[ECOLOG-L] Graduate Research Assistantship - Historical Ecology at Univ of Wisconsin Madison

2014-01-08 Thread Forrester, Jodi
Graduate Research Assistant (PhD) Position, Historical ecology. University

We have an opening for a PhD grad RA on a new project focused on the drivers
and controls of pre-European vegetation transitions across the U.S. Midwest
ecotone or transition zone from prairie-savanna to northern forest. The
proposed research will develop predictive statistical models using
historical, fine-grained data of vegetation from the U.S. GLO Public Land
Office Survey, and available data on soils, climate, and disturbance. While
some fieldwork may be needed, this is primarily a GIS-based historical
ecology project. 

The position will be available for fall 2014.  Salary is approximately $21,
000 per year, with excellent health insurance, plus full tuition remission.
We anticipate four years of funding.

Qualifications: M.S. in ecology, biology, forestry, geography, or related
fields preferred.  Student is expected to have strong interests in ecology,
as well as existing skills in GIS. Skills in spatial analysis and modeling
are desired. Applicants should be able to work independently, but also
cooperatively with other researchers in the lab and on the project, and
collaborators in other labs. 

Application materials: To apply please send the following items in a single
PDF file and assembled in this order:  a full cv, letter of interest,
unofficial transcripts, and names and contacts of three professional
references.  Send to djmla...@wisc.edu. David  Mladenoff, Forest Landscape
Ecology Lab, Dept. of Forest and Wildlife Ecology, University of
Wisconsin-Madison.  Evaluation will begin in early January and the decision
made by early spring or sooner.  http://landscape.forest.wisc.edu/ Posted 06
Jan 2014.

[ECOLOG-L] Field Crew Leader - northern Wisconsin

2013-01-22 Thread Forrester, Jodi
The Forest Landscape Ecology lab at University of Wisconsin-Madison invites
applications for a Field Crew Leader to collect data for an ongoing forest
ecosystem study evaluating how coarse woody debris, canopy gaps, and
herbivory influence the long-term productivity, biodiversity and carbon and
nutrient cycling of a mature northern hardwood forest. The study site is in
the beautiful Flambeau River State Forest in Rusk Co., WI, along the
Flambeau River. Outdoor recreation opportunities abound.  

Field responsibilities include plant community sampling, including ID of
approximately 200 species of vascular plants, including herbs, grasses,
sedges, and trees; forest structure measurements; soil and wood respiration;
and maintaining deer exclosures and continuous micrometeorological stations.
Other responsibilities include crew supervision, logistical planning, and
data management.  

Duration:  Field sampling will begin in early May and extend into September.
Opportunity for additional lab-based work may be available in Madison before
and after the field season. Housing and daily travel to the research site
are provided.  Wage is commensurate with experience. 

Qualifications:  Experience in field ecology is required and a background in
ecology, botany, forestry, or a related field is preferred. Must be able to
identify plants of northern hardwood forests; to work well in a group and
independently under typical field conditions (inclement weather, mosquitoes,
long days, etc.); to carefully follow and teach protocols; and to live
amicably with crew in field housing.  

To apply:  please send a current resume, contact information for 3
references, and cover letter via email indicating your education, experience
and interests to Jodi Forrester (jforres...@wisc.edu).


[ECOLOG-L] Postdoc: Forest landscape modeling of climate change scenarios, UW-Madison

2012-07-12 Thread Forrester, Jodi
Postdoc, Forest Landscape Modeling of Climate Change Scenarios 

University of Wisconsin-Madison


Opportunity to join a growing lab group using simulation modeling techniques
to address forest landscape change at a range of scales in the Northern Lake
States. This is a cluster of ongoing projects. This group of PIs, postdocs
and grad students is examining scenarios of climate change and interaction
of disturbances including harvesting differences due to ownership patterns,
bioenergy harvesting, wind, fire and climate change. In this specific
component, we are addressing changes in forest composition, habitat, and
carbon dynamics under a range of climate change scenarios. A companion group
in the project (Sara Hotchkiss Lab) is acquiring pollen and charcoal data to
use past change in informing the modeling. Funding is from the Wisconsin DNR
Research, climate change project. There are opportunities for creative
interaction among the diverse group interests, with our collaborators on
campus, the Northern Institute of Applied Carbon Science, and US Forest
Service Northern Research Station. This project will use our LANDIS-II
forest landscape and ecosystem change model. Experience with forest
ecosystems, GIS, landscape modeling, and the Century model is highly

Desired start is as soon as available. Funding period is up to 2 years. Open
and applications evaluated until filled. To apply, please send via email a
letter, complete cv, and list of three references to .
UW-Madison is an EEO/AA employer.



[ECOLOG-L] Postdoc: Long-term sustainability of woody biomass removal, UW-Madison

2011-03-10 Thread Forrester, Jodi
Postdoctoral Scientist - Long-term sustainability of woody biomass removal
We are seeking a postdoctoral scientist to conduct research on the impacts
of forest biomass harvesting on primary productivity and carbon and nutrient
dynamics in Northern Lake States (MN, WI. MI). The postdoc will join a team
of collaborators from the Universities of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Missouri,
USGS, and USFS working to assess the environmental sustainability of woody
biomass feedstock procurement from regionally important forest types (aspen
and northern hardwoods.  
Within the larger project, the postdoctoral scientist will integrate field
measurements with ecological simulation models such as PnET and LANDIS, to
quantify the impact of biomass removal on carbon cycling and nutrient
availability in Lake States forests and assess the long-term sustainability
of repeated biomass harvests. Experience with and/or interest in ecological
simulation models is desired.  Research may involve some collaborative field
work across the northern Lake States, but the role will be primarily
modeling and integrating other data from the larger project, and closely
collaborating with others in the group in support of project goals,
including faculty, graduate students, and other scientists. The postdoc will
conduct simulations, analyze data, and prepare peer-reviewed publications
with the group.
Preferred start date is Spring 2011. Position is funded for at least two
years from DOE/USDA and located at the Forest Landscape Ecology Lab,
Department of Forest & Wildlife Ecology, University of Wisconsin in Madison,
Qualifications: Ph.D. in ecology, forestry, silviculture, biology or a
closely related field, with a record of publications. Applicants should be
able to work independently, but also cooperatively with other researchers in
the lab and on the larger project.
Application Instructions: Applications and required documents should be
submitted to Dr. David Mladenoff: djmla...@wisc.edu at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison. Attach a cover letter, statement of interest and goals,
resume/CV, up to three relevant reprints or pre-prints, and names and
contact information for three references.
Announcement Date is 10 March 2011, and is open until filled.  


