Re: [Sugar-devel] [PATCH] webactivity: seed the XS cookie at startup

2009-02-18 Thread Hal Murray

>> The fqdn from backup server or jabber server. Either will do until we
>> fix the registration stuff.

> Please state exactly which one you want - I want this to be your call.

How about adding a layer of indirection and letting DNS do the binding?


I'm not a DNS wizard.

DNS has "C" records which are roughly symbolic links.

These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

Devel mailing list

Re: Opportunity for speedup

2009-02-18 Thread Bobby Powers
On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 2:01 AM, Mitch Bradley  wrote:
> I just measured the time taken by the boot animation by the simple
> technique of renaming /usr/bin/rhgb-client so the initscripts can't find it.

how did you measure exactly? stopwatch? I'd like to recreate the
tests.  It sounds like you did this on a freshly flashed system?

> With boot animation, OS build 7 (an older 8.2.1 candidate) takes 60
> seconds from first dot (indicating OFW transfer to Linux) to Sugar
> "prompt for your name".   Without it, 53 seconds.  I repeated the test
> several times with consistent results.
> Clearly, it should be possible to display that amount of information in
> much less than 7 seconds.
> The boot animation code is in the OLPC domain, not the upstream domain,
> so replacing it should be relatively free of upstream politics.
> So if anybody is interested in implementing a relatively simple
> boot-time speedup, I offer this as low-hanging fruit.
> I suggest 1 second (differential time between animation and no-animation
> cases) as a reasonable target goal, assuming images of the complexity of
> the current ones.  Arbitrary full-screen graphics might require more
> time, but speeding up the baseline case is a good starting point.
> Go wild.

So I've taken a first cut at this, implemented with the following
design considerations (mostly from a conversation with Mitch)
- the Python client/server was reimplemented as several standalone C
programs (boot-anim-start, boot-anim-client, and some cleanup in
- a client and server was used before because there is state
information that needs to be saved: we need to keep track of where in
the animation we are.  We can keep track of this by using offscreen
memory in the framebuffer (its 16MB in size, and only the first 2ish
MB is used for the onscreen graphics (my terminology might be off
here)).  For state we really only need to keep track of 2 integers,
one for the current frame number and another to store the offset of
the next diff to apply.
- on startup we load an initial image into the framebuffer (the first
1200*900*2 bytes, since we use 2 bytes per pixel for color
information), and then load in a series of changes to the framebuffer
image (<300KB).  This takes the form of a series of diffs
- for each update (a valid call to boot-anim-client) we apply the next
diff in the series to the onscreen image and update our state
- after applying the last diff we have (the end in the animation
series), freeze the DCON (when I first attempted to freeze the DCON
when z-boot-anim-stop was called it left the screen in an inconsistent
state, I believe because of X startup)
- its designed to be as light as possible, using syscalls instead of
libc functions as much as possible (the only thing we use libc for is
string comparison, which could be replaced with a local function).
while its written like this, I haven't worked on cutting down the
linking (I need some guidance for that)

comments and suggestions welcome :)

I'd appreciate any testing as well as any code review.  (the shutdown
image appears to be broken, FYI.  i haven't looked at that in depth,
its probably a one line fix.)
rpms (built with mock) are available at
and source is avail at

Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [PATCH] webactivity: seed the XS cookie at startup

2009-02-18 Thread Martin Langhoff
On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 7:20 PM, Simon Schampijer  wrote:
> Martin Langhoff wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 11:03 AM, Simon Schampijer 
>> wrote:
>>> Well, your call - using the schoolserver url then?
>> The fqdn from backup server or jabber server. Either will do until we
>> fix the registration stuff.
> Please state exactly which one you want - I want this to be your call.

Ok. Both are wrong, and I'm good at being stoned for picking a wrong setting.

The jabber server is at least recorded as a fqdn, so let's use that.
Backup server is recorded as u...@fqdn:path .

And let's make sure we fix registration and these values in the next
feature work cycle :-)

For the time being, ejabberd, backup and moodle are quite tightly
bound together -- this is not a good long-term thing, but a fact of
life in the short-term.


-- -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
Devel mailing list

Re: Price point plus sales to individuals

2009-02-18 Thread Carlos Nazareno
> Okay, so those of you who are keen on there being a way for individuals
> to buy XOs at $2xx dollars should place a volume order, set up a web
> site, and start raking in the dough.
> Obviously you guys know something about making a few bucks per machine
> that has eluded the OLPC organization, so go for it.  As the old canard
> says, put your money where you mouth is.

seriously, it would be fantastic if whoever we have to/can talk to, please pm.

* see: Asia-Pacific logistical location of the Philippines
* everyone here pretty much speaks English

all the best,


carlos nazareno
user group manager
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
adobe flash/flex/air community
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [PATCH] webactivity: seed the XS cookie at startup

2009-02-18 Thread Simon Schampijer
Martin Langhoff wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 12:17 PM, Martin Langhoff
>  wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 11:03 AM, Simon Schampijer  
>> wrote:
>> I take it you're happy to fix things up so that the 2 branches are
>> reasonably in sync? Thanks!
> a git fetch from 'mainline.git' doesn't show any activity. I'm more
> than happy with the edits you've done on my patch, and the edits notes
> in the discussion.
> I'd just would *love* to see this patch on both 'master' and s-0.82,
> and perhaps a release on that s-082 branch, so deployments can start
> shipping that with my super moodling code.
> Are there any blockers? Perhaps this being held by the Perl rewrite
> you mentioned?
> m

Please just reply to the other mail and I can push the patches. As I am 
swamped things take a bit longer.

Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [PATCH] webactivity: seed the XS cookie at startup

2009-02-18 Thread Simon Schampijer
Martin Langhoff wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 11:03 AM, Simon Schampijer  
> wrote:
>> Well, your call - using the schoolserver url then?
> The fqdn from backup server or jabber server. Either will do until we
> fix the registration stuff.

