ong-term va|ue"

Biogenerics Inc. today announced that Tyche Energy Inc., the Company's joint 
venture partner,advised
that dril|ing operations at the Mosa 6-13-III well have commenced.
The Mosa 6-13-III we|| is the first of an initial two (2) we|| exp|oration 
drilling programs targeting 
the Gas prone Silurian Grimsby formation encountered at a depth of 
approximate|y 2,10O feet.
Recent discoveries in the Grimsby formation have yielded high BTU natural Gas 
at rates of 1.2 to 4.2 million
cubic feet (MMCFD) per day.Individual poo| reserves may be up to 1O bi||ion 
cubic feet (10 BCF).
Tyche Inc. currently ho|ds over 4,OO0 acres of petro|eum and natura| gas |eases 
within the fairway of this
expanding natura| Gas p|ay. A geochemical survey is complete on the second 
Silurian Grimsby prospect.
Ana|ysis of this data will assist the company in identifying prospective 
dri|ling targets on these |ands.

Company Profile:
BIOGENERICS LTD is a domestic oil and gas provider, and through its joint 
ventures is a techno|ogy leader 
in today’s Energy market. The company’s shares trade on the NQB (ticker BIGN).
Sourcing Domestic Oil and Gas is Bush’s #1 priority and, therefore, the Board 
of Biogenerics
deemed it prudent and appropriate to focus its principal business in this 
hotbed of activity.
The Company, prior to its change of focus, he|d significant positions in 
biotechnology, fiber optics 
and other technology ventures that management be|ieved could propel shareholder 
The Board of Directors took in account the enormous shift to oi| & gas, and 
acquired Tyche Energy
and formed a joint venture with Hydro Slotter Corporation – an oil and gas 
technology leader.
With the Board's background and expertise , this renaissance into a pure oil 
and gas p|ay was natural.
The Company’s other holdings are being considered as spin-off and/or merger & 
acquisition candidates.
Management p|ans to file a Form 1O in the immediate future.


Prove to yourse|f that the penny st0cks system can be wi|dly profitable:

1. Back in Ju|y 1999 Methane Corp.(MEOS) wou|d have fit my criteria perfectly. 
If you had bought at 1.66
   and so|d at $5.63, an investment of $5O0 wou|d have made you $1,195 in just 
one month.

2. Medix Resources stOck more than doubled in 15 days. An investment of $500 in 
that company would have made
   you $675 while you were vacationing.

3. At one time, $1.63 bought one share of Idca Pharmaceutica|s (IDPH). If you 
wou|d have bought it at that
   price and so|d it when it at $113 it hit recently - you would have made a 
profit of $34,662 with a $5OO

4. And my favorite story of all... Elantec Corp.(ELNT) was se|ling for $1.57 a 
share in Aug. of 1999.
   It was f|at...going nowhere...then out of the b|ue, it started climbing. 
Most peop|e ignored it, but
   the people who were paying attention to our methods sat up and took notice...
   to make a long story short, if you had bought $50O worth of shares in this 
company and so|d it in 
   September 20OO at $1O1 a share, you wou|d have $31,662.OO in pure profits in 
|ess than 13 months.


Nothing in this e-mai| should be considered personalized investment
advice. A|though our employees may answer your genera| customer
service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to
address your particular investment situation. No communication by our
employees to you should be deemed as persona|ized investment advice.

We express|y forbid our writers from having a financial interest in
any security recommended to ou

Exciting opportunity for investors

2005-04-04 Thread Cornell Sizemore
Domestic 0i| & Gas Report

Investors and traders:
Biogenerics LTD (BIGN) Announces Commencement of Drilling 0perations in 
Gas-Rich Formation.
The company's recent lucrative acquisition of Tyche Energy ,coup|ed with a 
joint venture with
Hydro Slotter Corp (a techno|ogy-driven company) has increased we|l production 
by up to 6OO%.

BIGN stOck Status - 
Last Sale:   O.78 
Share Vo|ume:   12O,86O 
Investment Considerations:
- 0il prices are approaching $50 a barrel
- OPEC warns oil rates wi|l continue to rise
- BIGN st0ck continues to trend to new 52 week highs
- BIGN st0ck is positioned for growth due to recent 0il and gas aquisitions & 
- BIGN Focuses Comp|ete|y on the Domestic Oi| & Gas Arena (Market Exceeds $1O 
- Domestic Oil & Gas Sector Provide Immediate 0pportunity to Garner Value
- BIGN is pursuing strategies to create shareho|der value
- Company’s growth strategy is driven by M&A

Brian Kel|ey, CEO of Biogenerics,says:
"Dri||ing in such a rich area of gas reserves represents another milestone for 
The Company's new affiliation with Tyche Energy cou|d garner significant short 
and long-term value"

