Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-29 Thread Jim Choate

On Wed, 27 Nov 2002, Ken Hirsch wrote:

> Jim Choate writes:
> >
> > It's not I who is doing the misreading. I sent this along because I don't
> > know -your- level, which considering your understanding of
> > 'completeness'...
> Peter Fairbrother has said nothing inaccurate about completeness, whereas
> your statements about completeness having to do with the ability to write
> statements is nonsense.

Not hardly...but apparently Peter isn't the only one who doesn't quite
grasp 'complete'...

"A formalism is complete, if for every formula which - in accordance with
it's intended interpretation - is provable within the formalism, embodies
a true proposition, and if, conversely, every true proposition is embodied
in a provable formula."

The Philosophy of Mathematics
An introductory Essay
S. Korner
ISBN 0-486-25048-2 (Dover)
pp 77

And we can of course compare this to Cauchy Completeness...

Definition 6.4

Let X be a metric space, {x_n} a sequence of elements in X. Denote the
distance function by d. The sequence {x_n} is called a Cauchy sequence,
if given e>0, there is a positive integer N, so that whenever n and m are
greater than N,

d(x_n, x_m) < e

Definition 6.5

A metric space X is complete if every Cauchy sequence {x_n} in X converges
to an element in X (see Theorem 5.1).

Topology - An introduction to the point-set and algebraic areas
D.W. Kahn
ISBN 0-486-68609-4 (Dover)
pp 101


We don't see things as they are,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
we see them as we are.
Anais Nin

Re: CDR: Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-27 Thread Peter Fairbrother
Jim Choate wrote:

> On Wed, 20 Nov 2002, Peter Fairbrother wrote:
>> Completeness has nothing to do with whether statements can or cannot be
>> expressed within a system.
>> A system is complete if every sentence that is valid within the system can
>> be proved within that system.
> Introduction to Languages, Machines and Logic
> A.P. Parks
> ISBN 1-85233-464-9
> pp 240 and 241 

A "non-mathematical" "easy to read" primer (quotes from Springer-Verlag). I
don't have a copy. If Alan Parkes says Godelian completeness is other than
the definition above then he is wrong - possible, he is a multimedia studies
teacher, and afaik is not a mathematician - but I suspect you misread him.

FYI, I just googled "completeness godel". First five results plus some
quotes are at the bottom. Five minutes, which I could have spent better.


Peter Fairbrother


Googling "completeness" and "Godel", first five results:
No simple definition of completeness. Nice intro to models though.
"Completeness is the desirable property of a logical system which says that
it can prove, one way or the other, any statement that it knows how to
"Completeness = If an argument is valid, then it is provable"
"A complete theory is one contains, for every sentence in the language,
either that sentence or its negation." -- link to
"It states, in its most familiar form, that in first-order predicate
calculus every universally valid formula can be proved."

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-27 Thread Ken Hirsch
Jim Choate writes:
> It's not I who is doing the misreading. I sent this along because I don't
> know -your- level, which considering your understanding of
> 'completeness'...

Peter Fairbrother has said nothing inaccurate about completeness, whereas
your statements about completeness having to do with the ability to write
statements is nonsense.

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-27 Thread Jim Choate

On Wed, 27 Nov 2002, Peter Fairbrother wrote:

> A "non-mathematical" "easy to read" primer (quotes from Springer-Verlag). I
> don't have a copy. If Alan Parkes says Godelian completeness is other than
> the definition above then he is wrong - possible, he is a multimedia studies
> teacher, and afaik is not a mathematician - but I suspect you misread him.

It's not I who is doing the misreading. I sent this along because I don't
know -your- level, which considering your understanding of

> FYI, I just googled "completeness godel". First five results plus some
> quotes are at the bottom. Five minutes, which I could have spent better.

I've already send several mathematical references that refer to
completeness and what it means. You apparently didn't read them.

That speaks for itself. You'd rather bitch than learn.

Hint: you can't prove truth (which is what Godel is about) without first
listing the statements in the 'complete' language.

Think about what you said and eventually it will dawn on you -what- you

Ta ta.


We don't see things as they are,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
we see them as we are.
Anais Nin

Re: CDR: Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-27 Thread Peter Fairbrother
Jim Choate wrote:

> Para-consistent logic is the study of logical schemas or
> systems in which the fundamental paradigms are paradoxes. It's a way of
> dealing with logical situations in which true/false can't be determined
> even axiomatically.

Most paraconsistent logics deal with paradoxes, but I know of none whose
"fundamental paradigms are paradoxes". That barely makes sense to me, and is
certainly not true.

Paraconsistent logics often* allow some but not all sentences within the
logic to be both true and false. In paraconsistent logics that have simple
notions of true and false** it is usually (at least sometimes) possible to
axiomatically determine whether a sentence is true or/and false - they
wouldn't be much use if you couldn't! (not that they are much use anyway).

* Many logicians would say they all do, according to Vasiliev and Da Costa's
original definition. Some would say only some do. And some logician
somewhere will disagree with almost anything you say about paraconsistent

** Not all do, eg some have multi-value truths. Some have conditional
truths, or truths valid only in some worlds. Some have true, false, both and
neither. And so on. As usual, some logicians will disagree with this.

For those who might care, paraconsistent logics are usually defined as
non-explosive* logics. Ha! There is some argument (lots!**) about that, but
it's the generally accepted modern definition (or at least the one most
often argued about).

* logics in which ECQ does not hold. ECQ = Ex Contradictione Quodlibet,
anything follows from a contradiction. In most "normal" logics, if any
single sentence and it's negation can both be proved, then _every_ sentence
can be proved both true and false. This property is known as explosiveness.

** For instance, it has recently been shown that some logics traditionally
known as paraconsistent, eg Sette's atomic P1 logic, are explosive, contrary
to that definition. There are arguments about the meaning of negation as
well, all of which confuse the issue.

BTW, the name doesn't have anything to do with paradoxes, at least according
to the guy who invented it. The "para" bit is supposedly from an extinct
word (I forget the language, Puppy-something, really) for "arising out of,
coming from". Some say it's from the Greek para- "beyond"; but I've never
heard the "paradox" story before.

I hope this at least interested some, and was not just troll-food.

Peter Fairbrother

Re: CDR: Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-23 Thread Jim Choate

On Wed, 20 Nov 2002, Peter Fairbrother wrote:

> Completeness has nothing to do with whether statements can or cannot be
> expressed within a system.
> A system is complete if every sentence that is valid within the system can
> be proved within that system.

Introduction to Languages, Machines and Logic
A.P. Parks
ISBN 1-85233-464-9
pp 240 and 241


We don't see things as they are,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
we see them as we are.
Anais Nin

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-21 Thread Peter Fairbrother
Jim Choate wrote:

> On Wed, 13 Nov 2002, Tyler Durden wrote:
>> Damn what a pack of geeks! (Looks like I might end up liking this list!)
>> When we say "complete", are we talking about completeness in the Godelian
>> sense? According to Godel, and formal system (except for the possibility of
>> the oddballs mentioned below--I hadn't heard of this possibility) is
>> "incomplete" in that there will exist true statements that can not be proven
>> given the axioms of that system.
> Sorry for the long delay...very busy at work.
> As far as I am aware formal language definitions of 'complete' and Godel's
> are the same. I've never seen anything from Godel that indicated
> otherwise.
> Your comment is almost correct. Complete means that all true statements
> can be written (which of course implies that all other statements -must-
> be false). Incomplete means there are true statements which can't be
> written in the -limited- syntax of the incomplete system (which again
> implies there are false statements which can't be made).

Completeness has nothing to do with whether statements can or cannot be
expressed within a system.

A system is complete if every sentence that is valid within the system can
be proved within that system.

That is the formal definition, as used by Godel in his completeness theorem,
in which he proved that FOPL is complete. The converse, that every provable
statement is valid, is known as the Soundness theorem.

The formal definition of completeness earlier used by Hilbert, Russell et al
was almost identical but involved proving false statements to be false as

Godel used the same definition in his more famous incompleteness theorem, in
which he proved proved that certain systems of logic, later (the next year
iirc) proved to be those systems that allow Peano counting, cannot be both
complete and consistent.

FYI, consistent: no sentence can be proved both valid and false within a
consistent system.

Peter Fairbrother

*I assume, I'm not that good at history of mathematics. Godel's completeness
theorem also proved that his definition is all that is needed.

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-20 Thread Jim Choate

On Wed, 13 Nov 2002, Ben Laurie wrote:

> Jim Choate wrote:
> > What I'd like to know is does Godel's apply to all forms of
> > para-consistent logic as well
> It applies to "any sufficiently complex axiomatic system". Allegedly.

Actually it doesn't, it applied to 'complete' systems. There is -no-
requirement for the system to be complex. In fact Godel's example about
the library of books and the two catalogs (and the question of where to
list the catalogs in the catalogs) is quite simple. That is what makes it
so striking. Further, completeness doesn't apply to the axioms but rather
the list of statements that fall out of the axioms. How you use the


We don't see things as they are,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
we see them as we are.
Anais Nin

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-20 Thread Jim Choate

On Wed, 13 Nov 2002, Tyler Durden wrote:

> Damn what a pack of geeks! (Looks like I might end up liking this list!)
> When we say "complete", are we talking about completeness in the Godelian
> sense? According to Godel, and formal system (except for the possibility of
> the oddballs mentioned below--I hadn't heard of this possibility) is
> "incomplete" in that there will exist true statements that can not be proven
> given the axioms of that system.