[ECOLOG-L] PhD Assistantship: Site and Landscape Impacts on Ecosystems of Bioenergy Plantations

2011-01-26 Thread Forrester, Jodi
Graduate Research Assistant (PhD) Position:  Site and Landscape Impacts on
ecosystems of bioenergy plantations in Lake States Forest Openings.   

 The Forest Landscape Ecology Lab at UW-Madison has an opening for a PhD
graduate Research Assistantship on a new project focused on the greenhouse
gas fluxes and carbon dynamics of potential broad establishment of woody
biomass plantations in open lands within the matrix of the northern forested
region of the U.S. Lake States (N Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan).  The
project focus in our lab will be GIS analysis, and site and regional
modeling using a spatial, ecosystem process model.  Other project components
are at Mich State U for site level measurements, and U of MN for life cycle
analysis.  Close collaboration is expected among the groups.  The position
may be available for fall 2011 or later.  Salary is approximately $21, 000
per year, with excellent health insurance, plus full tuition remission. 

  Qualifications: M.S. Biology, Forestry, or related field preferred.
Student is expected to have strong interests in ecology, forestry, soils and
biogeochemistry, as well as GIS, spatial analysis, and modeling. Applicants
should be able to work independently, but also cooperatively with other
researchers in the lab and on the project. 

 Application materials: To apply please send the following items in a
single PDF file and assembled in this order:  a full cv, letter of
interests, unofficial transcripts, and names and contacts of three
professional references.  Send to djmla...@wisc.edu. David  Mladenoff,
Forest Landscape Ecology Lab, Dept. of Forest and Wildlife Ecology,
University of Wisconsin-Madison.  Evaluation will begin in early January and
the decision made by early spring or sooner.

Posted 26 Jan 2011.

[ECOLOG-L] PhD Assistantship: Site and Landscape Impacts on Ecosystems of Bioenergy Plantations

2010-12-20 Thread Forrester, Jodi
Graduate Research Assistant (PHD) Position.  Site and Landscape Impacts on
ecosystems of bioenergy plantations in Lake States Forest Openings.   The
Forest Landscape Ecology Lab at UW-Madison has an opening for a PhD graduate
Research Assistantship on a new project focused on the greenhouse gas fluxes
and carbon dynamics of potential broad establishment of woody biomass
plantations in open lands within the matrix of the northern forested region
of the U.S. Lake States (N Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan).  The project
focus in our lab will be GIS analysis, and site and regional modeling using
a spatial, ecosystem process model.  Other project components are at Mich
State U for site level measurements, and U of MN for life cycle analysis.
Close collaboration is expected among the groups.  The position may be
available for fall 2011 or later.  Salary is approximately $21, 000 per
year, with excellent health insurance, plus full tuition remission. 


Qualifications: M.S. Biology, Forestry, or related field preferred. Student
is expected to have strong interests in ecology, forestry, soils and
biogeochemistry, as well as GIS, spatial analysis, and modeling. Applicants
should be able to work independently, but also cooperatively with other
researchers in the lab and on the project. 


Application materials: To apply please send the following items in a single
PDF file and assembled in this order:  a full cv, letter of interests,
unofficial transcripts, and names and contacts of three professional
references.  Send to djmla...@wisc.edu. David  Mladenoff, Forest Landscape
Ecology Lab, Dept. of Forest and Wildlife Ecology, University of
Wisconsin-Madison.  Evaluation will begin in early January and the decision
made by early spring or sooner.  http://landscape.forest.wisc.edu/ 

Posted 20 Dec 2010.

[ECOLOG-L] International Old-Growth Conference, August 2010, Sweden

2010-02-18 Thread Forrester, Jodi
Old-growth and Primeval Forests: Ecology, Conservation and Management


International Conference August 9-13, 2010, Sundsvall, Sweden


Significant areas of the northern hemisphere's forests remain in old-growth
or primary conditions. These forests not only harbor unique conservation and
recreational values, but provide many other ecosystem services and also
provide important reference areas critical to our understanding of forest
structure, composition and processes.


The scientific scope of this conference will gather researchers,
administrators, and conservation managers from a wide spectrum of regions
and disciplines.  Results will aid in designing scientifically well-founded
strategies to deal with current threats to forest biodiversity, climate
mitigation, and the other ecosystem services these forests provide.


The scientific organizing committee and keynote speakers include researchers
from across the U.S., Canada, and Europe. The scientific program of the
conference will include plenary lectures, oral presentations, and poster
sessions. The abstract deadline is April 1, 2010.  For more information and
registration please visit the conference web site.  



[ECOLOG-L] PhD Assistantship, Forest Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

2009-10-09 Thread Forrester, Jodi
PhD Assistantship, Forest Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

We invite applications for a graduate research assistantship focused on the
impacts of forest biomass harvesting on soil carbon and nutrient cycling.
The student will join a team of collaborators from UW-Madison, University of
Minnesota, University of Missouri, and USFS to provide a regional assessment
of the environmental sustainability of intensive biomass removal from
regionally important forest types (aspen and northern hardwoods) within the
Lake States. We have proposed to use a series of field experiments
throughout the region combined with modeling to assess the effects of
intensive utilization and removal of woody biomass on forest biodiversity
(plant, microbe, and wood decay fungi) and productivity. The graduate
research assistant will be based at the University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Dept. of Forest & Wildlife Ecology, and supervised by Dr. David Mladenoff
and Dr. Jodi Forrester. For more information on the lab see:

Within the larger project, the student will be responsible for developing a
PhD study in the area of how biomass removal in the short- and medium-term
affects soil nutrient cycling, carbon, and microbial diversity. This
involves conducting both field and lab work in support of the project goals,
supervising field and lab assistants, analyzing data and preparing
peer-reviewed publications.  

