Re: [RT] Accepting and managing Skin Packages

2005-06-02 Thread Thorsten Scherler
On Thu, 2005-06-02 at 15:49 +1000, David Crossley wrote:
 Ross Gardler wrote:
  1. Forrest accepts the skin and keeps it in SVN
  I am -0 on this. We need to would then be forced to maintain the skin 
  and ensure that it is correct in the sense of everything is done the 
  right way. I would prefer we only maintain the one skin in our core and 
  utilise the skin packaging system in order to add more skins.
 Actually there is another option that comes before
 all of these. We enhance Pelt skin to be able to address
 these needs, hopefully with patches from the community.
 We have tried to encourage this option, but few people
 are interested.
 I think it is the best option (apart from the views plugin).
 We work as a community to develop one really good skin that
 can address most needs and enables people to configure it.

IMO the only thing that we can and should accept is the CSS of Claudia.
Skins (old fashion - the ones we have right now) are horror for
maintainment (and there are only few that really maintain them). More so
if they change common skin stylesheets.

Per definition the result of a skin is a html skeleton that contains css
markup and features. Features of skins are contracts. A skin provider
can decide which contracts to offer (Claudia stated that they riped
parts out of the skin). Now using this beautiful skin of her would mean
we have to add this parts again and create a new old fashion skin.
That leads to an endless circle of work on old fashion skins.

IMO we should focus to implement views and not adding more (endless)
work with old fashion skins. In views Claudia would provide a
default.fv, the default.css and a couple of new contracts (if needed,
which can either override the common ones by providing new
implementations of them or providing new contracts), which all are
easily maintainable. I am -1 for dedicating any energy on old fashion
skins that are in my eyes a dead end. 

It makes more sense to finish views and address the skin package
facility for views.

  4. The skin author donates the skin to an external Open Source project 
  and uses that projects CVS/SVN etc.
  This is kind of a half way house between option 2 and option 3. In the 
  past we tried to set-up a Sourceforge project for this, but it was 
  rejected as the project would not generate program code. I will offer 
  the Burrokeet project on SF since this uses Forrest at its core so the 
  housing of Forrest skins is appropriate within that project. I do not 
  have any problems adding skin contributors to that project to ensure 
  they have commit access. Of course, there may be other projects that are 
  Whatever we do, we should encourage the use of skin packages and we 
  should extend the system to list official skins in the same way the 
  plugin system does, see
  Comments, ideas?
 I am very concerned that we told Thorsten that we had no time
 to review the views plugin proposal, which i gather will
 address many skin needs, yet we are finding time to revisit
 the skins situation.

Yeah, you hit the nail on the head. 

IMO we should *not* encourage the use of skin packages but rather the
development and usage of views. I started views firstly only to address
skin needs. That means we are splitting our resources apart where we
should bundle them by talking about and encouraging the outdated old
fashion skins. 

...and sure you only can encourage something that you have reviewed.

Just my 2 cents.

Together we stand, divided we fall! 
Hey you (Pink Floyd)

Re: [RT] Accepting and managing Skin Packages

2005-06-02 Thread Thorsten Scherler
On Thu, 2005-06-02 at 10:08 +0100, Ross Gardler wrote:
 I should have made the subject attracting skins/views developers 
 through skin-packages
 Thorsten, does this make any sense or am I going down a dead end here?

IMO part 1 no, part 2 yes. 

View development is different from skin development this is why I think
we will hardly attract new view devs through skin-packages. We only will
have more work but hardly any benefit out of it. That is my *personal*


Together we stand, divided we fall! 
Hey you (Pink Floyd)

Re: [RT] Accepting and managing Skin Packages

2005-06-02 Thread Ferdinand Soethe

Thorsten Scherler wrote:

 IMO the only thing that we can and should accept is the CSS of Claudia.
 Skins (old fashion - the ones we have right now) are horror for
 maintainment (and there are only few that really maintain them). More so
 if they change common skin stylesheets.

I'd like to talk about 'making available' rather than 'accept' here to
make it clear that Forrest Project is not responsible or has to
maintain these skins.

But having said that, I suggest that we leave that decision up to the
people wanting to look at and use that skin? If at some point they
find that this skin does not follow Forrest's improvements anymore,
they can still opt out of using it.

 Per definition the result of a skin is a html skeleton that contains css
 markup and features. Features of skins are contracts. A skin provider
 can decide which contracts to offer (Claudia stated that they riped
 parts out of the skin). Now using this beautiful skin of her would mean
 we have to add this parts again and create a new old fashion skin.
 That leads to an endless circle of work on old fashion skins.

I don't see why we have to do any of that. Just add a short
disclaimer the way Claudia did and let people make up their own mind
about it.

 IMO we should focus to implement views and not adding more (endless)
 work with old fashion skins. In views Claudia would provide a
 default.fv, the default.css and a couple of new contracts (if needed,
 which can either override the common ones by providing new
 implementations of them or providing new contracts), which all are
 easily maintainable. I am -1 for dedicating any energy on old fashion
 skins that are in my eyes a dead end. 

Great! If that is so, then Claudia and other people wanting to use
that skin will probably go for it as soon as views is stable and

Pls. try to look at it from a users point of view. People who want/need
a nice design now cannot not use views (alpha) at such an early stage
for a production site.

And if they work on tweaking pelt to look that way it will probably
take a lot more time than using or improving Claudia's skin.

So can we please not stand in the way of these people?

Ferdinand Soethe

Re: documentation additions and issue tracking (Was: App vs Data) [moved from user list]

2005-06-02 Thread Ross Gardler

David Crossley wrote:

Ferdinand Soethe wrote:

David Crossley wrote:

If you tell the list what your general aim is then
we can see what any legal issues might be. We can also
seek help from the Apache legal-discuss mailing list.

It is actually quite simple to describe:

I want to donate the concept for the English language version of our
book to Apache while keeping all the rights for the German version to
avoid any conflicts or problems with my publishers.

The (potential) problem is that in the publishing world you can
license the right to publish different language versions separately
(e.g. to different publishers) but I'm not sure if that works with the
Apache license.

I am not going to attempt to interpret the Contributor License
Agreement (CLA) for this case, as i still don't know the facts
nor what it is that you would actually be contributing.
Also IANAL so it would be misleading for me to say anything.

I suggest that the best way forward is for you and Ross to
present a clear case to the ASF Legal Discussion mailing list.

