Re: mod_python 3.2.3b available for testing

2005-10-25 Thread Jim Gallacher

Nick wrote:

More info:

python 2.4.2 on Linux:
  import tempfile
  t = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
open file 'fdopen', mode 'w+b' at 0xb7df07b8
type 'file'
['__class__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__getattribute__', '__hash__', 
'__init__', '__iter__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', 
'__repr__', '__setattr__', '__str__', 'close', 'closed', 'encoding', 
'fileno', 'flush', 'isatty', 'mode', 'name', 'newlines', 'next', 'read', 
'readinto', 'readline', 'readlines', 'seek', 'softspace', 'tell', 
'truncate', 'write', 'writelines', 'xreadlines']

python 2.4.1 on windows:
  import tempfile
  t = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
open file 'fdopen', mode 'w+b' at 0x0099FBA8
type 'instance'
['__doc__', '__getattr__', '__init__', '__module__', '__repr__', 
'close_called', 'file', 'name']

So this is an inconsistency within Python.  Should mod_python attempt to 
correct it, or just claim a Python bug?

I think we should correct it. I'm sure users don't care that we 
implement this with TemporaryFile. That being said, I wonder how many 
applications on Windows we may break by fixing this? Version 3.1.4 also 
used TemporaryFile, so this is not a new bug.


Nick wrote:

This may be a Python Windows thing, but it shows up in mod_python:

When using util.FieldStorage on multipart/form-data encoded POST data 
containing a file, in Linux a field.file will yield a file object 
(actually a subclass of file), but in Windows you have to get the file 
object through field.file.file.  This probably has something to do 
with the fact that Windows' implementation of tempfile.TemporaryFile 
is different from Linux, but it should be made consistent in the 
mod_python interface.


Re: mod_python 3.2.3b available for testing

2005-10-25 Thread Nick

Jim Gallacher wrote:
So this is an inconsistency within Python.  Should mod_python attempt 
to correct it, or just claim a Python bug?

I think we should correct it. I'm sure users don't care that we 
implement this with TemporaryFile. That being said, I wonder how many 
applications on Windows we may break by fixing this? Version 3.1.4 also 
used TemporaryFile, so this is not a new bug.

Yeah, I never noticed it either until someone pointed it out to me.  I 
appreciated the change to TemporaryFile, but being primarily a Linux user I 
never noticed that this broke my code in Windows.

In any case, I'm still gonna have to implement a workaround in my own code 
to catch people using the different versions of mod_python out there, so I 
can live with whatever decision you guys make.  But here's +1 for making the 
interface consistent at least for mod_python users.  As for code breakage, I 
would consider this a bug introduced in 3.1.4, which was the last official 
release of mod_python, which will be corrected in release 3.3.


Re: mod_python 3.2.3b available for testing

2005-10-25 Thread Jorey Bump

Jim Gallacher wrote:

Nick wrote:

More info:

python 2.4.2 on Linux:
  import tempfile
  t = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
open file 'fdopen', mode 'w+b' at 0xb7df07b8
type 'file'
['__class__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__getattribute__', 
'__hash__', '__init__', '__iter__', '__new__', '__reduce__', 
'__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__str__', 'close', 
'closed', 'encoding', 'fileno', 'flush', 'isatty', 'mode', 'name', 
'newlines', 'next', 'read', 'readinto', 'readline', 'readlines', 
'seek', 'softspace', 'tell', 'truncate', 'write', 'writelines', 

python 2.4.1 on windows:
  import tempfile
  t = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
open file 'fdopen', mode 'w+b' at 0x0099FBA8
type 'instance'
['__doc__', '__getattr__', '__init__', '__module__', '__repr__', 
'close_called', 'file', 'name']

So this is an inconsistency within Python.  Should mod_python attempt 
to correct it, or just claim a Python bug?

I think we should correct it. I'm sure users don't care that we 
implement this with TemporaryFile. That being said, I wonder how many 
applications on Windows we may break by fixing this? Version 3.1.4 also 
used TemporaryFile, so this is not a new bug.

Are you sure there is anything to correct? In both cases, the object has 
the same methods available for manipulating files (t.write('a'), for 
example). They are not the same type of object, so they have different 
dir() output, but don't they have the same functionality? What 
specifically gets broken in util.FieldStorage?

Re: mod_python 3.2.3b available for testing

2005-10-25 Thread Jim Gallacher

Nick wrote:

Jim Gallacher wrote:

So this is an inconsistency within Python.  Should mod_python attempt 
to correct it, or just claim a Python bug?

I think we should correct it. I'm sure users don't care that we 
implement this with TemporaryFile. That being said, I wonder how many 
applications on Windows we may break by fixing this? Version 3.1.4 
also used TemporaryFile, so this is not a new bug.

Yeah, I never noticed it either until someone pointed it out to me.  I 
appreciated the change to TemporaryFile, but being primarily a Linux 
user I never noticed that this broke my code in Windows.

In any case, I'm still gonna have to implement a workaround in my own 
code to catch people using the different versions of mod_python out 
there, so I can live with whatever decision you guys make.  But here's 
+1 for making the interface consistent at least for mod_python users.  
As for code breakage, I would consider this a bug introduced in 3.1.4, 
which was the last official release of mod_python, which will be 
corrected in release 3.3.

You may have misunderstood. I was not suggesting that 
tempfile.TemporaryFile was introduced in 3.1.4, only that it existed 
there. Looking at the svn repository I see it's used in 3.0.0-beta and 
2.7.9, so this bug has been lurking for a while. ;)


Re: mod_python 3.2.3b available for testing

2005-10-25 Thread Nick

Jim Gallacher wrote:
You may have misunderstood. I was not suggesting that 
tempfile.TemporaryFile was introduced in 3.1.4, only that it existed 
there. Looking at the svn repository I see it's used in 3.0.0-beta and 
2.7.9, so this bug has been lurking for a while. ;)

Yes, although the fact that the implementation of TemporaryFile changed in 
Python 2.3 may have something to do with it.  I honestly don't remember what 
the previous behavior was, but it worked OK for me at one time :)


Re: mod_python 3.2.3b available for testing

2005-10-25 Thread Jim Gallacher

Indrek Järve wrote:
This behaviour has been with Python for quite a while, so claiming it's 
simply a Python bug will be the same as declaring we don't support Windows.

