Re: Recruiting Agents

2002-03-01 Thread Steve Thompson

Quoting Faustine ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Hash: SHA1
 John wrote:
 I think this conversation is like many going on around
 the country, and shows how recruitment of agents is
 being done. We'd like to publish such accounts, anonymized
 or not.
 Aside from the usual concerns people might have about telling you what they
 know, unfortunately, your messages this past week just added a whole new level
 of disincentive: did you ever stop to think that the angrier and more emotional
 you are about the idea of being fed disinformation, the more of a chilling
 effect it will have on people who have something legitimate to tell you? 

This does not follow.
 The risk of you mistakenly retaliating against someone because you conclude
 they're trying to snow you on behalf of the government just won't balance the
 risk they're putting themselves through from the other end. In fact, I think if
 someone really wanted to damage Cryptome, they could hardly do better than to
 get you whipped up to the point you're so pissed off you start thinking
 everything is disinformation and end up not running something important. Not
 like there's anything to be done about it, but you're scaring the shit out of
 people, John:

In my opinion people should be scared shitless.  Your government (as well as
mine) are engaging in not merely illegal, but barbaric practices in so far as
`recruiting' is concerned.  The longer such practices are permitted to
continue, the more that the perpetrators are allowed to become emboldened by
their successes lack of criminal sanction.

Given enough time, these people will, for all intents and purposes, be
unstoppable and will come to view their ability and right to subvert, coerce,
enlist, steal, threaten, and manipulate as evidence, prima facia, of their
natural superiority over the very people they should be protecting from the
very threat which they now pose.
John is completely correct.  The current practices as they pertain to
`recruiting' are utterly odious and abhorrent and should be exposed and
 There ain't nobody here but us chickens. 

No shit.



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Re: Recruiting Agents

2002-03-01 Thread Faustine

Hash: SHA1

Steve wrote:

 Aside from the usual concerns people might have about telling you what they
 know, unfortunately, your messages this past week just added a whole new level
 of disincentive: did you ever stop to think that the angrier and more
 emotional you are about the idea of being fed disinformation, the more of a 
 chilling effect it will have on people who have something legitimate to tell
This does not follow
It sure does to anyone sensitized to being mistaken for being on the wrong
side, from either side

The problem with anger is that it tends to cloud judgement and warp honest
greys into erroneous blacks and whites We always see what we're looking for,
but emotionality juices it up to a fevered pitch: a little adverse information
turns into evidence turns into proof turns into looking down the wrong end of a
45 magnum 

The only way to win a game like that is not to play 

 The risk of you mistakenly retaliating against someone because you conclude
 they're trying to snow you on behalf of the government just won't balance the
 risk they're putting themselves through from the other end In fact, I thinkif
 someone really wanted to damage Cryptome, they could hardly do better than to
 get you whipped up to the point you're so pissed off you start thinking
 everything is disinformation and end up not running something important Not
 like there's anything to be done about it, but you're scaring the shit out of
 people, John:

In my opinion people should be scared shitless  

You know, in the best of all possible worlds, I'd love to be able to come back
with something like: But not by each other! Not if you're working toward the
same end!
But sadly, in this one, statements like that positively reek of the confidence
artist's open arms, warm, winsome smile, and gentle hand on the shoulder as
they softly murmur: trust me 

To hell with that

So I guess I really don't know what to say Apart from the honest truth that I
am, in reality, scared shitless By the government, by you people, damn near
anyone whowho

can reasonas cold-eyed and deviouslyas I do?

Oh shit Ouch

 Your government (as well as mine) are engaging in not merely illegal, but
 barbaric practices in so far as 'recruiting' is concerned 
 The longer such practices are permitted to continue, the more that the
 perpetrators are allowed to become emboldened by their successes lack of
 criminal sanction

True enough 

Given enough time, these people will, for all intents and purposes, be
unstoppable and will come to view their ability and right to subvert, coerce,
enlist, steal, threaten, and manipulate as evidence, prima facia, of their
natural superiority over the very people they should be protecting from the
very threat which they now pose

And you think it's not too late now?

John is completely correct  The current practices as they pertain to
'recruiting' are utterly odious and abhorrent and should be exposed and

Not at the expense of people honestly trying to help him I just think that if
he were a little cooler-headed about the whole thing he'd get more of the
results he's really after Just my bias, that's all



He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from
oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that
will reach to himself

- --Thomas Paine

Version: PGPsdk version 171 (C) 1997-1999 Network Associates, Inc and its 
affiliated companies (Diffie-Helman/DSS-only version)


Re: Recruiting Agents

2002-03-01 Thread Duncan Frissell

At 08:43 AM 2/28/02 -0800, John Young wrote:
You know, he said, I'm very troubled by what my company
is doing, but I think in times of danger we all have to do
what we can to protect the nation, and I think you should
get in touch with the authorities to be sure information
you get is okay to publish No, I said, that's not for me,

