Re: OpenGL problems on an Ultra/2 with Creator3D

2003-11-30 Thread David Butts

On Sat, Nov 29, 2003 at 03:50:02PM -0800, Jon Leonard wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 28, 2003 at 08:05:54PM -0500, David Butts wrote:


 The Creator3D hardware doesn't do texture mapping, so anything that requests
 textures will fall back to a software renderer.  That's probably what you're
 seeing.  (At the time it was designed fast triangles seemed more imporant.)

Fascinating, particularly given Ben's observation that this symptom
strikes SDL apps generally.  Is the software renderer likely to be
implemented as part of SDL, or at a lower layer (e.g. mesa)?  Not
that I'm dying to play tuxracer, but I feel like I should do my part
to fend off a hardware monoculture by reporting this to somebody...


OpenGL problems on an Ultra/2 with Creator3D

2003-11-28 Thread David Butts
Hello, folks-

I recently got my hands on a Creator3D, and, although I've got X up and
running (apparently) cheerfully, almost none of the OpenGL apps I've tried
are working.

I'm running a stock installation of Woody, with xserver-xfree86 configured
through debconf, and a 2.4.22 kernel with DRM enabled.  In a (possibly
misguided) attempt to preserve bandwidth and avoid false positives on
future list searches, here are my debconf choices for xserver-xfree86:

X Server Driver:11 (sunffb)
Video card identifier:  SUNW,ffb
Bus Identifier: none
Video memory:   autodetect
Use kernel framebuffer: no (though I've tried both)
Color depth:6 (24-bit)
Modules:all but dri and xtt

I get 400+ fps in glxgears, which leads me to believe that, at least
fundamentally, DRM and DRI are happy.  The GL xlock modes seem happy as
well (though 'molecule' is currently taking a somewhat suspicious 100%
of the time on one of the CPUs).

Everything else I've tried (e.g. tuxracer, openuniverse, and armagetron)
mangles colors, or textures, or something.  It's a little hard for me to
tell what exactly, since I don't have a frame of reference.

The closest thing I've seen to this in the list archives is the 'Ultra1
Creator quirks' thread from July and August of '01, but I don't have (or
just haven't noticed) any problems with glxgears.

Is there something that needs to be done with my kernel or X (or some
other) config, or am I just looking at the limits of the 15MiB of RAM
the card is purported to have[1]?



XF86_3DLabs and/or XF86_FBDev (3.3.6) on AXi w/PGX32

2000-11-15 Thread David Butts
Hello, all-

I am not subscribed to debian-user, so please cc me on any responses
you send to that list (I know I should be, but I've been less than
entirely diligent about keeping up with debian-sparc, debian-alpha
and the like).

The broadest question I have is where documentation for XFree on
Sparc can be found.  AFAICT, it's a fairly recent development
(although I would assume that FBDev has been working for some
time).  If there's an FM to be read, please point me at it, and
I'll keep myself occupied for a while.

I have installed Potato on a Concorde UMax/10 (Basically an Ultra/10
but with SCSI instead of IDE), which is running a PGX32 (Permedia2).
There is no video card on the motherboard, so the PGX32 is the only
framebuffer in the system.

# cat /proc/openprom/banner-name

'SPARCengine(tm)Ultra(tm) AXi (UltraSPARC-IIi 440MHz)'

I've installed xserver-3dlabs and xserver-fbdev, but can't seem to
get either of them to behave.

XF86_3DLabs claims not to find any GLINT/PERMEDIA cards on startup,
and the closest I was able to find poking through list archives was
a thread about problems with XF4 probing multiple PCI busses to
find video cards on Alphas.  FWIW, the video card, in its current
location, is on PCI bus 1.  I tried moving it to another slot, and
it ended up on bus 128.  Rather than flailing around with that for
too long, I figured I'd solicit an expert opinion or two first.

I then tried to get XF86_FBDev (which has come to my rescue on a
great many occasions... slow, but dependable) to work, but was
unable to come up with an appropriate set of modelines.  Sadly,
xf86config has worked so well for me in the past that I have not
really learned how to make my own XF86Config file from scratch.
I tried using the output from fbset -x to create a usable modeline
for the framebuffer (which is running 1280x1024x60 ATM.  In a
perfect world I'd get that up to 1280x1024x76, but am less picky
for now), but XF86_FBDev continues to claim not to have found any
valid modelines.  Also, for whatever reason, multiple -verbose
on the command line don't seem to be getting me any more detail.

