Re: [FairfieldLife] Happy Saturday
Q: Why did the turtle cross the road? A: Because he wasn't chicken. ---In, wrote: On 2/22/2014 8:45 AM, doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@... wrote: > A penguin was driving in the hot desert in Arizona > A turtle was crossing the highway when a car came by a hit him. When the turtle woke up in the hospital, he told the doctor, "It all happened so damn fast, I don't know what happened!"
Re: [FairfieldLife] Happy Saturday
On 2/22/2014 8:45 AM, wrote: > A penguin was driving in the hot desert in Arizona > A turtle was crossing the highway when a car came by a hit him. When the turtle woke up in the hospital, he told the doctor, "It all happened so damn fast, I don't know what happened!"
[FairfieldLife] Happy Saturday
A penguin was driving in the hot desert in Arizona when his car broke down. The penguin thought, "great, here I am in the middle of a desert, when I love the water". After a while the penguin had his car towed to a local town to get it fixed. Walking on the way to town, he saw a sign that said ice cold ice cream for sale. The penguin thought, "Oh great this is exactly what I need", found the shop, and ordered a giant tub of vanilla ice cream, and made a huge mess, and got it all over his face. When the penguin finally got into town and asked the mechanic what was wrong with his car, the mechanic said, "You blew a seal". The penguin, startled, said "No I didn't! I just stopped for ice cream.”