Ios cordova app randomly got frozen after dismissing inappbrowser

2017-03-10 Thread Li, Jonathan

During the recent testing of our ios cordova applications, we got an issue of 
the app’s main UIwebview UI freezing after dismissing the inappbrowser. 
Debugging shows somehow the UIWindow created by inappbrowser did not 
deallocated as expected after calling the close method to dismiss the 
inappbrowser. So although the inappbrowser’s UIWindows is invisiable, but it is 
still the keywindow and receive the user input. The xcode instrument shows 
there is only one reference on the inappbrowser’s UIWindow object , which is 
expected to be released after dismissing the inappbrowser viewcontroller. 
Although this part of logic is inside the Apple SDK, and not sure exactly when 
the UIWindow is released within the Apple SDK. Note this happens randomly, so 
it may be a timing related issue.

Just wonder whether anyone else has seen the similar issue? Or have any idea 
about it. Both main webview and inappbrwoser webview use UIWebView to show the 
html content. WKWebview is not involved.

For now, we added an if condition in the show method in dispatch_async block in 
our inappbrowser.m to work around the issue, but if others see the same thing, 
we will need to have a pull request for this change.

- (void)show:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand*)command

// Run later to avoid the "took a long time" log message.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
if (weakSelf.inAppBrowserViewController != nil) {
if ([weakSelf.inAppBrowserViewController.webView 
isKindOfClass:[WKWebView class]]) {
CGRect frame = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds];
UIWindow *tmpWindow = [[UIWindow alloc] 
UIViewController *tmpController = 
[[UIViewController alloc] init];
[tmpWindow setRootViewController:tmpController];
[tmpWindow setWindowLevel:UIWindowLevelNormal];

[tmpWindow makeKeyAndVisible];
[tmpController presentViewController:nav 
animated:YES completion:nil];
else {
  [weakSelf.viewController presentViewController:nav animated:YES 


Create hybrid app using iOS cordova with WKWebView

2016-11-17 Thread Li, Jonathan
Recently we start to investigate the possibility to adopt WKWebView for 
building ios cordova hybrid apps. Currently those apps are built with UIWebView 
on ios cordova library.

In our application, the main html content is loaded from remote web server at 
runtime, and local cordova js resource are then injected into html page to 
leverage the device native functions, such as camera, calendar, etc. As the 
html page is loaded from remote server using https connection, the wkwebview 
will not allow the local web resource (for example, cordova.js) to be injected 
into the html page by local file url (file:// url). We also tried to use the 
cordova localhost webserver plugin to inject the local web resource into the 
html page, but that does not work either as localhost web server plugin only 
supports http connection, and wkwebview does not allow to inject http content 
into the https html page. In addition, as https://localhost: is a different 
domain from the remote web page, so xhr request from https://localhost: will 
not be able to receive wkwebview’s didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge callback 
method to handle the challenge. Those limitations also apply even if injecting 
cordova web resource to a new iframe on the https html page.

So, in order to solve the issue, I wonder whether it is possible to have an 
option in cordova to allow loading the js resource as javascript context so 
instead of loading the js file as url as shown below

the javascript content will be loaded directly into the script element

…raw plugin script content

In this way, all the cordova script and remote https content can live in a 
single domain to avoid the cross domain limiation.

The initial loading of codova.js and other preload plugin js files can be 
injected using wkwebview userContentController at 
WKUserScriptInjectionTimeAtDocumentEnd. For the on-demand loading of plugin js 
files, the cordova.js can let the require method to send a cordova bridge call 
and then use wkwebview’s evaluateJavaScript method to load those javascitp 
content in 

Re: optimizing ios inappbrowser plugin's open and openInSystem method s

2016-09-07 Thread Li, Jonathan

The problem with
self.callbackId = command.callbackId;
is it causes the current inappbrowser stopping work properly after user clicks 
a link to open mobile safari using method from the current 
inappbrowser html page.

In our application, the inappbrowser is opened in inappbrowser webivew 
controller, the open method will set self.callbackId to the related value. In 
the html page loaded in the inappbrowser, there is link using with 
system target to open an external page in mobile safari. When user clicks this 
link, the inappbrowser open method will be called again, and set 
self.callbackid to a new vaule, as a result after the mobile safari is opened, 
the original inappbrowser’s callback will not work anymore as its callback id 
is replaced by the second open method.