The start date is somewhat flexible, but preferably the student will begin
classes in Spring 2010. Position is funded for four years from DOE/USDA.
Salary is $20,184 plus health insurance. 

Qualifications: M.S. Biology, Forestry, or related field. Student is
expected to have strong interests in ecology, forestry, soils and
biogeochemistry. Applicants should be able to work independently, but also
cooperatively with other researchers in the lab and on the project. 

Application materials: Please send a statement of interests and goals, CV,
and names and contact information for at least 3 references to: Dr. David
Mladenoff, djmla...@wisc.edu. Apply by October 31, 2009 for full
consideration, but open until filled.  


[ECOLOG-L] Postdoc - UW Madison - Forest Landscape Modeling of Climate Change Scenarios

2009-10-01 Thread Forrester, Jodi
Postdoc, Forest Landscape Modeling of Climate Change Scenarios (This is the
third of a cluster of related positions, not a re-post) University of


Opportunity to join a growing lab group using simulation modeling techniques
to address forest landscape change at a range of scales in the Northern Lake
States. This group of PIs, postdocs and grad students is examining scenarios
of climate change and interaction of disturbances including harvesting
differences due to ownership patterns, bioenergy harvesting, wind, fire,
exotics, and insect defoliators. In this specific component, we will address
changes in forest composition, and carbon and nutrient dynamics under a
range of climate change scenarios. There are opportunities for creative
interaction among the diverse group interests, and with our collaborators on
campus and within the US Forest Service. For this position, principal
investigators are Dr. David Mladenoff and Dr. Chris Swanston, US Forest
Service Northern Research Station, Northern Institute of Applied Carbon
Science. We will collaborate with the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest,
designated a climate change Model Forest for Landscape Management by the
USFS Eastern Region. This project will use our LANDIS-II forest landscape
and ecosystem change model. Experience with forest ecosystems, GIS, and
landscape modeling is highly desirable.


Desired start is as soon as available. Funding period is 3 years. Open and
applications evaluated until filled. To apply, please send via email a
letter, complete cv, and list of three references to .
UW-Madison is an EEO/AA employer.


[ECOLOG-L] Forest Ecosystem and Soils Modeling Postdoc

2009-06-25 Thread Forrester, Jodi
Forest Ecosystem and Soils Modeling Postdoc or Grad RA

This is an announcement for an opening for a postdoc or PhD research
assistant in the area of forest ecosystem modeling. Probably postdoc
preferred, but it could be a grad RA for someone with good skills. The work
would entail using a suite of different forest ecosystem process models to
assess forest productivity and C and N dynamics in the northern Wisconsin.
There may also be involvement on related modeling projects focused on
climate change effects, bioenergy, and wildlife habitat. For the main work
in this project, we will compare model output, given models that differ in
dynamics and mechanisms simulated, to evaluate scenarios of intensive
biomass harvesting, different soil types, natural disturbances, and pests.
Models may include LANDIS-II, PnET, BGC, or others. Some, like LANDIS, have
detailed spatial dynamics and individual species. Others are non-spatial,
and have mechanistic detail in other dynamics. We are primarliy interested
not in model comparisons per se, but comparing output using different
modeling approaches, and identifying optimal application situations for
these different modeling approaches. Cooperators are US Forest Service
Northern Region, and Wisconsin DNR.


Desired start is from July to Sept. Intended period is 3 years.


To apply, please send via email a letter, complete cv, and list of three


David Mladenoff

Dept. of Forest & Wildlife Ecology 

Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison





[ECOLOG-L] Internship opportunity: Forest Ecology, northern Wisconsin

2009-02-18 Thread Forrester, Jodi
Forest Ecology Internship Opportunity

Department of Forest & Wildlife Ecology 

University of Wisconsin - Madison


The Forest Landscape and Ecosystem Ecology Laboratories invite applicants
for an internship program for a long-term, large-scale field experiment
located in the Flambeau River State Forest, northern Wisconsin. The Flambeau
Experiment is a collaborative forest ecosystem study evaluating how coarse
woody debris (CWD) and canopy gaps influence the long-term productivity,
biodiversity and carbon and nutrient cycling of the northern hardwoods
forest. The study site is in the beautiful Flambeau River State Forest in
Rusk Co., WI, along the Flambeau River. Canoeing, fishing, and wildlife
watching opportunities abound. For more information about the project and
our lab visit: http://landscape.forest.wisc.edu.


Beginning in April we will be measuring numerous forest attributes that we
hypothesize to exhibit both short- and long-term responses to the canopy
openings and addition of dead wood. This is funded as a one-time educational
experience in applied ecological research for undergraduate students and
recent graduates. Participants will gain experience on numerous topics but
will be encouraged to focus on one specific area of interest in order to
accomplish a small research project. Potential topics include:

*   Understory vegetation (herbaceous and seedling) dynamics
*   Plant resource environment
*   Soil and CWD respiration
*   Microclimate and soil moisture responses to gap openings
*   Forest productivity responses to gaps
*   Sapling growth dynamics


We seek candidates that are reliable, enthusiastic, detail-oriented, and
work well in a group as well as independently. A background in ecology,
biology, soil science, forestry, or biogeochemistry is preferred. Some
experience with field ecology is ideal, but training will be provided.
Positions focusing on understory vegetation sampling will require more
specialized experience in plant species identification.


Applicants should also be prepared to live and work in rural north-central
Wisconsin. Since our emphasis will be on field work, applicants should be
capable of vigorous physical activity and tolerant of working in all weather
conditions. Appointments are fulltime (40 hrs/wk). Though not based in
Madison, Interns will be agents of UW-Madison during research on the
Flambeau - this status provides liability protection and a tax-free monthly
stipend of $700. Housing will be provided. 

