Re: [Flashcoders] E4X: reading CDATA

2011-06-20 Thread Christoffer Enedahl
If you are getting " .

Does this sound right?

- Michael M.

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Re: [Flashcoders] PureMVC vs Cairngorm // who's better?

2011-06-11 Thread Christoffer Enedahl


artur skrev 2008-04-11 21:08:
whats the verdict for using one over the other --  for a Flex+AMFphp  


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Re: [Flashcoders] Automatic quality toggle

2011-02-26 Thread Christoffer Enedahl

It sounds like it's time to encode the flash animation to video.

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Re: [Flashcoders] Embedded Fonts: Works in CS4, Fails in CS5?

2010-06-26 Thread Christoffer Enedahl
I don't know about cs5, but this thing got me a day ago when I needed to 
use stysheets and fonts, I had to add fontFamily in the embed tag aswell 
for the font to show.

 [Embed("arial.ttf", fontName="_Arial", fontFamily="_Arial",


Bill S. skrev:

One of the frustrating things with CS3 Flash was (contrary to many blogs -- and 
I believe the docs) that you could not actually [EMBED] fonts.

However this worked wonderfully in CS4.

But now, in (a fully updated) CS5 I can't seem to get EMBED to work again.

The below code is exactly the same in a CS4 and a CS5 FLA. Literally, the same 
fla file was copied and updated to CS5. The font class was untouched.

All it is meant to do is display "This is my text", which works in CS4.

The code is the same for both CS4 and CS5.
Am I missing something in the code? Or a setting?

import flash.text.AntiAliasType;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
import fonts._Arial;

[SWF(backgroundColor="#ddffdd", frameRate="30")]

var Arial:_Arial = new _Arial(); 

 var _title:TextField = new TextField();
x = 1;
y = 1;
alpha = 100;
background = false;
   defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat(font="_Arial",size=24,color=0xff,align="center"); 
   width = 500;

   visible = true;
   selectable = true;
   type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
   antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED;
   embedFonts = true;
   text = "This is my text";
   trace("Embedded");  // Embedded is outputted in both cases.

 trace("error in TextField setup: " + e);

// the fonts._Arial class
package fonts
 import flash.text.Font;
 import flash.display.Sprite;

 public class _Arial extends Sprite
  [Embed("arial.ttf", fontName="_Arial", mimeType='application/x-font')]
  public var m_font:Class;

  public function _Arial():void


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[Flashcoders] SquishFilter 0.1 Released!

2010-06-14 Thread Christoffer Enedahl

Check out my new filter, the SquishFilter, free for non commersial use:

In this demo I’ve animated a wooden box in the timeline. In as3 I added 
the Pixel Bender filter (that I wrote) in the filters array of the 
animation. The filter is making the movieclip bulge and pinch when 
scaleY is more or less than 1.

Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] Preventing duplicate values in string constants (PureMVC)

2010-03-09 Thread Christoffer Enedahl
I've published a little tip about preventing duplicate values in string 

Read about it here:

Excerpt: PureMVC uses strings to map notifications. This could lead to a 
number of string constants in a class. When creating new notifications I 
usually duplicate an old existing string constant. This is a problem, if 
I forget to change the value of the duplicated constant, there will be 
two constants with the same value, leading to unexpected behaviors that 
are hard to debug.

/Christoffer Enedahl

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Re: is it ever ideal to NOT use weak references?

2010-02-07 Thread Christoffer Enedahl

Piers Cowburn skrev:

That way, if I forget to remove the event listener in a destroy method or 
whatever, it should still end up eligible for GC.

Cases where the event doesn't fire because a weak reference was used only 
happen if there are no strong references anywhere else, so the object rightly 
gets GC'd
One cannot be sure that the object get GC'd right away or at all. lets 
say you have a movieclip with a weak ENTER_FRAME listener on itself. the 
movieclips references are all removed. The ENTER_FRAME could still be 
dispatched, and is out of your control. However i think it's a good 
practice to use weak eventlisteners.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] AS3 Papervision Question

2009-04-25 Thread Christoffer Enedahl
That site is not using papervision, it's using prerendered clips, which 
is used celeverly with rotation.

I havn't tried using a viewpoint as a material, but I think it should 
work, performance might be an issue though.