Sorry for the long delay...very busy at work.

As far as I am aware formal language definitions of 'complete' and Godel's
are the same. I've never seen anything from Godel that indicated

Your comment is almost correct. Complete means that all true statements
can be written (which of course implies that all other statements -must-
be false). Incomplete means there are true statements which can't be
written in the -limited- syntax of the incomplete system (which again
implies there are false statements which can't be made).

The sticking point isn't the writing of the statements (irrespective of
complete or not) but rather the -proof- of their truth. Godel doesn't
address the list of statements or how the list was generated but rather
the algorithmic process of proof of value. We know axiomatically that we
can't write all true statemens in a incomplete system, that's what makes
it incomplete. The test is can we tell them apart algorithmically? That
question is what puts Godel in the "Halting Problem" category.

The sticking point, and what upset everyone, was that 'complete' and
'provable' aren't the same thing. if you can't write the complete list
you of course can't prove all of them. No surpise here. But even if you
can write all of the true statements you still can't prove they are true
within the system. In other words self-reference destroys the concept of
proof as we normally think of it. If you want to prove something you have
to step outside of its context (ie meta- views). That destroys the
classical/intuitive/naive concept of proof.

Godel upsets people because he demonstrates that 'truth' in whatever
context one wishes to discuss it is relative. There is no -universal-
definition of 'truth'.

Reality is observer dependent. Abandon transcendence.


We don't see things as they are,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
we see them as we are.
Anais Nin

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-20 Thread Jim Choate

On Wed, 13 Nov 2002, Tyler Durden wrote:

> used for useful computation will suffer from incompletenenss, so I would
> assume "para-consistent logic" would fall under that category (is that
> similar to fuzzy logic?).

Not really. Para-consistent logic is the study of logical schemas or
systems in which the fundamental paradigms are paradoxes. It's a way of
dealing with logical situations in which true/false can't be determined
even axiomatically. Very real world...

Fuzzy logic (or fuzzy anything else for that matter) is simply statistics
applied to some heretofore deterministic/non-heuristic field. I think of
it as playing hand grenades or horse shoes ;)

You could do fuzzy para-consistent logic if you wanted to (though I can't
figure out what I'd want to use it for to be honest). "Assume that two or
more of your axioms are in conflict some percentage of the time..." Sounds
more like a problem out of rational agent bargaining and auctions to me
...perhaps there is an app there after all.

> I have not, however, heretofore considered that there could exist systems
> that had some form of completeness built in. My intuition (which is easily
> wrong) tells me that no such system could ever be useful in the real world,
> but who the heck knows?

Until Godel almost everyone thought mathematics was it...

Whether it's useful or not isn't the question, the question is can it
exist? And the answer is a universal 'No' (or seems to be at this point


We don't see things as they are,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
we see them as we are.
Anais Nin

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-15 Thread jayh
I would however, reverse your two definitions, I think the word belief suggests the 
more rational, evidence based mental model, faith is a subset belief that requires no 

All of us have beliefs (under my schema above) that are evidence based (we believe in 
the atomic model). Often our beliefs are all tagged with a mental estimate of their 
surety, based on perception of the evidence and the criticality of the belief, the 
side effects of it being wrong. Items whose falsehood is not critical can be believed 
with much less evidence than items whose falsehood is critical. I may believe that 
Walmart has the best  price on a coffeepot, and that is enough to commit a few dollars 
to the purchase, knowing I could be wrong but that it is not consequential. That same 
level of belief may not be adequate to purchase a Walmart parachute.

It's one thing to believe a newspaper story that a man has the legal name of 'Santa 
Claus', and a very different to believe he drives flying sleigh & reindeer, or that 
some 100 people wandered in a desert for 40 years WITHOUT A TRACE of evidence, 
while Egyptian military encampments (only a few dozen men)  in that same area and 
historic timeframe) have been well documented.

The key distinction between rationality and religious faith is that scientific, 
historical and other rational theories (beliefs) are known to be subject to revision, 
and are constantly evaluated in that framework. Religious faith, however, is not tied 
to evidence (sometimes searching for evidence is actively discouraged) and is 
considered true, not really subject to revision.

This is, I guess not surprising. A system that in principle takes over one's entire 
life would have problems if the subjects realized that what is 'right' today might not 
be right tomorrow. So skepticism is portrayed as evil, critical thinking discouraged 
and the truthset declared absolute to protect its stability and belief without 
evidence (faith) is represented as the highest pinnacle of thought. Protecting tat 
faith becomes more important than reaching quantifiable truths.


Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-15 Thread André Esteves
On Friday 15 November 2002 00:41, you wrote:
> Indeed, I've heard the same. One could argue that for someone to believe in
> something (religion) so intensely as to shun all moral explanation against
> this hypothesis and to persist in those beliefs without any proof is akin
> to schizophrenia. But that's a whole new kettle of fish.
> ~SAM

It all depends on the definition of sane...

As usually it's a religious force who imposes "truth", the faithfull will 
remain normal ... :)

Manipulating the definion of normality is dangerous and only begets the 
temptation to use it to use other people...

We have examples of self-proclaimed atheist societies where this was used for 
political manipulation: psiquiatric institutions in the former USRR, or even 
some private institutions in USA that would do that for a hire.. (the case of 
the frontal lobotomy of Getty's son, ordered by Getty himself (wich probably 
was age demented by that time, but has people obey to anyone who has a fat 

We could also invoke memetics and say that religion is like a mental disorder 
that spreads through a population... A meme infecting minds as they are 
vulnerable to certain statements, emotions and tautological arguments.

My experience in a former religious life, is that the mentally ill are drawn 
to the religious life... There's even a rare neurological sickness (caused by 
accidents and brain defects in certain parts of the brain ) in wich the 
patient has trancesdental  experiences and direct contact with god.

Interestingly, you can reproduce that experience with some mushrooms or roots 
from the amazon florest, there's even a cult in Brazil that uses them...
(more incredible, is that its alucinations are individualistic... someone 
that believes in buda, will feel Buda... Jeovah, etc... there are people 
(usually atheists) that say they talked with aliens and space ghosts :)))
This drug will even eliminate addictions.. There are heroin, tabaco, etc 
addicts that will have their addictions eliminated after a section with the 
so called sacrament...

Wich is very, very interesting for "the god in our brains" seems to clear 
our deepest fears and pain. 

Yours faithfully,

Andri Esteves

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-15 Thread Mike Rosing
On Thu, 14 Nov 2002, [iso-8859-1] Andri Isidoro Fernandes Esteves wrote:

> The religious person is always battling against reality wich with a minimum
> of inteligence from the observer always bring doubts on the truth of his
> faith.
> It's a state of mind wich  can only be compared with mental ilness...
> (I've read that there are even some neurological similarities between the
> faithful and the mentaly ill)

I won't disagree, but I think we better live in a bunker!

> The author of that statement: "I have no need of that hipotheses" was
> Laplace, french mathematician on answering Napoleon's question in why is book
> on newtonian mechanics didn't call for god.

thank you!  Looks like my date was off by 100 years :-)

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-15 Thread Peter Fairbrother
Tim May wrote:
> There are a lot of Godel anecdotes to tell. I never met him.
> Two things about his theory:
> 1. There's a more powerful (IMNSHO) formulation of it in terms of
> algorithmic information theory, usually associated with Greg Chaitin
> but also drawing on the AIT work of Kolmogorov and others. This says,
> in informal language, "no theory can describe something more
> complicated than itself." If a theory has 20 bits of complexity, things
> of 21 bits or more just can't be "described/proved." Rudy Rucker has a
> good description of this in his excellent book "Mind Tools." And
> Chaitin has authored several books and a few very readable "Scientific
> American" types of articles. Google will have more on his sites, his
> papers.

I wonder at the real-world relevance. Even Peano arithmetic needs an axiom
scheme containing an infinite number of axioms (as does Presburger

I also doubt the rigor of Chaitin's work, but I'm just stating an opinion
here. He seems to omit "except it doesn't apply here", and say more than he
has proved.

I suppose in terms of 15 axiom 2 rule first order predicate calculus it
might be important, but who needs that? (dons flameproof suit, I didn't mean
it entirely seriously)

> 2. This said, my point about not looking to Godelian undecidability
> sorts of issues for crypto is that it just appears to be "too far out
> there." Nobody, to my knowledge, has ever found a way to make such
> things useful in crypto...not even things like "Presburger arithmetic,"
> which is "harder" than NP-complete but not yet Godelian undecideable.

Here I agree, but I'd add the qualification "so far". For instance
Paris-Harrington might lead to something interesting (though it's at most
tangential to Godelian undecideability).