Preference will be given to undergraduate and newly graduated students that
can commit for a three month period within April-October, but we will also
consider some applicants only available for shorter time periods.   


To apply, please send: 1) a cover letter describing prior experience/skills,
topic preferences, and dates available; 2) resume, and 3) contact
information for three references by email to: jforres...@wisc.edu or by mail
to:  Jodi Forrester, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1630 Linden Dr., 120
Russell Labs, Madison, WI 53706. 

Evaluation of applications will begin immediately and continue until all
positions are filled.  


[ECOLOG-L] Re-posting: Postdoctoral Associate - Forest Habitats, Climate Change, and Species Conservation

2009-02-17 Thread Forrester, Jodi
Position Re-opened 17 February 2009

Postdoctoral Associate 

Forest Habitats, Climate Change, and Species Conservation 

Forest Landscape Ecology Lab, Dept. of Forest & Wildlife Ecology, University
of Wisconsin-Madison 


Project Goal: Assess species and natural communities of greatest
vulnerability to future climate change in Wisconsin based on habitat
sensitivity to past climate variability. Simulate habitats for future
conditions using LANDIS forest landscape model, with scenarios of climate
change and management options. Derive habitat, natural community and species
data and work with DNR Bureaus and Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change
Impacts (WICCI) to communicate findings in appropriate form for planning and
management, or further species-level modeling.  


This postdoc is one of two on a collaborative project. This postdoc will
work in the Forest Landscape Ecology lab (Dr. David Mladenoff). We will
collaborate closely with Dr. Sara Hotchkiss and a second postoc (UW-Madison,
Dept. of Botany paleo-ecology lab), along with co-PI Dr. Gregor Schuurman,
(WI DNR Bureau of Endangered Resources).  


Hotchkiss lab will Analyze existing sedimentary records for rates of
vegetation change using fossil pollen and charcoal data in relation to past
climate change and fire regimes. Collectively we will then work within the
research group to identify natural communities and habitats most at risk
based on historical patterns. Based on these target species and communities,
we will identify current landscapes to simulate.  


This postdoc will acquire and create needed input data to set up future
habitat change simulations using the Mladenoff's lab LANDIS forest change
model. Participate in developing modeling scenarios, and conduct simulation
runs using an experimental framework, with multiple treatments, control
simulations, and replication. Analyze results and assemble maps and
quantitative output of vegetation and habitat change. Provide output
products to agency managers and ecologists. Assess need for further
species-level modeling of priority species.  Participate as lead or
co-author on group publications for peer-reviewed journals. 


Candidates must have a PhD in hand at the time of beginning employment, in a
relevant field. Background and experience in such fields as landscape
ecology, conservation biology, species modeling, biogeography, forest
ecosystems and communities, and paleoecology are relevant.  Skills in
spatial landscape modeling, spatial analysis, including spatial statistics,
GIS, and use of broad-scale environmental and physical data are desirable.
Experience with GIS, database, statistical, and spreadsheet software is
assumed. This is formally an annually renewable appointment, with funding
for up to four years. The starting salary is $44,000, and includes benefits.
For further information on the lab and related work, please refer to our
website: http://landscape.forest.wisc.edu. 


HOW TO APPLY: Send a cover letter, CV, and contact information for 3
references electronically to David Mladenoff djmla...@wisc.edu  . Review of
applications will begin immediately, and will continue until a suitable
candidate is found.  The position is open beginning February 2009.  



[ECOLOG-L] Job Announcement: Field Manager / Lead Technician

2009-01-09 Thread Forrester, Jodi
The Forest Landscape Ecology Lab (Dept. of Forest & Wildlife Ecology,
UW-Madison) is seeking a Field Manager/Lead Technician for an ongoing
long-term, large-scale, field experiment located in Northern Wisconsin. The
Flambeau Experiment is a collaborative forest ecosystem study evaluating how
coarse woody debris and canopy gaps influence the long-term productivity,
biodiversity and carbon and nutrient cycling of the northern hardwoods
forest. The study site is in the beautiful Flambeau River State Forest in
Rusk Co., WI, along the Flambeau River. Canoeing, fishing, and wildlife
watching opportunities abound. For more information about the project and
our lab visit: http://landscape.forest.wisc.edu

The Field Manager will participate in and oversee diverse field sampling and
monitoring of the vegetation, soil, woody debris, and microclimate
throughout a 7 month field season. Responsibilities include: coordinating
field season logistics, training and supervising staff, organizing daily
field tasks, and equipment maintenance and repair. This position is based at
the field site in Rusk Co. (4 hrs NW of Madison) from Apr-Nov and during the
winter months, will be based in Madison assisting with processing soil and
plant samples and data entry.

Preferred qualifications include: 1) graduate degree in ecology, soil
science, biogeochemistry, forestry or a related discipline; 2) personnel
management skills and experience preferably as a field crew leader; 3)
excellent communication, planning, and people skills; and 4) ability to live
and work with the field crew in a rural/remote setting. Experience with the
use of Li-Cor gas analyzers and Campbell dataloggers and knowledge of
northern hardwoods flora are beneficial, but not required. We seek
candidates that are organized, detail-oriented, take initiative, and work
well independently. Excellent people skills and ability to enjoy rigorous
work outdoors with enthusiasm are important.

Full benefits are included. Housing will be provided near the Flambeau River
State Forest during the field season. The incumbent will be responsible for
their own lodging when in Madison. This is a full-time position with an
initial six-month period of evaluation. The position is expected to be
renewed on an annual basis dependent on funding. 

To apply: send a cover letter, resume, and contact information for 3
references to Jodi Forrester, jforres...@wisc.edu.