Our company's software that runs on Windows and uses mod_python simply 
patches with the following change:

 if isinstance(item.file, FileType):
  if isinstance(item.file, FileType) or 
(hasattr(item.file, 'file') and isinstance(item.file.file, FileType)):

I haven't tried this with mp32 yet (we're still running on Python 2.3 
and I haven't had time to investigate how to compile mp on Windows), but 
on 3.0/3.1 it appears to work just fine for our customers.

The relevant part of FieldStorage has changed in 3.2.

 isinstance(item.file, FileType) or \
isinstance(getattr(item.file, 'file', None), FileType):

so no more patching for you! Now I just need to understand what Nick is 
on about. ;)


Nick wrote:

More info:

python 2.4.2 on Linux:
 import tempfile
 t = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
open file 'fdopen', mode 'w+b' at 0xb7df07b8
type 'file'
['__class__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__getattribute__', 
'__hash__', '__init__', '__iter__', '__new__', '__reduce__', 
'__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__str__', 'close', 
'closed', 'encoding', 'fileno', 'flush', 'isatty', 'mode', 'name', 
'newlines', 'next', 'read', 'readinto', 'readline', 'readlines', 
'seek', 'softspace', 'tell', 'truncate', 'write', 'writelines', 

python 2.4.1 on windows:
 import tempfile
 t = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
open file 'fdopen', mode 'w+b' at 0x0099FBA8
type 'instance'
['__doc__', '__getattr__', '__init__', '__module__', '__repr__', 
'close_called', 'file', 'name']

So this is an inconsistency within Python.  Should mod_python attempt 
to correct it, or just claim a Python bug?


Nick wrote:

This may be a Python Windows thing, but it shows up in mod_python:

When using util.FieldStorage on multipart/form-data encoded POST data 
containing a file, in Linux a field.file will yield a file object 
(actually a subclass of file), but in Windows you have to get the 
file object through field.file.file.  This probably has something to 
do with the fact that Windows' implementation of 
tempfile.TemporaryFile is different from Linux, but it should be made 
consistent in the mod_python interface.


Re: mod_python 3.2.3b available for testing

2005-10-25 Thread Jim Gallacher

Jorey Bump wrote:

Jim Gallacher wrote:

Nick wrote:

More info:

python 2.4.2 on Linux:
  import tempfile
  t = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
open file 'fdopen', mode 'w+b' at 0xb7df07b8
type 'file'
['__class__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__getattribute__', 
'__hash__', '__init__', '__iter__', '__new__', '__reduce__', 
'__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__str__', 'close', 
'closed', 'encoding', 'fileno', 'flush', 'isatty', 'mode', 'name', 
'newlines', 'next', 'read', 'readinto', 'readline', 'readlines', 
'seek', 'softspace', 'tell', 'truncate', 'write', 'writelines', 

python 2.4.1 on windows:
  import tempfile
  t = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
open file 'fdopen', mode 'w+b' at 0x0099FBA8
type 'instance'
['__doc__', '__getattr__', '__init__', '__module__', '__repr__', 
'close_called', 'file', 'name']

So this is an inconsistency within Python.  Should mod_python attempt 
to correct it, or just claim a Python bug?

I think we should correct it. I'm sure users don't care that we 
implement this with TemporaryFile. That being said, I wonder how many 
applications on Windows we may break by fixing this? Version 3.1.4 
also used TemporaryFile, so this is not a new bug.

Are you sure there is anything to correct? In both cases, the object has 
the same methods available for manipulating files (t.write('a'), for 
example). They are not the same type of object, so they have different 
dir() output, but don't they have the same functionality? What 
specifically gets broken in util.FieldStorage?

No, I'm not sure. Now that I play around with it I'm not sure I 
understand the problem at all. Perhaps Nick could elaborate?

Testing with python3.2.3 on Wine:

 import tempfile
 from types import *
 t = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
open file 'fdopen', mode 'w+b' at 0x40D6A560
open file 'fdopen', mode 'w+b' at 0x40D6A560
 isinstance(t, FileType)

Other than the fact that isinstance(t, FileType): returns False, I 
don't see the problem. Nick?


Static build of libapreq2-2.07-rc3

2005-10-25 Thread Bojan Smojver
Just for kicks, I tried that today with Apache 2.1.8-beta. The
instructions are a bit stale in the INSTALL script. Here are the
questions to the points mentioned under static install:

1. What is the CPPFLAGS -I supposed to be? Top level libapreq2 source
directory? Or some other directory under it (e.g. module/apache2)?

2. What is HTTPD_LDFLAGS supposed to be (i.e. we should tell people
where to expect An example would be great.

3. The env/mod_apreq2.c doesn't exist any more. Should we say
module/apache2/filter.c or module/apache2/handler.c? Or something else?

I tried a few combos, but the configure process of libapre2 tells me
invalid apr-config location, where this is actually APR 1.x (as
shipped with Apache 2.1.8), so it should be looking for apr-1-config
anyway (which exists in srclib/apr directory of Apache 2.1.8)...

I don't use this config (i.e. I use dynamic build, which work fine), but
some people may. It would be good if we could document/test this before
the release of 2.07.


Re: svn commit: r327945 - in /httpd/httpd/trunk: CHANGES modules/http/http_core.c modules/http/http_request.c server/mpm/experimental/event/event.c

2005-10-25 Thread Joe Orton
On Mon, Oct 24, 2005 at 03:33:17AM -, Brian Pane wrote:
 Author: brianp
 Date: Sun Oct 23 20:33:14 2005
 New Revision: 327945
 Async write completion for Event MPM
 (backported from async-dev branch to 2.3 trunk)

httpd-test runs against the trunk are failing all over the place today, 
I guess caused by one of these changes...

prefork is failing like:

Failed TestStat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t/modules/proxy.t13   11  84.62%  1-9 12-13
t/modules/proxy_balancer.t11 100.00%  1
t/modules/rewrite.t  225  22.73%  17-18 20-22
t/protocol/echo.t   255 65280 88 100.00%  1-8
t/security/CAN-2005-2700.t21  50.00%  1
... plus almost all of t/ssl/* fail

and similarly for worker, which also triggers a segfault in the proxy 
(attached the log output for worker)

