[Felvtalk] Fig and Festus Please add to the CLS :( :(

2010-04-08 Thread Sherry DeHaan
WE lost 2 of our sweet handsome black and white Sids boys today to this awful 
Fig was pretty laid back yet if you walked by without talking to him he would 
say something to you. :) I made sure to hug him each time I seen him here 
Festus,now he was a SCAREDY CAT big time,it took a couple years to get him to 
trust a few of us.He was still pretty skiddish but welcome the gentle touches 
with loud purrs.
We will miss you boys. :(

"We who choose to surround ourselves with lives more temporary
than our own,
Live within a fragile circle,easily and often breached.
Unable to accept its awful gaps.
We still would have it no other way"

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Felvtalk - introduction - Chewie and Stitch

2010-04-08 Thread Hotmail Junk

I am sorry to hear of your great loss! My Gray Kitty, who did test  
positive and currently test negative for FeLV, battles anemia. He has  
been on very high dosages of Pred for almost 2 years. This seems to  
keep his hematocrit in normal range. His story is a very long one &  
someday, I will write a book on it. Our hopes is that he will set  
presidence for future FeLV cats & give pet owners hope!

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 8, 2010, at 3:50 PM, Joe Reil  wrote:

Good evening,

I don't know if anyone currently active remembers me, I first signed  
up for this list in April of 2007, when one cat (Chewie) was  
diagnosed with FELV after getting sick.

I haven't been really active on here since, but I thought I'd post  
again with an update. My original introduction message is copied  

It is with sadness that I report that Stitch, who I mentioned  
originally has having been tested shortly after Chewie died has now  
left us, almost exactly 3 years after Chewie did.

Stitch has done great these last few years, we never had any  
problems and had some hopes that she might have fought the virus off.

Sadly, this was not the case. She started acting sick this weekend  
and we brought her to the vet on Tuesday. She'd lost a few pounds  
since her last visit, and a blood test revealed that she was very  
low on red blood cells, the Vet thinking that she had a bone marrow  
disease as she didn't seem to have any new red blood cells at all  
(could this be myeloproliferative leukemia, which I've seen  
mentioned in other places?). Given that she was FELV positive and  
was clearly suffering, we decided to have her put to sleep.

Anyway, though I haven't been really active here, folks were very  
helpful after my initial post and the info and support I did get  
here were instrumental in keeping Stich as healthy as she was for as  
long as she was. It's still really hard, but I know that we did  
everything that we could for her.

She was a very special kitty, and she'll be greatly missed.

These are direct links to photos I have stored on my Facebook stage,  
I'm not sure if they'll work like this, but we shall see. These are  
both very recent photos of Stitch:




Joe Reil

Howdy all,

This is my first post to this list, thought I'd do a
bit of intro.

We had three cats in our family. The older two were
both "castaways" that were adopted as adults. Zoro was
the oldest and I adopted him from a co-worker when I
lived by myself. He died several years ago.

The remaining two were Stitch and Chewie. Chewie was
the next oldest. She had a really hard start to life,
she was originally found, as a stray by some friends
of ours. She was probably two or three at the time and
she had evidence of being abused - she had some
suspicious scars on her underside.

She lived with them for a while, very shy/nervous and
eventually came out of her shell. A couple years
later, they had to move, and couldn't take her with
them so we took her in. We had her for several years
as well and while we don't know her exact age, best
estimate put her at 8-10 years old when she died last

She had a loss of appetite and started losing weight.
She had two trips to the Vet - after the first visit
she took a serious turn for the worse so we had her
back at the vet only a few days later. A blood test on
the second visit revealed that she had FelV. So,
considering she was very sick and was suffering from a
pretty serious disease we opted to put her to sleep
then. :(

I didn't know much about FelV then (and I'm still
learning about it), but information from both our Vet
and online resources I found indicated that it was
contagious so we decided to have our third (and
youngest) cat tested for it. Stitch is the only one we
got as a Kitten and she's about 3.5 years old.

