Gel caps

2005-12-01 Thread Lynne Moquin
We found gel caps invaluable for chinese herbs, which
are usually really bitter.
At first i got the number 4 ones, hardly anything
fits, it took 4 to fill 1/4 t.
I never used the pill filler kit, rather put loose
stuff in a shallow dish and pushed the dry herb into
it, kept pushing and packing it in.

I usually dabbed bit of olive oil on it so it wouldn't
stick in throat, but folks have said just use water to
get it to just barely start melitng to be more

Then, later found and vet suggested the huge caps are
fine, you toss it right into open throat, their gag
reflex is fine with it, they won't aspiriate, it's
liquid you have to squirt slowly from the side.
So i've tossed in 'nutrigest' caps which are huge. I
think the 4 or 2 is good to start with and work your
way up to the 0's !

Yeah, lquid melts a cap. As soon as it starts to fold
up it's hard to handle.
I've kindof used slippery elm syrup in them tho. Not

I was given free sample of beef flavoured caps, they
seem to be from Florida:
but i'm not sure if it's a real advantage. I don't
know the retail price.
You can order any empty gel caps from any pharmacy.


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Test protocol question

2005-12-01 Thread Lynne Moquin
Advice appreciated for when or if we need to test our
two cats again :
Our third cat died of FeLV cancer on Nov.2nd.
The three cats all had fairly close associated during
the last month as in, being in same room and some
physical contact. 
The other two cats had blood drawn on Nov.5 and both
Elisa and IFA were negative.
Should we test them again and if so when ?
One vet said to be "absolutely sure test again" but he
was convinced himself they are okay.
Another vet was all for vaccines no matter what.

These two are 2 1/2. they had one single vacc. at age
12 weeks and as of age 14 1/2 weeks were in VERY close
contact - grooming, sleeping, eating - up to late
Sept. early Oct.

Thanks so much 


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re. Haunted by questions please help ?

2005-11-23 Thread Lynne Moquin
Jenn, and others, appreciate all comments we are
suffering thru bereavement,

Thanks for asking more about our sweet Frodo; we are
sure he was born with the virus.

The haunting question is, and still looking for
answers experiences and opinions :

If a kitten is born with the virus, are they more
likely to succumb at an early age ? Thanks Jenn for
that observation that they often don't live past 3.

We want to know the stats or general percentage of
kittens treated with immuno regulin or whatever, to
turn negative and not be contagious (or is that a
separate question). We wish we had tested and treated,
but we did not. He was a healthy, thriving cat til he
suddenly became ill.

He contracted a major bacterial infection from eating
raw chicken neck, and coincidentally raw venison liver
the same day.
He had been totally happy and normal prior no
infection or problem. Only symptom looking back was he
was not as agile or fast, but we thought he was just
not a kitten anymore.

Because the vet acted like something else might be
going on and seemed to want tons of tests and in
hospital expense, it seemed bogus money grab; then,
someone on a yahoo list not this one, said a culture
and sensitivity was needed, but it was useless if the
cat already started antibiotics. NOT true, and I
believed the person and he didn't get the right
antibiotic for several weeks. Meanwhile he wasn't
eating. All along, we just thought it was an infection
that he would overcome. GREAT regret.

When he died, he also had toxoplasmosis, and we had an
autopsy, he had hi grade lymphoblastic sarcoma in many
places with lesions indicating it had been around
The suggestion to us was he had the cancer before the
campylobacter and stopped eating (he never ate on his
own for his last 8 weeks) because of that.

Other question PLEASE any opinion - is that type of
scenario likely or was vet trying to make me feel
better ? If we had treated the bacterial infection, I
wonder if the cancer could have been tackled with
chemo. Not that we had money, a ton of hospital
expense went on credit cards, but it was in the end
for nothing and subjected him to many antibiotics.

Please help, but I want to know the truth and actual
stats if anyone is aware.


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Questions haunting us please help

2005-11-22 Thread Lynne Moquin
We just lost our cat to feline leuk cancer, that was
only discovered because of a bacterial infection that
didn't heal.
We have questions that still haunt, and wishing we'd
tested and treated him as a kitten. He died at 3 and a
half. We found him in our parking lot around age. 8 or
12 weeks.

Probably beating myself up over it, but i still want
to know the truth so the following questions persist :

if the virus is passed from mother in utero/nursing,
is the infection more
likely to be in the bone marrow ? I read that these
cats tend to live only 2 or 3 years, ie.
lesser lifespan than acquiring the infection after
birth .

If passed in utero, does it start off in the blood and
become more persistent
andpermanent infection later or is it already
entrenched ?

I've also just heard from humane society the tests are
even less accurate before
6 months of age. By what age is the infection then
accurately detected ? by elisa or ifa.
How many cats, as in a percentage, go negative using
immuno regulin or interferon ? If these drugs worked,
are they just expensive ? or are the stories on the
net the 'success' stories only
?or is the spontaneous clearing of virus in some
cats due to unknown factors ?


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Poll on FLV exposure and a question !

2005-11-10 Thread Lynne Moquin
We have gotten wonderful news that our two cats have
tested negative on an IFA.
Our third cat died last week, and was confirmed by IFA
to be positive and died of various infection
complications. Very heartbreaking.
Just finally got the other two tested on Sat. and
finally hearing result today Thurs.