Is the most reasonable thing to do to try an upgrade to XF4?  It
seems like there's a great deal more traffic re: XF4 on sparc
that there is about 3.3.6.

Having written that all out, I get the sneaking suspicion that I
should be sending this to a newbie list of some type, but I'm
still too proud...

I've included some details below.  If any others would be useful
(kernel config, XF86Config snippets, etc) please let me know.

David Butts
Unix Systems Administrator
Storability, Inc.

# cat /proc/fb
0 Permedia2

# fbset -x

Mode 1280x1024
# D: 107.991 MHz, H: 63.976 kHz, V: 60.015 Hz
DotClock 107.992
HTimings 1280 1328 1440 1688
VTimings 1024 1025 1028 1066
Flags+HSync +VSync

# cat /proc/pci
PCI devices found:
  Bus  0, device   0, function  0:
Host bridge: Sun Microsystems Ultra IIi PCI (rev 0).
  Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  Master Capable.  Latency=40.  
  Bus  0, device   1, function  0:
PCI bridge: Sun Microsystems Advanced PCI Bridge (rev 19).
  Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  Master Capable.  Latency=40.  
Min Gnt=2.
  Bus  0, device   1, function  1:
PCI bridge: Sun Microsystems Advanced PCI Bridge (rev 19).
  Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  Master Capable.  Latency=40.  
Min Gnt=2.
  Bus 128, device   1, function  0:
SCSI storage controller: NCR 53c875 (rev 20).
  Medium devsel.  IRQ 6312128.  Master Capable.  Latency=80.  Min 
Gnt=17.Max Lat=64.
  I/O at 0xf9fe02000400 [0xf9fe02000401].
  Non-prefetchable 20 bit memory at 0xf9ff2000 [0xf9ff2002].
  Non-prefetchable 20 bit memory at 0xf9ff4000 [0xf9ff4002].
  Bus 128, device   1, function  1:
SCSI storage controller: NCR 53c875 (rev 20).
  Medium devsel.  IRQ 6312128.  Master Capable.  Latency=80.  Min 
Gnt=17.Max Lat=64.
  I/O at 0xf9fe02000800 [0xf9fe02000801].
  Non-prefetchable 20 bit memory at 0xf9ff6000 [0xf9ff6002].
  Non-prefetchable 20 bit memory at 0xf9ff8000 [0xf9ff8002].
  Bus  1, device   1, function  0:
Bridge: Sun Microsystems PCI-EBus Bridge (rev 1).
  Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  Master Capable.  Latency=64.  
Min Gnt=10.Max Lat=25.
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xf9fff000 [0xf9fff000].
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xf9fff100 [0xf9fff100].
  Bus  1, device   1, function  1:
Ethernet controller: Sun Microsystems Happy Meal Ethernet (rev 1).
  Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  IRQ 6312160.  Master Capable. 
 Latency=64.  Min Gnt=10.Max Lat=5.
  Non-prefetchable 20 bit memory at 0xf9ff40008000 [0xf9ff40008002].
  Bus  1, device   2, function  0:
Display controller: Texas Instruments TVP4020 Permedia 2 (rev 17).

2.4.0-test4 possible memory issues on boot (re:2.4.0-test4 no boot?)

2000-07-26 Thread David Butts
Hello, all-

I noticed this thread on linux-kernel, an thought I'd throw my two
cents in.  I've cc'ed debian-sparc because I'm beginning to suspect
that, at least in my case, this may be an issue with SIMM placement,
and thus something that some of the good folks there may have run
into.  I'm not nearly brave enough at this point to actually
subscribe to linux-kernel, so please cc me on any messages sent to

That said...

I am seeing nearly identical behavior on a 2-way Sparc 10.  On boot,
it claims to be starting linux and then, after announcing a call to
free_all_bootmem, it freezes solid, and won't respond to stop-A.

Here's /proc/cpuinfo:

cpu : Texas Instruments, Inc. - MicroSparc
fpu : SuperSparc on-chip FPU
promlib : Version 3 Revision 2
prom: 2.12
type: sun4m
ncpus probed: 2
ncpus active: 2
Cpu0Bogo: 39.83
Cpu1Bogo: 39.93
MMU type: TI Viking
invall  : 0
invmm   : 0
invrnge : 0
invpg   : 0
contexts: 65536
CPU0: online
CPU1: online

I've compiled (and trimmed) some potentially interesting behavior
from the console on boot into 2.4.0-test4, 2.4.0-test1, and 2.2.15.