Actually, in my opinion there is no conflict or discussion. Certainly I 
do not consider that there is any financial value in my small 
contribution to this concept that Ferdinand is trying to assign the 
rights to. I am thoroughly confused by the discussion and can only 
assume that it is a potential issue with the German publishers.

What Ferdinand is proposing to donate to Forrest is just the outline of 
a book. About half of this book is of no interest to a documentation 
effort within Forrest and I doubt we, as a community would develop those 
chapters, we would rip them out as not relevant (e.g. history of 
WYSIWYG, why WYSIWYG is no good for many jobs, alternatives to WYSIWYG, 
XML basics, XSLT basics that kind of thing).

If we strip out all these chapters what is left is an outline for a few 
chapters documenting how to work with Forrest. I stress *outline* there 
is nothing, in my opinion, of any intellectual value in this document, 
only a structure for a set of documentation files for Forrest. In other 
words, something that, if we were to look back through our archives, 
would have existed *before* the chapter outlines were written.

In my opinion what should happen is that the relevant chapter outline 
should be ripped out of the proposal and put into SVN as XHTML documents 
that we can point to via an URL to SVN. With our recent influx of offers 
for help on beginner documentation this would provide a starting 
framework for work to begin.

However, Ferdinand, I am not a lawyer, if you are concerned about your 
German publishers response to this then you should discuss it with them. 
Once you have a clear response from them then ask the relevant questions 
in the ASF Legal Discussion mailing list as David suggests.


Re: How to avoid hard-coding site-visible message strings in skin files

2005-06-02 Thread Ross Gardler

Pedro I. Sanchez wrote:


A few days ago I added issue FOR-506 on this topic. This is my original

  Text strings like Copyright, Published, and Search are
   hardcoded into skin files like site2xhtml.xsl. When creating web
   sites in languages other than English the web developer is forced
   to create local versions of these skin files with the appropriated

   Instead, the DTD for the skinconf.xml should be improved to allow
   these translations to be specified in this file. This would make
   Forrest much easier to use.

Ross suggested the following as an example of a possible solution:

i18n lang=en
  token name=lastPublished value=Last Published/
  token name=copyright value=Copyright/
i18n lang=??
  token name=lastPublished value=???/
  token name=copyright value=???/

This would work for me as long as I can also specify the language
manually with something like

i18n lan=en /

I'm not sure how the existing i18n thing works, but there is a way to 
specify what language you want the menus in, so I guess you would use 
the same mechanism.

And this, because at this moment I am more interested in a uni-lingual
(non-English) web site rather than in a multi-lingual one. I believe
the former is by far the most common case.

Another possibility could be something like this, totally independent
of a lang setting and just driven by the skin:

skinlabels name=pelt
  keyword name=lastPublished value=???/
  keyword name=copyright value=???/

I don't see the value in this. I would imagine that regardless of what 
skin you are using you would want the same values to appear in the 
output site.

One thing we must be sure of is that any solution implemented now can be 
integrated into Thorstens work on views. In fact, it would be better to 
see these changes go directly into views.

Thorsten, what would the equivalent to the above be in views?


Re: [RT] Accepting and managing Skin Packages

2005-06-02 Thread Ross Gardler

Thorsten Scherler wrote:

On Thu, 2005-06-02 at 10:08 +0100, Ross Gardler wrote:

I should have made the subject attracting skins/views developers 
through skin-packages

Thorsten, does this make any sense or am I going down a dead end here?

IMO part 1 no, part 2 yes. 

View development is different from skin development this is why I think
we will hardly attract new view devs through skin-packages. We only will
have more work but hardly any benefit out of it. That is my *personal*

OK. I'll cease and dissist your *personal* opinion is all that counts 
on views right now since we don't know them well enough yet.


Re: [RT] Accepting and managing Skin Packages (was Re: Forrest Example Sites)

2005-06-02 Thread Ferdinand Soethe

Note: Perhaps I also have a slightly different view on this in the sense
  that I'm not aiming at building and maintaining a collection of
  skins but would rather like to have a quick and easy way to see
  and learn about other people's skins.

  And although I'm not opposed to working with them on improving
  their skin, I'd like to make that first step very easy.

  My comments below reflect this intention.

Ross Gardler wrote:

 I think Forrest should accept your skin package in one form or another,


I'd like to ask Claudia to upload her skin into the issue tracker
(or make it available on their website) so that interested people can

- look at it
- understand it
- work with her to improve it
- use it for their own projects

While this is happening there is plenty of time to deal with any
concerns and work out the general solution.

 1. Forrest accepts the skin and keeps it in SVN

I agree for all the reasons you mentioned.

 2. We make all non-core skins available via a skins sub project within

0 Because I don't think that the benefits will balance
  the administrative overhead involved. And - see below - I think
  we should minimize the effort required by anyone wanting to donate
  their skins.
 3. The skin author makes it available via a ZIP download using the
 skin-package system

I don't think that this is such a bad solution

- it is easy for the donator (they don't have to learn about our
  versioning systems or get a committer account) which might encourage
  more people to make their skin designs available to others.
- the donator maintains full control over changes and releases. If
  people don't like that, they can always create a skin of their own
  from the downloaded package.

- it is very clear that Forrest is not maintaining that package.

 I am +0 for this. I would prefer to see a solution that makes the skin
 available through a version control mechanism to simplify patches. If
 only a skin-package zip is provided it will make it difficult for people
 to contribute to the skin.

I can see your concern. On the other hand I think that it would make
people work more closely with the donator of the skin because they
would be the ones who have to understand and implement changes. (Which
does not mean that these discussion have to or should happen

 4. The skin author donates the skin to an external Open Source project
 and uses that projects CVS/SVN etc.


This I think would make the issue far too complicated and will
discourage people from donating skins for sure.

 Whatever we do, we should encourage the use of skin packages and we 

Or at least encourage people to make them available to learn from

David wrote:

 Concentrate our energy on developing one very useful skin.

True. This is the impression I had from the recent discussions on

 Actually there is another option that comes before
 all of these. We enhance Pelt skin to be able to address
 these needs, hopefully with patches from the community.

I'm all with you on this in principle. Though when I think about
details, three more considerations come to my mind:

- trying to adapt pelt to address all needs might make use and
  maintenance a very complex issue (if we are not talking about moving
  or hiding certain elements). We might reach a point where different
  simple skins might be easier to maintain (also because it can be
  done by people on an entry level understanding).

