[Evolution] Request: check mbox folders before entering not after exiting

2001-12-03 Thread Randy Orrison

I'm using exim to deliver mail, with rules in my .forward to send
messages for a couple mailing lists to the appropriate mbox files:

if $header_x-beenthere: contains "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" then
save evolution/local/MailingLists/subfolders/evolution/mbox

This appears to work fine, but if messages arrive while evolution is
running, it doesn't update the status in the Folders bar (e.g. the
unread count).  If I click on the folder in the Folders bar, evolution
doesn't show the new messages in the message list.  However, when when I
click into a different folder evolution does then update the status in
the Folder list, and if I go back to the folder the new messages are
there.  It would make a lot more sense to me if the state of the folder
was checked when it was entered instead of when it was left.

(If I'm doing something totally stupid here, feel free to tell me!  I've
read in the archives about using IMAP and filtering into its folders,
but that just doesn't appeal to me; I much prefer to have my email under
my $home.  Also, I know about Evolution's filters, but I'd rather have
the email filing for most mailing lists happening while Evolution isn't
running, since I also occasionally access my mail spool file by other

Thanks to all the developers for a great program!

Note that I'm running version 0.99.2, from the package included in
Debian unstable.

Randy Orrison

evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Evolution] Repeating tasks?

2001-12-04 Thread Randy Orrison

Is there any way to set up a repeating task?  I'm trying to migrate from
Outlook, and I have quite a few tasks that repeat, both at fixed
intervals (e.g. every two weeks) and at a time relative to the
completion of the current occurance (e.g. again in three days).  Does
(or if not, will) Evolution support this?



evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Evolution] Repeating tasks?

2001-12-04 Thread Randy Orrison

On Tue, 2001-12-04 at 18:51, Luis Villa wrote:
> This is definitely on our short list of things to do for 1.2; can't
> guarantee it'll make it into 1.2, though.

Thanks.  I guess I'll have to try to live without it, or stick with
Outlook for a while longer. :-(

evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Evolution] Strange calendar bug(s)

2001-12-14 Thread Randy Orrison

It's strange, because it's so obvious, but I can't find it in bugzilla. 
Here's my repro script:
Go to the calendar folder
Click Week view
Click New Appointment
Enter Test for Summary
Enter today and 6pm for Start Time
Enter today and 7pm for End Time
Click Save and Close
Observe that the Start Time as displayed in today's box on the calendar
is 559pm

This is 100% reproducable for me.  It happened with 0.99.2, and is still
happening now with 1.0.  I'm using the package from debian unstable.

I would report this in bugzilla, but since it's so obvious I have to
suspect that it's something wrong with my installation, rather than a
real bug.  Any suggestions?

(There are a host of other similar little calendar bugs, as well.  Such
as: Click Day View on the Toolbar, click Go To on the Toolbar, click Go
To Today, get Wednesday (it's Friday); or click on Saturday in the month
calendar on the main view and get Thursday, or the test appointment that
I just created in Week View on Friday shows up in day view on
Thursday...  What's going on???)

evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Evolution] Strange calendar bug(s)

2001-12-14 Thread Randy Orrison

On Fri, 2001-12-14 at 23:48, Damon Chaplin wrote:
> On Fri, 2001-12-14 at 15:49, Randy Orrison wrote:
> > It's strange, because it's so obvious, but I can't find it in bugzilla. 
> > Here's my repro script:
> > Go to the calendar folder
> > Click Week view
> > Click New Appointment
> > Enter Test for Summary
> > Enter today and 6pm for Start Time
> > Enter today and 7pm for End Time
> > Click Save and Close
> > Observe that the Start Time as displayed in today's box on the calendar
> > is 559pm
> > 
> > This is 100% reproducable for me.  It happened with 0.99.2, and is still
> > happening now with 1.0.  I'm using the package from debian unstable.
> > 
> > I would report this in bugzilla, but since it's so obvious I have to
> > suspect that it's something wrong with my installation, rather than a
> > real bug.  Any suggestions?
> > 
> > (There are a host of other similar little calendar bugs, as well.  Such
> > as: Click Day View on the Toolbar, click Go To on the Toolbar, click Go
> > To Today, get Wednesday (it's Friday); or click on Saturday in the month
> > calendar on the main view and get Thursday, or the test appointment that
> > I just created in Week View on Friday shows up in day view on
> > Thursday...  What's going on???)
> I suspect a packaging problem or a timezone problem.
> What timezone do you have set on the machine? What do 'date' and 'date
> -u' output?

$ date
Sat Dec 15 00:11:07 GMT 2001
$ date -u
Sat Dec 15 00:11:30 UTC 2001

(I live in England, we're not currently on British Summer Time, so
current local time == GMT == UTC.)

The TZ environment variable doesn't appear to be set.  Is there likely to be another
timezone setting somewhere?

> What timezone are you using in Evolution?

It's currently set to UTC, but I've just changed it to Europe/London.  (And, having 
restarted evolution it's still behaving the same.)

> You could try running 'wombat' and 'evolution-calendar' in separate
> terminals before starting Evolution and see if they output any warnings.

