Re: [all candidates] delegation

2013-03-28 Thread Moray Allan
I thought I'd answered everything again, but then I made the mistake of 
mentioning Charles's post to Gunnar

Which reminds me: please tell me if I've missed a question on this list 
during the campaign period that you were hoping for me to answer.

On 2013-03-28 22:36, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
However, this topic does raise a question: Knowledge transfer. I 

be arguing on something marginally related to the vote at hand, but
anyway, when delegations shift (be it due to burnout, retirement,
rotation or whatever), we should make it as easy as possible to
transfer the acquired knowledge from the ex-delegates to the new

Writing documentation is often seen as a boring, painful task. Yet, 

is a very important thing to do. So, prospective DPLs, would you see
as part of the delegation the requirement for outgoing (if possible, 
know it's not always the case) and incoming delegates an obligation 

check and update documentation with the latest practices?

I definitely agree about the importance of good documentation, 
including within Debian teams.  And it would make sense to document as 
part of our good-practice guidelines for teams (that I propose in my 
platform) that this kind of documentation is expected.

But equally I'm not sure that it would be useful to un-delegate a team 
because they had failed to write the documentation that their potential 
successors would find necessary to get started in their job.


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Re: [all candidates] delegation

2013-03-28 Thread Moray Allan

On 2013-03-28 21:54, Charles Plessy wrote:
what you wrote here presents the end of a delegation as a final 

However, I was very interested by your use of "rotation", which I was
understanding as a faster turnover where the responsibility of the 
is passed through developers according to the pool of compentent 

Taking the Debian Policy Editors as example, I would not mind being
replaced in
October 2013, and (provided that I still have the free time), I would
not mind
serving again from October 2104.  All of this without reducing my
in terms of patches, but only rotating who is responsible for
committing them.

Yes, that's the kind of thing I had in mind with "rotation".  The 
appropriate speed and exact details would depend on the time.  In 
general, it might not be necessary to define precisely when you will 
rotate back in, as long as you trust that there is going to be 
continuing rotation out and therefore the opportunity for you to re-join 
in the future if you step back now.

As another example, being a DebConf Chair is a heavy job, and being 
active as one for too long will probably lead to burn-out, but having a 
large number of simultaneous Chairs with some inactive might create 
different problems.  It might well make sense to have this kind of 
rotation there, perhaps with people who rotate out remaining part of the 
wider DebConf Committee.

So can you clarify how proactive you intend to be in terms of
promoting rotation
for the existing delegations ?

It's something I would like teams to consider as part of drawing up a 
plan for team membership turnover, but I don't intend to try to enforce 
a single model for all teams.  Of course, in many teams a more informal 
kind of rotation already happens, with people just becoming inactive for 
a period in an ad-hoc basis.  Formal rotation is probably most 
appropriate when there are "gatekeeper" roles as part of a larger team.


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Re: [all candidates] Removing or limiting DD rights?

2013-03-28 Thread Moray Allan

On 2013-03-26 14:58, gregor herrmann wrote:

Thanks for this question, which I would like to extend a bit.
Im my understanding you are pointing to unconstructive behaviour
related to technical work. What we also see (and discuss) every now
and then is behaviour that is socially questionable or clearly
unacceptable (from disrespect for peers to blatant abusive language).

While we rarely take formal action, I think that the "social" standards 
we apply to each other have increased over the years.  And my impression 
is that abrasive behaviour on the mailing lists or the main developer 
IRC channels has significantly reduced over the years.

The more negative social behaviour that I remembering seeing recently 
has tended to be in less visible places, for example in topic-specific 
development IRC and in replies to individual bug reports.  Those who I 
saw behaving negatively may not have intended to be rude or aggressive 
or dismissive, but people who are trying to help us and receive a 
negative response in this way may be discouraged from further 
involvement in Debian -- a single person with negative social behaviour 
can scare off many potential contributors.

What other ideas do you (plural, for all candidates, in case you see
the necessity to improve the handling of "social problems") see as

The most pleasant way to reduce such problems is to ensure that visible 
teams set extremely high standards that others wish to emulate, but I 
realise that this won't solve every problem.