- Skins like Claudia's will likely be maintained as long as her
  company uses Forrest. So spending a lot of resources on integrating
  these functionalities with pelt might be nice from an architectural
  point of view, as far as resources are concerned it might not make so
  much sense since the resources saved on maintaining their skin will probably
  not go towards Forrest.

  So I'd rather accept a donation of a well done and well maintained skin.

- Even if Pelt integrates all functionalities, there is still the
  issue of styling. If styling is completely configurable we'd
  need a new repository of styles because a lot of work goes into
  making the skin look good with colors, fonts, sizes etc.

  And not all styles fit all purposes.
 We have tried to encourage this option, but few people
 are interested.

  or able! For my skin design is still something I hesitate to tackle.
  Discussing other peoples solutions on list might help me and others
  learn more about it ...

 I think it is the best option (apart from the views plugin).
 We work as a community to develop one really good skin that
 can address most needs and enables people to configure it.


Until 'views' is available it would really help to make other peoples
skins available. As doing so would open Forrest to a whole lot of
people who do not have developer skills but might be able to convince
their management to fund development if they can demo a great looking
site like Claudia's.

It might not be the 

Re: documentation additions and issue tracking (Was: App vs Data) [moved from user list]

2005-06-02 Thread Ferdinand Soethe

Ross Gardler wrote:

 I am thoroughly confused by the discussion and can only
 assume that it is a potential issue with the German publishers.


 What Ferdinand is proposing to donate to Forrest is just the outline of
 a book. About half of this book is of no interest to a documentation
 effort within Forrest and I doubt we, as a community would develop those
 chapters, we would rip them out as not relevant (e.g. history of 
 WYSIWYG, why WYSIWYG is no good for many jobs, alternatives to WYSIWYG,
 XML basics, XSLT basics that kind of thing).

 If we strip out all these chapters what is left is an outline for a few
 chapters documenting how to work with Forrest. I stress *outline* there
 is nothing, in my opinion, of any intellectual value in this document,
 only a structure for a set of documentation files for Forrest. In other
 words, something that, if we were to look back through our archives,
 would have existed *before* the chapter outlines were written.

So it might be easiest to just take a fresh start and
assemble the outline from scratch rather than spending more time on
this discussion or research.

 In my opinion what should happen is that the relevant chapter outline
 should be ripped out of the proposal and put into SVN as XHTML documents 
 that we can point to via an URL to SVN. With our recent influx of offers 
 for help on beginner documentation this would provide a starting 
 framework for work to begin.

Fine by me.

My second proposal was to take that finished outline and create
menuitems on the Forrest Website for it (under a new Manual tab).

which means add something like this to site

forrestmanual href= tab=Forrest Manual
  installForrest href=/
  compileForrest href=/
  ForrestPlugins href=
PluginConcept href=
InputPlugins href=

The hrefs would be pointing to either

- finished pages or - pages that have just the abstract of that
  chapter (written during outline-design) and explain that this chapter
  still needs someone to write it and instructions on how to do that.

The goal is to give potential contributors some guidance on what is
missing what that chapter is all about and how their contribution
would fit into the finished manual.
Ferdinand Soethe

Re: does checksums-uri in cli.conf work?

2005-06-02 Thread Ferdinand Soethe

Ross Gardler wrote:

 Probably faster to try turning it on than for someone to type a reply (I
 don't know the answer by the way).

My question was more about hidden side effects that I wouldn't find
through trial and error. But since nobody seems to know I'll just try.

Ferdinand Soethe

Re: Lenya and forrest integration

2005-06-02 Thread Ross Gardler

Andreas Hartmann wrote:

Ross Gardler wrote:

Gregor J. Rothfuss wrote:

Thorsten Scherler wrote:


What do both projects think which one should become the main app (lenya
or forrest)?

that's a funny question :)

afaik forrest has no workflow, user management etc, so if you need 
those, the answer would be pretty clear.

I think the question is should  Lenya become a Forrest plugin or 
vice-versa. This is an important question because whichever is the 
main app would have the ability to override functionality of the other.

For my case I chose for the CMS to run separately from the publication 
engine (Forrest) and only integrate at the publication level. This 
makes the CMS a plugin for Forrest.  The advantage of this way around 
is that it allows multiple CMS systems to provide content for multiple 
Forrest based sites.

On the other hand, if Forrest is embedded into Lenya as a presentation 
engine I suspect you would only be able to use a single instance of 
Lenya as a source for content. Whether this is a disadvantage or not 
depends on the use case, for my own it is a problem.

If you need WYSIWYG browsing and editing in Lenya, I guess you'll have
to use Forrest (or parts of it) as a presentation engine. Actually it was
a design goal of Lenya to support (virtually) arbitrary Cocoon-based sites
as presentation engines, but of course this by far not possible.

My first idea would be to create a Forrest publication template [1]
which would support at least a subset of Forrest's rendering possibilities
and allow to add and edit documents (document-vXX, faq-vXX etc.).

The question is how to get Forrest to work as a Lenya publication,
not as a webapp on its own. Yesterday I did some experiments, but ran
into problems because the file system paths are not compatible. I'll
do some more investigation when I find the time.

I believe you are going about this the wrong way. Why tie Forrest into 
Lenya or vice-versa? You will make maintenance difficult since your will 
have to keep the integration in synch on both sides.

What do I suggest incited? Well, your second proposal actually:

Another way would be a publication template with a custom rendering
engine able to present Forrest documents in a basic, stripped-down
way, together with a simple navigation tree. That would probably be
sufficient to maintain a documentation website.
The drawback would be that you don't have WYSIWYG and miss some
features, the advantage is the low implementation entry barrier.

Have Forrest request an unskinned version of the document to be 
published from Lenya, and only use Forrest as a *publication* engine, do 
not try and integrate it into the editing infrastructure. Stick with 
what you have from the editing perspective. It is possible to embed 
editors into Forrest pages, but why bother? The editor does not want to 
see the end result, they want the cleanest simplest editing environment. 
This environment should be optimised for their needs. Lenya does a great 
job of this already.

How do you get from a page in Forrest to the edit screen in Lenya. Do it 
the simple way, provide an edit link on the page that takes you back to 
the Lenya editing environment.

The advantages of doing things this way is that you can publish content 
from multiple, distributed Lenya repositories as well as from multiple 
other types of repositories, Daisy integration is underway and we may 
have someone working on Slide integration soon.

The way to achieve this is through locationmaps. See for an 
outline of how this works.

