Are there any methods like isDestroyed or isDisposed to detect whether some object is destroyed or not?

2014-12-12 Thread Andrey Derzhavin via Digitalmars-d-learn


We have object, for example, objA.

ObjectAType objA = new ObjectAType(...);

// we have a many references to objA

void someFunction1(...)
   // destroying the objA


void someFunction2()
   // "segmentation fault" if the objA is destroyed

   // I need a safe way (without using signals) to detect whether 

   // destroyed or not, like this
   // if (!isDestroyed(another_refToObjA))
   //   another_refToObjA.method1();


// call functions

// . some other operations...

// the objectA (objA) is destroyed, but debugger shows us a not 
null reference
// to that objA. However, when we try to call some methods of 
objectA or
// try to use it's variables we get a "segmentation fault" error 

// someFunction2, when objA is destroyed).


Re: Are there any methods like isDestroyed or isDisposed to detect whether some object is destroyed or not?

2014-12-13 Thread Andrey Derzhavin via Digitalmars-d-learn

import std.stdio;

class ObjectAType {
bool ok;
this() {ok = true;}

void main()
auto a = new ObjectAType;
assert(!a.ok);  // a has been destroyed.

This method of detection of collected objects is what I needed.
Thanks to everybody for your advise.

Re: Are there any methods like isDestroyed or isDisposed to detect whether some object is destroyed or not?

2014-12-15 Thread Andrey Derzhavin via Digitalmars-d-learn

Thank you very much, Steven!

strange work of GC

2015-02-06 Thread Andrey Derzhavin via Digitalmars-d-learn

class C1
int a1, b1, c1, d1, e1;
string sdb1;
this(string s)
sdb1 = s;

if (sdb1 == "lll")
sdb1 = "aaa";

writeln("disposing "~sdb1);

class C2
C1 c1 = null;
int a2, b2, c2, d2, e2;
string sdb2;
this(string s)
sdb2 = s;


writeln("disposing "~sdb2);

void fn1()
writeln("start of fn1");
C2[] arr = new C2[1_000_000];

for (int i=0; iThis code never starts the garbage collector, but after execution 
fn1 nothing refers to arr.
As I think, the garbage collector should start destoying of the 
C1 and C2 objects of arr array during the "while" cycle prosess, 
but this does not

happen. Dtors are not called.
If I use the manual destroying of objects C1 and C2 by "destroy" 
method, the dtors of C1 and C2 objects are normally called, but 
it can't be safe.
If I use the GC.collect method after fn1, I get an error: 

Is this a bug of GC or I do something wrong?


Re: strange work of GC

2015-02-07 Thread Andrey Derzhavin via Digitalmars-d-learn

If a "destroy" method is used together with GC inside of my 
app,it makes my app unstable.
In this case I need to choose how to destroy my objects: 1) 
always manually by method "destroy", but without GC; 2) or always 
automatically by GC, but without using the "destroy" method.
In the first case I need to know how can I disable the automatic 
GC in my app?
In the second case - how can I disable the "destroy" method calls 
inside of my app?

Re: strange work of GC

2015-02-07 Thread Andrey Derzhavin via Digitalmars-d-learn

Why do you want to use destroy?
The destroy method always calls a dtor of the objects, where I 
can destroy some
object's variables in that order that I need, I think. And this 
is very good for me, because I have a full control of the 
object's destroying stage.
But if I use the GC, I have no garanties that the dtors will be 
called, therefore some of my methods will not be called too. In 
this case
it would be better to disable automatically garbage collection in 
my D app, elsewise once app will be failed (manual destroying 

On another hand if I use only GC (automatically destroying 
idiom), I have to disable "destroy" method and all dtors of the 
so that nobody can call "destroy" method. Otherwise app will be 
failed once again.

Two idioms are existing in one app at the same time have more 
possiblities for D programmers to make hard errors in their code,

and it is confusing me sometimes.

For example, .Net (C#) have no dtors and "destroy" methods. It is 
a very good idiom, because no confusions occur.

GC has a "barbaric" destroyng model, I think

2015-02-11 Thread Andrey Derzhavin via Digitalmars-d-learn
   If we are using a DMD realization of destroying of 
objects, happens the following: at the calling the «destroy» 
method the calling of dtor takes place always, and then the 
object which is being destroyed is initialized by the default 
state. In other words, after calling «destroy» method, there is 
no way of getting an access to the members of the object that is 
being destroyed (it is meant, that the members are the 
references). GC works the same way.
	This approach in case of manual calling of «destroy» method has 
predictable and understandable consequences (there is no reasone 
to use the object being destroyed). But if GC performes the 
destroying of the objects, a lot of errors appear at the 
accessing to the members which are references, because some of 
them have already been destroyed (access to the members is 
realized in dtors). Such situations can be avoided, by using 
«@nogc» keyword. Howewer «@nogc» keyword doesn't protect us from 
using the references in dtors: we can assign some values to the 
refernces, we can have access to some members by the references 
and assign them some values.That is not correct in itself.

