Re: Stand back or I'll jump....

2003-02-20 Thread Neil Johnson
On Wednesday 19 February 2003 11:01 pm, John Kelsey wrote:
 At 03:21 PM 2/19/03 -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
 If their goal is to blackmail us into not invading them, I don't think
 they need to threaten to nuke LA or DC.
 As I said before, the obvious thing would be for North Korea to threaten
 to nuke itself!

 This should clearly be called the Blazing Saddles strategy.


 --John Kelsey, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Or they could be trying for the The Mouse that Roared strategy.

The press does say that Kim Chong-IL is quite a movie buff, but I doubt he 
does a very good Peter Sellers impression :) 

Neil Johnson
PGP key available on request.

Re: School of the future

2003-02-20 Thread Harmon Seaver
On Thu, Feb 20, 2003 at 10:54:47AM -, David Howe wrote:
 at Thursday, February 20, 2003 2:04 AM, Harmon Seaver
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] was seen to say:
  The real school of the future won't have classrooms at all, and no
  teachers as we now know them. Instead there will be workstations
  with VR helmets and a number of software gurus in the machine
  tailoring themselves to the individual students needs and
  personality. The machine will never be tired or grumpy or just having
  a bad day or serious personality problems like human teachers.
 They would if I wrote them :)
 Some days you need a kind, understanding, sympathetic teacher; others,
 you need the Scary kind :)

That's the socio/psych aspect of the teacher/student relationship which has
little to do with the actual functions of imparting and learning
information. Better to have part of the day spent with a shrink in group
counseling sessions inbetween time on machine. Since the info would be learned
at least 10x faster, they'd have plenty of time for that, or hands on shop
classes, etc. 

Harmon Seaver   

Re: School of the future

2003-02-20 Thread David Howe
at Thursday, February 20, 2003 2:04 AM, Harmon Seaver
[EMAIL PROTECTED] was seen to say:
 The real school of the future won't have classrooms at all, and no
 teachers as we now know them. Instead there will be workstations
 with VR helmets and a number of software gurus in the machine
 tailoring themselves to the individual students needs and
 personality. The machine will never be tired or grumpy or just having
 a bad day or serious personality problems like human teachers.
They would if I wrote them :)
Some days you need a kind, understanding, sympathetic teacher; others,
you need the Scary kind :)

Re: Blood for Oil (was The Pig Boy was really squealing today

2003-02-20 Thread David Howe
at Thursday, February 20, 2003 1:28 AM, Harmon Seaver
[EMAIL PROTECTED] was seen to say:
 No oil but lots of dope, especially lots of high grade opium and
 the CIA and the US scum military has been just desperate to get
 control of the world heroin trade again like they did in Vietnam days.
They don't need to build a pipeline though Afganistan any more then? I
know they were pretty annoyed when the taleban refused to let them,
prior to 9/11

Re: To Steve Shear, re Rome, Architects, Shuttles, Congress

2003-02-20 Thread Eric Murray
On Wed, Feb 19, 2003 at 08:27:31PM -0500, Major Variola (ret) wrote:

 Hackers don't work on their own brakes for a reason: evolution.

I do.  That way I know they were done right.
Specialization is for insects.


Re: Blood for Oil (was The Pig Boy was really squealing today

2003-02-20 Thread Ken Brown
 I'm trying to think of something I'd personally be less interested in
 investing my own money in than an oil pipeline through Afghanistan.  Lots
 of money invested up front, literally hundreds of small groups who could
 threaten to damage it as a way of demanding a share of the loot, very hard
 to defend, etc.  What an opportunity!

And best of all, neither oil wells nor customers at either end!!

Re: Blood for Oil (was The Pig Boy was really squealing today

2003-02-20 Thread James A. Donald
 So the US killed a lot of people there, so as to 
 spread respect for freedom and democracy, and installed another 
 dictator without elections, or any plan for elections

The current leader was elected, not in accordance with western 
democratic norms that some people want to impose of Afghans at 
gunpoint, but in accordance with Afghan democratic norms.

Creeds and Thoughtcrime

2003-02-20 Thread Tim May
Watching Attorney General Ashcroft announce the latest series of 
arrests of terrorist financiers and sympathizers, it's clear that the 
last shreds of

Ashcroft is saying the group's creed rejects any peaceful solution 
(of the Palestinian situation).

Well, duh, since when does a group's _creed_ about foreign or domestic 
issues matter? (Modulo the usual exception, arguably, about creed's 
advocating the violent overthrow of the U.S. government.)

And when is raising funds for use in foreign countries a matter for the 
U.S. government to outlaw? What about the liberal and black activists 
who raised money for the opposition in South Africa? Should Jesse 
Jackson have been arrested for shilling for the ANC terrorists?