Looking at your list of ideas:

Examples that have come up in the past and might or might not be
- Encourage everyone to chime in when they see potentially
  unacceptable behaviour? In public/private?

Yes, as long as it is done in a spirit of being helpful and trying to 
help the person improve their behaviour, and not of trying to shame the 
person.  How public or private depends on the details of the situation 
and the relationship of the person "chiming in" with the topic and with 
the person they see as behaving unacceptably, and I don't think it's a 
simple binary question -- but as the goal isn't to shame people, the 
default should tend towards saying something in private.

- Should we try to establish a Code of Conduct for project members?
  Cf. for
  If yes, how would we do this, and how could we make sure it gets
- Could the CoC for mailing lists
  be used as a starting point / be extended?
- Or Enrico's Debian Community Guidelines?

Certainly the existing mailing list Code of conduct is not especially 
respected or enforced.  Perhaps people miss the final important points 
because they come after a long list of more technical ones.

I've previously done some research on companies' and professional 
organisations' written codes of behaviour.  In my view the best ones 
don't try to set out rules but offer a handful of concise and memorable 
aspirations.  A general "code of conduct" for Debian might be valuable, 
but then it should cover more than only "social" issues, and some more 
detailed guidelines would probably still be necessary in addition.

For an overall code of conduct, going through a formal process to adopt 
it might be part of the point of having one (both to make people think 
about it, and to increase the visibility of its adoption to people 
outside the project), but it's also useful to have more detailed 
guidelines that can be updated without formal agreement.

At the very minimum, more people should promote Enrico's Debian 
Community Guidelines -- they don't need any more official status for you 
to use and mention them, and thus influence other people to do the same.

- Another recurring topic is the Social Committee, cf. e.g. (or the ombudsman team mentioned
  in the article: )
  Would such a body make sense? With which powers?

I can see some positives from having this kind of Social Committee, but 
I'm unsure about the practicalities of creating one and keeping its 
membership updated.  If we were ever to move towards an elected board, 
it might make sense for that group to take on this role as well as its 
other duties.  In that case the problem of defining what "social" 
matters such a committee covered, and what powers it can use in 
response, would be avoided, and the question of membership would be 
reduced to a, by then, previously solved problem.  While a general board 
wouldn't be selected purely for "social expertise", it seems to me that 
the overall composition of such a board would necessarily reflect the 
project's "social" aspirations.

Even without us working out how to give special powers over social 
matters to an appropriate group, a group like the proposed "ombudsm

Re: [all candidates] delegation

2013-03-28 Thread Gunnar Wolf
Charles Plessy dijo [Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:54:24PM +0900]:
> Hi Moray,
> what you wrote here presents the end of a delegation as a final point.
> However, I was very interested by your use of "rotation", which I was
> understanding as a faster turnover where the responsibility of the delegation
> is passed through developers according to the pool of compentent people.
> Taking the Debian Policy Editors as example, I would not mind being replaced 
> in
> October 2013, and (provided that I still have the free time), I would not mind
> serving again from October 2104.  All of this without reducing my contribution
> in terms of patches, but only rotating who is responsible for committing them.

I propose a toast, both for your projected longevity and for our
project's! I don't see it as healthy, however, to set a period of *90
years* between stepping down from a delegated role to occupy it again.

However, this topic does raise a question: Knowledge transfer. I might
be arguing on something marginally related to the vote at hand, but
anyway, when delegations shift (be it due to burnout, retirement,
rotation or whatever), we should make it as easy as possible to
transfer the acquired knowledge from the ex-delegates to the new

Writing documentation is often seen as a boring, painful task. Yet, it
is a very important thing to do. So, prospective DPLs, would you see
as part of the delegation the requirement for outgoing (if possible, I
know it's not always the case) and incoming delegates an obligation to
check and update documentation with the latest practices?

(yes, the question is almost trivial and somewhat silly... But lost
knowledge due to insufficiently communicating team members can hurt
the whole project!)

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Re: [all candidates] delegation

2013-03-28 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 08:46:28PM -0600, Moray Allan a écrit :
> Stepping down should be seen as a sign of accomplishment.  It should
> not be seen as losing the ability to provide advice.  It should be
> seen as an opportunity for someone to use their skills in other
> aspects of the project, to produce more great things.  Separately
> but importantly, it should be seen as a healthy thing for the
> project.

