Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread Ola Fosheim Grostad via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 23 November 2017 at 01:16:59 UTC, codephantom wrote:

That's why we have the concept of 'undefined behaviour'.

Errr, no.  High level programming languages don't have undefined 
behaviour. That is a C concept related to the performance of the 
executable. C tries to get as close to machine language as 

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread Ola Fosheim Grostad via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 23 November 2017 at 01:33:39 UTC, codephantom wrote:
On Thursday, 23 November 2017 at 00:15:56 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grostad wrote:

By what proof? And what do you mean by mathematics?

A mathematical claim, that cannot be proven or disproven, is 
neither true or false.

What you are left with, is just a possibility.

And how is this a problem? If your program relies upon the 
unbounded version you will have to introduce it explicitky as an 
axiom. But you dont have to, you can use bounded quantifiers.

What you seem to be saying is that one should accept all unproven 
statements as axioms implicitly. Why have a type system at all 

Thus, it will always remain an open question as to whether the 
conjecture is true, or not.

Heh, has the Goldbach conjecture been proven undecidable?

Re: Looking for a job in USA

2017-11-22 Thread Ex Nihilo via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 10:24:52 UTC, Indigo wrote:

On Saturday, 18 November 2017 at 08:59:53 UTC, Satoshi wrote:


Um, it's the same! You won't escape it if you come to stay. 
Just because the shit hasn't hit the fan yet does not mean it's 
not coming down the pipe. There are many here that seem to 
believe that ignorance is bliss, that is true, for a while.


I have some concerns about the these United States of America 
too, but the Republic is not dying anytime soon. Your hysteria is 
caused and amplified by sensational media outlets that have the 
mission to get people to watch and read; scaremongering is a very 
effective tactic to garner viewership and thus money.
Most people live their lives happily and will continue to do so. 
Immigrants with skills that are in high-demand (like OP) would 
have a good life here if they can get their foot in the door.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 23 November 2017 at 06:32:30 UTC, codephantom wrote:

Here is another demonstation of why you can trust your compiler:

Why you "can't" ... is what i meant to say.

I love not being able to edit posts. It's so convenient.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 00:39:21 UTC, codephantom wrote:
On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 00:19:51 UTC, codephantom 
Its seems to be, that you prefer to rely on the type system, 
during compilation, for safety. This is very unwise.

To demonstrate my point, using code from a 'safe' language (C#):
(i.e. should this compile?)

// --

using System;

public class Program

public static int Main()
return 0;

static void Foo()
const object x = null;

//if (x != null)


// --

Here is another demonstation of why you can trust your compiler:

using code from a 'safe' language (C#):
(i.e. should this compile?)

// -

using System;
using System.IO;

public class Program
public static int Main()
Console.WriteLine( divInt(Int32.MinValue,-1) );
return 0;

static int divInt (int a, int b)
int ret = 0;

//if ( (b != 0) && (!((a == Int32.MinValue) && (b == 
-1))) )

ret = a / b;
//   throw new InvalidOperationException("Sorry.. no can 


return ret;


// ---

Re: Looking for a job in USA

2017-11-22 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 23 November 2017 at 04:13:33 UTC, Indigo wrote:

Wow, no need to get offended

Actually, I was not at all offended.

And we always find it kind of humorous, how people around the 
world view Australia. We don't get offended by it.

In any case, I think you underestimate the U.S.

Yes, many objectionable people are doing many objectional things.

But there are many good people doing many good things too.

I'm confident that in the U.S, as in other freedom loving 
countries, the good people will get the upper hand again soon. 
It's an unfortunate ongoing cycle - part of the evolution of 
humanity I guess.

Go seek out, and connect with good people. They are out there you 

The U.S is the worlds last defense against tyranny and 
chaos..which is right on our doorstep. Don't give up on the U.S. 
Instead go out and make it better.

Re: Looking for a job in USA

2017-11-22 Thread Indigo via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 13:48:34 UTC, codephantom wrote:

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 10:24:52 UTC, Indigo wrote:

I have been told by several that Australia is a good place to 
go and I myself have thought about it. It seems that Australia 
is probably a rather insulated society in that the rest of the 
world could kill itself off and they'd be ok(probably a lot to 
do with it it being so physically isolated and somewhat small. 
Goods and people can't move as easily between it and the rest 
so mentally the people are more independent minded and closer 
knitted society). I've heard though that it is expensive to 
live there and one it is difficult to stay.

Australia is not small. Who told you that?

If you want to talk about small, consider the tiny land mass of 
Indonesia just to our north - it has the 4th largest populated 
country in the world (260+ million). That's more than 10 times 
Australia's population, in such a small land mass. Needless to 
say, that's something our defense forces are keanly aware of, 
and constantly monitoring.

Wow, no need to get offended. I wasn't talking about land mass 
but population size. It has about 25M people in a large 
landmass... That means that persons/sqmi is pretty low. This 
means you don't have a lot of people cooped up close to each 
other that do not get along. So we pretty much agree. But you are 
talking about land mass when I'm talking about people... and 
without the people in the equation it is all relevant. People are 
the problem, not land.

We are also close to the worlds busiest shipping lanes, and 
goods travel very easily between us and the rest of the world. 
We are the 23rd largest export economy in the world. In 2016, 
we exported $159B and imported $181B. So we have a negative 
trade balance actually, which makes us very vulnerable to 
what's going on in the rest of the world. As long as China is 
ok, we're ok. As long as U.S is ok, China is ok..and around 
around it goes...we all rise together, and we all go down 

For the most part, yes, but if the shit hits the fan in the 
world, you are much more insulated than most other 1st world 
countries. That was my point. No need to try to defend your 
position, I am not arguing against it and no need to try to 
bolster Australia's image.

Australia is sort of like Texas, about the same about the same 
population but 10 times larger. It is also far more insulated 
than texas. One must travel by boat or plane to get to australia 
but texas can be "invaded" by land in all directions reaching 
almost across the planet(from the Chile to Alaska). Since it is 
far cheaper and easier to go by land than sea or plane, it means 
that the mobility of people flowing in to and out of texas is 
much greater than Australia(it's basic vector calculus and 

As far as goods and such, the same logic applies. It is much 
cheaper to ship things by land than air or sea. You can't put 
goods on a train and ship them to Australia... Trains are 10x 
cheaper to use in America because we already have the railways 
and it's just more efficient than truck or air. Since most goods 
consumed in the US are produced in the US we don't have too look 
externally for most common goods.