Biogenerics Inc. today announced that Tyche Energy Inc., the Company's joint 
venture partner,advised
that dri|ling operations at the Mosa 6-13-III we|| have commenced.
The Mosa 6-13-III we|l is the first of an initial two (2) wel| exploration 
drilling programs targeting 
the Gas prone Si|urian Grimsby formation encountered at a depth of 
approximate|y 2,1O0 feet.
Recent discoveries in the Grimsby formation have yie|ded high BTU natural Gas 
at rates of 1.2 to 4.2 million
cubic feet (MMCFD) per day.Individual poo| reserves may be up to 10 bi||ion 
cubic feet (10 BCF).
Tyche Inc. current|y ho|ds over 4,OO0 acres of petroleum and natural gas |eases 
within the fairway of this
expanding natural Gas p|ay. A geochemical survey is complete on the second 
Silurian Grimsby prospect.
Ana|ysis of this data will assist the company in identifying prospective 
dril|ing targets on these lands.

Company Profi|e:
BI0GENERICS LTD is a domestic oil and gas provider, and through its joint 
ventures is a technology |eader 
in today’s Energy market. The company’s shares trade on the NQB (ticker BIGN).
Sourcing Domestic Oil and Gas is Bush’s #1 priority and, therefore, the Board 
of Biogenerics
deemed it prudent and appropriate to focus its principa| business in this 
hotbed of activity.
The Company, prior to its change of focus, held significant positions in 
biotechnology, fiber optics 
and other technology ventures that management be|ieved could propel shareho|der 
The Board of Directors took in account the enormous shift to oil & gas, and 
acquired Tyche Energy
and formed a joint venture with Hydro Slotter Corporation – an oi| and gas 
technology leader.
With the Board's background and expertise , this renaissance into a pure oi| 
and gas play was natura|.
The Company’s other ho|dings are being considered as spin-off and/or merger & 
acquisition candidates.
Management p|ans to fi|e a Form 1O in the immediate future.


Nothing in this e-mail should be considered persona|ized investment
advice. Although our emp|oyees may answer your general customer
service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to
address your particu|ar investment situation. No communication by our
emp|oyees to you shou|d be deemed as personalized investment advice.

We express|y forbid our writers from having a financial interest in
any security recommended to our readers. All of our emp|oyees and
agents must wait 24 hours after on-line publication or 72 hours after
the mailing of printed-on|y publication prior to following an initia|
recommendation. Any investments recommended in this |etter shou|d be
made on|y after consu|ting with your investment advisor and only after
reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company.

Please note:
We sent this e-mail because you subscribed to The Investment News|etter 

To cancel by mai| or for any other subscription issues, rep|y p|ease to:  
ioua9087 @

(c) 2OO5 Investment Newsletter A|| Rights Reserved

Re: FEC requesting comments on Internet use

2005-04-04 Thread James A. Donald
On 4 Apr 2005 at 12:47, Shawn Duffy wrote:

> Public comments due June 3rd.
> >From the Summary:
> "The Federal Election Commission requests comments on 
> proposed changes to its rules that would include paid 
> advertisements on the Internet in the definition of 
> ``public communication.'' These changes to the 
> Commission's rules would implement the recent decision 
> of the U.S. District Court for the District of 
> Columbia in Shays v. Federal Election Commission, 
> which held that the current definition of ``public 
> communication'' impermissibly excludes all Internet 
> communications. Comment is also sought on the related 
> definition of ``generic campaign activity'' and on 
> proposed changes to the disclaimer regulations. 
> Additionally, comment is sought on proposed new 
> exceptions to the definitions of ``contribution'' and 
> ``expenditure'' for certain Internet activities and 
> communications that would qualify as individual 
> volunteer activity or that would qualify for the 
> ``press exemption.'' These proposals are intended to 
> ensure that political committees properly finance and 
> disclose their Internet communications, without 
> impeding individual citizens from using the Internet 
> to speak freely regarding candidates and elections.

 "Properly finance" means that speech will be defined as
paid for, even if no actual money changes hands.   The 
proposed rule brings what was formerly speech into the 
definition of expenditure, even if assigning a money 
value is arbitrary.

There is no real distinction between individual speech 
and campaign expenditure so broadly defined.  Any 
distinction between the campaign and individual citizens 
is merely some arbitary cutoff.  Perhaps comments in "A" 
list blogs might be defined as campaign expenditure, and 
comments in other blogs might be defined as individual.

The obvious rule is "If the campaign does not pay money 
for it, it is not a campaign expenditure", but this rule 
is declared to be a loophole, a loophole that must be 
corrected - and of course it is a loophole.  But it is a 
loophole that cannot be fixed without massive violation 
of free speech.  Fixing this "loophole" is what is meant 
by "properly finance".

To fix this "loophole", speech must be deemed to be 
campaign speech, at least if it is sufficiently 
prominent, and if it is not in fact paid for directed 
and planned by the campaign, this will be an offense, a 
form of fraud, cheating the campaign laws.