+ ./t/TEST
[warning] setting ulimit to allow core files
ulimit -c unlimited; /usr/bin/perl /tmp/regressy17180/pf-trunk-worker/t/TEST 
/tmp/regressy17180/trunk-worker-root/bin/httpd  -d 
/tmp/regressy17180/pf-trunk-worker/t -f 
/tmp/regressy17180/pf-trunk-worker/t/conf/httpd.conf -D APACHE2 -D 
using Apache/2.3.0-dev (worker MPM)

waiting 180 seconds for server to start: ...
waiting 180 seconds for server to start: ok (waited 2 secs)
server localhost.localdomain:8529 started
server localhost.localdomain:8530 listening (mod_nntp_like)
server localhost.localdomain:8531 listening (mod_nntp_like_ssl)
server localhost.localdomain:8532 listening (mod_ssl)
server localhost.localdomain:8533 listening (ssl_optional_cc)
server localhost.localdomain:8534 listening (mod_cache)
server localhost.localdomain:8535 listening (proxy_http_reverse)
server localhost.localdomain:8536 listening (mod_headers)
server localhost.localdomain:8537 listening (mod_echo)
server localhost.localdomain:8538 listening (mod_echo_ssl)
server localhost.localdomain:8539 listening (error_document)
server localhost.localdomain:8540 listening (mod_proxy)
server localhost.localdomain:8541 listening (proxy_http_bal1)
server localhost.localdomain:8542 listening (proxy_http_bal2)
server localhost.localdomain:8543 listening (proxy_http_balancer)
server localhost.localdomain:8544 listening (mod_vhost_alias)
server localhost.localdomain:8545 listening (mod_include)
server localhost.localdomain:8546 listening (proxy_http_https)
server localhost.localdomain:8547 listening (proxy_https_https)
server localhost.localdomain:8548 listening (proxy_https_http)
[   info] adding source lib /tmp/regressy17180/pf-trunk-worker/Apache-Test/lib 
to @INC
[   info] adding source lib /tmp/regressy17180/pf-trunk-worker/Apache-Test/lib 
to @INC
[   info] adding source lib /tmp/regressy17180/pf-trunk-worker/Apache-Test/lib 
to @INC
all skipped: cannot find module 'HTTP::DAV'
3/7 skipped: skipping 304/deflate tests without mod_cgi and httpd = 
t/modules/proxy.# Failed test 1 in t/modules/proxy.t at line 15
# Failed test 2 in t/modules/proxy.t at line 16
# Failed test 3 in t/modules/proxy.t at line 20
# Failed test 4 in t/modules/proxy.t at line 21
# Failed test 5 in t/modules/proxy.t at line 24
# Failed test 6 in t/modules/proxy.t at line 25
# Failed test 7 in t/modules/proxy.t at line 29
# Failed test 8 in t/modules/proxy.t at line 30
# Failed test 9 in t/modules/proxy.t at line 44
# Failed test 12 in t/modules/proxy.t at line 57
# Failed test 13 in t/modules/proxy.t at line 58
FAILED tests 1-9, 12-13
Failed 11/13 tests, 15.38% okay

Re: authz: file-group ugliness

2005-10-25 Thread Nick Kew
On Tuesday 25 October 2005 00:29, you wrote:
This would be OK except that there is a bigger problem that I looked
 into trying to fix at one point but never completed it.  The problem is
 the duplication of authorization types.  Currently we have both
 mod_authz_groupfile and mod_authz_dbm implementing the types group and
 file-group.  This causes a problem because if both of these modules
 are loaded and the configuration contains the directive:

 require group foo
 require file-group

 which authorization module handles it?  Well it seems to be completely
 dependant on load order and/or the use of the directives
 AuthzXXXAuthoritative.  In addition to implementing an optional function
 in mod_authz_owner to get the owner id, all authorization types should
 probably be renamed to be unique.

 group - mod_authz_groupfile
 dbm-group  - mod_authz_dbm
 dbd-group  - mod_authz_dbd
 ldap-group  - mod_authnz_ldap (already done)

 thoughts on this...?

Well, AFAICS that ambiguity only really kicks in if you have both an
AuthGroupFile and an AuthDBMGroupFile, which is something that
would be equally(?) problematic in 1.x/2.0.
Ugly - yes.  Totally broken - no.  Unless I'm missing something?

That still leaves an aura of ambiguity hanging around AuthAuthoritative.
Perhaps a better solution would be to replace that with something like
AuthOrder user group dbm-group
which specifies an order of authz checks, and makes the last one 
'authoritative' in terms of the old logic.

Of course that still leaves file-group looking lonely.  Maybe what that
wants is a provider from authz_[file|dbm|dbd|ldap|etc] ?

Nick Kew

Re: authz: file-group ugliness

2005-10-25 Thread Dirk-Willem van Gulik

 AuthOrder user group dbm-group which specifies an order of authz checks,
 and makes the last one 'authoritative' in terms of the old logic.

 Of course that still leaves file-group looking lonely.  Maybe what that
 wants is a provider from authz_[file|dbm|dbd|ldap|etc] ?

Or go back to this naming concept floating at one point:

require group ldap:foo

which solves this class of problems (but kills the failover part; i.e.
getting a group check done in ldap if possible; but fall trough to
htpasswd if all is down).


ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain in 2.0?

2005-10-25 Thread Jeff Trawick
The patch in PR 10722 seems to be very widely referred to (perhaps
widely used as well ;) ).  Are there any known issues with that patch?
 Is there any technical reason why it couldn't be applied to 2.0?

Gentoo (Was: mod_python 3.2.3b available for testing)

2005-10-25 Thread Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy

Hmmm... Looking at /usr/lib/python2.4/, sock.readline() gets an 
EOF upon reading the first byte. Do you see anything in the error logs 
associated with this, like a segfault?

To make it easier to isolate, try editing to comment out all 
other tests and just leave this one. Look for a line that looks like:


and comment out every other test in this block but this one, then rerun 
it. At the end you should have a log file in the logs directory, 
hopefully it will contain a clue.


On Tue, 25 Oct 2005, Dominic Wong wrote:

-1 for Gentoo Linux 2.6.13-gentoo-r3
Apache 2.0.54
Python 2.4.1

* Testing req.headers_out
connect: (, 32873)
send: 'GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nAccept-Encoding: identity\r\nHost: 

reply: ''

ERROR: test_req_headers_out (__main__.PerRequestTestCase)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File, line 597, in test_req_headers_out
  response = conn.getresponse()
File /usr/lib/python2.4/, line 863, in getresponse
File /usr/lib/python2.4/, line 333, in begin
  version, status, reason = self._read_status()
File /usr/lib/python2.4/, line 297, in _read_status
  raise BadStatusLine(line)


rproxy close_wait high cpu

2005-10-25 Thread Jon Snow


I am running solaris 8 with apache 2.0.53 over openssl 0.9.7 as a reverse 
proxy which terminates and reestablishes SSL to the backend. I run the worker 
mpm with 100 threads per process. The server has minimal load and uses a 
crypto card. The build is pretty minimal and runs in a gateway environment.