Please state exactly which one you want - I want this to be your call.


Devel mailing list

Re: Price point plus sales to individuals

2009-02-18 Thread Martin Langhoff
On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 4:24 PM, John Watlington  wrote:
> +1
> I don't see how a non-profit can do this, as requires financing at
> risk, and
> staffing for uncertain demand.Let me know when you have the capital.
> The factory requires cash or irrevocable letter of credit for the
> full amount
> three to four months before delivery.

Now, whoever takes on doing this, if they manage to strike the
dastardly tricky balance between closedness that you need when you
have lots of capital on the line, with the openness needed to work in
the open community...

... well there's a community very keen to help you, and with a have a
ton of expertise.

(now, that balance... damn hard!)


-- -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
Devel mailing list

Re: Price point plus sales to individuals

2009-02-18 Thread Carlos Nazareno
> Okay, so those of you who are keen on there being a way for individuals
> to buy XOs at $2xx dollars should place a volume order, set up a web
> site, and start raking in the dough.
> Obviously you guys know something about making a few bucks per machine
> that has eluded the OLPC organization, so go for it.  As the old canard
> says, put your money where you mouth is.

PM me.

carlos nazareno
user group manager
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
adobe flash/flex/air community
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Wellington OLPC/Sugar volunteers group - meeting this Saturday 10.30am, Southern Cross

2009-02-18 Thread Tabitha Roder

OLPC/Sugar testing is on again this Saturday. Martin is still in NZ so come
along to ask him all about XS and Moodle. Focus for this weekend is updating
to 8.2.1 and activity testing.

Usual time and place: 1030am at the Cross, 35 Abel Smith St

FYI - Cuba St Carnival is on that afternoon, so testing could end with a bit
of sight seeing in Cuba St!

See you there!

Tabitha Roder


Support OLPC G1G1 -
Devel mailing list

RFC: Supporting olpc-ish Deployments - Draft 1

2009-02-18 Thread Michael Stone

Pia Waugh (greebo) and I have spent a fair bit of time in the last month
talking and thinking about what we can do in the next few months to best
support present and future olpc-ish deployments (typically with XOs, typically
running Sugar) and we'd like to share some of our thoughts with you. These
thoughts are presented in draft form in order to solicit your feedback, which
is eagerly awaited, and will likely be incorporated into future drafts.




1. Motivation

We think that many deployment-related needs are not being adequately met,
particularly in the areas of:

* knowledge-sharing and the ability to benefit from others' mistakes.

* volume and quality of aid available for conducting deployments.

* bandwidth, latency, and SNR of channels to other communities which work
  with deployments; e.g. other deployments, educators, software teams,
  distributions, researchers, consultants, and volunteers

2. Use Cases 

We're particularly interested in addressing these situations and needs:

  D1) I'm running a deployment...
a) ...and I need help! Who shares my problem? Who can help me?
b) ...and I want to do more! Who/what can I work with? 
c) ...and I want to share! Where do I go? What is needed?

  D2) I need to talk to people deploying XOs.
a) Where do I go?
b) What can I expect?

  D3) I'm working on a deployment plan.
a) Where to I start?
b) What have I forgotten?
c) Am I using best practices?
d) Can I get a review?
  D4) I need to know...
a) real deployment numbers, 
b) maps, 
c) examples, 
d) photos, 
e) techniques,
f) contact info,

3. Existing Resources for Use Cases

Before we started, there were three basic mechanisms for addressing these use

1) read the Deployment Guide and the Deployments page(s):

2) ask (Only available to large deployments?)

3) poke people on IRC.

These three mechanisms are problematic because none of them can be relied upon,
alone or in combination, to adequately address any of the use cases listed

4. New Resources for Use Cases

So far, we've created two new resources which help bridge the gap: 

4) weekly deployment support meetings, with minutes at

   which get aggregated each month into

5) a Deployment FAQ,

   similar in form and spirit to the G1G1

We think that these two new resources, in combination with the pre-existing
resources, will help us provide the next level of support for our use cases.

4. Projects

We presently have several ongoing (interrelated) projects which you might like
to become (more deeply) involved in:

P1) Keep improving the deployment support meetings

-- so far, so good!

-- your participation in these meetings is our best current source of 
   content for the Deployment FAQ and for...

P2) Organize material captured in the meetings as FAQ entries

-- the meeting minutes are chronological, which is good for minutes, but
   not particularly helpful for random-access reads. 
-- FAQ entries seem like a good compromise between maintenance cost,
   timeliness, and satsifaction of the use cases

P3) Update the Deployment Guide

-- The Guide is now ~1 year out of date 

-- and it leaves too much to the imagination: just look at its advice on
   critical areas like connectivity, content acquisition, and means of
   participation in the larger community of 1-1 educational laptop
   programs in general and XO deployments in specific.

5. Status

Project P1 (meetings) is rolling along quite happily only one month after its
inception but it could use your help in order to become even more vibrant,
dense, and ingrained in the olpc-psyche. 

Project P2 (FAQ) is just beginning -- we've done a first rough-cut which you
should review for us and help us edit down into something awesome!

Project P3 (Guide updates) is just a twinkle in our eyes -- and it needs your
help to fly! In particular, three different mechanisms have been tentatively
proposed for how to accomplish the update(s):

a) By sprints, like the FLOSS Manuals sprints that created the XO and Sugar

b) By accretion, like the rest of the wiki, performed on a piecemeal basis
   by participants in the deployment support meetings.

c) By issue-tracking, like softwa

Re: Guidance sought on collaboration techniques

2009-02-18 Thread Gary C Martin
On 19 Feb 2009, at 02:28, Wade Brainerd wrote:

> Hey James,
> I always have set my XOs using the Control Panel to one of the  
> servers listed here:
> Most often it's the server which is  
> designated as for developers.
> I have never had good luck getting XOs on the network to see each  
> other without a server.  Sometimes it has worked, but not lately.