For example, most 3rd world countries have to import the goods we 
take for granted(e.g., cheap electrical parts, books, computers, 
luxury items, etc).

If you want a real estimation of just how isolated Australia is, 
regardless of what you claim, here is a heat map of the trading 
that really goes on in the world(more or less):

or if you don't wanna believe that:

Again, I'm not saying Australia is a hole in the wall.. but it is 
relatively isolated from many factors. If, say, a deadly plague 
started sweeping across the US and can spread very quickly, 
Australia is in a good position to be one of the least effected 
places, assuming they can shut down the airports quick enough. It 
would be nearly impossible for the US to control. The same 
applies to anything like an economic collapse. All this is 
precisely because of it's isolation by water. If all continents 
were connection then we wouldn't be having this conversation.

You might not think it is much of a thing but in certain 
circumstances it could mean the difference between life and 
death. In other cases it still is a factor but depends on the 
context to know exactly how much.

Since I don't follow Australian news, politics, or culture you 
know more about those specifics than I do. I do live in the US so 
I know more about it than you. The US is not doing good... that 
is an undeniable fact. One can pick and choose their metric to 
weasel away from the truth but as a whole the US has some very 
deep and serious problems

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 23 November 2017 at 00:15:56 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grostad wrote:

By what proof? And what do you mean by mathematics?

A mathematical claim, that cannot be proven or disproven, is 
neither true or false.

What you are left with, is just a possibility.

Thus, it will always remain an open question as to whether the 
conjecture is true, or not.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 23 November 2017 at 00:15:56 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grostad wrote:
On Thursday, 23 November 2017 at 00:06:49 UTC, codephantom 
true up to a number < n  ... does not address the conjecture 

So what? We only need to a proof up to N for regular 
programming, if at all.

That's really the point I was making.

It's the reason you'll never be able to put your complete trust 
in a compiler.

The compiler can only ever know something, about something, up to 
a point.

That's why we have the concept of 'undefined behaviour'.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 18:16:16 UTC, Wyatt wrote:
"Need"?  Perhaps not.  But so far, I haven't seen any arguments 
that refute the utility of mitigating patterns of human error.

Ok. that's a good point. But there is more than one way to 
address human error without having to further regulate human 

How about we change the way we think...for example.

I 'expect' bad people to try to do 'bad stuff' using my code. 
It's the first thing I think about when I start typing.

This perspectives alone, really changes the way I write code. 
It's not perfect, but it's alot better than if I didn't have that 
perspective. And all it required was to think differently. No 
language change, no further regulation.

So yeah, you can change the language.. or you can change the way 
people think about their code. When they think differently, their 
code will change accordingly.

My point about sophisticated IDE's and AI like compilers, is that 
they don't seem to have addressed the real issue - that is, 
changing the way people think about their code. If anything, 
they've introduced so many distractions and so much automation, 
that people are just not thinking about their code anymore. So 
now, language designers are being forced to step in and start 
regulating programmer behaviour. I don't like that approach.

You rarely hear anything about defensive programming these days, 
but it's more important now, than it ever was. I'd make it the 
number one priority for new developers. But you won't even find 
the concept being taught at our universities. They're too busy 
teaching students to program in Python ..hahha...the future is 
looking pretty bleak ;-(

Where are the 'Secure Coding Guidelines for Programming in D' 
(I'm not saying they don't exist. I'm just not aware of them).

What if I did a security audit on DMD or PHOBOS. What would I 

What if I did a security audit on all the D code at github. What 
would I discover?

Sophisticated IDE's and AI like compilers have not rescued us 
from this inherent flaw in programming. The flaw, is a human 
flaw. A flaw in the way we think.

Re: TickDuration deprecation

2017-11-22 Thread captaindet via Digitalmars-d

On 2017-11-23 12:55, sarn wrote:

+1 to using integer arithmetic for the low-level time APIs.

and nobody is advocating to change this.

it is about being able to use such result (duration) with non-time 
focused libraries/functions (eg. general maths/stats) expecting doubles.

if this is not possible in an obvious/standard way (being to!... in D) 
this is the very moment all potential python-to-D converts will run away 
screaming. putting the solution for this common problem only in the docs 
will not appease them either but rather make them mock D.

i still don't understand how problems could arise from a supported 
one-way conversion -> double. of course, double -> time or duration is 
something different and i tend to agree that this should be left for the 
user to implement.

i for my part could live with just one supported to!double conversion 
resulting in seconds. (i guess i am biased as i prefer to use SI units 
only for all my calculations.)


Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread Ola Fosheim Grostad via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 23 November 2017 at 00:06:49 UTC, codephantom wrote:
true up to a number < n  ... does not address the conjecture 

So what? We only need to a proof up to N for regular programming, 
if at all.

hint. It's not a problem that mathmatics can solve.

By what proof? And what do you mean by mathematics?

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 22:02:11 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grøstad wrote:
On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 04:55:39 UTC, codephantom 
Consider the Goldbach Conjecture, that every even positive 
integer greater than 2 is the sum of two (not necessarily 
distinct) primes. According to the principle of bivalence, 
this should be either true or false.

«The Goldbach conjecture verification project reports that it 
has computed all primes below 4×10^18»

Which is more than you'll ever need in any regular programming 

Next problem?

Come on. Really?

"It's true as far as we know" != "true"

true up to a number < n  ... does not address the conjecture 

Where it the 'proof' that the conjecture is 'true'.

hint. It's not a problem that mathmatics can solve.

Re: TickDuration deprecation

2017-11-22 Thread sarn via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 22:17:05 UTC, Walter Bright 

On 11/22/2017 5:45 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
1. All OS calls with timing requirements use non-floating 
point to represent how long to sleep. After all a CPU uses 
discrete math, and the timing implementation is no different.

