Re: [Declude.Virus] Error 40

2006-03-09 Thread Terry Fritts
> I am getting the following error, and trying to search through the list
> archives, I have come up with nothing.
> 03/08/2006 16:58:11 Q617000CD007623DA Error 40 in virus scanner 1.

  I believe that Error 40 is the return code reported by the scanner
  which in your case is clamscan from the ClamWin port.

  I do not know about ClamWin but for ClamAV you can find the return
  codes in the /man/ folder - the file name will be something like
  clamscan.1 - if you view it in a text editor it is not formatted so
  you have to interpret the escape characters, line feeds and so on.

  It appears that return code 40: Unknown option passed.

  Apple has one that is formatted:

  From what you posted it appears to me that you have "-1" (- digit
  ONE) instead of "-l" (- letter L) but it is hard to really tell and
  what you posted may not be what you have in your config file. Or it
  might be something about the file paths.

  Or since you are using the ClamWin port there could be differences.
  You probably should search for ClamWin return codes and research it
  that way.

  It is much faster by the way to have the clamd service running and
  use clamdscan. I wrote a program to keep clamd running
  but you could probably use srvany or any similar thing.
Terry Fritts

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Re: [Declude.Virus] Sober.X Variant

2006-01-05 Thread Terry Fritts
> I've got it to scan but it randomly generated an exit code of
> 50. Does anyone know what exit code 50 from ClamAV means?

  I didn't check the manual but I think I remember this meaning it
  could not find the database.

  Check over on  for more help - if you are
  using that version anyway.

Terry Fritts

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Re: [Declude.Virus] Second Scanner

2005-06-06 Thread Terry Fritts

> Forgive me if I'm naive, but what does a local virus scanner have to
> do with TCP/IP?

  I'll write how I understand it. In the case being discussed we have
  ClamD running as a service under Windows. When clamdscan is called
  to actually scan a file then that instance of clamdscan communicates
  with ClamD which is already resident. Because ClamD is running and
  listening then this makes the scanning process faster since some
  functions are already in memory awaiting service. But in order for
  this to occur ClamD has to be "listening" for a request from the
  calling program.

  Normally the service establishes a socket - meaning a hole punched
  through the OS - to allow such communication to occur. However, for
  ClamD in the configuration file there is an option to bind the
  service to a specific IP address and a specific port assignment. For
  greater security is the default address. But the service
  could be bound to another IP address.

  I don't know why this might solve "stability problems" on some
  versions of windows but that's the message in the conf and somethng
  I was advised to try from my forum posting.

  Since the error I was seeing in the ClamD log file was an error with
  accept() it seemed reasonable to me to try it.

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Re: [Declude.Virus] Second Scanner

2005-06-06 Thread Terry Fritts

> it looks like the genesis of the problem is that clam started
> timing out.

  It may be but I haven't been able to force it to happen so far. For
  me this is the first instance of this in more than one year.

  I am suspicious that it could be a Windows socket issue which is why
  I've changed the clamd.conf settings.

  If you also want to try this find clamd.conf (usually in
  C:\clamav-devel\etc) and open in an editor. Change the following in

Comment out with # the lines:
   LocalSocket /cygdrive/c/clamav-devel/clamd.sock
   FixStaleSocket yes
Uncomment the lines:
   TCPSocket 3310

  Restart clamd by Stopping Runclamd and then restarting.

  Since you've had more occurrences it may be a better test.

> As I mentioned, a completely separate process that copies my Sniffer
> .snf file onto the same drive failed with a "could not copy file"
> error

  That's very interesting although I'm uncertain what it may mean.

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Re: [Declude.Virus] Second Scanner

2005-06-06 Thread Terry Fritts

> I do have some weird log lines on one of the machines:

  Those look okay to me.

> There are 57 on one box and 80 on another. Every time I click on of
> the files, I get a simple "Access Denied" error even though ALL clam
> processes are stopped and I'm running under a Domain Admin account.

  These exist because the scanner never completed and the files are
  owned by SYSTEM.  You'll have to select them - right click - and
  change the owner to your Admin account so you can then change the
  permissions to delete them.


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Re: [Declude.Virus] Second Scanner

2005-06-06 Thread Terry Fritts
> I can't find anything in the event or application logs that looks bad
> around this time either.

  I can't either.

