Displaying template location in html

2012-01-28 Thread Alec Taylor
With 40+ HTML files it's easy to get confused as to where each
component comes from.

I don't want to annotate each file with its relative path manually, as
this will prove cumbersome when the site finally goes production.

Is there a trick to displaying the template location on-screen?

Thanks for all suggestions,

Alec Taylor

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Adding Highlights for a product

2012-01-28 Thread Swaroop Shankar V

Am trying to create a shopping cart using satchmo project. While creating a
product, for certain types of products I want to add few highlights of a
product similar to the one seen in this link

As you could see the highlights of the products

   - 12.2 Megapixels
   - CMOS

   - with 2.7 inch LCD

So i want to add something like this. Please let me know how i can
configure a product as said above.

Thanks and Regards,

Swaroop Shankar V

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Re: I need help with Python Tools for Visual Studio 2010 and Django

2012-01-28 Thread JJ Zolper

I have set up VirtualBox with Python and Django. Things have gone 

Only thing I've noticed is it seems to be running a tad bit slow. I feel 
this way because I had a native installation before and it ran quite well.

Before I go too far into writing code I was hoping to "perfect" my 
environment. I want to be able to donate enough resources such as RAM to 
the VM so that it runs well but at the same time maintain a steady local 
Windows boot.

Would you mind helping get me situated?

My Laptop is a Fujitsu Lifebook T5010. A 231 GB HDD with 4 GB RAM. I have 
Windows 7 Enterprise 64 bit operating system installed.

The original or current setup for my Ubuntu 11.10 on my VirtualBox system 

Base Memory: 700 MB (RAM? max is 4096)
Storage: 40 GB (Fixed)
Video Memory: 12 MB (max is 128)
Monitor count is 1

Those are all the details I thought might be useful. I would really 
appreciate some guidance as to what you set yours up as or what you think 
might be the best to optimize performance?

As a side note I'm really asking anyone in this thread what their opinion 
is? I plan is to look through this thread and see who else mentioned Linux 
and see if I can get input so I'm ready to go before I dive too deep into 
my development.

Thanks to you and to everyone who has been very patient with me, given me 
so many tips, and stepped me through my setup!

Much appreciation,

JJ Zolper

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Re: I need help with Python Tools for Visual Studio 2010 and Django

2012-01-28 Thread JJ Zolper

I have set up VirtualBox with Python and Django. Things have gone 

Only thing I've noticed is it seems to be running a tad bit slow. I feel 
this way because I had a native installation before and it ran quite well.

Before I go too far into writing code I was hoping to "perfect" my 
environment. I want to be able to donate enough resources such as RAM to 
the VM so that it runs well but at the same time maintain a steady local 
Windows boot.

Would you mind helping get me situated?

My Laptop is a Fujitsu Lifebook T5010. A 231 GB HDD with 4 GB RAM. I have 
Windows 7 Enterprise 64 bit operating system installed.

The original or current setup for my Ubuntu 11.10 on my VirtualBox system 

Base Memory: 700 MB (RAM? max is 4096)
Storage: 40 GB (Fixed)
Video Memory: 12 MB (max is 128)
Monitor count is 1

Those are all the details I thought might be useful. I would really 
appreciate some guidance as to what you set yours up as or what you think 
might be the best to optimize performance?

As a side note I'm really asking anyone in this thread what their opinion 
is? I plan is to look through this thread and see who else mentioned Linux 
and see if I can get input so I'm ready to go before I dive too deep into 
my development.

Thanks to you and to everyone who has been very patient with me, given me 
so many tips, and stepped me through my setup!

Much appreciation,

JJ Zolper

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Re: I need help with Python Tools for Visual Studio 2010 and Django

2012-01-28 Thread JJ Zolper

I have set up VirtualBox with Python and Django. Things have gone 

Only thing I've noticed is it seems to be running a tad bit slow. I feel 
this way because I had a native installation before and it ran quite well.

Before I go too far into writing code I was hoping to "perfect" my 
environment. I want to be able to donate enough resources such as RAM to 
the VM so that it runs well but at the same time maintain a steady local 
Windows boot.

Would you mind helping get me situated?

My Laptop is a Fujitsu Lifebook T5010. A 231 GB HDD with 4 GB RAM. I have 
Windows 7 Enterprise 64 bit operating system installed.

The original or current setup for my Ubuntu 11.10 on my VirtualBox system 

Base Memory: 700 MB (RAM? max is 4096)
Storage: 40 GB (Fixed)
Video Memory: 12 MB (max is 128)
Monitor count is 1

Those are all the details I thought might be useful. I would really 
appreciate some guidance as to what you set yours up as or what you think 
might be the best to optimize performance?

As a side note I'm really asking anyone in this thread what their opinion 
is? I plan is to look through this thread and see who else mentioned Linux 
and see if I can get input so I'm ready to go before I dive too deep into 
my development.

Thanks to you and to everyone who has been very patient with me, given me 
so many tips, and stepped me through my setup!

Much appreciation,

JJ Zolper

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Re: I need help with Python Tools for Visual Studio 2010 and Django

2012-01-28 Thread JJ Zolper

I have set up VirtualBox with Python and Django. Things have gone 

Only thing I've noticed is it seems to be running a tad bit slow. I feel 
this way because I had a native installation before and it ran quite well.