Hmm, interesting. I've had no problems here with 3 XOs all seeing each  
other, either via Mesh, or the single AP I have here. For most of the  
last ~4 months I've usually had them all with a blank jabber server  
setting and have been test collaborating locally. Actually, it's much  
more testable/repeatable now that the jabber server is not set by  
default, the default always seemed to be off-line; broken due to  
server load; or more recently, running some test Gadget build that  
prevented you from seeing anyone else.

Actually that raises a question, did Gadget make it in to the 8.2.1  
build? Or is this still a future maybe? I take it it is/would be a  
Sugar future feature/dependancy?


> Cheers,
> Wade
> On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 12:21 PM, James Simmons  > wrote:
> Wade,
> This weekend I tried to get my two computers running Fedora 10 with  
> the Sugar RPMs to share with one another, with no luck.  Back when I  
> was using Xubuntu there was a collabora server that the Xubuntu RPMs  
> had installed by default, and I was able to set up my XO to use it  
> using a command line something like this:
> sugar-control-panel -s jabber
> When I try to do that now I get a python stack trace (if that's the  
> right word) and I still get an empty neighborhood view..
> I was lead to believe a few months ago that two instances of Sugar  
> on the same network would find each other and be able to share even  
> without a jabber server between them.  I couldn't get that to work  
> then and it doesn't work now.
> In any case, I have two machines running Fedora 10 and I want them  
> to be able to collaborate.  I should be able to run multiple  
> instances of Sugar on one of these machines as well.  I don't have  
> my own jabber server.  How would you suggest I set up a test  
> environment for collaboration?
> Thanks again,
> James Simmons
> Wade Brainerd wrote:
> Hey James,
> FYI here is the collaboration code in Colors!
> It's fairly well commented but let me know if you have any questions  
> about how it works, or what you should do differently in Read Etexts.
> ___
> Devel mailing list

Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [PATCH] webactivity: seed the XS cookie at startup

2009-02-18 Thread Martin Langhoff
On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 12:17 PM, Martin Langhoff
> On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 11:03 AM, Simon Schampijer  
> wrote:
> I take it you're happy to fix things up so that the 2 branches are
> reasonably in sync? Thanks!

a git fetch from 'mainline.git' doesn't show any activity. I'm more
than happy with the edits you've done on my patch, and the edits notes
in the discussion.

I'd just would *love* to see this patch on both 'master' and s-0.82,
and perhaps a release on that s-082 branch, so deployments can start
shipping that with my super moodling code.

Are there any blockers? Perhaps this being held by the Perl rewrite
you mentioned?

-- -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
Devel mailing list

Re: Price point plus sales to individuals

2009-02-18 Thread John Watlington

On Feb 18, 2009, at 9:37 PM, Mitch Bradley wrote:

> Okay, so those of you who are keen on there being a way for  
> individuals
> to buy XOs at $2xx dollars should place a volume order, set up a web
> site, and start raking in the dough.

I don't see how a non-profit can do this, as requires financing at  
risk, and
staffing for uncertain demand.Let me know when you have the capital.
The factory requires cash or irrevocable letter of credit for the  
full amount
three to four months before delivery.

Devel mailing list

Re: Price point plus sales to individuals

2009-02-18 Thread quozl
On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 04:37:34PM -1000, Mitch Bradley wrote:
> Okay, so those of you who are keen on there being a way for individuals 
> to buy XOs at $2xx dollars should place a volume order, set up a web 
> site, and start raking in the dough.


(I'm not volunteering to do that, but the point is well made, speaking
about something and not doing it is wasteful.)

Devel mailing list

Re: Price point plus sales to individuals

2009-02-18 Thread Mitch Bradley
Okay, so those of you who are keen on there being a way for individuals 
to buy XOs at $2xx dollars should place a volume order, set up a web 
site, and start raking in the dough.

Obviously you guys know something about making a few bucks per machine 
that has eluded the OLPC organization, so go for it.  As the old canard 
says, put your money where you mouth is.

Devel mailing list

Re: HTML-based/Browser apps (was Re: anti-cheating)

2009-02-18 Thread Wade Brainerd
Great to hear Finance has been translated and will be offered!  Please let
me know if there are any features that would make it more useful for you

Note that it's not in any way Tax related, it's simply for planning and
recording personal finances - income and expenses over time.


On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 8:36 AM, Mike Dawson wrote:

> Dear Wade,
> Thanks for that - I got it co-operating - I found that something had
> gone wrong with inkscape.
> Indeed there is some relation to the finance activity - we are
> focusing on finding the economic info and presenting it (e.g. we have
> a listing of common businesses that people start such as a fruit cart,
> how much capital is required etc).
> Basic accounting is definitely nice and we have translated your
> Finance activity into Dari and Pashto.  The challenge we face is that
> people here can be very suspicious as the tax system is 'under
> construction' - so we will make it available - and as we establish
> trust we should be able to watch how it used.
> Thanks/Regards,
> -Mike
> 2009/2/12 Wade Brainerd :
> > Hey Mike,
> > Make sure to restart Sugar between activity changes (Ctrl+Alt+Erase) as
> the
> > shell doesn't automatically pick up changes yet.
> > Also, make sure the .SVG is located in the same folder as the
> > file.  You might try copying a .svg from another activity (say Browse)
> and
> > renaming it to activity-econdev.svg just to make sure the correct file is
> > being found.
> > Finally, make sure the activity is Starred in the list view or it will
> not
> > appear in the circle.
> > -
> > Your home finance initiative sounds like it dovetails nicely with my
> > activity.  It's an extremely simple
> home
> > financial calculator ala Quicken.  I wrote it in the hopes that children
> > might help their parents keep track of income and expenses and make
> budgets.
> > If you have time, please take a look and let me know what you think!
> > Cheers,
> > Wade
> > On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 5:25 AM, Mike Dawson  >
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> Hey All,
> >>
> >> The offline spec is indeed something very cool - I had some time back
> >> done some work with XSL to try to create something that would have a
> >> similar effect with Apache cocoon - but nothing can (or should) beat a
> >> w3c standard.
> >>
> >> What we are trying to do in Afghanistan to see if we can offset the
> >> cost of the laptop is deliver info to the parents using the XO to see
> >> if we can help them to increase their income - things like home
> >> business ideas (e.g. Afghan carpets), CV writing etc. for when the
> >> kids are asleep...
> >>
> >> As HTML seems to be the most portable / compact choice we have made a
> >> collection of info as such - but as per the previous post we would
> >> rather have it a bit more prominent than making the .xol collection
> >> file.
> >>
> >> I hence copied the help activity to a new folder Econdev.activity:
> >>
> >> Left as it was except for changing the line:
> >>
> >> HOME = os.path.join(activity.get_bundle_path(), 'econdev/index.html')
> >>
> >> Created activity
> >> [Activity]
> >> name = Economic Development
> >> activity_version = 10
> >> service_name = af.asmed.EconomicDevelopment
> >> icon = activity-econdev
> >> class = helpactivity.HelpActivity
> >> license = GPLv2
> >>
> >> Then there is an SVG I made in Inkscape activity/activity-econdev.svg
> >> - yet somehow when this folder Econdev.activity is copied to
> >> ~/Activities and sugar etc. is restarted - no icon turning up.  I also
> >> tried packaging it as a .xo file and then running the install script
> >> that put it under /usr/share - it turns up, but no icon...
> >>
> >> I went through the log viewer and there didn't seem to be any special
> >> mention of it...   Is there possibly a problem from not changing the
> >> Class name of the helpactivity to be unique - or some naming
> >> convention that I have neglected here?
> >>
> >> Our stuff (in English, Dari and Pashto) will go up on and as a
> >> collection...
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >>
> >> -Mike
> >>
> >> PS:
> >> I have to hang my head in shame that I have not yet done much Python /
> >> XO activity coding (yet) - I've done more Java/J2EE and Linux server
> >> admin thus far.  I will take time over the "weekend"...
> >>
> >> 2009/1/13 Sameer Verma :
> >> > On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 2:15 AM, S Page  wrote:
> >> >> Carlos Nazareno wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >>> - I'd also like to see more work done on a method to easily bundle
> >> >>> Gnash or HTML-based/Browser applications as stand-alone activities,
> or
> >> >>> at least launch the browser with the wrapped activity loaded upon
> >> >>> startup.
> >> >>
> >> >> See the Help activity in 8.2.0, it instantiates the WebView from
> >> >> hulahop
> >> >> that underlies Browse and points it at help/XO_Introduction.html.
> >> >>
> >> >> But is it so bad to make y

Re: Guidance sought on collaboration techniques

2009-02-18 Thread Wade Brainerd
Hey James,

I always have set my XOs using the Control Panel to one of the servers
listed here:

Most often it's the server which is designated as
for developers.

I have never had good luck getting XOs on the network to see each other
without a server.  Sometimes it has worked, but not lately.


On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 12:21 PM, James Simmons

> Wade,
> This weekend I tried to get my two computers running Fedora 10 with the
> Sugar RPMs to share with one another, with no luck.  Back when I was using
> Xubuntu there was a collabora server that the Xubuntu RPMs had installed by
> default, and I was able to set up my XO to use it using a command line
> something like this:
> sugar-control-panel -s jabber
> When I try to do that now I get a python stack trace (if that's the right
> word) and I still get an empty neighborhood view..
> I was lead to believe a few months ago that two instances of Sugar on the
> same network would find each other and be able to share even without a
> jabber server between them.  I couldn't get that to work then and it doesn't
> work now.
> In any case, I have two machines running Fedora 10 and I want them to be
> able to collaborate.  I should be able to run multiple instances of Sugar on
> one of these machines as well.  I don't have my own jabber server.  How
> would you suggest I set up a test environment for collaboration?
> Thanks again,
> James Simmons
> Wade Brainerd wrote:
>> Hey James,
>> FYI here is the collaboration code in Colors!
>> It's fairly well commented but let me know if you have any questions about
>> how it works, or what you should do differently in Read Etexts.
Devel mailing list

New joyride build 2656

2009-02-18 Thread Build Announcer v2

Changes in build 2656 from build: 2655

Size delta: 0.13M

-libattr 2.4.43-1.fc10
+libattr 2.4.43-2.fc10
-sqlite 3.5.9-3.fc10
+sqlite 3.5.9-4.fc10

This mail was automatically generated
See for aggregate logs
See for a 
Devel mailing list

Re: new mailing list for other distros?

2009-02-18 Thread Martin Langhoff
On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 1:42 AM,   wrote:
> I'd go further and say that things are already too fragmented.


-- -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
Devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] mkusbinstall enhancements

2009-02-18 Thread Martin Langhoff
On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 1:41 PM, Jerry  wrote:
> Can you apply and test: xo.patch from:
> Now sets the filesystem label to be XSRepo, used with the sed's line to
> set the ks= directive to be that of the usbdrive's label. That should
> fix the need to edit the bootloader's config file.

Thanks! Applied (had a minor fixup as we had a fix to support iso
filenames with spaces). And tested - as you've described a few times,
when it boots it asks for the ks path that it just failed to find, and
you press enter and it works. It's that niggly delay...

Upstream was looking into waiting for some event from the kernel IIRC.
Will that bear fruit for F11 you think?