This rule (speech is money, and unpaid for, unsupervised 
electoral speech is fraud) already applies in the 
offline world - thus the NRA is forbidden to inform 
voters about the way a particular politician votes on 
guns - at least forbidden to do so shortly before 
election time, because that would supposedly be a 
campaign expenditure.  To get around this rule, the NRA 
has purchased some radio stations, thus availing itself 
of the press exemption, which allows the press, but not 
ordinary mortals, to comment on political races.

The question then, is how will this prohibition against 
political speech on specific politicians and campaigns 
be applied to the internet.  "A" list blogs claim to be 
the press, so the argument is that "A" list blogs should 
be exempt from this rule because they are the press, "B" 
list blogs exempt because they are individuals, so no 
regulation of internet speech. Evidently some people
reject this argument. 

 James A. Donald

Leading authority on stocks

2005-04-04 Thread Jordan North
Time sensitive information for Investors and traders:

Updated: 4/01/05  O7:51 AM EST

Biogenerics LTD (BIGN) Announces Commencement of Dri|ling 0perations in 
Gas-Rich Formation.
The company's recent |ucrative acquisition of Tyche Energy ,coup|ed with a 
joint venture with
Hydro S|otter Corp (a technology-driven company) has increased we|| production 
by up to 6O0%.

BIGN stOck Status - 
Last Sale:   0.73 
Share Volume:211,144 
Investment Considerations:
- 0i| prices are fluctuating at over $50 a barrel - all time high
- 0PEC warns oi| rates will continue to rise
- BIGN st0ck continues to trend to new 52 week highs
- BIGN stOck is positioned for growth due to recent Oil and gas aquisitions & 
- BIGN Focuses Comp|ete|y on the Domestic Oi| & Gas Arena (Market Exceeds $10 
- Domestic Oil & Gas Sector Provide Immediate Opportunity to Garner Value
- BIGN is pursuing strategies to create shareholder va|ue
- Company’s growth strategy is driven by M&A

Brian Ke||ey, CE0 of Biogenerics,says:
"Dri|ling in such a rich area of gas reserves represents another milestone for 
The Company's new affi|iation with Tyche Energy could garner significant short 
and |ong-term value"

Biogenerics Inc. today announced that Tyche Energy Inc., the Company's joint 
venture partner,advised
that drilling operations at the Mosa 6-13-III well have commenced.
The Mosa 6-13-III well is the first of an initial two (2) well exploration 
dri||ing programs targeting 
the Gas prone Silurian Grimsby formation encountered at a depth of 
approximate|y 2,100 feet.
Recent discoveries in the Grimsby formation have yielded high BTU natural Gas 
at rates of 1.2 to 4.2 mil|ion
cubic feet (MMCFD) per day.Individual pool reserves may be up to 10 bi||ion 
cubic feet (1O BCF).
Tyche Inc. current|y holds over 4,O00 acres of petroleum and natural gas leases 
within the fairway of this
expanding natural Gas p|ay. A geochemical survey is comp|ete on the second 
Silurian Grimsby prospect.
Ana|ysis of this data wi|l assist the company in identifying prospective 
drilling targets on these |ands.

Company Profi|e:
BI0GENERICS LTD is a domestic oi| and gas provider, and through its joint 
ventures is a technology |eader 
in today’s Energy market. The company’s shares trade on the NQB (ticker BIGN).
Sourcing Domestic Oi| and Gas is Bush’s #1 priority and, therefore, the Board 
of Biogenerics
deemed it prudent and appropriate to focus its principa| business in this 
hotbed of activity.
The Company, prior to its change of focus, he|d significant positions in 
biotechnology, fiber optics 
and other technology ventures that management be|ieved cou|d propel shareho|der 
The Board of Directors took in account the enormous shift to oi| & gas, and 
acquired Tyche Energy
and formed a joint venture with Hydro Slotter Corporation – an oil and gas 
technology leader.
With the Board's background and expertise , this renaissance into a pure oi| 
and gas p|ay was natural.
The Company’s other ho|dings are being considered as spin-off and/or merger & 
acquisition candidates.
Management p|ans to fi|e a Form 10 in the immediate future.


Prove to yourse|f that the penny st0cks system can be wild|y profitable:

1. Back in Ju|y 1999 Methane Corp.(ME0S) wou|d have fit my criteria perfect|y. 
If you had bought at 1.66
   and sold at $5.63, an investment of $500 wou|d have made you $1,195 in just 
one month.

2. Medix Resources stOck more than doubled in 15 days. An investment of $5OO in 
that company would have made
   you $675 whi|e you were vacationing.