-- Peter Fairbrother

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-15 Thread Peter Fairbrother
Jim Choate wrote:

> On Wed, 13 Nov 2002, Peter Fairbrother wrote:
>> Jim Choate wrote:
>>> What I'd like to know is does Godel's apply to all forms of
>>> para-consistent logic as well

>> However you can have eg arithmetics without Peano counting, and so on, and
>> there are ("trivial" according to Godel, but even he acknowledged that they
>> exist) systems that are both complete (all problems have answers) and
>> consistent (no statement is both true and false).
> [SSZ: text deleted]
>> Can you do interesting things in such systems? Yes. But you tend to leave
>> intuition behind.
> What the hell does 'counting' have to do with para-consistent logic on
> this? Extraordinary claims...

Godel's (allegedly?) applies, as Ben pointed out, to "any sufficiently
complex system". The requirement of "sufficient complexity" is that the
system contains Peano counting.

Systems described by Presburger, by Skolem, and by Tarski are among those
which do not include Peano counting, and which are both consistent and

The relevance of non-Peano counting is simply that you can often do more
things in a system that includes some form of counting.

One way of stating Godel is "No system that includes Peano counting is both
consistent and complete".

> The answer of course is "Yes, Godel's applies to Para-Consistent Logic".

Trivially, to the extent that all paraconsistent systems are not consistent
by definition, you can say "yes".

You can also say "no"! Not all paraconsistent systems include Peano
counting. Depends what you mean by "apply".

Godel also has connotations of consequences _within_ the system, eg
regarding decideability. Let me introduce a term, "Godellike", to describe a
system that obeys those supposed consequences.

Are paraconsistent systems Godellike? Not necessarily, that's one of the
reasons for the development of paraconsistent systems.

> What really matters is the 'complete', not the 'consistent'. Godel's
> doesn't apply to incomplete systems because by definition there are
> statements which can be made which can't be expressed, otherwise it would
> be complete. You can't prove something if you can't express it since there
> is no way to get the machine to 'hold' it to work on it.

Ahh, those problems of definition again. "Complete" is normally* taken to
mean that every statement expressable within a system is provably true or is
provably false within the system. I don't know offhand of any paraconsistent
systems that have that property, but it's not impossible afaik.

IMO "complete" has nothing to do with "statements which can be made which
can't be expressed" - though I may be wrong, as I don't understand exactly
what that means.

-- Peter Fairbrother

*As in Godel's other famous theorem, the completeness theorem, which is
completely (ouch) different to his incompleteness theorem, the one we are

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-15 Thread Sam Ritchie
> From: Andri Esteves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 01:29:26 +
> Subject: Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto
> On Friday 15 November 2002 00:41, you wrote:
>> Indeed, I've heard the same. One could argue that for someone to believe in
>> something (religion) so intensely as to shun all moral explanation against
>> this hypothesis and to persist in those beliefs without any proof is akin
>> to schizophrenia. But that's a whole new kettle of fish.
>> ~SAM
> It all depends on the definition of sane...
> As usually it's a religious force who imposes "truth", the faithfull will
> remain normal ... :)
> Manipulating the definion of normality is dangerous and only begets the
> temptation to use it to use other people...
> We have examples of self-proclaimed atheist societies where this was used for
> political manipulation: psiquiatric institutions in the former USRR, or even
> some private institutions in USA that would do that for a hire.. (the case of
> the frontal lobotomy of Getty's son, ordered by Getty himself (wich probably
> was age demented by that time, but has people obey to anyone who has a fat
> checkbook...) 
> We could also invoke memetics and say that religion is like a mental disorder
> that spreads through a population... A meme infecting minds as they are
> vulnerable to certain statements, emotions and tautological arguments.

Actually, hehe, I've made this comparison before, of religion to a disease.
(first off, let me clarify that I have nothing against anyone's religion!
I'm looking at this from an outsider's perspective, and harbor no biases.)
The torah, for example, has very strict guidelines in it for reproduction of
the book, and strongly encourages its followers to go out and make copies.
As you mention, religion can act as a virus of sorts, "infecting" its
carrier and urging it to carry the "virus" to others.
> My experience in a former religious life, is that the mentally ill are drawn
> to the religious life... There's even a rare neurological sickness (caused by
> accidents and brain defects in certain parts of the brain ) in wich the
> patient has trancesdental  experiences and direct contact with god.
Ooh, and then there's the apparent tongue of Babel. Glossolalia, or speaking
in tongues, is sometimes said to be the human core language.

> Interestingly, you can reproduce that experience with some mushrooms or roots
> from the amazon florest, there's even a cult in Brazil that uses them...
> (more incredible, is that its alucinations are individualistic... someone
> that believes in buda, will feel Buda... Jeovah, etc... there are people
> (usually atheists) that say they talked with aliens and space ghosts :)))
> This drug will even eliminate addictions.. There are heroin, tabaco, etc
> addicts that will have their addictions eliminated after a section with the
> so called sacrament...

> Wich is very, very interesting for "the god in our brains" seems to clear
> our deepest fears and pain.

Have there ever been studies done on the actual, physical effects of
religion on the human brain? It definitely seems valid to say that SOMETHING
occurs within the mind when one "assumes a faith", something which would
definitely be worthwhile to look into... Anyone know?
> Yours faithfully,
> Andri Esteves

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-15 Thread Sam Ritchie
> From: Andri Isidoro Fernandes Esteves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 14:31:41 +
> To: Mike Rosing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto
> On Thursday 14 November 2002 03:50, you wrote:
>> On Wed, 13 Nov 2002, Sam Ritchie wrote:
>>> That's the whole deal with the bible, and its various internal
>>> contradictions. If anything can be proven true in the bible, then there's
>>> no room for faith anymore, which nullifies religious "beliefs"; and if
>>> anything can be proven false, then there's no god, and religion is
>>> crushed under the heel of reason. Hurrah, Enlightenment!
>>> ~SAM
>> Don't bet on it.  I was in a discussion group a week or so ago and one
>> lady who is super devout (of some christian sect, I'm not really sure
>> which one) claimed that she was always "testing her faith" every day.
>> It really shook me up because I have faith in testing.  Religion and
>> reason are not in the same universe!
>> My favorite response on the subject of god is "I have no need of that
>> hypothisis".  I forget who it's attributed to, but I think it was from the
>> late 1800's.
>> Patience, persistence, truth,
>> Dr. mike
> The religious person is always battling against reality wich with a minimum
> of inteligence from the observer always bring doubts on the truth of his
> faith.
> It's a state of mind wich  can only be compared with mental ilness...
> (I've read that there are even some neurological similarities between the
> faithful and the mentaly ill)
Indeed, I've heard the same. One could argue that for someone to believe in
something (religion) so intensely as to shun all moral explanation against
this hypothesis and to persist in those beliefs without any proof is akin to
schizophrenia. But that's a whole new kettle of fish.
> The author of that statement: "I have no need of that hipotheses" was
> Laplace, french mathematician on answering Napoleon's question in why is book
> on newtonian mechanics didn't call for god.
> Andri Esteves

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-15 Thread André Esteves
On Friday 15 November 2002 01:43, Sam Ritchie wrote:
> Actually, hehe, I've made this comparison before, of religion to a disease.
> (first off, let me clarify that I have nothing against anyone's religion!
> I'm looking at this from an outsider's perspective, and harbor no biases.)
> The torah, for example, has very strict guidelines in it for reproduction
> of the book, and strongly encourages its followers to go out and make
> copies. As you mention, religion can act as a virus of sorts, "infecting"
> its carrier and urging it to carry the "virus" to others.

The problem with that kind of "religious meme" is that the original book will 
refer to a certain time and society.. wich as time passes becomes more and 
more idyossincratic and out-of-sync...

The usual answer to that problem from a religious comunity is to maintain the 
original lifestyle in wich the "memetic code" was written has to give its 
followers a sense of "right" in reality and truthnes in the written word.
You can see for example the orthodox jews.

The other ways are:
1) a prophet in direct contact with the god.
Example: Any prophetic sect or reformed religion with a  charismatic leader
2) a church wich has a outside "transcription factor" that enables an 
adaptation to reality.
Example: The catholic church, wich has theology as a transcription factor.
And the church burocracy to define wich is accepted world-view, justified by 
(Every 7 years, they revise the list of sins, for example...:

These types are not exclusive and usualy evolve from one to other...

They all are kind of of an attempt to control the virus, wich is very 
interesting in itself.. Could we say that organised religion is not itself a 
disease, but an attempt to control disease?? (to someone's profit of 
course... : )

> > 
> > My experience in a former religious life, is that the mentally ill are
> > drawn to the religious life... There's even a rare neurological sickness
> > (caused by accidents and brain defects in certain parts of the brain ) in
> > wich the patient has trancesdental  experiences and direct contact with
> > god. 
> Ooh, and then there's the apparent tongue of Babel. Glossolalia, or
> speaking in tongues, is sometimes said to be the human core language.

I have read Snow Crash, too. ;)

Myself I think that glossofalia is related to the core language, but it's not 
THE human core language...

