Re: Nested Structs

2010-12-27 Thread d coder
> A struct nested in a class does not have a hidden "outer" pointer as a
> nested class does.  It's because a struct is generally more bare-bones than
> a class (which has loads of hidden pieces: vtable, interfaces, classinfo,
> etc.).  Also, instantiating such a struct does not tie it to a class
> instance.

Thanks Steve

As far as I am concerned, this is a very limiting behavior wrt structs
nested inside classes. I have also observed that if you define a
constant (using enum for example) inside the enclosing class, the
constant remains visible in the nested struct too. So I believe the
language is making the hidden "outer" scope visible to the nested
struct (or maybe there is some other mechanism for enums that I am not
aware of).

> You need to implement this behavior on your own:

Actually I am trying to define a DSEL and the end users are not
typically programmers. I am in a situation where the end-user decides
the unit in an enclosing class (unit of length as an inch for example)
and later whenever he instantiates a line or a shape, the particular
unit is automatically considered at the time of instantiation. For my
application, I need value semantics and therefor using nested classes
in place of structs can not be considered.

Making the end-users pass the unit or its context (in form of this
pointer) everytime they instantiate a shape would be atrocious. It
would defeat the very purpose of letting the end-user define a unit.

I know I am not on the right mailing group, but I want to ask for this
particular language enhancement. I believe this would make the
behavior of the language more straight wrt nested structs inside
classes (are not these beasts expected to serve like nested classes or
even structs nested inside function scopes?). I hope my requirement is
generic enough and fits the bill for an enhancement request.

- Cherry

Re: declaration with typedef

2010-12-27 Thread Stanislav Blinov

On 12/28/2010 04:09 AM, Stanislav Blinov wrote:

typedef in D2 differs from C/C++ one.

Scratch that. I meant "in D" (having in mind D1 actually, oh well...)

Re: declaration with typedef

2010-12-27 Thread Stanislav Blinov

On 12/27/2010 06:41 PM, Hamad Mohammad wrote:

If you tried to assign person2 to person1 or vice versa


I don't think I got what David meant with it either. Assigning instances 
of the same type is perfectly valid as long as you do not define some 
very peculiar opAssign.

Andrej, on the other hand, made a perfect point.
A typedef is deprecated in D2. typedef in D2 differs from C/C++ one. 
What typedef does (in the old, D1 way) is introducing a new, distinct 
type. Many D constructs, especially templates, can handle only certain 
types. Those, depending on conditions, may or may not include 
user-defined types.

writeln requires that a given value is 'formattable' to string. It knows 
how to deal with numerics, strings, arrays, structs and classes. But it 
does not put out assumptions on unknown types (and typedef'd type is 
"unknown" to D's type system). There are some ways to "introduce" your 
types to certain constructs. For example, if you do
writeln(person1) in your code, you'll get "Human" on the console - this 
is a default way writeln handles structs. But if you define a method 
"toString" for your Human struct, e.g:

import std.conv;

struct Human
string toString()
return text(name, ": ", age);

, then writeln(person1) would output ': 12' to the console.
(Mind that this 'toString' idiom may change, which is the effect of 
recent discussions about this certain topic).

Generally, if you want a "distinct" type in D2, define a struct (or a 
class if you want your type to have reference semantics). If you want a 
simple alias to existing type, use "alias" declaration (alias is an 
analog of C/C++ typedef, though the keyword itself does more than this. 
You can find out additional uses in documentaion or "The D Programming 
Language" book).

At this point, language gurus should start throwing rotten tomatoes at 
my general location, but I tried to explain the thing in the easiest way 
I could.

Re: Nested Structs

2010-12-27 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Mon, 27 Dec 2010 12:50:47 -0500, bearophile   

Steven Schveighoffer:

A struct nested in a class does not have a hidden "outer" pointer as a
nested class does.

