Please add Tabbs to CLS list Thank you Belinda

2006-04-11 Thread Sandra

Tabbs Spain, crossed over, 8th AprilI am heart broken, but after Tabbs
Long and brave fight, I had my Lady vetcome out to the House to put My brave
boy to sleep,  He had so many trips tothe vets in the last month that I
did not have the heart for that last one,when I knew that he would know
where he was going.  I have known we werelosing the fight for the last
3 weeks, He  had lost interest in his food andalso had lost a lot of
weight, but was still enjoying life up until the last2 days. he did not wish
too be with me any longer  sleeping or for sittingon my lap. and 
on the Friday I had called the vet out, I picked him up forhis last cuddle,
but he wanted to be put down, and when I put him on thefloor,for him to go
back to his hiding spot in the video unit, he rush outside into the garden,
and did a wee, but then instead of going to one of hisold sleeping spot, he
disappeared down the into the Spanish under growthwhere I could not follow
him, due to us living on a mountain type range. Allday I called him and all
night, up to 2.30 in the morning, I was stillexpecting him to  turn up
on the end of my bed, but I was scared that he wasnot coming back, and had
gone off to die.Back up again 4 , and  6, still no Tabbs, by 8 o
clock I knew he was notgoing to turn up,So on with my walking shoes and
a lot of protection clothing, plus mywalking stick, and some rope, and down
the mountain I went calling andpraying, but knowing unless I could see him,
I would not be able to recoverhim, due to not responding to me on other
occasions, when he wanted to hour later and a little bit
worst for wear due to the heavy undergrowth, I hear 3 meow's from him, but
for the next 20 mins nothing, but atleast I knew he was down there some
where, and a lot further down than Iwould have though he would have gone. I
shouted to my husband to get the carand drive down to the bottom of the
valley to see if could hear him or seehim , but no luck there. But my young
cat Tiger who follows me every where,had followed me down through the thick
under growth and was further down,than me, but he had found Tabbs, who was
behind a big stone rock, it took me about 10mins to get to him, But he
would not come to me, I now had the problem ofclimbing back up with him in
my arms, which to begin with was OK, as he washappy to have a cuddle, after
10 mins with one arm round him and the othertrying to grab plant life to
pull myself back up the hill, I was havingtrouble hanging onto him,But
20 mins later, and nearly having a heart attack we got to the top. Oh Iwas
so happy, to have found him, I had thoughts that I would have alwayshave
been looking down that valley and wondering where he was, and neverknowing
how long he was there before he past on.My FELV boy Chang who pass on last
summer, did this to us, and also My FELVBoy Rocky , he went missing for 3
days, but came back to die, they whereboth, too wild too do any treatment
with. But Tabbs who was also a stray wassomeone's pet at some
time,Sadly Tabbs did not wish me to hold him or give him cuddles, and
went backinto his hiding place of the Video, so the phone call I had made
the daybefore had to be repeated, No interest in food or water, and he
lookedreally fed up. I spent a couple of hours sitting next to him and 
giving himmy contact and talking to him, while we waited for the vet to
come. Eventhen he tried to do a little roll for me to tickle his tummy. My
best Boy.The end was easy and very peace full for him, thanks to my
vet. If we could have got the epogen, then may be he would have had
a betterchance, for any one interested in the care Tabbs had or the 
history onfeline interferon and interferon A which he was treated with, then
when I amfeeling better, I will give any information that may or may not be
ofinterest.Also if we had started the Interferon early may be things
would have had abetter ending.I do believe that the Interferon did give
Tabbs a couple of extra months. hewas ill at Xmas time, so who knows.but
Thanks to you all and this web site I do feel that I was able to do morefor
Tabbs, than I would have with out it. Thank you.please  Belinda
would you add Tabbs to CLS list, do I need to send you aphoto of Tabbs. I
would like rush, good luck with your operation, praying all goes
well and aspeedily recoveryDare I ask how is Bailey doing, I have been
too upset to view the e mailsover the last week so forgive me on not being
up to date.
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Re: Please add Tabbs to CLS list Thank you Belinda

2006-04-11 Thread Kat
Dear Sandra,

I'm so very sorry your precious Tabbs is gone.  But I'm glad you had the
extra few months with him, and that you both shared your love with him.
Please know that you and you husband are in my prayers.