Omar Fouad skrev:

Hi all,
I am wondering if I can create a 3D object in papervision, as a movieClip,
and apply it as a material to a Sphere, like, for example some piramids
placed on the Sphere.
Another thing, If I would let each piramid on the sphere to have a specific
click event, in this case I think that each piramid should be a different
material object, so I can give to each one of them a different click event.
Is this possible?
I've seen this site, and I think, they
did in a way, what I am trying to ask.

Thanks in advance.


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Getting attributes out of a node with : in it

2009-02-09 Thread Christoffer Enedahl
when you refer to the node write it like this: yweather::condition with 
double colons


Robert Leisle skrev:

Check out the Namespace class, as it applies to XML, in the Flash docs.
There's also a good explanation in this tutorial by Lee Brimelow:


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Eric E. Dolecki
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2009 10:37 AM
To: Flash Coders List
Subject: [Flashcoders] Getting attributes out of a node with : in it

For example I have a node like so:

How can I get into that node to pull attributes out? The ":" in the node
name is screwing my up at the moment.

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Re: [Flashcoders] Re: showing code progress with progress bar

2008-11-24 Thread Christoffer Enedahl

You'll have to make your own threading code. ie this

var processCursor = 0;
var processLength = 1; //example who many lines to parse

function onEnterFrame(){

   if( processCursor < processLength){
  //go to complete frame


function processLittlePiece(){  


Hans Wichman skrev:

wont work

On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 6:36 PM, Latcho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


what about a functioncall every 100th loop that has to return fake data (a
true or false or anything else) to the loop?
Within that function you update the display progress

Mac Angell wrote:

Yeah, I actually do have a huge parse that I want to show progress on,
but using ENTER_FRAME just seems like a hack. So I guess the answer to
my question is "no". Thanks everyone for the ideas!


Yikes! I don't think he actually wants the loop to take any longer



necessary. I'm assuming he's got some sort of computationally



operation (huge parse or something) that he wants to show the

progress. How


about subdividing your loop into more manageable chunks that get

called once


a frame?




-jonathan howe

-Mac Angell

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Re: [Flashcoders] back in job hell

2008-11-02 Thread Christoffer Enedahl
If I were you I'd be pissed and ask for half my money now and a written 
contract with a spec, timeframe and milestones. If it doesn't come Id 
stop developing for that company on the grounds that the contractor has 
changed the oral contracts premesis.

About asking for cleaning up the code it's not a good thing, the 
developer should write clean code from start, unless it's a prototype. 
If you are on a real short timeframe, keeping your head cool is the most 
important thing, doing your code fast is a timebomb for getting very 
hard bugs to solve, which eats up the time you gained and more. So I'd 
take my time and thing before coding in any situation. Be smart and KISS 
(Keep it simple stupid)

Also, only focus on what you really need to get the things done, if you 
know where other stuff will come in later, add a comment and move on. 
Having a todolist with deadlines helps to keep you focused.

Oh, by doing as I suggest with your contractor things can go havok, 
especially with money, it's up to you.
I don't know the whole relationship you've got with them. Just don't 
blame me when the shit hits the fan ;)

My 2 cents

Anthony Pace skrev:

Hello all,

I was sucked into this project because I was told by my PM that I 
could use it as a portfolio piece to show off my coding skills and I 
could take up to six weeks on my evenings and weekends; however, after 
the first week all I heard was that I was not moving fast enough.  4 
weeks into the development cycle, and my access to the FTP server has 
been blocked, and I am worried about whether or not I am going to get 

Every time I even suggested cleaning up the code or getting more 
object oriented for later sustainability, I was told that if it would 
take half an hour longer that I shouldn't do it.  Here I am thinking 
about avoiding support hassles and making it easier for a third party 
to use and edit my code in the future; yet, he doesn't give a shit, 
and that he just wants it NOW.  "Well what about the clients needs? 
don't you want to give them something they will be happy with?", to 
which he retorted "I love the way you are thinking, you are definitely 
in the right head space; yet, right now I don't give a shit, I need to 
show my client something, and I just want it NOW."  Okay, I understand 
needing to show the client something; yet, why not promise them a 
realistic time frame?

Tired of this independent BS and dreaming of a real project,

sebastian wrote:
You can give clients more than they ask for, but just tell them 
clearly that you are. I've done this numerous times before and it 
hasn't led me into bad expectations the next time. It's all about 
being clear. Calculating efforts, communicating them for your and 
your client[s] benefits [before you negotiate final price], and then 
communicating progress -- in such a way that details are only 
discussed when unclear or when you need their input, or you are truly 

In essence, all of this is 101 project management [PM] skills. As an 
independent it goes a long way to be a good PM... even if the only 
person you are managing on your team is yourself to the client...