But I think this will eventually change, once this part is implemented:

Nested Structs: A nested struct is a struct that is declared inside the  
scope of a function or a templated struct that has aliases to local  
functions as a template argument. Nested structs have member functions.  
It has access to the context of its enclosing scope (via an added  
hidden field).<

That is implemented, but notice the conditions that form a nested struct  
do not include "inside a class" or "inside a struct" (that "templated  
struct that has aliases to local functions as a template argument"  
condition is pretty specific, I'm talking about just putting it in any old  

This is decidedly different from a nested class:

"A nested class is a class that is declared inside the scope of a function  
or another class. A nested class has access to the variables and other  
symbols of the classes and functions it is nested inside"

This is what the OP was desiring.


Re: Nested Structs

2010-12-27 Thread bearophile
Steven Schveighoffer:

> A struct nested in a class does not have a hidden "outer" pointer as a  
> nested class does.

But I think this will eventually change, once this part is implemented:

>Nested Structs: A nested struct is a struct that is declared inside the scope 
>of a function or a templated struct that has aliases to local functions as a 
>template argument. Nested structs have member functions. It has access to the 
>context of its enclosing scope (via an added hidden field).<


Re: Nested Structs

2010-12-27 Thread Steven Schveighoffer

On Mon, 27 Dec 2010 08:54:37 -0500, d coder  wrote:

Greetings All

I have a situation where I have a struct nested inside a class. I
would like to make the enclosing class' members visible inside the
nested struct's constructor. I see that such preposition is feasible
for nested classes, but not for nested structs. Why so?

A struct nested in a class does not have a hidden "outer" pointer as a  
nested class does.  It's because a struct is generally more bare-bones  
than a class (which has loads of hidden pieces: vtable, interfaces,  
classinfo, etc.).  Also, instantiating such a struct does not tie it to a  
class instance.

Are there some alternative constructs which could give me this
behavior for nested constructs?

You need to implement this behavior on your own:

class C
  struct S
private C _outer;
this(C c) { this._outer = c; _outer.x = 5;} // access enclosing class  
instance via _outer.


  int x;


Re: Is libdruntime deprecated in 2.051?

2010-12-27 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Sat, 25 Dec 2010 01:49:37 -0500, Heywood Floyd   

Quick 2.051 D for Xcode fix:

   /Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/
And do Show contents on the 'D for Xcode.xcplugin"-bundle and then open
and change the line
   CommandLineArgs = { NO = (); "<>" =  
("/usr/local/lib/libphobos2.a", "/usr/local/lib/libdruntime.a"); };

   CommandLineArgs = { NO = (); "<>" =  
("/usr/local/lib/libphobos2.a"); };

and restart Xcode.

(Sorry for the boring post. Just documenting for future reference.)


Another possibility, rebuild druntime on your own.

Simple as make -f posix.mak on OSX from the compiler's src/druntime  

You then have to copy the library.


Re: [D1] type of type

2010-12-27 Thread Steven Schveighoffer

On Thu, 23 Dec 2010 17:28:49 -0500, %u  wrote:

Should have been this:

void func(type t){
  new t();

void func(T)(){
   new T();

When you are passing types into functions, use templates.


Re: declaration with typedef

2010-12-27 Thread Hamad Mohammad
> If you tried to assign person2 to person1 or vice versa


Re: declaration with typedef

2010-12-27 Thread David Nadlinger

On 12/27/10 3:44 PM, Hamad Mohammad wrote:

excuse me

but why that code works


If you tried to assign person2 to person1 or vice versa, the same error 
would occur.

But as Andrei already said, typedef has been deemed deprecated in D2.


Re: Creating an array of unique elements

2010-12-27 Thread David Nadlinger

On 12/27/10 3:14 PM, Guilherme Vieira wrote:

Ah, yeah. I think you're right. Set is exactly what I need, and the fact
that it works with hashes is even better. A pity D still doesn't have
it, since it looks very useful, but thanks for your response. I'll take
a look at your implementation later.

Is there any prevision for sets in core D or Phobos?

