Re: Undoing the 'l' command in mutt

2004-04-15 Thread Åsmund Ødegård
On Wed, 2004-04-14 at 09:22, Paul Johnson wrote:
 > Enrico Zini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 > > I use mutt, unchanged keybindings.  After I type 'l' to see only
 > > the messages matching a given pattern, I'd like to get back to
 > > seeing the whole mailbox.  Is there a way of removing the 'l'
 > > filter besides reopening the mailbox?  The simpler way would be
 > > 'l'+Enter, but it does not work.  I had a look in the '?' list of
 > > all keybindings, but found nothing.
 > Did you try C-g yet?  C-g cancels in just about any program...

 C-g will not work, I think.

 But press l, remove your old search pattern with C-a C-k, then put a .
 (pattern wich match anything...), and you have everything back. 

 A shortcut for "unlimiting" would be nice, though.

[simula.research laboratory]
 Ãsmund ÃdegÃrd
 phone: +4767828291 / +4790069915

Re: booting with same destop / app setup different video and network cards

2004-04-15 Thread Åsmund Ødegård
On Wed, 2004-04-14 at 12:23, Robert Fernando -ntlworld wrote:
 > Hi all, Is it possible to configure linux to either auto detect a
 > change in Ethernet and video card or allow manual selection of the
 > correct drivers at boot time.  I.e. so that one hardisk can be shared
 > between two pc with different hardware.
 > Can the x Windows system be setup to use Intel Agp 470 video card in
 > one config and a Diamond Stealth 2500 in a another pc/ configuration
 > ?

 You might run a script from init which check the output from lspci, and
 adjust your config files accrodingly. Something like:

 if [ lspci | grep -q 'VGA.*Diamond' ] ; then
cp /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.diamond /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
cp /etc/X11/ /etc/X11/XF86Config-4

 and something similar with the ethernet. The ethernet I guess can be
 handled with proper use of modules, though.
[simula.research laboratory]
 Ãsmund ÃdegÃrd
 phone: +4767828291 / +4790069915

Re: Kernel 2.6.5 and Nvidia driver

2004-04-06 Thread Åsmund Ødegård
On Tue, 2004-04-06 at 11:46, Paul William wrote:
> > 3) Chuck nVidia card, get a video card who cares about the Linux
> >community (like, say, ATI).

I wouldn't say that /-| I have a FireGL card in my laptop, and it is
really messy.

[simula.research laboratory]
 Ãsmund ÃdegÃrd
 phone: +4767828291 / +4790069915

Re: locales - C

2004-01-19 Thread Åsmund Ødegård

Mon, 19 Jan skrev Wolfgang Lonien ned dette:

WL> Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra wrote:
>> Do you mean dpkg-reconfigure localeconf?

WL> No Leandro,

WL> I did a 'dpkg-reconfigure locales' (which didn't help much; it was *there*
WL> where I missed the default 'C' locale)

WL> Until now I also installed 'localeconf', but still it's a no-go for
WL> Thunderbird (for instance)...

check /etc/environment

dpkg-reconfigure locales changes that file, and you may somehow have entered
something wrong into it...

[simula.research laboratory]
 Åsmund Ødegård
 IT-sjef / IT-Manager
 phone: 67828291 / 90069915
-- auto sig --
CO1 8:4  As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in
 sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that
 there is none other God but one.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: my treo won't sync

2003-07-31 Thread Åsmund Ødegård

Thu, 31 Jul meddelte Bill Thompson følgende:

BT> On Thu, 31 Jul 2003 05:30:10 +0200, Tom Vier wrote:
>> i've tried both pilot-xfer (from pilot-link) and kpilot. neither recongizes
>> it. my visor platinum works fine. there is the minor problem of the usb char
>> dev not showing up til you hit the button. if i run pilot-xfer right after
>> hitting the sync button, it works for the visor. treo just isn't seen.
>> does anyone have any tips? this is a treo 90.
>> -- 
>> DSA Key ID 0xE6CB97DA

BT> When last I checked, the Treo90 and Treo300 did not work via USB with
BT> Linux. The USB ports on those models were redesigned and do not use the
BT> same driver as the rest of the Handspring models. I purchased a serial
BT> adapter for my Treo300 from the Handspring web site and have been able to use
BT> that to sync with Debian using pilot-xfer and jPilot.

FWIW, treo 180 work more or less out of the box though.