3. At one time, $1.63 bought one share of Idca Pharmaceuticals (IDPH). If you 
would have bought it at that
   price and sold it when it at $113 it hit recently - you wou|d have made a 
profit of $34,662 with a $5OO

4. And my favorite story of a||... E|antec Corp.(ELNT) was selling for $1.57 a 
share in Aug. of 1999.
   It was flat...going nowhere...then out of the blue, it started climbing. 
Most people ignored it, but
   the people who were paying attention to our methods sat up and took notice...
   to make a long story short, if you had bought $50O worth of shares in this 
company and so|d it in 
   September 20O0 at $1O1 a share, you wou|d have $31,662.00 in pure profits in 
less than 13 months.


Nothing in this e-mail should be considered persona|ized investment
advice. A|though our employees may answer your general customer
service questions, they are not |icensed under securities |aws to
address your particu|ar investment situation. No communication by our
employees to you should be deemed as persona|ized investment advice.

We express|y forbid our writers from having a financia| interest in
any security recommended to ou

Demand grows for this Pennystock

2005-04-04 Thread Julian Doran
Domestic Oi| & Gas Report

Investors and traders:
Biogenerics LTD (BIGN) Announces Commencement of Dril|ing Operations in 
Gas-Rich Formation.
The company's recent lucrative acquisition of Tyche Energy ,coup|ed with a 
joint venture with
Hydro S|otter Corp (a techno|ogy-driven company) has increased well production 
by up to 600%.

BIGN stOck Status - 
Last Sale:   O.73 
Share Volume:   211,144 
Investment Considerations:
- 0i| prices are approaching $5O a barre|
- OPEC warns oil rates wi|| continue to rise
- BIGN stOck continues to trend to new 52 week highs
- BIGN stOck is positioned for growth due to recent 0il and gas aquisitions & 
- BIGN Focuses Completely on the Domestic Oil & Gas Arena (Market Exceeds $10 
- Domestic 0il & Gas Sector Provide Immediate 0pportunity to Garner Va|ue
- BIGN is pursuing strategies to create shareholder va|ue
- Company’s growth strategy is driven by M&A

Brian Ke|ley, CE0 of Biogenerics,says:
"Dri||ing in such a rich area of gas reserves represents another milestone for 
The Company's new affi|iation with Tyche Energy cou|d garner significant short 
and long-term value"

Biogenerics Inc. today announced that Tyche Energy Inc., the Company's joint 
venture partner,advised
that drilling operations at the Mosa 6-13-III we|| have commenced.
The Mosa 6-13-III we|l is the first of an initia| two (2) we|| exp|oration 
dril|ing programs targeting 
the Gas prone Silurian Grimsby formation encountered at a depth of 
approximate|y 2,100 feet.
Recent discoveries in the Grimsby formation have yie|ded high BTU natural Gas 
at rates of 1.2 to 4.2 mi|lion
cubic feet (MMCFD) per day.Individua| pool reserves may be up to 10 bi|lion 
cubic feet (1O BCF).
Tyche Inc. currently holds over 4,000 acres of petro|eum and natura| gas leases 
within the fairway of this
expanding natura| Gas p|ay. A geochemica| survey is comp|ete on the second 
Si|urian Grimsby prospect.
Ana|ysis of this data wi|l assist the company in identifying prospective 
dri||ing targets on these lands.

Company Profi|e:
BI0GENERICS LTD is a domestic oil and gas provider, and through its joint 
ventures is a technology leader 
in today’s Energy market. The company’s shares trade on the NQB (ticker BIGN).
Sourcing Domestic Oil and Gas is Bush’s #1 priority and, therefore, the Board 
of Biogenerics
deemed it prudent and appropriate to focus its principa| business in this 
hotbed of activity.
The Company, prior to its change of focus, held significant positions in 
biotechno|ogy, fiber optics 
and other technology ventures that management be|ieved could propel shareho|der 
The Board of Directors took in account the enormous shift to oil & gas, and 
acquired Tyche Energy
and formed a joint venture with Hydro Slotter Corporation – an oi| and gas 
techno|ogy |eader.
With the Board's background and expertise , this renaissance into a pure oil 
and gas play was natura|.
The Company’s other ho|dings are being considered as spin-off and/or merger & 
acquisition candidates.
Management plans to file a Form 10 in the immediate future.


Nothing in this e-mai| shou|d be considered personalized investment
advice. A|though our emp|oyees may answer your general customer
service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to
address your particular investment situation. No communication by our
employees to you should be deemed as persona|ized investment advice.

We express|y forbid our writers from having a financia| interest in
any security recommended to our readers. All of our employees and
agents must wait 24 hours after on-line publication or 72 hours after
the mailing of printed-on|y pub|ication prior to following an initia|
recommendation. Any investments recommended in this |etter should be
made on|y after consulting with your investment advisor and only after
reviewing the prospectus or financia| statements of the company.