  I've switched my clamd.conf file settings to run on TCP/IP rather
  than local socket. In the clamd.log file there were accept() errors
  recorded when this occurs which is a socket command error.

  I don't know that running in TCP/IP will help but the conf file says
  it can help some stability issues on windows servers.

  I also see that once this starts the other scanners never get a
  return either - not sure why that would be.


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[Declude.Virus] multiple instances of clamdscan

2005-06-06 Thread Terry Fritts
I don't know why this is happening yet but it is happening for others,
too.  Google for "instances of clamdscan.exe"  -   but nothing so far
to indicate why or what to do about it.

I wonder if it is happening when the database is being updated.

Terry Fritts

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Re: [Declude.Virus] Second Scanner

2005-06-06 Thread Terry Fritts

> At one point on each
> machine started getting these errors in the Declude Virus file:
> 06/04/2005 14:06:54 Qed820cb43917 ERROR: Virus scanner 2 didn't
> finish after 60 seconds; terminating.
> 06/04/2005 14:06:54 Qed820cb43917 WARNING: Couldn't remove .vir
> directory o:\spool\Ded820cb43917.vir\: SHARING VIOLATION.
> 06/04/2005 14:06:54 Qed820cb43917 Likely problem: An on-access
> scanner is interfering; disable or set not to scan subdirectories off
> of \IMail\spool.

we had this happen this morning.  I think it has to do with the number
of processes at one time.  I'm taking a look at it today.


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Re: [Declude.Virus] Second Scanner

2005-06-05 Thread Terry Fritts

> I also use Terry's runclamscan with no issues.

  That's good to hear.

  Runclamscan is just a wrapper to return the correct virus name to
  Declude.  It would be better really if Declude would modify their
  code to accommodate ClamAV's reporting.  Then there would not be a
  need for the intermediate runclamscan wrapper.  And the fewer
  programs to call the better.

  So if anyone from Declude is listening I think that would be a nice
  feature for them to include in some future release.

> I have had rare email melt downs when I was running runclamd.

  The only real thing runclamd is supposed to do is to keep the
  clamdscan service running on windows without anyone logged on to the
  machine. There are other programs that do this just as well so don't
  hesitate to use them if you think runclamd might be causing

  I have had 3 basic problems with ClamAV:

1) when the ClamAV program itself changes - or changes with cygwin

2) there was an issue with one of the sosdg versions that reported
   an unexpected return code - but that's a while back

3) some issues with the installation that caused file ownership

  Otherwise we've enjoyed really good results with it. As has been
  mentioned it does a great job on the phishing exploits and it often
  picks up a few other things that FPROT misses. With clamdscan we get
  scanning speeds very similar to FPROT. (I know on this because on
  our XMAIL server we track the speeds for FPROT as we do ClamAV)
  Brian Burns of deserves a lot of credit for his work on
  ClamAV for windows.

Terry Fritts


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Re: [Declude.Virus] Second Scanner

2005-06-05 Thread Terry Fritts
> It took a reboot of both machines to fix the problem. On one I had 288
> process running which fouls everything else up.   Clam is SCANNER2
> Any ideas?

  What did the runclamscan log report if anything?  What kind of times
  are you seeing in it for the actual scanning?

  The only time I've had anything similar happen had to do with
  ownership of the files and folders. It seems to me I may have had to
  change the ownership of the virus folder but I don't recall now.


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Re: [Declude.Virus] Second Scanner

2005-06-03 Thread Terry Fritts

> How can I figure out if freshclam is grabbing the latest defs?

I set up a scheduled task update_clamav to run every 2 hours or so:

start in: c:\clamav-devel\bin\
run: freshclam.exe --quiet -l c:\clamav-devel\log\freshclam.log

Then I can check the freshclam.log file.

> I have "Rundclamd" running as a service under LocalSystem. Should I
> set the startup type to "Automatic" or leave it at "Manual"?

  Mine is set to automatic.

> If I leave it on "Manual" do I need to rerun "runclamd -start" after
> a reboot?


  The point of runclamd is to be able to use clamdscan (the daemon or
  service) rather than clamscan.  runclamd has a log too.

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Re: [Declude.Virus] Second Scanner

2005-06-02 Thread Terry Fritts

> I was interested in what folks were using as a second scanner aside
> from F-Prot. ... I thought someone had posted some stats about this
> but can't find them. Any suggestions?