Microsoft has numerous COM APIs for time functions. One of them 
I had to deal with used doubles to represent seconds. This had 
to be interfaced with other time functions that used integers. 
The trouble came from round trips - there were cases where 
double=>integer=>double did not produce the same result. Even 

double=>integer=>double=>integer=>double ...

produced a creeping shift in the value! It took much time to 
come up with a method of preventing such drift, and even that 
was unreliable.

It's fixed point, not floating point, but this famous software 
disaster is a pretty dramatic example:

+1 to using integer arithmetic for the low-level time APIs.

Re: TickDuration deprecation

2017-11-22 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 11/22/2017 5:45 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
1. All OS calls with timing requirements use non-floating point to represent how 
long to sleep. After all a CPU uses discrete math, and the timing implementation 
is no different.

Microsoft has numerous COM APIs for time functions. One of them I had to deal 
with used doubles to represent seconds. This had to be interfaced with other 
time functions that used integers. The trouble came from round trips - there 
were cases where double=>integer=>double did not produce the same result. Even 

double=>integer=>double=>integer=>double ...

produced a creeping shift in the value! It took much time to come up with a 
method of preventing such drift, and even that was unreliable.

5. Responding to Walter's one-liner resistance, if the one liner is trivial to 
get right, then sure, don't include it. It could even be written in-line. But if 
it's easy to get WRONG, or is annoying to have to write, then I think it's worth 
having, even if it's a one-liner.

    In my opinion, type conversion is one of those things that falls into that 
second category. How can I construct the most accurate Duration with a given 
double that is in the form of seconds? You'd have to know the representation of 
Duration as hectonanoseconds in order to get this right. While trivial to write 
once you *know* that, it's not trivial to write if you *don't*. Having a library 
function (even a one-liner) that says "I'll save you from the implementation 
details" is useful.

Another solution is to put the one-liner not in Phobos, but in the documentation 
as an example of how to use it. The user will have to look up the function in 
the documentation anyway.

   Bottom line: one-liner-ness shouldn't be an automatic disqualifier.

As always, use good judgement. You and I differ on where that line is, however. 
I prefer a small interface with a minimal number of orthogonal functions, from 
which I can assemble what I need. An interface with a blizzard of functions all 
doing overlapping things with unknown tradeoffs is cognitive overload.

The documentation of such an interface should, of course, provide examples of 
how to assemble those minimal functions into commonly needed solutions.


As an aside, Andrei has worked very hard trying to figure out how to break down 
the memory allocator into the smallest collection of orthogonal parts that can 
then be assembled *by the user* into whatever he needs. It is not obvious, and 
amazingly nobody has done it before.

He did the same thing with the checked int package, which blows away every other 
checked integer solution I've seen. I believe it's the future of How To Do 
Interfaces Right :-)

The documentation for both is a bit intimidating, though. There should be a more 
tutorial oriented overview.

Re: D client for ROS

2017-11-22 Thread thinwybk via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 19:02:17 UTC, thinwybk wrote:

On Saturday, 29 July 2017 at 10:21:32 UTC, Johan Engelen wrote:

Hi all,
  Are there any robot folks out here that are working with ROS 
and would be able to work on creating a D client library for 

ROS is used a lot at our university and in robot research in 
general, and most people use the C++ client (the main one, 
next to Python). In arguing for teaching D at our university, 
it would help a lot if students could use D with ROS.


(fyi: I'm an assistent prof Robotics and Mechatronics and LDC 

Hi Johan,

a bit late... yes, I am working in robotics and I would be 
interrested in helping out. I know that other people visit ROS 
and D meetups in munich and could be interrested as well.


Have you considered to post on (client 
libraries) as well? 
You would propably get more response there.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 04:55:39 UTC, codephantom wrote:
Consider the Goldbach Conjecture, that every even positive 
integer greater than 2 is the sum of two (not necessarily 
distinct) primes. According to the principle of bivalence, this 
should be either true or false.

«The Goldbach conjecture verification project reports that it has 
computed all primes below 4×10^18»

Which is more than you'll ever need in any regular programming 

Next problem?

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 17:17:07 UTC, Mark wrote:
On Tuesday, 21 November 2017 at 09:12:25 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grostad wrote:

Runtime checks are part of the type system though

I wouldn't say that, particularly if we are talking about a 
statically typed language (which Java is).

Very few imperative programming languages are fully statically 

Re: TickDuration deprecation

2017-11-22 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 11/22/2017 2:45 AM, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/22/2017 1:41 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:

Why would the conversion function be linked in if I never use it?

Good question. It depends on how the code is written, and how the compiler 
represents it in the object file, and how the linker deals with unreferenced 
parts of object files.

For another example, unreferenced virtual functions never get elided because a 
reference to them does exist - they're in the virtual function pointer table. 
And then, of course, everything that virtual function references is never elided.

Another reason to be careful of "kitchen sink" abstractions.

Re: Precise GC state

2017-11-22 Thread Adam Wilson via Digitalmars-d

On 11/22/17 05:44, Nicholas Wilson wrote:

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 13:23:54 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 10:53:45 UTC, Temtaime wrote:

Hi all !

Only the Win32 build fails as

Error: more than 32767 symbols in object file

What's wrong?

Thats a linker(?) limitation for OMF (or whatever is the win32 object
file format).

We really should be using the MSVC linker on Windows for both x86 and x64.

I propose we change the default behavior of -m32 to point to MSVC, keep 
the -m32mscoff, but mark it as deprecated, and add a -m32omf flag to 
retain the current behavior.

Adam Wilson
IRC: LightBender

Re: D client for ROS

2017-11-22 Thread thinwybk via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 29 July 2017 at 10:21:32 UTC, Johan Engelen wrote:

Hi all,
  Are there any robot folks out here that are working with ROS 
and would be able to work on creating a D client library for it?

ROS is used a lot at our university and in robot research in 
general, and most people use the C++ client (the main one, next 
to Python). In arguing for teaching D at our university, it 
would help a lot if students could use D with ROS.