And so on, for scores of cases where Americans excercised their freedom 
to send money to Jews fighting the Brits in Palestine, white farmers in 
Rhodesia fighting the communists trying to take control of the country, 
Polish mine strikers intent on collapsing the Soviet-backed government, 
thought criminals in China, Holocaust historians attempting to set the 
record straight, and, of course, mercenaries and Birchers and activists 
of every persuasion in hundreds of cases where Americans funded and 
even fought for various causes.

This notion that support for Jew terrorists is admissable, but support 
for Palestinian freedom fighters is thoughtcrime cannot be reconciled 
with the Constitution.

Ashcroft should be tried and executed.

--Tim May
The State is the great fiction by which everyone seeks to live at the 
expense of everyone else. --Frederic Bastiat

Re: Blood for Oil (was The Pig Boy was really squealing today

2003-02-20 Thread John Kelsey
At 10:50 AM 2/20/03 +, David Howe wrote:


They don't need to build a pipeline though Afganistan any more then? I
know they were pretty annoyed when the taleban refused to let them,
prior to 9/11

I'm trying to think of something I'd personally be less interested in 
investing my own money in than an oil pipeline through Afghanistan.  Lots 
of money invested up front, literally hundreds of small groups who could 
threaten to damage it as a way of demanding a share of the loot, very hard 
to defend, etc.  What an opportunity!

--John Kelsey, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: eBay's Patriotism

2003-02-20 Thread Tim May
On Thursday, February 20, 2003, at 11:17  AM, Eric Cordian wrote:

There's an interesting story on the home page of disclosing eBay's policy of giving all
information they have on a user to any guvment-appearing person who 
for it.

It's well known that eBay ruminates over what fraud could do to its
reputation, and employs a slew of former prosecutors and ex-LEA types 
be on the constant lookout for it.

Nonetheless, it's somewhat stunning to see eBay's policy articulated in
print, in somewhat less disingenuous terms than are articulated in the 
Agree link one clicks when registering with the site.

It's probably not a bright idea to login to eBay when just browsing 

Google does much the same thing. (They have staffed-up with 
sheep-dipped NSA types.)

No need for a Library Awareness Program with out-of-date, 
printed-in-1967 chemistry and electronics textbooks when the Web is 
such a cornucopia of current information and when Google, E-Bay, and 
the credit reporting companies are so eager and willing to assist the 
Thought Police.

Secure Web proxies and digital currency now more than ever!

Meanwhile, assume a profile of your surfing, purchasing, and reading 
habits is being compiled with or without official Congressional support 
for Total Information Awareness.

--Tim May

Heroic Airport Screeners, hospital shut down

2003-02-20 Thread lcs Mixmaster Remailer
Cologne Mist Sparks Pa. Airport Probe
Associated Press Writer
February 20, 2003, 10:33 AM EST PHILADELPHIA -- A Saudi Arabian 
traveler set the city's anti-terrorism machine into full gear 
when he sprayed three airport guards with cologne while trying 
to demonstrate that the liquid wasn't dangerous.

The [heroic] security screeners were rushed to Methodist 
Hospital after being spritzed Wednesday as the [swarthy 
complexioned] student passed through a [fatherland] checkpoint 
at Philadelphia International Airport.

Unsure whether they had a [vicious, freedom hating terrorist] 
biological attack on their hands, [heroic] hospital officials 
ordered a full quarantine.

Ambulances inbound to the [freedom loving people's] emergency 
room were diverted to other hospitals. Patients and staff who 
had contact with the [heroic, crusading] guards were quarantined 
for nearly three hours.

We didn't know what the [atomized chemical or bioweapon] 
substance was, said hospital spokeswoman Nan Myers.

[Heroic] FBI spokeswoman Linda Vizi said the 22-year-old [so 
called] student, whose [arabic sounding] name was withheld by 
authorities, was detained and [interrogated under duress and 
coercion and] questioned, then released [for further, secret 
surveillance] hours later after [the people's] chemical tests 
confirmed that the [terroristic] vapors were harmless [probably 
due to an oversight on the part of the freedom hating terrorist 
swarthy complexioned so called student].

He was here legally. All his papers were in order. His flight 
plans were in order. [Shit, we tried like hell for three hours 
to pin some kind of heavy shit on the kid, but the FBI newbies 
kept talking about 'facts are stubbord' or some such shit.]

No federal law was violated. He was released, Vizi said. He 
missed his flight to Europe. [We tried to fuck with him as much 
as we could, but time just ran out.]

Initially, even the [heroic] screeners themselves didn't 
consider the [terrorist] incident worth reporting, Vizi said. 
But they had second thoughts about the sweet-smelling spray and 
called police [after we told them this was a free ticket to 
fucking with an A-rab, why not have some fun?], she said.