Before I go too far into writing code I was hoping to "perfect" my 
environment. I want to be able to donate enough resources such as RAM to 
the VM so that it runs well but at the same time maintain a steady local 
Windows boot.

Would you mind helping get me situated?

My Laptop is a Fujitsu Lifebook T5010. A 231 GB HDD with 4 GB RAM. I have 
Windows 7 Enterprise 64 bit operating system installed.

The original or current setup for my Ubuntu 11.10 on my VirtualBox system 

Base Memory: 700 MB (RAM? max is 4096)
Storage: 40 GB (Fixed)
Video Memory: 12 MB (max is 128)
Monitor count is 1

Those are all the details I thought might be useful. I would really 
appreciate some guidance as to what you set yours up as or what you think 
might be the best to optimize performance?

As a side note I'm really asking anyone in this thread what their opinion 
is? I plan is to look through this thread and see who else mentioned Linux 
and see if I can get input so I'm ready to go before I dive too deep into 
my development.

Thanks to you and to everyone who has been very patient with me, given me 
so many tips, and stepped me through my setup!

Much appreciation,

JJ Zolper

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passing context data to inherited templates

2012-01-28 Thread Mike
In a project I'm working on I have a status bar at the top of the webpage 
that will render data using template tags.  The status bar will be 
displayed on all of my views, so I want to put the html code in my base 
template.  The base template is imported to all of templates using the 
'extends' template tag.  Now the base template needs a dictionary of data. 
My question is, how do I pass this data to the base template?  I'm passing 
it in the context data of every view that renders a template, but it seems 
like there should be a better way - for example the base template calling 
out to a python function that can add data to the context before its 
rendered. Is there any other way to pass data to a base template?

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Re: Apps vs Project

2012-01-28 Thread Brian Schott
This was hard for me when I started with Django about a year ago and I'm still 
learning, but I've found that I prefer to break things down into multiple small 
apps so that the models.py, admin.py, views.py, tests.py, etc. all are fairly 
small and easy to understand within a single app.  The project settings.py can 
then just import them each as you would another external app.  

See my comments in the thread for the layout and a few tricks that I use:

Foreign keys work across app boundaries, you just need to have the apps on your 
python path and do:

from django.db import models
from crm_customer.models import Customer

class PurchaseOrder(models.Model):
   customer = models.ForeignKey(Customer)

Also, setting the app_label, you can make all the little applets appear in the 
same grouping on the admin page and essentially share a namespace for metadata 
like django-guardian permissions.  

class Meta:
app_label = 'crm'

Brian Schott

On Jan 12, 2012, at 10:31 AM, Grant Copley wrote:

> Hey guys,
> I'm a 12 year ColdFusion guy learning Django and Python and had a
> quick question. If this is the wrong place to post this question, I
> apologize.
> I'm interested in converting a Customer relationship management (CRM)
> system currently written in ColdFusion over to Python using Django,
> however the concept of separate apps in a single Django project is
> confusing to me. My CRM system currently manages customers, orders,
> purchase orders, etc... and all of these separate pieces are related.
> For example,
> * A customer has many orders
> * A order can result in a purchase order being created
> * etc
> My question is, if each piece (customers, orders, ...) ties together,
> should all of this functionality be placed in a Django project with a
> single app, or is it typical to break each piece into into a separate
> app? If you separate them into different apps (an app for customers,
> an app for orders)... then I'm confused how they tie together,
> especially on the model layer.
> Thanks,
> Grant
> -- 
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Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Adding first_name and last_name to django registration

2012-01-28 Thread Zach
I have tried to use this tutorial but I didn't have any luck.


On Jan 28, 9:23 pm, Andres Reyes  wrote:
> The django.contrib.auth User model already contains first_name and
> last_name fields so you don't need a UserProfile for that.
> Also the view that handles the registration takes a form_class that
> parameter that you can pass in the urlconf, you would only need to
> subclass the RegistrationForm, add your fields and then pass it to
> django-registraion
> https://bitbucket.org/ubernostrum/django-registration/src/d073602dc10...https://bitbucket.org/ubernostrum/django-registration/src/d073602dc10...
> 2012/1/28 Jonathan Paugh :
> > contrib.auth.models.User has a get_profile() hook that allows you to add
> > extra info to a user account from your own model; however, I don't see
> > support for that in django-registration at first glance.
> > I'm looking at the code from
> >https://bitbucket.org/ubernostrum/django-registration/
> > On 01/28/2012 11:59 AM, Zach wrote:
> >> I am new to Django and have implemented the django-registration app on
> >> my website. I want users to input their first name and last name on
> >> the registration page. However, the default setting only ask users for
> >> their email address/username/password . Is there an easy way to
> >> address this?
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> > "Django users" group.
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> > django-users+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> > For more options, visit this group 
> > athttp://groups.google.com/group/django-users?hl=en.
> --
> Andrés Reyes Monge
> armo...@gmail.com
> +(505)-8873-7217

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Re: Adding first_name and last_name to django registration

2012-01-28 Thread Andres Reyes
The django.contrib.auth User model already contains first_name and
last_name fields so you don't need a UserProfile for that.