Both gave
Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by C library

wombat didn't exit when I closed evolution, and when I restarted it it

wombat-pcs-Message: cal_notify_categories_changed(): Could not
notify the listener about the current set of categories
wombat-pcs-Message: cal_notify_categories_changed(): Could not
notify the listener about the current set of categories

> Damon


(Interesting note: I started composing this, and while typing my lines wrapped 
automatically; I did File/Send Later, and now that I've reopened it they're not 
wrapping while I type.)


evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Evolution] Strange calendar bug(s)

2001-12-14 Thread Randy Orrison

On Fri, 2001-12-14 at 23:48, Damon Chaplin wrote:
> On Fri, 2001-12-14 at 15:49, Randy Orrison wrote:
> > It's strange, because it's so obvious, but I can't find it in bugzilla. 
> > Here's my repro script:
> > Go to the calendar folder
> > Click Week view
> > Click New Appointment
> > Enter Test for Summary
> > Enter today and 6pm for Start Time
> > Enter today and 7pm for End Time
> > Click Save and Close
> > Observe that the Start Time as displayed in today's box on the calendar
> > is 559pm
> > 
> > This is 100% reproducable for me.  It happened with 0.99.2, and is still
> > happening now with 1.0.  I'm using the package from debian unstable.
> > 
> > I would report this in bugzilla, but since it's so obvious I have to
> > suspect that it's something wrong with my installation, rather than a
> > real bug.  Any suggestions?
> > 
> > (There are a host of other similar little calendar bugs, as well.  Such
> > as: Click Day View on the Toolbar, click Go To on the Toolbar, click Go
> > To Today, get Wednesday (it's Friday); or click on Saturday in the month
> > calendar on the main view and get Thursday, or the test appointment that
> > I just created in Week View on Friday shows up in day view on
> > Thursday...  What's going on???)
> I suspect a packaging problem or a timezone problem.
> What timezone do you have set on the machine? What do 'date' and 'date
> -u' output?

$ date
Sat Dec 15 00:11:07 GMT 2001
$ date -u
Sat Dec 15 00:11:30 UTC 2001

(I live in England, we're not currently on British Summer Time, so
current local time == GMT == UTC.)

The TZ environment variable doesn't appear to be set.  Is there another
timezone setting somewhere?

> What timezone are you using in Evolution?

It's currently set to UTC, but I've just changed it to Europe/London.

> You could try running 'wombat' and 'evolution-calendar' in separate
> terminals before starting Evolution and see if they output any warnings.

Both gave
> Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by C library

wombat didn't exit when I closed evolution, and when I restarted it it

> wombat-pcs-Message: cal_notify_categories_changed(): Could not
> notify the listener about the current set of categories
> wombat-pcs-Message: cal_notify_categories_changed(): Could not
> notify the listener about the current set of categories

> Damon


evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Evolution] Request: check mbox folders before entering notafter exiting

2001-12-04 Thread Randy Orrison

On Mon, 2001-12-03 at 23:05, Not Zed wrote:
> Use maildir, and set 'check mail every n minutes' option.

Ok, I've set up a separate maildir folder (~/evolution/IncomingLists/ --
will that ever conflict with Evolution?) that exim moves mailing list
messages to (to get them out of my mail spool file, so that my mail
status in gnome-panel gives a reasonable count).  If mail arrives in
that folder while Evolution is open, the filters that I've set up file
it into the appropriate mbox folder in Local Folders.  This all works
fine, but...

When I open Evolution there's typically already a large pile of mail in
the IncomingLists folder, but the filter rules aren't automatically
applied to those messages.  I can select all the messages and do Apply
Filters manually, but I'd like it to happen automatically (preferably in
the background somehow).  Is this possible, or just something to hope
for in some future release?  (I'm still using 0.99.2 from Debian

(I'd still prefer to just have exim drop the messages directly into the
appropriate mbox folder under Local Folders, and save Evolution from
doing the move.)


evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Evolution] OT: Palm on Linux

2001-12-16 Thread Randy Orrison

On Sun, 2001-12-16 at 22:01, Mike Cannon-Brookes wrote:
> This is a bit off topic but I figure other people may have come up
> against it. Since moving my mail from LookOut to Evolution I've been vey
> happy, but I still need to sync my Palm on Windows because AvantGo for
> Linux doesn't exist (correct?). 

Have you looked into using Plucker instead of AvantGo?


evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Evolution] Store 'calendar','contacts', etc on IMAP server?

2002-01-21 Thread Randy Orrison

On Mon, 2002-01-21 at 03:30, Michael Rothwell wrote:
> It it possible to store the tasks, calendar, etc. in IMAP mailboxes?

If, as I suspect, the answer is no, I'd like to second this request.

It would also be nice to be able to at least get rid of the "Local
Folders" Inbox/Outbox/Drafts/Trash and just use my IMAP folders.  Either
still have them appear under Local Folders and just be aliases to the
IMAP ones, or remove them completely from Local Folders.

evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Evolution] Can I tell evo that my IMAP server is local?

2002-01-25 Thread Randy Orrison

I'm using an IMAP server to access my mail files; the files and server
are both on my local machine.  Evolution apparently caches the headers
of all messages, and bodies of opened messages; the cache takes up more
space than the mail itself:

$ du Mail/ | tail -1
23204   Mail
$ du evolution/mail/imap | tail -1
24284   evolution/mail/imap

Is there any way that I can tell evolution not to bother caching the
bodies and headers of mail that's is itself local?



evolution maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]