(fyi: I'm an assistent prof Robotics and Mechatronics and LDC 

Hi Johan,

a bit late... yes, I am working in robotics and I would be 
interrested in helping out. I know that other people visit ROS 
and D meetups in munich and could be interrested as well.


Re: TickDuration deprecation

2017-11-22 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, November 22, 2017 12:45:01 Daniel Kozak via Digitalmars-d 
> Ok I understand why there is no conversion from Duration to float, but
> would be possible to make not a member function? So insted
> of:
> static mytotal(string unit)(Duration dur)
> {
> return!unit;
> }
> alias msecs = mytotal!"msecs";
> I could just add
> alias msecs = total!"msecs";

How would that help anything? You can clearly create an msecs alias right
now, and you could get the same effect using a free function named msecs
instead of an alias. Also, core.time.msecs is already an alias for
core.time.dur!"msecs", so creating your own symbol called msecs (be it an
alias or a free function) could muck with your use of the one from core.time
(though it's certainly possible to disambiguate between the two or to use
dur!"msecs" directly).

And regardless of this specific situation, in general, turning a member
function into a free function risks breaking code, since instead of it being
a member function that automatically wins out with UFCS, it could suddenly
be in conflict with another function of the same name, meaning that the
calling code would have to then disambiguate between them whereas it didn't
before. So, in general, turning member functions into free functions isn't a
great idea if you're not in control over all of the code involved or
otherwise aren't concerned about the potential fallout.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Looking for a job in USA

2017-11-22 Thread user1234 via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 20 November 2017 at 12:48:10 UTC, Satoshi wrote:

On Monday, 20 November 2017 at 10:38:59 UTC, user1234 wrote:

On Saturday, 18 November 2017 at 08:59:53 UTC, Satoshi wrote:

On Saturday, 18 November 2017 at 01:31:09 UTC, Indigo wrote:
On Wednesday, 15 November 2017 at 17:32:50 UTC, Satoshi 

as the title says, I'm looking for a job opportunity in the

Salary... In US you get $100,000/year as a senior developer 
or something like that, right?
There it's only like $30,000/year. But the price of stuff 
like cars, grocery and everything what you can buy on amazon, 
e-bay, etc. is the same.

Wait wait wait...the social model is not the same, this 
explains the difference. Typically in UE you have welfare 
states, with what this implies ;)

In these welfare states you are required to pay health 
insurance, pension insurance, social insurance which is 30% of 
your salary. Then, there is a difference between your salary 
what you negotiated and the money what your employer spend on 
your salary. He must pay additional 20% to 30% of your salary. 
Example: I get about 1400e/monthly, my employer pays about 
2600e/monthly on my salary.
If you are sick, it's better to take home office than be paid 
from state.
This system, especially in Slovakia is designed for poor people 
not to fall down.

And still, it's better to have bigger salary, even if you are 
paying higher % as a taxes and stuff.

There you have small cars, small flats, smaller size of food 
for the same % of your salary as in the US. e.g. Dodge RAM cost 
the same price as big house in village 20 minutes from Brno or 
flat in the Brno.

I'm not focusing on material thing or something like that, but 
my dream is to travel through the world, sailing and work 
remotely (which is possible as a programmer) for a few years 
before I hit the age. I don't wanna be the one, who stayed at 
the same place for his entire life. Y'know, I'd like adventures.

I think I'm writing the same code as everyone else in the US, 
so why shouldn't I have the same salary?

You know i understand your POV but as we dont really know each 
other here i will tell you something: better dying than giving 
one percent of my workforce to the assholes you wanna work with.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread Wyatt via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 14:51:02 UTC, codephantom wrote:

The core language of D does NOT need what C# is proposing - 
that is my view.

"Need"?  Perhaps not.  But so far, I haven't seen any arguments 
that refute the utility of mitigating patterns of human error.

If, over time, a large number of D programmers have the same 
laissez-faire approach towards checking for null, as C# 
programmers, then maybe they'll start demanding the same thing 
- but even then, I'll argue the same points I've argued thus 

Null references have been a problem in every language that has 
them.  Just because D is much nicer than its predecessors (and 
contemporaries, IMO) doesn't mean the "bad old days" (still in 
progress) of C and C++ didn't happen or that we cannot or should 
not learn from the experience.  Tony Hoare doesn't call null his 
sin and "billion dollar mistake" as just a fit of pique.  In 
other words, "Well don't do that, silly human!" ends up being an 
appeal to tradition.

Perhaps that's why I've never considered nulls to be an issue. 
I take proactive steps to protect my code, before the compiler 
ever sees it. And actually, I cannot recall any null related 
error in any code I've deployed. It's just never been an issue.

Oh, that explains it.  He's a _robot_! ;)

(The IDE thing is entirely irrelevant to this discussion; why did 
you bring that up?)

And that's another reason why this topic interests me - why is 
it such an issue in the C# community? From Mads blog about it, 
it seems to be because they're just not doing null checks. And 
so the language designers are being forced to step in. If 
that's not the reason, then I've misunderstood, and await the 
correct explanation.

Again, it's never _not_ been a problem.  That C# is nearly old 
enough to vote in general elections but they're only just now 
finally doing this should be telling. (And I fully expect this 
conversation has been going for at least half of that time.)  
It's probably galvanised by the recent proliferation of languages 
that hold safety to a higher standard and the community realising 
that the language can and _should_ share the burden of mitigating 
patterns of human error.


Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread Mark via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 21 November 2017 at 09:12:25 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grostad 

Runtime checks are part of the type system though

I wouldn't say that, particularly if we are talking about a 
statically typed language (which Java is).

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 13:21:05 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
BTW of course you must realize that you can make the compiler 
brutally obsolete by just quickly writing down the most 
efficient possible correct machine code in a hex editor, so I'm 
not too sure why you participate in a discussion on the forums 
of a compiled language at all.

I've participated in order to counter the proposition put forward 
in the subject of this thread.

The core language of D does NOT need what C# is proposing - that 
is my view.

If, over time, a large number of D programmers have the same 
laissez-faire approach towards checking for null, as C# 
programmers, then maybe they'll start demanding the same thing - 
but even then, I'll argue the same points I've argued thus far.