If GC starts destroying some group of the objects, it could be 
more correct, if the calls of dtros are occured of all objects in 
a group before phisical memory releasing. Or GC must call dtors 
of the objetcts only, which noone refers to.

Re: GC has a "barbaric" destroyng model, I think

2015-02-12 Thread Andrey Derzhavin via Digitalmars-d-learn

OK. there is some example:

// we're using an OpenGL
class A
protected int m_tex;
		// texture has been created in video memory. there is no GC 

glGenTexture(1, &m_tex);
glTexImage2D(); // texture in video memory


// release texture in video memory
glDeleteTextures(1, &m_tex);


void foo()
// we do some operations...
A[] arrA = new A[1_000_000];
for (int i; i	// do some operations... and return without explicit disposing 
of arrA





if GC does not guarantee the calling of dtor we can't be sure 
that some textures will be destroyed.

It will be followed by overflowing of the video memory.
And it is obvious, becouse we have no way to detect when the 
objects are destroyed.

The video memory will leaks.

Re: GC has a "barbaric" destroyng model, I think

2015-02-12 Thread Andrey Derzhavin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 12 February 2015 at 12:29:47 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:

Exactly. That's why it's wrong to rely on the GC if you need 
deterministic resource management. It's simply the wrong tool 
for that.

Unfortunately, the "right" tools are a bit awkward to use, for 
the time being. I still have hopes that we can finally get our 
act together and get a usable `scope` implementation, which can 
then be used to provide better library defined container types  
as well as efficient reference counting.

If we can't relay on GC wholly, there is no need for GC.
All of the objects, that I can create, I can destroy manually by 
myself, without any doubtful GC destroying attempts.

Re: GC has a "barbaric" destroyng model, I think

2015-02-12 Thread Andrey Derzhavin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 12 February 2015 at 13:11:48 UTC, ketmar wrote:
sure. but when it comes, for example, for big data structures 
complex cross-references, you'll inevitably found that you 
either leaking
memory, or writing your own half-backed semi-working GC 

ah, good luck doing effecient refcounting on slices, for 
example. and

they aren't even remotely complex.

Well. What is the trouble if dtors are always (it is garanteed) 
called by GC before their phisical destroying?

It will help to avoid many awkward situations.

shared interfaces

2015-02-15 Thread Andrey Derzhavin via Digitalmars-d-learn

interface IA
void fnA();

interface IB
void fnB();

shared interface IC : IA, IB
void fnC();

shared class C : IA, IB

	override void fnA() // Error: function main.C.fnA does not 
override any function, did you mean to override 'main.IA.fnA'?



	override void fnB() // Error: function main.C.fnB does not 
override any function, did you mean to override 'main.IA.fnA'?



shared class D : IC

override void fnC()

	override void fnA() // Error: function main.D.fnA does not 
override any function, did you mean to override 'main.IA.fnA'?



	override void fnB() // Error: function main.D.fnB does not 
override any function, did you mean to override 'main.IB.fnB'?



what is wrong in declarations, if I need to declare shared 
classes D and C?

Re: shared interfaces

2015-02-15 Thread Andrey Derzhavin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 15 February 2015 at 11:30:46 UTC, anonymous wrote:
On Sunday, 15 February 2015 at 10:43:46 UTC, Andrey Derzhavin 
what is wrong in declarations, if I need to declare shared 
classes D and C?

`shared` on a class/interface makes all members shared. And 
that's all it does.

So this:

interface IA
void fnA();
shared class C : IA
override void fnA() {}

is the same as this:

interface IA
void fnA();
class C : IA
override void fnA() shared {}

But you can't override a non-shared method with a shared one, 
hence the error.

So, if you need to override non-shared methods, you can't mark 
the whole class shared. Instead, you have to mark the shared 
members individually. Like so:

interface IA
void fnA();
shared interface IC : IA
void fnC();
class D : IC
override void fnC() shared {}
override void fnA() {}

Try to compile your example, it is wrong.

Re: shared interfaces

2015-02-15 Thread Andrey Derzhavin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 15 February 2015 at 14:59:20 UTC, anonymous wrote:

Hm? Works for me. What error do you get, or what doesn't work? 
Which compiler are you using, which version?

The error "Error: function main.C.fnA does not
override any function, did you mean to override 'main.IA.fnA'?" 
has occured ((

I'm using DMD 2.066.1 compiler.

Re: shared interfaces

2015-02-15 Thread Andrey Derzhavin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 15 February 2015 at 14:59:20 UTC, anonymous wrote:

Sorry everything is OK. It's my fault. Thanks))