I determined that my Power supply was not adequate enough when the CPU was
being maxed out.  I noticed watching "top" that havp (HTTP Antivirus Proxy)
was doing all the possessing when he was on this game. I went into EFW
(proxy/http/antivirus) and put in the url into "Do not scan the following
URL's:" that was being accessed & turned "Max. content scan size (MB):" down
to 10 megs (not sure if that really matters on this game). Also  I turn off
caching (proxy/http/Cache management/) for this url.  Now the CPU is not
maxing out when he is playing that game.  I will upgrade the power supply
here soon after I put in a bigger CPU.  It's nice to know EFW has the
ability to be tuned to keep CPU usage down.

Guymon wrote:
> It seems that when my son (On the blue network going through the proxy
> with dansGuard on) uses a online game(the game uses port 80) that seems to
> use a lot of bandwidth. The Firewall will shutdown & reboot.  I'm not sure
> if its memory overloading or CPU overloading or what or where to look. 
> I've scanned the log files and have found nothing before the reboot
> happens.
> He has used this game before with no problems. I've turned off NTOP and
> even Intrusion Detection to see if that helps (But it doesn't help)
> The firewall is a PIII 800mhz with 1 Gig of ram. 
> Endian Firewall Community release 2.1
> We have the standard Green - (my Office)
> Blue  - WiFi (The Kids with Proxy and DansGaurd turned on)
> Orange - (4 servers running a variety of hosting and development apps)
> RAM usage looks OK when hes not on(about 50%). I have not watched it while
> he is playing so that is my next move.
> I did notice collisions on the red ethernet card see below:(I've Xed out
> my IP) not sure what to make of this:
> eth3      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:04:23:A5:ED:A3  
>           inet addr:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX  Bcast:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX 
> Mask:
>           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
>           RX packets:334988 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>           TX packets:372349 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>           collisions:7467 txqueuelen:10 
>           RX bytes:112009044 (106.8 MiB)  TX bytes:259195260 (247.1 MiB)
>           Base address:0xef00 Memory:febe0000-fec00000 
> I've been running this setup for over a year with no problems. He's banned
> from this game till I work this out (Hes not happy.. boo hoo).
> Any suggesting on where to look?  P.S. has anyone got LM_SENSORS to work
> on  endian FW?  I wanted to make sure the CPU wasn't overheating. 

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