I don't know about the Phobos part, but for your D1/D2 collection needs, 
DCollections ( might be 
worth a look.


Re: declaration with typedef

2010-12-27 Thread Hamad Mohammad
excuse me

but why that code works

struct Human
string name;
int age;
void main()
Human person1; = "";
person1.age = 12;
typedef Human Mankind;
Mankind person2; = "";
person2.age = 14;

Re: Creating an array of unique elements

2010-12-27 Thread Guilherme Vieira
On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 12:14 PM, Guilherme Vieira wrote:

> Ah, yeah. I think you're right. Set is exactly what I need, and the fact
> that it works with hashes is even better. A pity D still doesn't have it,
> since it looks very useful, but thanks for your response. I'll take a look
> at your implementation later.
> Is there any prevision for sets in core D or Phobos?
> --
> Atenciosamente / Sincerely,
> Guilherme ("n2liquid") Vieira
> On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 11:39 AM, spir  wrote:
>> On Mon, 27 Dec 2010 05:22:14 -0200
>> Guilherme Vieira  wrote:
>> > Right now I'm wondering how's the best way to create a dynamic array
>> object
>> > which will only accept "unique" elements (i.e., elements != from the
>> > existing elements in the array).
>> (Take my words with precaution because I don not know D very well myself.)
>> Hello Guilherme. If I understand your purpose correctly, what you're
>> trying to define is a set, not an array, in the common sense of the terms in
>> programming. To ensure uniqueness, you'd need to check whether the element
>> exits already, which can only be very slow using an array (O(n)): you need
>> to traverse the array element per element. Sets instead are build using data
>> structures that allow this check to be far faster, by looking up a given
>> element in a more clever way.
>> There is no builtin Set type in D yet. The simplest way (and maybe the
>> best) would be use associative arrays where keys would be actual elements
>> and values just fake. (e in set) would tell you what you need. Depending on
>> your requirements, trying to put an existing element would just put it again
>> with no change, or should throw an error. In the latter case, you need to
>> check it yourself or build a wrapper type (struct or class) around builtin
>> associative arrays.
>> For instance:
>>Existence[Element] set;
>>Element[] elements = ['a','c','e'];
>>Element[] values = ['a','b','c','d','e'];
>>foreach (element ; elements)
>>set[element] = EXISTS;
>>// Note: 'in' actually return a pointer to element.
>>foreach (value ; values)
>>writeln(cast(bool)(value in set));
>> Note: I have a Set type in stock at
>> but wonder whether it's really necessary given the above. But you can have a
>> look to see how it's done (this would give you some hints about "language
>> methods" called 'opSomething', see TDPL's index).
>> Denis
>> -- -- -- -- -- -- --
>> vit esse estrany ☣
Eek..! sorry for top-posting.

Atenciosamente / Sincerely,
Guilherme ("n2liquid") Vieira

Re: Creating an array of unique elements

2010-12-27 Thread Guilherme Vieira
Ah, yeah. I think you're right. Set is exactly what I need, and the fact
that it works with hashes is even better. A pity D still doesn't have it,
since it looks very useful, but thanks for your response. I'll take a look
at your implementation later.

Is there any prevision for sets in core D or Phobos?

Atenciosamente / Sincerely,
Guilherme ("n2liquid") Vieira

On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 11:39 AM, spir  wrote:

> On Mon, 27 Dec 2010 05:22:14 -0200
> Guilherme Vieira  wrote:
> > Right now I'm wondering how's the best way to create a dynamic array
> object
> > which will only accept "unique" elements (i.e., elements != from the
> > existing elements in the array).
> (Take my words with precaution because I don not know D very well myself.)
> Hello Guilherme. If I understand your purpose correctly, what you're trying
> to define is a set, not an array, in the common sense of the terms in
> programming. To ensure uniqueness, you'd need to check whether the element
> exits already, which can only be very slow using an array (O(n)): you need
> to traverse the array element per element. Sets instead are build using data
> structures that allow this check to be far faster, by looking up a given
> element in a more clever way.
> There is no builtin Set type in D yet. The simplest way (and maybe the
> best) would be use associative arrays where keys would be actual elements
> and values just fake. (e in set) would tell you what you need. Depending on
> your requirements, trying to put an existing element would just put it again
> with no change, or should throw an error. In the latter case, you need to
> check it yourself or build a wrapper type (struct or class) around builtin
> associative arrays.
> For instance:
>Existence[Element] set;
>Element[] elements = ['a','c','e'];
>Element[] values = ['a','b','c','d','e'];
>foreach (element ; elements)
>set[element] = EXISTS;
>// Note: 'in' actually return a pointer to element.
>foreach (value ; values)
>writeln(cast(bool)(value in set));
> Note: I have a Set type in stock at
> but wonder whether it's really necessary given the above. But you can have a
> look to see how it's done (this would give you some hints about "language
> methods" called 'opSomething', see TDPL's index).
> Denis
> -- -- -- -- -- -- --
> vit esse estrany ☣

Re: declaration with typedef

2010-12-27 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
That's because you're creating a new type with typedef, and writeln()
doesn't know how to work with a "number" type. Use an alias:

void main()
   alias int number;
   number x;
   x = 314;

AFAIK typedef is scheduled for deprecation in D2 (if that's what you're using).

On 12/27/10, Hamad Mohammad  wrote:
> I can't compile this code
> void main()
> {
> typedef int number;
> number x;
> x = 314;
> writeln(x);
> }

declaration with typedef

2010-12-27 Thread Hamad Mohammad
I can't compile this code

void main()
typedef int number;
number x;
x = 314;

Nested Structs

2010-12-27 Thread d coder
Greetings All

I have a situation where I have a struct nested inside a class. I
would like to make the enclosing class' members visible inside the
nested struct's constructor. I see that such preposition is feasible
for nested classes, but not for nested structs. Why so?

Are there some alternative constructs which could give me this
behavior for nested constructs?

- Cherry

Re: Creating an array of unique elements

2010-12-27 Thread spir
On Mon, 27 Dec 2010 05:22:14 -0200
Guilherme Vieira  wrote:

> Right now I'm wondering how's the best way to create a dynamic array object
> which will only accept "unique" elements (i.e., elements != from the
> existing elements in the array).

(Take my words with precaution because I don not know D very well myself.)

Hello Guilherme. If I understand your purpose correctly, what you're trying to 
define is a set, not an array, in the common sense of the terms in programming. 
To ensure uniqueness, you'd need to check whether the element exits already, 
which can only be very slow using an array (O(n)): you need to traverse the 
array element per element. Sets instead are build using data structures that 
allow this check to be far faster, by looking up a given element in a more 
clever way.

There is no builtin Set type in D yet. The simplest way (and maybe the best) 
would be use associative arrays where keys would be actual elements and values 
just fake. (e in set) would tell you what you need. Depending on your 
requirements, trying to put an existing element would just put it again with no 
change, or should throw an error. In the latter case, you need to check it 
yourself or build a wrapper type (struct or class) around builtin associative 

For instance:
Existence[Element] set;
Element[] elements = ['a','c','e'];
Element[] values = ['a','b','c','d','e'];
foreach (element ; elements)
set[element] = EXISTS;
// Note: 'in' actually return a pointer to element.
foreach (value ; values)
writeln(cast(bool)(value in set));

Note: I have a Set type in stock at, but 
wonder whether it's really necessary given the above. But you can have a look 
to see how it's done (this would give you some hints about "language methods" 
called 'opSomething', see TDPL's index).

