Do you like the CLI standards?

2005-01-08 Thread Jeff White
January 6, 2005
I am a member of ECMA, an
international standards body,
where I am chair of the
committee responsible for
standardizing the CLI
(Common Language Infrastructure)
and C#.
So here is my initial question
to ponder:
What is your feeling about the
standardization of the CLI
within ECMA and ISO?
What are your thoughts here?
Is standardization a good thing?
Bad thing? Doesn't matter?
We are currently in the midst of
developing edition 3 of the CLI
specification and hopefully should
be complete soon.
Joel Marcey

Re: svn commit: r123867 - /httpd/mod_aspdotnet/trunk/Apache.Web/WorkerRequest.h

2005-01-08 Thread Jeff White

 Handle GetProtocol correctly
(and consistant with ASP.NET conventions.)
A very, very good idea!   :)
virtual String* GetProtocol(void)
When overridden in a derived
class, returns the HTTP protocol
.NET Framework Class Library
HttpWorkerRequest.GetProtocol Method
-// TODO: HTTPS when appropriate
+// Fixes in httpd-2.1-dev
+const char __nogc *method = ap_http_scheme(rr);
+const char __nogc *method = ap_http_method(rr);
Seems to me, that some other developers
are the ones who cannot make up their
minds, as to just what all this really
means.   :)
+String *scheme(method);
Really confusing me now, and
using only three words.  :)
+// For some silly reason, the ASP.NET team thought that
+// are upper case entities;
I disagree with your reading of
most of the .NET documentation.
Protocol when used in most tech
papers today, is usually always
upper cased.
In information technology,
a protocol (pronounced PROH-tuh-cahl,
from the Greek protocollon,
which was a leaf of paper
glued to a manuscript volume,
describing its contents) is
the special set of rules that
end points in a telecommunication
connection use when they communicate.
Notice in the above link
that the usage for all
named protocols
is always upper cased.
Also see the
Protocol Directory
Index of WAN, LAN, and
ATM Protocols

+scheme = scheme-ToUpper(nullCulture);
#ifdef _DEBUG
-LogRequestError(LGetProtocol: returns HTTP,
+String *schemeMsg = String::Concat(LGetProtocol:
returns , scheme);
+LogRequestError(schemeMsg, APLOG_DEBUG, 0);
-return new String(LHTTP);
+return scheme;
A string containing the
scheme of the specified URI.
.NET Framework Class Library
Uri.Scheme Property
Now please try the sample
included with the above
link (about URI/Scheme)
but use all uppercase chars.
For example:
change to
new Uri(HTTP://www
What do you get back?
Notice the below:
Provides an object representation
of a uniform resource identifier
(URI) and easy access to the parts
of the URI.
To put the URI in canonical form,
the Uri constructor performs the
following steps.
Converts the URI scheme to lower case.
Converts the host name to lower case.
.NET Framework Class Library
Uri Class
I believe your source code comment
+// For some silly reason, the ASP.NET team thought that
+// are upper case entities;
should be removed.
If you disagree with me, please
provide some sort of other
information (.NET docs, links,
and etc.) with your reply.

Re: Working on some load balancing methods

2005-01-08 Thread Mladen Turk
Jim Jagielski wrote:
I'm currently working on code that extended the lb method
within the 2.1/2.2 proxy from what is basically a
weighted request count to also be a weighted
traffic count (as measured by bytes transferred)
and a weighted load count (as measured by response
Sure, the general idea was to allow different lb methods.
I've started to collect the transferred for various
protocols to be able to do a traffic balancing.
You have that params already present in the shared
memory, so making sure we collect the real values
transferred is a first step thought.
I'm also working on extending the load balancer to
a domain clustering model for grouping cluster nodes
in groups to lower the session replication transfer
for backends that offer the session replication.
The former is further along and the methods
will be selectable at runtime... This is definitely
a scratch I'm itching, but before I spend too much
(additional) time on it, I'd like some feedback
on whether the concept is one we can all get behind.
I am also toying with the idea of supporting
a CPU load method when the origin servers are
Apache via a custom response header...
Well, that'll be awesome to achieve, not only to
dynamically update the balancer node member, but
to safely remove it from the cluster in a two
phase process if the backend 'decides' so.
Right now this is possible using 'balancer-handler',
so the dynamic logic is there already.
The header processing should also allow to
discover the topology dynamically (there is
be used for that).
I'm not sure if this will be possible on all
protocols but we have a long-standing AJP13
extension proposal that if implemented will
allow that kind of operation.