Good luck! Hope you made it out ok.


dr.ache wrote:

Like everytime - a communication problem. Sometimes a developer is not
capable of explaining all that stuff to a client because he stucks 
in details a

client should not be confronted with - then he needs a middle man.

Sometimes the middle man itself has to less ideas what development
means so he uses the wrong communication tools, too - what the client
is concerned.

Next time you should communicate at an earlier stage that you gonna
work your ass off to make that work a good one. Its weird to have a 

complain about things that are actually good for him. How does it come?
Communication problem!

Ultimately I think the client just feels passed over in the decision 

Thats why he is not satisfied with a better version of his website.

Anthony Pace schrieb:

Hi again,

My client is saying his client is going to back out of the deal now 
if he doesn't get all of his revisions to the interface by the 
weekend; not a difficult request, but I will never work for my 
client again.  You need paper between you and your client, and if 
you don't get that paper, it is not the developer's fault.

Who takes on a project from a client without getting papers 
signed?  For goodness sake get a contract online at the very least 
and have it signed; yet, then again, I didn't with my middle man, 
who is turning out to not to be a really good middle man after 
all.  I need a middle man that will make it so I don't have to talk 
to the client at all unless it is about design and interface/work 
flow choices.

My middle man says he will pay me, but what an idiot for taking on 
a client like that.  If his client backs out and he is out of 
pocket, should I make him pay?  I feel bad for this guy, but I did 
a lo

Re: [Flashcoders] I am stuck

2008-10-18 Thread Christoffer Enedahl
Hmm... I guess it could work. Here is how I see it. Why would you do 
this outside of flash?

 The user must have javascript enabled (Often not a problem)
 The remote data must reside on the html server (sort of)
 Data source can be detected by viewing source

 You already have coded the system

Usually I call a webservice to fetch my data, or load a remote xml file 
from within flash. Pass in the url in the parameters to the flash.

 Using a other domain, you'll have to add/modify a crossdomain.xml file 
on that server.

 Data source can be detected running a special add-in in firefox
 The opposite of the first con


Anthony Pace skrev:

I was sucked in to a project developing a contractor management system...

there were problems with not knowing for sure if the data was being 
returned, and I needed the ability to load data from a remote source so:

   * I had the data be loaded in a script tag as an array,
   * then had the loaded script call a function called load(option),
 that is established in a script tag with static source
   * based on the parameter passed it performs an function with that
 data, and the only thing I need is a timeout timer

does this sound a bit hackish?  I have used it, and it is very 
reliable, allowing for all sorts of params to be passed through GET

I was also thinking that in the future this could be used to load any 
type of data from foriegn sources as all I would need is the innerHTML 
of the tag

Are there better ways to do this that are as reliable?
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Re: [Flashcoders] Making dynamic text look the same as static text

2008-09-18 Thread Christoffer Enedahl

You need to embed the font. Google it

Alan Neilsen skrev:

I have found that when I call text into a dynamic text field from a variable, 
it does not look the same as the text in a static text field set with the same 
font, size, etc. The text in the dynamic text field appears with no anti-alias, 
emboldening or italics, even though I have set those properties for that 
dynamic text field. Can anyone advise how I make those properties work for a 
dynamic text field?

Alan Neilsen
E-delivery Resources Developer
Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE
Wallis Street
Seymour, Vic. 3660
Phone: 0357352466
Mobile: 0437355688

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Re: [Flashcoders] Debugger Text Field

2008-09-08 Thread Christoffer Enedahl
I do something like this, It can be optimized, Im moving all logs every 
time when you can have something like a ringbuffer instead:

   private var _log:Array = new Array(20);
   public function log(t:*)
   for (var i:int = 0; i < _log.length-1; i++) {
   _log[i] = _log[i + 1];
   _log[_log.length - 1] = t;
   output.text = _log.join("\n");



eric e. dolecki skrev:

Hey all,
I have a class that serves as a debugger - containing a textfield that text
gets dumped into. Rather quickly. What might be the best way to simply limit
the number of lines in the field itself, as the appends after a while bog
the application down (understandable).

I have many ideas, but I don't want the mechanism to clean up add too much
overhead itself.