Theoretically, the first inappbrowser’s function should still not be affected 
if it opens another link in new system browser, as the callback id is not used 
by system browser

For the issue of when to use SASafarirViewController, it seems 
SASafariViewController is more a replacement for mobile safari (for system 
target) instead of inappbrowser webviewcontroller (for blank target). As 
SFSafariViewController is designed to replace the function of mobile safari, so 
there are no backward compatible issues or losing functions by doing so, and 
application will not have any major behavior difference with this change. On 
the other hand, SASafariViewController does not provide all the functions 
provided by inappbrowser webviewcontroller, replacing inappbrowser webview 
controller with SASafariViewController will have more risks.

From: julio cesar sanchez <>
Date: Wednesday, September 7, 2016 at 3:25 AM
To: "Li, Jonathan" <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: Re: optimizing ios inappbrowser plugin's open and openInSystem method s

What is the problem self.callbackId = command.callbackId; causes when used with 
_system option?

I think _system option should open in safari app as it does now, and 
SFSafariViewController should replace the ViewController we use when _blank is 

2016-09-07 6:41 GMT+02:00 Li, Jonathan 

Currently there are two issues in iOS inappbrowser’s open and  openInSystem 

First, in the inappbrowser open method, it sets the instance variable at below
self.callbackId = command.callbackId;
this causes the problem when opening a _system targe from an inappbrowser 
viewController, even if the callbackID are not applicable to system browser.

Second, the _system target will always be opened in external mobile safari 
browser, although SFSafariViewController for iOS 9 device provides a better 
user experience. The major benefit with SFSafariViewController is the 
application staying in foreground, so that the application does not need to 
handle the application life cycle events triggered by opening the mobile safari.

The below code is a prototype handling the two issues. Just want to know your 
comment about this change, and if it is fine, a pull request will be submitted 
for it.

- (void)open:(CDVInvokedUrlCommand*)command
CDVPluginResult* pluginResult;

NSString* url = [command argumentAtIndex:0];
NSString* target = [command argumentAtIndex:1 
NSString* options = [command argumentAtIndex:2 withDefault:@"" 
andClass:[NSString class]];

   //**the below line causes trouble to open system url from 
   //self.callbackId = command.callbackId;

if (url != nil) {
#ifdef __CORDOVA_4_0_0
NSURL* baseUrl = [self.webViewEngine URL];
NSURL* baseUrl = [self.webView.request URL];
NSURL* absoluteUrl = [[NSURL URLWithString:url relativeToURL:baseUrl] 

if ([self isSystemUrl:absoluteUrl]) {
target = kInAppBrowserTargetSystem;

if ([target isEqualToString:kInAppBrowserTargetSelf]) {
[self openInCordovaWebView:absoluteUrl withOptions:options];
} else if ([target isEqualToString:kInAppBrowserTargetSystem]) {
[self openInSystem:absoluteUrl];
} else { // _blank or anything else
[self openInInAppBrowser:absoluteUrl withOptions:options];

pluginResult = [CDVPluginResult resultWithStatus:CDVCommandStatus_OK];
} else {
pluginResult = [CDVPluginResult resultWithStatus:CDVCommandStatus_ERROR 
messageAsString:@"incorrect number of arguments"];

//***new code
if (![target isEqualToString:kInAppBrowserTargetSystem]) {
[pluginResult setKeepCallback:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]];
self.callbackId = command.callbackId;

[self.commandDelegate sendPluginResult:pluginResult

Re: Cordova bridge call exception console log does not include call stack information

2016-08-30 Thread Li, Jonathan
The issue is created for the issue at


On 8/30/16, 5:20 PM, "julio cesar sanchez" <> wrote:


Can you create an issue on

El martes, 30 de agosto de 2016, Li, Jonathan <>

> Hi,
> In cordova.js, callbackFromNative method, when handles the exception, it
> only logs the callbackid and error message, but does not log the error
> callstack. Usually the callstack is quite useful to find what causes the
> exception, so just wonder what is the reason to not include it in the 
> console log.
> If it is fine to include the call stack information in the console log, I
> would like to submit a pull request for the change.
>   /**
>  * Called by native code when returning the result from an action.
>  */
> callbackFromNative: function(callbackId, isSuccess, status, args,
> keepCallback) {
> try {
> var callback = cordova.callbacks[callbackId];
> if (callback) {
> if (isSuccess && status == cordova.callbackStatus.OK) {
> callback.success && callback.success.apply(null, 
> } else if (!isSuccess) {
> &&, args);
> }
> /*
> else
> Note, this case is intentionally not caught.
> this can happen if isSuccess is true, but
> callbackStatus is NO_RESULT
> which is used to remove a callback from the list
> without calling the callbacks
> typically keepCallback is false in this case
> */
> // Clear callback if not expecting any more results
> if (!keepCallback) {
> delete cordova.callbacks[callbackId];
> }
> }
> }
> catch (err) {
> var msg = "Error in " + (isSuccess ? "Success" : "Error") + "
> callbackId: " + callbackId + " : " + err;
> console && console.log && console.log(msg);
> cordova.fireWindowEvent("cordovacallbackerror", { 'message':
> msg });
> throw err;
> }
> Thanks
> Jonathan