[ECOLOG-L] Ph.D. Assistantship: Wolf survival and landscape effects in Wisconsin

2009-01-07 Thread Forrester, Jodi
Ph.D. Assistantship; Wolf survival and landscape effects in Wisconsin

Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology University of Wisconsin Madison

Available for Fall semester 2009


A half-time research assistantship is offered to study the linkages between
habitat quality for wolves in Wisconsin and wolf survival during 30 years of
wolf recolonization.  This study will involve GIS-based spatial analysis,
survival modeling in program MARK and construction of simulation models to
evaluate the viability of Wisconsin' wolf population under proposed
management scenarios following delisting of the wolf as an endangered

The ideal candidate will have experience using GIS to address natural
resource problems, experience using program MARK to analyze radio-telemetry
data, strong academic qualifications including strong math and statistical
skills, and an affinity for working with agency specialists on wolf

This project will be advised by Drs. Timothy Van Deelen and David Mladenoff
(Forest and Wildlife Ecology, UW-Madison) in collaboration with Adrian
Wydeven (Endangered Resources, Wisconsin DNR).  Funding is for 3 years
contingent on funding.

The Research Assistantship includes a monthly stipend, health benefits, and
tuition remission.

To apply, send cover letter, CV, transcripts (official or unofficial), and
the names of 3 references to:

Timothy R. Van Deelen

Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology

University of Wisconsin-Madison
120 Russell Labs 
1630 Linden Drive 
Madison, WI 53706 USA

Email: trvandee...@wismail.wisc.edu


[ECOLOG-L] Postdoctoral Associate - Forest habitats, climate change & species conservation

2009-01-06 Thread Forrester, Jodi
Postdoctoral Associate 

Forest Habitats, Climate Change, and Species Conservation 

Forest Landscape Ecology Lab, Dept. of Forest & Wildlife Ecology, University
of Wisconsin-Madison 


Project Goal: Assess species and natural communities of greatest
vulnerability to future climate change in Wisconsin based on habitat
sensitivity to past climate variability. Simulate habitats for future
conditions using LANDIS forest landscape model, with scenarios of climate
change and management options. Derive habitat, natural community and species
data and work with DNR Bureaus and Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change
Impacts (WICCI) to communicate findings in appropriate form for planning and
management, or further species-level modeling.  


This postdoc is one of two on a collaborative project. This postdoc will
work in the Forest Landscape Ecology lab (Dr. David Mladenoff). We will
collaborate closely with Dr. Sara Hotchkiss and a second postoc (UW-Madison,
Dept. of Botany paleo-ecology lab), along with co-PI Dr. Gregor Schuurman,
(WI DNR Bureau of Endangered Resources).  


Hotchkiss lab will Analyze existing sedimentary records for rates of
vegetation change using fossil pollen and charcoal data in relation to past
climate change and fire regimes. Collectively we will then work within the
research group to identify natural communities and habitats most at risk
based on historical patterns. Based on these target species and communities,
we will identify current landscapes to simulate.  


This postdoc will acquire and create needed input data to set up future
habitat change simulations using the Mladenoff's lab LANDIS forest change
model. Participate in developing modeling scenarios, and conduct simulation
runs using an experimental framework, with multiple treatments, control
simulations, and replication. Analyze results and assemble maps and
quantitative output of vegetation and habitat change. Provide output
products to agency managers and ecologists. Assess need for further
species-level modeling of priority species.  Participate as lead or
co-author on group publications for peer-reviewed journals. 


Candidates must have a PhD in hand at the time of beginning employment, in a
relevant field. Background and experience in such fields as landscape
ecology, conservation biology, species modeling, biogeography, forest
ecosystems and communities, and paleoecology are relevant.  Skills in
spatial landscape modeling, spatial analysis, including spatial statistics,
GIS, and use of broad-scale environmental and physical data are desirable.
Experience with GIS, database, statistical, and spreadsheet software is
assumed. This is formally an annually renewable appointment, with funding
for up to four years. The starting salary is $44,000, and includes benefits.
For further information on the lab and related work, please refer to our
website: http://landscape.forest.wisc.edu. 


HOW TO APPLY: Send a cover letter, CV, and contact information for 3
references electronically to David Mladenoff djmla...@wisc.edu  . Review of
applications will begin immediately, and will continue until a suitable
candidate is found.  The position is open beginning February 2009.  


Forest Ecology internship, northern WI

2008-01-28 Thread Forrester, Jodi
Forest Ecology Internship Opportunity

Department of Forest & Wildlife Ecology, University of Wisconsin - Madison


The Forest Landscape and Ecosystem Ecology Laboratories invite applicants
for an internship program for a long-term, large-scale field experiment
located in the Flambeau River State Forest, northern Wisconsin. The Flambeau
Experiment is a collaborative forest ecosystem study evaluating how coarse
woody debris (CWD) and canopy gaps influence the long-term productivity,
biodiversity and carbon and nutrient cycling of the northern hardwoods
forest. The study site is in the beautiful Flambeau River State Forest in
Rusk Co., WI, along the Wisconsin River. Canoeing, fishing, and wildlife
watching opportunities abound. Moose, wolves, and many other species have
been observed in the site. For more information about the project and our
lab visit: http://landscape.forest.wisc.edu.


Beginning in April we will be measuring numerous forest attributes that we
hypothesize to exhibit both short- and long-term responses to the canopy
openings and addition of dead wood. This is funded as a one-time educational
experience in applied ecological research for undergraduate students and
recent graduates. Participants will gain experience on numerous topics but
will be encouraged to focus on one specific area of interest in order to
accomplish a small research project. Interns will be matched with an
investigator based on their research interests. Potential topics include:

- Understory vegetation (herbaceous and seedling) dynamics

- Plant resource environment

- Soil and CWD respiration

- Microclimate and soil moisture responses to gap openings

- Forest productivity responses to gaps

- Sapling growth dynamics


We seek candidates that are reliable, enthusiastic, detail-oriented, and
work well in a group as well as independently. A background in ecology,
biology, soil science, forestry, or biogeochemistry is preferred. Some
experience with field ecology is ideal, but training will be provided.
Positions focusing on understory vegetation sampling will require more
specialized experience in plant species identification.