I have had alot of issues with processes going into a high cpu state. These 
are always associated with close_wait state connections and nearly all the 
time all the connections are close_wait. Would this suggest something shared 
is affecting all connections/threads in the process?

After trolling through 50Gb of snoop dumps I have found that the latest appear 
associated with an outbound SSL session that does not fully establish. These 
outbound connections receive the server certificate and should send the 
client key/cipher exchange but nothing follows. The client to proxy session 
is normal and the request has been received by the proxy, the proxy does not 
establish SSL properly to the server and as such the proxy does not forward 
the request.

In the mean time the client and server ends time out (120s approx) and send a 
fin which the proxy acks. In both instances the proxy does not return a fin, 
nor does it timeout. At some point the process goes high CPU. This is very 
repeatable on a server with a load of around 10-15 connections per second and 
may occur on average 1-2 times a day. Unfortunately this thing is killing us 
on a highly political service.

While it appears SSL is the cause, apache does not seem to be handling the 
situation very well. It looks like apache knows it has data to send to the 
server and data to return to the client so it does not close it's side of the 
socket. At some point it must go into some sort of loop trying to recover I 

I can't recall truss returning anything on these reverse proxy runaway 
processes but I managed to get a truss of a forward proxy using heaps of 
memory. It looks like apache is not checking the return value on it's write. 
From memory in this instance there was no longer an inside connection but 
apache was still trying to write to one. The forward proxy servers also 
suffer from close_waits when using huge memory but do not suffer from high 
cpu. I am thinking the same kind of issue may exist with the reverse proxy 
where it loops to read/write a closed socket without checking the return 
value resulting in the high cpu.

I have now turned on debug logging for the SSL diag but does anyone have any 
idea what may be going on here with apache and the high cpu? When does the 
connection timer start, before the connection is attempted or after it is 
established? Is there any more info you need?


Forward Proxy stuff

16786:  writev(128, 0x7440C860, 6)  Err#32 EPIPE
16786:  write(6, 0x7440A510, 99)= 99
16786: [ T u e   A p r   1 9   0 8 : 2 7 : 3 1   2 0 0 5 ]   [ i n f o
16786: ]   ( 3 2 ) B r o k e n   p i p e :   c o r e _ o u t p u t _ f
16786: i l t e r :   w r i t i n g   d a t a   t o   t h e   n e t w o
16786: r k\n
16786:  lwp_sigredirect(0, SIGPIPE, 0x) = 0
16786:  poll(0x7440C3C0, 1, 30) = 1
16786:  read(131, C9 nF216 R 08DF303CFE7 F.., 8000)   = 1360
16786:  poll(0x7440C3C0, 1, 30) = 1
16786:  read(131, 11 1 # ; GF9FD + T04 e R.., 8000)   = 1360
16786:  poll(0x7440C3C0, 1, 30) = 1
16786:  read(131, 10 91C f94 I93D2A6CD15 {.., 8000)   = 1360
16786:  poll(0x7440C3C0, 1, 30) = 1
16786:  read(131, AEE8C78F9504B8 VF607918C.., 8000)   = 1360
16786:  poll(0x7440C3C0, 1, 30) = 1
16786:  read(131,  0 r K\0 UB0A0\fF3C8 l93.., 8000)   = 1360
16786:  poll(0x7440C3C0, 1, 30) = 1
16786:  read(131,  \ `1EA4D51BCF % /A7 .F3.., 8000)   = 1360
16786:  signotifywait() = 13
16786:  writev(128, 0x7440C860, 6)  Err#32 EPIPE
16786:  write(6, 0x7440A510, 99)= 99
16786: [ T u e   A p r   1 9   0 8 : 2 7 : 3 2   2 0 0 5 ]   [ i n f o
16786: ]   ( 3 2 ) B r o k e n   p i p e :   c o r e _ o u t p u t _ f
16786: i l t e r :   w r i t i n g   d a t a   t o   t h e   n e t w o
16786: r k\n
16786:  lwp_sigredirect(0, SIGPIPE, 0x) = 0
16786:  poll(0x6DA063C0, 1, 30) = 1
16786:  read(45, 11BE K1501 w01C1 = + Z X.., 8000)= 4080
16786:  signotifywait() = 13
16786:  writev(70, 0x6DA06860, 5)   Err#32 EPIPE
16786:  write(6, 0x6DA04510, 99)= 99
16786: [ T u e   A p r   1 9   0 8 : 2 7 : 3 3   2 0 0 5 ]   [ i n f o
16786: ]   ( 3 2 ) B r o k e n   p i p e :   c o r e _ o u t p u t _ f
16786: i l t e r :   w r i t i n g   d a t a   t o   t h e   n 

Re: authz: file-group ugliness

2005-10-25 Thread Graham Leggett
Dirk-Willem van Gulik said:

 Or go back to this naming concept floating at one point:

   require group ldap:foo

 which solves this class of problems (but kills the failover part; i.e.
 getting a group check done in ldap if possible; but fall trough to
 htpasswd if all is down).

This should work if memory serves:

require ldap:foo
require file:foo
satisfy any


Mapping proxy inbound to outbound connections

2005-10-25 Thread Jon Snow


I want to tie together the inbound and outbound connections for a forward or 
reverse proxy session. I figured I would add the source ports to the log 
which would enable me to track the connections through firewall logs etc. 
based on addressing/port combinations. I was looking at writing a module/
filter to do this. Would this be possible and the best way to go or would 
there be an easier way?


Apache with SCTP streams.

2005-10-25 Thread Preethi Natarajan


I've been working on this patch to make apr and httpd work with SCTP streams.

Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP - RFC2960) is a transport layer
protocol capable of providing reliable (in-order, no loss, no duplicates,
 no error) message oriented service to application.
Other interesting features of SCTP include multistreaming (many logical pipes
in 1 SCTP association to transfer independent data like web objects without
head of line blocking problem) and multihoming (ability to support more than
1 interface/IP address at a SCTP endpoint).

The idea was to enable httpd to receive HTTP request on a particular SCTP 
stream and send the HTTP response on the same stream. Using different SCTP 
streams for independent objects might improve performance (preventing HOL 
as mentioned above).

apr-0.9.2 included recognition and support for SCTP from Randall Stewart.
I did my changes on top of this.