With respect to the disadvantages you highlight. You don't have WYSIWYG 
but you do get WYSIWYM (M = mean), which in my opinion is far more 
important. Your other disadvantage is you miss some features. what are 
they, if they are common CMS features then we should find a way of 
getting them into a common repository plugin.



-- Andreas

Students: work on Apache Forrest and earn US$4500

2005-06-02 Thread Ross Gardler

The Apache Software Foundation is a proud partner of Google Summer of
Code initiative (

The Summer of Code is a program designed to introduce students to the
world of Open Source Software Development and provide them with
a $4500 award for completing an Open Source project before the end of

The Apache Forrest project currently has one project proposal as part of 
the Summer of Code, more may be added later. For details see

The deadline for application is June 14th so if you are interested you 
need act quickly. Competition is very high for these projects, but then 
so are the rewards.

The Apache Forrest Team

Re: documentation additions and issue tracking (Was: App vs Data) [moved from user list]

2005-06-02 Thread Ross Gardler

Ferdinand Soethe wrote:

Ross Gardler wrote:


In my opinion what should happen is that the relevant chapter outline
should be ripped out of the proposal and put into SVN as XHTML documents 
that we can point to via an URL to SVN. With our recent influx of offers 
for help on beginner documentation this would provide a starting 
framework for work to begin.

Fine by me.

My second proposal was to take that finished outline and create
menuitems on the Forrest Website for it (under a new Manual tab).


- finished pages or - pages that have just the abstract of that
  chapter (written during outline-design) and explain that this chapter
  still needs someone to write it and instructions on how to do that.

This is a good idea, but I recommend we wait on this second proposal 
until we have the 0.8 docs in place. This will happen immediately after 
the 0.7 release. I propose this because there will be very little 
content, and therefore very little value for the 0.7 release.

The goal is to give potential contributors some guidance on what is
missing what that chapter is all about and how their contribution
would fit into the finished manual.

We can do that in the meantime by pointing them to the viewSVN page 
(that's why I propose using XHTML since they will see a rendered page 


Re: documentation additions and issue tracking (Was: App vs Data) [moved from user list]

2005-06-02 Thread Ferdinand Soethe

Ross Gardler wrote:

 This is a good idea, but I recommend we wait on this second proposal
 until we have the 0.8 docs in place. This will happen immediately after
 the 0.7 release. I propose this because there will be very little 
 content, and therefore very little value for the 0.7 release.

Sure. I don't think we'll have a finished outline until then anyway.

Ferdinand Soethe

Summer of Code proposals

2005-06-02 Thread Ross Gardler
As all committers will now know Apache is a mentoring organisation in 
Googles Summer of Code initiative.

I have already submitted (and received interest in) a proposal to build 
voice plugins for Forrest. However, there is plenty of scope for other 

The idea is that the student be mentored by a committer on the project. 
The mentor is supposed to help the student learn the ways of Open Source 
development and to ensure there is someone to guide them in the 
development process. However, they are not on their own, all design 
discussion is to be held in the normal community way, so the student 
should gain the support of the community as a whole. As I see it, the 
mentor is someone who guarantees to read and respond to the students 
communications, whilst other committers play their normal role of only 
piping up if they have an interest.

I am willing to consider being a co-mentor on any projects submitted by 
the Apache Forrest project. So if anyone has any ideas and priorities - 
views perhaps. I have the time to spend on key projects within Forrest, 
so if there is anyone with not quite enough time to commit to being a 
mentor I will assist (I stress assist, I do not want to be lumbered with 
full mentorship, I already have one project and one co-mentored project).

The first stage is to attract students to the project by adding a brief 
outline to

The second stage is to work with any interested students to create a 
full project proposal.

Note competition is high for the Google sponsored projects, but the 
output of making a submission is a clear project proposal which will be 
a useful design document for Forrest.


Re: [JIRA] Created: (FOR-505) Allow the retrieval of raw html files

2005-06-02 Thread Ross Gardler

Ferdinand Soethe wrote:

Ross Gardler wrote:

Anyway, +1 for implementing it instead of  the skinHTMLSources=true

Pardon my ignorance but is this

A third possibility that is a marrying of the two is elements in
site.xml to make it much more like the Ant fileset idea, like this:

!-- everything in old_site directory --
rawContent dir=/old_site/**/

!-- everything in 0.6_docs, except the forums --
rawContent dir=/0.6_docs/**
  exclude name=forums/**/

!-- everything in 0.6_docs, except all files in forums except the 

index.html file --

rawContent dir=/0.6_docs/**
  exclude name=forums/**/
  exclude name=forums/**/index.html/

This leaves site.xml easily readable, allows such content to be provided 
in an external file if there is no way of generating it from another 
type of site descriptor file and allows us to describe pages not linked 
to in site.xml.

what we are going to implement now?

Yes, if the concept can be brought to a working design. Of course that 
is the hard part.

And if so, what would it look like if I had raw content in more than
one branch? For example could I have

rawContent dir=/old_site_1/**/

rawContent dir=/old_site_2/**/

Just add an element for each of the matches that represent raw content, 
each with its own include and exclude patterns.

And would I still have an additional separate entry in the sitemap to
have /old_site_1/index.htm on the menu or would this have to be
within the rawContent element.

Do you mean would I still have an additional separate entry in the 

If so, yes, there would be no need to change any other functionlaity in 

What would happen is that when we receive a request for /old_site_1/**
the sitemap would first look in the config to see if it is raw content. 
If it is it would read the content and serve it. If it isn't processing 
would proceed as normal.

When I find the time I'll write up a proposal about how to implement this.


Re: [RT] Accepting and managing Skin Packages (was Re: Forrest Example Sites)

2005-06-02 Thread Torsten Stolpmann


I drop in for Claudia here, since I did most of the skin modification 
stuff for the website myself. But yes, Claudia is reading this as well.

First of all: The modification of common skin elements is definitly 
reversable as already pointed out by several people here. It was done 
the way it is to have a smaller patchset, were changes are more obvious 
to spot in our CVS diffs (For the inquiring mind: We changed the default 
cellspacing for 'ForrestTable' and added images to the tab-menu items).

Secondly: IMHO this is not a new skin but more of a showcase what can be 
achieved by modifying an existing skin like in this case, pelt. Pelt (as 
of 0.6) doesn't gave enough configuration leeway to reach the visual 
effects we wanted to, so we practically branched from there and molded 
it to our needs.