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Re: [Flashcoders] Passing params via url instead of FlashVars

2008-08-25 Thread Christoffer Enedahl
I can't remember where I picked this up but this is a class that handles 
querystrings in as3:

var qs:QueryString = new QueryString();
trace( );


   import flash.external.*;
   import flash.utils.*;

* Access the query string of the html page this flash is embedded in.
   public class QueryString

   private var _queryString:String;
   private var _all:String;
   private var _params:Object;
   public function get queryString():String

   return _queryString;
   public function get url():String
   return _all;
   public function get parameters():Object
   return _params;

   public function QueryString()



   private function readQueryString():void
   _params = {};
   _all ="window.location.href.toString");
   _queryString ="", 1);

   var params:Array = _queryString.split('&');

   var length:uint = params.length;
   for (var i:uint=0,index:int=-1; i
   var kvPair:String = params[i];
   if((index = kvPair.indexOf("=")) > 0)
   var key:String = kvPair.substring(0,index);
   var value:String = kvPair.substring(index+1);
   _params[key] = value;
   }catch(e:Error) { trace("Some error occured. 
ExternalInterface doesn't work in Standalone player."); }


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] OT: Questions to ask an interviewee

2008-07-30 Thread Christoffer Enedahl
I've done some recruting and what surpised me was why some ppl even 
applied to the job when they clearly did not know how to code. One part 
of the questions was a small verbal programming test, I wrote a few 
questions about programming, ie, whats wrong with this syntax, how would 
you access this xmlnode from code etc... very useful to us to reflect 
the programming knowledge. Note we did not go on how correct the guy was 
but his way to handle it.


Kevin Bowers skrev:

I'd think the first one should be are they a member of this list.  If the
answer is yes, think up some more questions quick


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of alan skinner
Sent: 30 July 2008 09:18
Subject: [Flashcoders] OT: Questions to ask an interviewee

So i just found out i've to interview an AS guy tomorrow, anybody have any

good questions that i should be asking?

Stay in touch when you're away with Windows Live Messenger.
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Re: [Flashcoders] Buffer flv from midpoint?

2008-07-24 Thread Christoffer Enedahl
You need to have a flv streaming service running on a server. Ie Flash 
Media Server. This is an open source alternative: I have not tried it.


Ali Drongo skrev:
Cheers Paul. that's a help. I've just realised that youtube's video 
player will buffer your video midway thru a movie,

Does anyone know how they do this?

Thanks :)


On 24 Jul 2008, at 11:47, Paul Jinks wrote:

hi Ali

I'm working on a similar project, also using progressive download. What
I'm doing is using a combination of 2 approaches:
1. Divide the flv into smaller sections - we've gone for 5-8 mins, which
is  still fairly big I think (otherwise your users are using bandwidth
they probably don't need) and
2. Within each clip have section chapter links that load in as they 
available. You'll need to use cue points for this. I still haven't 

out the finer points of this approach, mostly because I'm using the
chapter links as 'summary' markers also.



On Thu, July 24, 2008 11:03 am, Ali Drongo wrote:

Hi there, I have to build a video player that plays a video with a
number of chapters that the user can skip between. The chapters need
to play sequentially also and also.

Is there a way  can get an flv to buffer from a new chosen point of
playback? (i.e. if the user skips to chapter 6  before the whole thing
is loaded)

If not I guess my best plan is to slice up my long flv into lots of
little ones and make a custom seekbar that shows the chapters and
allows the user to skip from chapter to chapter.

What do yous think?


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Check out my website: :o)

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Re: [Flashcoders] variable in e4x filtering

2008-07-09 Thread Christoffer Enedahl

oh sorry, email code. it got a dot too much, here this works:
_officesXML[ nodeName ].(@name == "NJ Agency")

Pavel Kru*šek skrev:


Unfortunately this solution is out of action: 1084: Syntax error: 
expecting identifier before leftbracket.

On Jul 9, 2008, at 3:50 PM, Christoffer Enedahl wrote:

Try this:

var nodeName:String = "agency";
_officesXML.[ nodeName ].(@name == "NJ Agency")


Pavel Kru*šek skrev:

Hi List,

please is possible to substitute node name in e4x with variable?

Anywhere in XML:

123456 == "NJ Agency")



But i don't know node name 'agency' in this time. I need some like:

== "NJ Agency")



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Re: [Flashcoders] variable in e4x filtering

2008-07-09 Thread Christoffer Enedahl

Try this:

var nodeName:String = "agency";
_officesXML.[ nodeName ].(@name == "NJ Agency")


Pavel Kru*šek skrev:

Hi List,

please is possible to substitute node name in e4x with variable?