I also think that relying too much on sophisticated IDE's and AI 
like compilers, really changes the way you think about and write 
code. I don't rely on either. Perhaps that's why I've never 
considered nulls to be an issue. I take proactive steps to 
protect my code, before the compiler ever sees it. And actually, 
I cannot recall any null related error in any code I've deployed. 
It's just never been an issue.

And that's another reason why this topic interests me - why is it 
such an issue in the C# community? From Mads blog about it, it 
seems to be because they're just not doing null checks. And so 
the language designers are being forced to step in. If that's not 
the reason, then I've misunderstood, and await the correct 

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 13:21:05 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

You do realise, that all of the issues you mention can just be 
handled by coding correctly in the first place.


Yes, just like everyone else, I realize that if correct code is 
written, we end up with correct code, but thanks for pointing 
it out.

You're welcome.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 13:21:05 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 22.11.2017 01:19, codephantom wrote:

No, I ideally want the type system to point out when the code 
is not obviously correct. That does not mean I assume that the 
code is correct when it compiles (given that I'm using a 
language that does not require me to prove absence of all bugs, 
and even if it did I'd at most assume that either the language 
implementation is incorrect or my code is correct, with a 
certain margin of error due to undetected hardware failures).

This is very unwise.

Thanks for pointing that out.

You're welcome.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 13:47:19 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 22.11.2017 05:55, codephantom wrote:
No, the question should be, what can the compiler prove to be 
true/false, correct/incorrect about your code, and what effort 
have you made in your code to assist the compiler to make that 

If you've made no effort to provide the compiler with the 
context it needs to make a useful determination, then don't 
complain when the compiler gets it wrong. That is my first 

My second point, is that it is already possible to provide 
such context to the compiler, without having to make reference 
types non nullable, and therefore having to introduce a new 
nullable reference type.


It's really not.

Your arguments need a little more work.

Re: Looking for a job in USA

2017-11-22 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 10:24:52 UTC, Indigo wrote:

I have been told by several that Australia is a good place to 
go and I myself have thought about it. It seems that Australia 
is probably a rather insulated society in that the rest of the 
world could kill itself off and they'd be ok(probably a lot to 
do with it it being so physically isolated and somewhat small. 
Goods and people can't move as easily between it and the rest 
so mentally the people are more independent minded and closer 
knitted society). I've heard though that it is expensive to 
live there and one it is difficult to stay.

Australia is not small. Who told you that?

If you want to talk about small, consider the tiny land mass of 
Indonesia just to our north - it has the 4th largest populated 
country in the world (260+ million). That's more than 10 times 
Australia's population, in such a small land mass. Needless to 
say, that's something our defense forces are keanly aware of, and 
constantly monitoring.

We are also close to the worlds busiest shipping lanes, and goods 
travel very easily between us and the rest of the world. We are 
the 23rd largest export economy in the world. In 2016, we 
exported $159B and imported $181B. So we have a negative trade 
balance actually, which makes us very vulnerable to what's going 
on in the rest of the world. As long as China is ok, we're ok. As 
long as U.S is ok, China is ok..and around around it goes...we 
all rise together, and we all go down together.

I wouldn't say we are a close knitted society. We are a country 
built on immigration, and it's very diverse here. But we do share 
(we'll most of us anyway) certain values that help bind us 
together - which is not easy when your population is so diverse, 
or when you have increasing numbers of people coming in, with the 
completely opposite values. This is our biggest threat I think 
(i.e. internal stability, not external threats). External threats 
are easily deterred when you have friends like the U.S.

But we are very independent minded, that much you got correct ;-)

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d

On 22.11.2017 05:55, codephantom wrote:

... >> The question isn't whether we should use the type system to prevent
bugs. The question is which set of problems really make sense to 
prevent with the type system.

No, the question should be, what can the compiler prove to be 
true/false, correct/incorrect about your code, and what effort have you 
made in your code to assist the compiler to make that determination.

If you've made no effort to provide the compiler with the context it 
needs to make a useful determination, then don't complain when the 
compiler gets it wrong. That is my first point.

My second point, is that it is already possible to provide such context 
to the compiler, without having to make reference types non nullable, 
and therefore having to introduce a new nullable reference type.


It's really not.

Which make more sense? Knowing that a reference type could potentially 
be null, and therefore check for null,

You are saying this as if there was always a reasonable thing to do if 
the reference is in fact null. This is just not the case. I.e. this 
option sometimes makes no sense. Also, if checking for null is always 
required, why wouldn't the compiler complain if it is missing?

or dealing with all the flow on 
conquences of making a reference type non nullable by default?

Even with such a change, the Goldbach Conjecture still cannot be resolved.

If the correctness of a program depends on the Goldbach Conjecture, 
that's still something one might want to know about. We could then just 
add the correctness of the Goldbach conjecture as an assumption, and 
then verify that under the given assumption, the program is actually 
correct. Once the Goldbach conjecture gets resolved, we can get rid of 
the assumption.

Re: TickDuration deprecation

2017-11-22 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d

On 11/18/17 9:03 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:

(Jonathan M Davis from comment #4)
 > TickDuration will soon be deprecated, and none of the other time stuff
 > supports floating point. Anyone who wants that functionality can 

 > the floating point values from the integral values that the types do
 > provide. It's not something that most code should be doing, but the API
 > makes it possible for those who care.

"Not something that most code should be doing"? I have never used 
StopWatch and then /not/ wanted to do something like to!("seconds",double)!

There seems to be no good reason to break my code beyond requiring a 
different import here. What are the perceived shortcomings of the 
to!("seconds", double) interface?

My take on this, as someone who has argued extensively NOT to use double 
for timing calculations (I was responsible for adding the TimeSpan type 
in Tango (the equivalent of Duration) and marginalizing Interval (based 
on double) [1]):

1. All OS calls with timing requirements use non-floating point to 
represent how long to sleep. After all a CPU uses discrete math, and the 
timing implementation is no different.

2. Sometimes it is VERY important to use exact representation for 

  Example: I want to sleep for 1 microsecond, if you had a function 
that accepts a floating point value, and you pass in 0.000_001, you 
might actually sleep for 0 ticks, which is vastly different.