When 7th day Adventist or any rapture group start speaking in tongues they 
are usually in a kind of seizure... I think that it's more akin to the 
"universal gramatic" of Chomsky let loose and completely haywire.

Like if you were working with a voice processor and it's phonem library got 
all mixed up... (The universal gramatic sets the POTENTIAL languages 
available to humans, so glossofalic languages sound like languages and even 
have kind of gramatical order but are not languages.. just attempts to speak 
with the wrong working-level of the brain)

> > Interestingly, you can reproduce that experience with some mushrooms or
> > roots from the amazon florest, there's even a cult in Brazil that uses
> > them... (more incredible, is that its alucinations are individualistic...
> > someone that believes in buda, will feel Buda... Jeovah, etc... there are
> > people (usually atheists) that say they talked with aliens and space
> > ghosts :))) This drug will even eliminate addictions.. There are heroin,
> > tabaco, etc addicts that will have their addictions eliminated after a
> > section with the so called sacrament...
> > 
> Weird.

Very... It's like the drug that was used by a atheist/eastern mistic society 
in the book "The island" by Aldous Huxley (his last book).

And you can see that tibetan budism, especialy the dalay lama has seen also 
the potencial children of joining science and eastern misticism.

> > Wich is very, very interesting for "the god in our brains" seems to
> > clear our deepest fears and pain.
> Have there ever been studies done on the actual, physical effects of
> religion on the human brain? It definitely seems valid to say that
> SOMETHING occurs within the mind when one "assumes a faith", something
> which would definitely be worthwhile to look into... Anyone know?
> ~SAM

Only on meditation of buddist monks, and during prayer. There as not been to 
knowledge any study on before/after converted persons... And I think there 
would be no religion that would accept doing that kind of study...
(For obvious reasons...)

~~AIFE aka Stackbit

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-15 Thread Morlock Elloi
> It's a state of mind wich  can only be compared with mental ilness...
> (I've read that there are even some neurological similarities between the 
> faithful and the mentaly ill)

The belief (faith) center is somewhere in the frontal cortex and that mutation
was essential for development of the civilisation as we know it, which
basically boils down to brainwashing believers into beating the shit out of
nonbelievers (and these, being independent individuals, never managed to
properly organise to resist), which is evolutionary sustainable (when the shit
gets beaten out of you it takes your mind of sex.)

So, technically speaking, it's more specialisation than mental illness.

(of original message)

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Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-15 Thread Tyler Durden
"Indeed, I've heard the same. One could argue that for someone to believe in 
something (religion) so intensely as to shun all moral explanation against 
this hypothesis and to persist in those beliefs without any proof is akin to 

Well, I'm sure this is not an issue that Cypherpunks is going to want to 
spend a ton of time on, but let's be clear here. There's "belief", and then 
there's "faith". With belief,the believer refuses to acknowledge and accpet 
facts that disagree with their (narrow) worldview. I can't help but put the 
"Creationists" in this category. (Even a cursory look at their "science" 
makes it clear that there's TONS of information they ignored or explain away 
with absurd notions.)

Faith is a different matter. With faith, the faithful see the "facts" (as 
they are commonly understood) and still find a way to believe in something 
unseen. Belief contradicts reason, faith operates in parallel. I would argue 
that great scientists operated with a decent amount of the latter, and 
Galileo is a good example. At the time, the geocentric theory was still able 
to predict most celestial events better than a heliocentric one. But Galileo 
had a deeper intuitive sense that something was "wrong" with that geocentric 
theory, and its clumsy and mind-boggling complexity.

Likewise, every now and then one encounters religious people who recognize 
the "unreasonabilty" of what they believe. (Indeed, it's not easy to believe 
in a God that allows, for instance, the Holocaust to occur). I find these 
people very different from the "believer" category, and would place folks 
like Michelangelo, Kepler, Newton, Maxwell, Kierkegaard, Galileo, St John of 
the Cross (a Spanish mystic tortured by the inquisition) and many others in 
this category.

As for being akin to Schizophrenia, I'd point out that Schizophrenia is not 
a "mental" disorder per se, but a genetically triggered even that causes a 
measurable, physical degradation in the brain (a Schizophrenic's brain can 
be identified in autopsies).

From: Sam Ritchie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Andri Isidoro Fernandes Esteves  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,   Mike Rosing 
CC: Cypherpunks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 19:41:40 -0500

> From: Andri Isidoro Fernandes Esteves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 14:31:41 +
> To: Mike Rosing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto
> On Thursday 14 November 2002 03:50, you wrote:
>> On Wed, 13 Nov 2002, Sam Ritchie wrote:
>>> That's the whole deal with the bible, and its various internal
>>> contradictions. If anything can be proven true in the bible, then 
>>> no room for faith anymore, which nullifies religious "beliefs"; and if
>>> anything can be proven false, then there's no god, and religion is
>>> crushed under the heel of reason. Hurrah, Enlightenment!
>>> ~SAM
>> Don't bet on it.  I was in a discussion group a week or so ago and one
>> lady who is super devout (of some christian sect, I'm not really sure
>> which one) claimed that she was always "testing her faith" every day.
>> It really shook me up because I have faith in testing.  Religion and
>> reason are not in the same universe!
>> My favorite response on the subject of god is "I have no need of that
>> hypothisis".  I forget who it's attributed to, but I think it was from 
>> late 1800's.
>> Patience, persistence, truth,
>> Dr. mike
> The religious person is always battling against reality wich with a 
> of inteligence from the observer always bring doubts on the truth of his
> faith.
> It's a state of mind wich  can only be compared with mental ilness...
> (I've read that there are even some neurological similarities between 
> faithful and the mentaly ill)
Indeed, I've heard the same. One could argue that for someone to believe in
something (religion) so intensely as to shun all moral explanation against
this hypothesis and to persist in those beliefs without any proof is akin 
schizophrenia. But that's a whole new kettle of fish.
> The author of that statement: "I have no need of that hipotheses" was
> Laplace, french mathematician on answering Napoleon's question in why is 
> on newtonian mechanics didn't call for god.
> Andri Esteves

MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-14 Thread André Isidoro Fernandes Esteves
On Thursday 14 November 2002 03:50, you wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Nov 2002, Sam Ritchie wrote:
> > That's the whole deal with the bible, and its various internal
> > contradictions. If anything can be proven true in the bible, then there's
> > no room for faith anymore, which nullifies religious "beliefs"; and if
> > anything can be proven false, then there's no god, and religion is
> > crushed under the heel of reason. Hurrah, Enlightenment!
> > ~SAM
> Don't bet on it.  I was in a discussion group a week or so ago and one
> lady who is super devout (of some christian sect, I'm not really sure
> which one) claimed that she was always "testing her faith" every day.
> It really shook me up because I have faith in testing.  Religion and
> reason are not in the same universe!
> My favorite response on the subject of god is "I have no need of that
> hypothisis".  I forget who it's attributed to, but I think it was from the
> late 1800's.
> Patience, persistence, truth,
> Dr. mike

The religious person is always battling against reality wich with a minimum 
of inteligence from the observer always bring doubts on the truth of his 

It's a state of mind wich  can only be compared with mental ilness...
(I've read that there are even some neurological similarities between the 
faithful and the mentaly ill)

The author of that statement: "I have no need of that hipotheses" was 
Laplace, french mathematician on answering Napoleon's question in why is book 
on newtonian mechanics didn't call for god.

Andri Esteves

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-13 Thread Mike Rosing
On Wed, 13 Nov 2002, Sam Ritchie wrote:

> That's the whole deal with the bible, and its various internal
> contradictions. If anything can be proven true in the bible, then there's no
> room for faith anymore, which nullifies religious "beliefs"; and if anything
> can be proven false, then there's no god, and religion is crushed under the
> heel of reason. Hurrah, Enlightenment!
> ~SAM

Don't bet on it.  I was in a discussion group a week or so ago and one
lady who is super devout (of some christian sect, I'm not really sure
which one) claimed that she was always "testing her faith" every day.
It really shook me up because I have faith in testing.  Religion and
reason are not in the same universe!

My favorite response on the subject of god is "I have no need of that
hypothisis".  I forget who it's attributed to, but I think it was from the
late 1800's.

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-13 Thread Sam Ritchie
> From: Tyler Durden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 12:12:34 -0500
> Subject: Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto
> "All religions are complete systems.  Some people consider them useful,
> but I'm not sure it classifies as "the real world".
> :-)"
> I've wondered about that...I suspect that if God exists, then He is true but
> unprovable in any useful system!
> -TD
That's the whole deal with the bible, and its various internal
contradictions. If anything can be proven true in the bible, then there's no
room for faith anymore, which nullifies religious "beliefs"; and if anything
can be proven false, then there's no god, and religion is crushed under the
heel of reason. Hurrah, Enlightenment!