Also the view that handles the registration takes a form_class that
parameter that you can pass in the urlconf, you would only need to
subclass the RegistrationForm, add your fields and then pass it to


2012/1/28 Jonathan Paugh :
> contrib.auth.models.User has a get_profile() hook that allows you to add
> extra info to a user account from your own model; however, I don't see
> support for that in django-registration at first glance.
> I'm looking at the code from
> https://bitbucket.org/ubernostrum/django-registration/
> On 01/28/2012 11:59 AM, Zach wrote:
>> I am new to Django and have implemented the django-registration app on
>> my website. I want users to input their first name and last name on
>> the registration page. However, the default setting only ask users for
>> their email address/username/password . Is there an easy way to
>> address this?
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "Django users" group.
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> http://groups.google.com/group/django-users?hl=en.

Andrés Reyes Monge

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Tutorial for dev version not working (Polls app): admin

2012-01-28 Thread Alec Taylor
Going through the tutorial using the latest trunk in a virtualenv.

I am getting stuck in this section:

No matter how I rearrange the fields (even when I remove the
"question" field), I cannot notice any difference in the poll admin
screens. I have tried syncdb, and restarting the server.

I've looked at the index screen
(http://localhost:9400/admin/polls/poll/), the view screen
(http://localhost:9400/admin/polls/poll/1/) and the add screen
(http://localhost:9400/admin/polls/poll/add/). There are no
differences in field order/display on any of these pages.

I have followed the tutorial exactly, but the fields aren't being rearranged.

Is there a different way of rearranging admin fields in Django 1.4?

Thanks for helping me get this working,

Alec Taylor

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Re: Adding first_name and last_name to django registration

2012-01-28 Thread Jonathan Paugh
contrib.auth.models.User has a get_profile() hook that allows you to add
extra info to a user account from your own model; however, I don't see
support for that in django-registration at first glance.

I'm looking at the code from

On 01/28/2012 11:59 AM, Zach wrote:
> I am new to Django and have implemented the django-registration app on
> my website. I want users to input their first name and last name on
> the registration page. However, the default setting only ask users for
> their email address/username/password . Is there an easy way to
> address this?

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Re: problems running subprocess inside django view

2012-01-28 Thread Russell Keith-Magee
On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 12:05 AM, Mark Lancaster
> I'm having problems running subprocess inside a django view using:
> result = subprocess.Popen([ , ],
> stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
> exactly the same method works perfectly inside a regular python
> script.
> Should I be using a different method to initiate a script?

You shouldn't be trying to initiate a script from within a view.

The request-response cycle needs to be short lived. The responsiveness
of the user's experience is directly tied to how long it takes for
your server to complete executing a view; if you're invoking
subprocesses (especially long lived subprocesses) as part of a view,
then you aren't going to b

"Oh, but my subprocess *will* be short lived!" you say? Well, you've
still got a problem -- because your user can hit cancel at any time
during a request, closing a connection, which can cause all sorts of
interesting problems with managing dangling subprocesses.

If you need to execute something long lived, you should break it down
into parts:

 1) A view that creates a "job". This doesn't need to be any more than
writing a single entry in a database table.
 2) A view that can be used to poll the status of the job.
 3) A background task -- completely outside the request-response cycle
-- that executes jobs, and reports the status back to the database

This ensures that the expensive process is handled out of the
request-response cycle, yielding a more responsive interface, and
giving you better scalability, too (since your ability to handle
background processes is decoupled from your ability to handle user
requests for background processes).

There are many ways to achieve the background task -- celery is one
popular option, but you can organise an quick and nasty
proof-of-concept using cron.

Russ Magee %-)

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Re: Help with new version of django

2012-01-28 Thread Aaron Cannon
I suspect he means the latest stable version, in which it really is
1.3.1.  To my knowledge 1.4.1 does not yet exist.

As for the original question, I would suggest familiarizing yourself
with the what's new documents for Django 1.2 and 1.3, and then tuning
your code accordingly.  Depending on what your application does, it
may be quite painless.

Alternatively, if you have good test coverage, you might just upgrade
your Django version, test, and fix what's broken.

Obviously, the first option is probably the better, but regardless, it
will be quite difficult for anyone to give you specific advice based
on the amount of information you provided.


On 1/28/12, kenneth gonsalves  wrote:
> On Wed, 2012-01-25 at 17:25 -0800, itua ijagbone wrote:
>> Hello, please i need help as to how to update my project to the
>> lastest version of django 1.3.1. i have been using 1.1.1 to develop
>> the project. Please how do i go about it, making my project conform to
>> 1.3.1
> latest is 1.4.1
> --
> regards
> Kenneth Gonsalves
> --
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ChoiceField Help

2012-01-28 Thread Squant
I've created a simple ChoiceField for my app with two items. I need to
somehow query which choice was made from the user so I can pass the
appropriate context to my template. What would be an example of how I
can do such a thing? Thanks!

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Django Deploy - Some Questions regarding it

2012-01-28 Thread Felipe Arruda
Hi there everyone, I'm trying to make my first deploy of a project,
and encountered some problems.
Here is the scenario:
I read that to make uploaded files only accessible for the
uploader(the user) was a better choice to use nginx(apparently more
easy to configure).
But after following a couple of tutorials(a lot of them actually) I
still couldn't make it serve the media files, but them I got really
confuse, and decided that I should review my concepts before trying
any further.
So here are my questions:

Does Nginx serve the files that the user upload or just de static
ones(css, admin_media and stuff)?
If so:
-- Could anyone give me an example of configuration for this?
-- Should I remove the url conf  that maps '^media/(?P.*)$' ?
If not:
-- Then how should I config my settings in production so that it
serves my css and admin_media?
-- How should Nginx be configured to serve me this?