3. Sometimes it is not as important.

  Example: if you want to sleep for 1.75 seconds, having a function 
that converts the float representation of 1.75 into a Duration is 
useful, and reasonably accurate. It isn't going to ruin your application 
if the sleep passed to the OS is 1.74999 seconds. Your sleep 
probably isn't going to be exactly accurate anyways, as most of use use 
non-real-time OSes.

4. There are many libraries, the most obvious one to me is Apple's core 
library, which use a double for representing time everywhere. So it's 
not without precedent.

5. Responding to Walter's one-liner resistance, if the one liner is 
trivial to get right, then sure, don't include it. It could even be 
written in-line. But if it's easy to get WRONG, or is annoying to have 
to write, then I think it's worth having, even if it's a one-liner.

   In my opinion, type conversion is one of those things that falls 
into that second category. How can I construct the most accurate 
Duration with a given double that is in the form of seconds? You'd have 
to know the representation of Duration as hectonanoseconds in order to 
get this right. While trivial to write once you *know* that, it's not 
trivial to write if you *don't*. Having a library function (even a 
one-liner) that says "I'll save you from the implementation details" is 


  Bottom line: one-liner-ness shouldn't be an automatic disqualifier.


After having used Apple's SDK quite a bit, I've changed my opinion 
slightly since my Tango days. It is useful to have a floating point 
representation of time, and can be used to good effect. I would be fine 
with a mechanism to convert to/from double with a Duration in druntime 
(in fact, Tango kept this), but still want to have the representation be 
as accurate as possible when it comes to calling OS functions. All the 
public APIs of druntime/phobos should take/return only Durations, not 
doubles, and let the user convert if they want to use doubles elsewhere.



Re: Precise GC state

2017-11-22 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 13:23:54 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 10:53:45 UTC, Temtaime wrote:

Hi all !

Only the Win32 build fails as

Error: more than 32767 symbols in object file

What's wrong?

Thats a linker(?) limitation for OMF (or whatever is the win32 
object file format).

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d

On 22.11.2017 02:09, codephantom wrote:

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 00:49:02 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
While I definitely don't think that it's generally very hard to avoid 
bugs with null pointers/references, telling someone to code correctly 
in the first place isn't very useful.

Fair enough...perhaps I'm being too explicit with my argument.

However, my point is, that one should not overly rely on some magical 
compiler for telling you what is 'true'.


That is not the role of the compiler here. The task of the compiler in 
this circumstance is to tell you what is obvious, not what is true.

How can a compiler know that G is true if it cannot prove that G is true?

Because you proved it to the compiler.

You need to take this into account during your coding. Otherwise the 
runtime system is your last line of defence.

You seem to assume that Rice's theorem applies to compilers, but not 
programmers. Why is that?

Re: Precise GC state

2017-11-22 Thread Nordlöw via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 10:53:45 UTC, Temtaime wrote:

Hi all !

Only the Win32 build fails as

Error: more than 32767 symbols in object file

What's wrong?

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d

On 22.11.2017 01:19, codephantom wrote:

On Tuesday, 21 November 2017 at 20:02:06 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

I'm confident that you would be able to use null safe languages 
properly if that is what had been available for most of your career.

You do realise, that all of the issues you mention can just be handled 
by coding correctly in the first place.


Yes, just like everyone else, I realize that if correct code is written, 
we end up with correct code, but thanks for pointing it out.

BTW of course you must realize that you can make the compiler brutally 
obsolete by just quickly writing down the most efficient possible 
correct machine code in a hex editor, so I'm not too sure why you 
participate in a discussion on the forums of a compiled language at all.

If your program calls 'std.math.log' with an argument of '-123.4', then 
that's probably NOT a bug. It's more likely to be incorrect code.

Why not bounds-check the argument before passing it to the function?

Walter said NaN is underused, not me.

If you access a field of an invalid instance of an object, that's 
probably NOT a bug. It's more likely to be incorrect code.

Before you 
access a field of an object, check that the object is valid.


If I know that it is valid, I might not want to check it.
Then, if, let's say, you come along and read my code, I do not need you 
to point out that I didn't check the field access. If you still do, I 
can now either explain to you why it is unnecessary, which will waste my 
time and does not guarantee that you will buy it, or I can write the 
code in a language that requires me to provide the proof up front, such 
that you will not have to bother me. And even if you still doubt that 
the proof is actually correct, it will not be my problem, but instead 
you'll need to take it to the guy who wrote the compiler. This is one of 
the reasons why Walter does not like non-null types. ;o)

Its seems to be,

Spelling mistakes can be avoided by just spelling correctly.

that you prefer to rely on the type system, during 
compilation, for safety.

No, I ideally want the type system to point out when the code is not 
obviously correct. That does not mean I assume that the code is correct 
when it compiles (given that I'm using a language that does not require 
me to prove absence of all bugs, and even if it did I'd at most assume 
that either the language implementation is incorrect or my code is 
correct, with a certain margin of error due to undetected hardware 

This is very unwise.

Thanks for pointing that out.

btw. what was the last compiler you wrote?

Embarrassing questions can be avoided by just coming up with the correct 
answer yourself.

Re: Precise GC state

2017-11-22 Thread Adam Wilson via Digitalmars-d

On 11/22/17 02:53, Temtaime wrote:

Hi all !

Can someone investigate and bring it to us ?
4 years passed from gsoc 2013 and there's still no gc.
Many apps suffers from false pointers and bringing such a gc will help
those who affected by it.
It seems all the tests are passed except win32 because of optlink failures.
Maybe there's some chance to accelerate this PR ?

Thanks all


Adam Wilson
IRC: LightBender

Re: TickDuration deprecation

2017-11-22 Thread Daniel Kozak via Digitalmars-d
Ok I understand why there is no conversion from Duration to float, but
would be possible to make not a member function? So insted

static mytotal(string unit)(Duration dur)

alias msecs = mytotal!"msecs";

I could just add
alias msecs = total!"msecs";

On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 11:48 AM, Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d <> wrote:

> On 11/22/2017 1:38 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:
>> My claim is not that conversion from time to floating point values
>> associated with a few natural units is "properly part of the time
>> abstraction", just that it should exist. Do you agree with that?
> I refer to my reply to Jon Degenhardt which has a substantial answer to
> that.