> PS: According to Godel's biographer, Godel at one point passed around a
> proof of the existence of God! (But towards the end of his life he also
> started wearing a surgical mask everywhere and became intensely
> germaphobic...)
>> From: Mike Rosing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto
>> Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 08:26:02 -0800 (PST)
>> On Wed, 13 Nov 2002, Tyler Durden wrote:
>>> Damn what a pack of geeks! (Looks like I might end up liking this list!)
>> It's full of nut cases too :-)
>>> I have not, however, heretofore considered that there could exist
>> systems
>>> that had some form of completeness built in. My intuition (which is
>> easily
>>> wrong) tells me that no such system could ever be useful in the real
>> world,
>>> but who the heck knows?
>> All religions are complete systems.  Some people consider them useful,
>> but I'm not sure it classifies as "the real world".
>> :-)
>> Patience, persistence, truth,
>> Dr. mike
> _
> STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-13 Thread Jim Choate

On Wed, 13 Nov 2002, Peter Fairbrother wrote:

> Jim Choate wrote:
> >
> > What I'd like to know is does Godel's apply to all forms of
> > para-consistent logic as well
> And I replied:
> No. There are consistent systems, and complete systems, that do not admit
> Godel's theorem, but apparently not a system that is both (although even the
> last is subject to dispute, and problems of definition).

Which is the point of Godel's, you're arguing in circles here son. Perhaps
you've been out in the sun too long ;)

[SSZ: text deleted]

> However you can have eg arithmetics without Peano counting, and so on, and
> there are ("trivial" according to Godel, but even he acknowledged that they
> exist) systems that are both complete (all problems have answers) and
> consistent (no statement is both true and false).

[SSZ: text deleted]

> Can you do interesting things in such systems? Yes. But you tend to leave
> intuition behind.

What the hell does 'counting' have to do with para-consistent logic on
this? Extraordinary claims...

Para-consistent logic is logic where statements -can't by definition- be
given an absolute true/false, in fact para-consistent logic allows
axiomatic statements that are in direct conflict. The 'para' comes
from 'paradox'.

Considering the state of the real world I doubt you'd leave very much
'intuition behind' by moving to a para-consistent model.

The answer of course is "Yes, Godel's applies to Para-Consistent Logic".

Irrespective of whatever logic you wish to use, it will be sensitive to
Godel's because Godel's is a sort of halting theorem that says that with
respect to decidability you can't devise an algorithm in any language or
representation that will -guarentee- and answer to the question of whether
a particular question has an answer. Godel's applies irrespective of the
contents of any given system, paradoxical or consistent be damned.

What really matters is the 'complete', not the 'consistent'. Godel's
doesn't apply to incomplete systems because by definition there are
statements which can be made which can't be expressed, otherwise it would
be complete. You can't prove something if you can't express it since there
is no way to get the machine to 'hold' it to work on it.


We don't see things as they are,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
we see them as we are.
Anais Nin

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-13 Thread Ben Laurie
Jim Choate wrote:

What I'd like to know is does Godel's apply to all forms of
para-consistent logic as well

It applies to "any sufficiently complex axiomatic system". Allegedly.




"There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." - Robert Woodruff

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-13 Thread Tyler Durden
Damn what a pack of geeks! (Looks like I might end up liking this list!)

When we say "complete", are we talking about completeness in the Godelian 
sense? According to Godel, and formal system (except for the possibility of 
the oddballs mentioned below--I hadn't heard of this possibility) is 
"incomplete" in that there will exist true statements that can not be proven 
given the axioms of that system. This does not have to be anything 
complex...a statement like 2+2=4 in some systems may be obviously true, but 
there's no way to "get there" given the other axioms in the system. This 
statement must then be added to the axiom list.

After that (old axioms +(the 2+2=4 axiom)), we now have a "new" formal 
system, and there will (not might!) exist another statement that is true but 
unprovable, and so on. In a sense, then, no system is ever "complete".

As for the nature of the system in which Godelian Incompleteness applies, 
I'm not enough of a number theorist to remember. Turing terms I 
know that any system that is equivalent to a Turing Machine will have the 
Incompleteness property. (In addition, Godelian Provability is equivalent, I 
think, to the Turing Halting Problem. Statements that are true but 
unprovable will never halt...correct?)In other words, any system that can be 
used for useful computation will suffer from incompletenenss, so I would 
assume "para-consistent logic" would fall under that category (is that 
similar to fuzzy logic?).

I have not, however, heretofore considered that there could exist systems 
that had some form of completeness built in. My intuition (which is easily 
wrong) tells me that no such system could ever be useful in the real world, 
but who the heck knows?

From: Jim Choate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 07:27:44 -0600 (CST)

On Wed, 13 Nov 2002, Peter Fairbrother wrote:

> Jim Choate wrote:
> >
> > What I'd like to know is does Godel's apply to all forms of
> > para-consistent logic as well
> And I replied:
> No. There are consistent systems, and complete systems, that do not 
> Godel's theorem, but apparently not a system that is both (although even 
> last is subject to dispute, and problems of definition).

Which is the point of Godel's, you're arguing in circles here son. Perhaps
you've been out in the sun too long ;)

[SSZ: text deleted]

> However you can have eg arithmetics without Peano counting, and so on, 
> there are ("trivial" according to Godel, but even he acknowledged that 
> exist) systems that are both complete (all problems have answers) and
> consistent (no statement is both true and false).

[SSZ: text deleted]

> Can you do interesting things in such systems? Yes. But you tend to 
> intuition behind.

What the hell does 'counting' have to do with para-consistent logic on
this? Extraordinary claims...

Para-consistent logic is logic where statements -can't by definition- be
given an absolute true/false, in fact para-consistent logic allows
axiomatic statements that are in direct conflict. The 'para' comes
from 'paradox'.

Considering the state of the real world I doubt you'd leave very much
'intuition behind' by moving to a para-consistent model.

The answer of course is "Yes, Godel's applies to Para-Consistent Logic".

Irrespective of whatever logic you wish to use, it will be sensitive to
Godel's because Godel's is a sort of halting theorem that says that with
respect to decidability you can't devise an algorithm in any language or
representation that will -guarentee- and answer to the question of whether
a particular question has an answer. Godel's applies irrespective of the
contents of any given system, paradoxical or consistent be damned.

What really matters is the 'complete', not the 'consistent'. Godel's
doesn't apply to incomplete systems because by definition there are
statements which can be made which can't be expressed, otherwise it would
be complete. You can't prove something if you can't express it since there
is no way to get the machine to 'hold' it to work on it.


We don't see things as they are,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
we see them as we are.
Anais Nin

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Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-13 Thread Tim May
On Wednesday, November 13, 2002, at 09:12  AM, Tyler Durden wrote:

"All religions are complete systems.  Some people consider them useful,
but I'm not sure it classifies as "the real world".

I've wondered about that...I suspect that if God exists, then He is 
true but unprovable in any useful system!


PS: According to Godel's biographer, Godel at one point passed around 
a proof of the existence of God! (But towards the end of his life he 
also started wearing a surgical mask everywhere and became intensely 

There are a lot of Godel anecdotes to tell. I never met him.

Two things about his theory:

1. There's a more powerful (IMNSHO) formulation of it in terms of 
algorithmic information theory, usually associated with Greg Chaitin 
but also drawing on the AIT work of Kolmogorov and others. This says, 
in informal language, "no theory can describe something more 
complicated than itself." If a theory has 20 bits of complexity, things 
of 21 bits or more just can't be "described/proved." Rudy Rucker has a 
good description of this in his excellent book "Mind Tools." And 
Chaitin has authored several books and a few very readable "Scientific 
American" types of articles. Google will have more on his sites, his 

2. This said, my point about not looking to Godelian undecidability 
sorts of issues for crypto is that it just appears to be "too far out 
there." Nobody, to my knowledge, has ever found a way to make such 
things useful in crypto...not even things like "Presburger arithmetic," 
which is "harder" than NP-complete but not yet Godelian undecideable.

(One semi-joke is that Godel's results are something every 
mathematician should learn about but that no working mathematician will 
ever actually need to use.)

--Tim May

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-13 Thread Peter Fairbrother
Jim Choate wrote:

> What I'd like to know is does Godel's apply to all forms of
> para-consistent logic as well

And I replied:

No. There are consistent systems, and complete systems, that do not admit
Godel's theorem, but apparently not a system that is both (although even the
last is subject to dispute, and problems of definition).

Sorry, that was a little terse, and just a restatement of Godel. Slightly

One way of looking at it is that Godel's theorem only applies in systems
that allow counting according to Peano arithmetic*.

However you can have eg arithmetics without Peano counting, and so on, and
there are ("trivial" according to Godel, but even he acknowledged that they
exist) systems that are both complete (all problems have answers) and
consistent (no statement is both true and false).

Or, to put it in another and possibly simpler way, if you limit the axioms
in a system in such a way that statements about statements are impossible to
formulate, then Godel doesn't apply.

Can you do interesting things in such systems? Yes. But you tend to leave
intuition behind.

-- Peter Fairbrother

*{axioms: assume Natural numbers, no 0 [can be stated in other ways, that's
original Peano], an add-one function exists, such that if x-add-one =
y-add-one then x=y, and an induction axiom showing there are infinite
numbers: applying Dedekind logic gives ax + ay = a(x+y) and so on, known as
Peano Arithmetic, which is basically ordinary arithmetic in Natural numbers
only, ie no subtraction, division etc}

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-13 Thread Tyler Durden
"All religions are complete systems.  Some people consider them useful,
but I'm not sure it classifies as "the real world".