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Re: Cordova bridge call exception console log does not include call stack information

2016-08-30 Thread Li, Jonathan

In cordova.js, callbackFromNative method, when handles the exception, it only 
logs the callbackid and error message, but does not log the error callstack. 
Usually the callstack is quite useful to find what causes the exception, so 
just wonder what is the reason to not include it in the error console log.

If it is fine to include the call stack information in the console log, I would 
like to submit a pull request for the change.

 * Called by native code when returning the result from an action.
callbackFromNative: function(callbackId, isSuccess, status, args, 
keepCallback) {
try {
var callback = cordova.callbacks[callbackId];
if (callback) {
if (isSuccess && status == cordova.callbackStatus.OK) {
callback.success && callback.success.apply(null, args);
} else if (!isSuccess) { &&, args);
Note, this case is intentionally not caught.
this can happen if isSuccess is true, but callbackStatus is 
which is used to remove a callback from the list without 
calling the callbacks
typically keepCallback is false in this case
// Clear callback if not expecting any more results
if (!keepCallback) {
delete cordova.callbacks[callbackId];
catch (err) {
var msg = "Error in " + (isSuccess ? "Success" : "Error") + " 
callbackId: " + callbackId + " : " + err;
console && console.log && console.log(msg);
cordova.fireWindowEvent("cordovacallbackerror", { 'message': msg });
throw err;



2014-11-12 Thread Li, Jonathan
Hi all,

I'm getting myself set up as a contributor to Cordova.  So far I've just been 
working on projects that use Cordova, but I hope to contribute back to Cordova 
in the future.

The first change I plan to make is fixing bug CB-3071, so iOS cordova app does 
not need to use SDURLCache as a workaround for this issue. Few crashes have 
been reported in SDURLCache code, and it is better to fix the issue in cordova 
and get rid of SDURLCache from the project.


Reopen iOS bug CB-3071

2014-09-04 Thread Li, Jonathan

Due to bug, the cached response 
gets invalidated after each time restarting the iOS cordova app, the suggested 
workaround is to use the open source SDURLCache project, however, SDURLCache is 
not a good candidate to replace the iOS default NSURLCache, as it does not 
follow the RFC 2616 specification very well, and cannot be used in many 
projects that requires serious cache functions.

The testing shows the issue of CB-3071 is related to the iOS cordova useragaent 
logic. When each time the app restarts, the uiWebView will get a new address, 
and this address is appended to the UIWebView's user agent string, so the user 
agent is different for each running session.  iOS will automatically invalidate 
the cached response if it detects the user agent has been changed, as user 
agent contains locale information, and if locale setting is changed, the same 
url may get the different response from server side.

This can be verified by always appending a constant number  to the user agent 
string, in that case,  the cached response can be loaded after the app restarts

It seems the issue can be fixed by changing the current NSMutableSet* 
gRegisteredControllers to NSMutalbleDictionary object, the dictionary object 
uses a incremental sequential id as key, and use the view controller’s address 
as value, then only appending the sequential id in the user agent string. This 
sequential id can be used to find the corresponding view controller from 
gRegisteredControllers collection. As most cordova app will only create a 
single CDVViewController, so the sequential id most likely is always 0. This 
will generate the same user agent string across app running sessions,  and keep 
the cached response valid.

Please let me know if the bug CB-3071 can be reopened and get fixed with this 


Inconsistent behavior when opening inappbrowser window

2014-07-02 Thread Li, Jonathan

When creating inappBrowser in cordova app, for iOS, only a single
uiwebview instance is created for multiple method calls, and
it only shows the content of last's url content. However, on
Android client, each method call will create a separate
webview instance with its own url content.
Just want to confirm is this an expected behavior? Is there any change
planned to make the behavior more consistent across all client platforms?

