[slim] Re: 6.1 smooth scrolling - feeback requested

2005-07-08 Thread Ben

I really like the look of the smoother scrolling (2, 0.05 looked good to
me as well), unfortunately, I was getting some jitters with the shorter
scroll times. That may be an artifact of my setup, however.

My SB2 is connected to the server via an 802.11g only network. I was
bringing up the Slimserver interface over the same network from my
laptop so I could fiddle with the settings. Also, my server isn't the
most powerful (1.0 GHz, G4, OS X 10.3.9, Slimserver 6.1b1) and I was
transcoding AAC to FLAC at the time.

The jitters were considerably better (pretty much gone, actually) on
the smoother settings if I closed the web interface. 


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RE: [slim] Voice Recognition / Voice Control for Slimserver?

2005-07-08 Thread Richard M Jones

You could try HAL 2000. This is a voice
activated home automation system and has MP3 capabilities. www.homeautomatedliving.com

On Behalf Of Jared Valentine
Sent: Friday, 8
 July 2005 3:56 PM
To: discuss@lists.slimdevices.com
Subject: [slim] Voice Recognition
/ Voice Control for Slimserver?

am helping my brother integrate a Slimserver into a whole-home audio
system. Getting physically connected is fine, but the control is what
were looking at. Has anyone successfully integrated some sort of
voice recognition for the Slimserver to launch playlists, artists, or general
control (next song, next album, etc.)  or know of a more friendly MP3
server-type software that integrates with voice recognition?




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[slim] Re: Problem with Accented Characters

2005-07-08 Thread mikerob

I had exactly the same problem and raised bug

I tried the 2005-07-07 nightly yesterday and this seems to have fixed
the problem with the exception of one particular album title which is
still garbled on SB and browser.  I will investigate this further.

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[slim] Searching much slower in recent nightlies

2005-07-08 Thread max . spicer

I'm running a nightly off the trunk from a few days back, and it seems
to me that searching is now much slower.  I used to be able to search
for tracks containing sandw via the SB2's interface and it would return
in a few seconds.  It now seems to take anything up to 30 seconds.  Can
anyone else confirm this behaviour?


PS  Sorry for the vague server version - I'm nowhere near my server


The wild things roared their terrible roars and gnashed their terrible
and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws
but Max stepped into his private boat and waved good-bye
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Re: [slim] Re: Many missing songs

2005-07-08 Thread ron thigpen

brinko99 wrote:
JJZolx Wrote: 

Whether it's expected would have to be answered by the developers.  Is
scanning halted whenever a circular reference is detected?  Seems like
it should recover more gracefully.

I don't know if the scanning is actually haulted.  I only really know
that that no artists are picked up after U and no U2 albums are
picked up in the directories that follow Concerts

It may well be that the SS didn't stop scanning so much as it got really 
busy following it's tail around this shortcut loop.  Either way, it 
makes sense that nothing past this would have been scanned.

Did you notice that SS was using larger-than-resting amounts of CPU for 
long periods of time?  Did the web interface ever stop showing the Your 
library is being scanned message while browsing the library?  Those 
things would point to a loop.

Developers:  Does SS make any attempt to recognize and break out of a 
recursive scanning loop?

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[slim] Re: Re: Many missing songs

2005-07-08 Thread Dan Sully

* ron thigpen shaped the electrons to say...

Developers:  Does SS make any attempt to recognize and break out of a 
recursive scanning loop?

Not currently:


noah the auto mechanic told me there was something wrong with my rear 
I told him I never took calculus.
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[slim] UK Heads UP

2005-07-08 Thread Neil Davidson
Just noticed that Scan.co.uk has both wired and wireless in black and silver
on their Today Only page for the weekend.

Only a few £ less than their normal price, but I had no idea they even
stocked it :)

(http://www.scan.co.uk/todayonly/ for those that are interested)


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[slim] Re: Squeezebox In Wall Kit

2005-07-08 Thread Paul Webster

How about asking Slim to add links to your page from here

Paul Webster

Paul Webster
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[slim] Re: UK Heads UP

2005-07-08 Thread Fifer

I think they just started to stock it. It's only £4 off their normal
price, but they seem to be the cheapest anyway. They have black and
platinum in stock for £190.33 delivered until Monday morning.

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Re: [slim] UK Heads UP

2005-07-08 Thread Robin Bowes

Neil Davidson wrote:

Just noticed that Scan.co.uk has both wired and wireless in black and silver
on their Today Only page for the weekend.

Only a few £ less than their normal price, but I had no idea they even
stocked it :)

(http://www.scan.co.uk/todayonly/ for those that are interested)

I hate you. You've made me spend money!!!



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[slim] Re: SlimServer music rescan

2005-07-08 Thread Timbo

Hi there - shouldn't SlimServer rescan every time it detects a change in
the designated ‘music folder’? Seems a bit old hat having to tell it you
have ripped some new files!

In fact having just got to grips with EAC settings (approx. 2 weeks
study and trial and error and now I have to rip my first 20 CD's
again!) SlimServer (no probs - but a bit passive - see comment above)
Lossless Compression (now there's enough reading on the Internet for a
lifetimes study!) Tags (should I use iTunes, should I just browse
folders) oh dear, tags don't appear in browse folders unless you rescan
in SlimServer and then there’s FLAC compression options (OMG more techy
stuff!) - maybe I should get out more;-)

But really - isn't this ripping lark a bit arcane for 2005!!! I mean
yes the sound from my Meridian system fed via Squeezebox 2 is well
worth the effort - but I have 20 years playing in IT - what on earth do
'normal' folk do...:-)

I know lots of folk out there absolutely love user supported and
developed software and I have to say I really appreciate the whole Slim
Devices ethos - but what I wouldn’t pay for good old simple to use and
set-up iTunes - but with built-in pre-configured EAC error correction
and drive awareness, automatic FLAC conversion and intelligent

Now the Squeezebox 2 that’s a different story - it just sits there and
works beautifully and I am sure it is totally oblivious to all the
propeller head stuff required just to get it’s files ready for delivery

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RE: [slim] UK Heads UP

2005-07-08 Thread Simon @ Home
  Only a few £ less than their normal price, but I had no 
  idea they even stocked it :)
  (http://www.scan.co.uk/todayonly/ for those that are interested)
 I hate you. You've made me spend money!!!

You too huh?

Simon Turner
Barcombe UK

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[slim] Re: Voice Recognition / Voice Control for Slimserver?

2005-07-08 Thread seanadams

I heard of some Philips technology (patented up the wazoo, probably, but
that shouldn't stop you from trying it at home) which lets you control
the music with voice commands.

The thing is, the mic is linked into a DSP system which cancels out the
music before it gets to the voice recognition. So supposedly, you can
still issue voice commands even with the music turned up so loud that
you can't even hear yourself. :)

I just thought it was a clever idea - not a small undertaking, but not
impossible since the computer knows what's playing.

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