Re: [Emc-users] How come....

2019-05-09 Thread Erik Christiansen
On 09.05.19 09:16, Gene Heskett wrote:
> Good thinking Erik. I suppose the next Q is how far down is it to the 
> water table?  And thats a job for a wind mill tower...  But you knew 
> that. What would be neat is a big remote switch rod running up the tower 
> to a clutch to disconnect the wheel from the pump jack when the tank is 
> full, and connect it to an alternator for battery charging. A dog clutch 
> could handle that as the normal water pump fan doesn't turn that fast. 
> About a 10x gear up to an alternator ought to give some usable wattage 
> for the batteries.

Although a mill and a lathe help with maintaining a windmill, they're
scarily expensive here in the 21st century, and susceptible to the
increasing energy in our atmosphere. A high velocity microcell can wreak
havoc in a small area, and Murphy can smell an expensive windmill at
forty miles, I figure.

The electrical engineer in me thinks an electric pump and a few more
panels on the PV array are a darn sight less maintenance effort in the
long run. Turned on only when there's good sun, the only required
storage is in the water tank. (No extra battery cost.)

There's over 200 Ha (nudging 500 acres) of eucalypt forest on site, so
steady wind is a good bit less than right out in the open.

> I spent a couple years of my early life on grandpa's farm in Madison 
> County Iowa, several miles "off grid" as that was long before the R.E.A.  
> It was just how it was in those days, a farmer was self sufficient or 
> starved.  We ate well, very well in fact. Big glass single cell lead 
> acid cells, about 5 gallon size, 10 of them gave us a bit if light in 
> the evenings, lights in the barn to milk the cows by and ran the maytag 
> washer after the put-miss-put backfired and broke grandmas ankle, first 
> electric washing machine in rural Madison County by quite a few years.  
> Yeah, that Madison County, made famous 80 years later by Eastwood and 
> Streep in Bridges. I was over quite a few of those bridges in a team of 
> horses drawn wagon back then. A simpler, but not always easier time back 
> then.

There's quite a comparison between that "can-do or do without"
upbringing and city kids now sitting indoors in a big house on a 300 m²
(0.074 acre) block with no back yard, playing video games and watching
"Bluey", a serialised cartoon in which dogs play the roles of children
playing in back yards, which the real children don't have. I don't see
this "progress" progressing to a happy conclusion. Wouldn't trade my
farm upbringing for modern childhood. (My father used to say "A good
kite flies best in a headwind." Well it taught some resilience as well
as what elbow grease could do, and where to find it.)

There's an old "32 Vdc" lighting generator somewhere in Dad's old shed.
They must have had matching light globes back then.


Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] How come....

2019-05-09 Thread Erik Christiansen
On 09.05.19 10:24, Dave Cole wrote:
> Erik,
> Do you have a blog going on your build?
Now that's an idea. All I've started is the seeds of an article for
"Owner Builder" magazine - the editor was interested when we last spoke.

> I'd be very interested in your solar and battery setup for your off-grid
> home.

The existing home, from the 1950's & extended, only has a little 2 kW
petrol generator. The new roof which will carry the solar arrays goes up
in June, if the framing carpenters turn up on time. (Just off the phone
to 'em half an hour ago.) There's 6 or 7 kW of equator-facing panels,
but the west-facing hipped roof can only take 9 panels, so only 2.5 kW
or so - but still enough to keep pace with a modest aircon.

The best trick for allowing high power consumption straight from the
arrays, yet limiting battery charge rate to permissible maximum, is to
use a hybrid inverter - they're beginning to become more available now.
The Redflow ZnBr battery has a limited max charge rate (44A), and pretty
much any other does too, e.g. 20A/100AH of capacity for LiFePO4. The hybrid
inverter looks after that while delivering to load first.

I like the Redflow, as it's a long-life unit, unkillable by 100%
discharge. It does though need that once a fortnight to regenerate, so
it can be handy to have another battery. For off-grid, just one 10 kWh
battery is maybe enough for one occupant, but a second is great for
visitors from the city. But the reflow is about A$14k (US$10k), so I've
even been looking at old technology like NiFe. They're also robust, but
can drink a lot of distilled water, emit quite a bit of hydrogen, and
put out a bit of mist. About 80% energy recovery is common for a lot of
battery chemistries, these included. Li-Ion, or better LiFePO4, are
better efficiency-wise, but cycle life on deep discharge is less. Do
your machining in sunlight, and only run lights, computers, tv, and a
microwaved egg sanger at night, then they'll do well enough, I reckon -
certainly long enough for a better technology to reach a better price.

We know from laptops that Li-Ion loses capacity with age. The ZnBr unit
is claimed to retain capacity, just losing efficiency. If a few (cheap)
extra panels are put in the array(s), then that's pretty much covered.

One thing - the hybrid inverter should have two MPPT string inputs - one
for each PV array, as their voltage at max power will never be equal,
given widely divergent orientation.

> You must have a substantial setup to be able to run your AC off your battery
> bank.

