Fjord mare for sale in Utah

2013-09-23 Thread Cherie Mascis
This message is from: Cherie Mascis 

Hi all,

I'm selling my 9 year old Norwegian Fjord mare.  I have had her since she was  
7 months old.  She's very drafty in build (okay, I admit she's also fat) and 
too wide for me.  I'm 5'2" and my hips are killing me after about an hour.  She 
is a good trail horse, backs well, and side-passes. She has ridden in groups 
and around wagons, has been around llamas, goats, sheep, ATVs, tractors, and 
motorcycles.  She's been to the Fjords and Friends Fest in North Carolina three 
times and enjoyed camping in her stall, trail riding, doing some arena riding 
(she liked the trail class and the practice Family Fjord test), and playing 
games like rolling the giant green ball.  

I have ridden her with English (Sensation treeless) and Western saddles 
(presently use a Bob Marshall Sports Saddle).  I ride her in a bitless bridle 
(Nurtural). She does not neck rein.  She is green-broke to drive.  Lots of 
ground driving (with a side-pull bridle) and has pulled a SaddleChariot in a 
large arena and was absolutely fine with it, even when I tried the quick 

She knows the Parelli games and really enjoys clicker training.

I haven't ridden her much this year, but in the past when she's been ridden 
occasionally, she's been fine.

I'm looking for a 13.2-14 hand gaited horse/pony and would be willing to trade, 
but only to an awesome home. 

Contact me privately for more info.  


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Re: Listings to find a Fjord, "deadbroke" or "child safe"?

2013-09-23 Thread ruth bushnell
This message is from: "ruth bushnell" 

This message is from: Logans -
...<>..While I completely agree that Fjords have amazing power behind them, I
have to
respectfully disagree about Fjords and kids. We've built an entire lesson
program using ONLY our Fjord horses. Are they naughty sometimes? Yep. They're
horses. But they really do love the kids and adore being ridden by them. All
that said, they are under supervision/instruction...<>...  Corrine

Granted, that’s admirable, but your position is a qualified one..  “under

I’m guessing that precious few children, out of random sales, would have
that same advantage.

Aside from the potential  for liability (selling an unsafe horse $$) ...there
would be the

unconscionable burden of having contributed to an unfortunate outcome.

Let me put it this way.. in a two horse scenario-- one a Fjord, one a
non-Fjord.. both horses are

loving and well mannered, both respond positively to children.. both are stung
by a bee...!

which one do you think might shy sideways the farthest and hardest...??

there’s not any doubt in my mind.

Ruthie, nw mt US

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> Re: Listings to find a Fjord, "deadbroke" or "child safe"?

2013-09-23 Thread Logans - Willows Edge Farm LLC
This message is from: Logans - Willows Edge Farm LLC 

That's a funny one - yes a broomstick would be dead broke.

While I completely agree that Fjords have amazing power behind them, I have to
respectfully disagree about Fjords and kids. We've built an entire lesson
program using ONLY our Fjord horses. Are they naughty sometimes? Yep. They're
horses. But they really do love the kids and adore being ridden by them. All
that said, they are under supervision/instruction (and sometimes prefer the
kids to us adults as could be seen at the Libby show LOL!).

And yes, we always have helmets - not optional: my barn, my rules. :)

Our website offers listings of Fjords and I think there are a couple nice ones
on there now for someone looking for really quiet Fjords - Amy's being one of

Enjoying a little cooler weather now - we've dropped down into the 70s!!!,

Corinne Logan
Willows Edge Farm, LLC
Boise/Kuna, Idaho
(208) 779-0483

> He was somewhere near correct. We've never sold a Fjord horse for a child
> because we feel they are
> too strong for their handling; that because of their extra strength can
> react too forcefully. Unless
> your youngster is considerably horse savvy, I would not recommend a Fjord.
> Start with an older pony sized
> horse that has been much used.

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Wagon/Cart/Harness/Fjord for sale in WI

2013-09-23 Thread Dave and Patti Walter
This message is from: "Dave and Patti Walter" 

Advertising for a friend. They have an Easy Entry Training Cart $300, Wagon
Express from Shipshewana In $1100, Synthetic Work Harness like new $400,
also a Beta Team Harness $400 ALL USED on FJORDS. 
Then they have a 7 yr old Registered Fjord gelding trained in driving and
riding $5000. Located in EAST CENTRAL WI. 
You can call Jeanne or Terry 920 856-6106  or email at Jeanne Wiegand

Everything is in really good shape, they take care of their animals and
their equipment. 

