Re: Can you help?

2005-10-26 Thread Cypherpunks - Look Good Ideas

Thanks for notifying us with your weight problem concerns.  

Our 2 Nutritionists are online 24 hours a day to answer your questions or 
Charles Hernandez and Pamela King have been nutritionists for the past
10 years and are recommending that you try a 2-3 month supply of hoodia.  

This product will be in stores Jan, 2006, or can be purchased at some online 

Below we have included a link where this product can be purchased.

If you no longer want to receive information from our nutritionists 
then visit

If you have any questions feel free to contact us.

Charles Hernandez


2003-10-30 Thread DR PIMENTEL ESTRADA
Dear  freind,

This is a proposal in context but actually an appeal soliciting
for your unreserved assistance in carrying out  an urgent
transaction requiring maximum confidence. Though this approach
appears desperate, I can assure you that whatever
questions you would need to ask or any other thing you will
need to know regarding this proposal will be adequately
answered to give you a clearer understanding of it, so as to
arrive at a successful conclusion.
My name is Dr Pimentel luisa Estrada, wife of His Excellency
Joseph Estrada, former President of The Philippines. My husband
was recently impeached from office by a backed uprising of mass
demonstrators and the Senate and is presently in jail on
trumped up charges of corruption, embezzlement, and the mysterious
charge of economy plunder which might lead to death sentence.
The present government is forcing my husband out of Manila to
avoid demonstration by his supporters. I realized some
reasonable amount of money from various deals that I
successfully executed, during my husband's regime as President
of Philippines. I have plans to invest this money for my
children's future on real estate and industrial production.
I have carefully moved out these funds (US$30 million), before
my husband was impeached to an offshore Deposit Company
in the European Union. My husband is not aware of this because
I want to handle it secretly.
>From past experiences, many people I had regarded as close
friends has capitalize on my family's travail to run away with
my money. In order to avert this negative development, I in
conjunction with my son now seek your permission to allow my
funds from the deposit company to your name, so that
the funds (US$30million) would be released to you as the new
owner (on behalf of me and my family).
I am writing because when I deposited the money in the deposit
company, I told them that it belonged to a foreign business
partner and my present position will not allow me to claim the
funds. Consequently, I will present you as the owner of the
funds in the Deposit Company so you can be able to claim them. This
is simple. I will like you to provide immediately;

1. Full names
2. Contact address
3. Telephone and fax numbers

Once I receive this information, I will prepare the necessary
documents that will put you in place as the new owner of the
The money will then be released to your custody by the Deposit
Company, for us to share in the ratio of 70% for us and 30% for

you. There is no risk at all as all the paperwork for this
transaction will be done by the solicitor and this will
guarantees the
successful execution of this transaction.
If you are interested, please reply immediately via my email
address. Upon your response, I shall then introduce you to my
who is going to liaise with you for further explanation that
will help you understand the transaction.

No doubt this proposal will make you apprehensive, please we
employ you to observe utmost confidentiality and rest assured
that this transaction would be most profitable for both of us
because we shall require your assistance to invest our share in

your country (buying of properties like houses, hotels etc).
This is why your urgent action and response is of priority to
us concluding this transaction in a timely and professional

For utmost confidentiality  sake Please reply me using the undermentioned fax number , 

 ( A  ) dial ...1 (775)-307-1290.. FROM WITHIN THE U.S.A  
 ( B  ) dial International Access Code + U.S. Dialing Code (1) 
 +  (775)-307-1290... FROM OUTSIDE THE U.S.A.

But if you would so prefer , you can email me personally , with the required details  


I do expect to hear from you shortly , but if you are not interested ,
please accept my unreserved apology. 

Thanks and regards
Dr.(Mrs.) Lou Ejercito Estrada


2003-09-14 Thread MR ABEL MUZENDA


You may be surprise to receive this letter from me since you do not know me 
personally.I am mr ABEL MUZENDA the first son of DR CHITEPO MUZENDA who was murdered 
along with other oppositions by my government on 19th november 2002.I got your contact 
from the information desk of a very reliable source hence I have decided to contact 
you for your
   Before the death of my father,he has deposited the sum of nine millions three 
hundred and fifty thousand united states dollars($9,350,000)in a security and finance 
firm here in Amsterdam the Netherlands.For security reasons this money was deposited 
as precious stones pending the cessation of violence that plagued my country due to 
the introduction of land reform decree act by the authority of president Robert mugabe 
 My father set this money aside for the purchase of modern equipment for a full 
mechanized farming.He had planned an expansion of his farms fully equipped with modern 
tools due to the high product demands from his then registered farm products 
   He could not realize this project due to his death in the hands of enemies.After 
the death of my father,we became apparent target and constant death threats hence the 
urgent need for an immediate secret relocation.We were helped out by a government 
insider who saw the urgent need for our safety from the hands of would be assassins.He 
arranged a secret exit for us into the Netherlands where we have currently sought a 
political asylum.
With our current status here as refugee,we are under a strict restriction from any 
financial transaction of any sort and as the first son in the family,I am now faced 
with the burden of how to secure and the investment of this fund.For this reason I 
have decided to seek the assistance of a company or a genuine and honest individual 
who could provide us with a foreign account where this fund can be deposited without 
the knowledge of my government.You should also bear in mind that the sole 
responsibility of investing this funds lies solely in your hands since we are barred 
from any form of investment under our current status.
What myself and my mother need you to do now is come to Amsterdam the Netherlands 
to open a non resident account where this fund could be transferred.This is all we 
have in our life hence the need for absolute confidentiality throughout this process.
   For your assistance you would need to choose between two options,you might choose 
for a certain percentage of the total sum for providing an account or go into a 
partnership with us.
We have also set aside 5% of the total sum for any expenses that might be incurred in 
course of this transaction.Should you choose to have a certain percentage,we would be 
willing to give you 20% and the remaining 75% meant for the family would be invested 
in your country.
Please let me know what your options are through the above email address.You may 
also include any other information you might want me to have like your confidential 
fax and telephone numbers fore more talks.Please keep this as strictly confidential 
for the interest of myself and my mother.
Your urgent response would be appreciated.
Thanks and God bless.