-- -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
Server-devel mailing list

Re: price point + sales to individuals

2009-02-18 Thread david
On Wed, 18 Feb 2009, Holt wrote:

> CORRECTION: The Contributors Program is in fact operational, and will be
> undergoing pretty radical enhancement going forward, including local XO
> Projects Pools / Laptop Lending Libraries wherever we find responsible
> stewards worldwide (email if you can help!)
> Submit applications for free XO Laptop(s) here, if you have any Project
> idea that will genuinely contribute to the OLPC/Sugar community:
>  (site may change in future!)
> Please specify if you would like a Mentor to help you along -- I and our
> dedicated will do our best to
> help you nurture your Project wherever we can,
> --Holt
> PS other great avenues for obtaining (and giving) individual XO's are
> listed here:

there is also the issue that statments have been made that the new 2009 
give-many program is due to be scrapped at any second, at which time it 
will be impossible for any originization to get quantities <10,000

that will interfere with a lot of self-directed projects.

the availablility of the XO laptops _is_ an issue, for individuals and 

David Lang

> wrote:
>> bert wrote:
>> > On 18.02.2009, at 18:01, John Watlington wrote:
>> >
>> >> We already have a developer program where we give away laptops
>> >> to interested people.
>> >
>> >
>> > This is for people already committed, already part of the community.
>> > It's a great program, I got my XOs from it.
>> it's also only great when it's operational.  i have no knowledge
>> of its current status, but there have been many complaints in the
>> last year or so that the program had stagnated.
>> paul
>> =-
>>  paul fox,
>> ___
>> Devel mailing list
> ___
> Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

Re: price point + sales to individuals

2009-02-18 Thread Holt
CORRECTION: The Contributors Program is in fact operational, and will be 
undergoing pretty radical enhancement going forward, including local XO 
Projects Pools / Laptop Lending Libraries wherever we find responsible 
stewards worldwide (email if you can help!)

Submit applications for free XO Laptop(s) here, if you have any Project 
idea that will genuinely contribute to the OLPC/Sugar community:  (site may change in future!)

Please specify if you would like a Mentor to help you along -- I and our 
dedicated will do our best to 
help you nurture your Project wherever we can,

PS other great avenues for obtaining (and giving) individual XO's are 
listed here: wrote:
> bert wrote:
>  > On 18.02.2009, at 18:01, John Watlington wrote:
>  > 
>  > > We already have a developer program where we give away laptops
>  > > to interested people.
>  > 
>  > 
>  > This is for people already committed, already part of the community.  
>  > It's a great program, I got my XOs from it.
> it's also only great when it's operational.  i have no knowledge
> of its current status, but there have been many complaints in the
> last year or so that the program had stagnated.
> paul
> =-
>  paul fox,
> ___
> Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] mkusbinstall enhancements

2009-02-18 Thread Jerry Vonau
On Wed, 2009-02-18 at 11:50 -0600, Jerry Vonau wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-02-17 at 18:41 -0600, Jerry wrote:
> > Martin:
> > 
> > Can you apply and test: xo.patch from:
> >
> > 
> > I need to append "method=hd:LABEL=XSRepo:/iso" to the same line,
> Can you change this line in the patch from:
> sed -i -e 's/cdrom:/hd:LABEL=XSRepo:/g'
> $USBMNT/$SYSLINUXPATH/isolinux.cfg
> to, all on one line:
> sed -i -e 's/cdrom:/hd:LABEL=XSRepo:/g' 
> -e 's|cfg|cfg method=hd:LABEL=XSRepo:/iso|'
> $USBMNT/$SYSLINUXPATH/isolinux.cfg
> I will update the method= part to repo=, as method= is going away, to
> take care of newer versions of anaconda. I just have not tested repo=
> with this version of anaconda.
> Jerry

Guess, I should add that this does away with the prompting of the "where
is the install media?" screen.



Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] mkusbinstall enhancements

2009-02-18 Thread Jerry Vonau
On Tue, 2009-02-17 at 18:41 -0600, Jerry wrote:
> Martin:
> Can you apply and test: xo.patch from:

> I need to append "method=hd:LABEL=XSRepo:/iso" to the same line,

Can you change this line in the patch from:
sed -i -e 's/cdrom:/hd:LABEL=XSRepo:/g'

to, all on one line:
sed -i -e 's/cdrom:/hd:LABEL=XSRepo:/g' 
-e 's|cfg|cfg method=hd:LABEL=XSRepo:/iso|'

I will update the method= part to repo=, as method= is going away, to
take care of newer versions of anaconda. I just have not tested repo=
with this version of anaconda.


Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Testing] 8.2.1 candidate-800 giving incorrect keyboard language maps?

2009-02-18 Thread Sayamindu Dasgupta
On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 11:28 PM, Gary C Martin  wrote:
> On 18 Feb 2009, at 12:10, Daniel Drake wrote:
>> 2009/2/17 Gary C Martin :
>>> Just wanted to post incase anyone can easily confirm/deny; but after
>>> clean flashing a Spanish language XO to 8.2.1 candidate-800, the
>>> language correctly defaults to Spanish, but the keyboard is
>>> responding
>>> only as a US-English keyboard.
>>> Hopefully just an issue with this one Spanish XO I have here (it's a
>>> B4 model).
>> works for me with "real" spanish XOs (SKU5, uruguay).
> Phew, thanks Daniel, that would have been nasty – hopefully was just
> something B4'ish then.

Going by your inputs in Trac, I think the keyboard configuration bits
of the startup script are getting confused by the different mfg-data
schema of the B4 machines. It should not ideally happen, but since it
affects B4 machines only, I think we can set it to non blocker.

Sayamindu Dasgupta
Devel mailing list

Re: 8.2.1 candidate-800 giving incorrect keyboard language maps?