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers WI 

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fm Sher - Fjord Listings ... Terms "deadbroke" / "child safe"

2013-09-23 Thread RkyMtnTrls
This message is from:

Hello, folks -
I only had time yesterday  for a quick email to the list .. as we 
were heading into the city in a  couple minutes.  (Our ranch is 45 minutes 
from the nearest  city.)   So, it was a "quickie" post (wink!)
I am 50 years old, been  riding the mountains for 17 years - but do 
NOT enjoy a horse that is  prone to being jumpy, hot / up energy, or has no 
experience on trails / has just  been a show horse or arena time is all 
it's experience is.  I *DO*  enjoy a horse that is reliable in rugged mountain 
terrain, quick laid back  temperament, also coined as a 
"been-there-done-that" trail horse.  For  someone who rides the mountains - 
like right next to a 
roaring river, or on  a 24" wide path carved into the side of a mountain 
where a horse can not even  turn around due to the steep slope ... these 
scenarios are not unusual for where  I ride.  You can see why a VERY calm and 
steady trail partner is a  necessity, not a frivolous "want"  (wink!)
My trail buddy now is a 29  1/2 year old Haflinger, 13.2 hands, who 
one could actually put a total newbie on  his back and he *will* babysit 
that newbie through the most rugged  terrain.  Unfortunately, next year when 
the rock-solid, reliable old man is  30 years old - a most respectful old age 
- he is ready & and had earned  his retirement from the mountain trails.  
He is showing me this fall,  that he's just not going to be up for it, next 
year - bless his heart for the  "wants-to", but the "can-do" days are done, 
after a long and wonderful life of  service.  (Btw, he gets 35 acres to 
retire on - so it's not a bad  "retirement life" ahead for him.)   I am looking 
for his  successor.:-)
Have more time to re-ask  the question today, so here goes ... 
I am looking for websites  that post Fjords for sale.  I know of .. .. but  there must be other sites to keep an eye 
on, for Fjords for sale in  particular?  Any leads as to what those sites 
would be ... website url or  name so that I can google the url ?   I am 
watching such sites - but -  won't be buying until Spring (firm on timing.)
I expect to pay  a more-than-usual fee for what I am looking for in a Fjord 
- as *most*  horses (of any breed) will NOT match up to what I am seeking 
(which is,  using loose terms, a "been-there-done-that" trail Fjord, with 
specifics on  size.)
The price is not a problem  - the timing (Spring) is very firm, 
though.   :-)   Spring  is when I will have all the funds ready ... including 
the cost of shipping  home.  After years of keeping an eye open in my own 
state - with very very  few Fjords matching up to my search-points ... I expect 
"my" Fjord is likely  going to be in a different state.  Flying out to 
review a prospect in  person, is not a problem, as our family works in the 
airlines (low flying  costs.)
As an example - I *have*  found over the last few weeks, several 
Fjords who meet my search-points.   If it were Spring right now, I would be 
catching a flight out to  review this little mare today, LOL! :-) 
( Anafina 
has the 
temperament (a 2 on the 1Calm-10Hot scale), a little short but  might work (I 
under 5' tall - am actually looking for 13.3-14.01 hands), and  has the 
"been-there-done-that" background experience that is vital to the type  of 
I ride.  Her price is very reasonable at $6,000 too.I only really need a 
solid trail horse - so one that drives, or does dressage,  or is a 
broodmare ... all of that is nice, but not important to the focus of a  
trail horse.
Thank you to the folks who  written so far - I do appreciate your 
input :-)
Hello, Karen - Yes, I  will hang onto your email & will share with 
you any listing sites leads that  are shared with me   :-)   Will do!(  
Karen Keith _kkkeith@hotmail.com_ (  )
Hello, Ruth -  Yes, I  understand the point (smiles!)Having 
ridden the mountains for  17 years - I know very much that a horse is a horse.  
The loose terms of  "bombproof", "child safe", "been-there-done-that"  
these are all loose terms  to get a feel, not meant to be taken literally.  
As any rider who's been in  any sort of a saddle, for any length of time, 
will have come to understand - a  horse is still a thinking animal.;-) 
Rest assured - when Spring comes with  full funds in hand - I will be 
asking a LOT of questions based on many  years of mountain riding background 
and will be asking the seller to  demonstrate everything.  Even a short 
trail ride (ie, not just demonstrate  in a round pen or the home pasture.)  I 
expect to pay extra for a trail  demo - not a problem, especially when it 
helps finds the best match out