Can you help me?

2003-02-08 Thread mic dav
    Attn: President/CEO,
    Dear Sir,
 On behalf of group of Nigeria Senators I hereby propose the above to you.
 I am Engr. Mike David, Chairman Senate Committee on Contracts Review and foreign payments. There is presently available the sum of US$50m {Fifty Million United States Dollars} which members of this committee wish to transfer into your account, to be used for our re-election this year 2003 general elections in Nigeria.
This amount was realized from inflated or over-invoiced aspect of contracts executed by some foreign firms in 1999 when Nigeria hosted the world youth soccer Championship.ln the course of our duty we observed this sum un-paid is one of them that we intend to lodge into your bank account for our mutual benefit.
We have unanimously agreed that you will be entitled to 30% of the total sum, while 5% is set aside to offset expenses incurred during the transaction.
You will be required to place 65% of the total sum into any high yield investment facility in your country. During the 2003 elections coming up in April, you will return 30% to us, but this time as a foreign loan for our election purposes. The accrued interest and the remaining 35% is what you will re-invest in the same process for a period of 4 years.
We shall present you as one of the contractors awaiting payment for over-due contract payment for job executed for the Federal Republic of Nigeria in 1999.Application for claims, processing of approvals will be undertaken by my committee in conjunction with some highly placed officials, to ensure that the fund is wired into your nominated bank account.
Your company details, banking details, as well as your confidential Tel and Fax numbers should be sent to me immediately to indicate your interest.
You do not stand any risk at all for being parts of this project, and your present line of business or profession is no hindrance. Honestly, our re-election in April this year 2003 will be determined by this transaction and your ability to partner with us in all sincerity will enhance its success.
Note: That this transaction is expected to last between7-14 days from the time you received and replied this information. i am waiting for your reply via e-mail.
Thanks for your co-operation and understanding while your urgent response is expected.
Yours faithfully,
Engr.Mike David, {for the group}
Private e-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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can you help me?

2002-09-19 Thread habiba abachaa
STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL From: Mrs Habiba AbachaBelewa Mamudu Estate 3,Garki Road, Kano State.Nigeria. PASSIONATE APPEAL FOR URGENT ASSISTANCE.Dear Sir,It is with heart of hope that I write to seek yourhelp in the context below. I am Mrs. Habiba Abacha, thesecond wife of the former Nigerian Head of State (GEN.SANNI ABACHA), whose sudden death occurred on 8thof June 1998.Having gotten your particulars from the familylibrary, I have no doubt about your capacity and goodwill

 to assist us in receiving into your custody (forsafety) the sum of US$30Million willed and depositedin my favor by my late Husband.The money is currently kept in Global Securities withan African Global Trust Deposit A/C and Finance whichhas affiliate Security firms in Africa, Europe and Asia. Aslegally required in the administration of my lateHusband property under the authority of the familylawyer named DR VICTOR FERDINAND.However, the democratic government has on assumptionof office set up a panel of inquiry to probe thefinancial activities of my late Husband with adecision to seize all his assets. The investigationteams have submitted their report, presently some cashassets have been found and seized.<

PRE style="MARGIN-LEFT: 0.5in; TEXT-ALIGN: center">Fortunately, our family lawyer had secretly protectedthe personal will of my Husband from the investigationand has advised that the willed money be urgentlymoved into an overseas account of a trusted foreignfamily friend without delay for security reasons. Thegovernment had earlier placed foreign travel embargoon all our family and seized all known local andinternational outfits of our business empire. Thesituation has been so terrible that we are living onthe assistance of well wishers. In view of this plighttherefore, I expect you to be trustworthy and kindenough to respond to this call (SOS) to save myfamily and I from a hopeless future. The presentrestriction of movement is not hel

ping me in thisregard.I hereby agree to compensate your sincere and candideffort in this regard with 20% of the fund whenfinally received in your local bank account. Theattorney has perfected arrangement with the security company toeffect complete lodgment of this money into youraccount within a week of the receipt of your response!
 through mail they have equally guarantee 100% free andsmooth transfer. Please all contacts must be throughmy lawyer via email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I do not intend to contact any other partner to assist me inthis until I get a reply from you. I will thereforeappreciate your early response in this regard. May thegrace of Allah His 

mercy be with you always.I look forward to your response.Regards,Mrs. Habiba Abacha.
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