And also there are other matters, like:
Should I configure django.sites to point to what? or I don't need this
What is better: Copy admin/media to my media folder, or my static
folder? or should I just make a symlink?
And finally should I change the directory permissions to the nginx
user:group? If so, then what directories? Just the media/static, or
the hole project?(I'm leaving the media/static folder inside the
project folder, is this a problem to deploy?)

Thanks for the atention, any help is welcome since I've been for 4
days trying to make this work(in a virtualmachine, testing in lan) and
still no media/static been served(but I could manage the site to run
and appear, but no css in admin).

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Re: problems running subprocess inside django view

2012-01-28 Thread Brian Schott
As the same user? Are you running with manage.py runserver? Generally it is a 
bad idea to call subprocess from a web process context. A blocking call you 
don't expect might time out the client and/or hang your server.  

Check out Django-celery.  Create a tasks.py and have your view call a task.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 28, 2012, at 6:41 AM, Eugene Gavrish  wrote:

> You are not alone with this problem. But I haven't got any decision.
> Maybe its django-specific with Popen??
> I divided my task in two part: first cron-driven disk file generation.
> Second - from django-view this file parsing.
> It satisfied my goals, but question with Popen is still opened...
> On 27 янв, 20:05, Mark Lancaster  wrote:
>> I'm having problems running subprocess inside a django view using:
>> result = subprocess.Popen([ , ],
>> stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
>> exactly the same method works perfectly inside a regular python
>> script.
>> Should I be using a different method to initiate a script?
>> Thanks
> -- 
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> http://groups.google.com/group/django-users?hl=en.

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Django ManyToManyField JSON Fixture

2012-01-28 Thread jondbaker
Hi - I'm working on my first Django project and am trying to set up
the fixture data for my blog app using JSON. Everything works
correctly until I try to set up 'tags' on a 'post' which is a
ManyToManyField. When I run '>>> python manage.py sqlall blog' and
check out the proposed SQL, the table 'blog_post_tags' is listed and
defined correctly. However, when I try to run '>>>python manage.py
syncdb' I am met with the error: 'DatabaseError: no such table:

class Tag(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=30)
date_created = models.DateField(auto_now_add=True)
date_updated = models.DateField(auto_now=True)

class Post(models.Model):
tags = models.ManyToManyField(Tag)

"model": "blog.Post",
"pk": 1,
"fields": {
"title": "Demo Post 1",
"category": 3,
"tags": [1],
"body": "This is a sample body.",
"is_published": "1",
"date_created": "2012-01-28",
"date_updated": "2012-01-28"

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Starting a new Python blog

2012-01-28 Thread Kevin
Hello Everyone,

  For sometime now I have been itching to create a Python blog, and
now the fruits of my labor have paid off.  I am ready to release the
blog to the public eyes.  At the moment it has 2 main features, a blog
portion, and a bookmark system.  Both the blog and the bookmark system
offer an RSS Atom feed.  The bookmark system is fully compatible with
"Live Bookmarks" to quickly access some of my top Python sites I visit
or visited recently which caught my eye.

  The website is called "Python Diary", a rather unique take on a tech
blog name.  The site itself has a diary-like theme, and is for the
most part very easily to navigate.  The website was completely built
using Python, the theme was taken from a wordpress theme website and
formatted to work with the Django template system.  The entire backend
is written from scratch using a few reusable Django apps, namely,
django-tagging, south, and cumulus.

  Now you might be saying, "Oh great, yet another Python blog".  But
wait...  I plan on setting this blog apart from the thousands of other
blogs in the world with some very unique features.  Features normally
found on commercial software blogs, movie and video game blogs is a
thorough review system.  I plan on going through many of the available
Python packages out there in the wild and basically reviewing them
like one would review anything else.  I do not see a dedicated Python
website which has reviews of many Python packages available in PyPi.
I plan on stating the usual pros and cons of the package, and
providing a score.  For example of how this type of review is
formatted, take a look at a CNET Review.

My new blog can be found here: http://www.pythondiary.com/

  Tell me what you think of the website in general, and the overall
idea for this blog.

If you would like to subscribe to the upcoming content, add this RSS
feed to your favorite RSS reader:

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Django - filters

2012-01-28 Thread Sandeep kaur
Hello all,
In my django application, all the data of different clients are
entered. Sometimes data of even same client is also entered. Now what
I require is to get all the data of the client when it asked for.
The views I used is:

  def old_client(request):
   if request.method == 'POST':
   form = OldClientadd(request.POST)
   if form.is_valid():
   from TCC11_12.automation.functions import *
   cd = form.cleaned_data
   name_and_address = cd['name_and_address']

   title = get_object_or_404(Variable, pk='1')
   sign = get_object_or_404(Variable, pk='3')
   from TCC11_12.automation.choices import *
   client =
   amount = Amount.objects.all()
   suspence = Suspence.objects.all()
   total_temp = Amount.objects.aggregate(Sum("total"))
   total  = int(total_temp['total_sum'])
   net_total_temp =
   net_total= int(net_total_temp['net_total__sum'])
   template ={'form':form,
'total':total,'title':title ,'sign':sign, 'net_total':net_total,
   form = OldClientadd()
   return render_to_response('automation/client.html', {'form': form},

Here I get filtered the data of the client I require, from amount and
client  table. But when I go for the sum, it add all the data in
amount field without providing any filter.

