Re: [dev] DisposedException when connecting to OpenOffice

2007-02-26 Thread Eric Charles | U-Mangate

I had such an exception the second time I invoked my application.
I looked at

you will read:
"This exception occurs if the object behind this interface has been 
disposed before and can't uphold its method specification anymore."

I tough I had to free the resources I was using (in my case, the first 
time, it was perfectly working, the second, I had the DisposedException).

So I called dispose() method on my document.

_xDoc = _xComponentLoader.loadComponentFromURL(loadUrl, "_default", 0, 

try {
// use methods on _xDoc.

finally {
// free _xDoc

... and the second, third,...time, everything was working.

Kind regards,


Jan Pavelka wrote:

Hello everybody,
I'm using OpenOffice 2.1 on Solaris
I'm trying to connect to listening OpenOffice with my application.
I have a Xvfb started, so I use this command to start openoffice
soffice -invisible -display :0


When I try to bootstrap the OO with given code:
OpenOfficeHost = "localhost";

OpenOfficePort = "6000";

String con = "socket,host="+OpenOfficeHost+",port="+OpenOfficePort;

xRemoteContext = Bootstrap.createInitialComponentContext(null);

XUnoUrlResolver urlResolver = UnoUrlResolver.create(xRemoteContext);

Object initialObject = urlResolver.resolve(

"uno:socket,host=" + OpenOfficeHost + ",port=" + OpenOfficePort +

xRemoteServiceManager = (XMultiComponentFactory)



XPropertySet xProperySet = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(

XPropertySet.class, xRemoteServiceManager);

Object oDefaultContext = xProperySet.getPropertyValue("DefaultContext");

xRemoteContext = (XComponentContext)

UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponentContext.class, oDefaultContext);

desktop = xRemoteServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(

"", xRemoteContext);


I got the exception EOF reached -

at line

Object initialObject = urlResolver.resolve(

"uno:socket,host=" + OpenOfficeHost + ",port=" + OpenOfficePort +

Thanks for any help

Jan Pavelka


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Re: [dev] OpenOffice & Tomcat

2007-01-15 Thread Eric Charles | U-Mangate no office executable  found!

When you access OpenOffice from JAVA, at least the juh.jar located in 2.0/program/classes/juh.jar (where the BootStrap class 
resides) must be in your classpath.

If you copy the juh.jar at another place and you place it in your 
classpath, this will *not* work (OpenOffice returns no office executable 

As a consequence, I always leave all the openoffice jars in their 
original directory, and I put these jars in the server (tomcat) classpath.

Hope this helps,


Markus Auchmann wrote:

Hi guys,

currently I'm working on an application where I try to use OpenOffice 
in a

Tomcat servlet. I'm running Tomcat 5.5.20 and OpenOffice 2.1. To talk to
OpenOffice I decided to use the BSF4Rexx engine which works properly 
with my
servlet. But when I try to invoke OpenOffice I get an error. The 
scripts are

all running fine when trying it without the servlet, so this is a
Tomcat/OpenOffice/Configuraiton issue.

Here is a part of the error which I receive from Tomcat:

 Exception in thread "http-8080-Processor25" 
 org.apache.bsf.BSFException: /// Java-exception (RexxAndJava) occurred:
 [ no office executable 
 found!] \\\ BSF4Rexx subfunction "invoke": object 
 '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' - method [BOOTSTRAP], method not found or 

(exception) executing method!

I added all necessary lib's to my lib directory of my application but
apparently tomcat is not able to speak with OpenOffice. As BSF4Rexx 

is calling Java to talk to OpenOffice there may be a problem with Java,
Tomcat and OpenOffice as the script is running fine when executing it 

the console without the servlet.

Maybe someone of you can give me a hint how to get this to work!
All hints are appreciated :)

Thanks a lot in advance,

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