I'm hoping to be able to get the roof up in time to qualify for a
current A$5k government rebate on batteries. Systems with only 6.3 kWh
battery capacity are selling well here for on-grid customers. I'd like
twice that, as without that, running the mill for hours after half a week
of overcast winter days could mean arcing the generator up for a charging
burst. But a litre of petrol now and then is a darn sight cheaper than a
big battery.

> What do you do for domestic water?  A deep well?

For 55 years it's just been rainwater tanks. I'll be putting in another
90,000 litres of tanks, to catch it when it does come. There'll be
nearly 400 m² of roof all up. (But yes, years ago in a big drought it
really was bathe the baby in a bucket of water, use that to wash her
clothes, then wash the lino floor with it, then put it on the few garden
plants you could keep going.) The concern is that a tight rain deficit
might be shaping up to be the new norm for SE Australia, not improving
at all while we go from the current 1°C warming, through 1.5°C maybe as
early as 2030, to 2°C a bit later. (Accelerated warming at the poles
does not bear looking at, unless you've had a stiff drink first.)

The neighbour had a drill rig in before easter, to drill for stock
water. It was expected around 70 feet down. I haven't heard the results.
That's a finite resource though, only buying limited time. Slabs of
India is hundreds of feet down now, and heading for a brick wall. More
roof, more tanks, and live on what precipitates is more viable for


Emc-users mailing list

[Emc-users] velocity in world mode

2019-05-09 Thread yomin estiven jaramillo munera
Hi GUYS, Do you know how can i increase the movement's velocity of my axes
in the world mode. My machine is able to move itself quickly in join mode
but in world mode the velocity is very slow.
How can i solve this??? what is the parameter that i should modify??

Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] How come....

2019-05-09 Thread Dave Cole


Do you have a blog going on your build?
I'd be very interested in your solar and battery setup for your off-grid 

You must have a substantial setup to be able to run your AC off your 
battery bank.

What do you do for domestic water?  A deep well?


On 5/9/2019 5:17 AM, Erik Christiansen wrote:

Down under, the last dam/waterhole on the farm has dried up after a dry
autumn on top of the driest year in the 55 years we've been there. (245
mm rain last year, and many times that in evaporation rate.) Don't know
what the kangaroos and wombats are drinking.

But cloudless blue skies are OK for a retiree, so the off-grid build
proceeds - slowly. The slab is in. Waiting on carpenter availability and
pre-made wall frames & trusses. Our tax office has a nifty scheme where
old folk can raid up to $300k from their superannuation for a home
down-size, then put it back when the old home is sold. And being architect,
owner-builder, and lender keeps everything on a cooperative footing.
(Just watch the paperwork, though.)

Still had to get building surveyor approval when I redrew the roof to
take a west-facing solar array to power the aircon in the afternoon,
after the sun has slid off the north-facing array. Kinda essential on a
43°C day, when you're off-grid. (It's too late to recharge the battery
for the night after you've hammered it hard for late afternoon aircon.)


Emc-users mailing list

Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] How come....

2019-05-09 Thread Gene Heskett
On Thursday 09 May 2019 05:17:13 am Erik Christiansen wrote:

> On 09.05.19 09:58, Peter Blodow wrote:
> >  there has been no incoming mail since May 6th?
> > Peter
> I was about to facetiously venture "Perhaps because Gene's been busy
> over on debian-user?", but there was a whole thread on:
> >From  Tue May  7 13:03:40
> > 2019
>  Subject:  Re: M52
>   Folder: cnc_linux_u8992
> but those 5 were all, AFAICT.
> Down under, the last dam/waterhole on the farm has dried up after a
> dry autumn on top of the driest year in the 55 years we've been there.
> (245 mm rain last year, and many times that in evaporation rate.)
> Don't know what the kangaroos and wombats are drinking.
> But cloudless blue skies are OK for a retiree, so the off-grid build
> proceeds - slowly. The slab is in. Waiting on carpenter availability
> and pre-made wall frames & trusses. Our tax office has a nifty scheme
> where old folk can raid up to $300k from their superannuation for a
> home down-size, then put it back when the old home is sold. And being
> architect, owner-builder, and lender keeps everything on a cooperative
> footing. (Just watch the paperwork, though.)
> Still had to get building surveyor approval when I redrew the roof to
> take a west-facing solar array to power the aircon in the afternoon,
> after the sun has slid off the north-facing array. Kinda essential on
> a 43°C day, when you're off-grid. (It's too late to recharge the
> battery for the night after you've hammered it hard for late afternoon
> aircon.)
> Erik

Good thinking Erik. I suppose the next Q is how far down is it to the 
water table?  And thats a job for a wind mill tower...  But you knew 
that. What would be neat is a big remote switch rod running up the tower 
to a clutch to disconnect the wheel from the pump jack when the tank is 
full, and connect it to an alternator for battery charging. A dog clutch 
could handle that as the normal water pump fan doesn't turn that fast. 
About a 10x gear up to an alternator ought to give some usable wattage 
for the batteries.

