Re: משרד התחבורה יספר לכם מתי יגיע האוטובוס הבא

2012-12-30 חוט Sagi Ben-Akiva
שלום לכולם,

בשעה טובה, פתחתי פרוייקט בgithub בכתובת הבאה :

כרגע הפרוייקט מכיל את קבצי המקור שנוצרו מקובץ ה wsdl שסיפק משרד התחבורה ו
main מאוד פשוט ששולח שאילתות לשרת ומדפיס את התשובה לקונסול.

אם למישהו יש משאבים פנויים והוא מעוניין להצטרף, אשמח לכל עזרה שתינתן ע"מ
להמשיך ולקדם את הפרוייקט.


2012/10/18 Lior Kaplan 

> היי שגיא,
> זאת אכן בעיה, אבל לא גדולה מידי.
> אם תרצה את עזרת העמותה במשיכת הנתונים אז לא אמורה להיות בעיה.
> קפלן
> 2012/10/18 Sagi Ben-Akiva 
>> נכון, משרד התחבורה פתח את הנתונים לציבור.
>> אבל המערכת משתמשת ב IP based Authentication
>> והחברה המפעילה דורשת IP קבוע כדי לתת גישה לנתונים.
>> המשמעות היא, שכדי להשתמש בנתונים חייבים להקים שרת (בעל IP קבוע, כמובן)
>> שמתשאל את השרת של משרד התחבורה
>> ואפליקציה מקבלת נתונים מהשרת שהוקם.
>> שגיא
>> 2012/10/9 Lior Kaplan 
>>> 2012/9/30 Lior Kaplan 
 2012/9/28 Tomer Cohen 

> טכנית הם מבקשים שנחתום על המסמך, אבל אני לא רואה בטופס שום מידע לגבי
> מניעת הפצת המידע לגורם שלישי. כלומר אני לא בטוח אם אפילו אסור לנו להפיץ את
> כתובת הממשקים.‬ אנחנו מבקשים גישה בשם "תאגיד עמותת המקור"?
 אם יהיה לזה ביקוש מחברי העמותה, אני לא רואה סיבה שהעמותה לא תקח את
 ההתחייבות על עצמה (דורש כמובן התייעצות עם היועץ המשפטי והחלטת ועד). כמו כן,
 גם אני לא ראיתי שום מגבלה על הפצת המידע מחדש, ולכן יש סיכוי טוב שנפיץ את
 המידע הלאה.

>>> ומערכת בנושא זה:
>>> ___
>>> Discussions mailing list
>> --
>> Sagi Ben-Akiva.
>> "... Keep on rockin in the free world ... " Neil Young
>> ___
>> Discussions mailing list

Sagi Ben-Akiva.

"... Keep on rockin in the free world ... " Neil Young
Discussions mailing list

Re: Fw: [] Officially announcing the Israeli Perl Workshop (ILPW) 2013!

2012-12-30 חוט Gabor Szabo
On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 2:34 PM, Moshe Z. Matitya
> I think it's fantastic that they've organized this, but why in the world did
> they schedule it to be held on Purim??
> Moshe

Because that's when they got the venue for free of charge.

Discussions mailing list

Re: Fw: [] Officially announcing the Israeli Perl Workshop (ILPW) 2013!

2012-12-30 חוט Moshe Z. Matitya
I think it's fantastic that they've organized this, but why in the world
did they schedule it to be held on Purim??

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 11:11 PM, Shlomi Fish wrote:

> Hi all,
> forwarding from . Also see:
> Regards,
> Shlomi Fish
> Begin forwarded message:
> Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2012 13:54:23 +0200
> From: sawyer x 
> To: Perl in Israel 
> Subject: [] Officially announcing the Israeli Perl Workshop (ILPW)
> 2013!
> *Israel Perl Workshop (ILPW) 2013.*
> Dates: *Purim, February 24th - 25h, 2013*.
> Last year (2012), we held a Perl workshop to promote Perl and FOSS (Free
> and Open Source Software) which included talks on various and guests from
> around the world. It was deemed very successful and we decided to organize
> another one: a bigger one!
>  This year's workshop will have a few changes, the highlights being:
>- It will be *two days long*.
>- A very special gust: *Larry Wall*!!112
>- Low attendance fee.
>- Wider crowd / more attendees
>  *Two days?*
> Yes! Well, not exactly. A day and a half.
> We've been satisfied with the amount of talks in the previous workshop, but
> the scheduled was rather tight, and we had to forgo some plans we had, such
> as tutorials and a hackathon. We attempt to rectify that in the next
> workshop.
> We have yet to finalize the schedule, but we hope to use the additional
> half a day to incorporate hacking sessions and longer talks like tutorials.
> *Special guest: Larry Wall*
> In Perl-land, the mark of a highly-successful event is one that includes
> the very man in charge of creating this language we enjoy immensely: Larry
> Wall. Larry visits many events, provides a fun and casual atmosphere along
> with deep knowledge, understanding, and a handful of humor. While Gloria
> Wall will be visiting us, she will drag Larry along with her.
> We are excited and delighted to have Gloria and Larry join us for this
> event.
> *(Low) attendance fee:*
> Our previous event was free of charge, which sounds good in theory but in
> practice created many problems for us. Our main problem was having an
> accurate measure of attendance, which proved difficult once it was a simple
> click to approve attendance without having any requirement to actually show
> up.
> While the event was very well received and enjoyed a large number of
> participants, it was difficult for us to gage our requirements and
> expenses. Also, for a larger event our current funding budget is still
> somewhat lacking. Having a low attendance fee will allow us to know better
> the number of attending persons and will give us another financial kick to
> have a smooth event.
> The attendance fee will have the usual options of Personal, Corporate and
> the Early Bird Special.
> *Wider crowd:*
> ILPW2012 had eighty (80) attendees which is a rather fine number. This
> time, however, we intend to reach out to 120-150 people. One of the ways we
> intend to do so is to make the event more facilitating to other
> technologies that intersect with Perl, such as Web, Databases, System
> Administration (and DevOps), Gaming, and more.
> We hope to host talks on various subjects and reach out to other
> communities to participate in the event and enrich us in subjects not
> necessarily strictly Perl.
> *Sponsoring:*
> So far we've secured kickstart funding from HaMakor organization, which is
> much appreciated. This will help us get in gear. We thank HaMakor for
> sponsoring and helping promote such events.
> *We need your help!*
> We could *really* use your help. While we have big plans, we are
> short-handed and will greatly appreciate any help you may be able to
> provide. If you want this event to be everything you're hoping for, you can
> make that a reality by pitching in and lending your hand.
> *Sponsorship:* We're still looking for more sponsors. You can help contact
> companies, inquiring about sponsorship opportunities.
> *Talks:* We're low on talks. If you've never spoken at an event, you're
> suitable! If you've done something cool/interesting/useful, you're
> suitable! If you do Perl and have some wisdom to share, you're suitable! If
> you would like to showcase modules (yours or not), you're suitable! Please
> contact us to submit a talk. We've flexible on subjects.
> *Publicity:* In order to reach a wider audience, we will need to take this
> on the road. And by “on the road”, we actually mean “on the internet”. This
> means contacting other groups, contacting websites and related news
> outlets, writing press releases and so on. A great event isn't great if
> nobody knows about it.
> Please contact either Gabor Szabo (gabor AT szabgab DOT com) or Sawyer X
> (xsawyer AT cpan DOT org) to coordinate any and all efforts. We will also
> see you at the upcoming Tel Aviv Perl Mongers meetings, where we could
> exchange ideas in person. And lastly, the official
> Isra