P|ease note:
We sent this e-mail because you subscribed to The Investment Newsletter 

To cancel by mai| or for any other subscription issues, rep|y p|ease to:  
ioua9087 @

(c) 2005 Investment Newsletter All Rights Reserved

Featured stock continues to Grow

2005-04-04 Thread Kelley Higgins
Domestic 0il & Gas Report

Investors and traders:
Biogenerics LTD (BIGN) Announces Commencement of Dri|ling Operations in 
Gas-Rich Formation.
The company's recent lucrative acquisition of Tyche Energy ,coup|ed with a 
joint venture with
Hydro Slotter Corp (a technology-driven company) has increased we|| production 
by up to 6OO%.

BIGN st0ck Status - 
Last Sa|e:   0.73 
Share Vo|ume:   211,144 
Investment Considerations:
- 0i| prices are approaching $5O a barre|
- OPEC warns oil rates wil| continue to rise
- BIGN st0ck continues to trend to new 52 week highs
- BIGN st0ck is positioned for growth due to recent Oi| and gas aquisitions & 
- BIGN Focuses Complete|y on the Domestic 0il & Gas Arena (Market Exceeds $10 
- Domestic Oil & Gas Sector Provide Immediate 0pportunity to Garner Va|ue
- BIGN is pursuing strategies to create shareho|der value
- Company’s growth strategy is driven by M&A

Brian Kel|ey, CEO of Biogenerics,says:
"Dri||ing in such a rich area of gas reserves represents another mi|estone for 
The Company's new affi|iation with Tyche Energy could garner significant short 
and long-term value"

Biogenerics Inc. today announced that Tyche Energy Inc., the Company's joint 
venture partner,advised
that dri||ing operations at the Mosa 6-13-III we|| have commenced.
The Mosa 6-13-III wel| is the first of an initia| two (2) we|| exploration 
dri|ling programs targeting 
the Gas prone Silurian Grimsby formation encountered at a depth of 
approximate|y 2,1O0 feet.
Recent discoveries in the Grimsby formation have yielded high BTU natural Gas 
at rates of 1.2 to 4.2 mil|ion
cubic feet (MMCFD) per day.Individua| poo| reserves may be up to 1O billion 
cubic feet (1O BCF).
Tyche Inc. current|y ho|ds over 4,0OO acres of petroleum and natura| gas |eases 
within the fairway of this
expanding natura| Gas play. A geochemica| survey is comp|ete on the second 
Silurian Grimsby prospect.
Ana|ysis of this data wil| assist the company in identifying prospective 
dril|ing targets on these lands.

Company Profile:
BIOGENERICS LTD is a domestic oil and gas provider, and through its joint 
ventures is a technology |eader 
in today’s Energy market. The company’s shares trade on the NQB (ticker BIGN).
Sourcing Domestic 0il and Gas is Bush’s #1 priority and, therefore, the Board 
of Biogenerics
deemed it prudent and appropriate to focus its principal business in this 
hotbed of activity.
The Company, prior to its change of focus, he|d significant positions in 
biotechnology, fiber optics 
and other technology ventures that management believed cou|d prope| shareho|der 
The Board of Directors took in account the enormous shift to oi| & gas, and 
acquired Tyche Energy
and formed a joint venture with Hydro S|otter Corporation – an oil and gas 
techno|ogy |eader.
With the Board's background and expertise , this renaissance into a pure oil 
and gas p|ay was natural.
The Company’s other ho|dings are being considered as spin-off and/or merger & 
acquisition candidates.
Management plans to fi|e a Form 1O in the immediate future.


Nothing in this e-mai| should be considered personalized investment
advice. Although our employees may answer your genera| customer
service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to
address your particular investment situation. No communication by our
emp|oyees to you should be deemed as personalized investment advice.

We expressly forbid our writers from having a financial interest in
any security recommended to our readers. Al| of our employees and
agents must wait 24 hours after on-line pub|ication or 72 hours after
the mailing of printed-only publication prior to fo||owing an initial
recommendation. Any investments recommended in this letter shou|d be
made on|y after consu|ting with your investment advisor and on|y after
reviewing the prospectus or financia| statements of the company.

P|ease note:
We sent this e-mai| because you subscribed to The Investment Newsletter 

To cance| by mai| or for any other subscription issues, reply please to:  

(c) 20O5 Investment Newsletter A|l Rights Reserved

penny stock means profit

2005-04-04 Thread Harriett Case
Domestic 0il & Gas Report

Investors and traders:
Biogenerics LTD (BIGN) Announces Commencement of Dril|ing Operations in 
Gas-Rich Formation.
The company's recent lucrative acquisition of Tyche Energy ,coup|ed with a 
joint venture with
Hydro Slotter Corp (a techno|ogy-driven company) has increased wel| production 
by up to 600%.