[simula.research laboratory]
 Åsmund Ødegård
 Scientific Programmer / Chief Sys.Adm
 phone: 67828291 / 90069915
-- auto sig --
MAR 1:43  And he straitly charged him, and forthwith sent him away;

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: none

2002-11-05 Thread Åsmund Ødegård

Tue, 5 Nov  meddelte kees ruiter noe visdomsfullt:

kr> Geachte heer/mevrouw, Ik heb eigelijk een simpele vraag.  Ik heb een
kr> router in elkaar gezet en daar had ik mandrake opgezet. 'omdat ik een
kr> newbie ben'. maar nu wil ik iets anders. en er is tegen mij gezegt dat

I tried Rot13 on this, but it is still garbage... Hmm, can it be dutch?

English please... :)

[simula.research laboratory]
     Åsmund Ødegård
 Scientific Programmer / Chief Sys.Adm
 phone: 67828291 / 90069915
-- auto sig --
EZE 36:29  I will also save you from all your uncleannesses: and I will call
 for the corn, and will increase it, and lay no famine upon you.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Command line utility to put stdin into the X 'current selection' clipboard

2002-10-13 Thread Åsmund Ødegård

Sean 'Shaleh' Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > and then middle mouse click (or ctrl-v) somewhere else to paste the
> > text?
> >
> > Thanks
> > Crispin Wellington
> apt-get install xclip
> ls | xclip -in

Some apps paste the x-buffer with shift- (in case ctrl-v does not work...)

[simula.research laboratory]
 Åsmund Ødegård
 Scientific Programmer
 j: 22 84 00 63 - m: 90 06 99 15
-- auto sig --
SLM 119 58 Jeg bønnfalt dig av hele mitt hjerte: Vær mig nådig efter
  ditt ord!

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Apache and cgi's on user-dir...

2002-06-17 Thread Åsmund Ødegård

We experience a problem with the apache webserver on a server running Debian
woody, plain i386 hardware. 

We have the following setting:

UserDir www_docs

and ExecCGI is enabled for these directories in a suitable  tag.
Plain html, shtml, php and so on works just as expected. The problem is with
cgi-scripts, which will not execute. A strace on the apache-process reviewd
that the server still tries to access public_html directory to locate the
cgi-script, instead of www_docs as specified. The problem is then fixable by
symlinking public_html to www_docs in the users homedirectory. But since we
serve some hundred users, this is not an option.

So, have anyone else experienced this problem, and is there a fix somewhere?

Or is this simply a bug in the debian-make of apache?

[simula.research laboratory]
 Åsmund Ødegård
 Scientific Programmer
 phone: 67828291 / 90069915
-- auto sig --
NUM 18:22  Neither must the children of Israel henceforth come nigh the
 tabernacle of the congregation, lest they bear sin, and die.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Getting Started!

2001-06-07 Thread Åsmund Ødegård
Sun, 03 Jun skrev Jonathan D. Proulx:
> :How can I get a list of my installed packages. ( dpkg ???)
> This is rarely necissary, but if you want to use 
> "dpkg --get-selections | more" ( the "| more" send the output of the
> firts command to the "more" program that shows it one screen at a
> time)

Hey, don't say that, I use that command so often that I have made an alias to
it (switched more woth less though)

Åsmund Ødegård
Scientific Programmer, SiV/ISU, Ifi, UiO
j: 22 84 00 63 - m: 90 06 99 15
-- auto sig --
JOH 4 43 Efter de to dager drog han derfra til Galilea;

Re: Användbar gränssnit t!

2001-06-07 Thread Åsmund Ødegård
Hi Jonas!

[ jeg regner med du kan lese engelsk... ]

You may not get very many replies to this post, since this is an english
list... Anyway, I'll try to answer some of your questions.

Sun, 03 Jun Jonas Arlid wrote:
> Jag använder nu Microsoft ME men funderar på att installera debian paralelt
> med det. Den första frågan som jag ställer mig då är.
> -Är det svårt att få bukt med det? Jag använde Slackware för ca ett år sedan
> men tog bort det för att det tog för mycket tid att lära sig. Jag kunde
> använda det hjälpligt!

It's not that hard, in my opinion, and maybe somewhat easier than slackware.
But if you really want to use Debian (or any linux for that matter) you should
spend some time to learn the system. Btw, you may by a book on the linux you

> Fråga två
> - Stödjer den nya kerneln all hårdvara som finns för tillfället. Den största
> frågan är om det stödjer REALmagic Hollywood Plus (DVD dekoder).

I don't know, sorry. I have the same card in a computer, but I am not sure
whether the decoder is used when playing dvd's. Anyway, you may be better
suited with Win ME if just want to watch a movie... At least, I reboot to win98
when I want to watch a DVD on my laptop.