I brought her to the vet this weekend and she tested
positive for FelV. :(

I do intend to learn as much as I can about the
disease so we can keep her with us as long as
possible. I know that it will eventually catch up to
her and our main thing will be to put that off as long
as possible. She's still young and healthy so
hopefully that'll be a long time still. :)

We had been planning to get a second cat, but we've
put that plan on hold now. I know it is possible to
inoculate against FelV, but given that the vaccine
takes a while to take effect, we'd either have to
quarantine the new cat until the vaccine took effect
or find it someplace else to live for a month or so,
and on top of all that I don't think we want to put
Stitch through the stress of another housemate at the
moment (she doesn't react well to strangers).




Re: [Felvtalk] Felvtalk - introduction - Chewie and Stitch

2010-04-08 Thread Sally Davis
Hi Joe

She is beautiful and she will remain forever in your heart and memories.


Sally(me), Eric (not a cat),Junior(angel), Tiny(angel) Fluffy(soul mate
angel), Lionel(angel),Speedy, Grey and White, Ittle Bitty, Little
Black(MIA), Lily, Daisy, Pewter, Junior Junior, Hotdog (newest) Silver, and
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Epogen

2010-04-08 Thread Frank & Sue Koren
Hello everyone,

I have most of a 1ML SDV vial of 10,000 U/ML Epogen and some syringes if anyone 
could use them.  I would be happy to overnight them to the first person to send 
me an address.  This stuff is too expensive to go in the trash and I only used 
two injections from it.
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Felvtalk - introduction - Chewie and Stitch

2010-04-08 Thread Joe Reil
Good evening,

I don't know if anyone currently active remembers me, I first signed up for 
this list in April of 2007, when one cat (Chewie) was diagnosed with FELV after 
getting sick.

I haven't been really active on here since, but I thought I'd post again with 
an update. My original introduction message is copied below.

It is with sadness that I report that Stitch, who I mentioned originally has 
having been tested shortly after Chewie died has now left us, almost exactly 3 
years after Chewie did.

Stitch has done great these last few years, we never had any problems and had 
some hopes that she might have fought the virus off.

Sadly, this was not the case. She started acting sick this weekend and we 
brought her to the vet on Tuesday. She'd lost a few pounds since her last 
visit, and a blood test revealed that she was very low on red blood cells, the 
Vet thinking that she had a bone marrow disease as she didn't seem to have any 
new red blood cells at all (could this be myeloproliferative leukemia, which 
I've seen mentioned in other places?). Given that she was FELV positive and was 
clearly suffering, we decided to have her put to sleep.

Anyway, though I haven't been really active here, folks were very helpful after 
my initial post and the info and support I did get here were instrumental in 
keeping Stich as healthy as she was for as long as she was. It's still really 
hard, but I know that we did everything that we could for her.

She was a very special kitty, and she'll be greatly missed.

These are direct links to photos I have stored on my Facebook stage, I'm not 
sure if they'll work like this, but we shall see. These are both very recent 
photos of Stitch:




Joe Reil

Howdy all,

This is my first post to this list, thought I'd do a
bit of intro.

We had three cats in our family. The older two were
both "castaways" that were adopted as adults. Zoro was
the oldest and I adopted him from a co-worker when I
lived by myself. He died several years ago.

The remaining two were Stitch and Chewie. Chewie was
the next oldest. She had a really hard start to life,
she was originally found, as a stray by some friends
of ours. She was probably two or three at the time and
she had evidence of being abused - she had some
suspicious scars on her underside.

She lived with them for a while, very shy/nervous and
eventually came out of her shell. A couple years
later, they had to move, and couldn't take her with
them so we took her in. We had her for several years
as well and while we don't know her exact age, best
estimate put her at 8-10 years old when she died last

She had a loss of appetite and started losing weight.
She had two trips to the Vet - after the first visit
she took a serious turn for the worse so we had her
back at the vet only a few days later. A blood test on
the second visit revealed that she had FelV. So,
considering she was very sick and was suffering from a
pretty serious disease we opted to put her to sleep
then. :(

I didn't know much about FelV then (and I'm still
learning about it), but information from both our Vet
and online resources I found indicated that it was
contagious so we decided to have our third (and
youngest) cat tested for it. Stitch is the only one we
got as a Kitten and she's about 3.5 years old.