In the case of 2.4.0-test4, it simply doesn't boot, but the bootmem
information it gives is slightly different from 2.4.0-test1, and
will hopefully be helpful.

With 2.4.0-test1, it boots, but doesn't seem to find anywhere near
all the memory.  In fact, the arithmetic suggests that it's only
dealing with 64MB of memory, instead of 96MB.  According to the
info I found on, I believe I've to the 6x16MB SIMMS in
the correct places, but the order does seem (to me at least) to be
deeply pathological, so I'm a bit suspicious.

With the 2.4.0-test1 kernel, I also dumped the output from
/proc/openprom/[EMAIL PROTECTED],0/available, in case that it helpful.

Sadly, I was scared away from the /proc/openprom module when I
compiled 2.2.15 by the fact that it was experimental, so I don't
have anything else to compare the 2.4.0-test1 results with.

If there's any other information whic would be helpful, or anything
else I should try, please let me know.  I appear not to have saved
a copy of my 2.4.0-test1 config, but I do have the 2.4.0-test4 and
2.2.15 configs available if they would be of interest, but this is
already probably far too long a message.


/* Attempt to boot 2.4.0-test4 */

SPARCstation 10 MP (2 X 390Z50), Keyboard Present
ROM Rev. 2.12, 96 MB memory installed, Serial #3170570.
Ethernet address 8:0:20:1b:11:49, Host ID: 7230610a.

Testing Memory -
Initializing Memory |/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\
Boot device: /iommu/sbus/[EMAIL PROTECTED],40/[EMAIL 
PROTECTED],80/[EMAIL PROTECTED],0   File and args: 
SILO boot: 
linux2.4.0-test1  2.4.0-test4  
boot: 2.4.0-test4
PROMLIB: obio_ranges 5
bootmem_init: Scan sp_banks,  init_bootmem(spfn[1f1],bpfn[1f1],epfn[c000])
free_bootmem: base[0] size[100]
free_bootmem: base[400] size[100]
free_bootmem: base[800] size[100]
reserve_bootmem: base[0] size[1f1000]
reserve_bootmem: base[1f1000] size[1800]
init_bootmem: return end_pfn[c000]
Booting Linux...
mem_init: Calling free_all_bootmem().
SPARCstation 10 MP (2 X 390Z50), Keyboard Present
ROM Rev. 2.12, 96 MB memory installed, Serial #3170570.
Ethernet address 8:0:20:1b:11:49, Host ID: 7230610a.

** Power cycle **
/* Boot 2.4.0-test1 */

Testing Memory -
Initializing Memory |/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\
Boot device: /iommu/sbus/[EMAIL PROTECTED],40/[EMAIL 
PROTECTED],80/[EMAIL PROTECTED],0   File and args: 
SILO boot: 
linux2.4.0-test1  2.4.0-test4  
boot: 2.4.0-test1
PROMLIB: obio_ranges 5
bootmem_init: Scan sp_banks,  init_bootmem(spfn[1e4],bpfn[1e4],epfn[d000])
free_bootmem: base[0] size[100]
free_bootmem: base[400] size[100]
free_bootmem: base[800] size[100]
free_bootmem: base[c00] size[100]
reserve_bootmem: base[0] size[1e4000]
reserve_bootmem: base[1e4000] size[1a00]
init_bootmem: return end_pfn[d000]
Booting Linux...
mem_init: Calling free_all_bootmem().
PROMLIB: Sun Boot Prom Version 3 Revision 2
Linux version 2.4.0-test1 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 2.95.2 2313 
(Debian GNU/Linux)) #1 SMP Fri Jun 16 13:04:47 EDT 2000
TYPE: Sun4m SparcStation10/20
Ethernet address: 8:0:20:1b:11:49
Boot time fixup v1.6. 4/Mar/98 Jakub Jelinek ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). Patching 
kernel for srmmu[TI Viking]/iommu
On node 0 totalpages: 53248
zone(0): 53248 pages.
zone(1): 0 pages.
zone(2): 0 pages.
Found CPU 0 node=ffd4b120,mid=8
Found CPU 1 node=ffd4b3f0,mid=10
Found 2 CPU prom device tree node(s).
Power off control detected.
Kernel command line: root=/dev/sda1 ro
Calibrating delay loop... 39.83 BogoMIPS
Memory: 58060k available (1288k kernel code, 248k data, 124k init) 