Anywhere in XML:

123456 == "NJ Agency")



But i don't know node name 'agency' in this time. I need some like:

== "NJ Agency")



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Re: [Flashcoders] Why do you compile with the Flash IDE?

2008-05-16 Thread Christoffer Enedahl

Glen Pike skrev:
Because I needed to produce a projector and I could not work out how 
to get Flex to do that - don't want an AIR app, just an exe. 

Open the swf file in flash player, File > Create projector

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Why isn't my TextField multiline? AS2

2008-05-08 Thread Christoffer Enedahl

Try "\n" or "\r\n"


Alistair Colling skrev:

Thanks guys :) works perfectly.

Now it seems my line returns ("\r") aren't being recognised (they show 
up in the textfield).

Anyone got any ideas whats going on?


On 7 May 2008, at 18:19, Robert Leisle wrote:

Hi Alistair,

Try adding this to your code:
tmpField.wordWrap = true;


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alistair
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2008 10:03 AM
To: Flash Coders List
Subject: [Flashcoders] Why isn't my TextField multiline? AS2

Hi there, thanks for checking this.

I'm generating a textfield from within a custom class but I can't
seem to make it multiline, I can see the border of the textfield is
the right size my text only appears on the first line and also my
carriage returns "\r" are having no effect.
I've tried a number of options for properties of the textfield but I
cant seem to get it to work.

Any suggestions thankfully received this is taking lots of time for a
simple thing!

Here's the code from within my class:

var oline:MovieClip = mainMC.monkey.bubble.outline
var tmpBox:MovieClip =
("text_mc", 1);
var tmpField:TextField =
tmpBox.createTextField("my_txt", 1,
oline._x, oline._y, oline._width, oline._height);
tmpField.selectable = false;
tmpField.border = true;
tmpField.embedFonts = true;
tmpField.type = "dynamic";
tmpField.multiline = true;   
tmpField.text = Q.monkeyStr;

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Re: [Flashcoders] Need Help from Techies

2008-04-26 Thread Christoffer Enedahl
I would hide one layer at a time until you find out which layer it is 
in. Then hide all other layers and unlock the layer with the 
placeholder. Select and delete them. If they are within a movieclip, 
doubleclick them until you can delete them. You might need to unlock 
more layers.



Hi All,

I have a problem that I cannot seem to solve.  The problem is that I deleted three small symbol buttons from the main interface of a flash document template.   Now, I visibly see their placeholder, but I cannot find the location of the placeholder for deletion.  I need to delete the placeholder because it is visibly unappealing.  

Any suggestions?  All responses are greatly appreciated.



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Re: [Flashcoders] New game: Exxon - The decontaminator

2008-04-23 Thread Christoffer Enedahl

Thanks. Yes, I have a couple of stuff I want in.
Stuff like: preventing animals getting stuck in the oil, multiplayer, 
race, prevent oil getting lit on fire, boat upgrades. Online 
leveleditor. Ahhh so many possibilities, so little time.

Meinte van't Kruis skrev:

pretty cool, would be nice to work out the concept and add some features
here and there

On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 11:04 AM, Christoffer Enedahl <


This weekend I participated in ludum dare 48h, A bi-annual 48 hour solo
game development competition.

In the contest you are given a theme and you have to make a game of that
theme from scratch in 48 hours. You must make all content yourself.

I made a 2d topdown boat game in as3.
Including source.

/Christoffer aka drZool

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[Flashcoders] New game: Exxon - The decontaminator

2008-04-23 Thread Christoffer Enedahl

This weekend I participated in ludum dare 48h, A bi-annual 48 hour solo
game development competition.

In the contest you are given a theme and you have to make a game of that
theme from scratch in 48 hours. You must make all content yourself.

I made a 2d topdown boat game in as3.
Including source.

/Christoffer aka drZool

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] better logic statement

2008-04-14 Thread Christoffer Enedahl

Untested email code. But you get the gits of it, I hope

// properties
var ThumbnailSetSize = 10;
var i = 0;
var page = 0;

/// on next image
if (i == ThumbnailSetSize ){
   //Do something
id = (page*ThumbnailSetSize ) + i;


natalia Vikhtinskaya skrev:

I build slideshow with 10 visible thumbnails. After each 10 pictures I
move thumbnails to show next 10.
Another words
if  (id==11  || id==21 || id==31) {do something}
How to write more wise if statement?
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