Precise GC state

2017-11-22 Thread Temtaime via Digitalmars-d

Hi all !

Can someone investigate and bring it to us ?
4 years passed from gsoc 2013 and there's still no gc.
Many apps suffers from false pointers and bringing such a gc will 
help those who affected by it.
It seems all the tests are passed except win32 because of optlink 

Maybe there's some chance to accelerate this PR ?

Thanks all

Re: TickDuration deprecation

2017-11-22 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 11/22/2017 1:38 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:
My claim is not that conversion from time to floating point values associated 
with a few natural units is "properly part of the time abstraction", just that 
it should exist. Do you agree with that?

I refer to my reply to Jon Degenhardt which has a substantial answer to that.

Re: TickDuration deprecation

2017-11-22 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 11/22/2017 1:41 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:

Why would the conversion function be linked in if I never use it?

Good question. It depends on how the code is written, and how the compiler 
represents it in the object file, and how the linker deals with unreferenced 
parts of object files.

`format`, for example, dynamically decides whether to use floating point or not, 
so it is always linked in.

Re: Looking for a job in USA

2017-11-22 Thread Indigo via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 18 November 2017 at 08:59:53 UTC, Satoshi wrote:

On Saturday, 18 November 2017 at 01:31:09 UTC, Indigo wrote:

On Wednesday, 15 November 2017 at 17:32:50 UTC, Satoshi wrote:

as the title says, I'm looking for a job opportunity in the 
USA (H1B visa sponsorship required).

I'm experienced Software Engineer with a demonstrated history 
of working in the security and investigations industry. 
Skilled in C, C++, D, C#, SQL, Object-Oriented Programming, 
Software Development and Electrical Engineering. Strong 
engineering professional with willingness to further 

Actually I work as a full stack ASP.NET developer for 
SolarWinds in Brno (Czechia).

There are couple of my open source projects what I have done 
in past.

If you are interested or you know someone who could hire me, 
please let me know!


What is your reasoning for coming to the US? You might want to 
rethink this as America is collapsing. America will be vastly 
different in 10 years and not a great a place to be. The 
amount of corruption in the government and the amount of 
vitriol that people have for each other are astonishing... and 
it is only getting worse.
Actually, Slovakia (SK) and Czechia (CZ) are two most corrupted 
countries in the EU. We are paying huge taxes and getting 
nothing in back.

If you are moving to settle down that it would be a bad 
decision IMO. If it is just temporary thing for a few years 
thing it might be ok depending on you end up.
I wanna try to live in the US for a few years and then decide 
if I should leave or settle down.

Do you mind me asking why you are leaving Czech? I hear there 
are a lot of pretty females there ;) Is it simply business or 
is it the country itself? To be honest, I couldn't imagine it 
being as bad as the US but I do not know much about it. To be 
honest, I'm curious as to what it is like over there because I 
plan on moving out of the US at some point and I'm looking for 
countries that are a bit more stable and not on the decline.
Actually, CZ is rising up and getting better, but in business 
area and salaries it's still worse than in the US.

Some places in EU are not safe yet. A lot of immigrants are 
going there from war zones. They are like groups of anarchists 
destroying everything, stealing, raping and not respecting the 

Salary... In US you get $100,000/year as a senior developer or 
something like that, right?
There it's only like $30,000/year. But the price of stuff like 
cars, grocery and everything what you can buy on amazon, e-bay, 
etc. is the same.

The concept of a money in US seems to be different than in SK. 
There it's more about survive than enjoying life.

People in US seems to be little more opened to strangers than 

That's the reasons why I want to leave.

BTW: What's wrong with the US?

Um, it's the same! You won't escape it if you come to stay. Just 
because the shit hasn't hit the fan yet does not mean it's not 
coming down the pipe. There are many here that seem to believe 
that ignorance is bliss, that is true, for a while.

If you looking in the the US news you will see that there is a 
major killing happening just about once a week. The politicians 
are all crooks, provably, and the CEO's of many of the largest 
companies are in cahoots with them. No different than where you 
are from. The laws here are so screwed up that law abiding 
citizens are routinely killed by cops or cops killed by people 
and it all turns out to be a "mistake", or worse, someone's ego.

Again, it sounds like you are experiencing this in your own 
country now... so, if that is what you are trying to escape, you 
are just moving in to a bigger pond with the same type of scum. 
Again, it matters not that some people want to stick their head 
in the sand.

Our healthcare system is probably far more screwed up than your 
country. There are many Americans who are bankrupt over things 
like a broken arm, etc... 100k$ bill for 3 hours of work... and 
these insurance companies make billions in profits and it only 
goes up.

Wealthy and ignorant people(depending who's party is president), 
of course, love to believe that these are isolated problems and 
every country has them, etc.  Almost 30 years ago OJ Simpson was 
big news and cop murder(er)s were very rare. This is not to say 
there was no as much corruption, but the corruption is far 
different, much more dangerous because there are many people with 
big bucks who are extremely evil or ruthless(can, at the drop of 
a dime, create a whole can of worms that takes the country many 
years to try and fix).  So, what this proves is the world is 
becoming more dangerous and more insane. As time goes on the 
division lines are ingrained deeper(just as a persons face ages 
and it's a sign). Everyone knows this because the world is far 
more dangerous than it was. My point is, do you want to be at the 
center of the economic nuclear explosion?


Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, November 22, 2017 09:28:47 codephantom via Digitalmars-d 
> On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 08:55:03 UTC, Petar Kirov
> [ZombineDev] wrote:
> > On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 00:19:51 UTC, codephantom
> >
> > wrote:
> >> btw. what was the last compiler you wrote?
> >
> >
> >
> touché  ;-)

LOL. I assumed that you were legitimately asking what the name of his
compiler was, because I knew that he was writing a D compiler, whereas you
were questioning his knowledge/credentials. Timon is a very smart guy. He
knows a lot and has lots of great things to say. I certainly don't always
agree with him, but he generally knows what he's talking about.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: object.Exception@generated\gtkd\gtkd\Loader.d(125):Library load failed(libgio-2.0.0.dll)

2017-11-22 Thread PECman via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 21 November 2017 at 18:32:45 UTC, Mike Wey wrote:

On 21-11-17 11:19, PECman wrote:

On Sunday, 19 November 2017 at 13:39:39 UTC, Mike Wey wrote:

On 19-11-17 08:35, PECman wrote:
I complied the D application with gtkD 
successfully.However,I cant run it successfully.My settings 
are OK.I dunno why it happened to me:-(

Who can help me?