Sample code to call multiple times:
var windowRef = '', '_blank',
var windowRef2 ='', '_blank',


Get customized feature parameter value from config.xml

2014-04-14 Thread Li, Jonathan
In the following sample plugin.xml and config.xml , the parameter 
enable-redirect can be configured by app developers when they add the plugin 
to cordova project. However, currently only ios-package and onload 
parameters are parsed and stored by config.xml's settings parser, other 
parameters (like enable-redirect) are ignored by the settings parser, so 
plugin developer has to parse the config.xml again by themselves in order to 
get the other parameters' value.

Just wonder it maybe a good idea to parse all parameters under feature element, 
and return it as a param dictionary, so as to make it ready to use by 
developers within plugin's native code.

  platform name=ios
config-file target=config.xml parent=/widget
feature name=myplugin
param name=ios-package value=myPlugin/
param name=onload value=true/
param name=enable-redirect value=$REDIRECT/
source-file src=ios/libs/myPlugin.a framework=true/

feature name=myplugin
param name=ios-package value=myplugin /
param name=onload value=true /
param name=enable-redirect value=true /


Re: Get customized feature parameter value from config.xml

2014-04-14 Thread Li, Jonathan
Does preference can be set on per platform and plugin level?

On 4/14/14 2:27 PM, Shazron wrote:

Will a preference /  tag not suffice?

On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 11:23 AM, Li, Jonathan

 In the following sample plugin.xml and config.xml , the parameter
 enable-redirect can be configured by app developers when they add the
 plugin to cordova project. However, currently only ios-package and
 onload parameters are parsed and stored by config.xml's settings
 other parameters (like enable-redirect) are ignored by the settings
 parser, so plugin developer has to parse the config.xml again by
 in order to get the other parameters' value.

 Just wonder it maybe a good idea to parse all parameters under feature
 element, and return it as a param dictionary, so as to make it ready
 use by developers within plugin's native code.

   platform name=ios
 config-file target=config.xml parent=/widget
 feature name=myplugin
 param name=ios-package value=myPlugin/
 param name=onload value=true/
 param name=enable-redirect value=$REDIRECT/
 source-file src=ios/libs/myPlugin.a framework=true/

 feature name=myplugin
 param name=ios-package value=myplugin /
 param name=onload value=true /
 param name=enable-redirect value=true /


Re: Get customized feature parameter value from config.xml

2014-04-14 Thread Li, Jonathan
Although the preference can be defined in plugin.xml on per platform and
plugin level, but when the information is used to generate config.xml, the
related preference element will be generated under the root widget
element, and so shared by all plugins. This may cause conflict if the same
preference name is used by multiple plugins.

On 4/14/14 3:48 PM, Shazron wrote:

per platform in the platform tag - yes.
plugin level  - yes.

On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 11:34 AM, Li, Jonathan

 Does preference can be set on per platform and plugin level?

 On 4/14/14 2:27 PM, Shazron wrote:

 Will a preference /  tag not suffice?
 On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 11:23 AM, Li, Jonathan
  In the following sample plugin.xml and config.xml , the parameter
  enable-redirect can be configured by app developers when they add
  plugin to cordova project. However, currently only ios-package and
  onload parameters are parsed and stored by config.xml's settings
  other parameters (like enable-redirect) are ignored by the settings
  parser, so plugin developer has to parse the config.xml again by
  in order to get the other parameters' value.
  Just wonder it maybe a good idea to parse all parameters under
  element, and return it as a param dictionary, so as to make it
  use by developers within plugin's native code.
platform name=ios
  config-file target=config.xml parent=/widget
  feature name=myplugin
  param name=ios-package value=myPlugin/
  param name=onload value=true/
  param name=enable-redirect value=$REDIRECT/
  source-file src=ios/libs/myPlugin.a framework=true/
  feature name=myplugin
  param name=ios-package value=myplugin /
  param name=onload value=true /
  param name=enable-redirect value=true /

Re: Get customized feature parameter value from config.xml

2014-04-14 Thread Li, Jonathan
That works. Thanks.

On 4/14/14 4:26 PM, Shazron wrote:

Yes, that is the known limitation. My suggestion is to prefix the
preference name with your plugin name, or whatever you prefer.

On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 1:12 PM, Li, Jonathan wrote:

 Although the preference can be defined in plugin.xml on per platform and
 plugin level, but when the information is used to generate config.xml,
 related preference element will be generated under the root widget
 element, and so shared by all plugins. This may cause conflict if the
 preference name is used by multiple plugins.