Applicants should also be prepared to live and work in rural north-central
Wisconsin (Hawkins, WI). Since our emphasis will be on field work,
applicants should be capable of vigorous physical activity (e.g., working
long hours outdoors in hot/cold, rainy/snowy, and buggy conditions).
Appointments are fulltime (40 hrs/wk). Though not based in Madison, Interns
will be agents of UW-Madison during research on the Flambeau - this status
provides liability protection and a tax-free monthly stipend of $700.
Housing will be provided. 


Preference will be given to undergraduate and newly graduated students that
can commit for a three month period within April-October, but we will also
consider some applicants only available for shorter time periods.   


To apply, please send: 1) a cover letter describing prior experience/skills,
topic preferences, and dates available; 2) resume, and 3) contact
information for three references by email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or by mail
to:  Jodi Forrester, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1630 Linden Dr., 120
Russell Labs, Madison, WI 53706. 


Evaluation of applications will begin 2/15/08 and continue until all
positions are filled.


Field Manager -- Forest Ecologist, Northern Wisconsin

2008-01-24 Thread Forrester, Jodi
The Forest Landscape Ecology Lab (Dept. of Forest & Wildlife Ecology,
UW-Madison) seeks a Field Manager for an ongoing long-term, large-scale,
field experiment located in Northern Wisconsin. The Flambeau Experiment is a
collaborative forest ecosystem study evaluating how coarse woody debris and
canopy gaps influence the long-term productivity, biodiversity and carbon
and nutrient cycling of the northern hardwoods forest. The study site is in
the beautiful Flambeau River State Forest in Rusk Co., WI, along the
Wisconsin River. Canoeing, fishing, and wildlife watching opportunities
abound.  Moose, wolves, and many other species live on the site. For more
information about the project and our lab visit:


The Field Manager will participate in and oversee diverse field sampling and
monitoring of the vegetation, soil, woody debris, and microclimate
throughout a 7 month field season. Other responsibilities include: assisting
with logistical planning, training and supervising staff, maintenance of
deer exclosures, and installation and maintenance of micrometeorological
equipment. This position is based at the field site in Rusk Co. (4 hrs NW of
Madison) from Apr-Nov. During the winter months, work will be based in the
laboratory in Madison with occasional trips to the field site. 


Preferred qualifications include: 1) graduate degree in ecology, soil
science, biogeochemistry, forestry or a related discipline; 2) personnel
management skills and experience preferably as a field crew leader; 3)
excellent communication, planning, and people skills; and 4) ability to live
and work with the field crew in a remote setting. Experience with
microclimate sensors, chainsaw certification, and knowledge of the taxonomy
of northern hardwoods are beneficial, but not required. We seek candidates
that are organized, detail-oriented, take initiative, and work well
independently. Excellent people skills and ability to enjoy rigorous work
outdoors in a beautiful setting with enthusiasm are important.


Full benefits are included. Housing will be provided near the Flambeau River
State Forest during the field season. The applicant will be responsible for
their own housing in the Madison area during the winter months. This is a
full-time position with an initial six-month period of evaluation. The
position is expected to be renewed on an annual basis dependent on funding. 


To apply send a cover letter, resume, and contact information for 3
references by Feb 15, 2008. Send to Jodi Forrester, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  or
120 Russell Labs, 1630 Linden Dr., Madison, WI 53706. 


This search will remain open until filled.


Spatial Analyst, Forest Landscape Ecology Lab, University of Wisconsin-Madison -- Position Reopened 7 March

2007-03-07 Thread Forrester, Jodi
Research Specialist--Spatial Analyst, Forest Landscape Ecology Lab,
University of Wisconsin-Madison -- Position Reopened 7 March 2007

Duties: Research and Research Support--Serve as lead technical scientist on
ecological research projects using spatial data and GIS software; providing
technical support to graduate students and scientists in the lab as needed;
acquiring spatial data (50%). Participate in preparation of scientific
manuscripts, figures, proposal writing, and presentations (20%). Performing
outreach services to collaborators, agencies and organizations interested in
our work (5%).

Research lab management--Administrative duties include budgeting, reporting,
proposal preparation, purchasing, software and hardware maintenance (with
departmental system administrator), web page maintenance, and some employee
supervision (25%).

Qualifications: M.S.preferred; B.S. minimum, with GIS emphasis in forestry,
ecology, geography, environmental studies, or related field. Minimum number
of years and type of relevant work experience: Three years of broad
experience with geographic information systems (GIS) and strong knowledge of
ArcGIS software required. Strong organizational and administrative skills
required. Experience with other analytical software (MS Access, statistics
packages) highly desirable. Experience with GIS programming (Visual basic,
Python), traditional and spatial statistics (R,SAS), and remote sensing
(ERDAS Imagine, ENVI) highly desirable. 

Appointment: Academic Staff, annually renewable. Salary: Minimum $38,000.
Starting Range $38,000-42,000. Start date of April 1 2007 desired.

Applications will be reviewed as they are recieved. To Apply, send resume
and cover letter to:

Sheila Timme

120 Russell Labs

1630 Linden Drive

Madison, WI 53706





David Mladenoff

Forest Landscape Ecology Lab

Department of Forest Ecology & Management

University of Wisconsin-Madison




Forest Ecology Internship Opportunity

2007-01-22 Thread Forrester, Jodi
Forest Ecology Internship Opportunity

Department of Forest Ecology and Management

University of Wisconsin - Madison


The Forest Landscape and Ecosystem Ecology Laboratories invite applicants
for an internship program for a long-term, large-scale field experiment
located in the Flambeau River State Forest, northern Wisconsin. The Flambeau
Experiment is a collaborative forest ecosystem study evaluating how coarse
woody debris (CWD) and canopy gaps influence the long-term productivity,
biodiversity and carbon and nutrient cycling of the northern hardwoods
forest. For further information about the project please visit our website:


Beginning in April we will be measuring numerous forest attributes that we
hypothesize to exhibit both short- and long-term responses to canopy
openings and addition of dead wood. This is funded as a one-time educational
experience in applied ecological research for undergraduate students and
recent graduates. Participants will gain experience on numerous topics but
will be encouraged to focus on one specific area of interest in order to
accomplish a small research project. Interns will be matched with an
investigator based on their research interests. Potential topics include:

Understory vegetation (herbaceous and seedling) dynamics

Plant resource environment

Soil and CWD respiration

Microbial communities

Microclimate and soil moisture responses to gap openings

Forest productivity responses to gaps

Sapling growth dynamics

Decomposition of litter and CWD


We seek candidates that are reliable, enthusiastic, detail-oriented, and
work well in a group as well as independently. A background in ecology,
biology, soil science, forestry, or biogeochemistry is preferred. Some
experience with plant identification and forest mensuration is ideal, but
training will be provided. Positions focusing on understory vegetation
sampling will require more specialized experience in plant species


Applicants should also be prepared to live and work in rural north-central
Wisconsin (Hawkins, WI). Since our emphasis will be on field work,
applicants should be capable of vigorous physical activity (e.g., working
long hours outdoors in hot/cold, rainy/snowy, and buggy conditions).
Appointments are fulltime (40 hrs/wk). Though not based in Madison, Interns
will be agents of UW-Madison during research on the Flambeau - this status
provides liability protection and a tax-free monthly stipend of $700.
Housing near the site will be provided. 


Preference will be given to undergraduate and newly graduated students that
can commit for a three month period within April-October, but we will also
consider some applicants only available for shorter time periods.   


To apply, please send: 1) a cover letter describing prior experience/skills,
topic preferences, and dates available; 2) resume, and 3) contact
information for three references by email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or by mail
to:  Jodi Forrester, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1630 Linden Dr., 120
Russell Labs, Madison, WI 53706. 


Evaluation of applications will begin 2/16/07 and continue until all
positions are filled.


Field Manager - Northern Wisconsin

2006-12-29 Thread Forrester, Jodi
Job Announcement: Field Manager / Forest Ecologist


The Forest Landscape Ecology Lab (Dept. of Forest Ecology & Management,
UW-Madison) seeks a Field Manager for an ongoing long-term, large-scale,
field experiment located in northern Wisconsin. The Flambeau Experiment is a
collaborative forest ecosystem study evaluating how coarse woody debris and
canopy gaps influence the long-term productivity, biodiversity and carbon
and nutrient cycling of the northern hardwoods forest. The field site is in
the Flambeau River State Forest in Rusk Co., WI. For more information about
the project and our lab visit: http://landscape.forest.wisc.edu.


The Field Manager will participate in and oversee diverse field sampling and
monitoring of the vegetation, soil, woody debris, and microclimate
throughout a 7 month field season. Other responsibilities include: assisting
with logistical planning, training and supervising staff, large database
management, and during the winter assisting with related laboratory
activities. This position will be based at the field site in Rusk Co. (4 hrs
NW of Madison) from Apr-Nov and in Madison for the remainder of the year. 


Preferred qualifications include: 1) M.S. or if B.S. then two yrs of
post-degree, full-time work experience preferably as a field crew leader; 2)
personnel management skills and experience; 3) ability to live and work with
the field crew in a remote setting; and 4) good communication, planning and
people skills. We seek candidates that are organized, detail-oriented, take
initiative, and work well independently.


Full benefits are included, along with free housing near the Flambeau River
State Forest during the field season. After an initial six-month period of
evaluation, the position is expected to be renewed on an annual basis
dependent on funding. For more details visit:


To apply send a cover letter, resume, and contact information for 3
references by Jan 17, 2007. Send to Jodi Forrester, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(please include all materials in one file) or 120 Russell Labs, 1630 Linden
Dr., Madison, WI 53706. This search will remain open until filled.



Field Manager - Forest Ecology - UW-Madison

2006-12-20 Thread Forrester, Jodi
Job Announcement: Field Manager / Forest Ecologist


The Forest Landscape Ecology Lab (Dept. of Forest Ecology & Management,
UW-Madison) seeks a Field Manager for an ongoing long-term, large-scale,
field experiment located in northern Wisconsin. The Flambeau Experiment is a
collaborative forest ecosystem study evaluating how coarse woody debris and
canopy gaps influence the long-term productivity, biodiversity and carbon
and nutrient cycling of the northern hardwoods forest. The field site is in
the Flambeau River State Forest in Rusk Co., WI. For more information about
the project and our lab visit: http://landscape.forest.wisc.edu.


The Field Manager will participate in and oversee diverse field sampling and
monitoring of the vegetation, soil, woody debris, and microclimate
throughout a 7 month field season. Other responsibilities include: assisting
with logistical planning, training and supervising staff, large database
management, and during the winter assisting with related laboratory
activities. This position will be based at the field site in Rusk Co. (4 hrs
NW of Madison) from Apr-Nov and in Madison for the remainder of the year. 


Preferred qualifications include: 1) M.S. or if B.S. then two yrs of
post-degree, full-time work experience preferably as a field crew leader; 2)
personnel management skills and experience; 3) ability to live and work with
the field crew in a remote setting; and 4) good communication, planning and
people skills. We seek candidates that are organized, detail-oriented, take
initiative, and work well independently.


Full benefits are included, along with free housing near the Flambeau River
State Forest during the field season. After an initial six-month period of
evaluation, the position is expected to be renewed on an annual basis
dependent on funding. For more details visit:


To apply send a cover letter, resume, and contact information for 3
references by Jan 10, 2007. Send to Jodi Forrester, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(please include all materials in one file) or 120 Russell Labs, 1630 Linden
Dr., Madison, WI 53706. This search will remain open until filled.