2009-02-18 Thread Gary C Martin
On 18 Feb 2009, at 12:10, Daniel Drake wrote:

> 2009/2/17 Gary C Martin :
>> Just wanted to post incase anyone can easily confirm/deny; but after
>> clean flashing a Spanish language XO to 8.2.1 candidate-800, the
>> language correctly defaults to Spanish, but the keyboard is  
>> responding
>> only as a US-English keyboard.
>> Hopefully just an issue with this one Spanish XO I have here (it's a
>> B4 model).
> works for me with "real" spanish XOs (SKU5, uruguay).

Phew, thanks Daniel, that would have been nasty – hopefully was just  
something B4'ish then.


> Daniel

Devel mailing list

Re: price point + sales to individuals

2009-02-18 Thread pgf
bert wrote:
 > On 18.02.2009, at 18:01, John Watlington wrote:
 > > We already have a developer program where we give away laptops
 > > to interested people.
 > This is for people already committed, already part of the community.  
 > It's a great program, I got my XOs from it.

it's also only great when it's operational.  i have no knowledge
of its current status, but there have been many complaints in the
last year or so that the program had stagnated.

 paul fox,
Devel mailing list

Re: price point + sales to individuals

2009-02-18 Thread Bert Freudenberg
On 18.02.2009, at 18:01, John Watlington wrote:

> We already have a developer program where we give away laptops
> to interested people.

This is for people already committed, already part of the community.  
It's a great program, I got my XOs from it.

But it does not get new people into the community. Like those who want  
to tinker in private. Do something cool because it's a cool machine.  
They would happily shell out a couple hundred bucks even if you slap a  
"no warranty at all" sticker on the order page. This will not reach as  
many people as g1g1 2007, but having a place to simply order is  
essential (even more so for long term projects like in classrooms).

- Bert -

Devel mailing list

Re: Unshare an Activity

2009-02-18 Thread Jorge Saldivar
Thanks Eben!,

Very helpful all of your comments.

Thanks all for your help, now I understant too much about mesh, share, join,

Anything would be bothering you again.


Jorge Saldivar
Devel mailing list

Re: price point + sales to individuals

2009-02-18 Thread John Watlington

On Feb 18, 2009, at 8:24 AM, Carlos Nazareno wrote:

>> In summary, you'd like to see a lower price.
> No, in summary, I'm thinking maybe this can be a two-birds with one
> stone approach to:
> a) Save OLPC financially by selling XO units with a little profit to
> all takers as Yama said. Why not tie up with and physically stock some
> units at computer/electronics stores since there are logistical
> problems with shipping to individuals? (this would also entail some
> marketing and evangelism to show how the XO is different from netbooks
> - I suspect it'd be a hit with the outdoors crowd, much like when GPS
> devices were new)

OK.   So someone has to provide, up front, the money to build the
units for stocking those retail stores.   This same organization would
handle marketing and evangelism.   Guess what ?   You've reinvented
HP/Dell/Lenovo, etc.

> b) Increase the number of software developers, contributors, content
> authors and testers by getting XO units into more peoples' hands. (see
> homebrew scene popularity and success stories: what more with a
> dev-friendly environment like the XO?)

We already have a developer program where we give away laptops
to interested people.

Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] XOIRC migrated to Sugar Labs (as IRC Activity)

2009-02-18 Thread Mel Chua
Rockin'. I'll port over the bugs.

Simon Schampijer wrote:
> Mel Chua wrote:
>> The IRC activity (XoIRC) has been moved to the Sugar Labs 
>> infrastructure. If Eduardo is ok with it, I'll be maintaining it here 
>> unless someone else would like to pick it up.
> Awesome, thanks Mel.
>> Wade, as the ActivityTeam coordinator, can you add a Trac component 
>> for this?
> I created you the trac component.
> Cheers,
Devel mailing list

Re: new mailing list for other distros?

2009-02-18 Thread david
On Wed, 18 Feb 2009, Peter Robinson wrote:

>>> I disagree.  There is no clutter now, and concentrating all the XO
>>> hardware related discussions here is very valuable.  Splitting by
>>> distribution would halt collaboration.
>> I'd go further and say that things are already too fragmented. the fact
>> that the DebXO maintainer didn't know that much of the discussion that he
>> needed to know about had migrated to a fedora mailing list is not a good
>> sign.
> That's interesting, can you point to the conversation

see the tail end of the thread 'Please update etoys in 8.2.1' around Feb 6

> , alot of the
> stuff I send to the Fedora-olpc list is regarding Fedora packages etc,
> so it would be useful from my point of view what the discussion was so
> I at least keep stuff that would be useful to other distros on this
> list.
> Generally though, I agree with keeping the discussion on this list
> rather than splitting it up so general hardware issues etc  that would
> more than likely be relevant to all distros are central.
> Peter
Devel mailing list

Re: Application crashing with Bad Window error only on OLPC 767 build

2009-02-18 Thread shivaprasad javali
Finally some more information about what is happening. The application that
I am running previously didn't use any UI packages and worked directly with
windows through X calls. I had to add a xulrunner based browser to it which
accepted only a gtk window and couldn't work with an X window directly. So I
added the code for just the browser to use gtk.

I switched to the old code ( pre gtk) and it works fine on the XO with 767
sugar build. Then I tried adding the gtk_init() call to the initialization
sequence and it crashed immediately. I guess the problem has something to do
with both gtk and X windows working together.( Although I don't get why the
problem should persist only when I launch my app from the activity bar and
not when I run it from the terminal) . Can anybody help me figure out what
the problem might be?


On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 5:49 AM, S Page  wrote:

> (private response, but if you learn more re-send to OLPC devel list)
> Do you see anything in the logs after enabling warnings?
> See
> Then there's general debugging on Linux using strace, gdb, etc.  I don't
> see much on the wiki about that.
> shivaprasad javali wrote:
>>I am trying to port an application to OLPC. It has a xulrunner
>> based browser which draws into a gtk window. It runs perfectly on OLPC
>> builds 708 and 711 , but when I try to run it on 767 build it crashes with
>> an error in a X window system error with error code 3( Bad Window).
>>Also the crash occurs only when I launch the activity from the
>> Activity bar. If open the Terminal activity and run it from there it works
>> fine. It crashes only when I run it from the Activity bar and on the 767
>> build. Could any body tell me what changed from build 711 to 767 which made
>> my application to crash?
>> Thanks
>> jbsp72
Devel mailing list

Re: new mailing list for other distros?