I've wondered about that...I suspect that if God exists, then He is true but 
unprovable in any useful system!


PS: According to Godel's biographer, Godel at one point passed around a 
proof of the existence of God! (But towards the end of his life he also 
started wearing a surgical mask everywhere and became intensely 

From: Mike Rosing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 08:26:02 -0800 (PST)

On Wed, 13 Nov 2002, Tyler Durden wrote:

> Damn what a pack of geeks! (Looks like I might end up liking this list!)

It's full of nut cases too :-)

> I have not, however, heretofore considered that there could exist 
> that had some form of completeness built in. My intuition (which is 
> wrong) tells me that no such system could ever be useful in the real 
> but who the heck knows?

All religions are complete systems.  Some people consider them useful,
but I'm not sure it classifies as "the real world".

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-13 Thread Mike Rosing
On Wed, 13 Nov 2002, Tyler Durden wrote:

> Damn what a pack of geeks! (Looks like I might end up liking this list!)

It's full of nut cases too :-)

> I have not, however, heretofore considered that there could exist systems
> that had some form of completeness built in. My intuition (which is easily
> wrong) tells me that no such system could ever be useful in the real world,
> but who the heck knows?

All religions are complete systems.  Some people consider them useful,
but I'm not sure it classifies as "the real world".

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-12 Thread Tim May
On Tuesday, November 12, 2002, at 11:04  AM, Tim May wrote:

(There are famous examples of using Hamiltonian cycles for giving zero  
knowledge proofs. I wrote one up here for the list about 10 years may be findable by searching on the right keywords. But using  
one of the NP-complete problems to produce a ZK certificate is not the  
same as something like RSA encryption...though one would think there  
_must_ be a way to make it solike I said, fame awaits someone who  
figures this out.)

I dug up the last article I did on this. Here it is:

*	Subject: CDR: An Introduction to Complexity, Hamiltonian Cycles, and  
ZeroKnowledge Proofs--Part 1
*	From: Tim May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*	Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2000 13:05:07 -0800
*	In-Reply-To:  
*	Old-Subject: An Introduction to Complexity, Hamiltonian Cycles, and  
ZeroKnowledge Proofs--Part 1
*	References:  

At 2:20 PM -0500 11/4/00, dmolnar wrote:
>On Sat, 4 Nov 2000, Jim Choate wrote:
>>  On Sat, 4 Nov 2000, Declan McCullagh wrote:
>>  > "NP" problems, on the other hand, are those that can be solved in
>>  > nondeterministic polynomial time (think only by guessing). NP
>>  > includes P.
>>  Actualy any time that can't be described using a polynomial (i.e.  
a0 +
>>  a1x + a2x^2 + ...) is NP. For example something that executes in  
>>  or exponential time is NP.
>I'm sorry - by the definitions I know, Declan has it closer.
>I'm not sure what you're getting at with "any time that can't be
>described..." or "something that executes in factorial or exponential
>time." As far as I know, NP is a class of *problems*, not a
>class of running times or even a class of algorithms.

And I'm going to give a completely informal, but I hope useful,
introduction. Though formalism is very important, and jargon is
useful, I suspect that all the talk of "succinct certificates,"
"oracles," "reducibility," "nondeterministic polynomial time,"
"Co-NP," etc., isn't very useful to someone just coming to this stuff
for the first time.

I figure understanding math comes from thinking about specific
problems, drawing pictures, mulling things over, drawing more
pictures, and basically just "becoming one with the problem." Formal
definitions then begin to make a lot more sense. While Bourbaki may
favor only the tersest of explanations, I think they are dead wrong.

(Fair warning: I knew a lot more about this stuff in 1992 when I was
reading Garey and Johnson, Harel, etc. and trying to figure out the
zero knowledge papers of Goldwasser and her colleagues. These days,
terms like "Co-NP" are not in my daily repertoire of concepts I have
a good handle on. But the basic ideas don't need such formal
definitions. It's more important to have some _intuition_ about
common problems and then see the obvious connections with crypto.
David Molnar and others are much better versed in the current lingo.)

So, the German guy, Olav, who asked about what P and NP and all that
stuff means should think of a specific problem. The "Travelling
Salesman Problem" is one problem that's a lot of fun to think about,
for complexity issues (and also for specific algorithms, like
"simulated annealing," "heuristic search," "genetic programming,"
etc.). However, I'm going to pick the "Hamiltonian Path" (or
Hamiltonian Circuit) problem for most of my discussion.

It's equally fun, and is one of the canonical "NP-complete" examples.
It turns out that these problems are all similar in a deep way to
each other. Though there may not be obvious links between Hamiltonian
paths, tiling problems in the plane, Go problems on generalized Go
boards, grammar problems, "Monkey puzzles," the Minesweeper game
mentioned in this thread, and so on, it turns out that they share
deep similarities. In fact, with some effort ("polynomial time
effort," so to speak) one problem can be converted to another. Hence
the notion that if one could find an "easy" algorithm to solve one,
one would have solved all of them.

(And always keep in mind that these problems are considered in their
_general_ forms, with something like N cities, M x N tile arrays, a
Go board of N x N grid points, and so on. Any _specific_ instance is
not the essence, though of course a specific instance may still be
hideously complicated to solve. And slight factors of 2 or 20 or even
20 million, or, indeed, anything short of "exponential in N," are not
important. This is often called "Big O" notation, e.g, the
complexity/effort goes as "O (N^3)" or "O (N!)". For exact
definitions of these kinds of terms, consult any of the many books on
this stuff; I'm just trying to provide the motivation and basic ideas


Take 10 cities in Europe. For example: Berlin, Paris, Madrid, Rome,

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-12 Thread Jim Choate

> On Tue, 12 Nov 2002, Tyler Durden wrote:
> > As for "Godelian intractability", I didn't see that as necessarily an issue
> > of complexity. Godel showed that given any formal system, there are
> > statements that will certainly exist that are true but unprovable from
> > within that system (mathematical "truth" is often confused with
> > "provability").

Actually you have to include 'false' as well. The uncertainty is
symmetric. The point of differentiating 'truth' and 'provability' is to
recognize you can't prove them wrong either. 'Provability' is the ability
to answer definitively as compared to what the actual answer is. That is
the fundamental distinction. It's a sort of halting problem once you see
this (as compared to the actual state at the halt). Godel's simply states
in a different way that some things never stop, and you can't always tell
which ones they are.

What I'd like to know is does Godel's apply to all forms of
para-consistent logic as well


We don't see things as they are,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
we see them as we are.
Anais Nin

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-12 Thread Tyler Durden
"Look, I have no idea what your background is, beyond the fact that you're 
new to the list and are obviously neither Edward Norton nor Brad Pitt. I 
suggest you take a look at some of the books on algorithms, especially the 
Harel book. Garey and Johnson is the classic on NP-completeness, but it's 
way too dry and technical to start out on."

As for my background it's Optics/Physics/EE, and for the last 8 years worked 
with Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers, DWDM and SONET  (ie, optical telecom). 
(Interestingly, my work in Telecom did once cause me to enter the only joint 
classified/unclassified NSA facility, as well as DARPA and DISA.) In case it 
matters, I've got a sack of papers and patents in that area, and was fairly 
well-known in those circles. After experiencing a couple of layoffs over the 
last year, I retreated to the relative sanctity and security of Wall Street, 
where I now work (and no, I'm not Pitt/Norton but my nome d'plume gives you 
a hint of the kind of company I work for, and it ain't insurance!)

The references are well-appreciated, but wrt the complexities of the 
algorithmic issues, I am more interested in knowing what the basic issues 
are (as well as what may not be known). At this stage, and for various 
reasons, I find that the potential social implications are what I am most 
interested in, but the "newbie" in me is trying to sort out what low-level 
details must be known in this context, while hopefully making an interesting 
point or two along the way.

As for "Godelian intractability", I didn't see that as necessarily an issue 
of complexity. Godel showed that given any formal system, there are 
statements that will certainly exist that are true but unprovable from 
within that system (mathematical "truth" is often confused with 
"provability"). Factorization may simply be one of those things that is 
difficult, but unprovably so, in which case it will forever and always be 
such. This may mean that we will end up living with factorization for a long 
time and yet never know if it's actually "difficult" or not.

Again, sorry to all for being a little chatty and clumsy at this point.

Subject: Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 11:04:32 -0800

On Tuesday, November 12, 2002, at 10:22  AM, Tyler Durden wrote:

Well, my main point was that the fact that we are not certain about the 
difficulty in factorization is not necessarily due to our current lack of 
knowledge about the issue (and to be rectified one day as we look back and 
laugh at our previous naivety). In this case I was trying to reference 
Godel and the notions of is possible that factorization 
is inherently difficult and that the difficulty is a fact that is innately 
unprovable. (Yeah, I goofed on the larget prime issue...when I try to pull 
something out of pure memory my hit rate isn't very high)

In a sense, this IS a restatement of his original point, but with an 
emphasis on the fact that our "faith" in the difficulty of factorization 
may be more than wishful thinking. This is an issue that a huge number of 
very smart mathematicians have tackled and see no real traction on. So our 
collective "intuition" on this issue may have reality on our side. (In 
which case we will never "look back and laugh".)