Hi Moray,

what you wrote here presents the end of a delegation as a final point.
However, I was very interested by your use of "rotation", which I was
understanding as a faster turnover where the responsibility of the delegation
is passed through developers according to the pool of compentent people.
Taking the Debian Policy Editors as example, I would not mind being replaced in
October 2013, and (provided that I still have the free time), I would not mind
serving again from October 2104.  All of this without reducing my contribution
in terms of patches, but only rotating who is responsible for committing them.

So can you clarify how proactive you intend to be in terms of promoting rotation
for the existing delegations ?


Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: [all candidates] Removing or limiting DD rights?

2013-03-28 Thread Moray Allan

On 2013-03-25 10:22, Steve McIntyre wrote:
Are we strict enough with our existing contributors? When we're 
to work together as best we can to make the Universal Operating 
happen, what could/should we do with contributors who hinder our 

Sometimes that hindrance is inadvertent, sometimes it seems
deliberate. At other times it looks like we have developers who are
just not paying attention to what they're doing or who just don't 

about the goals of the project. Occasionally we see direct action to
censure or even expel DDs, but these are only ever in the most 

of cases. By the time that happens, large amounts of damage may be
done to the project: delayed releases, lost users, loss of motivation
for other contributors.

I'm wondering: is this something that you think is a real problem, 

if so what do you think we could do about it?

Yes, I think this is a real problem, and that we have a duty to deal 
with these issues with our users and free software as our priorities, 
not only the possible hurt feelings of our volunteers.  (It's clear that 
offending our volunteers can be very bad for our users, but the purpose 
of Debian is not merely to keep its members happy.)

There are two aspects of what you mention here that I would like us to 
avoid mixing up, though both could be described as "DD rights":

- technical permissions, including "ownership" of packages

- project membership.

In some (unfortunate) cases it may make sense for us to remove both 
together, but this should be as a result of thinking about two separate 
questions.  In other cases it could make sense to remove someone's 
project membership while leaving them with some limited specific 
technical permissions to participate in our work, or to remove specific 
technical rights while leaving someone a project member.

Although removing project membership is a much more serious step to 
take, we have in some ways been more cautious about the smaller step of 
restricting or removing specific technical permissions.  Just as we 
sometimes need to reconsider the benefit for the whole project of having 
someone as a member, not only the benefit for that individual, I think 
we sometimes we need to reconsider the benefit to the whole project of 
someone keeping specific technical permissions that they have previously 
acquired.  Discussions around package "salvaging" could be counted as an 
attempt to improve things in this respect -- not all the solutions need 
to be top-down from the centre.

Another reason for trying to separate the two aspects above is that we 
should avoid seeing them in the same light.  Removing someone's project 
membership against their wishes will remain a negative statement.  But 
removing some technical permissions can be done while we continue to 
value the person's work in other areas, don't intend any personal 
criticism, and are grateful for someone's previous work on an area.  For 
example, I would prefer that people always gave up specific jobs while 
they were still doing them well, but it is sadly natural to continue 
until available time and energy are lower, and then not to want to leave 
the job while doing it badly, and an external nudge may be needed.  
Where polite requests don't work, it may be better for the person if a 
third party takes a swift decision than if there is a protracted public 
discussion of the person's merits for the task, contributions made and 
harms caused, etc.


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Re: [all candidates] delegation

2013-03-28 Thread Moray Allan

On 2013-03-25 10:24, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:

In his platform, Moray writes:
| I would also like us to take a more pre-emptive approach to such 

| by encouraging more turnover of members between different teams

I think that most teams require quite specific skills, and most team
members like what they do. So I'm not going to force or encourage 
to move to other teams. However, I think that it is important that 

teams are sufficiently staffed so that one can leave a team without
feeling guilty.

You quote here some introductory text from my platform.  The paragraph 
that the sentence above summarised explains things a bit more:

I would encourage teams to plan ahead how they will enable a turnover 
people in delegated roles. This could mean, for example, that a team 
in advance a rotation schedule that commits it to recruiting new 
members. It
isn't healthy for team membership to stay static until too many 
members get
bored or burn out. Our ideal should be for people to retire from 
roles while
they are still performing them well, and then transfer their 
experience to

other areas of the project.