2009-02-18 Thread Tiago Marques
On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 10:23 AM,   wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 04:14:05PM +0800, Carlos Nazareno wrote:
>> > I will have my two XO's there, I will try to have them running different
>> > flavors of DebXO (from USB sticks if nothing else, but quite possibly from
>> > the NAND), since the future direction is to have them run relativly
>> > standard distros, having examples of the different distros would be nice.
>> Would it be good to create a new separate mailman developer list for
>> non XO OS (Fedora + Sugar) other linux distro ports? (debxo, ubuntu
>> xo, fedora xo etc) And then keep devel for main XO OS to avoid
>> clutter?
> I disagree.  There is no clutter now, and concentrating all the XO
> hardware related discussions here is very valuable.  Splitting by
> distribution would halt collaboration.
>> Off-topic, $250 a pop would be a sweet spot if that provides enough
>> profit to fund OLPC considering that the $250-$300 niche is already
>> filled with models that provide way more horsepower than the XO-1
>> (yes, we can say "that's not XO's objective niche!", but consumers
>> will still look at cpu,ram&storage whatever anyone says).
> In summary, you'd like to see a lower price.  I agree, but I don't see
> it happening soon, because although an XO is a fantastic hacker tool,
> we're really doing it for the kids who aren't yet hackers.  The other
> products out there that have multiple other purposes, and ship in
> quantities far greater than the XO, will have a lower price until the XO
> ships in similar quantities.

Will similar quantities ever be attainable without embracing the
general consumer market? I'd say you're past the "we just need the
kids in developing countries" as the way to reach the project's goals.

Best regards,
Tiago Marques

> --
> James
> ___
> Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

Re: new mailing list for other distros?

2009-02-18 Thread Peter Robinson
>> I disagree.  There is no clutter now, and concentrating all the XO
>> hardware related discussions here is very valuable.  Splitting by
>> distribution would halt collaboration.
> I'd go further and say that things are already too fragmented. the fact
> that the DebXO maintainer didn't know that much of the discussion that he
> needed to know about had migrated to a fedora mailing list is not a good
> sign.

That's interesting, can you point to the conversation, alot of the
stuff I send to the Fedora-olpc list is regarding Fedora packages etc,
so it would be useful from my point of view what the discussion was so
I at least keep stuff that would be useful to other distros on this

Generally though, I agree with keeping the discussion on this list
rather than splitting it up so general hardware issues etc  that would
more than likely be relevant to all distros are central.

Devel mailing list

Re: new mailing list for other distros?

2009-02-18 Thread pgf wrote:
 > On Wed, 18 Feb 2009, wrote:
 > > On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 04:14:05PM +0800, Carlos Nazareno wrote:
 > >>> I will have my two XO's there, I will try to have them running different
 > >>> flavors of DebXO (from USB sticks if nothing else, but quite possibly 
 > >>> from
 > >>> the NAND), since the future direction is to have them run relativly
 > >>> standard distros, having examples of the different distros would be nice.
 > >>
 > >> Would it be good to create a new separate mailman developer list for
 > >> non XO OS (Fedora + Sugar) other linux distro ports? (debxo, ubuntu
 > >> xo, fedora xo etc) And then keep devel for main XO OS to avoid
 > >> clutter?
 > >
 > > I disagree.  There is no clutter now, and concentrating all the XO
 > > hardware related discussions here is very valuable.  Splitting by
 > > distribution would halt collaboration.
 > I'd go further and say that things are already too fragmented. the fact 
 > that the DebXO maintainer didn't know that much of the discussion that he 
 > needed to know about had migrated to a fedora mailing list is not a good 
 > sign.

i'm unaware of that particular case, but i agree completely on this
point.   it would be far far better to eliminate lists than create
new ones at this point.

 paul fox,
Devel mailing list

Re: price point + sales to individuals

2009-02-18 Thread Carlos Nazareno
> In summary, you'd like to see a lower price.

No, in summary, I'm thinking maybe this can be a two-birds with one
stone approach to:

a) Save OLPC financially by selling XO units with a little profit to
all takers as Yama said. Why not tie up with and physically stock some
units at computer/electronics stores since there are logistical
problems with shipping to individuals? (this would also entail some
marketing and evangelism to show how the XO is different from netbooks
- I suspect it'd be a hit with the outdoors crowd, much like when GPS
devices were new)

b) Increase the number of software developers, contributors, content
authors and testers by getting XO units into more peoples' hands. (see
homebrew scene popularity and success stories: what more with a
dev-friendly environment like the XO?)

Best regards,


carlos nazareno
user group manager
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
adobe flash/flex/air community
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Re: new mailing list for other distros?

2009-02-18 Thread david
On Wed, 18 Feb 2009, wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 04:14:05PM +0800, Carlos Nazareno wrote:
>>> I will have my two XO's there, I will try to have them running different
>>> flavors of DebXO (from USB sticks if nothing else, but quite possibly from
>>> the NAND), since the future direction is to have them run relativly
>>> standard distros, having examples of the different distros would be nice.
>> Would it be good to create a new separate mailman developer list for
>> non XO OS (Fedora + Sugar) other linux distro ports? (debxo, ubuntu
>> xo, fedora xo etc) And then keep devel for main XO OS to avoid
>> clutter?
> I disagree.  There is no clutter now, and concentrating all the XO
> hardware related discussions here is very valuable.  Splitting by
> distribution would halt collaboration.