As for finding a process that has already proven to be innately difficult, 
I do find that an interesting notion. Certainly many such processes exist 
and have been identified...was factorization chosen because the encryption 
process used very little hardware (back when that mattered)?

No, this was a non-issue.

Fact is, nobody has found a way to get what I'll call the 
"trapdoor/asymmetry" property with known NP-complete problems such as the 
Hamiltonian cycle problem (and a slew of NP-complete problems which are of 
course in a sense the same problem).

Why this may be the case is unknown (to me, at least). There are many books 
on complexity, NP-completeness, and algorithms. I like David Harel's 
"Algorithmics" a lot (he later re-issued it in a different form, but I 
favor the earlier version). Oded Goldreich has a new book on 
copy is floating around somewhere here in my house, so I can't check it 
right now.

The point is that R, S, and A found factoring worked for the 
trapdoor/asymmetric (easy in one direction, very hard in the other) 
properties needed. Factoring has not been proved to be  NP-complete.

There are problems even "harder" than NP-complete, of course.

Fame awaits anyone who finds a way to use the Hamiltonian cycle, polynomial 
satisfiability, etc., or one of the domino tiling (harder than NP-complete) 
classes of problems for crypto in general.

(There are famous examples of

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-12 Thread Peter Fairbrother
Tyler Durden wrote:

> (I believe that the non-existence of the "last" prime number is also
> unprovable.)

Could you give some details/ a ref please?

The usual proof by contradiction is easy and well-known. Suppose there is a
"last" prime. Generate a list of all the primes sooner than or equal to the
supposed last prime (in practice this could take some time, but not infinite
time). Multiply them all together and add 1. Result has remainder of 1 for
all primes in list. Therefore either the result (which must ' be later than
supposed "last" prime) is prime, or the result is a multiple of primes not
on the list (which must ' be later than supposed "last" prime). Therefore
there must be a later prime than the supposed "last" prime.

Should be valid in some non-Godelian systems as well.

Doesn't apply in all fields though, but ordering in those fields where it
doesn't apply is usually* impossible, so you can't even define a "last"
prime there. 

Of course we can't even prove "cogito ergo sum", but I don't think that was
your point.

-- Peter Fairbrother

Non-mathematicians should replace "sooner" with "smaller", "later" with
"larger", and "last" with "largest".

' There are some ordering considerations I have left out, but they all work
out in the field of Natural numbers.


Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-12 Thread Mike Rosing
On Tue, 12 Nov 2002, Tyler Durden wrote:

> As for my background it's Optics/Physics/EE, and for the last 8 years worked
> with Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers, DWDM and SONET  (ie, optical telecom).
> (Interestingly, my work in Telecom did once cause me to enter the only joint
> classified/unclassified NSA facility, as well as DARPA and DISA.) In case it
> matters, I've got a sack of papers and patents in that area, and was fairly
> well-known in those circles. After experiencing a couple of layoffs over the
> last year, I retreated to the relative sanctity and security of Wall Street,
> where I now work (and no, I'm not Pitt/Norton but my nome d'plume gives you
> a hint of the kind of company I work for, and it ain't insurance!)

Yeah, EETimes reports telcom still leads in layoffs.  Glad to hear you
can still eat!

> The references are well-appreciated, but wrt the complexities of the
> algorithmic issues, I am more interested in knowing what the basic issues
> are (as well as what may not be known). At this stage, and for various
> reasons, I find that the potential social implications are what I am most
> interested in, but the "newbie" in me is trying to sort out what low-level
> details must be known in this context, while hopefully making an interesting
> point or two along the way.

Maybe the history of epistimology would be useful?

> As for "Godelian intractability", I didn't see that as necessarily an issue
> of complexity. Godel showed that given any formal system, there are
> statements that will certainly exist that are true but unprovable from
> within that system (mathematical "truth" is often confused with
> "provability"). Factorization may simply be one of those things that is
> difficult, but unprovably so, in which case it will forever and always be
> such. This may mean that we will end up living with factorization for a long
> time and yet never know if it's actually "difficult" or not.

Factoring is sub-exponential in complexity.  Elliptic curve discrete log
is (still) fully exponential.  I'm not sure about lattice theory (see
NTRU).  There's a lot of mathematical relationships to be discovered yet.
What was "difficult" 50 years ago is now high school level knowledge.
If that kind of thing doesn't continue, humans will just stagnate and die.

A sub probelm to all this is "what is thinking?"  Why do we even bother?

> Again, sorry to all for being a little chatty and clumsy at this point.

I don't know of any other way to approach it, so keep chatting!

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-12 Thread Eric Cordian
Tim wrote:

> It would be nice to have crypto 
> systems based on at least problems which have been shown to be 
> NP-complete.

Even here, one has to be careful.  The knapsack cryptosystem, based on the
NP-Complete problem Subset Sum, crashed and burned spectacularly a number
of years back.

The world is replete with NP-Complete problems whose random instances have
a near-zero probability of being difficult to solve.

I think what you want here, at least for key exchange, is something along
the lines of a well-designed message digest function, which has the magic
property that f(g(x)) = g(f(x)) so you can do Diffie-Hellman.  This would
be a lot more difficult to break than either factorization or discrete
log, neither of which is likely NP-Hard, and when all the chips have
settled, perhaps as weak as N^2.

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-12 Thread Tim May
On Tuesday, November 12, 2002, at 10:22  AM, Tyler Durden wrote:

Well, my main point was that the fact that we are not certain about 
the difficulty in factorization is not necessarily due to our current 
lack of knowledge about the issue (and to be rectified one day as we 
look back and laugh at our previous naivety). In this case I was 
trying to reference Godel and the notions of is 
possible that factorization is inherently difficult and that the 
difficulty is a fact that is innately unprovable. (Yeah, I goofed on 
the larget prime issue...when I try to pull something out of pure 
memory my hit rate isn't very high)

In a sense, this IS a restatement of his original point, but with an 
emphasis on the fact that our "faith" in the difficulty of 
factorization may be more than wishful thinking. This is an issue that 
a huge number of very smart mathematicians have tackled and see no 
real traction on. So our collective "intuition" on this issue may have 
reality on our side. (In which case we will never "look back and 

As for finding a process that has already proven to be innately 
difficult, I do find that an interesting notion. Certainly many such 
processes exist and have been identified...was factorization chosen 
because the encryption process used very little hardware (back when 
that mattered)?

No, this was a non-issue.

Fact is, nobody has found a way to get what I'll call the 
"trapdoor/asymmetry" property with known NP-complete problems such as 
the Hamiltonian cycle problem (and a slew of NP-complete problems which 
are of course in a sense the same problem).

Why this may be the case is unknown (to me, at least). There are many 
books on complexity, NP-completeness, and algorithms. I like David 
Harel's "Algorithmics" a lot (he later re-issued it in a different 
form, but I favor the earlier version). Oded Goldreich has a new book 
on copy is floating around somewhere here in my house, so I 
can't check it right now.

The point is that R, S, and A found factoring worked for the 
trapdoor/asymmetric (easy in one direction, very hard in the other) 
properties needed. Factoring has not been proved to be  NP-complete.

There are problems even "harder" than NP-complete, of course.

Fame awaits anyone who finds a way to use the Hamiltonian cycle, 
polynomial satisfiability, etc., or one of the domino tiling (harder 
than NP-complete) classes of problems for crypto in general.

(There are famous examples of using Hamiltonian cycles for giving zero 
knowledge proofs. I wrote one up here for the list about 10 years may be findable by searching on the right keywords. But using 
one of the NP-complete problems to produce a ZK certificate is not the 
same as something like RSA encryption...though one would think there 
_must_ be a way to make it solike I said, fame awaits someone who 
figures this out.)

Look, I have no idea what your background is, beyond the fact that 
you're new to the list and are obviously neither Edward Norton nor Brad 
Pitt. I suggest you take a look at some of the books on algorithms, 
especially the Harel book. Garey and Johnson is the classic on 
NP-completeness, but it's way too dry and technical to start out on.

I would also steer clear of issues of Godelian undecidability at this 
point. The types of "intractability" at issue here are a lot less 
"complex" in the hierarchy.

--Tim May

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-12 Thread Tyler Durden
Well, my main point was that the fact that we are not certain about the 
difficulty in factorization is not necessarily due to our current lack of 
knowledge about the issue (and to be rectified one day as we look back and 
laugh at our previous naivety). In this case I was trying to reference Godel 
and the notions of is possible that factorization is 
inherently difficult and that the difficulty is a fact that is innately 
unprovable. (Yeah, I goofed on the larget prime issue...when I try to pull 
something out of pure memory my hit rate isn't very high)

In a sense, this IS a restatement of his original point, but with an 
emphasis on the fact that our "faith" in the difficulty of factorization may 
be more than wishful thinking. This is an issue that a huge number of very 
smart mathematicians have tackled and see no real traction on. So our 
collective "intuition" on this issue may have reality on our side. (In which 
case we will never "look back and laugh".)