ClamAV -

Get my utilities: runclamd, runclamdscan

Set up a scheduled task to periodically run freshclam to keep the
database update.

Works extremely well for us.

Terry Fritts

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Re: [Declude.Virus] ClamAV scan time

2004-11-16 Thread Terry Fritts

> ClamAV when not run in daemon mode is very slow in comparison to other
> virus scanners.  If your server is getting pushed to it's limits, the 
> first sign will likely be their vir directories piling up as a result of 
> ClamAV not finishing within the specified time configured in Declude Virus.
> I played around with daemon mode several months back, but there was an 
> issue with the service not shutting down when you told it to, so I 
> abandoned it for the time being.  Maybe some others have information 
> about how to do this properly now with newer builds.

  My log records the scan times.  I did check when I read this and
  there are a few excessively long scan times.

  I checked about 10,000 entries.  There were 360 scans that took
  longer than .5 sec.  There were 206 that took 1 sec or longer.

  Also, I record the total time, the time to check to see if the
  service is running, and then the actual scan time. In my worst case
  these numbers were recorded: 13.3490,11.947,1.402. But notice that
  the middle number is the time to check to see if the service is
  running. This indicates to me that the issue is not with ClamAV but
  with the server load at the time of the scan. I know the server is
  being hammered anyway.

  I did check to see if there were any correlation between the file
  size and the long elapsed times and I really could not find any.

  But then again we are not handling huge numbers of messages either.

  My programs are available for download at:
  Terry Fritts

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Re: [Declude.Virus] Fprot GDI Scanner lines.

2004-09-28 Thread Terry Fritts
> How can I confirm this? When I send myself the exploit I do not
> receive the email - good-  but in my virus logs all I see is 'error 
> in scannerx' and nothing in the declude log file.  

Here's what I'm seeing (also 1.80):

   09/28/2004 10:07:56 Q7e4a0ec70222a6ae File(s) are INFECTED
   [[Microsoft GDIPlus.DLL JPEG Vulnerability]: 0]

This was a jpg.

Terry Fritts

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[Declude.Virus] ClamAV

2004-09-04 Thread Terry Fritts
ClamAV is no longer using the old style database as of Sep 1 2004.

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Re[2]: [Declude.Virus] Blocking the files in MyDoom

2004-07-26 Thread Terry Fritts

> Also, I have temporarily blocked all zip files, as I am seeing quite a few
> that are not being caught by banned extension or F-Prot or AVG. I am
> investigating these.

  The ones I am seeing appear to be virus laden but would require the
  user to unzip them and to take additional action to activate.

  The unzipped file name is " ... many spaces ... .scr"
  Once I get it unzipped then FPROT and CLAMAV recognize it as a
  MyDoom variant.  McAffee did not trigger on it so not sure about it.


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Re[2]: [Declude.Virus] MacAfee Error

2004-06-18 Thread Terry Fritts

TS> Has McAfee admit there was a problem yet?
TS> Has anybody heard anything from them about this?

Article on web site:

Note Scenario 2 where some users running 4320 also failed because
of scanpm.

I think SuperDat will not work if all you have purchased is
CmdLine scanner.

Terry Fritts

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Re[3]: [Declude.Virus] Has McAfee fixed Virus Definition Corruptions Yet?

2004-06-17 Thread Terry Fritts

RLH> I did not do this. As I said you need to replace the Scan.Exe as well.
RLH> This is the file, not No problems at all
RLH> here.

Don't know why it works for you and not me.

For me the engine fails with 4367 dat. Engines and neither one fail with 4366 dat or the dat files from

But thanks for sharing that link last night.

Terry Fritts

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Re: [Declude.Virus] [OT} Anti-Virus - Client Side Suggestion

2004-04-26 Thread Terry Fritts

> McAfee, Norton, or others?  Which do you think provides the quickest update

I used Norton for a long time on Windows 2k but when I moved to XP I
also upgraded to Norton 2004. It seemed much more complex to me with a
bunch more services (maybe my imagination). Regardless, I had constant
problems with it and no help from Symantec.  Main problem was that
after a reboot the AV could not start.  Usually a 2nd reboot would fix
but sometimes not.  Also, my XP machine would sometimes just reboot
itself for no apparent reason and I always "felt" it had something to
do with Norton.  Don't know that - could just be XP.