I'd go further and say that things are already too fragmented. the fact 
that the DebXO maintainer didn't know that much of the discussion that he 
needed to know about had migrated to a fedora mailing list is not a good 

David Lang

Devel mailing list

Re: 8.2.1 candidate-800 giving incorrect keyboard language maps?

2009-02-18 Thread Daniel Drake
2009/2/17 Gary C Martin :
> Just wanted to post incase anyone can easily confirm/deny; but after
> clean flashing a Spanish language XO to 8.2.1 candidate-800, the
> language correctly defaults to Spanish, but the keyboard is responding
> only as a US-English keyboard.
> Hopefully just an issue with this one Spanish XO I have here (it's a
> B4 model).

works for me with "real" spanish XOs (SKU5, uruguay).

Devel mailing list


2009-02-18 Thread Bert Freudenberg

On 18.02.2009, at 06:31, Rivka Levy wrote:

> I would be thrilled to edit and develop educational tools - outside  
> the bos - in exchange for an XO.
> S. Rivka Levy-Barbero, MSW  another, BETTER  E address is:  

- Bert -

Devel mailing list

Fwd: OLPC Mumbai volunteers wake up

2009-02-18 Thread sapan kadakia
-- Forwarded message --
From: sapan kadakia 
Date: Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 1:12 PM
Subject: OLPC Mumbai volunteers wake up
To: olpc , olpc-open ,
OLPC Devel , OLPC SF , One
Laptop per Child Jamaica , Grassroots OLPC <>, OLPC Community Support <>


All mumbai volunteers if we could meet once and start working together it
would be great .There must be a lot of work going allround but if it goes
synchronised results would be far better.

So i would request all volunteers from Mumbai to mail back to me in this
excel sheet attached I would compile it and would be surely meet


olpc mumbai.xls
Description: MS-Excel spreadsheet
Devel mailing list

Re: new mailing list for other distros?

2009-02-18 Thread quozl
On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 04:14:05PM +0800, Carlos Nazareno wrote:
> > I will have my two XO's there, I will try to have them running different
> > flavors of DebXO (from USB sticks if nothing else, but quite possibly from
> > the NAND), since the future direction is to have them run relativly
> > standard distros, having examples of the different distros would be nice.
> Would it be good to create a new separate mailman developer list for
> non XO OS (Fedora + Sugar) other linux distro ports? (debxo, ubuntu
> xo, fedora xo etc) And then keep devel for main XO OS to avoid
> clutter?

I disagree.  There is no clutter now, and concentrating all the XO
hardware related discussions here is very valuable.  Splitting by
distribution would halt collaboration.

> Off-topic, $250 a pop would be a sweet spot if that provides enough
> profit to fund OLPC considering that the $250-$300 niche is already
> filled with models that provide way more horsepower than the XO-1
> (yes, we can say "that's not XO's objective niche!", but consumers
> will still look at cpu,ram&storage whatever anyone says).

In summary, you'd like to see a lower price.  I agree, but I don't see
it happening soon, because although an XO is a fantastic hacker tool,
we're really doing it for the kids who aren't yet hackers.  The other
products out there that have multiple other purposes, and ship in
quantities far greater than the XO, will have a lower price until the XO
ships in similar quantities.

Devel mailing list

new mailing list for other distros?

2009-02-18 Thread Carlos Nazareno
> I will have my two XO's there, I will try to have them running different
> flavors of DebXO (from USB sticks if nothing else, but quite possibly from
> the NAND), since the future direction is to have them run relativly
> standard distros, having examples of the different distros would be nice.

Would it be good to create a new separate mailman developer list for
non XO OS (Fedora + Sugar) other linux distro ports? (debxo, ubuntu
xo, fedora xo etc) And then keep devel for main XO OS to avoid

In relation to this and other distros, I believe that if more average
people who like to tinker with their gadgets got their hands on XOs,
the OLPC homebrew scene would absolutely explode, be self sustaining,
and I think would actually contribute more upstream to OLPC.

To put things in perspective, the XO IMHO is the
hacker-developer-friendliest "gadget" in existence.

For starters, take a look at the following scenes:
the sidebar of for gadget homebrew

All these other console/device platforms are very developer-hostile
(except the GP2X) compared to the XO where you can create all kinds of
stuff with so many different kinds of languages, and yet the homebrew
scene is very much lively!

As long as a disclaimer exists that official XO support is only mainly
for deployments and official XO OS (meaning consumers should turn to
the homebrew peeps and not the OLPC team for support), the XO
developer scene would be quite active should the XO be made available
to average consumers.

Maintaining an OS + creating apps for it is a herculean task and I
applaud the OLPC dev team for having accomplished such. The usage of
more standard distros on the XO though, would mean way more developers
available developers. I think the only thing that prevents a more
lively OLPC developer scene is availability of units to techie users.

I really hope OLPC would look into a new model to get XOs into the
hands of average consumers (like the oft-repeated "sell em for minor
profit which would go into funding OLPC"). G1G1 is really too
expensive and the Contributors program is a bit... weird. The
Contributors program entails that the project leader would actively
work on the project you signed on to do, whereas owning an XO would
allow the user-developer to tinker around the XO at his/her own pace
and do all sorts of eclectic dev-hackery.

Also, there really is no substitute for developers getting their hands
on actual XO-1 units because experiencing the CPU & RAM limitations
really, really drive the point home on how optimized apps need to be
for the XO. (I mean wow. Flash apps really need a ton of optimization,
especially since the screen has way higher resolution than smartphones
and thus eat more rasterization CPU power)

Off-topic, $250 a pop would be a sweet spot if that provides enough
profit to fund OLPC considering that the $250-$300 niche is already
filled with models that provide way more horsepower than the XO-1
(yes, we can say "that's not XO's objective niche!", but consumers
will still look at cpu,ram&storage whatever anyone says).

Anyway, just a few thoughts.



carlos nazareno
user group manager
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
adobe flash/flex/air community
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list