As Claudia already pointed out, most work done on pelt was rather 
destructive (disabling/removing features we didn't need/like/got in the 
way) than constructive.

So in conclusion: I don't see our work as a new 'skin'. It is too narrow 
and specialised for that to be in it's current state. Then again it 
might serve as a showcase on *what* visuals can be achieved and 
especially *how* they may be achieved.



Ferdinand Soethe wrote:

Note: Perhaps I also have a slightly different view on this in the sense
  that I'm not aiming at building and maintaining a collection of
  skins but would rather like to have a quick and easy way to see
  and learn about other people's skins.

  And although I'm not opposed to working with them on improving
  their skin, I'd like to make that first step very easy.

  My comments below reflect this intention.

Ross Gardler wrote:

I think Forrest should accept your skin package in one form or another,


I'd like to ask Claudia to upload her skin into the issue tracker
(or make it available on their website) so that interested people can

- look at it
- understand it
- work with her to improve it
- use it for their own projects

While this is happening there is plenty of time to deal with any
concerns and work out the general solution.

1. Forrest accepts the skin and keeps it in SVN

I agree for all the reasons you mentioned.

2. We make all non-core skins available via a skins sub project within

0 Because I don't think that the benefits will balance
  the administrative overhead involved. And - see below - I think
  we should minimize the effort required by anyone wanting to donate
  their skins.

3. The skin author makes it available via a ZIP download using the
skin-package system

I don't think that this is such a bad solution

- it is easy for the donator (they don't have to learn about our
  versioning systems or get a committer account) which might encourage
  more people to make their skin designs available to others.
- the donator maintains full control over changes and releases. If

  people don't like that, they can always create a skin of their own
  from the downloaded package.

- it is very clear that Forrest is not maintaining that package.

I am +0 for this. I would prefer to see a solution that makes the skin
available through a version control mechanism to simplify patches. If
only a skin-package zip is provided it will make it difficult for people
to contribute to the skin.

I can see your concern. On the other hand I think that it would make
people work more closely with the donator of the skin because they
would be the ones who have to understand and implement changes. (Which
does not mean that these discussion have to or should happen

4. The skin author donates the skin to an external Open Source project
and uses that projects CVS/SVN etc.


This I think would make the issue far too complicated and will
discourage people from donating skins for sure.

Whatever we do, we should encourage the use of skin packages and we 

Or at least encourage people to make them available to learn from

David wrote:

Concentrate our energy on developing one very useful skin.

True. This is the impression I had from the recent discussions on

Actually there is another option that comes before
all of these. We enhance Pelt skin to be able to address
these needs, hopefully with patches from the community.

I'm all with you on this in principle. Though when I think about
details, three more considerations come to my mind:

- trying to adapt pelt to address all needs might make use and
  maintenance a very complex issue (if we are not talking about moving
  or hiding certain elements). We might reach a point where different
  simple skins might be easier to maintain (also because it can be
  done by people on an entry level understanding).

- Skins like Claudia's will likely be maintained as long as her
  company uses Forrest. So spending a lot of resources on integrating
  these functionalities with pelt might be nice from an architectural

Re: [JIRA] Created: (FOR-505) Allow the retrieval of raw html files

2005-06-02 Thread Ferdinand Soethe

Ross Gardler wrote:

 And would I still have an additional separate entry in the sitemap to
 have /old_site_1/index.htm on the menu or would this have to be
 within the rawContent element.

 Do you mean would I still have an additional separate entry in the 

Sorry, I was writing bullshit. Of course I meant

 And would I still have an additional separate entry in the site.xml to

 have /old_site_1/index.htm on the menu or would this have to be
 within the rawContent element.

But your reply has already made this clear this: I do need to
reference a file to show it one a menu since rawcontent will only
provide the processing hints.


Ferdinand Soethe

Re: [JIRA] Created: (FOR-505) Allow the retrieval of raw html files

2005-06-02 Thread Ross Gardler

Ferdinand Soethe wrote:

Ross Gardler wrote:

And would I still have an additional separate entry in the sitemap to
have /old_site_1/index.htm on the menu or would this have to be
within the rawContent element.

Do you mean would I still have an additional separate entry in the 

Sorry, I was writing bullshit. Of course I meant

LOL - so was I, at least we understood what we intended to say!


Re: Fussy feelings about 0.7

2005-06-02 Thread Ferdinand Soethe

David Crossley wrote:

 Thorsten Scherler wrote:
 Ross Gardler wrote:
  Thorsten Scherler wrote:
   Hello all,
   as more mails I read (mainly from Ross and David) as more I get a fussy
   feelings in my stomach about the 0.7. 
   Sure we want to get the 0.7 out the door but it seems there are some
   *big* bugs that need solutions. On the other hand this solutions will be
   changed again in 0.8. 
  Care to highlight them, I'm not aware of any, with the exception of the
  raw html issue, for which I already proposed, what I think is a suitable
 I had the raw html issue in mind but like you stated you already
 proposed a fix.

 That is certainly a problem. Ross' proposed solution sounds good.
 See discussion at:

 The issue is documented at
 It is not yet scheduled for fixing for 0.7 release.

   IMO we should think again about the release and how we want to do it.
  I think if there are any remaining issues you want to see fixed you
  should fix them ;-)
 I will try to help in the next days.
 Is there a to do list or do I use the bug tracker directly?
  We are not in a code freeze yet.

Ross wrote

 The handling of raw HTML content is going to change before the 0.7
 release as discussed in

and in another thread

 When I find the time I'll write up a proposal about how to implement this.

So I guess the outcome of the 'fuzzy' debate is that this issue is a
blocker and we will delay the 0.7 release once again?

If so, how much time do we have in case we decide to get rid of the

In any case I will stop working on the documentation issue until this
is solved.

Ferdinand Soethe

Re: Fussy feelings about 0.7

2005-06-02 Thread Ross Gardler

Ferdinand Soethe wrote:

So I guess the outcome of the 'fuzzy' debate is that this issue is a
blocker and we will delay the 0.7 release once again?

If so, how much time do we have in case we decide to get rid of the

We will *not* be getting rid of the xdocs folder in 0.7. This is a major 
change and will take too much time, unless you can show us otherwise.

The issue of raw HTML files is a blocker because it breaks backward 


[JIRA] Closed: (FOR-189) Ad charting capability to Forrest

2005-06-02 Thread issues

   The following issue has been closed.