 On 4/14/14 3:48 PM, Shazron wrote:

 per platform in the platform tag - yes.
 plugin level  - yes.
 On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 11:34 AM, Li, Jonathan
  Does preference can be set on per platform and plugin level?
  On 4/14/14 2:27 PM, Shazron wrote:
  Will a preference /  tag not suffice?
  On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 11:23 AM, Li, Jonathan
   In the following sample plugin.xml and config.xml , the parameter
   enable-redirect can be configured by app developers when they
   plugin to cordova project. However, currently only ios-package
   onload parameters are parsed and stored by config.xml's settings
   other parameters (like enable-redirect) are ignored by the
   parser, so plugin developer has to parse the config.xml again by
   in order to get the other parameters' value.
   Just wonder it maybe a good idea to parse all parameters under
   element, and return it as a param dictionary, so as to make it
   use by developers within plugin's native code.
 platform name=ios
   config-file target=config.xml parent=/widget
   feature name=myplugin
   param name=ios-package value=myPlugin/
   param name=onload value=true/
   param name=enable-redirect value=$REDIRECT/
   source-file src=ios/libs/myPlugin.a framework=true/
   feature name=myplugin
   param name=ios-package value=myplugin /
   param name=onload value=true /
   param name=enable-redirect value=true /

Explicitly added plugin gets deleted as dependent of other plugin

2014-03-12 Thread Li, Jonathan
When testing with cordova 3.4.0-0.1.3, if a plugin A is a dependent of plugin 
B, then running the following command will automatically delete plugin B from 
the project

cordova plugin add PluginB
cordova plugin add pluginA
cordova plugin rm pluginB

As pluginA is explicitly added into the project, unless it is explicated 
removed from project by using cordova plugin rm pluginA command, then it 
should not be deleted from the project when deleting pluginB.

The test is done on iOS platform.

Please let me know if this is a known issue, or whether I need to submit a bug 
for it


Re: Explicitly added plugin gets deleted as dependent of other plugin

2014-03-12 Thread Li, Jonathan

On 3/12/14 12:58 PM, Shazron wrote:

Just tested it with File and File-Transfer - looks like a bug. Please file
it, thanks!

On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 7:46 AM, Li, Jonathan wrote:

 When testing with cordova 3.4.0-0.1.3, if a plugin A is a dependent of
 plugin B, then running the following command will automatically delete
 plugin B from the project

 cordova plugin add PluginB
 cordova plugin add pluginA
 cordova plugin rm pluginB

 As pluginA is explicitly added into the project, unless it is explicated
 removed from project by using cordova plugin rm pluginA command, then
 should not be deleted from the project when deleting pluginB.

 The test is done on iOS platform.

 Please let me know if this is a known issue, or whether I need to
submit a
 bug for it


Re: Explicitly added plugin gets deleted as dependent of other plugin

2014-03-12 Thread Li, Jonathan

Only the parent pluginB (not the dependent pluginA) is removed.
However, the dependent plugin (PluginA) also gets removed along with
pluginB, even if pluginA has been explicitly added into the project.


On 3/12/14 1:41 PM, Michal Mocny wrote:

If its dependant is removed, it will stop working anyway -- so why is it a
bug to remove it?

I think we should warn when this happens (if it happens silently, thats
experience), or better yet prompt for input to confirm removal, but I'm
sure what it would mean to just leave pluginA installed when its dependant
is removed, regardless of if each plugin was explicitly installed.


On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 12:58 PM, Shazron wrote:

 Just tested it with File and File-Transfer - looks like a bug. Please
 it, thanks!

 On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 7:46 AM, Li, Jonathan

  When testing with cordova 3.4.0-0.1.3, if a plugin A is a dependent of
  plugin B, then running the following command will automatically delete
  plugin B from the project
  cordova plugin add PluginB
  cordova plugin add pluginA
  cordova plugin rm pluginB
  As pluginA is explicitly added into the project, unless it is
  removed from project by using cordova plugin rm pluginA command,
  should not be deleted from the project when deleting pluginB.
  The test is done on iOS platform.
  Please let me know if this is a known issue, or whether I need to
  bug for it

RE: Opinions Needed: Platform specific features and mobilespec tests

2013-06-21 Thread Li, Jonathan
Probably call the test failure for the unimplemented feature as Unimplemented 
Failure, and show in jasmine using a different color. Those failure are like a 
warning, and means the feature is expected to be supported by the platform, but 
is just not yet implemented. 

Expected failure is little confusing, as if when expected failure happens, 
it means a success test case.