Finally removed it and switched to McAfee on one workstation. So far I
think I like it better and no problems on it starting and no reboots.
Only thing I do complain about it with McAfee is the download process
forces use of Internet Explorer and the scanning configuration program
needs more granularity.

On my XP notebook I'm using Kaspersky - it's kind of fun actually -
screams if it finds something - a little too aggressive on non-virus
vulnerabilities but probably something I can adjust out.

All seem to me about equally effective over time.  Also using Fprot
and ClamAV and have extremely good results with both.  Really with
cost consideration Fprot has to be one of my favorites.

Terry Fritts

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[Declude.Virus] declude clamav utilities

2004-04-07 Thread Terry Fritts
I've written a couple of utilities for clamav that we thought we'd

runclamd - an nt service that keeps the windows port of the clamd
   service running.  command line options for install, start, stop,
   remove.  Using clamd results in much better scanning time.

runclamscan - a wrapper program to be used with declude to call the
   win32 clamscan or clamdscan program for virus scanning.  If
   clamdscan is specified the program tests whether clamd is running
   and changes the call to clamscan if clamd is not running.  Log file
   is provided but otherwise this just allows declude to acquire the
   correct virus name.

These work for us and are made available with no warranties or
guarantees.  Use at your own risk and so on.

ZIP downloads available from

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Re[2]: [Declude.Virus] clamav

2004-04-01 Thread Terry Fritts
> Terry, if you could explain the demime thing, that would be appreciated.

I'm sorry - I've been tied up all day working on name server issues.

The application I referenced earlier was an xmail mail server.
Declude is not available for it so I wrote my own program that is
called by xmail for messages.  My program does something similar to
what declude does but not nearly as well.

Giving a message to either NAI or ClavAV is inconsequential because
both of those programs will not dismantle the message into its mime
parts (demime).  As I said Fprot actually does a certain amount of
demime itself.  I don't know how declude accomplishes this but I know
declude does something to make NAI and others scan the pieces of the

In my case I use an external program (munpack I think it is). My
program creates a temporary directory and then calls munpack with that
directory and message path. munpack then takes the message and splits
into the various mime segments. For instance there might be a text
segment, an html segment, and a zip file attachment. It is quite
common to have 4 or more files. Then my program next calls fprot, nai,
and clamav in turn for that directory. Each of those programs scan all
the files in the temp folder and create a report file. My program
extracts the virus name from the report files if an infection is
indicated, logs it, quarantines the message, and tells the mail server
to delete the message (if infected).

Finally my program does some spam checking including a call to the
sniffer engine.

I don't do a lot of stuff that declude does however.

As for the daemon issue I'm going to look a that and see if I can
figure some way to keep the thing loaded - just no time today.

Terry Fritts

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Re: [Declude.Virus] Scanner Efficiency Olympics

2004-04-01 Thread Terry Fritts
> ClamAV...1.0 seconds...2.303%...100.000%

  Charles posted on this a while back.
  Run clamd and link to clamdscan.exe (rather than clamscan).

  Times and processor usage are much less.
  Just running clamscan mine ranged from about a low of .8 to a high
  of 3.6 sec. Buf after running clamd and using clamdscan they dropped
  to a low of .047 and a high of .406 so far.
  Only thing is I'm not sure how to keep clamd running without keeping
  the server logged on.

> F-Prot is amazing.

  This really is true. Here are just a few stats I pulled from my logs
  (not from Declude - from one of my programs for an xmail server
  where I actually do the timing myself inside my program) (and this
  is after clamd):

  Total  demime fprot  naiclamav  sniffer
  =  == =  =  ==  ===
  1.672  0.563  0.156  0.266  0.406   0.281
  1.047  0.141  0.234  0.281  0.110   0.266
  1.828  0.485  0.187  0.453  0.156   0.547
  2.015  0.203  0.609  0.594  0.328   0.281
  0.625  0.109  0.062  0.235  0.047
  0.625  0.079  0.062  0.188  0.125
  0.500  0.094  0.062  0.188  0.156

  Fprot actually does a decent job of demime by itself but it doesn't
  do everything so I began catching more when I added my own demime.
  NAI and clamav are both worthless without demime.

  When I have to write this stuff myself it makes me appreciate
  declude a lot!

