RE: Welcome to fjordhorse

1998-08-18 Thread Werner, Kristine
This message is from: Werner, Kristine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello everybody - I`m new now to the Fjord Mailing List as of today and
thought I would introduce myself and
my pony. 
My name is Kristine and I live near Frankfurt, Germany. My horse`s name
is Kai, from Kvest Halsnaes. He just turned four in May. I have been
riding him and having him ridden since November of last year. What a joy
he is !! But I must admit,
as willing and sweet-natured as he is under saddle and going for walks,
he hates to be longed ! I wonder if any of you
have experienced the bucking and kicking Fjord horse trying with all his
might to get out of doing this exercise. Compared to Hannoveraners and
so on Kai is a real terror on the longe. I am wondering whether he will
ever get used to it. I suppose it is boring and he thinks it is
senseless - but I am convinced of it`s virtues. What do you think ?

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Dienstag, 18. August 1998 10:51
 Subject:  Welcome to fjordhorse


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Welcome to FjordHorse

1998-03-29 Thread Steve McIlree
  Congratulations on being the first person to post a message to the
  new Fjord Horse mailing list.  Tank says Hi.  He got to go for a
  little ride today and then he wallowed in the mud.
Steve McIlree  Cynthia Madden -- Pferd, Keyah, Skipper, Tank -- Omaha, 
Nebraska, USA
  When I bestride him, I soar, I am a hawk...the basest horn of his hoof is more
  musical than the pipe of Hermes. --William Shakespeare(1564-1616)