[Ganglia-general] gmetad segfaults after running for a while (on AWS EC2)

2014-09-11 Thread Sam Barham
We are using Ganglia to monitoring our cloud infrastructure on Amazon AWS.
Everything is working correctly (metrics are flowing etc), except that
occasionally the gmetad process will segfault out of the blue. The gmetad
process is running on an m3.medium EC2, and is monitoring about 50 servers.
The servers are arranged into groups, each one having a bastion EC2 where
the metrics are gathered. gmetad is configured to grab the metrics from
those bastions - about 10 of them.

Some useful facts:

   - We are running Debian Wheezy on all the EC2s
   - Sometimes the crash will happen multiple times in a day, sometimes
   it'll be a day or two before it crashes
   - The crash creates no logs in normal operation other than a segfault
   log something like "gmetad[11291]: segfault at 71 ip 0040547c sp
   7ff2d6572260 error 4 in gmetad[40+e000]". If we run gmetad manually
   with debug logging, it appears that the crash is related to gmetad doing a
   - When we realised that the cleanup process might be to blame we did
   more research around that. We realised that our disk IO was way too high
   and added rrdcached in order to reduce it. The disk IO is now much lower,
   and the crash is occurring less often, but still an average of once a day
   or so.
   - We have two systems (dev and production). Both exhibit this crash, but
   the dev system, which is monitoring a much smaller group of servers crashes
   significantly less often.
   - The production system is running ganglia 3.3.8-1+nmu1/rrdtool 1.4.7-2.
   We've upgraded ganglia in the dev systems to ganglia
   3.6.0-2~bpo70+1/rrdtool 1.4.7-2. That doesn't seem to have helped with the
   - We have monit running on both systems configured to restart gmetad if
   it dies. It restarts immediately with no issues.
   - The production system is storing it's data on a magnetic disk, the dev
   system is using ssd.  That doesn't appear to have changed the frequency of
   the crash.

Has anyone experienced this kind of crash, especially on Amazon hardware?
We're at our wits end trying to find a solution!
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Re: [Ganglia-general] gmetad segfaults after running for a while (on AWS EC2)

2014-09-14 Thread Sam Barham
I've finally managed to generate a core dump (the VM wasn't set up to do it
yet), but it's 214Mb and doesn't seem to contain anything helpful -
especially as I don't have debug symbols.  The backtrace shows:
#0  0x0040547c in ?? ()
#1  0x7f600a49a245 in hash_foreach () from
#2  0x004054e1 in ?? ()
#3  0x7f600a49a245 in hash_foreach () from
#4  0x004054e1 in ?? ()
#5  0x7f600a49a245 in hash_foreach () from
#6  0x00405436 in ?? ()
#7  0x0040530d in ?? ()
#8  0x004058fa in ?? ()
#9  0x7f6008ef9b50 in start_thread () from
#10 0x7f6008c43e6d in clone () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
#11 0x in ?? ()

Is there a way for me to get more useful information out of it?

On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 10:11 AM, Devon H. O'Dell 

> Are you able to share a core file?
> 2014-09-11 14:32 GMT-07:00 Sam Barham :
> > We are using Ganglia to monitoring our cloud infrastructure on Amazon
> AWS.
> > Everything is working correctly (metrics are flowing etc), except that
> > occasionally the gmetad process will segfault out of the blue. The gmetad
> > process is running on an m3.medium EC2, and is monitoring about 50
> servers.
> > The servers are arranged into groups, each one having a bastion EC2 where
> > the metrics are gathered. gmetad is configured to grab the metrics from
> > those bastions - about 10 of them.
> >
> > Some useful facts:
> >
> > We are running Debian Wheezy on all the EC2s
> > Sometimes the crash will happen multiple times in a day, sometimes it'll
> be
> > a day or two before it crashes
> > The crash creates no logs in normal operation other than a segfault log
> > something like "gmetad[11291]: segfault at 71 ip 0040547c sp
> > 7ff2d6572260 error 4 in gmetad[40+e000]". If we run gmetad
> manually
> > with debug logging, it appears that the crash is related to gmetad doing
> a
> > cleanup.
> > When we realised that the cleanup process might be to blame we did more
> > research around that. We realised that our disk IO was way too high and
> > added rrdcached in order to reduce it. The disk IO is now much lower, and
> > the crash is occurring less often, but still an average of once a day or
> so.
> > We have two systems (dev and production). Both exhibit this crash, but
> the
> > dev system, which is monitoring a much smaller group of servers crashes
> > significantly less often.
> > The production system is running ganglia 3.3.8-1+nmu1/rrdtool 1.4.7-2.
> We've
> > upgraded ganglia in the dev systems to ganglia 3.6.0-2~bpo70+1/rrdtool
> > 1.4.7-2. That doesn't seem to have helped with the crash.
> > We have monit running on both systems configured to restart gmetad if it
> > dies. It restarts immediately with no issues.
> > The production system is storing it's data on a magnetic disk, the dev
> > system is using ssd.  That doesn't appear to have changed the frequency
> of
> > the crash.
> >
> > Has anyone experienced this kind of crash, especially on Amazon hardware?
> > We're at our wits end trying to find a solution!
> >
> >
> >
> --
> > Want excitement?
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> http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=157508191&iu=/4140/ostg.clktrk
> > ___
> > Ganglia-general mailing list
> > Ganglia-general@lists.sourceforge.net
> > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/ganglia-general
> >
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Re: [Ganglia-general] gmetad segfaults after running for a while (on AWS EC2)

2014-09-15 Thread Sam Barham
I can't read assembly, so this doesn't mean much to me, but hopefully it'll
mean something to you :)