You seem to be reading what I wrote as having a negative sense, where I 
intended a positive one.  I am certainly not intending any purge of the 
old regime!  I am not setting out to change the current delegations, but 
to change some aspects of our culture around teams/delegations.

Stepping down should be seen as a sign of accomplishment.  It should 
not be seen as losing the ability to provide advice.  It should be seen 
as an opportunity for someone to use their skills in other aspects of 
the project, to produce more great things.  Separately but importantly, 
it should be seen as a healthy thing for the project.

Many questions during the campaign period have been about how to foster 
innovation in Debian.  Every year, candidates make promises about it, 
but the constitution severely limits what the DPL can do.  What the DPL 
can do is make official delegations.  While delegations are good, 
including for transparency, a side-effect can be to make teams more 
static than they would otherwise be. Along with the power of delegation 
comes a responsibility to ensure that delegated teams continue to be 

I am not proposing to force immediate changes in team membership, since 
my concern isn't so much to fix specific current problems as to avoid 
future problems.  Indeed, my suggestion that teams make plans in advance 
about how membership will change, at a rate they are comfortable with, 
is intended to *reduce* the need for direct DPL intervention to change 
team membership to fix problems.

For the "rotation" part of turnover in teams:

Of course people who work in our teams need the appropriate skills.  We 
already have people who become part of many different Debian teams 
concurrently or in series, so I don't think it's surprising to suggest 
that people who succeed in one team might also be able to find another 
team where they can help.  One reason for people not wanting to leave 
current roles in Debian is that they will then be at a loose end.  I 
would like us to value people who retire from delegated roles or from 
other teams, and to actively seek to use their experience elsewhere in 
the project.


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Re: [all candidates] delegation

2013-03-28 Thread Moray Allan

On 2013-03-25 09:55, Thomas Goirand wrote:

One of the key role of the DPL is to delegate.

What are your intention in this regard? Do you think that the current
teams and roles are well filled? Or would you like to change some of 

people currently holding a position? Why (not) changing anything?

I might be able to answer more clearly if you narrowed down what teams 
(if any) you are thinking of.  I guess that you are primarily thinking 
of the major technical teams that are already delegations?  In that 

- I don't think that delegations to our technical teams should be 
"political" matters, so I think there should be a very clear desire for 
it from the project before a new DPL removes existing delegates at the 
start of a DPL term.  I currently don't see any case where I would want 
to do that, though you are of course free to try to persuade me that it 
is needed.

- In some teams I perceive there to be a shortage of available 
time/energy, and therefore additional delegates might be useful, but 
again that's not something where I would want to jump in and delegate my 
own preferred candidate(s) on day one.  It would be rather 
counterproductive to take such action before working with the teams in 
question, as it would be likely to reduce the time/energy provided from 
existing team members.

In my platform I wrote about some things that I think Debian teams 
need.  Clearly I don't think that every team is doing all these things 
perfectly yet, or I wouldn't be focusing on this topic, but my 
suggestions for improving how our teams work are ones that I think any 
team members could follow, and aren't intended to require changing team 


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Re: Debian for third party (read: propietary) apps/vendors

2013-03-28 Thread Moray Allan

On 2013-03-24 12:47, Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer wrote:

There are third party vendors (read: propietary) that support the
of their software in Debian, but mostly because selfish reasons: they
need to
be present everywhere for their business model to work. A clear 
example of

this is Skype.

Now there is a second class of apps/vendors which do not need to be
for their business model to work. Most of the examples that come to 
my mind
are CAD-related: Synopsys [0], Cadence [1] and Mentor [2] are 
examples of
propietary vendors that give support for Linux but just on Red Hat 
sometimes, Suse. And they are a PITA to make them work on Debian. 
This makes
IT workers need to have RH/Suse/CentOS boxes even if the rest of them 


I'm not sure that the two groups are categorically different.  In both 
cases there's a "critical mass" kind of effect -- people will provide 
Debian packages if it's an expected thing to do.