Is there any way to find aggregate sum of only those amounts that are
previously filtered ?
I cannot give filter on amount as name and address field is not there
in Amounts table.

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Getting started with Django: New Udemy Class, free for a limited time

2012-01-28 Thread Shabda Raaj
Here is the link:

More info:
I am starting a Udemy class called  "Getting started with Django".
This is supposed to be a fast paced introduction to Django, and is
going to be useful to people from beginner to intermediate Django

Please join: http://www.udemy.com/getting-started-with-django2/ or
forward to people who may be interested. I am keeping the course free
for the first 100 people, and I am going to set the price to 149$
we have the 100 people signed up.

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Hierarchical Django Ajax Forms

2012-01-28 Thread D X
I needed to build a form where the user can input a geographical
location, with fields for country, state, city, neighborhood.  I
wanted the form to use AJAX, so that the only valid fields would
appear as the user selected fields higher in the hierarchy.

It sounded like a task that should be easy to automate, but I didn't
find anything that quite did it online.  A lot of examples on how to
do it, that involved writing a bunch of handlers manually.

Here's my attempt, it makes it pretty easy to apply to any set of
hierarchical data.  So if you want to apply this to a set of models
for (Model Year, model, make, trim), or (kingdom, phylum, class,
order, family, genus, species), it should be pretty simple.  The steps
to create the form would be:

1. Define a model representing your form.  The model should contain
foreign keys to models in your hierarchical data set.  However,
instead of using the django ForeignKey field, use

2. Defined a form that uses your model, but inherit from
hierform.fields.hierarchicalForm instead the django ModelForm.

3. Add a view to handle all the form requests.  This view needs three
i. You need to handle POST request to handle form submission.
This is the same as normal Django form submission.
ii. For generating the form, instead of just using the form class
to create the form, use a utility function from this package
ajaxRequest(request.GET).  In the usual case, request.GET is empty and
this call instantiates a normal unbound instance of the form that you
can render into a template to display.
iii. If request.GET contains AJAX form submission fields from your
hierarchical data set, ajaxRequest(request.GET) will generate a small
HTML snippet that contains only the updated select fields.  In this
case, you want to deliver this snippet straight back to the web page,
without the rest of your HTML template.

4. Add a view to deliver the Javascript to your form.  Really all this
does is inject the html tag location of your form, and the URL of your
form into a template containing the javascript.

Source for a demo, and a more descriptive readme are here:

I'm pretty new to python/django.  If any experienced developer has
time to take a look I'd love some feedback, especially if I'm using
any poor coding practices for Django.

This is also my first time contributing anything open source.  If
there's a better way to make this available, or if you use it and want
to contribute an improvement, or want to set up a live demo for me,
please let me know.

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Adding first_name and last_name to django registration

2012-01-28 Thread Zach
I am new to Django and have implemented the django-registration app on
my website. I want users to input their first name and last name on
the registration page. However, the default setting only ask users for
their email address/username/password . Is there an easy way to
address this?

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Re: Parsing HTML

2012-01-28 Thread jondbaker
Thanks, that's good to know. I'm just a few months into using Python
(and weeks with Django), hence the familiarity with that one book and
not real-world application just yet.

On Jan 28, 9:45 am, Masklinn  wrote:
> On 2012-01-27, at 23:40 , jondbaker wrote:
> > Chapter 8 of Dive Into Python demonstrates what you're describing
> > using sgmllib.
> >http://www.diveintopython.net/
> None of these libraries is very good at parsing "real-world" (broken) HTML 
> though, for that you'd better go with html5lib, lxml.html or BeautifulSoup 
> (in decreasing order of recommendation, lxml.html is probably the fastest but 
> I don't think it implements the HTML5 parsing rules)

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Re: Parsing HTML

2012-01-28 Thread Masklinn
On 2012-01-27, at 23:40 , jondbaker wrote:
> Chapter 8 of Dive Into Python demonstrates what you're describing
> using sgmllib.
> http://www.diveintopython.net/

None of these libraries is very good at parsing "real-world" (broken) HTML 
though, for that you'd better go with html5lib, lxml.html or BeautifulSoup (in 
decreasing order of recommendation, lxml.html is probably the fastest but I 
don't think it implements the HTML5 parsing rules)

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Re: problems running subprocess inside django view

2012-01-28 Thread Eugene Gavrish
You are not alone with this problem. But I haven't got any decision.
Maybe its django-specific with Popen??

I divided my task in two part: first cron-driven disk file generation.
Second - from django-view this file parsing.
It satisfied my goals, but question with Popen is still opened...

On 27 янв, 20:05, Mark Lancaster  wrote:
> I'm having problems running subprocess inside a django view using:
> result = subprocess.Popen([ , ],
> stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
> exactly the same method works perfectly inside a regular python
> script.
> Should I be using a different method to initiate a script?
> Thanks

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Re: Django vs. Ruby on Rails

2012-01-28 Thread sigep311
> 3) Using one or the other for Geographic Information Systems work;

I work at NASA/JPL and have been using Python for 1 year, and have
been working in GIS for 3 years.  GIS is built around 2 core
languages, Java for back-end servers and largely due to the amazing
GDAL library.  The other dominate language is Python.  I was working
with the USGS on a project and every time something needed to be done
outside the typical WMS, WCS or ESRI Arc(whatever) it was done with

Can't add much about the other items, but if GIS is a core decision
point know that Python is heavily favored over Ruby.