To give an outline of the implementation with the files involved:


o I created apr_socket_send_sctp and apr_socket_recv_sctp which take an 
extra parameter - SCTP stream id. The recv function uses recvmsg function 
call and gets the SCTP stream id on which the request came in. Similarly, 
sendmsg call is used in apr_socket_send_sctp (sendrecv.c in 
o I didnt want to change the signature of any other 
function so I decided to use buckets to pass the stream id info to and 
fro. The socket bucket read puts the stream id (from socket recv) in a 
heap bucket and the caller takes the responsibility of retrieving this. 
(apr_buckets_socket.c, apr_brigade.c).


o core_input_filter retrieves and stores the stream id in a field in the 
core_net_rec, which is used by core_output_filter-APR while sending 

o Also, I changed Listen directive to take the transport layer protocol
as an extra argument so that web admin can choose SCTP or TCP.

Currently, I have this patch working for httpd-2.0.55/apr-0.9.6.

Would appreciate any feedback,

PS: Should I send this mail to apr dev mailing list as well or will that 
be spamming?

configurable: add referrer to error logs

2005-10-25 Thread Brian Akins
If we can determine the referer, we log it as well on all calls to log 
error.  Can we make this configurable?  It's rather annoying in a lot of 

Brian Akins
Lead Systems Engineer
CNN Internet Technologies

Re: mod_python 3.2.3b available for testing

2005-10-25 Thread Nick

This may be a Python Windows thing, but it shows up in mod_python:

When using util.FieldStorage on multipart/form-data encoded POST data 
containing a file, in Linux a field.file will yield a file object (actually 
a subclass of file), but in Windows you have to get the file object through 
field.file.file.  This probably has something to do with the fact that 
Windows' implementation of tempfile.TemporaryFile is different from Linux, 
but it should be made consistent in the mod_python interface.


Jim Gallacher wrote:
A new mod_python 3.2.3 beta tarball is now available for testing. A 
Windows binary is also available.

This release is similar to 3.2.2b but fixes a couple a small issues 
where a non-threaded python is used.

Here are the rules:

In order for a file to be officially announced, it has to be tested by
developers on the dev list. Anyone subscribed to this list can (and
should feel obligated to :-) ) test it, and provide feedback *to _this_
 list*! (Not the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list, and preferably not me

The files are (temporarily) available here:

Please download it, then do the usual

$ ./configure --with-apxs=/wherever/it/is
$ make
$ (su)
# make install

Then (as non-root user!)

$ cd test
$ python

And see if any tests fail. If they pass, send a +1 to the list, if they
fail, send the details (the versions of OS, Python and Apache, the test
output, and suggestions, if any).

Thank you,
Jim Gallacher

Re: mod_python 3.2.3b available for testing

2005-10-25 Thread Nick

More info:

python 2.4.2 on Linux:
 import tempfile
 t = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
open file 'fdopen', mode 'w+b' at 0xb7df07b8
type 'file'
['__class__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__getattribute__', '__hash__', 
'__init__', '__iter__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', 
'__repr__', '__setattr__', '__str__', 'close', 'closed', 'encoding', 
'fileno', 'flush', 'isatty', 'mode', 'name', 'newlines', 'next', 'read', 
'readinto', 'readline', 'readlines', 'seek', 'softspace', 'tell', 
'truncate', 'write', 'writelines', 'xreadlines']

python 2.4.1 on windows:
 import tempfile
 t = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
open file 'fdopen', mode 'w+b' at 0x0099FBA8
type 'instance'
['__doc__', '__getattr__', '__init__', '__module__', '__repr__', 
'close_called', 'file', 'name']

So this is an inconsistency within Python.  Should mod_python attempt to 
correct it, or just claim a Python bug?


Nick wrote:

This may be a Python Windows thing, but it shows up in mod_python:

When using util.FieldStorage on multipart/form-data encoded POST data 
containing a file, in Linux a field.file will yield a file object 
(actually a subclass of file), but in Windows you have to get the file 
object through field.file.file.  This probably has something to do with 
the fact that Windows' implementation of tempfile.TemporaryFile is 
different from Linux, but it should be made consistent in the mod_python 


Jim Gallacher wrote:

A new mod_python 3.2.3 beta tarball is now available for testing. A 
Windows binary is also available.

This release is similar to 3.2.2b but fixes a couple a small issues 
where a non-threaded python is used.

Here are the rules:

In order for a file to be officially announced, it has to be tested by
developers on the dev list. Anyone subscribed to this list can (and
should feel obligated to :-) ) test it, and provide feedback *to _this_
 list*! (Not the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list, and preferably not me

The files are (temporarily) available here:

Please download it, then do the usual

$ ./configure --with-apxs=/wherever/it/is
$ make
$ (su)
# make install

Then (as non-root user!)

$ cd test
$ python

And see if any tests fail. If they pass, send a +1 to the list, if they
fail, send the details (the versions of OS, Python and Apache, the test
output, and suggestions, if any).

Thank you,
Jim Gallacher

Re: authz: file-group ugliness

2005-10-25 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.

Dirk-Willem van Gulik wrote:

AuthOrder user group dbm-group which specifies an order of authz checks,
and makes the last one 'authoritative' in terms of the old logic.

Of course that still leaves file-group looking lonely.  Maybe what that
wants is a provider from authz_[file|dbm|dbd|ldap|etc] ?

Or go back to this naming concept floating at one point:

require group ldap:foo

which solves this class of problems (but kills the failover part; i.e.
getting a group check done in ldap if possible; but fall trough to
htpasswd if all is down).

Or not... why not

  require group ldap:foo dbm:bar bash

where bash would be a match against any provider, while foo would be specific
to ldap, and bar would be specific to dbm?

Re: mod_python 3.2.3b available for testing

2005-10-25 Thread Indrek Järve
This behaviour has been with Python for quite a while, so claiming it's 
simply a Python bug will be the same as declaring we don't support Windows.

Our company's software that runs on Windows and uses mod_python simply 
patches with the following change:

 if isinstance(item.file, FileType):
 if isinstance(item.file, FileType) or 
(hasattr(item.file, 'file') and isinstance(item.file.file, FileType)):

I haven't tried this with mp32 yet (we're still running on Python 2.3 
and I haven't had time to investigate how to compile mp on Windows), but 
on 3.0/3.1 it appears to work just fine for our customers.