Kat (Mew Jersey)

Re: Please add Tabbs to CLS list Thank you Belinda

2006-04-11 Thread Susan Loesch
What a hard fight for life Tabbs made; such a brave boy.  I am so sorry.Sandra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Tabbs Spain, crossed over, 8th AprilI am heart broken, but after Tabbs Long and brave fight, I had my Lady vetcome out to the House to put My brave boy to sleep,  He had so many trips
 tothe vets in the last month that I did not have the heart for that last one,when I knew that he would know where he was going.  I have known we werelosing the fight for the last 3 weeks, He  had lost interest in his food andalso had lost a lot of weight, but was still enjoying life up until the last2 days. he did not wish too be with me any longer  sleeping or for sittingon my lap. and  on the Friday I had called the vet out, I picked him up forhis last cuddle, but he wanted to be put down, and when I put him on thefloor,for him to go back to his hiding spot in the video unit, he rush outside into the garden, and did a wee, but then instead of going to one of hisold sleeping spot, he disappeared down the into the Spanish under growthwhere I could not follow him, due to us living on a mountain type range. Allday I called him and all night, up to 2.30 in the morning, I was stillexpecting him to 
 turn up on the end of my bed, but I was scared that he wasnot coming back, and had gone off to die.Back up again 4 , and  6, still no Tabbs, by 8 o clock I knew he was notgoing to turn up,So on with my walking shoes and a lot of protection clothing, plus mywalking stick, and some rope, and down the mountain I went calling andpraying, but knowing unless I could see him, I would not be able to recoverhim, due to not responding to me on other occasions, when he wanted to hour later and a little bit worst for wear due to the heavy undergrowth, I hear 3 meow's from him, but for the next 20 mins nothing, but atleast I knew he was down there some where, and a lot further down than Iwould have though he would have gone. I shouted to my husband to get the carand drive down to the bottom of the valley to see if could hear him or seehim , but no luck there. But my young cat Tiger who follows me every
 where,had followed me down through the thick under growth and was further down,than me, but he had found Tabbs, who was behind a big stone rock, it took me about 10mins to get to him, But he would not come to me, I now had the problem ofclimbing back up with him in my arms, which to begin with was OK, as he washappy to have a cuddle, after 10 mins with one arm round him and the othertrying to grab plant life to pull myself back up the hill, I was havingtrouble hanging onto him,But 20 mins later, and nearly having a heart attack we got to the top. Oh Iwas so happy, to have found him, I had thoughts that I would have alwayshave been looking down that valley and wondering where he was, and neverknowing how long he was there before he past on.My FELV boy Chang who pass on last summer, did this to us, and also My FELVBoy Rocky , he went missing for 3 days, but came back to die, they whereboth, too wild too do any
 treatment with. But Tabbs who was also a stray wassomeone's pet at some time,Sadly Tabbs did not wish me to hold him or give him cuddles, and went backinto his hiding place of the Video, so the phone call I had made the daybefore had to be repeated, No interest in food or water, and he lookedreally fed up. I spent a couple of hours sitting next to him and  giving himmy contact and talking to him, while we waited for the vet to come. Eventhen he tried to do a little roll for me to tickle his tummy. My best Boy.The end was easy and very peace full for him, thanks to my vet. If we could have got the epogen, then may be he would have had a betterchance, for any one interested in the care Tabbs had or the  history onfeline interferon and interferon A which he was treated with, then when I amfeeling better, I will give any information that may or may not be ofinterest.Also if we had started the
 Interferon early may be things would have had abetter ending.I do believe that the Interferon did give Tabbs a couple of extra months. hewas ill at Xmas time, so who knows.but Thanks to you all and this web site I do feel that I was able to do morefor Tabbs, than I would have with out it. Thank you.please  Belinda would you add Tabbs to CLS list, do I need to send you aphoto of Tabbs. I would like rush, good luck with your operation, praying all goes well and aspeedily recoveryDare I ask how is Bailey doing, I have been too upset to view the e mailsover the last week so forgive me on not being up to date.  [EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED]   I am using the free version of SPAMfighter for private users.It has removed 1180 spam emails to date.Paying users do not have this message in their emails.Try SPAMfighter for free now!

Re: Please add Tabbs to CLS list Thank you Belinda

2006-04-11 Thread Sandra

Thank you for you kind thoughts for Tabbs and us
the list has been a god send in letting me feel that I did all that was 
possible for Tabbs



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Re: Please add Tabbs to CLS list Thank you Belinda

2006-04-11 Thread TenHouseCats
oh, sandra, i'm so sorry. i haven't been posting that much lately, but have been following tabbs' story.
i'm glad that you were able to have time with him at the end--his letting you find him when he'd gone off speaks loudly of how much he understood your love and concern for him, and the trust he placed in you.
they teach us so much, don't they? 
GLOW that tabbs found his way to the bridge gently, and for your heart to heal. he'll always be a part of you, and of all of us who've followed his courageous journey.
MC-- MaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCatsMSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 289856892 

Re: Please add Tabbs to CLS list Thank you Belinda

2006-04-11 Thread Sandra

Thank you so much for your kind
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