I have a question and also a comment regarding the
poll activity on the list over exposure amongst cats.
Because, we suspect the cat that died from it was born
with it.
We had him for about a year and stupidly never had him
tested even tho we assumed him to have feral origins.,
 then got 2 kittens from a breeder at age 14 1/2 wks.
age. They had gotten one vaccine at 12 weeks, but we
were wary of vaccines and did not follow thru on more.

Anyway, the FLV cat was like a mom to them, constantly
grooming, and just loved them for the last nearly 2
1/2 years. 
they shared everything, bedding, bowls, and even when
we force fed the FLV cat we had one of the others lick
his face and scraps he missed, to help encourage him
food was 'fun'. of course, before we know the FLV
could the kittens have had enough immunity to react to
the FLV initially, and continue to build immunity
after that ?

I find this to be really interesting and useful to
reposrt. Will report more on the pathology post mortem
results we should get tomorrow.

My question is, should we retest with the Elisa type
test, and support immune systems with 'respond'
(ginseng) or some other ? 
We have transfer factor plus adv. as well and just
started giving it to the cat that has an asthma cough.
In other words how happy should we be ? 
Am looking for good hope here where we are devasted at
not aggressively treating the bacterial infection that
started the whole chain reaction for our poor sweet
one who died.


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Vaccination/Treatment and Asthma question

2005-11-04 Thread Lynne Moquin
What is the reaction or how do you deal with a cat who
has asthma, and may be FLV pos. or needs to be
vaccinated ?

Asthma cough if allergic, is an OVER active immune
response isn't it ?
Or is it just a warped immune system ?

Can you give an asthma cat Respond (nutraceutical
or Transfer Factor ? or do these overstimulate the
immune system ?
It would seem great to give Moducare /Moduvet which
MODERATES the immune system, calming an overactive one
and stimulating an underactive one.

How do they handle vaccine or for that matter being
exposed to FLV positive cats ?

Many thanks

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Hard To Diagnose SymptomsPlsHelp

2005-10-25 Thread Lynne Moquin
I am craving support and helpful advice please help !!

have a number of questions different areas. 

Has anyone  heard of enlarged salivary glands, in
conjunction with FLV ?
Our cat had needle aspirate samples sent to a
pathologist and he was stumped, there was no cancer
and the combo of things in it was 'bizarre' he said.
But we wouldn't know for sure without a biopsy.

Vet is concerned with no real change in his demeanour,
eating, and his liquid stool.

Meanwhile, the gut feels like there are enlarged lymph
nodes there.

He has had a reduction in the neck swelling with

I can get him to be a bit interested in lapping
liquid, and he likes water. No solid food tho.
I give him a liver shake, and his regular raw food
diet with supps like Respond, Moducare, probiotics, c,
e, sometimes nutrigest, slippery elm, colostrum.

While still on atbx for long campylobacter infection,
he tested inhouse positive for FLV. I personally
wonder if he's positive due to illness and stress of
campylobacter. It took us weeks to get the right
antbx, so he went thru that for a long time between
tests and vets without the azythromycin.

I am at a loss what to do and vet is saying we're in a
difficult situation, with contradcitory approaches; if
he has surgery to do biopsies we're conerned he'll not
be able to cope after and heal. 
This vet tho has advanced training in chinese herb
approach and treatment. 

Can anyone comment or advise any of this ??
Thanks so much
for Frodo

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Thanks, need help !

2005-10-19 Thread Lynne Moquin
Patti -

thanks for your great email.

Frodo had campylobacter and it took weeks to get the
right antibiotic; the leukemia took hold i assume.

Size of nodules/glands suggests cancer. 

He still has one or two doses of ev other day
I am assuming we have to finish that.

Should i order transfer factor ? and start giving
different supps ?

Should i keep the same food as syringed food ? or
syringe raw and add some supps ? How much can i mess
with digestive tract ? Can add bit of slippery elm,
and laktoferon/colostrum i've got. Have coQ10.

I have arsenicum for diarrhea, he has liquid brown
stool but when he ate on his own on weekend, after
steroid shot he ate raw and his stool firmed up.

Can i give arsenicum 30 c once a day or one dose only
can i give silicia concurrently ,i have that too.

A remote homeopath sugested a bunch of dif. remedies,
is it okay to combine them in a day ? or do one dose
only ?

We are waitng for options today. 

many thanks

for Frodo

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Please Help NewMember I'm scared

2005-10-18 Thread Lynne Moquin
Our cat Frodo has evident cancer because of huge,
enlarged lymph nodes, abdomen and neck,  and an
inhouse test at the vet today.
Vet will recommend treatment options; another vet
there interened with oncology.

If our cat has had a severe campylobacter infection.
lost a lot of weight and has been syringe fed already
for a number of weeks, will chemo continue as the same
sort of thing that we have to do ?

I am so stunned I'm sure i don't know what to ask, 
i like holistic and supportive measures.

I like homeopathy.

Has anyone heard of success with homeopathy ? or with
eg. colostrum or transfer factor ?

Anything i could get right now for him ?

many thanks please reply !!

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