Re: newbie+potato+Classic=? [was CDU561 misadventures]

2000-07-25 Thread David Butts
Hello, all-

For what it's worth, I did an essentially complete potato install over
a 33.6 modem[1].  The fact that I was doing the install through another
machine doing IP masquerading meant that I was able to pretend it was
a standard network install, but if you have copies of base2_2.tgz and
drivers.tgz already, then it should (someone feel free to correct me
on this, I've never actually tried it) be fairly straightforward to
just tell it to do the install over PPP once the base system is up and

That said, it will take a while.  I can sustain about 10MB/hour through
a 33.6 modem, so I expect that translates to around 8 or 9 MB/hour on a
28.8.  It's a long time, granted, but if you let it go overnight, you
end up sleeping through the bulk of it, which softens the demands on
your attention span substantially.

For what it's worth, I have potato running on a Classic (among several
other systems), and have nothing but good things to say about it.

Good luck-

[1]  In the interests of full disclosure, the install was on a pentium
notebook, but that's really immaterial.  The install process is very
smooth and consistent across Alpha, Sparc and x86, and, like I said,
the only thing that my machine could tell was different from a 'real'
net install was that the pipe was ... skinny.

On Tue, 25 Jul 2000, Ben Roberts wrote:

 You can put the files anywhere you like for things like base2_2.tgz, then tell
 the installer where to look for them.  THe same goes for drivers.tgz; I agree
 you don't want to put all of those onto floppies :-)  Also make sure that if
 you're using cdrw's that their formatting is compatible with your drive.
 But for the packages themselves I don't know... but one thing you can do is
 make a fake cd set with all the stuff you really need; get all the packages as
 well as the Packages.gz or whatever, and keep the directory structure intact.
 That COULD work... but you may need to remake the Packages.gz file for each
 cdrw, so that would be a challenge.  Any change you can just get a whole lot 
 network cable strung to your friend's place with the ADSL connection? :-)
 The last option, which isn't that bad, is to configure apt to do http
 downloads, then individually select which major packages (i.e. not supporting
 packages, apt does that) you want via apt-get install package.  Apt will
 prompt you asking if you want to do it and what packages it will download,
 including dependencies (the glory of apt!).  Quit apt then copy the packages
 over to its temporary directory off the cdrw, then run it again.  Voila!  It's
 better than downloading them at least.
 Ben Roberts, Class of 2001 (1st of millenium), founding member of MBLUG
 If your motherboard smells like carcinogens it's time to get a new
 -- Ben Roberts, refering to his SPARC
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: SMP SS10 freezes hard intermittently

2000-07-10 Thread David Butts
Hello, all-

I apologize for taking so long to respond.  I'm (hopefully) not nearly
the ungrateful bastard I seem to be...

On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Anton Blanchard wrote:

 In-Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] on Mon, Jun 12, 2000 at 08:53:49PM -0400
  I've got an SS10 with two CPUs, running a 2.2.15 kernel with SMP
  enabled.  It locks up hard periodically, and won't respond to
  stop-A, a break on the serial port, the three-fingered salute,
  or, in fact, anything short of a power-cycle.
 When I was fixing sparc32 SMP in 2.2, I only had access to one cpu and
 machine type (viking supersparc on 4m/690). As such it tends to be stable :)
 ftoomsh# uptime
 3:01am  up 99 days, 13:59, 31 users,  load average: 1.42, 1.38, 1.36
 ftoomsh# cat /proc/cpuinfo 
 cpu : Texas Instruments, Inc. - SuperSparc 50
 fpu : SuperSparc on-chip FPU
 promlib : Version 3 Revision 2
 prom: 2.14
 type: sun4m
 ncpus probed: 4
 ncpus active: 4
 Cpu0Bogo: 49.86
 Cpu1Bogo: 49.97
 Cpu2Bogo: 49.97
 Cpu3Bogo: 49.97
 MMU type: TI Viking/MXCC
 contexts: 65536
 CPU0: online
 CPU1: online
 CPU2: online
 CPU3: online


cpu : Texas Instruments, Inc. - MicroSparc
fpu : SuperSparc on-chip FPU
promlib : Version 3 Revision 2
prom: 2.12
type: sun4m
ncpus probed: 2
ncpus active: 2
Cpu0Bogo: 39.83
Cpu1Bogo: 39.93
MMU type: TI Viking
invall  : 0
invmm   : 0
invrnge : 0
invpg   : 0
contexts: 65536
CPU0: online
CPU1: online