As for finding a process that has already proven to be innately difficult, I 
do find that an interesting notion. Certainly many such processes exist and 
have been identified...was factorization chosen because the encryption 
process used very little hardware (back when that mattered)?

Subject: Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 09:48:27 -0800

On Tuesday, November 12, 2002, at 07:13  AM, Tyler Durden wrote:

This may be true,  but the conclusion that might easily be reached isn't. 
According to the number theorists (particularly post-Godel), factorization 
may easily be one of those things that...
1) Is inherently dificult
2) and the fact that it is inherently difficult is unprovable.

Yeah, a restatement of his point. It would be nice to have crypto systems 
based on at least problems which have been shown to be NP-complete.

This may mean that not only is there no "hard evidence", there may never 
be. This being the case (and it most probably is), then we may always have 
to live with this uncertaintyand ain't that life?

(I believe that the non-existence of the "last" prime number is also 

I don't follow you here. The Greeks knew the proof that there is no largest 
prime, a proof which can be written down in a paragraph. (If one believes 
in excluded middle proofs as opposed to constructivist proofs, which in 
this context is a reasonable belief.)

--Tim May

Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-12 Thread Tim May
On Tuesday, November 12, 2002, at 07:13  AM, Tyler Durden wrote:

This may be true,  but the conclusion that might easily be reached 
isn't. According to the number theorists (particularly post-Godel), 
factorization may easily be one of those things that...
1) Is inherently dificult
2) and the fact that it is inherently difficult is unprovable.

Yeah, a restatement of his point. It would be nice to have crypto 
systems based on at least problems which have been shown to be 

This may mean that not only is there no "hard evidence", there may 
never be. This being the case (and it most probably is), then we may 
always have to live with this uncertaintyand ain't that life?

(I believe that the non-existence of the "last" prime number is also 

I don't follow you here. The Greeks knew the proof that there is no 
largest prime, a proof which can be written down in a paragraph. (If 
one believes in excluded middle proofs as opposed to constructivist 
proofs, which in this context is a reasonable belief.)

--Tim May

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-12 Thread Tyler Durden
Actually, that was quite a post from Mr Duvos. And while I am in position to 
respond to most of what he has written, I would like to take slight issue 
with the following:

"Such cryptography is based on faith, much like tea-leaf reading.  We have 
absolutely no hard mathematical evidence that factoring is any harder than 
multiplying or taking square roots, or of the existence of easily computed 
functions with computationally intractable inverses"

This may be true,  but the conclusion that might easily be reached isn't. 
According to the number theorists (particularly post-Godel), factorization 
may easily be one of those things that...
1) Is inherently dificult
2) and the fact that it is inherently difficult is unprovable.

This may mean that not only is there no "hard evidence", there may never be. 
This being the case (and it most probably is), then we may always have to 
live with this uncertaintyand ain't that life?

(I believe that the non-existence of the "last" prime number is also 

As for arguments concerning "short cuts" that occur from Ramanujan-like 
flashes of human insite, you have now wandered into some very difficult 
waters...I suspect that some of the AI folks would argue that your pi 
example is the result of much deeper algorithmic processes that occur in the 
brain, and that we can't observe yet. SOme (such as Penrose) would disagree, 
and argue that human creativity leverages very deep connections between the 
brain and the quantum world...this would always be beyond even very powerful 
silicon (though non-Quantum) machines.

From: Mike Duvos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 16:45:21 -0800 (PST)

Tim May wrote:

 > So, in these four areas real code is being generated. These get
 > mentioned on the just has to notice them, and remember.

 > My main point is to refute the defeatism that often is clothed in the
 > language of cynicism and ennui. Much is still being done. It isn't
 > getting the attention of the press, which is probably a good
 > thing. (They have moved on to other topics. And nobody is being
 > threatened with jail, so crypto is no longer as edgy as it was when PRZ
 > was facing prosecution, when crypto exports were illegal, when Clipper
 > was in the news.)

Crypto export has been decriminalized, and cryptanalysis programs are now
illegal "circumvention devices" under the DMCA.  I am hard pressed to view
this as an improvement.  If DECSS and Advanced eBook Processor produce an
exhaltation of prosecutors bent on putting the authors in jail, I doubt
we'll be hearing if someone invents DE-SSH or DE-AES.  This greatly
reduces my faith in the robustness of ciphers, particularly those that
have been around to have their tires kicked for a decade or two.

Break a code, go to jail.  Even a silly code, like XOR.

The 90's were the Golden Age of public access to crypto, largely driven by
public key cryptography and the need for people to do secure communication
over the Internet without physically meeting to exchange keys.

The 00's will be the Golden Age of something else.  Superintelligent AI

 > Even Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman knew essentially no number
 > theory. One of them got the idea that maybe the difficulty of factoring
 > could be used as the core for what they were doing...I have also heard
 > that the idea came from another on the staff at MIT, but I won't get
 > into that right now. Then they "crammed" and learned what they needed
 > to learn about stuff like Euler's totient function, methods for finding
 > primes, etc. It was enough.

Such cryptography is based on faith, much like tea-leaf reading.  We have
absolutely no hard mathematical evidence that factoring is any harder than
multiplying or taking square roots, or of the existence of easily computed
functions with computationally intractable inverses.

We infer the existence of such things solely from the observation that the
human mind has not yet produced solutions to such problems.  If they were
really easy, we conjecture, someone would have figured out the answer by

Well, maybe.

Evidence is begining to emerge which suggests that such a view may be
fundamentally flawed, and just as most humans cannot multiply 100 digit
numbers in their heads, so there are countless wonderful and simple
formulas whose derivation from scratch is so complex that no one will ever
find them simply by trying to derive them directly.

Are hard problems hard because they have no simple solutions, or simply
because their simple solutions lie slightly beyond the range of our
current deductive radar?  Are they hard, or are we simply bad programmers?

Compelling evidence for the latter explanation is beginning to mass.

Consider, for instance, the following simple power series
(Bailey,Borwein,Plouffe) for Pi as a sum of inverse powers of 16. Multiply
by a power of 16 and take the fractional part, and you c

Re: The End of the Golden Age of Crypto

2002-11-11 Thread Eric Cordian
Mike Duvos writes:

> Break a code, go to jail.  Even a silly code, like XOR. 

This is probably true.  In the current political climate, anyone who
posts "turbo-factor" on the Internet, and destroys secure communications
worldwide, can probably expect the secret tribunal followed by lethal
injection, after being smeared in the press as a traitor. 

Remember, if you're not on Shrub's bandwagon, helping him beat his little
drum, you're with the "terrorists."

> The 00's will be the Golden Age of something else.  Superintelligent AI
> perhaps. 

Opposite ends of the complexity spectrum.  Superintelligent AI can break
strong crypto.  Strong crypto means superintelligent AI requires
intractable computation.

Perhaps the complexity landscape permits only a middle ground.  Not
particularly smart AI, and not particularly strong crypto.

>> Even Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman knew essentially no number theory. 

> ... cryptography is based on faith, much like tea-leaf reading.  

A .sigfile quality observation, I'm sure.

> We have absolutely no hard mathematical evidence that factoring is any
> harder than multiplying or taking square roots, ...

I've always found it irksome that we haven't managed to move beyond
combination of congruences/homomorphism-based factoring techniques.

There has to be a simpler technique for unraveling multiplication, which,
after all, is a very simple and straightforward manipulation of bits.

> It is likely our ability to generate algorithms by a direct "grep" of all
> formulas having a specific form, and perhaps in the near future, all
> formulas under a certain length, will uncover many simple but difficult to
> directly derive formulas that do useful things.

Automated mining of reality for awesome but simple equations whose
derivations are just a bit too messy for humans to manually perform will
probably play an increasingly important role in the future of mathematics.

Ramanujan, as I recall, produced a lot of stuff which proved to be
correct, but which seemed impossible to arrive at without knowing it in
the first place.

> "Delete PGP, Win a Free Turkey,"


> Yes, folks.  It's the End of the Golden Age of Crypto.

Well, I'm not quite ready to run out and close the patent office yet.

We still have quantum cryptography and one-time pads, which, if our
current understanding is correct, are intrinsically unbreakable.

If one-way functions turn out to have been a crack-induced hallucination, 
quantum cryptography can replace public key systems for secure key

Some crypto-notable, I forget who, proposed putting satellites in orbit
which transmitted high bandwidth random noise, which one would XOR with
ones data before sending it.  The recipient, also receiving the satellite
signal, would know the starting bit in the random garbage, and could
decrypt.  Since it would be impractical to record the output of the
satellite over any period of time, this would preclude messages being
later decrypted, no matter how much CPU was thrown at them, as the
information to decrypt them would no longer exist.

Techniques like this, with satellite-based quantum crypto key exchange
services, would permit us to retain a reliable national crypto
infrastructure, should complexity-based systems fall apart under increased
combinatorial scrutiny.

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"