Best regards,
Indrek Järve
Inversion Software OÜ

Nick wrote:

More info:

python 2.4.2 on Linux:
 import tempfile
 t = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
open file 'fdopen', mode 'w+b' at 0xb7df07b8
type 'file'
['__class__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__getattribute__', 
'__hash__', '__init__', '__iter__', '__new__', '__reduce__', 
'__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__str__', 'close', 
'closed', 'encoding', 'fileno', 'flush', 'isatty', 'mode', 'name', 
'newlines', 'next', 'read', 'readinto', 'readline', 'readlines', 
'seek', 'softspace', 'tell', 'truncate', 'write', 'writelines', 

python 2.4.1 on windows:
 import tempfile
 t = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
open file 'fdopen', mode 'w+b' at 0x0099FBA8
type 'instance'
['__doc__', '__getattr__', '__init__', '__module__', '__repr__', 
'close_called', 'file', 'name']

So this is an inconsistency within Python.  Should mod_python attempt 
to correct it, or just claim a Python bug?


Nick wrote:

This may be a Python Windows thing, but it shows up in mod_python:

When using util.FieldStorage on multipart/form-data encoded POST data 
containing a file, in Linux a field.file will yield a file object 
(actually a subclass of file), but in Windows you have to get the 
file object through field.file.file.  This probably has something to 
do with the fact that Windows' implementation of 
tempfile.TemporaryFile is different from Linux, but it should be made 
consistent in the mod_python interface.


Jim Gallacher wrote:

A new mod_python 3.2.3 beta tarball is now available for testing. A 
Windows binary is also available.

This release is similar to 3.2.2b but fixes a couple a small issues 
where a non-threaded python is used.

Here are the rules:

In order for a file to be officially announced, it has to be tested by
developers on the dev list. Anyone subscribed to this list can (and
should feel obligated to :-) ) test it, and provide feedback *to _this_
 list*! (Not the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list, and preferably not me

The files are (temporarily) available here:

Please download it, then do the usual

$ ./configure --with-apxs=/wherever/it/is
$ make
$ (su)
# make install

Then (as non-root user!)

$ cd test
$ python

And see if any tests fail. If they pass, send a +1 to the list, if they
fail, send the details (the versions of OS, Python and Apache, the test
output, and suggestions, if any).

Thank you,
Jim Gallacher

Re: authz: file-group ugliness

2005-10-25 Thread Brad Nicholes
   Explain this a little further because I am a little confused.  What
do you intend to happen when a directive like:

require group ldap:foo dbm:bar bash

is issued?  The problem here is the confusion as to which module is
handling 'group'.  In order for this to work, every authorization type
needs to be unique which probably means that they need to be prefixed
with the authorization handler name

require file-group  somefilegroup
require ldap-group cn=someldapgroup,o=whatever
require dbm-group somedbmgroup

Then as we discussed a few weeks back, Satisfy any|all would have to
be refactored to deal with authorization types rather than just the
basic access control.

Or am I missing something??


 On 10/25/2005 at 9:47:31 am, in message
 Or not... why not
require group ldap:foo dbm:bar bash
 where bash would be a match against any provider, while foo would be

 to ldap, and bar would be specific to dbm?


2005-10-25 Thread Anish Mistry
The attached patch adds the VIRTUAL_DOCUMENT_ROOT so the 
VirtualDocumentRoot value is available to test for dynamic virtual 
hosts. The patch is against 2.0.55.
Anish Mistry
AM Productions
--- modules/mappers/mod_vhost_alias.c.orig	Fri Feb  4 15:21:18 2005
+++ modules/mappers/mod_vhost_alias.c	Sat Oct 22 14:39:52 2005
@@ -259,12 +259,14 @@
 int ndots;
 char buf[HUGE_STRING_LEN];
-char *dest, last;
+char *dest, last, *path;
 int N, M, Np, Mp, Nd, Md;
 const char *start, *end;
 const char *p;
+	apr_table_t *e;
+	e = r-subprocess_env;
 ndots = 0;
 dots[ndots++] = name-1; /* slightly naughty */
@@ -373,11 +375,20 @@
 if (r-filename) {
+	path = apr_pstrcat(r-pool, r-filename, buf, NULL);
 	r-filename = apr_pstrcat(r-pool, r-filename, buf, uri, NULL);
 else {
+	path = apr_pstrcat(r-pool, buf, NULL);
 	r-filename = apr_pstrcat(r-pool, buf, uri, NULL);
+if(apr_table_get(e, VIRTUAL_DOCUMENT_ROOT) == NULL)
+apr_table_addn(e, VIRTUAL_DOCUMENT_ROOT, path);  
+apr_table_set(e, VIRTUAL_DOCUMENT_ROOT, path);
 static int mva_translate(request_rec *r)

Description: PGP signature

Re: rproxy close_wait high cpu

2005-10-25 Thread William A. Rowe, Jr.

Jon Snow wrote:


I am running solaris 8 with apache 2.0.53 over openssl 0.9.7 as a reverse 
proxy which terminates and reestablishes SSL to the backend. I run the worker 
mpm with 100 threads per process. The server has minimal load and uses a 
crypto card. The build is pretty minimal and runs in a gateway environment.

I have had alot of issues with processes going into a high cpu state. These 
are always associated with close_wait state connections and nearly all the 
time all the connections are close_wait. Would this suggest something shared 
is affecting all connections/threads in the process?

Jon - first try bumping to 2.0.55, and secondly apply two patches,
  fixes a flaw in proxy body handling/forwarding corruption, and
  fixes the timeout upon connection, as opposed to leaving the initial
  connection socket as blocking or nonblocking, no timeout.

see if these help resolve your proxy situation.


NameVirtualHosts SSL

2005-10-25 Thread Kenevel
Hi everyone,

Firstly, this is a topic which may have been endlessly covered before, in
which case I apologise and will go down in flames...

But having referred to the 2.0 docs (well, more like the FAQ) at I had a thought
about the viability of using SSL with multiple name-based virtual hosts (on
one IP address).

The docs at the URL given above effectively say that hosting more than one
SSL-enabled site using name-based virtual hosting is impossible, as it is
only after the SSL envelope has been decrypted that the server can determine
the host value and match this with the ServerName or ServerAlias.

My question is why the server couldn't do some sort of reverse-lookup on its
register of SSL certificates that are in use. Surely the server knows which
certificate it is using to service the request (or else it wouldn't be able
to decrypt its contents) and hence work out which virtual host uses that
certificate? This approach means of course that each name-based virtual host
would have to use a different certificate - but as those sites are more than
likely on different domains the certificates would necessarily be different.

Cheers guys,

Great server.


Re: Apache with SCTP streams.

