[deal.II] Boost serialization linking error

2021-03-28 Thread Paras Kumar
Dear All,

I am trying to install deal.ii-9.0.1 using spack v.15 on our HPC cluster 
(Centos 7 OS). The installation works fine. Most of my code compiles 
without any issues, but when compiling targets using Boost serilization 
functionalities, I get the following linking errors:

iwtm020h@emmy1:/home/woody/iwtm/iwtm020h/trial-code/MNC-Frac/_build$ make 
-B/home/woody/iwtm/iwtm020h/trial-code/MNC-Frac/_build --check-build-system 
CMakeFiles/Makefile.cmake 0
-E cmake_progress_start 
make  -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 all
make[1]: Entering directory 
make  -f CMakeFiles/mncfrac.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/mncfrac.dir/depend
make[2]: Entering directory 
cd /home/woody/iwtm/iwtm020h/trial-code/MNC-Frac/_build && 
-E cmake_depends "Unix Makefiles" 
make[2]: Leaving directory 
make  -f CMakeFiles/mncfrac.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/mncfrac.dir/build
make[2]: Entering directory 
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `CMakeFiles/mncfrac.dir/build'.
make[2]: Leaving directory 
[ 54%] Built target mncfrac
make  -f CMakeFiles/mncfracture.dir/build.make 
make[2]: Entering directory 
cd /home/woody/iwtm/iwtm020h/trial-code/MNC-Frac/_build && 
-E cmake_depends "Unix Makefiles" 
make[2]: Leaving directory 
make  -f CMakeFiles/mncfracture.dir/build.make 
make[2]: Entering directory 
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `CMakeFiles/mncfracture.dir/build'.
make[2]: Leaving directory 
[ 63%] Built target mncfracture
make  -f variants/CMakeFiles/cookmembranedistributed.dir/build.make 
make[2]: Entering directory 
cd /home/woody/iwtm/iwtm020h/trial-code/MNC-Frac/_build && 
-E cmake_depends "Unix Makefiles" 
make[2]: Leaving directory 
make  -f variants/CMakeFiles/cookmembranedistributed.dir/build.make 
make[2]: Entering directory 
[ 68%] Linking CXX executable cookmembranedistributed
cd /home/woody/iwtm/iwtm020h/trial-code/MNC-Frac/_build/variants && 
-E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/cookmembranedistributed.dir/link.txt 

Re: [deal.II] Boost serialization linking error

2021-03-28 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth

deal.II 9.0.1 is nearly 3 years old and it's unlikely that anyone will spend 
the time to figure out in detail what the issue is. I would suggest upgrading 
to a more recent version and seeing whether the problem persists.

That said, this...

cd /home/woody/iwtm/iwtm020h/trial-code/MNC-Frac/_build/variants

and this...


and this...

-E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/cookmembranedistributed.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
-rdynamic  -rdynamic -fuse-ld=gold -ggdb 
-o cookmembranedistributed 
-ltbb_debug -lboost_iostreams-mt -lboost_serialization-mt -lboost_system-mt 
-lboost_thread-mt -lboost_regex-mt -lboost_chrono-mt -lboost_date_time-mt 
-lboost_atomic-mt -lmuelu-adapters -lmuelu-interface -lmuelu -lifpack2 
-lanasazitpetra -lModeLaplace -lanasaziepetra -lanasazi -lmapvarlib -lsuplib 
-lsuplib_c -lsuplib_cpp -lsupes -laprepro_lib -lio_info_lib -lIonit -lIotr 
-lIohb -lIogs -lIogn -lIovs -lIoexo_fac -lIopx -lIofx -lIoex -lIoss -lnemesis 
-lexoIIv2for32 -lexodus_for -lexodus -lamesos2 -lbelosxpetra -lbelostpetra 
-lbelosepetra -lbelos -lml -lifpack -lzoltan2 -lamesos -lgaleri-xpetra 
-lgaleri-epetra -laztecoo -lxpetra-sup -lxpetra -ltrilinosss -ltpetraext 
-ltpetrainout -ltpetra -lkokkostsqr -ltpetraclassiclinalg 
-ltpetraclassicnodeapi -ltpetraclassic -lepetraext -ltriutils -lzoltan 
-lepetra -lsacado -lkokkoskernels -lteuchoskokkoscomm -lteuchoskokkoscompat 
-lteuchosremainder -lteuchosnumerics -lteuchoscomm -lteuchosparameterlist 
-lteuchosparser -lteuchoscore -lkokkosalgorithms -lkokkoscontainers 
-lkokkoscore -lgtest -lmatio -ldmumps -lmumps_common -lpord -lumfpack 
-lcholmod -lccolamd -lcolamd -lcamd -lsuitesparseconfig -lamd -lrt -ladolc 
-lparpack -larpack -lassimp -lgsl -lgslcblas -lmuparser -lnetcdf_c++ -lnetcdf 
-lTKBO -lTKBool -lTKBRep -lTKernel -lTKFeat -lTKFillet -lTKG2d -lTKG3d 
-lTKGeomAlgo -lTKGeomBase -lTKHLR -lTKIGES -lTKMath -lTKMesh -lTKOffset 
-lTKPrim -lTKShHealing -lTKSTEP -lTKSTEPAttr -lTKSTEPBase -lTKSTEP209 -lTKSTL 
-lTKTopAlgo -lTKXSBase -lp4est -lsc -lscalapack -lslepc -lpetsc -lHYPRE 
-lsuperlu_dist -lopenblas -lhdf5hl_fortran -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5_fortran -lhdf5 
-lparmetis -lmetis -lz -lmpi_usempif08 -lmpi_usempi_ignore_tkr -lmpi_mpifh 
-lmpi -lgfortran -lm -lpthread -lquadmath -ldl -lsundials_idas 
-lsundials_arkode -lsundials_kinsol -lsundials_nvecserial -lsundials_nvecparallel

...are the commands that trigger the error. You can execute them by hand on 
the command line, and test your hypothesis about the order of libraries by 
switching what needs to be switched.



Wolfgang Bangerth  email: bange...@colostate.edu
   www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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