Re: [Efw-user] Re boot / Shutdown problems

2008-11-29 Thread Scott Silva
on 11-26-2008 12:52 PM Guymon spake the following:
> I still think the CPU is OK.  I have ordered 2 1000mhz PIII to replace it(in
> case), I have a slot for a second CPU so I will use it(my have to do a
> reinstall of EWF).  I don't think it's a capacitor issue, I know what to
> look for in that, but it could be the power supply is underpowered.  When I
> built the system I tried to go light on the wattage usage so maybe this
> "Game" is taxing the CPU enough that it AWKS the power supply, makes sence. 
> I have a nice 80% efficient NEW PS I will plop in after I get the new CPUs
> and see if that helps.
> I'd hate to have to replace this hardware it's such a sweet little set up.
I don't think a power supply always uses its maximum output. The maximum is
only how much load it can serve. A 200W PS serving 200W load should have very
near the same power draw as a 600W PS serving a 200W load. The 600W might
actually be lower since it is not at its maximum, and the system isn't
saturated at load.

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Efw-user mailing list

Re: [Efw-user] Re boot / Shutdown problems

2008-11-28 Thread Guymon

I determined that my Power supply was not adequate enough when the CPU was
being maxed out.  I noticed watching "top" that havp (HTTP Antivirus Proxy)
was doing all the possessing when he was on this game. I went into EFW
(proxy/http/antivirus) and put in the url into "Do not scan the following
URL's:" that was being accessed & turned "Max. content scan size (MB):" down
to 10 megs (not sure if that really matters on this game). Also  I turn off
caching (proxy/http/Cache management/) for this url.  Now the CPU is not
maxing out when he is playing that game.  I will upgrade the power supply
here soon after I put in a bigger CPU.  It's nice to know EFW has the
ability to be tuned to keep CPU usage down.

Guymon wrote:
> It seems that when my son (On the blue network going through the proxy
> with dansGuard on) uses a online game(the game uses port 80) that seems to
> use a lot of bandwidth. The Firewall will shutdown & reboot.  I'm not sure
> if its memory overloading or CPU overloading or what or where to look. 
> I've scanned the log files and have found nothing before the reboot
> happens.
> He has used this game before with no problems. I've turned off NTOP and
> even Intrusion Detection to see if that helps (But it doesn't help)
> The firewall is a PIII 800mhz with 1 Gig of ram. 
> Endian Firewall Community release 2.1
> We have the standard Green - (my Office)
> Blue  - WiFi (The Kids with Proxy and DansGaurd turned on)
> Orange - (4 servers running a variety of hosting and development apps)
> RAM usage looks OK when hes not on(about 50%). I have not watched it while
> he is playing so that is my next move.
> I did notice collisions on the red ethernet card see below:(I've Xed out
> my IP) not sure what to make of this:
> eth3  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:04:23:A5:ED:A3  
>   inet addr:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX  Bcast:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX 
> Mask:
>   RX packets:334988 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>   TX packets:372349 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>   collisions:7467 txqueuelen:10 
>   RX bytes:112009044 (106.8 MiB)  TX bytes:259195260 (247.1 MiB)
>   Base address:0xef00 Memory:febe-fec0 
> I've been running this setup for over a year with no problems. He's banned
> from this game till I work this out (Hes not happy.. boo hoo).
> Any suggesting on where to look?  P.S. has anyone got LM_SENSORS to work
> on  endian FW?  I wanted to make sure the CPU wasn't overheating. 

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Efw-user mailing list

Re: [Efw-user] Re boot / Shutdown problems

2008-11-26 Thread Guymon

I still think the CPU is OK.  I have ordered 2 1000mhz PIII to replace it(in
case), I have a slot for a second CPU so I will use it(my have to do a
reinstall of EWF).  I don't think it's a capacitor issue, I know what to
look for in that, but it could be the power supply is underpowered.  When I
built the system I tried to go light on the wattage usage so maybe this
"Game" is taxing the CPU enough that it AWKS the power supply, makes sence. 
I have a nice 80% efficient NEW PS I will plop in after I get the new CPUs
and see if that helps.

I'd hate to have to replace this hardware it's such a sweet little set up.

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Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
Efw-user mailing list

Re: [Efw-user] Re boot / Shutdown problems

2008-11-26 Thread Scott Silva
on 11-26-2008 11:26 AM Guymon spake the following:
> I'll do a memtest tomorrow or this week-end when I can take the servers off
> line.  The Firewall is really not that old, the power supply is only a few
> years old.  The power supply might be getting overloaded, maybe that is the
> problem, I can swap it out for a bigger one and have my son run his game and
> see if that works.
A PIII 800 can't be that "new", and actually could be at the manufacture age
when the capacitor plague was still happening. Anytime something just "starts
happening" without other cause, I usually suspect hardware. My firewall
recently went down after several years of reliable use and when I opened it
up, the CPU fan was starting to seize.  It was turning, but not as fast as it
should. So the CPU would overheat on heavy load. I just built a new box and
transferred everything over. A plus to this was the fact that the P4 2.4 I
replaced it with shows much less load.

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
Efw-user mailing list

Re: [Efw-user] Re boot / Shutdown problems

2008-11-26 Thread Guymon

I'll do a memtest tomorrow or this week-end when I can take the servers off
line.  The Firewall is really not that old, the power supply is only a few
years old.  The power supply might be getting overloaded, maybe that is the
problem, I can swap it out for a bigger one and have my son run his game and
see if that works.
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Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
Efw-user mailing list

Re: [Efw-user] Re boot / Shutdown problems

2008-11-26 Thread compdoc
A system that old could have hardware problems. Bad
capacitors is very common, and I replace a lot of boards and
power supplies for this reason. 

Look here to see what to look for. The motherboard is easy
to check, but the power supply has to be opened to inspect:

(click on the pics to see close up)

Also, might be a good idea to download memtest86+ and run it
through a couple of passes...

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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