> Fråga tre
> - Vad är fördelarna med att använda Debian framför andra distributioner och
> framför vilka fördelar finns jämfört med ME?

This question is kind of religious! There are some differences between the
distributions of course, and Debian is technically superior to all of them...
It is also very easy to keep up to date. 

Regarding ME, you can't actually compare - then you compare apples and oranges,
which not makes much sense. The systems are to different. Windows is a system
for people who use the computer as a toy - playing games, watching movies and
so on, while Linux is a system for people who both want to do real work and
have fun.

> Tack på förhand!

you're welcome!
> Jonas Arlid
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Åsmund Ødegård
Scientific Programmer, SiV/ISU, Ifi, UiO
j: 22 84 00 63 - m: 90 06 99 15
-- auto sig --
SLM 143 1 En salme av David. Herre, hør min bønn, vend øret til mine
  inderlige bønner, svar mig i din trofasthet, i din rettferdighet,

Re: Saved mail viewer

2001-05-16 Thread Åsmund Ødegård
Tue, 15 May skrev csj:
> I'm looking for a stand-alone text viewer that filters out the mail
> headers in saved mail, basically a prettifier. Is there such an animal?
> -- 
> Say I have:

You may have a look on formail, e.g., pipe the message through formail -I "",
gives you the mail body.

Åsmund Ødegård
Scientific Programmer, SiV/ISU, Ifi, UiO
j: 22 84 00 63 - m: 90 06 99 15
-- auto sig --
2KO 12 10 Derfor er jeg vel til mote i skrøpelighet, i mishandling, i
  nød, i forfølgelser, i trengsler for Kristi skyld; for når jeg er
  skrøpelig, da er jeg sterk.

Re: En snabb fr?ga...

2000-11-01 Thread Åsmund Ødegård
Tue, 31 Oct skrev Engelen:
> |> > There are those who would have you believe that V.Micic wrote:
> |> > > Var kan jag ladda hem den senaste versionen av Debian i ISO format,jag 
> har
> |> > > letat men inte hittat...
> |> > > Tack i Förhand
> |> > 
> |> > 
> |> > I am the only one who tried to rot13 this?
> |> 
> |> Well, if that doesn't work, you can always try double-rot13 encoding ;-)
> |> 
> |> I believe that's Dutch, though I won't swear to it.
> Looks more like Finnish or Norwegian to me. It surely isn't Dutch (I am 
> Dutch).

Var det noen som svarte han på det han spurte etter tro? Du kan ihvertfall
finne siste stabile debian versjon (potato) på

hmm. hvor mange tror jeg snakker hollandsk, eller forsøker rot13 på dette mon

Åsmund Ødegård
Scientific Programmer, TPV/ISU, Ifi, UiO
j: 22 84 00 63 - m: 90 06 99 15
-- auto sig --
2KR 34 1 Josias var åtte år gammel da han blev konge, og han regjerte
  en og tretti år i Jerusalem.

Re: apt-get install task

2000-09-05 Thread Åsmund Ødegård

Tue, 05 Sep skrev John Griffiths:
> g'day all
> can someone explain how i would get a list of tasks for 
> apt-get install task-***?

apt-cache pkgnames | grep task may be suitable for you?

Åsmund Ødegård
Scientific Programmer, TPV, Ifi, UiO
j: 22 84 00 63 - m: 90 06 99 15
-- auto sig --
JOE 2 5 Det lyder som larm av vogner når de hopper over fjelltoppene,
  det lyder som når ildsluen fortærer halm, de er som et sterkt folk,
  rustet til krig.

Re: New installation (again!)

2000-09-05 Thread Åsmund Ødegård
Tue, 05 Sep skrev Helgi Örn:
> Greetings all ye Debians!
> I gave it another go; installed Debian 2.2 'potato', this time only a
> minimal installation although with GNOME, which turned out to be a flop
> of course:
> Errors were encountered while processing:
> gmc
> gnome-control-center
> gnome-help
> GNOME turned out to be one small terminal (without a frame) in the upper
> left corner of the screen, on a neutral- grey background, nothing else.

If you really want to use GNOME, just skip gnome when you install debian, then
add 'deb unstable main'
to your /etc/apt/sources.list, then apt-get update and 
apt-get install task-gnome-desktop. I guess that's closer to what you want.
But, hey I'm not sure how well this works with potato, maybe you have to use

> -
[snip lp]
> --
> wvdial didn't find the modem (I'm used to wvdial 'always' finding the
> modem on first attempt!) which is a Diamond SupraExpress 56e PRO on
> ttyS0.

