[OSGeo-Discuss] About deadline for submission to Academic Track at FOSS4G Seoul 2015

2015-04-17 Thread Venkatesh Raghavan

Dear All,

On behalf of the Academic Track Committee of FOSS4G-2015 Seoul,
I would like to inform you the new (and Final) deadline for submission of
abstracts for presentation at the academic track.

Final Academic Abstract Submission will be closed on 15th, May 2015.
Final Academic Abstract Selection will be made on 15th, June 2015.
Final Full paper Submission of selected abstracts 15th, August 2015.

Only abstracts need to be submitted initially and full paper's need
to be submitted subsequent (by 15 Aug 2015) to the acceptance of

We are planning to publish a digital version of the Academic Track 

and include it in the Conference Kit. Also, efforts are being made to bring
out FOSS4G-2015 Special Issue in collaboration with some academic journals
after the FOSS4G-2015 event concludes.

Details of the Academic Track are available at [1]. I request you to 
spread this
information and look forward for excellent submissions, an exciting 
Academic Track

and great FOSS4G-2015 event in Seoul.



[1] http://2015.foss4g.org/programme/academic-track/
Prof. Venkatesh Raghavan
Osaka City University
Chair, FOSS4G-2015 Academic Track Committee
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[OSGeo-Discuss] Only one week to submit your presentation for FOSS4G Seoul 2015

2015-04-17 Thread Sanghee Shin
Dear All, 

FOSS4G Seoul team would like to remind you that there is only one week left for 
FOSS4G Seoul presentation submissions. Presentation submission closes on 24th 
April. If you haven’t yet submitted your presentation topics, please submit 
your topics through FOSS4G Seoul page[1].

Presentations are the heart of the conference. We expect many interesting 
presentations during the conference showing the uses of open-source geospatial 
solutions in various fields and benefits of open-source geospatial solutions. 
Each individual presentations will be allowed about 25 minutes and 5 minutes 
for Q&A.

International FOSS4G 2015 will take place from 14th to 19th in Seoul, South 
Korea for the first time in Asia. There will be Asia Special Session discussing 
past, present and future of open-source geospatial in Asia during FOSS4G Seoul. 
Also FOSS4G Seoul conference will be co-hosted with SmartGeoExpo[2] - the 
largest geospatial event in Korea - at the same venue. FOSS4G Attendees can go 
to any talks or exhibition booth at SmartGeoExpo without additional cost. Thus 
FOSS4G Seoul will be your ideal point to share your brilliant recent works with 
more broader audiences. 

Hope to see many interesting talks here in Seoul in September. 



[1] http://2015.foss4g.org/programme/presentations/ 

Sanghee Shin, Chair of FOSS4G 2015 Seoul 
"Toward Diversity! FOSS4G Bigbang from Seoul!"
Twitter: @foss4g
Facebook: FOSS4G2015
email: foss4gch...@osgeo.org

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Ica-osgeo-labs] [TC-Discuss] Open Letter for the need for Open Standards in LiDAR

2015-04-17 Thread Suchith Anand

I would like to invite inputs from the geocommunity so I can include all 
concerns of the wider geospatial community in my email response . Please do 
email your inputs to me before 25th April 2015 for this.

If you have not yet signed the letter at 
http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/LIDAR_Format_Letter   may I  request that all who 
wish to support this effort to protect Open Standards for Geospatial data to 
kindly add your name , email, affiliation details to the wikipage directly or 
email  Patrick Hogan (Email - 
patrick.ho...@nasa.gov ) with the subject 
heading "Support for Open Geo Standards" and the following fields (Name, Email, 
Affiliation ) and we will gladly add this to the wiki.

Best wishes,


From: TC-Discuss [tc-discuss-boun...@lists.opengeospatial.org] On Behalf Of 
Keith Ryden [kry...@esri.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 7:54 PM
To: tc-disc...@lists.opengeospatial.org
Subject: Re: [TC-Discuss] Open Letter for the need for Open Standards in LiDAR

Regarding Dr. Anand’s concerns and the referenced letter below:

Esri has long understood the importance of interoperability between systems and 
users of geographic information and services. Esri has participated in the 
development of national, information community, OGC, and ISO TC 211 standards 
from the development of the US Spatial Data Transfer Standard in the 1980s 
through the development of OGC Geopackage today. As a sustaining member of 
ASPRS and a Principle member of OGC, Esri would gladly participate in efforts 
to further the development of open LIDAR and point cloud standards. Keep in 
mind that ASPRS owns and maintains LAS, along with other spatial information 
standards, and would have the lead in moving it into  OGC or ISO TC211 for 
further work if they so desired. Esri will continue to support and use the 
ASPRS LAS standard; the Optimized LAS (see FAQ at 
https://github.com/Esri/esri-zlas-io-library) is not intended to replace LAS 
but to enhance access to remotely stored LIDAR information for our users.