2005-10-25 Thread Ruediger Pluem

On 10/25/2005 04:14 PM, Preethi Natarajan wrote:
 I've been working on this patch to make apr and httpd work with SCTP

Thanks for bringing this to the dev list.
Thanks to Joe for making a full stop comment in buzilla to end the discussion 
For all that are interested in the (short) history on bugzilla:


 Currently, I have this patch working for httpd-2.0.55/apr-0.9.6.

As Joe mentioned in its bugzilla comment, these changes must be done to the 
first. So I would propose the following approach:

1. Provide your httpd part of the patch as a patch against trunk.
2. For the apr part of the patch I would suggest that you check if there is
   a released version of apr which handles your requirements without further 
   If there is no such released version of apr I guess the next step depends:

 If there is a version which should work (provides all features that you 
need) but
 actually does not work, I would regard this as a bug that should be fixed 
in this
 apr branch. So you should file an apr bug report including the fix patch.

 If you find no apr version that contains the features you need, I guess 
the apr
 patches should be also done against the trunk. I guess this would also 
 further discussion on the apr dev list.




Re: NameVirtualHosts SSL

2005-10-25 Thread Graham Leggett

Kenevel wrote:

My question is why the server couldn't do some sort of reverse-lookup on its
register of SSL certificates that are in use. Surely the server knows which
certificate it is using to service the request (or else it wouldn't be able
to decrypt its contents) and hence work out which virtual host uses that

The server knows exactly this, yes, but by then it is too late.

The one-virtual-host-per-ip limitation is imposed by SSL, it has nothing 
to do with the webserver.

There is an exception - if you use a wildcard certificate, you can run 
multiple virtual hosts on condition all the virtual hosts match the 
wildcard certificate.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: mod_python 3.2.3b available for testing

2005-10-25 Thread Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy

On Tue, 25 Oct 2005, Nick wrote:

So this is an inconsistency within Python.  Should mod_python attempt to 
correct it, or just claim a Python bug?

I think both. In fact, three things (1) fix it to provide a consistent 
interface (2) still support the broken behaviour (3) claim it is a bug (in 
code comments, or perhaps even officially submit it to Python folks)


Re: NameVirtualHosts SSL

2005-10-25 Thread Joost de Heer
The one-virtual-host-per-ip limitation is imposed by SSL, it has nothing 
to do with the webserver.


There is an exception - if you use a wildcard certificate, you can run 
multiple virtual hosts on condition all the virtual hosts match the 
wildcard certificate.

Another exception is if you don't care about the popup warning, and only use 
certificates for encryption, and not for identification of the webserver.


Re: NameVirtualHosts SSL

2005-10-25 Thread Sander Temme


On Oct 25, 2005, at 10:43 AM, Kenevel wrote:

My question is why the server couldn't do some sort of reverse- 
lookup on its
register of SSL certificates that are in use. Surely the server  
knows which
certificate it is using to service the request (or else it wouldn't  
be able

No, it doesn't. At the moment the SSL connection handshake occurs,   
the server needs to present a certificate to the client. The client  
has certain expectations of the Common Name (CN) field of the  
Distinguished Name (DN) string embedded in the certificate, so it is  
important that the server sends the correct certificate.

At this point in the handshake, the server simply doesn't know enough  
of what the client wants, unless the client connects to a distinct IP  
address and the server has a virtual host configured on that IP  
address. Otherwise, the decision on which virtual host to send the  
request to is made way too late.

to decrypt its contents) and hence work out which virtual host uses  
certificate? This approach means of course that each name-based  
virtual host
would have to use a different certificate - but as those sites are  
more than
likely on different domains the certificates would necessarily be  

There is an extension to the TLS ClientHello that allows the client  
to indicate which servername it is trying to connect to: see http:// paragraph 3.1. However, I don't think  
mod_ssl currently supports this. mod_gnutls may be closer, you may  
want to check that out. Of course, until enough of your client base  
supports this extension it is perfectly useless to you.


PGP FP: 51B4 8727 466A 0BC3 69F4  B7B8 B2BE BC40 1529 24AF

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: NameVirtualHosts SSL

2005-10-25 Thread Michael Harrison
Thanks Graham, Joost and Sander, I hadn't expected for Apache to need to 
know which virtual host to use so early in the request process.



From: Sander Temme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: NameVirtualHosts  SSL
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 11:34:40 -0700


On Oct 25, 2005, at 10:43 AM, Kenevel wrote:

My question is why the server couldn't do some sort of reverse- lookup on 
register of SSL certificates that are in use. Surely the server  knows 
certificate it is using to service the request (or else it wouldn't  be 

No, it doesn't. At the moment the SSL connection handshake occurs,   the 
server needs to present a certificate to the client. The client  has 
certain expectations of the Common Name (CN) field of the  Distinguished 
Name (DN) string embedded in the certificate, so it is  important that the 
server sends the correct certificate.

At this point in the handshake, the server simply doesn't know enough  of 
what the client wants, unless the client connects to a distinct IP  address 
and the server has a virtual host configured on that IP  address. 
Otherwise, the decision on which virtual host to send the  request to is 
made way too late.

to decrypt its contents) and hence work out which virtual host uses  that
certificate? This approach means of course that each name-based  virtual 
would have to use a different certificate - but as those sites are  more 
likely on different domains the certificates would necessarily be  

There is an extension to the TLS ClientHello that allows the client  to 
indicate which servername it is trying to connect to: see http:// paragraph 3.1. However, I don't think  mod_ssl 
currently supports this. mod_gnutls may be closer, you may  want to check 
that out. Of course, until enough of your client base  supports this 
extension it is perfectly useless to you.


PGP FP: 51B4 8727 466A 0BC3 69F4  B7B8 B2BE BC40 1529 24AF


[PATCH] Multiple AuthUserFile support

2005-10-25 Thread Maxime Petazzoni

In the light of the issue reported by noodl at I decided to
implement multiple AuthUserFile support.

The behavior is the same as for a single AuthUserFile : the first line
matching the username is used, regardless of what's coming next.

The attached patch is against current httpd trunk (r328504), compiles
without warnings and has been tested successfully on my local Apache
build (Gcc 4.0.2, apr and apr-util from trunk, too).