Flights weren't disrupted and no one was evacuated from the 
terminal, said [people's] airport spokesman Mark Pesce.

Copyright ) 2003, The Associated Press

Re: Supressed? speech by Sen. Robert Byrd -- Reckless Administration May Reap Disastrous Consequences

2003-02-20 Thread Bill Frantz
At 1:04 PM -0800 2/14/03, Trei, Peter wrote:
This comes from another mailing list.
I've confirmed that it's not been reported on by
the NYT, the Washington Post, or the Boston Globe.

FWIW - This speech was reprinted as an op-ed piece in today's San Francisco
Chronicle.  Of course you don't have to pay attention to the opinions of
people in San Francisco...

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz   | Due process for all| Periwinkle -- Consulting
(408)356-8506 | used to be the | 16345 Englewood Ave.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | American way.  | Los Gatos, CA 95032, USA

Re: eBay's Patriotism

2003-02-20 Thread Steve Schear
At 11:42 AM 2/20/2003 -0800, Tim May wrote:

On Thursday, February 20, 2003, at 11:17  AM, Eric Cordian wrote:

There's an interesting story on the home page of disclosing eBay's policy of giving all
information they have on a user to any guvment-appearing person who asks

It's probably not a bright idea to login to eBay when just browsing items.

Google does much the same thing. (They have staffed-up with sheep-dipped 
NSA types.)

No need for a Library Awareness Program with out-of-date, printed-in-1967 
chemistry and electronics textbooks when the Web is such a cornucopia of 
current information and when Google, E-Bay, and the credit reporting 
companies are so eager and willing to assist the Thought Police.

Secure Web proxies and digital currency now more than ever!

JAP and CookieCooker are two easy to install Windows proxy apps.


Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-20 Thread Tom Veil
Harmon Seaver wrote on February 19, 2003 at 19:20:19 -0600:

 On Wed, Feb 19, 2003 at 11:19:11PM +0100, Anonymous wrote:
  After scanning, we've decided to blacklist you for your
  far left-wing, socialist views, the quote from Ayn Rand notwithstanding.
  Tom Veil

What the fuck are you talking about? Neither you nor anyone else has the
 authority to ban anyone here, shitforbrains. Actually the site looks pretty
 good, lots of anti-war, anti-dubbyascum stuff -- right on!

Idiot. I didn't mention a damn thing about banning anybody from the list.

I did mention using the good ol' 1950's style blacklists used by employers
to keep pinkos and commies off their payrolls.

No, being anti-war doesn't get you blacklisted.

Bullshit like comments against corporate globalization and prominently
linking to socialist Ten-Point Justice Agendas and sites like
and gets you blacklisted, as it indicates that one is of
the so-called progressive, leftist commie totalitarian persuasion.

Tom Veil

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-20 Thread Tyler Durden
Any idea of why the fucker started up with the punching?

As I remember, Schear described himself as 5'2 at the time. Those that feel 
powerless normally look for someone to have power over.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Veil)
Subject: Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and 
Date: 20 Feb 2003 02:45:17 -

Steve Schear wrote on February 19, 2003 at 12:23:


 As was the regimen then, the class would line up before and after
 activities to check attendance, then we would shower.  To help the
 instructor the lineup order was fixed.  It so happened that the student
 behind me was one of those being bussed in.  I had not taken much notice 
 him until the day he decided that my back looked to be good target for 
 fist.  His method was to punch me about every 5 seconds like clock

Any idea of why the fucker started up with the punching?

 It started at the first line up and continued to just before
 showers.  (I know some of my fellow students saw him hitting me but they
 pretended not to and said anything.)

 His locker was almost opposite of mine and as the class prepared to 
 he continued his ritualistic abuse.  I waited until most of the others 
 gone and just as he was about to land a blow I quickly turned, blocked 
 punch, grabbed and twisted his arm to lock it and drew him into a side 
 to his throat.  His trachea partly collapsed and he fell to the floor
 choking.  I calmly continued undressing and went to the shower.  When I
 came back some students we standing around him and an instructor was 
 him mouth to mouth.  I heard he was taken to the hospital. No one asked 
 about him, I never saw him again and none of the students said a word.

Excellent! A shame he wasn't killed, as he deserved to be.

 Several days later three of his friends tried to jump me between classes 
 a relatively isolated area of the campus, one had a knife  I gave them a
 very painful lesson with my nanchuk.  I never saw them again either, nor
 was I ever questioned about them by school administrators.  Afterward, I
 took to walking to classes with friends, mostly other martial arts
 students, but no further incidents occurred.  Its a good thing this
 happened back then.  Today, I would have been shot

Unless you shot the fucking African-American attackers dead first.