Sometimes the Debian support is a *.deb made from the RPM packages
with alien,
but this is just a small rant :-)

I've seen low-quality third-party packages for Debian and low quality 
non-packaged installers, from both proprietary vendors and free software 

I suspect this only seems more of an issue with proprietary apps 
because those are the third-party packages that people who otherwise 
just use official Debian packages end up trying to install.

However, when I have been forced to use some piece of proprietary 
software on Debian, I have actively preferred using a statically 
compiled distribution-agnostic version rather than trusting the packages 
to behave sanely.  And I don't want non-free software to start itself 
except when I ask explicitly, to override existing configuration, etc.

I realise that static builds aren't a good solution for all software 
(it only really works for "leaf" applications, though all the examples 
you give fall into this group), or for all users (it requires more 
knowledge, and aren't a good solution for deployments wider than a 
single machine), but they may reduce the number of people who ask for 
Debian packages from proprietary vendors.

Note equally that sometimes there are problems that aren't from the 
original packaging work, but because packages are left for years without 
updates to support newer distributions.  The situation is parallel with 
the situation for proprietary drivers for Linux.

Now my question is: without going against the Social Contract, is 

anything Debian can/should do wrt this situation?

Well, we could advertise more heavily to such third parties the heavy 
use of Debian derivatives as well as Debian itself, and try to persuade 
them that providing a package that works on Debian allows them to reach 
all these users.  However, this might lead to disappointment when the 
packages didn't install on a large proportion of the 
derived-distribution users' machines.

In principle we could solve that by getting more certainty about common 
base packages with derived distributions, but it seems to me that a lot 
of effort would be needed to give even a small probability of this 
happening in a useful way, probably involving significant compromises on 
Debian's side.

A more practical way to mitigate this problem would be to provide a 
tool that checks a package for its installability on different Debian 
versions and on derived distributions and suggests solutions to increase 
installability, which would only require collecting data rather than 
reaching social agreements.


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Re: [all candidates] Advertising testing and security support

2013-03-28 Thread Moray Allan

On 2013-03-19 16:52, Jérémy Bobbio wrote:

Even if a dedicated team is supposed to care about security in
testing [1], the dedicated mailing-list [2] has not seen an 

since February 2011.

Debian Security Advisories don't only comment on the stable for stable 
-- looking through recent DSAs, most of the time a fix has been ready 
for testing as well as stable.

Dear candidates, do you think it would be wise to advertise `testing` 

a usable distribution to our users given that state of affairs?

I am already happy to advertise testing to large categories of users, 
so yes, as long as the reasons to choose this option compared to stable, 
and reasons to avoid it, are made clear.

Are you only talking about increasing "official" mention of testing as 
an option, or do you think that individual people don't feel they are 
welcome to advertise testing?  (If so, why do you think they don't?)

that our security support for stable is already not as best as it 

be, do you think we should encourage volunteers to be more active in
security support for testing?

From our current starting point, I don't see that encouraging more use 
of testing would be likely to harm stable security support.  I am 
slightly worried that if we had a popular rolling release different from 
current testing it might indirectly harm the quality of the stable 
releases, but I still wouldn't see that as a reason to try to discourage 
people working on things they want.

Do you have ideas on how to attract more
volunteers to the dull, hard, and sometimes boring tasks of taking 

of security issues in Debian?

It's not clear to me why you seem to think that dealing with security 
issues is more dull/boring than general package maintenance!  Locating 
security issues may sometimes be challenging, but can be quite fun; the 
prospect of early access to embargoed information can attract some 
people; and working across the whole distribution should be more 
varied/interesting than working on individual packages.  Perhaps part of 
the way to attract more people could be to look for them while 
emphasising these positive aspects?  I equally don't think we should 
assume that something being hard will in itself discourage volunteers.

In practical terms I don't see any difference from how to get more 
volunteers for anything in Debian: those currently involved and others 
interested in the topic should provide clear documentation (including 
e.g. wiki pages with current status and things people could work on), 
advertise what's happening and the desire for volunteers on the mailing 
lists, and reach out to people working on related topics for ideas and 
possible direct help.


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Re: [all candidates] Removing or limiting DD rights?