Good Luck,


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Re: Parsing HTML

2012-01-28 Thread jondbaker
Chapter 8 of Dive Into Python demonstrates what you're describing
using sgmllib.

On Jan 27, 3:31 pm, Dennis Lee Bieber  wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Jan 2012 13:35:42 +0700, ddtopgun  wrote:
> >i'am new to django and i want to try get the content of HTML.
> >can help me how to get the content of html.
>         Django is meant to generate HTML pages, not parse HTML content.
> >f=urllib.request.urlopen("http://site_name.com";)
> >s=f.read()
> >f.close()
> >but the code is display all code html. i want to just take the contents
> >of tag html.
>         You'll have to do better to define "contents". Only stuff inside
>  tags (and you then may have to worry about old HTML that doesn't
> using closing  tags)? Is an image reference (  src="somefile.name"> ) content or only the text between the tags?
>         If the HTML is well-formed, you might be able to use ElementTree to
> traverse the nodes. Or define callbacks for HTMLParser or htmllib (see
> section 19 [for Python 2.7]: Structured Markup Processing in the
> Standard Library reference manual) to capture the portion in which you
> are interested.
> .
> --
>         Wulfraed                 Dennis Lee Bieber         AF6VN
>         wlfr...@ix.netcom.com    HTTP://wlfraed.home.netcom.com/

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Re: Django vs. Ruby on Rails

2012-01-28 Thread Greg Donald
On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 9:59 AM, Brian D  wrote:
> I'm wondering about diving into Ruby on Rails to qualify for a
> position, or spending my time instead going deeper into a full bells
> and whistles prototype Django site and betting on jobs opening up in
> my field. This is really a GIS career professional question.
> Has anyone here crossed the fence over to Ruby on Rails? What do you
> think when:

I've used both Django and Rails extensively the past 5 or 6 years.
For me it depends more on the project for which one I choose.  If it's
a really important project that I envision working on long term I go
with Django.  But if it's just a simple or fun project I might go with

The Rails community loves change.  There's no shortage of forked
(incompatible) gems lying around.  Instead of contributing changes and
improvements back to the original project, developers often fork and
ship their own custom version of a gem.  I once found 5 different
forks of Rcov while setting up a new Rails project.  The original
version of Rcov wasn't compatible with what was the new Ruby 1.9 at
the time.. so everyone had an Rcov fork with their own take on the
required fixes.  Gem dependencies are sometimes very frustrating with
Rails.  I've never ran into such things using Django and Python.

Another thing that erks me to no end about Rails is they assume you
are using sudo.  The new bundler gem is a total pain to deal with if
you are on something like Debian where sudo isn't installed by
default.  I hate sudo.  It's like permission to be irresponsible with
root or something.. pretty lame.

One thing I love about Rails is the speed of development.  It does a
lot for you.  Lots of generators to whip up quick code when required.
But that speed comes with the cost of introspection later.  Rails
doesn't know anything about your tables until it looks.  Even if you
go to all the trouble of writing database migrations, it doesn't even
use them later, choosing introspection instead.  Some will say you
don't have to specify model fields in Rails like you do with Django,
but that's exactly what a Rails migration is.. so you do do that on
most non-toy projects.

> 1) Comparing the framework to Django;

You can accomplish the same things with either.

> 2) The communities -- friendliness, support, etc.;

Everyone seems about the same to me, but you should Google Zed Shaw's
rant about leaving the Rails community.  It's pretty funny.

> 4) (I was going to leave this out but) Comparing Ruby to Python as
> languages.

I have not used Python 3 yet, but I can tell you, the latest Ruby 1.9
series is slower than the old 1.8 series.  Last summer I built the
same app twice using Django and Rails.  Apache bench showed the Django
app to be significantly faster.  Python seems a bit faster than Ruby
in general.

> What concerns me about Django is that, outside of forums like this,
> the chatter seems to have died down in the last couple of years from a
> peak in 2008/2009.

The strengths and weaknesses and features are all fairly well known at
this point, so not much to discuss I imagine.

> I did search the group and haven't seen any recent discussions on this
> comparison.

Rails seems risky to me.  Django feels like a sure bet.  Maybe I'm
just old, but sometimes I get the feeling Rails is being built by some
kids in someone's basement.

Greg Donald

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Re: I need help with Python Tools for Visual Studio 2010 and Django

2012-01-28 Thread kenneth gonsalves
On Fri, 2012-01-27 at 12:25 -0800, JJ Zolper wrote:
> Thanks a lot I was thinking I would learn the Google Maps API. Have
> you worked with OSM? 
> Do you have any input if you have used OSM and if you have used Google
> Maps what your comments are? 

google maps are proprietary. OSM in open source - end of discussion.
Kenneth Gonsalves

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Re: I need help with Python Tools for Visual Studio 2010 and Django

2012-01-28 Thread kenneth gonsalves
On Fri, 2012-01-27 at 12:24 -0800, JJ Zolper wrote:
> That's really all I am trying to understand. From A to B. A being
> where I am able to develop once I finally am able to make that
> decision and B how smart I picked A so that the move from my local
> computer to my server is smooth and simple.

upgrade to linux and stop worrying
Kenneth Gonsalves

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Re: I need help with Python Tools for Visual Studio 2010 and Django

2012-01-28 Thread kenneth gonsalves
On Fri, 2012-01-27 at 12:18 -0800, JJ Zolper wrote:
> Since I will be deploying my Python code on a server that is based on
> Linux wouldn't it be smart that I develop my Python code on something
> similar to my VM for Django?