 There are too many things to fix in 2.2 (that I am fixing in 2.4) so
 random lockups are no surprise to me. 2.4 should be ready for sparc32 real

Does that mean I should rush out and grab myself some 2.4.0-test2
sources and try them out, or have your changes not been incorporated

Also, if it's possible to describe generally, what sort of problems
exist with the Sparc32 SMP code in 2.2?

Thanks (belatedly)-


RE: SMP SS10 freezes hard intermittently

2000-07-10 Thread David Butts

Again, my apologies for the embarassingly long delay...

On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, Gregory Leblanc wrote:

  -Original Message-
  From: David Butts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, June 12, 2000 8:00 PM
  Subject: RE: SMP SS10 freezes hard intermittently
  I've got a CG6.  I had included the other FBs for the sake of ...
  completeness (read: figuring out what I had in the box).
  From /var/log/messages:
  fb0: cgsix at e. TEC Rev 4 CPU sparc Rev b [TurboGX]
  The only (permanent) change I made to the devices was the addition
  of a symlink to /dev/fb0:
  lrwxrwxrwx1 root root3 Jun  9 17:56 
  /dev/cgsix0 - fb0
  crw--w--w-1 root tty   29,   0 May  4 08:32 /dev/fb0
  HTH (particularly since I'm the one it will ultimately end up
  helping :)
 ok, time for some more random guessing.  What CPU modules do you have in
 there?  Is this machine stable under Solaris (any version)?  Any other SBUS
 cards in there?  What about sound, is DBRI compiled in, and does it work?
 (DBRI is EXTREMELY flaky on my SS20).  Hopefully somebody else will have
 more guesses, I only have 1 situation where I can crash Linux/X, and that's
 about 100% reliable of a crash.  :-(  I just don't do that.  Later,

cpu : Texas Instruments, Inc. - MicroSparc
fpu : SuperSparc on-chip FPU
promlib : Version 3 Revision 2
prom: 2.12
type: sun4m
ncpus probed: 2
ncpus active: 2
Cpu0Bogo: 39.83
Cpu1Bogo: 39.93
MMU type: TI Viking
invall  : 0
invmm   : 0
invrnge : 0
invpg   : 0
contexts: 65536
CPU0: online
CPU1: online

This particular beast is actually the unholy union of the innards of
two otherwise identical SS10's, so it's never booted anything else in
its current incarnation.  The existing OS on the disks was SunOS
4.something, which was not amused to find a second CPU.

As I expect you saw, Anton Blanchard suspects that this sort of
unpleasantness is to be expected from a 2.2 kernel, so I'll either
just be patient, or continue shotgun debugging.



Re: New set of boot-floppies to test

2000-07-10 Thread David Butts

I tried the sun4cdm tftpboot image and boot floppies on an IPC
(ROM version 2.6 w/24 MB of memory), but couldn't get either of
them to work.  I Also tried the disks/image from the current
(2.2.15-2000-06-10) sun4cdm tree on, which gave
me the same errors:

With the tftpboot image, I managed to pull the image across,
but then immediately got:

Data Access Exception

With the floppies, It fails immediately:

Can't read disk label
Can't open Sun disk label package
Can't open boot device

The bit with the floopies sounds like it's something fairly
fundamental with the  machine, rather than a problem with the
disks, but I was wondering if anyone had managed to get an IPC
to boot over the net.


On Sun, 2 Jul 2000, Ben Collins wrote:

 New set of boot-floppies. Possibly the last set before release. These are
 based on the current boot-floppies CVS, 2.2.16pre. They use 2.2.17pre8
 kernels. Let me know how they do:
 /  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SMP SS10 freezes hard intermittently

2000-06-12 Thread David Butts
Hello, all-

I've got an SS10 with two CPUs, running a 2.2.15 kernel with SMP
enabled.  It locks up hard periodically, and won't respond to
stop-A, a break on the serial port, the three-fingered salute,
or, in fact, anything short of a power-cycle.