-Original Message-
From: Ian Clelland [] 
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2013 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: Opinions Needed: Platform specific features and mobilespec tests

For tests like this, I'd like to see something in Jasmine that is akin to
the Expected Failure result in JUinit / python unittest.

It means that we still run all of the tests, but a failure on a device that
doesn't support the feature doesn't cause the whole test suite to turn red.

On the other hand, if a test which is expected to fail actually succeeds,
that is reported as unexpected success in the test output. We can then go
and look at what has changed -- either the test is broken, or the issue was
actually resolved.

I don't think it's available as an idiom in Jasmine, but it's just
JavaScript; it shouldn't be too hard to implement.


 On 13-06-20 9:06 AM, Andrew Grieve wrote:

  Definitely torn on this one. On one hand, if there are features
  on some platforms that should be implemented on others than having them
  fail is a constant reminder that your platform needs to implement the
  missing functionality. OTOH, things like camera clean-up are meant to be
  platform specific, so it's nothing but an annoyance if that fails on
  So, I think my take on it is:
  1. Have them shared and failing if the API should eventually be
  on all platforms
  2. Wrap tests in if ( == 'ios') {} if they are meant to
  work on one platform.
  On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 8:44 AM, Lisa Seacat DeLuca
  One issue I ran with respects to the mobile spec is some tests are only
  applicable to certain device types.  We have a couple options when it
  comes to those types of tests:
  1. Not include them in the automated tests
  2. Include them knowing that they *might* cause failures with certain
  device types (see example)
  3. Add javascript logic to check for device type before performing the
  4. OR we could create platform specific automated tests that should be
  in addition to the base automated test per device. ex. automatedAndroid,
  automatedIOS, etc.
  An example is:
  camera.cleanup is only supported on iOS.
  I added a test case to verify that the function existed.  But it doesn't
  actually run camera.cleanup so there are no failure on other platforms.
  really there shouldn't be any harm in keeping the test.
  What are everyone's opinions on a good approach to handle this type of
  Lisa Seacat DeLuca

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inAppBrowser API issue

2013-05-28 Thread Li, Jonathan
Not sure whether this is a right place for this issue, but the javascript
interface for InAppBrowser does not make much sense. The below code is
from cordova document:

var ref ='', '_blank', 'location=yes');
ref.addEventListener('loadstart', function() { alert(event.url); });

The event handler is added after the open method is returned, so it is
possible the event gets fired before developer has a chance to add the
event handler for the open operation. Although it is async operation, it
is still a good design, and may cause timing or other issues depending on
native side implementation.

Just wonder whether this is a known issue, or could it be changed to a
better interface design?


RE: inAppBrowser API issue

2013-05-28 Thread Li, Jonathan
It is a little bit different from defined by w3c. As, 
the onload, onerror events can be embedded in the html page, they will be 
automatically attached to DOM when parsing the page, there is no need to add 
the event handler by separate calls, so no event will be missed.

 In fact, if calling the similar code shown below on a regular page, the onload 
method will not be called.

var ref ='');
ref.addEventListener('loadstart', function() { alert(event.url); });

The design should not heavily depend on the current browser's javascript thread 
implementation. Besides it is not safe to always assume the event will only be 
fired asynchronously from native code. For example, if invalid parameters are 
passed to open method, the validator may need to call onError to report the 
error, it will not work if onError event handler cannot be added before the 


 -Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of Braden 
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 11:10 AM
Subject: Re: inAppBrowser API issue

If the event really did fire before the event listener was added, the
Javascript engine is broken. When the event is triggered (which may happen
in another browser thread or something) it will be added to the event queue
in the Javascript engine. That event will not be processed until the
currently executing Javascript chunk is done - the next time the Javascript
cedes control (setTimeout, returning from all functions, etc.). That won't
happen until after the event handler is attached in the second line.

We didn't design this API, it's the same API is is used
elsewhere. Cordova tends to use existing W3C specs where appropriate.


On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 10:47 AM, Li, Jonathan wrote:

 Not sure whether this is a right place for this issue, but the javascript
 interface for InAppBrowser does not make much sense. The below code is
 from cordova document:

 var ref ='', '_blank', 'location=yes');
 ref.addEventListener('loadstart', function() { alert(event.url); });

 The event handler is added after the open method is returned, so it is
 possible the event gets fired before developer has a chance to add the
 event handler for the open operation. Although it is async operation, it
 is still a good design, and may cause timing or other issues depending on
 native side implementation.

 Just wonder whether this is a known issue, or could it be changed to a
 better interface design?