All purpose response to recruitment or general national defense arguments:

I think that it's important to defend myself, my family, and my 
community  In fact, I think it's so important that I'm not comfortable 
delegating it to a collective monopoly

None of us can be sure exactly what will be needed to defend us from our 

Public and private authorities thought for years that the crew and 
passengers of highjacked planes should submit meekly to their 
highjackers  This turned out to be a bad mistake

Maybe the Feds know best, maybe someone else knows best, maybe I know 
best  Neither the Feds, nor someone else, nor I can be sure what's the 
best way to defend our community in a complex strategic and tactical 

It is possible, for example, that the best way to defend our community is 
for all of us to carry weapons at all times and kill any terrorists we 
happen to encounter  Or maybe not  Small-group personal attack, was the 
method used by the passengers of UA93 to stop its use as a weapon of 
war  In any case, many different approaches are possible

I think that it's important that we try all sorts of different tactics to 
defend our community  Time will tell which are best

So the government will deploy its strategy and tactics and the rest of us 
will deploy ours

I call it Open Source Community Defense (OSCD)


Back in April of '75, my 5th great-grandfather Captain William Frizzell 
defended his community against an Evil Empire by grabbing his rifle and 
marching from Woodstock, Massachusetts (now Connecticut) to Cambridge to 
protect its magazine from British gun and powder grabbers

Recruiting Agents

2002-02-28 Thread John Young

Dell's admission of vetting customer use of its
products on behalf of domestic and national security,
raises the issue of who else is doing that

About ten days ago I got a telephone message from
a person who claims to work for a major ISP as a sysadmin 
This person had previously disclosed the ISP's cooperation
with federal authorities to run a nationwide surveillance
system from a central hub of the ISP, claiming that the
system was set up under a memorandum of understanding
when the ISP was bought by a foreign corporation We've
published this allegation on Cryptome

We returned the call and talked about twenty minutes with
the person, who said that surveillance of the Net is 
increasing rapidly over what he had said earlier Then
came a pitch that I get on board by vetting information
sent to Cryptome with federal authorities if I thought
there might be a threat to national security

The pitch got intenseThe person asked if I had criminal 
background I said no Did I believe the US had enemies
I said yes Did I believe it was my responsibility to protect
the nation I said maybe Was it not wise to report threats
to the nation to authorities? I said no, it was wise to report
them to the public so it could protect itself

But, he said, don't you think the threats should be checked
with the authorities first? No, I said, it is not for me to
decide what is a threat and what is not, that my task is to
make information available and let readers decide

Wouldn't you like to boost your authority, he said, by having
it supported by official authority? I said no, that I did not
want authority, that such authority is widely available for
those who want it from responsible sources Instead, I
said, what is needed is more information not filtered by 
authorities or responsible sources

Don't get me wrong, he said, I admire what you're doing
on Cryptome, and I wish I had your courage Thanks, I

Still, he said, I think it would be a good idea for you to
establish an ongoing relationship with the authorities
so you don't get in trouble No, I said, that is definitely
not something I want to do, for if I did that it would
be a betrayal of Cryptome readers

You know, he said, I'm very troubled by what my company
is doing, but I think in times of danger we all have to do
what we can to protect the nation, and I think you should
get in touch with the authorities to be sure information
you get is okay to publish No, I said, that's not for me,
what is needed in times of danger is more information
about how to protect yourself, and in times of danger
authorities are often a threat as great as what they
warn about

How can you be sure of that, he said, I think you need
to talk to the authorities to be sure you know what the
threats are and what you are doing is okay No, thanks,
I said

Someday, he said, I hope I have your courage, but now
I have to think about my job Agreed, I said, you should
do nothing that will put you in danger, don't jeopardize
you job and your family

However, he said, I want you to think very carefully about
arranging to check with the authorities about information
to be published on Cryptome Look, I said, the authorities
have more than adequate means to keep track of information 
going on Crypotme and they don't need my help

But you need to protect yourself, don't you see, to be sure
that you are not entrapped by information sent to you
for that purpose Agreed, I said, but we were told soon after
setting up Cryptome to expect entrapment efforts, so we
do, and the reason we don't claim authority is to be sure
readers know they have to protect themselves in the
same way we do 

But wouldn't you like to be protected by the authorities,
to advocate to your readers that they do the same? No,
I said, that is the role of authorities and responsible
publishers, not Cryptome


I think this conversation is like many going on around
the country, and shows how recruitment of agents is
being done We'd like to publish such accounts, anonymized
or not

Re: Recruiting Agents

2002-02-28 Thread Khoder bin Hakkin

Quoth John Young:
Did I believe the US had enemies
 I said yes Did I believe it was my responsibility to protect
 the nation I said maybe

As John has said, many of the enemies of the US claim to legitimately
represent it
Many are found along the Potomac

And what John is doing *is* protecting the nation  Esp from those
domestic enemies
of the constitution