I brought her to the vet this weekend and she tested
positive for FelV. :(

I do intend to learn as much as I can about the
disease so we can keep her with us as long as
possible. I know that it will eventually catch up to
her and our main thing will be to put that off as long
as possible. She's still young and healthy so
hopefully that'll be a long time still. :)

We had been planning to get a second cat, but we've
put that plan on hold now. I know it is possible to
inoculate against FelV, but given that the vaccine
takes a while to take effect, we'd either have to
quarantine the new cat until the vaccine took effect
or find it someplace else to live for a month or so,
and on top of all that I don't think we want to put
Stitch through the stress of another housemate at the
moment (she doesn't react well to strangers).




Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Casper and other losses!

2010-04-08 Thread terrie
So sorry I haven't posted in a while but do read the postings when I can.
I'm so sorry for your loss of Casper!
Thank you for sharing your loss of him with us.
It is never easy to lose a kitty whether they have FELV or not.
They all have their little quirks and we love them for it.
They do have a special place in our hearts.
Yes, they do take a piece of our heart when they do leave. 
I totally agree on this!
Would like to send my condolences to all that have lost their kitties to this horrible disease or other causes. 
I know all too well what your going through. 
I haven't had a FELV kitty in awhile.
About 3 months ago I lost 4 senior rescues all in a two week span. This was to old age or liver/kidney failure. The youngest was 14 and the oldest was 18 years old. I had them in rescue for several years. They were throw away kitties. Owners felt they were in the way or just didn't have the time for them.
Myself, recently lost my 22 year personal kitty that I had since she was 5-6 weeks old a few weeks ago.
So it was very hard for me emotionally.
I promised my kitty that she would not die at the Vet's office that she would die at home with those she loved. 
I will never allow this to happen again. I swear she suffered when she did finally passed but some say it was part of the process. 
It was a nightmare for me.
I've had kitties die before but nothing prepared me for what I saw with her.
Of course this happened when I could not find a Vet to come out to my house because of my location at the time.
It took me some time for me to come around on losing her.
I'm so very thankful for having her in my life all these years.
Her name was "Little Girl" aka "Mischief"
She was buried on my property with living flowers and 2 rose bushes that I bought in memory of her.
Yesterday, for the first time in awhile I was rooting around in thrift shops and found a huge knickknack that looked just like her. I bought it and placed it on her grave.
It is still hard for me to go out to talk to her without shedding tears.
As she was my sidekick/shadow for so many years. 
She raised numerous rescue kittens over the years when she never had any herself. She was spayed at 4 months old.
She was considered the "Wise Gma" to all those around here!
TAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS/SIAMESE & COLLIE RESCUESultan, WA. 98294Terrie Mohr-Forkerhttp://tazzys.org/Non-Profit national rescue
Dedicated to the welfare of animals.
 Copyright © 2007-2010 Tazzy's.org. All rights reserved.

 Original Message Subject: [Felvtalk] Goodbye sweet CasperFrom: "Frank & Sue Koren" Date: Wed, April 07, 2010 5:28 pmTo: "FeLV talk" I am heartbroken to say that this afternoon my sweet Casper lost his battle. He was one of the most sweet tempered cats I have ever known. He never ever bit or clawed anyone in anger, not for any reason. He used to come to bed and make bread in the middle of the night right into my stomach until I got in the habit of sleeping while holding his paws gently in my hands. He loved nothing more then to be brushed with an old blue hairbrush. In the middle of the night last night I was spending what I was pretty sure was my last few hours with him brushing him with it. He was still pushing against it with the sides of his face and purring. This morning when I left for work I told him goodbye and thanked him for coming to live with me and being such a special kitty. My mother in law sat with him today and he passed around 2:30. She told me the rest of the cats in the house came and sat in a circle around him, almost like a vigil. Orlando has slept near him for the last several days and through the night. I hope now Casper is in a place where there is no more feline leukemia and he can run free and watch the birds and chipmunks all he wants. Whenever I lose one of these sweet kitties they take a piece of my heart.___Felvtalk mailing listFelvtalk@felineleukemia.orghttp://felineleukemia.org/mailman/listinfo/felvtalk_felineleukemia.org

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