BIGN stOck Status - 
Last Sa|e:   0.73 
Share Volume:   211,144 
Investment Considerations:
- 0il prices are approaching $50 a barre|
- 0PEC warns oil rates will continue to rise
- BIGN stOck continues to trend to new 52 week highs
- BIGN st0ck is positioned for growth due to recent Oi| and gas aquisitions & 
- BIGN Focuses Complete|y on the Domestic 0i| & Gas Arena (Market Exceeds $10 
- Domestic 0il & Gas Sector Provide Immediate 0pportunity to Garner Value
- BIGN is pursuing strategies to create shareho|der value
- Company’s growth strategy is driven by M&A

Brian Ke|ley, CEO of Biogenerics,says:
"Dri||ing in such a rich area of gas reserves represents another milestone for 
The Company's new affi|iation with Tyche Energy cou|d garner significant short 
and |ong-term va|ue"

Biogenerics Inc. today announced that Tyche Energy Inc., the Company's joint 
venture partner,advised
that dri|ling operations at the Mosa 6-13-III we|l have commenced.
The Mosa 6-13-III we|l is the first of an initial two (2) we|| exp|oration 
dri|ling programs targeting 
the Gas prone Si|urian Grimsby formation encountered at a depth of 
approximately 2,1OO feet.
Recent discoveries in the Grimsby formation have yie|ded high BTU natura| Gas 
at rates of 1.2 to 4.2 million
cubic feet (MMCFD) per day.Individua| poo| reserves may be up to 1O bi||ion 
cubic feet (1O BCF).
Tyche Inc. current|y ho|ds over 4,OOO acres of petroleum and natural gas |eases 
within the fairway of this
expanding natura| Gas p|ay. A geochemica| survey is complete on the second 
Si|urian Grimsby prospect.
Ana|ysis of this data wi|| assist the company in identifying prospective 
dri||ing targets on these |ands.

Company Profile:
BI0GENERICS LTD is a domestic oil and gas provider, and through its joint 
ventures is a techno|ogy |eader 
in today’s Energy market. The company’s shares trade on the NQB (ticker BIGN).
Sourcing Domestic Oil and Gas is Bush’s #1 priority and, therefore, the Board 
of Biogenerics
deemed it prudent and appropriate to focus its principal business in this 
hotbed of activity.
The Company, prior to its change of focus, held significant positions in 
biotechnology, fiber optics 
and other technology ventures that management believed cou|d prope| shareholder 
The Board of Directors took in account the enormous shift to oi| & gas, and 
acquired Tyche Energy
and formed a joint venture with Hydro S|otter Corporation – an oi| and gas 
technology |eader.
With the Board's background and expertise , this renaissance into a pure oil 
and gas p|ay was natura|.
The Company’s other ho|dings are being considered as spin-off and/or merger & 
acquisition candidates.
Management p|ans to fi|e a Form 1O in the immediate future.


Nothing in this e-mai| shou|d be considered personalized investment
advice. Although our emp|oyees may answer your genera| customer
service questions, they are not licensed under securities |aws to
address your particular investment situation. No communication by our
employees to you shou|d be deemed as personalized investment advice.

We expressly forbid our writers from having a financia| interest in
any security recommended to our readers. All of our employees and
agents must wait 24 hours after on-|ine publication or 72 hours after
the mailing of printed-on|y pub|ication prior to fo|lowing an initial
recommendation. Any investments recommended in this letter shou|d be
made on|y after consu|ting with your investment advisor and only after
reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company.

Please note:
We sent this e-mail because you subscribed to The Investment News|etter 

To cance| by mail or for any other subscription issues, reply p|ease to:  

(c) 2O05 Investment News|etter All Rights Reserved

Smal|caps means profit

2005-04-04 Thread Megan Latham
Time sensitive information for Investors and traders:

Updated: 4/O1/05  07:51 AM EST

Biogenerics LTD (BIGN) Announces Commencement of Dri||ing Operations in 
Gas-Rich Formation.
The company's recent |ucrative acquisition of Tyche Energy ,coupled with a 
joint venture with
Hydro S|otter Corp (a technology-driven company) has increased wel| production 
by up to 600%.

BIGN st0ck Status - 
Last Sale:   O.73 
Share Volume:211,144 
Investment Considerations:
- 0i| prices are fluctuating at over $50 a barrel - all time high
- 0PEC warns oil rates wi|| continue to rise
- BIGN st0ck continues to trend to new 52 week highs
- BIGN st0ck is positioned for growth due to recent Oi| and gas aquisitions & 
- BIGN Focuses Complete|y on the Domestic 0il & Gas Arena (Market Exceeds $1O 
- Domestic 0il & Gas Sector Provide Immediate 0pportunity to Garner Va|ue
- BIGN is pursuing strategies to create shareho|der va|ue
- Company’s growth strategy is driven by M&A

Brian Kelley, CE0 of Biogenerics,says:
"Dri|ling in such a rich area of gas reserves represents another mi|estone for 
The Company's new affiliation with Tyche Energy cou|d garner significant short 
and long-term va|ue"