   Resolver: Ross Gardler
   Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2005 8:47 AM

See the Chart output plugin
View the issue:

Here is an overview of the issue:
Key: FOR-189
Summary: Ad charting capability to Forrest
   Type: New Feature

 Status: Closed
   Priority: Major
 Resolution: FIXED

Project: Forrest
 Core operations

   Assignee: Ross Gardler
   Reporter: Nicola Ken Barozzi

Created: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 5:26 PM
Updated: Thu, 2 Jun 2005 8:47 AM

JCharts has an xml input format, so it should be easy to add this feature to 

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.

If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:

If you want more information on JIRA, or have a bug to report see:

Duplicate copyright date

2005-06-02 Thread Addi
I'm using 0.7 svn and when creating a new site I am getting a duplicate 
copyright date ( Copyright © 2005 2005 The Acme Software Foundation.) 
prior to making any edits to anything.  The year is only in the 
skinconf.xml file once so it looks like it is getting duplicated 
somewhere in processing.  Pedro mentioned this in his earlier thread on 
user, Some Feedback on Using Forrest 
(  He 
had made lots of mods so the issue got lost.

Am I missing something or should I open a bug on it?

- Addi

Re: How to avoid hard-coding site-visible message strings in skin files

2005-06-02 Thread Pedro I. Sanchez
On Thu, 2005-02-06 at 10:34 +0100, Ross Gardler wrote:
 Pedro I. Sanchez wrote:
  A few days ago I added issue FOR-506 on this topic. This is my original
Text strings like Copyright, Published, and Search are
 hardcoded into skin files like site2xhtml.xsl. When creating web
 sites in languages other than English the web developer is forced
 to create local versions of these skin files with the appropriated
 Instead, the DTD for the skinconf.xml should be improved to allow
 these translations to be specified in this file. This would make
 Forrest much easier to use.
  Ross suggested the following as an example of a possible solution:
  i18n lang=en
token name=lastPublished value=Last Published/
token name=copyright value=Copyright/
  i18n lang=??
token name=lastPublished value=???/
token name=copyright value=???/
  This would work for me as long as I can also specify the language
  manually with something like
  i18n lan=en /
 I'm not sure how the existing i18n thing works, but there is a way to 
 specify what language you want the menus in, so I guess you would use 
 the same mechanism.
  And this, because at this moment I am more interested in a uni-lingual
  (non-English) web site rather than in a multi-lingual one. I believe
  the former is by far the most common case.
  Another possibility could be something like this, totally independent
  of a lang setting and just driven by the skin:
  skinlabels name=pelt
keyword name=lastPublished value=???/
keyword name=copyright value=???/
 I don't see the value in this. I would imagine that regardless of what 
 skin you are using you would want the same values to appear in the 
 output site.
Skins will have different set of labels. copyright might be in all of
them but lastPublished probably not. Hence the need to differentiate
by skin name.
 One thing we must be sure of is that any solution implemented now can be 
 integrated into Thorstens work on views. In fact, it would be better to 
 see these changes go directly into views.
 Thorsten, what would the equivalent to the above be in views?

Re: How to avoid hard-coding site-visible message strings in skin files

2005-06-02 Thread Ross Gardler

Pedro I. Sanchez wrote:

On Thu, 2005-02-06 at 10:34 +0100, Ross Gardler wrote:


skinlabels name=pelt
 keyword name=lastPublished value=???/
 keyword name=copyright value=???/

I don't see the value in this. I would imagine that regardless of what 
skin you are using you would want the same values to appear in the 
output site.

Skins will have different set of labels. copyright might be in all of
them but lastPublished probably not. Hence the need to differentiate
by skin name.

True. But what is the advantage of doing it this way over the other 
proposal (define by language). I see a disadvantage, that is it requires 
lots of duplication if we want multiple languages, whereas splitting by 
language only results in the odd unused element for occasional skins/views.

Am I missing something about the use case here?


Re: Duplicate copyright date

2005-06-02 Thread Tim Williams
Looks like a bug in pelt.  When you don't have a copyright-link it
prints it out both explicitly before the choose and again inside the
otherwise.  A quick fix is to just comment out line 289.  I think
this should be an issue though.

On 6/2/05, Addi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm using 0.7 svn and when creating a new site I am getting a duplicate
 copyright date ( Copyright (c) 2005 2005 The Acme Software Foundation.)
 prior to making any edits to anything.  The year is only in the
 skinconf.xml file once so it looks like it is getting duplicated
 somewhere in processing.  Pedro mentioned this in his earlier thread on
 user, Some Feedback on Using Forrest
 (  He
 had made lots of mods so the issue got lost.
 Am I missing something or should I open a bug on it?
 - Addi

Re: Duplicate copyright date

2005-06-02 Thread Tim Williams
For the proper fix, I'm not sure what *should* happen if there is a
copyright-link. Right now the copyright year is not included when
copyright-link exists, should it?  Seems to make sense that the only
difference would be if copyright-link exists then vendor would be a
hyperlink instead of text?

On 6/2/05, Tim Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Looks like a bug in pelt.  When you don't have a copyright-link it
 prints it out both explicitly before the choose and again inside the
 otherwise.  A quick fix is to just comment out line 289.  I think
 this should be an issue though.
 On 6/2/05, Addi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm using 0.7 svn and when creating a new site I am getting a duplicate
  copyright date ( Copyright (c) 2005 2005 The Acme Software Foundation.)
  prior to making any edits to anything.  The year is only in the
  skinconf.xml file once so it looks like it is getting duplicated
  somewhere in processing.  Pedro mentioned this in his earlier thread on
  user, Some Feedback on Using Forrest
  (  He
  had made lots of mods so the issue got lost.
  Am I missing something or should I open a bug on it?
  - Addi