** Since this is security related, and since I changed a little bit
the way check_password returns, I would be very pleased if this point
could be reviewed with particular attention. **

- Sam

Maxime Petazzoni (
 -- gone crazy, back soon. leave message.
Index: modules/aaa/mod_authn_file.c
--- modules/aaa/mod_authn_file.c(revision 328504)
+++ modules/aaa/mod_authn_file.c(working copy)
@@ -28,33 +28,47 @@
 #include mod_auth.h
+struct file_prefix {
+const char *file;
 typedef struct {
-char *pwfile;
+apr_array_header_t *pwfiles;
 } authn_file_config_rec;
 static void *create_authn_file_dir_config(apr_pool_t *p, char *d)
 authn_file_config_rec *conf = apr_palloc(p, sizeof(*conf));
-conf-pwfile = NULL; /* just to illustrate the default really */
+conf-pwfiles = apr_array_make(p, 0, sizeof(struct file_prefix));
 return conf;
 static const char *set_authn_file_slot(cmd_parms *cmd, void *offset,
-   const char *f, const char *t)
+  const char *f, const char *t)
+authn_file_config_rec *conf;
+struct file_prefix *item;
 if (t  strcmp(t, standard)) {
 return apr_pstrcat(cmd-pool, Invalid auth file type: , t, NULL);
-return ap_set_file_slot(cmd, offset, f);
+conf = (authn_file_config_rec *)offset;
+/* Add the file to our AuthUserFile list */
+item = (struct file_prefix *)apr_array_push(conf-pwfiles);
+item-file = apr_pstrdup(cmd-pool, f);
+return NULL;
 static const command_rec authn_file_cmds[] =
 AP_INIT_TAKE12(AuthUserFile, set_authn_file_slot,
-   (void *)APR_OFFSETOF(authn_file_config_rec, pwfile),
-   OR_AUTHCFG, text file containing user IDs and passwords),
+  (void *)APR_OFFSETOF(authn_file_config_rec, pwfiles),
+  OR_AUTHCFG, text file containing user IDs and passwords),
@@ -68,44 +82,63 @@
 ap_configfile_t *f;
 char l[MAX_STRING_LEN];
 apr_status_t status;
+struct file_prefix *files;
 char *file_password = NULL;
+int i;
-status = ap_pcfg_openfile(f, r-pool, conf-pwfile);
+files = (struct file_prefix *)conf-pwfiles-elts;
-if (status != APR_SUCCESS) {
-ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, status, r,
-  Could not open password file: %s, conf-pwfile);
+for (i=0; i  conf-pwfiles-nelts; i++) {
+status = ap_pcfg_openfile(f, r-pool, files[i].file);
-while (!(ap_cfg_getline(l, MAX_STRING_LEN, f))) {
-const char *rpw, *w;
+if (status != APR_SUCCESS) {
+ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, status, r,
+  Could not open password file: %s, files[i].file);
-/* Skip # or blank lines. */
-if ((l[0] == '#') || (!l[0])) {
+while (!(ap_cfg_getline(l, MAX_STRING_LEN, f))) {
+const char *rpw, *w;
+/* Skip # or blank lines. */
+if ((l[0] == '#') || (!l[0])) {
+rpw = l;
+w = ap_getword(r-pool, rpw, ':');
+if (!strcmp(user, w)) {
+file_password = ap_getword(r-pool, rpw, ':');
-rpw = l;
-w = ap_getword(r-pool, rpw, ':');
+   /* If the user was found in this file, check his
+  authentification */
+   if (file_password) {
+   status = apr_password_validate(password, file_password);
-if (!strcmp(user, w)) {
-file_password = ap_getword(r-pool, rpw, ':');
+   /* If authentication succeeded, grant the access */
+   if (status == APR_SUCCESS) {
+   return AUTH_GRANTED;
+   }
+   /* Otherwise, deny the access immediately since only the
+  first entry found matching username is used */
+   else {
+   return AUTH_DENIED;
+   }
+   }
 if (!file_password) {
-status = apr_password_validate(password, 

Re: [PATCH] Multiple AuthUserFile support

2005-10-25 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
--On October 26, 2005 1:49:15 AM +0200 Maxime Petazzoni 

In the light of the issue reported by noodl at I decided to
implement multiple AuthUserFile support.

I don't get it.

mod_authn_alias is the solution here.  Like so:

AuthnProviderAlias file foo
AuthUserFile conf/foo-user

AuthnProviderAlias file foo1
AuthUserFile conf/foo1-user

AuthBasicProvider foo foo1

So, I don't think extending AuthUserFile doesn't make sense; and the 
mod_authn_alias approach already works today...  -- justin

Re: [PATCH] Multiple AuthUserFile support

2005-10-25 Thread Maxime Petazzoni
* Justin Erenkrantz [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2005-10-25 17:05:57]:

 --On October 26, 2005 1:49:15 AM +0200 Maxime Petazzoni 
 In the light of the issue reported by noodl at I decided to
 implement multiple AuthUserFile support.
 I don't get it.
 mod_authn_alias is the solution here.  Like so:
 AuthnProviderAlias file foo
 AuthUserFile conf/foo-user
 AuthnProviderAlias file foo1
 AuthUserFile conf/foo1-user
 AuthBasicProvider foo foo1
 So, I don't think extending AuthUserFile doesn't make sense; and the 
 mod_authn_alias approach already works today...  -- justin

You're right. But I don't think everybody as such an extensive
knowledge of the authentication configuration. The example you gave
may look simple to you, but I believe adding multiple AuthUserFile
lines to a classic Basic Auth configuration schema is a lot more
intuitive :

AuthType Basic
AuthName Developpement HTTPd server
AuthUserFile /home/sam/.local/access.user
AuthUserFile /home/sam/.local/access.user2
Require valid-user

Just my 2 ¢,
- Sam

Maxime Petazzoni (
 -- gone crazy, back soon. leave message.

Description: Digital signature

Re: svn commit: r327945 - in /httpd/httpd/trunk: CHANGES modules/http/http_core.c modules/http/http_request.c server/mpm/experimental/event/event.c

2005-10-25 Thread Brian Pane

On Oct 25, 2005, at 2:33 AM, Joe Orton wrote:

httpd-test runs against the trunk are failing all over the place  

I guess caused by one of these changes...

prefork is failing like:

Failed TestStat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of  

t/modules/proxy.t13   11  84.62%  1-9 12-13
t/modules/proxy_balancer.t11 100.00%  1
t/modules/rewrite.t  225  22.73%  17-18 20-22
t/protocol/echo.t   255 65280 88 100.00%  1-8
t/security/CAN-2005-2700.t21  50.00%  1
... plus almost all of t/ssl/* fail

Sorry about that.  I didn't have proxy and ssl compiled in when I
regression-tested with httpd-test.  I'll get started on a fix later this
