Re: Twins

2006-04-11 Thread bushnell

This message is from: "bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This message is from: "Catherine lassesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Sorry to hear about losing one of your twins. Fjordee hugs to you all.

Catherine Lassesen

THANKS CATHERINE! say, we have a "muddy piece of heaven" here too =)) I 
can't recall a season of EXTENDED mud as bad as this one! All the Fjords 
have beauty packs, (secret of their good looks?).

The wonderful thing about all the moisture is that resevoirs are being 
refilled, so don't dare complain.

As I mentioned in the last few weeks, Odie has much longer hair, so the mud 
REALLY clings to him! I plan to take a photo of him this week and post it on 
the other list (where you can show photos).. I'm sure he'd win an ugly Fjord 
contest right now!

Fjordee hugs to you too!

Ruthie, nw mt US

Bushwhacker Fjords
Gene and Ruthie Bushnell

Re: twins

2001-08-17 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 8/17/01 5:15:22 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> The vet hadn't seen fjord twins before, better yet one that lived over a
> full year. They called Chip but he had never had twins before either. The
> moral of the story isa $50 ultrasound is worth its weight in gold. Good
> thing you are checking your mares. Since this springs round of babies and
> gestations has been strange I am not surprised to hear that the saga
> continues into this breeding year.

Yes.  That ultrasound is a good, small investment.

One other thing, I've mentioned before, and I think Carol R. has since tried 
it, is the red raspberry leaf.  We had the devil of a time getting Juniper 
pregnant this year.  She's healthy, very fit, as I rode her throughout fall, 
winter and spring, and fertile.  The stallion is extremely fertile.  But no 
baby.  She started pooling after being bred.  I remembered.  I had NOT given 
her her red raspberry leaf.  Okay, okay, it sounds like witch-doctoring, but 
I fed-exed a bag of the leaf to the stallion owner.  Had her give Juniper a 
handful a day every day for a week.  Then back off to every other day (the 
usual dose).  Voila~ a mare with a very nice pregnancy!  Now I'll only give 
it to her through her third month.  Then I'll start, every other day again, 
in her 8th month.  Upon delivery, I will then give it to her every day.  It 
helps tone the uterus and bring her back into shape.


Re: twins

2001-08-17 Thread Sanders
This message is from: "Sanders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Julie,
This spring some friends had waited patiently (for a full year!) for the
arrival of their first fjord baby. Their three young girls were all excited.
To make a long story short the vet had to induce labor. The first twin was
the size of a cat and mummified. The second twin was the size of a dog and
was alive until the birth event. The sac was discolored and unhealthy. The
family was devastated until the vet told them their mare was at risk and
everyone rallied, thankful she came through healthy in the end.

The vet hadn't seen fjord twins before, better yet one that lived over a
full year. They called Chip but he had never had twins before either. The
moral of the story isa $50 ultrasound is worth its weight in gold. Good
thing you are checking your mares. Since this springs round of babies and
gestations has been strange I am not surprised to hear that the saga
continues into this breeding year.

Good Luck
Teresa Sanders
Northern Idaho

" This year, 3 mares have turned up with twins on our farm, and our vet
has seen 3 others...the first twins he has seen on ultrasound in 6 years.
Anybody else finding twins this year?"

Julie at Old Hickory Farm in New York.

Re: Twins

2001-08-17 Thread lazyao
This message is from: "lazyao" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Two years ago in middle Tennesse there were seven sets of twins born live
within a 50 mile area.  No one knows why.


Re: twins

2001-08-17 Thread Mary Thurman
This message is from: Mary Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- Julie Will <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This message is from: "Julie Will"
> I wanted to report one interesting thing, and see if
> others have had this
> experience.  We always ultrasound the mares we
> breed, both to confirm the
> pregnancy and to check for twins.  Until this
> summer, we have NEVER had twins
> occur.  This year, 3 mares have turned up with twins
> on our farm, 
> Anybody else finding twins this year?


We're no longer breeding horses, but our mare Line
bore a pair of live twins the spring after she was
imported into Canada from Norway.  I don't think
anyone had any idea she was carrying twins at the time
she was imported.  Anita said that the twin colts were
born alive but their legs were a tangled mess.  One
twin was put down shortly after birth, the other later
after it was obvious that his legs would never be of
much use to him.  We always used ultrasound on Line
after bringing her to Washington state.  One
ultrasound did indicate there might be twins, but a
subsequent ultrasound(several weeks later) revealed
only one foal, which grew normally.  I have always
made sure that people who purchased Line's fillies
knew about her twins - just in case such things are
inherited, as they can be in humans.


Mary Thurman
Raintree Farms

Re: twins

1999-02-11 Thread Mary Thurman
This message is from: Mary Thurman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

---Lori Albrough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This message is from: Lori Albrough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Mary Thurman wrote:
> > No, unfortunately, both twins died.  
> Oh, that's too bad :-( There are very few success stories with twins,
> but I was hoping you had one. Most twins do die, and those that don't
> often have health problems, bone problems, etc. I also heard that
> fillies who are born twin to a colt have reproductive and behavioural
> problems -- but I love to hear about the success stories that defy the
> odds.

A few years ago there was a set of perfect twins born here in the US. 
The story is in one of the old Fjord Herald magazines.  I'll look
through my old copies and see if I can find it and let you know which
issue it's in.  As I recall they were not expected either, but I'm not

Now you have my curiousity piqued!

Mary Thurman
Raintree Farms

Get your free address at

Re: twins

1999-02-10 Thread Lori Albrough
This message is from: Lori Albrough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Mary Thurman wrote:
> No, unfortunately, both twins died.  

Oh, that's too bad :-( There are very few success stories with twins,
but I was hoping you had one. Most twins do die, and those that don't
often have health problems, bone problems, etc. I also heard that
fillies who are born twin to a colt have reproductive and behavioural
problems -- but I love to hear about the success stories that defy the

There was a story in the Dutch Fjord magazine a little while ago about a
set of healthy Fjord twins, two colts. They showed a bunch of colour
photos, and were they ever cute! You should see these two little fellows
following momma along a sort of parade or presentation route.  Everyone
in the pictures is smiling. Both the twins look fairly matched in size.
I think I'll dig it out and see if I can read anymore of it, now that my
Dutch has improved so much 


Bluebird Lane Fjords
Moorefield, Ontario, Canada