Re: How to avoid hard-coding site-visible message strings in skin files

2005-06-02 Thread Thorsten Scherler
On Thu, 2005-06-02 at 10:34 +0100, Ross Gardler wrote:
 Pedro I. Sanchez wrote:
  A few days ago I added issue FOR-506 on this topic. This is my original
Text strings like Copyright, Published, and Search are
 hardcoded into skin files like site2xhtml.xsl. When creating web
 sites in languages other than English the web developer is forced
 to create local versions of these skin files with the appropriated
 Instead, the DTD for the skinconf.xml should be improved to allow
 these translations to be specified in this file. This would make
 Forrest much easier to use.
  Ross suggested the following as an example of a possible solution:
  i18n lang=en
token name=lastPublished value=Last Published/
token name=copyright value=Copyright/
  i18n lang=??
token name=lastPublished value=???/
token name=copyright value=???/
  This would work for me as long as I can also specify the language
  manually with something like
  i18n lan=en /
 I'm not sure how the existing i18n thing works, but there is a way to 
 specify what language you want the menus in, so I guess you would use 
 the same mechanism.
  And this, because at this moment I am more interested in a uni-lingual
  (non-English) web site rather than in a multi-lingual one. I believe
  the former is by far the most common case.
  Another possibility could be something like this, totally independent
  of a lang setting and just driven by the skin:
  skinlabels name=pelt
keyword name=lastPublished value=???/
keyword name=copyright value=???/
 I don't see the value in this. I would imagine that regardless of what 
 skin you are using you would want the same values to appear in the 
 output site.
 One thing we must be sure of is that any solution implemented now can be 
 integrated into Thorstens work on views. In fact, it would be better to 
 see these changes go directly into views.
 Thorsten, what would the equivalent to the above be in views?

I started the work in view on it and it seems to work till the final
stage. :( ...but I guess it is a bug that I hope to find quite fast. ;-)
I tested with one contract and need to finish the rest.

Actually I did not do it like you or Pedro suggested but the cocoon
way with a simple i18n transformer in the contracts. That means we have
map:transformer name=xinclude
  map:transformer name=i18n
  catalogues default=contracts
catalogue id=other name=OtherMessages
catalogue id=contracts name=ContractsMessages
in the output.xmap of the viewHelper.xhmtl and nothing in the

IMO that would be as well the way to implement it for the old fashion
skins but I do not know how this affect the cli.


Together we stand, divided we fall! 
Hey you (Pink Floyd)

Re: How to avoid hard-coding site-visible message strings in skin files

2005-06-02 Thread Ross Gardler

Pedro I. Sanchez wrote:

On Thu, 2005-02-06 at 15:27 +0100, Ross Gardler wrote:

Pedro I. Sanchez wrote:

On Thu, 2005-02-06 at 10:34 +0100, Ross Gardler wrote:


skinlabels name=pelt
keyword name=lastPublished value=???/
keyword name=copyright value=???/

I don't see the value in this. I would imagine that regardless of what 
skin you are using you would want the same values to appear in the 
output site.

Skins will have different set of labels. copyright might be in all of
them but lastPublished probably not. Hence the need to differentiate
by skin name.

True. But what is the advantage of doing it this way over the other 
proposal (define by language). I see a disadvantage, that is it requires 
lots of duplication if we want multiple languages, whereas splitting by 
language only results in the odd unused element for occasional skins/views.

You say right, If we want multiple languages. But in the current
setting of supporting a single language, even if it is not English, then
the skin-based approach could make sense. And as I said before,
uni-lingual web sites are by far more common than multi-lingual ones.

But I have no problem with the i18n-based approach as long as I can
manually specify the target language. I'm just trying to avoid having to
rely on the i18n framework to get a solution going.

OK, I understand now.

I don't have the insight into the development effort that this implies
since I am new to Forrest. But certainly, if this would mean a
duplication of work then it is a bad suggestion.

No, I was thrown off by the fact that you were defining tokens for each 
 skin, this made me think that there would need to be a duplication of 
tokens for skins. In fact there would be no need for this, your solution 
is identical to mine in concept if we remove my i18n attribute 
(uni-lingual site) and your skin attribute. In this case, if a skin 
doesn't understand a token it simply ignores it, so no duplication.

However, consider Thorstens overlapping mail regarding the i18n 
transformer, could that do what you need with as little effort?

I had a cursory glance and felt it probably could. Don't be thrown off 
with the talk of multi-lingual sites, it looks like it will do the kind 
of token replacement we have talked about, but will also bring with it 
the further use case of full i18n. Better yet, it already implements 
most of the logic and work on language catalogues now would be reusable 
in views since that is how they will work.


Re: How to avoid hard-coding site-visible message strings in skin files

2005-06-02 Thread Ross Gardler

Pedro I. Sanchez wrote:

On Thu, 2005-02-06 at 19:04 +0200, Thorsten Scherler wrote:

Thorsten, what would the equivalent to the above be in views?

I started the work in view on it and it seems to work till the final
stage. :( ...but I guess it is a bug that I hope to find quite fast. ;-)
I tested with one contract and need to finish the rest.

Actually I did not do it like you or Pedro suggested but the cocoon
way with a simple i18n transformer in the contracts. That means we have
map:transformer name=xinclude

 map:transformer name=i18n
  catalogues default=contracts
catalogue id=other name=OtherMessages
catalogue id=contracts name=ContractsMessages
in the output.xmap of the viewHelper.xhmtl and nothing in the

IMO that would be as well the way to implement it for the old fashion
skins but I do not know how this affect the cli.


Yaick! What does this all mean for me the poor end user? How do I modify
the labels? :|

Hmmm... my mail in response to this has gone missing. There are some 
pretty good docs at


Re: Slide Integration

2005-06-02 Thread Ross Gardler

Tim Williams wrote:

On 6/2/05, Ross Gardler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Tim Williams wrote:

Sent to dev as suggested.

On 5/18/05, Ross Gardler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Tim Williams wrote:

Has anyone already documented how to use Slide as a backend to
Forrest?  If not maybe some high-level pointers of where to start?

Nobody has documented this, or to my knowledge tried it.

You'd probably find more help on the dev list, where we will be glad to
help you. Please send your question there with a description of a use
case describing exactly how you would like the integration to work (may
seem like an obvious thing, but it gives us a common language to
communicate ides with).


I guess I could give long and short term goals/use-cases.

In the short term,
I'd like to simply be able to point  project.xdocs-dir in to a slide repository like:

OK, I'm experimenting with this kind of integration right now. Not with
Slide but with Daisy. Take a look at the Daisy plugin in whiteboard.

Currently, the location of the repository is encoded in request
parameters. This is *not* good.

The problem with this approach is that a) it is difficult to write the
hrefs b) it is impossible to build a static site because the request
parameter '?' is converted to an '_' in the filename ('?' is not legal
in a filename)

The solution to this problem is the locationmap work. This allows you to
map request patterns to a location. For example:

match pattern=docs/**
  location href={1}/

So does input.xmap go from being a sitemap to a locationmap or does it
just add a few elements to the sitemap doctype?  I guess I'm still not
understanding where the locationmap matchers actually go in terms of
the plugin.