It doesn't do it consistantly, but the times it happened were (a)
when installing packages with apt-get (unfortunately, I didn't
pay enough attention to which, but it froze immedaitely after it
finished the download of the .deb files), and (b) in X (both when
I was strace'ing the startup to find out why it thought I didn't
have a screen, and later, while WindowMaker was starting up).

There are no obviously strange log entries, and my strace output
was in /tmp, so it was removed after teh power-cycle.  If there
are any other diagnostic steps I should try, please let me know.

I've included my .config below.  AFAIK, there were no modules
loaded at the time of the crashes.

I've cc'ed based on a suggestion in
response to a similar problem a couple of months ago posted to
debian-sparc, but I'm not on that list, so please cc me on any
mail send to the vger list.

David Butts

# Automatically generated make config: don't edit

# Code maturity level options

# Loadable module support

# General setup
# CONFIG_AP1000 is not set
# CONFIG_SUN4 is not set
# CONFIG_PCI is not set

# Console drivers
# CONFIG_FB_TCX is not set
# CONFIG_FB_LEO is not set
# CONFIG_FB_VIRTUAL is not set
# CONFIG_FONT_8x16 is not set
# CONFIG_FONT_PEARL_8x8 is not set
# CONFIG_FONT_ACORN_8x8 is not set

# Misc Linux/SPARC drivers
# CONFIG_SUNOS_EMUL is not set

# Floppy, IDE, and other block devices
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_NBD is not set

# Networking options
# CONFIG_FIREWALL is not set
# CONFIG_FILTER is not set
# CONFIG_IP_PNP is not set
# CONFIG_IP_ROUTER is not set
# CONFIG_NET_IPIP is not set
# CONFIG_NET_IPGRE is not set
# CONFIG_IP_ALIAS is not set

# (it is safe to leave these untouched)

# CONFIG_IPX is not set
# CONFIG_ATALK is not set

# Amateur Radio support
# CONFIG_HAMRADIO is not set

# ISDN subsystem
# CONFIG_ISDN is not set

# SCSI support

# SCSI support type (disk, tape, CDrom)

# Some SCSI devices (e.g. CD jukebox) support multiple LUNs

# SCSI low-level drivers

# Fibre Channel support
# CONFIG_FC4 is not set
# CONFIG_FC4_SOC is not set
# CONFIG_FC4_SOCAL is not set
# CONFIG_SCSI_PLUTO is not set
# CONFIG_SCSI_FCAL is not set

# Network device support
# CONFIG_BONDING is not set

# CCP compressors for PPP are only built as modules.
# CONFIG_SLIP is not set
# CONFIG_MYRI_SBUS is not set

# Unix98 PTY support

# Filesystems
# CONFIG_QUOTA is not set
# CONFIG_AUTOFS_FS is not set
# CONFIG_AFFS_FS is not set
# CONFIG_HFS_FS is not set
# CONFIG_UMSDOS_FS is not set
# CONFIG_JOLIET is not set
# CONFIG_NTFS_FS is not set
# CONFIG_HPFS_FS is not set
# CONFIG_ROMFS_FS is not set
# CONFIG_SYSV_FS is not set
# CONFIG_UFS_FS_WRITE is not set

# Network File Systems
# CONFIG_SMB_FS is not set

RE: SMP SS10 freezes hard intermittently

2000-06-12 Thread David Butts

I've got a CG6.  I had included the other FBs for the sake of ...
completeness (read: figuring out what I had in the box).

From /var/log/messages:

fb0: cgsix at e. TEC Rev 4 CPU sparc Rev b [TurboGX]

The only (permanent) change I made to the devices was the addition
of a symlink to /dev/fb0:

lrwxrwxrwx1 root root3 Jun  9 17:56 /dev/cgsix0 - fb0
crw--w--w-1 root tty   29,   0 May  4 08:32 /dev/fb0

HTH (particularly since I'm the one it will ultimately end up
helping :)


On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, Gregory Leblanc wrote:

  -Original Message-
  From: David Butts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, June 12, 2000 5:54 PM
  Subject: SMP SS10 freezes hard intermittently
  Hello, all-
  I've got an SS10 with two CPUs, running a 2.2.15 kernel with SMP
  enabled.  It locks up hard periodically, and won't respond to
  stop-A, a break on the serial port, the three-fingered salute,
  or, in fact, anything short of a power-cycle.
  It doesn't do it consistantly, but the times it happened were (a)
  when installing packages with apt-get (unfortunately, I didn't
  pay enough attention to which, but it froze immediately after it
  finished the download of the .deb files), and (b) in X (both when
  I was strace'ing the startup to find out why it thought I didn't
  have a screen, and later, while WindowMaker was starting up).
  There are no obviously strange log entries, and my strace output
  was in /tmp, so it was removed after the power-cycle.  If there
  are any other diagnostic steps I should try, please let me know.
  I've included my .config below.  AFAIK, there were no modules
  loaded at the time of the crashes.
  I've cc'ed based on a suggestion in
  response to a similar problem a couple of months ago posted to
  debian-sparc, but I'm not on that list, so please cc me on any
  mail send to the vger list.
 What's your console device?  CG3?

Video timing for Xsun?

2000-06-10 Thread David Butts
Hello, all-

I'm running Potato on a couple of Sun boxes (Ultra/1 and an SS10), both with
CG6 framebuffers.  X is working great, except that the video timing for one
of the monitors seems a little off (too little dark time at either end of
the horizontal scan).  I can just about get it cleaned up with the controls
on the monitor, but I was wondering if there was any way of specifying the
video timings for Xsun.  I've checked the Xsun and Xserver manpages, but
didn't immediately see any reference to it.

IIRC, the M64 drivers for Solaris 2.6 on an Ultra/5 (admittedly, a different
animal entirely) provide a means to put monitor timing definitions in the
openprom nvramrc.  I would expect that this is a feature that is unique to
Solaris and/or newer hardware, but is there some similar mechanism for the
video timing?


Re: FAQlist?

2000-03-31 Thread David Butts
Hello, all-

First off, you guys rock.  Many, many thanks for all the work you've

I've poked around the ultralinux FAQ and a few man pages, but haven't
quite managed to find this: Is it possible to get Xsun to honor the
alt-F[1-6] virtual-console switching keystrokes that XF86_* allow?  I
realize that with a window manager that supports multiple workspaces,
the presence of the virtual consoles is not as critical, but it'd be
nice to have [access to] them.

Thanks again-

On Fri, 24 Mar 2000, Pieter Krul wrote:

 Jim Mintha wrote:
  On Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 02:15:18PM -0500, Chad Miller wrote:
   Hi.  Is there a FAQ list?  I have a few questions that I think would just
   annoy most experienced {ultra,}sparc users.
  There is a FAQ for sparc linux in general at:
  at the moment it doesn't have very much that is debian specific.  But
  if you don't find what your looking for, as Ben said just ask the
 Any question that could annoy most experienced users should
 IMHO be asked right away.
 I'm quite sure that more Debian specific information will be added
 to the FAQ at in the very near future.

Re: FAQlist?

2000-03-31 Thread David Butts
Hello, all-

My bad... That's what I get for asking the question w/out reading all
the recent mail first.

ctrl-alt-F[1-6] indeed does the trick.

In a desperate attempt to redeem myself, I'll try to add some new
content to the discussion :)

Is there a particular reason that ctrl-alt- is used instead of just
alt-?  Is it configurable at all?  For that matter, is there an
analog of XF86Config for Xsun?

Thanks again for all the work that has gone into this-

On Thu, 30 Mar 2000, David Butts wrote:

 Hello, all-
 First off, you guys rock.  Many, many thanks for all the work you've
 I've poked around the ultralinux FAQ and a few man pages, but haven't
 quite managed to find this: Is it possible to get Xsun to honor the
 alt-F[1-6] virtual-console switching keystrokes that XF86_* allow?  I
 realize that with a window manager that supports multiple workspaces,
 the presence of the virtual consoles is not as critical, but it'd be
 nice to have [access to] them.
 Thanks again-
 On Fri, 24 Mar 2000, Pieter Krul wrote:
  Jim Mintha wrote:
   On Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 02:15:18PM -0500, Chad Miller wrote:
Hi.  Is there a FAQ list?  I have a few questions that I think would 
annoy most experienced {ultra,}sparc users.
   There is a FAQ for sparc linux in general at:
   at the moment it doesn't have very much that is debian specific.  But
   if you don't find what your looking for, as Ben said just ask the
  Any question that could annoy most experienced users should
  IMHO be asked right away.
  I'm quite sure that more Debian specific information will be added
  to the FAQ at in the very near future.
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