  Terry Fritts

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Re[2]: [Declude.Virus] clamav

2004-04-01 Thread Terry Fritts
> BTW, run clamd.exe and clamdscan.exe and notice a difference in
> speed


Did you start clamd and then leave the server logged on?


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Re[2]: [Declude.Virus] Clam?

2004-03-02 Thread Terry Fritts

> After this there was another error, that I've solved after Terry's tipp to
> create the c:\tmp folder.
> At them moment I've a problem with freshclam (MD5 error)
> So I downloaded all the updates manualy from an mirror.
> I fear after the next available update I will have this error again. But at
> the moment its running and not its time go to sleep.

  Yes, that's exactly the problem I'm having.  I don't understand what
  the program is doing.  Maybe best thing is to get the source and
  look at it.  Works great when it works.


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Re[6]: [Declude.Virus] clamav

2004-03-02 Thread Terry Fritts
> LibClamAV Error: cli_cvdload():  Can't create temporary directory
> /tmp/ccb31b8aace2b2fc
> ERROR: Unable to create temporary directory.

  Oh I'm sorry - I had this problem.
  Create a C:\tmp directory is easiest solution.


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Re[4]: [Declude.Virus] clamav

2004-03-02 Thread Terry Fritts

> I am definitely leaving it as an additional scanner on my
> system.

  Besides that they gave me credit for uploading a virus!  Made me
  feel good - like I was actually doing something instead of just
  hunkering down!

  I need to read this stuff about creating your own virus signatures.
  That seems like an excellent solution for the period prior to the
  big virus updates or when there are downloader issues.

  I'm still having trouble with freshclam updating.  Is that working
  for you all the time?

> Would you mind sharing your ClamAV config files?

declude virus.cfg:

SCANFILE3   C:\clamav-devel\bin\clamscan.exe --quiet --log-verbose --no-summary -l 

I didn't change the clamav conf files.

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Re: [Declude.Virus] clamav

2004-02-29 Thread Terry Fritts
Update on ClamAV

Got the "freshclam" updater working.
Pretty simple actually.  Just browse one of the mirrors for the db
updates - see for a list -

Pick one of them - say -  -
download the .md5 files to your virus db folder
(eg  c:\clamav-devel\share\clamav\ )

I got all of them while I was there just in case.

Then go to c:\clamav-devel\bin and run freshclam from cmd line and it
should update.

See freshclam --help for more. You can run it as a daemon if you stay
logged on otherwise you'll have to do something different. There is a
.conf file.

Results are pretty decent for me once I got the virus db updated.
Basically ClamAv is catching everything so far that f-prot is
catching. Log snippet at end - although this is pretty light day.
Where NAI is not indicating a virus and the other 2 are I think the
attachments may be corrupted but haven't verified that.

You can create our own virus signatures, too.  If you don't want to
wait on someone else.  There is also a web page to report viruses:

Pretty nice really for "free" and an additional scanner.

Only real disadvantage I see is the virus name and that's not too

Terry Fritts

Log Snippet:
13:10:24 Scanner 1: Virus=: W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
13:10:25 Scanner 2: Virus= the W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] virus
13:10:26 Scanner #3 detected a virus

13:55:08 Scanner 1: Virus=: W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
13:55:09 Scanner 2: Virus= the W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
13:55:10 Scanner #3 detected a virus

13:55:59 Scanner 1: Virus=: W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
13:56:00 Scanner 2: Virus= the W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
13:56:01 Scanner #3 detected a virus

13:57:13 Scanner 1: Virus=: W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
13:57:15 Scanner #3 detected a virus

14:20:08 Scanner 1: Virus=: W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
14:20:08 Scanner 2: Virus= the W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
14:20:10 Scanner #3 detected a virus

14:34:57 Scanner 1: Virus=: W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
14:34:58 Scanner 2: Virus= the W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
14:34:59 Scanner #3 detected a virus

14:51:10 Scanner 1: Virus=: W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
14:51:12 Scanner #3 detected a virus

14:51:55 Scanner 1: Virus=: W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
14:51:58 Scanner #3 detected a virus

14:52:50 Scanner 1: Virus=: W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
14:52:52 Scanner #3 detected a virus

14:52:58 Scanner 1: Virus=: W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
14:53:00 Scanner #3 detected a virus

14:53:36 Scanner 1: Virus=: W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
14:53:38 Scanner #3 detected a virus

[This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus (]

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