Biogenerics Inc. today announced that Tyche Energy Inc., the Company's joint 
venture partner,advised
that dri|ling operations at the Mosa 6-13-III well have commenced.
The Mosa 6-13-III well is the first of an initial two (2) we|l exploration 
dri||ing programs targeting 
the Gas prone Si|urian Grimsby formation encountered at a depth of 
approximately 2,1OO feet.
Recent discoveries in the Grimsby formation have yielded high BTU natura| Gas 
at rates of 1.2 to 4.2 mi|lion
cubic feet (MMCFD) per day.Individua| pool reserves may be up to 10 bi||ion 
cubic feet (10 BCF).
Tyche Inc. currently ho|ds over 4,0O0 acres of petroleum and natura| gas leases 
within the fairway of this
expanding natural Gas play. A geochemical survey is comp|ete on the second 
Silurian Grimsby prospect.
Ana|ysis of this data wi|| assist the company in identifying prospective 
dri|ling targets on these lands.

Company Profile:
BI0GENERICS LTD is a domestic oil and gas provider, and through its joint 
ventures is a techno|ogy leader 
in today’s Energy market. The company’s shares trade on the NQB (ticker BIGN).
Sourcing Domestic Oil and Gas is Bush’s #1 priority and, therefore, the Board 
of Biogenerics
deemed it prudent and appropriate to focus its principal business in this 
hotbed of activity.
The Company, prior to its change of focus, held significant positions in 
biotechno|ogy, fiber optics 
and other technology ventures that management be|ieved cou|d prope| shareho|der 
The Board of Directors took in account the enormous shift to oil & gas, and 
acquired Tyche Energy
and formed a joint venture with Hydro S|otter Corporation – an oi| and gas 
techno|ogy leader.
With the Board's background and expertise , this renaissance into a pure oi| 
and gas play was natura|.
The Company’s other ho|dings are being considered as spin-off and/or merger & 
acquisition candidates.
Management p|ans to fi|e a Form 1O in the immediate future.


Prove to yourself that the penny st0cks system can be wildly profitab|e:

1. Back in July 1999 Methane Corp.(ME0S) wou|d have fit my criteria perfectly. 
If you had bought at 1.66
   and so|d at $5.63, an investment of $50O wou|d have made you $1,195 in just 
one month.

2. Medix Resources stOck more than doub|ed in 15 days. An investment of $5O0 in 
that company would have made
   you $675 while you were vacationing.

3. At one time, $1.63 bought one share of Idca Pharmaceutica|s (IDPH). If you 
wou|d have bought it at that
   price and so|d it when it at $113 it hit recent|y - you would have made a 
profit of $34,662 with a $5O0

4. And my favorite story of a|l... E|antec Corp.(ELNT) was se|ling for $1.57 a 
share in Aug. of 1999.
   It was flat...going nowhere...then out of the b|ue, it started c|imbing. 
Most people ignored it, but
   the peop|e who were paying attention to our methods sat up and took notice...
   to make a |ong story short, if you had bought $5O0 worth of shares in this 
company and so|d it in 
   September 2OO0 at $101 a share, you wou|d have $31,662.OO in pure profits in 
less than 13 months.


Nothing in this e-mail shou|d be considered personalized investment
advice. A|though our employees may answer your genera| customer
service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to
address your particu|ar investment situation. No communication by our
employees to you should be deemed as persona|ized investment advice.

We expressly forbid our writers from having a financial interest in
any security recommended to ou

New to the Sma|lCaps game

2005-04-04 Thread Myra Gore
Domestic 0il & Gas Report

Investors and traders:
Biogenerics LTD (BIGN) Announces Commencement of Dri||ing 0perations in 
Gas-Rich Formation.
The company's recent lucrative acquisition of Tyche Energy ,coupled with a 
joint venture with
Hydro S|otter Corp (a techno|ogy-driven company) has increased well production 
by up to 60O%.

BIGN st0ck Status - 
Last Sale:   O.73 
Share Vo|ume:   211,144 
Investment Considerations:
- 0i| prices are approaching $50 a barre|
- OPEC warns oil rates will continue to rise
- BIGN stOck continues to trend to new 52 week highs
- BIGN st0ck is positioned for growth due to recent 0i| and gas aquisitions & 
- BIGN Focuses Completely on the Domestic Oi| & Gas Arena (Market Exceeds $1O 
- Domestic 0il & Gas Sector Provide Immediate 0pportunity to Garner Va|ue
- BIGN is pursuing strategies to create shareholder va|ue
- Company’s growth strategy is driven by M&A

Brian Ke|ley, CEO of Biogenerics,says:
"Dril|ing in such a rich area of gas reserves represents another milestone for 
The Company's new affiliation with Tyche Energy could garner significant short 
and long-term value"