2013-03-28 Thread Chris Knadle
On Tuesday, March 25, 2013 16:22:23, Steve McIntyre wrote:
> Hi guys,
> First of all, thanks to all three of you standing in the DPL election
> this year. I know it's a daunting task! :-)
> I've already seen some debate about how we could/should attract more
> contributors, which is a perennial question in Debian. I personally
> don't think we're ever likely to "solve" that issue permanently, but
> it's clearly something that's always going to be very important for
> us. I have a related question, but more on the opposite end of the
> spectrum I suppose:
> Are we strict enough with our existing contributors? When we're trying
> to work together as best we can to make the Universal Operating System
> happen, what could/should we do with contributors who hinder our work?
> Sometimes that hindrance is inadvertent, sometimes it seems
> deliberate. At other times it looks like we have developers who are
> just not paying attention to what they're doing or who just don't care
> about the goals of the project. Occasionally we see direct action to
> censure or even expel DDs, but these are only ever in the most blatant
> of cases. By the time that happens, large amounts of damage may be
> done to the project: delayed releases, lost users, loss of motivation
> for other contributors.
> I'm wondering: is this something that you think is a real problem, and
> if so what do you think we could do about it?

From my contributor/non-DD point of view, the latter part of the above is 
something I'm repeatedly running into in Debian and is a problem.  There is 
also a distinct lack of information about how a bug reporter may try to handle 
the issue of when a maintainer is repeatedly communicating in an abusive 
manner; and what tools do exist are vague in helpfulness.

The video "How Open Source Projects Survive Poisonous People" below describes 
many of the common issues, and some solutions.

At 7:45 in the video:

   Community based on:

   "If a project is missing all of them, it doesn't last very long."

Right now Debian has no Code of Conduct concerning developer communications.  
There's been some discussion of a "5-year plan" for coming up with one to help 
this problem, but the same plan existed 5 years ago.  Some may point out that 
Ubuntu has a Code of Conduct, but Ubuntu wants packages to go through Debian.

Technically the DAM has the ability to act to remove a DD (per Debian 
Constitution 8.1 item 2), but the information I can gather so far seems to 
indicate that the DAM won't expell a DD for disciplanary problems.

Side note: the only DD I have heard of so far being expelled in 2006 for what 
seems to be vaguely disciplenary reasons -- Johnathan/Ted Walther -- has an 
interesting account as to the events that led up to him being expelled, which 
sounds like there was an array of wayward social disfunction all around. 

As a result of there not being any significant way of handling mintainer 
misconduct, one of the common answers given to those that report misconduct is 
to /tolerate/ it.  But when this happens , the message that gets received is 
one of /dismissal/ -- and if that happens concerning bug reports, it means an 
increasing feeling that it's pointless to report bugs; i.e. "the chilling 
effect".  That might be one explanation for the steady drop in new bug 

And looking at the number of Debian Developers listed in the keyrings over 
time and comparing it with the number of binary packages listed in each 
release per Wikipedia, I see another interesting trend:

YearDDs DMs Release TotalDevs   # packages
1999494 slink   494 2250
2000638 potato  638 3900
20021164woody   11648500
20051167sarge   116715400
2009106075  lenny   113525000
2011899 131 squeeze 103029000
2013976 186 sid 116238000

The number of Debian Developers seems flat from 2002 to 2013, yet the number 
of packages from then to now has gone up by 375%.  One would thus expect the 
number of new bugs reported to go up, not steadily down.

As a bug reporter dealing with a misbehaving maintainer, this is what I would 

  1.  A clear place to report the misbehavior
  2.  A set of guidelines maintainers should follow
  3.  A public dialog about the misbehavior with some Debian authority
  along with the misbehaving maintainer.

Note on (3): In the cases I've dealt with, the misbehavior was in public 

Re: [all candidates] delegation

2013-03-28 Thread Gergely Nagy
Thomas Goirand  writes:

> On 03/26/2013 09:28 PM, Gergely Nagy wrote:
>> I see
>> Zack's DPL helpers initiative as a step in this direction, and I'd like
>> to take it a little further.
> How? Make it formal? Have new "official" positions? Or just push more
> people to help and that's it (which is ok too...)?

I was primarily thinking about shorter term, formal delegations, for one
particular task. And of course, promoting the idea further, encouraging
people to participate. (Which will likely need more and better


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