Re: Dumb APR_BUCKET_BUFF_SIZE question

2005-01-08 Thread Dirk-Willem van Gulik

On Fri, 7 Jan 2005, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

 Why is it hardcoded to be 8000?  It would seem like you could easily be
 unlucky and just miss the cutoff and end up with a 6000 byte heap bucket
 followed by a 3000 byte transient bucket, for example, as a result of 3
 3000 byte ap_rwrites.  For that particular case it might be quite
 beneficial to increase APR_BUCKET_BUFF_SIZE to 9000 which would suggest
 that it might be something that should be configurable.

It was at some point I think :-) But at 8k it happens to fit on some
intelish architectures in a common page of 8k (8192 bytes).

I would not mind to see if much more configurable run-time -and- auto
detecting compile time; we've got great improvements on some arch's with
16k pages -and- by fiddling with it so that it also happens to fit in a
nice DMA multiple of the ethernetcard.


Re: Working on some load balancing methods

2005-01-08 Thread Dirk-Willem van Gulik

On Fri, 7 Jan 2005, Jim Jagielski wrote:

 I'm currently working on code that extended the lb method within the
 2.1/2.2 proxy from what is basically a weighted request count to also be
 a weighted traffic count (as measured by bytes transferred) and a
 weighted load count (as measured by response time). The former is
 further along and the methods will be selectable at runtime... This is
 definitely a scratch I'm itching, but before I spend too much
 (additional) time on it, I'd like some feedback on whether the concept
 is one we can all get behind.

We scratched this one at some point at Covalent as well - using the
scoreboard and some mod_snmp stuff.

 I am also toying with the idea of supporting a CPU load method when the
 origin servers are Apache via a custom response header...

What you'd ideally want is a pluggable 'metric' mechanism - which has two
layers (this is more or less in line with what we dit at Covalent and what
you can do inside some of the Cisco LD's):

layer one:

get_current_SRV(for some container)

which returns a list of

id, IP, weight, priority

for a given service, uri subspace, etc. The result is a function of the
callee. So this is not a de-facto statement server wide.

This works much the same way as a true SRV rercod (as in DNS, as use by
various services such as an active directory service, etc) - the priority
allows for fail over and the weight allows for loadbalancing.

and secondly a


to confirm to the plugin that a certain backend is used for statistics,
N-path, firewall/nat reprogramming, whatever.

The second layer is also pluggable anbd simply returns state

get_load(given backend, for some container)

load: value between -1 (off-line) and 0..255.

this is used by layer one to get the list on a case by case basis.

On top of this you also want a 'ConfigBackEnd type [ opaquate values]'
which carries the config info to the right plugin.

And finally (and this is where I got stuck last time and used a horrible
hack (private scoreboard) some neat way of expending the scoreboard.

What I never did - but which you really do want ultimately is something
which can snarf timing and data out of the returned header to detect 500
error's, time-to-server and other things, such as cookies - to record
these and use in the next round as an indication of reliability.

The reason why I never got this done properly is that in a lot of setups
you do NOT want the frontend apache to properly process the data going
back - but you want to route that TCP traffic around the server. Which is
what that handoff() is for. But in those cases such return sniffing is
of no use. As it never sees the data.

The reason for the two layers is that

-  on layer one you can do three simple implementations:
static: round robin on a list, fail over, etc
DNS: based off SRV records in DNS
real: based on a backend which uses layer 2
-  on layer two you can do simple things; like just
pinging - and augment as needed with things like
SNMP later.
-  the reason you have container info (uri space, vhost,
cookies, ssl session info) is to do all sort of
stickyness when you feel like it.

end of braindump and itch sratching.


Re: Dumb APR_BUCKET_BUFF_SIZE question

2005-01-08 Thread Cliff Woolley
On Fri, 7 Jan 2005, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

 I still think it would be worthwhile to make it configurable.  Linux or
 FreeBSD5 on IA64 with 16k pages, for example, might show some decent
 gains by setting that to 15000.  Or do a getpagesize() call on startup
 to determine it dynamically.