That line usually includes the error returned from 
LoadLibrary which should give an indication of why it failed.

I assume you installed the GTK runtime for the architecture 
you are building for ( 32 or 64 bit ).

But the error is the messy code.
I have already installed the GTK runtime 32 bit(on Windows 7 
32 bit)

What shall I do next?

That's unfortunate, usually there is some info on why it fails 
after the `(libgio-2.0-0.dll)`.

First check if the `bin` directory of the GTK installation is 
on the PATH, and if there are any other GTK installs on the 
PATH, GtkD should try to detect the correct runtime to use but 
that might have failed.

ThanQ, I have already solved this problem.ThanQ Very Much:-)

Re: TickDuration deprecation

2017-11-22 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 11/21/2017 11:48 PM, Jon Degenhardt wrote:
Hi Walter - I wonder if there is a miscommunication. My understanding is that 
the question is whether there should be a built-in conversion from Duration to 
float/double in a specific unit of measure, like milliseconds. It sounds as if 
your concern is more to ensure that the time package not be required to support 
something other than integral values in its internal operations.

My perspective is that the time package should not deal with floating point at 
all. I understand that it is useful in some circumstances to treat them as 
floating point values, but this should be a layer added on by the user, not by 
the time package.

In the older version of StopWatch, this last step conversion could be done with 
a call like:

     double ms =!("msecs", double));

That puts the logic of the double conversion into the time package.

In the new version, a call needs to be something like:

     double ms =!("hnsecs").to!double / 1e+04);

The latter form is more error prone and less clear about intent, etc.

I agree. It is a prime candidate for further encapsulating in a function, such 

/* Returns: duration in milliseconds to 4 digits past the decimal point */
double swAsDouble(StopWatch sw) { return!("hnsecs").to!double 
/ 1e+04); }

double ms = swAsDouble(sw);

This function, being a trivial one liner, doesn't really need to be in Phobos. 
It could be suitable for inclusion in the time package documentation as an 
example on how to get results in a floating point manner.

[As a general philosophy, I oppose Phobos being filled with one liners, a mile 
wide and an inch deep. Phobos should be a small number of non-obvious, 
orthogonal, deep functions. As an extreme example,

   int add2(int i){return i+2;}
should not be in Phobos.]

It sounds 
as the rationale for depreciating the previous form of conversion is because the 
end user may incur floating point round-off error by performing mathematical 
operations on the double value. The user can still perform the conversion, but 
must go to greater effort. It sounds as if the other part of the rationale is 
that conversion is likely to be rare. In my experience, this is not the case.

It is not the rationale I would use for this case.

It's also true that floating point operations are a minefield with respect to 
precision and roundoff decisions. These sorts of decisions should not even be 
made by the time package, because they will always be wrong for some users, so 
they should rightfully be pushed to the user.

Re: TickDuration deprecation

2017-11-22 Thread Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d

On 22.11.2017 06:50, Walter Bright wrote:

There is another, perhaps obsolete, consideration.

Some CPUs do not have floating point units. C, for example, is carefully 
set up so that when you don't need floating point, it isn't required to 
have an FPU. This made C usable on cheap processors.

It's sorta like "why is the GC linked in even though I never used it?"

Why would the conversion function be linked in if I never use it?

Re: TickDuration deprecation

2017-11-22 Thread Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d

On 22.11.2017 03:22, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/21/2017 1:40 PM, Timon Gehr wrote:

Computer clocks have discrete ticks, they are not continuous.
That may be true, but the plotting library may still just expect a 
list of doubles. What's the point of removing the simple conversion 
function that was already available for such use cases? This is a 
breaking change with zero benefits.

I'm in general opposed to "kitchen sink" abstractions, preferring 
pluggable component abstractions.

But this is orthogonal to my complaint. I don't care which Phobos module 
contains the conversion functionality. It can be part of, 
for example.

Floating point has no business being 
in a type that is represented as an integral type.

Why would it need to be part of the type? I just want the obvious 
conversion functionality, to enable further processing where this is 

There are no 0.3 clock ticks, the notion does not exist.

(Great then. There also is no 0.3 float value. :P)

The behavior maps cleanly onto integral math,

I'm not doing computations on times. I could just use Duration for that.

Time durations are always discrete quanta by the nature of the clock used.

The plotter or whatever other component consumes the timing data might 
not care about this.

not fuzzy fp math.

There is nothing fuzzy about floating point operations,

Fuzzy as in inexact.

The result is well-defined, it's just rounded. Whether that is exact or 
not depends on what you expected the result to be, it's not properly 
part of the floating point abstraction.

Integral time computations are always an exact 
multiple of clock ticks.


The reason why floating point values are popular is that it is often 
enough infeasible or unnecessary to do the computation without rounding. 
The output of a computation might be inexact even if the inputs are not. 
There needs to be some way to move from one regime to the other.

but still, yes, for some use cases, the tiny rounding error will just 
not matter.

Whether the rounding error matters or not should not be decided by the 
time package, it should be decided by what the user decides to do with 
the time values.

I.e. it is not properly part of the time abstraction.

My claim is not that conversion from time to floating point values 
associated with a few natural units is "properly part of the time 
abstraction", just that it should exist. Do you agree with that?

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 08:55:03 UTC, Petar Kirov 
[ZombineDev] wrote:
On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 00:19:51 UTC, codephantom 

btw. what was the last compiler you wrote?

touché  ;-)

nonetheless. I stand by my arguments.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread Petar via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 00:19:51 UTC, codephantom wrote:

btw. what was the last compiler you wrote?