Spatial Analyst, Forest Landscape Ecology Lab, University of Wisconsin-Madison -- Position Reopened 22 Nov

2006-11-26 Thread Forrester, Jodi
Research Specialist--Spatial Analyst, Forest Landscape Ecology Lab,
University of Wisconsin-Madison -- Position Reopened 22 Nov 2006

Duties: Research and Research Support--Serve as lead technical scientist on
ecological research projects using spatial data and GIS software; providing
technical support to graduate students and scientists in the lab as needed;
acquiring spatial data (50%). Participate in preparation of scientific
manuscripts, figures, proposal writing, and presentations (20%). Performing
outreach services to collaborators, agencies and organizations interested in
our work (5%).

Research lab management--Administrative duties include budgeting, reporting,
proposal preparation, purchasing, software and hardware maintenance (with
departmental system administrator), web page maintenance, and some employee
supervision (25%).

Qualifications: M.S.preferred; B.S. minimum, with GIS emphasis in forestry,
ecology, geography, environmental studies, or related field. Minimum number
of years and type of relevant work experience: Three years of broad
experience with geographic information systems (GIS) and strong knowledge of
ArcGIS software required. Strong organizational and administrative skills
required. Experience with other analytical software (MS Access, statistics
packages) highly desirable. Experience with GIS programming (Visual basic,
Python), traditional and spatial statistics (R,SAS), and remote sensing
(ERDAS Imagine, ENVI) highly desirable. 

Appointment: Academic Staff, annually renewable.  Salary: Minimum $38,000.
Starting Range $38,000-42,000. Begin date: December 2006 or January 2007.

Application evaluation will begin Dec 14, 2006. To Apply, send resume and
cover letter to:


Theodore Sickley

Phone: 608-265-6321

Department of Forest Ecology & Management

TTY: 608-263-2473

1630 Linden Drive

Fax: 608-262-9922

Madison WI 53706-1598




David Mladenoff

Forest Landscape Ecology Lab

Department of Forest Ecology & Management

University of Wisconsin-Madison




Spatial Analyst, Forest Landscape Ecology Lab, University of Wisconsin-Madison -- Position Reopened 22 Nov

2006-11-26 Thread Forrester, Jodi
Research Specialist--Spatial Analyst, Forest Landscape Ecology Lab,
University of Wisconsin-Madison -- Position Reopened 22 Nov 2006

Duties: Research and Research Support--Serve as lead technical scientist on
ecological research projects using spatial data and GIS software; providing
technical support to graduate students and scientists in the lab as needed;
acquiring spatial data (50%). Participate in preparation of scientific
manuscripts, figures, proposal writing, and presentations (20%). Performing
outreach services to collaborators, agencies and organizations interested in
our work (5%).

Research lab management--Administrative duties include budgeting, reporting,
proposal preparation, purchasing, software and hardware maintenance (with
departmental system administrator), web page maintenance, and some employee
supervision (25%).

Qualifications: M.S.preferred; B.S. minimum, with GIS emphasis in forestry,
ecology, geography, environmental studies, or related field. Minimum number
of years and type of relevant work experience: Three years of broad
experience with geographic information systems (GIS) and strong knowledge of
ArcGIS software required. Strong organizational and administrative skills
required. Experience with other analytical software (MS Access, statistics
packages) highly desirable. Experience with GIS programming (Visual basic,
Python), traditional and spatial statistics (R,SAS), and remote sensing
(ERDAS Imagine, ENVI) highly desirable. 

Appointment: Academic Staff, annually renewable.  Salary: Minimum $38,000.
Starting Range $38,000-42,000. Begin date: December 2006 or January 2007.

Application evaluation will begin Dec 14, 2006. To Apply, send resume and
cover letter to:


Theodore Sickley

Phone: 608-265-6321

Department of Forest Ecology & Management

TTY: 608-263-2473

1630 Linden Drive

Fax: 608-262-9922

Madison WI 53706-1598





David Mladenoff

Forest Landscape Ecology Lab

Department of Forest Ecology & Management

University of Wisconsin-Madison




Forest ecology internship opportunity, northern WI

2005-12-29 Thread Forrester, Jodi
Forest Ecology Internship Opportunity

Department of Forest Ecology and Management

University of Wisconsin - Madison


We are seeking up to 8 research interns for an ongoing forest ecosystem
study in the Flambeau River State Forest, northern Wisconsin. The focus of
the internships is applied field research in support of a long-term,
large-scale field experiment designed to examine how old-growth forest
processes develop in second-growth northern hardwoods. The 2006 field season
will be the last of our pre-treatment collection efforts before we implement
treatments to include the creation of canopy gaps of different sizes and
manipulation of coarse woody debris. For further information about the
project please visit our website:


Interns will be part of a field team consisting of a post-doc, field
manager, and graduate students. Interns will be introduced to diverse forest
ecological monitoring methods, including sampling of herbaceous and woody
vegetation, soils, microclimate, and additional forest structural
attributes. Other activities may include data entry or lab preparation of
vegetation and soil samples. 


We seek candidates that are reliable, enthusiastic, attentive to detail, and
work well in a group as well as independently. A background in ecology,
biology, soil science, forestry, or biogeochemistry is preferred. Some
experience with plant identification and forest mensuration is ideal, but
training will be provided. Positions focusing on understory vegetation
sampling will require more specialized experience in plant species


Applicants should also be prepared to live and work in rural north-central
Wisconsin (Hawkins, WI). Since our emphasis will be on field work,
applicants should be capable of vigorous physical activity (e.g., working
long hours outdoors in hot/cold, rainy/snowy, and buggy conditions).
Appointments are fulltime (40 hrs/wk). Though not based in Madison, Interns
will be agents of UW-Madison during research on the Flambeau - this status
provides liability protection and a tax-free monthly stipend of $500.
Housing will be provided. We encourage students to use this experience
towards college credit and are happy to discuss opportunities for
independent studies. 


We seek candidates that can commit for a three month period within
April-October, but will also consider some applicants only available for
shorter time periods. 


To apply please send a cover letter describing prior experience/skills,
resume, and contact information for three references by mail to:  Jodi
Forrester, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Dept. of Forest Ecology & Mgmt.,
120 Russell Labs, Madison, WI 53706 or by e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


Evaluation of applications will begin February 1, 2006 and continue until
all positions are filled.