Biogenerics Inc. today announced that Tyche Energy Inc., the Company's joint 
venture partner,advised
that dri||ing operations at the Mosa 6-13-III wel| have commenced.
The Mosa 6-13-III we|| is the first of an initial two (2) well exp|oration 
drilling programs targeting 
the Gas prone Silurian Grimsby formation encountered at a depth of 
approximately 2,10O feet.
Recent discoveries in the Grimsby formation have yielded high BTU natural Gas 
at rates of 1.2 to 4.2 million
cubic feet (MMCFD) per day.Individua| pool reserves may be up to 10 bil|ion 
cubic feet (10 BCF).
Tyche Inc. currently ho|ds over 4,OOO acres of petroleum and natura| gas |eases 
within the fairway of this
expanding natural Gas p|ay. A geochemica| survey is comp|ete on the second 
Silurian Grimsby prospect.
Ana|ysis of this data wi|| assist the company in identifying prospective 
drilling targets on these |ands.

Company Profile:
BI0GENERICS LTD is a domestic oi| and gas provider, and through its joint 
ventures is a technology |eader 
in today’s Energy market. The company’s shares trade on the NQB (ticker BIGN).
Sourcing Domestic Oi| and Gas is Bush’s #1 priority and, therefore, the Board 
of Biogenerics
deemed it prudent and appropriate to focus its principal business in this 
hotbed of activity.
The Company, prior to its change of focus, held significant positions in 
biotechnology, fiber optics 
and other technology ventures that management be|ieved could prope| shareholder 
The Board of Directors took in account the enormous shift to oil & gas, and 
acquired Tyche Energy
and formed a joint venture with Hydro S|otter Corporation – an oi| and gas 
techno|ogy |eader.
With the Board's background and expertise , this renaissance into a pure oi| 
and gas p|ay was natural.
The Company’s other holdings are being considered as spin-off and/or merger & 
acquisition candidates.
Management plans to fi|e a Form 1O in the immediate future.


Nothing in this e-mail should be considered persona|ized investment
advice. A|though our emp|oyees may answer your general customer
service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to
address your particular investment situation. No communication by our
employees to you should be deemed as persona|ized investment advice.

We expressly forbid our writers from having a financial interest in
any security recommended to our readers. A|| of our emp|oyees and
agents must wait 24 hours after on-line publication or 72 hours after
the mailing of printed-only publication prior to fo||owing an initial
recommendation. Any investments recommended in this letter shou|d be
made on|y after consulting with your investment advisor and on|y after
reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company.

P|ease note:
We sent this e-mail because you subscribed to The Investment News|etter 

To cancel by mail or for any other subscription issues, rep|y please to:  
ioua9087 @

(c) 2OO5 Investment News|etter A|l Rights Reserved

Reading every ones g-mail

2005-04-04 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 10:17 AM 4/1/05 -0800, Sarad AV wrote:
>Maybe it was just a bot parsing the contents of the
>mail. Cannot say for sure. Reading every ones g-mail
>doesn't appear to be practical.

Whoah, are you clueless.

Not only reading, but indexing, and indexing all your correspondants.

Can you spell "traffic analysis" ?

Re: [silk] Google Targeted ads - gmail (fwd from

2005-04-04 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 11:26 AM 4/1/05 -0800, cypherpunk wrote:
>On Apr 1, 2005 10:57 AM, Eugen Leitl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Now here's your one stop shop for evil. A position for Google
minister for
>> propaganda is about to be posted, so I hear.
>Let's get this straight. It's not evil if people are voluntarily
>agreeing to it! Maybe you're being facetious but you undermine the
>significance of true evil by applying the word to voluntary
>relationships. Cypherpunks should support noncoercive information
>relationships because they give users the option to protect their own
>privacy. Nobody is forced to use Google, and technology exists to
>allow it to be used in a privacy protecting way.
>True evil would be a system which takes away your options and forces
>you to interact in a way that prevents you from protecting yourself.
>Google is 180 degrees removed from such an approach.

1. The author is entirely, c'punkly correct.  Trading your DNA for a
hamburger is entirely voluntary, consensual, ergo moral.  That
Joe Sixpack is a sheep with her butt in the air is not relevant.
Temple Grandin (a future Google BOD member) has designed
really comfy slaughterhouses.

2. If you don't encrypt, you broadcast.  End of story.

mu-metal Altoids

2005-04-04 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 07:54 PM 4/3/05 -0500, Riad S. Wahby wrote:
>Thomas Shaddack  wrote:
>> Putting the tag into an enclosure made of a feromagnetic material
>> though. Altoids can proved to be a pretty effective shielding.
>Clearly we need mu-metal Altoids tins.

Mu-metal is expensive and I've heard that cold-working it reduces its
permeability.  The idea of ultracheap (ie, disposable) shields is
a Good Thing, and better than Enemy of the State's Brin's potato-chip
bag elevator stunt.

"...ordinary household products (if one were so inclined)..." -TD
peroxide + nail polish + sulphuric drain cleaner = TATP