Hmm, do you try this as root or as a normal user? Maybe you have to add your
self into the group which own the device.

> ---
> Window Maker seems to be the default window manager, what happened to
> fvwm? I can't find it on the CDROM.

It should be there if this is an official Debian potato cd. At least the file
~debian/dists/potato/main/binary-i386/x11/fvwm_2.2.4-2.deb exist in my

> -----------
> I will be very grateful for all hints that can help me configuring this
> wild potato.

Åsmund Ødegård
Scientific Programmer, TPV, Ifi, UiO
j: 22 84 00 63 - m: 90 06 99 15
-- auto sig --
APO 18 19 Så kom de til Efesus; der lot han de andre bli tilbake, og
  selv gikk han inn i synagogen og gav sig i samtale med jødene.

Re: both vi and vim hang when I type CTRL-X,CTRL-S

2000-06-07 Thread Åsmund Ødegård
Thu, 08 Jun skrev Wan Hing Wah:
> On Wed, 7 Jun 2000, Saisanthosh Balakrishnan wrote:
> >  
> > >  When I am using vi,I careless type the emacs Hotkey for saving
> > > file. (CTRL-X,CTRL-S). But then the vi hang.
> > 
> > Scroll Lock is turned on when you press Ctrl-S. Switch it off.
> > 
> NO..the scrolllock led havn't turned on

You're right, the led is not on. This is the xterm-kind of scrolllock, you
switch this off by pressing CTRL-Q.

Åsmund Ødegård
Scientific Programmer, TPV, Ifi, UiO
-- auto sig --
ESK 36 28 I skal bo i det land jeg gav eders fedre, og I skal være
  mitt folk, og jeg vil være eders Gud.

Re: Bug in smbmount?

1999-11-05 Thread Åsmund Ødegård
Thu, 04 Nov skrev Debian Mail:
> I again have an 
> ls: n: Input/output error
> Now I'm quite sure smbmount is causing these troubles. Anyone
> experienced similar problems with smbmount?

We have the same problems with several linux-boxes here. umount once a day keep
the problem away...

Åsmund Ødegård
-- auto sig --
FLM 1 18 og har han gjort dig nogen urett, eller er han dig noget
  skyldig, da skriv det på min regning.

Re: Install of Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 on IBM ThinkPad 600E

1999-11-03 Thread Åsmund Ødegård
I just want to note that my thinkpad570, with same NeoMagic chip and pcmcia
card work without any trouble at all. I use the potato (unstable) version of
debian, though. Consider it if that's an option.

Wed, 03 Nov skrev Christian Ericsson:
> I want to install Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 on IBM ThinkPad 600E. Is it possible?
> The following hardware that I think could be a problem is listed here:
> Graphic: NeoMagic MagicMedia 256AV with AGP, 13.3" TFT XGA (1024x768)
> Network: 3Com Megahertz 10/100 LAN Cardbus PC Card, Model 3CCFE575BT
> I think the NeoMagic chip is OK, but what about AGP? Does the 2.0.x kernel
> (Debian GNU/Linux 2.1) support AGP?
> I also checked the network PC-Card, and the Hardware-HOWTO list tell me
> that the 3c575 driver maybe work in 10Mbit mode with the newest
> PCMCIA-package version 3... (something). But what about 100Mbit mode? Is
> there another PCMCIA network card running at 100Mbit knowing to work and
> possible to buy today?
> Please answer be directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED] (I'm not
> currently subscriber of this mailing list!)
> CH
> -- 
> Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Åsmund Ødegård
-- auto sig --
HEB 9 25 og heller ikke forat han flere ganger skulde ofre sig selv,
  således som ypperstepresten hvert år går inn i helligdommen med
  fremmed blod;

Re: fetchmail: SMTP connect to localhost failed: Connection refused

1999-08-20 Thread Åsmund Ødegård
Thu, 19 Aug skrev root:
> Hello,
> I'm doing a fresh slink install on a friend's old '486.
> I've installed fetchmail, but keep getting the error msg:
>   fetchmail: SMTP connect to localhost failed: Connection refused
> I edited /etc/exim.conf and added 'localhost' and my hostname to
> 'local_domains=' and restarted exim, but no change.
> I'm guessing that it's exim that won
> won't allow the connection.

Just a guess: 

Maybe exim starts via tcpd ( tcp-wrapper ), and localhost is now allowed to
connect. Check /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny

Åsmund Ødegård
-- auto sig --
GLT 3 25 men efterat troen er kommet, er vi ikke lenger under


1999-06-29 Thread Åsmund Ødegård

Anyone with a XF86Config file which works with a STB GMX2000 card??