I spent a couple years of my early life on grandpa's farm in Madison 
County Iowa, several miles "off grid" as that was long before the R.E.A.  
It was just how it was in those days, a farmer was self sufficient or 
starved.  We ate well, very well in fact. Big glass single cell lead 
acid cells, about 5 gallon size, 10 of them gave us a bit if light in 
the evenings, lights in the barn to milk the cows by and ran the maytag 
washer after the put-miss-put backfired and broke grandmas ankle, first 
electric washing machine in rural Madison County by quite a few years.  
Yeah, that Madison County, made famous 80 years later by Eastwood and 
Streep in Bridges. I was over quite a few of those bridges in a team of 
horses drawn wagon back then. A simpler, but not always easier time back 
> ___
> Emc-users mailing list

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] How come....

2019-05-09 Thread Gene Heskett
On Thursday 09 May 2019 04:46:25 am Roland Jollivet wrote:

> Because no-one has posted anything?
> On Thu, 9 May 2019 at 10:17, Peter Blodow  wrote:
> >  there has been no incoming mail since May 6th?
> > Peter

I've been getting posts, although slow, about 14 since then.

I figure folks are just busy with the first warmer weather stuffs.

Like yesterday I had a fellow with a backhoe in and tore up my front yard 
from the water meter to the house, replaceing the whole roll of 40+ yo 
plastic pipe because I had more leaks, we found my fix from last 
Septembers dig was still good, but 3 more leaks beyond that including 
some rube goldberg stuff of copper and galvanized right out side the 
house and the galvanized was rotted out from galvanic.

Good thing the guy that did it has already passed or I'd have been 
tempted to beat him to death with it. Other than that it was a 
relatively quiet day, but I've got aches and pains in places I I'd 
forgotten about this morning from fetching the stuff they didn't bring 
and probably should have.

But now I've got all new stuff from the meter to about a foot below the 
shutoff just inside the basement.  We also found 30 feet of the gas line 
w/o damaging it, the french drain around the house and the gutter run we 
had to patch. But not the sewer, so we've still after 30 years, not a 
clue where it leaves. Building codes?  What building codes?, the city 
didn't have or didn't enforce them 40 years ago. Water and gas in the 
same ditch!. So we made some new ditch for part of it. Hopefully that 
will be the last of that for 40+ years, by which time it will be 
somebody else's headache.

The guy had quoted me a per hour, I think trying to scare me off, and 
asked for only 1/3rd of that when he was done. Blew me away. So I paid 
him the cash price and gave him an extra $70 with instructions that it 
was a tip for his helper that did all the shovel work. he did a lot of 
work the hoe couldn't reach and did it willingly. Good help is hard to 
find, and should be rewarded IMO.

A more productive day than usual around the coyote.den, my local 

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page 

Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] How come....

2019-05-09 Thread Erik Christiansen
On 09.05.19 09:58, Peter Blodow wrote:
>  there has been no incoming mail since May 6th?
> Peter

I was about to facetiously venture "Perhaps because Gene's been busy
over on debian-user?", but there was a whole thread on:

>From  Tue May  7 13:03:40 2019
 Subject:  Re: M52 
  Folder: cnc_linux_u8992

but those 5 were all, AFAICT.

Down under, the last dam/waterhole on the farm has dried up after a dry
autumn on top of the driest year in the 55 years we've been there. (245
mm rain last year, and many times that in evaporation rate.) Don't know
what the kangaroos and wombats are drinking.

But cloudless blue skies are OK for a retiree, so the off-grid build
proceeds - slowly. The slab is in. Waiting on carpenter availability and
pre-made wall frames & trusses. Our tax office has a nifty scheme where
old folk can raid up to $300k from their superannuation for a home
down-size, then put it back when the old home is sold. And being architect,
owner-builder, and lender keeps everything on a cooperative footing.
(Just watch the paperwork, though.)

Still had to get building surveyor approval when I redrew the roof to
take a west-facing solar array to power the aircon in the afternoon,
after the sun has slid off the north-facing array. Kinda essential on a
43°C day, when you're off-grid. (It's too late to recharge the battery
for the night after you've hammered it hard for late afternoon aircon.)


Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] How come....

2019-05-09 Thread Leonardo Marsaglia
Haha. It's good to ask anyway. A few months ago I got unsuscribed from the
list and don't know why.

El 9 may. 2019 07:36, "Roland Jollivet" 

> Because no-one has posted anything?
> On Thu, 9 May 2019 at 10:17, Peter Blodow  wrote:
> >  there has been no incoming mail since May 6th?
> > Peter
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Emc-users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Emc-users mailing list

Emc-users mailing list

[Emc-users] How come....

2019-05-09 Thread Roland Jollivet
Because no-one has posted anything?

On Thu, 9 May 2019 at 10:17, Peter Blodow  wrote:

>  there has been no incoming mail since May 6th?
> Peter
> ___
> Emc-users mailing list

Emc-users mailing list

[Emc-users] How come....

2019-05-09 Thread Peter Blodow

 there has been no incoming mail since May 6th?

Emc-users mailing list