It might be.  We've considered having it be configurable before.  There
are just a lot of implications in changing the value; for example, it
affects the memory footprint of the server, it affects how much data gets
read in to memory per read() call on a file bucket (which might alter the
decision of whether read() or mmap() is preferable, for example), it
affects how well the data fits into memory pages, and it affects how much
data is buffered in one block for the scenarios you described.  There are
probably others I'm not thinking of right now, too.  Lots of different
axes that must be considered when trying to pick an optimal value.  But
still, if you want to make it configurable, go right ahead.  :)

Re: Dumb APR_BUCKET_BUFF_SIZE question

2005-01-08 Thread Rasmus Lerdorf
Cliff Woolley wrote:
It might be.  We've considered having it be configurable before.  There
are just a lot of implications in changing the value; for example, it
affects the memory footprint of the server, it affects how much data gets
read in to memory per read() call on a file bucket (which might alter the
decision of whether read() or mmap() is preferable, for example), it
affects how well the data fits into memory pages, and it affects how much
data is buffered in one block for the scenarios you described.  There are
probably others I'm not thinking of right now, too.  Lots of different
axes that must be considered when trying to pick an optimal value.  But
still, if you want to make it configurable, go right ahead.  :)
Right, I saw all the things it affected which was precisely why I 
wondered why it wasn't made configurable.  I can see perhaps protecting 
users from themselves, but other parts of Apache2 doesn't really follow 
that.  The WindowSize config option in mod_deflate would be a very bad 
idea to change away from the default of 15, for example.  Anyway, I will 
go play a bit with the bucket size on 64-bit boxes.


Re: Working on some load balancing methods

2005-01-08 Thread Theo Schlossnagle
On Jan 7, 2005, at 4:14 PM, Sander Striker wrote:
From: Jim Jagielski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2005 8:52 PM
Subject: Working on some load balancing methods
I'm currently working on code that extended the lb method within the
2.1/2.2 proxy from what is basically a weighted request count to also
be a weighted traffic count (as measured by bytes transferred) and a
weighted load count (as measured by response time). The former is
further along and the methods will be selectable at runtime... This is
definitely a scratch I'm itching,
I'm sure you are not the only one with that itch.
You are welcome to harvest any plumbing you like from mod_backhand.  It 
does exactly what you want only in apache 1.3.x

but before I spend too much (additional) time on it, I'd like some
feedback on whether the concept is one we can all get behind.
FWIW, I like it.
I am also toying with the idea of supporting a CPU load method when
the origin servers are Apache via a custom response header...
CPU load is tricky.  It has observational bias.  System load adjusts 
two slowly.  The number of concurrent connections to each machine 
actually works pretty well as it suggests that the there are that many 
Apache children (adapt working as needed for Apache 2) working on the 
box and it lends itself to a current length of the run queue.  All of 
these methods require total knowledge, otherwise you have contention 
issues and suffer from inaccuracies due to stale information.  There 
are several nice randomized approaches that work well to smooth our 
spikes due to stale data.  mod_backhand uses a simple stackable 
selection mechanism called candidacy functions that implement all 
this stuff (optionally as loadable modules) so they cleverness of the 
load balancing decisions can be decided later.

// Theo Schlossnagle
// Principal Engineer --
// OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc. --
// Ecelerity: fastest MTA on Earth

Re: Working on some load balancing methods

2005-01-08 Thread Ben Laurie
Jim Jagielski wrote:
I'm currently working on code that extended the lb method
within the 2.1/2.2 proxy from what is basically a
weighted request count to also be a weighted
traffic count (as measured by bytes transferred)
and a weighted load count (as measured by response
time). The former is further along and the methods
will be selectable at runtime... This is definitely
a scratch I'm itching, but before I spend too much
(additional) time on it, I'd like some feedback
on whether the concept is one we can all get behind.
I am also toying with the idea of supporting
a CPU load method when the origin servers are
Apache via a custom response header...
Errr... mod_backhand?
There is no limit to what a man can do or how far he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit. - Robert Woodruff