The locationmap is not a sitemap in the same sense as a cocoon sitemap. 
It uses the same syntax because it reuses much of the code.

For more information see

From that URL you will find a link to the original discussion about 
locationmaps that includes a description of the original commit and an 
example of how to use it - see

Things have not progressed any from that original contribution except...

I'm currently experimenting with the locationmap code, I have it working
to an extent. But have not yet managed to get it to work at the
generation stage (through lack of time rather than a problem with the
code, I think). I will attach a patch against the current SVN tree to
the above issue that will enable the location map if you would like to
experiment with it. It would be great to have someone working with me on
this, you with Slide, me with Daisy (and Thorsten is looking at Lenya

I'd like to see the location map patch.  That sounds like the way to

I should find the time tomorrow to put the patch together with a simplyu 
little demo.

 What does generation stage mean though, does what I'm talking
about fall into that particular stage?

I'll try and explain what I mean:

The original description of functionality (at ) only described link 
translation. Meaning that a page with an lm: psuedo protocol href was 
converted by the locationmap input-module to be a link to a specified 
location. This is similar to the site: or ext: psuedo protocols in 
Forrest. This works fine in the transformation stage. In other words, if 
you have content with:

a href=lm:myslidedocs/file.html.../a

and a locationmap of:

match pattern=myslidedocs/**
  locator src={1}/

the resulting content will be translated to:

a href=

This isn't quite what I want (and I think what you want). The problem is 
that the link is translated in the source, so the URL the client sees is 
the trnalsated URL. This prevents Forrest from processing the request as 
the client requests directly from the repository source.

I'd prefer to have:

a href=myslidesdocs/file.html.../a

and a locationmap with:

match patern=myslidedocs/**.xml../a
  locator src={1}.xml/

(NOTE the .xml extension as opposed to .html)

In this case Forrest will request myslidesdoc/file.html, this will 
result in an internal request for myslidesdoc/file.xml through 
existing Forrest processing. The locationmap then maps this request to; which then gets processed 
by forrest and returned to the client as myslidesdocs/file.html.

In other words, the href myslidesdocs/file.html remains that same URL 
in the client but actually is generated internally to Forrest from{1}.xml;

In the long term,
I'd like to do the same as above, but have some sort of workflow state
metadata understood by both the 

Re: Duplicate copyright date

2005-06-02 Thread Ross Gardler

Addi wrote:
Thanks for finding that for me.  I agree that the only difference should 
be the vendor hyperlinked or not and the year always there.  I found 
where you are and I commented out line 301 to do it this way instead.  I 
hadn't ever ventured into these files so it took me a while to figure 
out where line 289 was LOL  :)  For others who dont know the files so 
well: forrest\main\webapp\skins\pelt\xslt\html\site2xhtml.xsl

It sounds like you folk have found a workaround, if not a fix. Can you 
please raise an issue, if it is a workaround then describe it, if you 
can provide a fix then please attach a patch. If we leave it in the 
mailing list it will probably get lost.

Please ensure relevant credits are in the issue so that when a fix is 
applied we can attribute it to the right people.


[JIRA] Updated: (FOR-515) Duplicate year in Pelt copyright text

2005-06-02 Thread issues
The following issue has been updated:

Updater: Addison Berry (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
   Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2005 6:10 PM
Attached a patch that removes the duplicate year that is within the otherwise 
clause.  This makes the year always appear as non-link text, one time 
regardless if there is a copyright-link or not.
 Attachment changed to site2xhtml.xsl.diff
For a full history of the issue, see:

View the issue:

Here is an overview of the issue:
Key: FOR-515
Summary: Duplicate year in Pelt copyright text
   Type: Bug

 Status: Unassigned
   Priority: Minor

Project: Forrest
 Skins (general issues)

   Reporter: Addison Berry

Created: Thu, 2 Jun 2005 6:06 PM
Updated: Thu, 2 Jun 2005 6:10 PM

The copyright year is duplicated in pelt.  It appears twice in the 
site2xhtml.xsl file.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.

If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:

If you want more information on JIRA, or have a bug to report see:

[JIRA] Commented: (FOR-515) Duplicate year in Pelt copyright text

2005-06-02 Thread issues
The following comment has been added to this issue:

 Author: Addison Berry
Created: Thu, 2 Jun 2005 6:14 PM
Note that Tim Williams found the bug in the file originally.
View this comment:

View the issue:

Here is an overview of the issue:
Key: FOR-515
Summary: Duplicate year in Pelt copyright text
   Type: Bug

 Status: Unassigned
   Priority: Minor

Project: Forrest
 Skins (general issues)

   Reporter: Addison Berry

Created: Thu, 2 Jun 2005 6:06 PM
Updated: Thu, 2 Jun 2005 6:14 PM

The copyright year is duplicated in pelt.  It appears twice in the 
site2xhtml.xsl file.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.

If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:

If you want more information on JIRA, or have a bug to report see:

[JIRA] Updated: (FOR-515) Duplicate year in Pelt copyright text

2005-06-02 Thread issues
The following issue has been updated:

Updater: Ross Gardler (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
   Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2005 6:51 PM
 Fix Version changed to 0.7-dev
For a full history of the issue, see:

View the issue:

Here is an overview of the issue:
Key: FOR-515
Summary: Duplicate year in Pelt copyright text
   Type: Bug

 Status: Unassigned
   Priority: Minor

Project: Forrest
 Skins (general issues)
   Fix Fors:

   Reporter: Addison Berry

Created: Thu, 2 Jun 2005 6:06 PM
Updated: Thu, 2 Jun 2005 6:51 PM

The copyright year is duplicated in pelt.  It appears twice in the 
site2xhtml.xsl file.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.

If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:

If you want more information on JIRA, or have a bug to report see:

Re: does checksums-uri in cli.conf work?

2005-06-02 Thread David Crossley
Ferdinand Soethe wrote:
 Ross Gardler wrote:
  Probably faster to try turning it on than for someone to type a reply (I
  don't know the answer by the way).
 My question was more about hidden side effects that I wouldn't find
 through trial and error. But since nobody seems to know I'll just try.

Cocoon-related questions would get better answers on cocoon-users.

One way to see if there are any side-effects, would be to create
two separate sites with 'forrest seed' and do 'forrest' in each.
then compare the differences:

cd forrest-test
diff -rq seed-1/build/site seed-2/build/site

... will report any files with differences.

It would be great if you can get this facility working.