Kenneth Gonsalves

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Re: Help with new version of django

2012-01-28 Thread kenneth gonsalves
On Wed, 2012-01-25 at 17:25 -0800, itua ijagbone wrote:
> Hello, please i need help as to how to update my project to the
> lastest version of django 1.3.1. i have been using 1.1.1 to develop
> the project. Please how do i go about it, making my project conform to
> 1.3.1 

latest is 1.4.1
Kenneth Gonsalves

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djangosnippets.org domain has expired

2012-01-28 Thread Sam Lai
Heads-up to whoever is in charge of this domain - it has expired and
is now redirecting to a GoDaddy domain parking page.

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Re: User-specific sites

2012-01-28 Thread Mario Gudelj
It's all in queries. You assign the user to all your tables as a foreign
key and make sure that all your quiries have user in them as a filter. You
can also extend the user and assign a slug to it so that you have unique
urls for all users. You can generate a slug from the username upon user
creation. That's really it. Cheers

On 28/01/2012 12:35 PM, "Russell Keith-Magee" 

> On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 5:35 AM, Eryn Wells  wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > This is my first post and it's a simple question... (I think)
> >
> > In my experience, it seems like Django allows users to log in to access
> and modify the same content, like a blog with multiple authors or a CMS.
> I'm trying to figure out how to do user-specific sites – something like a
> blog site where every user has their own blog and they can log in to add,
> remove, and edit their own posts (and no one else's). Each user has their
> own preferences and the like as well. Is this something that Django's
> built-in user framework can handle? Or could I maybe finagle the sites
> module into doing something like this? Is it as simple as adding a
> ForeignKey to all my models that points to the User that owns that
> particular db row (seems like the brute force way of doing it...) or is
> there a more elegant way?
> Hi Eryn,
> It sounds to me like a foreign key to User is the best way to handle
> what you're describing. If you set up the auth infrastructure, a
> logged-in user will attach the current user to the request object, so
> if you want to find the Posts for that user, it's a very simple
> filtered query.
> I'm not sure why you consider this to be "brute force"; you've pretty
> much defined your requirements as "Show me all the blog posts for this
> user", so that's what you encode in Django -- a view of blog posts,
> filtered to those from the current user.
> If your objection is that you need to code everything from scratch --
> well, that's when you start looking for other people that have solved
> the same problem, and use their code. There's a rich community of
> reusable, open source Django applications, and unless you've got very
> specific requirements, you'll probably find a "blog" package that will
> meet those requirements. I'd suggest having a look around Django
> Packages [1] to see if there is something that will meet your needs.
> If you're looking for a more complex, CMS-like solution -- there are
> pre-built solutions for those, too (Django CMS, FeinCMS, Mezzanine,
> and others). Which one works best for you will depend on your
> requirements.
> [1] http://djangopackages.com/
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)
> --
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> http://groups.google.com/group/django-users?hl=en.

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Re: I need help with Python Tools for Visual Studio 2010 and Django

2012-01-28 Thread Jonathan Paugh
Developing on a Linux-based OS will give you indispensable understanding
of your production environment. On the other hand, it will probably be
very unfamiliar if you haven't worked on Linux before, and easy tasks
will become very difficult again, for a while. You should ultimately
develop your application on the platform that makes you the most
productive---the portability of Python and Django gives you that
luxury---you could even target the Java Virtual Machine. (And you won't
know that without trying them all.)

Definitely try out running a development websever './manage.py runserver
is fine) on Linux, to get a feel for what your production environment
might be like. You might decide you like working on Linux, and it make
you more productive---or not. But---at least for Django/Python---that's
largely a matter of taste.

On 01/27/2012 03:18 PM, JJ Zolper wrote:
> Since I will be deploying my Python code on a server that is based on Linux 
> wouldn't it be smart that I develop my Python code on something similar to 
> my VM for Django?

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Re: How do you pass dissimilar data from view to template?

2012-01-28 Thread Jonathan Paugh
Hash: SHA1

I think jQuery supports this sort of thing, (as I'm sure other
Javascript libs do). Then again, learning Javascript + jQuery together
seems at least as hard as learning Python + Django.

On 01/27/2012 11:31 AM, BillB1951 wrote:
> Thanks for the additional thought on this.  It is a much
> appreciated confirmation to me.  Last night I was torturing my
> brain over the logistics of what I had conceived, and by this
> morning I had pretty much concluded that I would have to go the
> route you are suggesting. Now I just have to find an existing
> solution ... or learn Javascript. --Bill
> On Jan 27, 11:19 am, Dennis Lee Bieber 
> wrote:
>> On Thu, 26 Jan 2012 14:01:50 -0800 (PST), BillB1951
>>  wrote:
>>> Brett, Thanks.  That is what I needed.  BillB1951
>> Just an aside: seems like a convoluted plan to keep
>> round-tripping to the server/database each time you refine the
>> filter.
>> I'm presuming the initial data set being sent is the "full" list.
>> If so, might it not be useful to somehow (Caveat: I'm /not/
>> skilled at this, only toyed with Javascript too many years ago)
>> embed a Javascript action to count the categories, render the
>> filter selections and, when one is picked, have the Javascript
>> modify the page in-place to display only the filtered data?
>> Granted, adding another language on top of Python, Django, and
>> the template language, may be more than desirable. -- Wulfraed
>> Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN wlfr...@ix.netcom.com
>> HTTP://wlfraed.home.netcom.com/

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Re: Handling multiple parameters on URI via GET

2012-01-28 Thread Jonathan Paugh
Hash: SHA1

Is the request.GET.get() method working properly? Does the test on
query work? I suspect one of these places doesn't work as expected.