This is why I think bullied kids should carry handguns. Preferably
easily concealed ones, the smallest one with the highest caliber.
Bust a cap in their fucking brains.

 and/or arrested.

Any cop who would arrest you for a clear-cut case of self-defense would
need to be shot dead.
Tom Veil

The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-20 Thread Steve Schear
At 10:50 AM 2/20/2003 -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
Any idea of why the fucker started up with the punching?
I did turn around in line-up and ask the student why he was punching me and 
to stop.  He simply gave me a smug grin and continued.

As I remember, Schear described himself as 5'2 at the time. Those that 
feel powerless normally look for someone to have power over.
Especially when they are noticeably larger then you, which this student was 
(half a head taller and at least 20 pounds heavier).


Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-20 Thread Harmon Seaver
On Thu, Feb 20, 2003 at 12:13:45PM -, Tom Veil wrote:
 Harmon Seaver wrote on February 19, 2003 at 19:20:19 -0600:
  On Wed, Feb 19, 2003 at 11:19:11PM +0100, Anonymous wrote:
   After scanning, we've decided to blacklist you for your
   far left-wing, socialist views, the quote from Ayn Rand notwithstanding.
   Tom Veil
 What the fuck are you talking about? Neither you nor anyone else has the
  authority to ban anyone here, shitforbrains. Actually the site looks pretty
  good, lots of anti-war, anti-dubbyascum stuff -- right on!
 Idiot. I didn't mention a damn thing about banning anybody from the list.

   blacklist, ban, baaa baaa baaa -- what's the diff?

 I did mention using the good ol' 1950's style blacklists used by employers
 to keep pinkos and commies off their payrolls.

You sound exactly like one of the morons from the fifties.

 No, being anti-war doesn't get you blacklisted.
 Bullshit like comments against corporate globalization and prominently
 linking to socialist Ten-Point Justice Agendas and sites like
 and gets you blacklisted, as it indicates that one is of
 the so-called progressive, leftist commie totalitarian persuasion.

 And you are obviously a political retard. Communism is dead, the enemy now
is fascism. Do you know the difference? Can we say corporate welfare
state??? The mega-corps *are* the problem today, it's they who put and keep the
fascists in power. 
 Quite frankly, I'd trade Castro for Bush anytime, at least we wouldn't have
all the goddam disgusting christian bullshit all the time.  

Harmon Seaver   

Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and minorities

2003-02-20 Thread Tyler Durden
After scanning, we've decided to blacklist you for your
far left-wing, socialist views, the quote from Ayn Rand notwithstanding.

Tom Veil
Actually, a turning point in my thinking came a few years ago while watching 
Fidel Castro talk on CNN from Riverside church. Oddly, I found that I agreed 
with 99% of what the guy said. (Of course, from what I've been able to 
filter out from the anti-Cuba propaganda, I don't think I'd like Castro's 
answers to his issues a hellava lot, but that's besides the point.)

Me? I'm highly suspicious of anyone who believes that one system of thought 
answers all of the questions and problems: Right, Left, 
Libertarian...anyone's fulla shit if he he accepted a Program lock, stock, 
and barrel.

From: Harmon Seaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: The burn-off of twenty million useless eaters and  
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 19:20:19 -0600

On Wed, Feb 19, 2003 at 11:19:11PM +0100, Anonymous wrote:

 After scanning, we've decided to blacklist you for your
 far left-wing, socialist views, the quote from Ayn Rand notwithstanding.

 Tom Veil
   What the fuck are you talking about? Neither you nor anyone else 
has the
authority to ban anyone here, shitforbrains. Actually the site looks pretty
good, lots of anti-war, anti-dubbyascum stuff -- right on!

Harmon Seaver

Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8.

Re: The burn-off of Tom Veil

2003-02-20 Thread Tyler Durden and gets you blacklisted, as it indicates that 
one is of the so-called progressive, leftist commie totalitarian 

Blacklisted! Sniff sniff...I'm hurt! Does this mean I'm kicked out from the 
yearbook committee too? And do I have to tear up my Cypherpunks membership 

The only important point to make here, is that it doesn't really matter what 
the political persuasion is of someone who contributes to anything nominally 
Cypherpunkish. If they are promoting/using/developing/suggesting strong 
crypto apps, certain types of thought-control will eventually be thrown off 
as a result of such apps. (Of course, there are those who believe that 
something like an anarchic/libertarian society must arise as a result, but 
one's BELIEFS are largely irrelevant.)

As for quoting zmag (which I do), it's silly that this indicates a 
necessarily leftie/pinko/commie slant. Chomsky, a frequent contributor, has 
described himself as basically anarchic in his political leanings. More 
importantly, however, is the fact that Chomsky often develops some very 
strong counter-arguments to US agit-spew. However, if quoting zmag means I'm 
a commie pinko faggot, sobeit.


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