Åsmund Ødegård

Re: Referencing Tables in Latex?

1999-04-19 Thread Åsmund Ødegård
Mon, 19 Apr skrev Andrew Holmes:
> However when I try to do the same thing with a reference to a table, it
> prints the section the table is in, instead of the number of the table. I can
> show the number of tables with \arabic{table}, but when I put \ref{a_table},
> it prints the section number of the table instead of the table's number. Eg
> 2.3.4 instead of 3.

The \label command must be placed after the \caption, or inside it's argument.
So my documentation say, so maybe you have the wrong docs... Lamport's LaTeX
book is among the best on this topic.

Åsmund Ødegård
2PE 1 5 så legg og just derfor all vinn på i eders tro å vise dyd, og
  i dyden skjønnsomhet,

Re: Can a keyboard pretend to be a mouse?

1999-02-05 Thread Åsmund Ødegård

Thu, 04 Feb skrev Steve Lamb:
> >I'm looking for a bit of software that'll let me use a combination of
> >key strokes (in X) where a mouse is called for.  Numberpad '6' moves
> >pointer to the right; '5' simulates a click -- that kind of thing.
> X does this already.

I'm also interested in this, do you have a pointer somewhere (url/man/whatever)

Åsmund Ødegård
1TE 4 6 at ingen skal gjøre sin bror urett og uskjell i det han har å
  gjøre med ham; for Herren er hevner over alt dette, således som vi
  også forut har sagt og vidnet for eder.

Re: 2.2.0 kernel broke sound

1999-01-28 Thread Åsmund Ødegård

Thu, 28 Jan skrev Matt Garman:
> Before upgrading to kernel 2.2.0, I had sound working perfectly.  I
> have a SoundBlaster AWE 32 plug'n'play (ISA).  With my 2.0.x kernels,
> I used isapnp, then loaded sound as a module (automatically by
> kerneld).

I also have problems with sound after upgrading to kernel 2.2.0. /dev/sndstat
is unchanged, but I'm not able to get sound out of my card. I use the CS4232

The only error message I'm able to get is from rvplayer, which tells me: 

audio: write error: 578 bytes errno: 0

Other sound-players just don't do what they are expected to do. mpg123 and
freeamp seems to play, but no there's no sound. 

What adress is appropriate for bug-reports?

Åsmund Ødegård
LUK 20 31 og den tredje tok henne, og likeså alle syv; de efterlot
  ikke barn, og døde.

Re: Debian too difficult, Red Hat?

1998-12-16 Thread Åsmund Ødegård
Wed, 16 Dec skrev Richard E. Hawkins Esq.:
> As for ppp . . . i can't help much there.  I've needed massive help to 
> get it goign myself, and what I have is so odd, that what i know is 
> useulss for anyone else . . . 

I have lost the original message, but anyway, if you have problem with ppp,
give the wvdial package a try. ( main/comm/wvdial_1.20.deb ). It's great, at
least for me!

Åsmund Ødegård

Re: Problems with StarOffice 5.0 Registration

1998-11-12 Thread Åsmund Ødegård
Hi, Steve!

If the registration button is ghosted, I think the registration is OK. Maybe
this is doen automagically if you do an online registration. You get the reg.
key by email in fact you need to reinstall for some reason. Maybe?

just my 2¢...

Wed, 11 Nov Steve Beitzel wrote:
> Hello all,
>   I know that people are always asking questions about how to
> install StarOffice, but I couldn't find an answer in the archives about
> this.  I recently downloaded and successfully installed StarOffice 5.0,
> except when I try to do the online registration, it fails for some
> reason.  The failure is odd, because I see the webpage that says "Thank
> you for joining StarDivision" and whatever, and I get the Registration key
> by email, but I am not allowed to activate the key -- the program keeps
> that button ghosted.  It seems that the online part of the registration
> process was successful and there is something wrong with the program.  Any
Åsmund Ødegård
Stipendiat Teknisk programvare
Inst. for Informatikk, Universitetet i Oslo
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- url:

Re: $ENV

1998-06-19 Thread Åsmund Ødegård

Maybe you are searching for "env"?

Fri, 19 Jun delte Mark Yobb følgende med meg:
> Hay there!  Is there any command that anybody know of that will
> print to standard output all of the current environment variables?
> When using korn shell I think it is `echo $ENV`?  I want to see what

Åsmund Ødegård
Stipendiat Teknisk programvare
Inst. for Informatikk, Universitetet i Oslo
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- url:
MTT 14 10 og han sendte sine folk avsted og lot Johannes halshugge i

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]