-- -- -- -- -- -- --
vit esse estrany ☣

Re: Creating an array of unique elements

2010-12-27 Thread sybrandy
I've done something like this before using associative arrays.  I would 
rely on the fact that the keys have to be unique to produce my unique 
array.  So, in this case, any value you want to store you would save 
like this:

array[value] = 1;

Regardless of whether or not the value already exists, this will work 
and ensure uniqueness of the keys.  To determine if a value is already 
part of the array, you can check for the key like this:

if (value in array)

You can later get the values like this:

values = array.keys;

Not sure if this will do everything you want, but it seems to be cleaner 
than having to ensure an array is unique after every insertion.


Re: Creating an array of unique elements

2010-12-27 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 27.12.2010 10:22, Guilherme Vieira wrote:

Hi, guys. — said the shy newcomer.

I've started reading The D Programming Language just yesterday and I'm 
making my first attempts to dig into D now. I must say I'm loving the 
language beyond recognition. I never thought there was a language out 
there that had everything I ever wanted in C++ (I even considered 
developing my own language before knowing D!).

Right now I'm wondering how's the best way to create a dynamic array 
object which will only accept "unique" elements (i.e., elements != 
from the existing elements in the array).

I wanted a class that kept all the functionality of an array (e.g. 
being the right range types so that they can be passed to 
std.format.formatValue and trigger the right specialization) for 
maximum integration with the standard library. I thought about writing 
a class template privately containing an array and redirecting 
everything but the assignment/insertion operations to it. All ways of 
placing an object that was already there should throw an exception, 
but everything else should work the same.

Doing it this way is a lot of work for a simple thing, so some sort of 
internal alert in me tell me I might just be "doing-it-wrong". I want 
to know what your ideas are.

I want some way to achieve this sort of thing:

import myproject.helpers.UniqueArray;

void main()
auto a0 = [1, 2, 3];

// I'm not yet sure how to go about the constructor, since:

auto a1 = UniqueArray!(int)(a0[1 .. $]); // error: should not
be able to internally hold reference to

I suspect the best would be to copy whatever got passed to constructor, 
since to provide such contracts UniqueArray needs to own data.  Also you 
could use fancy homogeneous variadic function for ctor:

this(T[] args...){
_payload = args.dup;//assume member _payload holds internal array
auto a = UniqueArray!(int)(1,2,3,4);//fills array with elements [1,2,3,4]
auto a = UniqueArray!(int)([5,6,7]); //works with the same signature

 // a raw array since
this could be used to break the "unique
 // elements" contract
promise of UniqueArray
 // copy of elements
can be considered, but I'd rather
 // have clients copy
the array themselves so that they
 // know it is happening

auto a2 = UniqueArray!(int)(a0[1 .. $].dup); // should be fine
if D had some sort of non-const
 // rvalue
reference support, but I think it does not;
 // am I wrong?

auto a3 = UniqueArray!(int)(a0[1 .. $].idup); // semantically
pleasing at first sight, but
  // suboptimal:
the constructor would have to copy
  // the passed
array again to get rid of immutability

auto a4 = bestOptionOutOf(a1, a2, a3); // (:

a4[1 .. $] = [3, 4, 5]; // ok: would first construct a
UniqueArray out of the rvalue (thus ensuring
// "uniqueness" of elements) and then
would work like a usual slice
// assignment

a4 ~= 5; // throws exception: 5 is already in the array!
a4 ~= 6; // ok: 6 is not there

writeln(a4); // ok, output: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
 // could just implement UniqueArray.toString()
for this to work, but making UniqueArray
 // properly model the ranges an array models
solves this problem and others at the same
 // time

auto a5 = a4.dup; // all properties of an array, such as dup
here, should hold and overall
  // the object should behave as one would
expect from an array

int[] a6 = a5; // error: obviously shouldn't work since a6
could then be used to break the
   // UniqueArray contract


What do you think?

Atenciosamente / Sincerely,
Guilherme ("n2liquid") Vieira

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Creating an array of unique elements

2010-12-27 Thread Manfred_Nowak
Guilherme Vieira wrote:

> dynamic array object which will only accept "unique" elements

What are your requirements so that you call this data structure "array"?