Keith Ryden
ESRI Software Development

From: TC-Discuss 
[mailto:tc-discuss-bounces+kryden=esri@lists.opengeospatial.org] On Behalf 
Of Suchith Anand
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2015 10:30 AM
To: discuss@lists.osgeo.org; ica-osgeo-l...@lists.osgeo.org; 
Subject: [TC-Discuss] Open Letter for the need for Open Standards in LiDAR

To all colleagues in Academia, Government and Industry who have interest in 
maintaining Open Standards:

On behalf of "Geo for All" community, 
http://www.geoforall.org, I would like to bring to 
your kind attention a significant development that can lead to undermining our 
principle for Open Geospatial Standards. I request you review the wikipage 
http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/LIDAR_Format_Letter   that is meant to represent our 
concern and allow for ongoing input and expression by our geospatial community.

We specifically thank Martin Isenburg (author of LASzip and LAStools, 
http://laszip.org and 
http://lastools.org) for  bringing this matter to our 
attention (email below) and an email thread of our initial discussion of this 
subject that highlight the wider implication of this issue 
We request all who wish to support this effort to protect Open Standards for 
Geospatial data to kindly add your name , email, affiliation details to the 
wikipage directly or email  Patrick Hogan (Email - 
patrick.ho...@nasa.gov ) with the subject 
heading "Support for Open Geo Standards" and the following fields (Name, Email, 
Affiliation ) and we will gladly add this to the wiki.

There is current interest by the OGC in pursuing point cloud encoding 
standards, including a member-initiated mechanism to extend LAS data with 
OGC-standard XML content. The OGC invites interested members who wish to  work 
on this effort to please contact Scott Simmons (Executive Director, Standards 
Program  E-mail : 
ssimm...@opengeospatial.org  ) to register 
their interest and discuss details.  OGC will also be holding an ad hoc session 
at our next Technical Committee meeting in Boulder, CO, USA in June 1st (more 
details will be send soon) to bring together all interested from all sectors 
(government, industry, academia) for this and plan next steps. We welcome 
feedback and input from Esri and invite them to join this effort to  support 
open LIDAR formats.

I thank you all again for your attention and support for this important matter.

Best wishes,

Suchith Anand
Founder, GeoForAll

 Forwarded Message 

Please review: Open Letter asking to avoid format fragmentation in LiDAR 


Sat, 11 Apr 2015

[OSGeo-Discuss] r100 generator

2015-04-17 Thread Munich Orientation Convention

Hi everybody,


looking for a way to reform the enigmatic house numbering in Japan, I've
accidentally invented a system which can reform all orientation tools
including signage, post codes and room numbers. The system makes smarter,
sharpens the orientation sense and bases on imaginary clocks, a method used
by soldiers, pilots, boy scouts, the blind etc. for more than 100 years. For
a mass application, only a Convention was missing.


When we compare house numbers or milestones, we guide ourselves. Location
codes  and special pictograms allow us to guide ourselves around an
indoor/urban/global pole as elegantly as in Rio de Janeiro around the Christ


- inwards/outwards 


- clockwise/counter clockwise


and this in harmony with codes for targets, crossings
www.volksnav.de/lollipop, stations www.volksnav.de/TokyoMetro, stop points,
bridges, tunnels etc. and in harmony with imagination, signage, cartography,
intelligent post codes, online applications www.volksnav.de/search, mobile
applications like www.volksnav.de/blindInTheCity for the blind etc. Possible
licensees are listed on www.volksnav.de/flyer and the fees are basically


A proposal to OSGeo Cuba according to www.volksnav.de/r100Cuba generated the
idea to declare the tool called r100 as OpenStandard. Confirm yourself the
nakedness of the emperor: just compare the FOSS4G map on
http://2015.foss4g.org/ with www.volksnav.de/r100Seoul. 


So I'd appreciate if all maps for cities listed in www.volksnav.de/mapplet
would include r100 or open this possibility. This list grows continuously
and suggestions are more than welcome. Please consider that uncontrolled
changes of elements of the Convention would work against the idea of an
orientation standard, that means, against you as consumer.


Forums can be idea killers. I'm sure this forum will be an idea amplifier
and am eager to hear your ideas around this proposal.








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