I'd do similar to the following in my code. (It works on Django 1.3.1
for request.POST, anyway.)

if 'page' in request.GET:
  # do pagination
elif 'search in request.GET:
  # do search
  # do something else

On 01/27/2012 01:47 AM, Darren Spruell wrote:
> I've puzzled my way into a corner. Figuring this will be a 
> palm-to-forehead moment.
> I have a page on my site which is Paginator-ed for the object
> list. I'm sticking to the vanilla setup from the docs so when it is
> in effect I've got a URI query string of '?page=%d' processed via
> GET. I've added a search form to the page and am passing the form
> data via GET as well so when a search is in effect I have
> '?search=%s' on the URI query. I'm incredibly creative (not) so
> most of this is done very closely modeling the approach at 
> http://www.djangobook.com/en/1.0/chapter07/. I can do either of
> them individually  just fine, but I can't figure a clean way to
> have both pagination and search parameters operate properly across
> requests as the user selects next/previous, etc. in the page
> navigation. It works if I manually append the missing query
> parameter to the URI.
> How is this typically best handled in Django? I thought about
> trying to determine uri query in template and dynamically build the
> nav links to include parameters for search and pagination but I
> didn't figure a way that wasn't a complete mess.
> ## view
> def list_submissions(request): """ Present list of submission logs,
> paginated.
> """ search_form = SubmissionLogSearchForm() query =
> request.GET.get('search', '') if query: qset = ( 
> Q(file_name__icontains=query) | Q(file_md5=query) | 
> Q(file_sha1=query) | Q(submitter__username=query) ) 
> submissionlog_list = SubmissionLog.objects.filter(qset) else: 
> submissionlog_list = SubmissionLog.objects.all()
> paginator = Paginator(submissionlog_list, 15)  # show N logs per
> page
> # Make sure page request is an int. If not, deliver first page. 
> try: page = int(request.GET.get('page', '1')) except ValueError: 
> page = 1
> # If page request () is out of range, deliver last page of
> results. try: submissionlogs = paginator.page(page) except
> (EmptyPage, InvalidPage): submissionlogs =
> paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)
> return render_to_response('avsubmit/submissionlog_pages.html', { 
> 'submissionlogs': submissionlogs, 'search_form': search_form, },
> context_instance=RequestContext(request))
> ## template
> Showing {{ submissionlogs.object_list.count }} submission{{ 
> submissionlogs.object_list.count|pluralize }} of {{ 
> submissionlogs.paginator.count }} total
> {% if submissionlogs %}  {{ search_form.as_p }}  value="Search" /> 
>   File MD5File 
> NameSubmitterSubmission Date  {% for
> log in submissionlogs.object_list %} {% cycle 'row1' 'row2' as
> rowcolors silent %}   style="font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; font-size: 
> 14px;">{{ log.file_md5
> }} {{ log.file_name }} {{ log.submitter
> }} {{ log.date_submitted|date:"m/d/Y h:i A" }}  
> {% endfor %}  {% endif %}
>   {% if
> submissionlogs.has_previous %} << {% endif %}
>  Page {{ submissionlogs.number }} of {{ 
> submissionlogs.paginator.num_pages }} 
> {% if submissionlogs.has_next %} >> {% endif %} 
> Thx,

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Re: what is the best IDE to use for Python / Django

2012-01-28 Thread hari jayaram
I like using Pycharm . The 2.0.1 version has pretty good integration
with bitbucket , github and other VCS/DVCS

I also use emacs and have heard good things about  sublime2


On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 7:41 AM, Leandro Ostera Villalva
> That's because PyCharm is an actual IDE while gedit, st2, emacs, vi and
> forth are text editors.
> El 23 de enero de 2012 04:35, Mario Gudelj 
> escribió:
>> I've used gedit, sublime text 2, emacs, vi, but the best Django IDE by far
>> is PyCharm. I'm seriously amazed at how awesome it is. It's worth every
>> cent.
>> On 23 January 2012 22:20, Sandro Dutra  wrote:
>>> The best IDE is that you fell comfortable using it.
>>> 2012/1/21 goosfancito :
>>> > El 21/01/12 08:52, kenneth gonsalves escribió:
>>> >
>>> >> On Sat, 2012-01-21 at 03:34 -0800, John Yeukhon Wong wrote:
>>> >>>
>>> >>> While it has been asked a trillion times already, let me say TRY UT
>>> >>> YOURSELF.
>>> >>
>>> >> you were requested not to feed this thread. If the OP cannot search,
>>> >> here it is:
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> http://duckduckgo.com/?q=site%3Agroups.google.com%2Fgroup%2Fdjango-users
>>> >> +python+IDE
>>> >
>>> > i used gedit only.
>>> >
>>> >
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> --
> Regards,
> Leandro Ostera,
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