Re: Help (Jean Gayle)

2001-07-05 Thread bsimonson
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

(What can I feed him to improve his weight yet not over
burden his system? Would wheat germ oil help? Is bran to hot? Jean)


I just recently learned of a product called Fastrack made by Conklin.
Our next door neighbor swears by it! (And she has LOTS of performance
horses.) The product brochure claims that trainers and owners report
"Increased perfomance and endurance, shinier hair coat, enhanced
appetite and feed utilization, improved hoof quality and enhanced
health." It also mentions that horses fed this feed additive have a
lower incidence of colic. The product brochure also satates that
Fastrack is a "...unique combination of natural lactic acid producing
bacteria, yeast, enzymes, FOS (fructooligosaccharides), specialized
proteins and vitamins to ensure a healthy digestive tract, enhancing
th eimmune system and defending against pathogenic agents in the
digestive tract." It might be worth trying - I have heard of others
who really like it as well!

If you would like more information or would like to know where to get
it, you can e-mail me privately at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Brenda Simonson
Sparta, WI

Re: Burt & Colic

2000-12-29 Thread bsimonson
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I would like to say thank you all of the kind words everyone has
expressed over the loss of my horse. It means a great deal to me to
have that kind of support from friends.

My family and I continue to discuss the events leading up to Burt's
death. I have poured over countless articles and journals reading
about what could have potentially been the cause.

I have a Horseman's Vet Encyclopedia and have been reading through it
like mad. When I read through the section on shock and the section on
colic, I was astounded to see how the symptoms mirrored Burt's. As I
continued to read about colic on a website titled, again
all of the symptoms mirrored Burt's. I am inclined to think that it
was shock that took him down. All articles read stated that it is
usually shock that will kill before the colic actually does.

I know many of you suggested a necropsy, but we (my brother and I)
decided to not have it done. Hind sight says that maybe I should have.
At the time, my pocket book said I shouldn't.

I continue to read information that I feel might be relevant to what
the death might have been. I know that some of you have mentioned the
West Nile virus, and that is the next item I plan on exploring. (On a
side note, I do know that the magazine The Horse has run some articles
on it recently. That magazine is an excellent publication that deals
strictly with the health issues in the equine industry - I would
recommend it.) I am not quite sure about the enteritis theory though -
tubing him produced no reflux. It is all still so puzzling...

Again, thank you, all of you!

Brenda Simonson