  40540e:   e9 fc fe ff ff  jmpq   40530f 
  405413:   0f 1f 44 00 00  nopl   0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
  405418:   48 89 demov%rbx,%rsi
  40541b:   e8 b0 fd ff ff  callq  4051d0 
  405420:   48 8b 7b 18 mov0x18(%rbx),%rdi
  405424:   48 85 fftest   %rdi,%rdi
  405427:   74 0d   je 405436 
  405429:   4c 89 e2mov%r12,%rdx
  40542c:   be 60 54 40 00  mov$0x405460,%esi
  405431:   e8 ca d3 ff ff  callq  402800 
  405436:   31 c0   xor%eax,%eax
  405438:   e9 f8 fe ff ff  jmpq   405335 
  40543d:   0f 1f 00nopl   (%rax)
  405440:   31 c9   xor%ecx,%ecx
  405442:   4c 89 eamov%r13,%rdx
  405445:   31 f6   xor%esi,%esi
  405447:   4c 89 e7mov%r12,%rdi
  40544a:   4c 89 04 24 mov%r8,(%rsp)
  40544e:   e8 3d fe ff ff  callq  405290 
  405453:   4c 8b 04 24 mov(%rsp),%r8
  405457:   89 c5   mov%eax,%ebp
  405459:   eb ab   jmp405406 
  40545b:   0f 1f 44 00 00  nopl   0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
  405460:   48 89 6c 24 f0  mov%rbp,-0x10(%rsp)
  405465:   4c 89 64 24 f8  mov%r12,-0x8(%rsp)
  40546a:   49 89 fcmov%rdi,%r12
  40546d:   48 89 5c 24 e8  mov%rbx,-0x18(%rsp)
  405472:   48 83 ec 18 sub$0x18,%rsp
  405476:   8b 7a 18mov0x18(%rdx),%edi
  405479:   48 89 d5mov%rdx,%rbp
  40547c:   48 8b 1emov(%rsi),%rbx
  40547f:   85 ff   test   %edi,%edi
  405481:   74 0c   je 40548f 
  405483:   48 89 demov%rbx,%rsi
  405486:   e8 15 fd ff ff  callq  4051a0 
  40548b:   85 c0   test   %eax,%eax
  40548d:   74 12   je 4054a1 
  40548f:   31 c9   xor%ecx,%ecx
  405491:   48 89 eamov%rbp,%rdx
  405494:   4c 89 e6mov%r12,%rsi
  405497:   48 89 dfmov%rbx,%rdi
  40549a:   ff 53 08callq  *0x8(%rbx)
  40549d:   85 c0   test   %eax,%eax
  40549f:   74 1f   je 4054c0 
  4054a1:   b8 01 00 00 00  mov$0x1,%eax
  4054a6:   48 8b 1c 24 mov(%rsp),%rbx
  4054aa:   48 8b 6c 24 08  mov0x8(%rsp),%rbp
  4054af:   4c 8b 64 24 10  mov0x10(%rsp),%r12
  4054b4:   48 83 c4 18 add$0x18,%rsp
  4054b8:   c3  retq
  4054b9:   0f 1f 80 00 00 00 00nopl   0x0(%rax)
  4054c0:   48 89 efmov%rbp,%rdi
  4054c3:   48 89 demov%rbx,%rsi
  4054c6:   e8 05 fd ff ff  callq  4051d0 
  4054cb:   48 8b 7b 18 mov0x18(%rbx),%rdi

On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 12:45 PM, Devon H. O'Dell 

> If you can install the dbg or dbgsym package for this, you can get
> more information. If you cannot do this, running:
> objdump -d `which gmond` | less
> in less:
> /40547c
> Paste a little context of the disassembly before and after that
> address, then scroll up and paste which function it's in. (That might
> still be too little information or even bad information if the binary
> is stripped. But it's something.)
> --dho
> 2014-09-14 18:09 GMT-07:00 Sam Barham :
> > I've finally managed to generate a core dump (the VM wasn't set up to do
> it
> > yet), but it's 214Mb and doesn't seem to contain anything helpful -
> > especially as I don't have debug symbols.  The backtrace shows:
> > #0  0x0040547c in ?? ()
> > #1  0x7f600a49a245 in hash_foreach () from
> > /usr/lib/libganglia-3.3.8.so.0
> > #2  0x004054e1 in ?? ()
> > #3  0x7f600a49a245 in hash_foreach () from
> > /usr/lib/libganglia-3.3.8.so.0
> > #4  0x004054e1 in ?? ()
> > #5  0x7f600a49a245 in hash_foreach () from
> > /usr/lib/libganglia-3.3.8.so.0
> > #6  0x00405436 in ?? ()
> > #7  0x0040530d in ?? ()
> > #8  0x004058fa in ?? ()
> > #9  0x7f6008ef9b50 in start_thread () from
> > /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0
> > #10 0x7f6008c43e6d in clone () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
> > #11 0x in ?? ()
> >
> > Is there a way for me to g

[Ganglia-general] Help understanding tmax and dmax

2014-09-15 Thread Sam Barham
I'm having trouble understanding what values to use for dmax and tmax in my
gmetric calls, and how those values match up to actual behaviour.  The
situation is that I have several cron scripts that each run once a minute,
finding various custom metrics and passing them into ganglia.  I then have
the ganglia-alert script running, alerting on various metrics.

When using the default values, I often go false alerts because a metric
would appear to have disappeared for a moment, which makes sense as the
script sometimes take a few seconds to run, so there is a window for the
metrics age to go slightly over the 60 second mark.  After some
experimentation, it seems the only way I've found to not drop any metrics
unnecessarily is to set BOTH dmax and tmax to something over the default of
60 - I'm using 120.  But I don't understand why I should have to set tmax
at all in this situation, and I don't really understand what these values
are actually controlling.  Can anyone shed more light on this?
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Re: [Ganglia-general] gmetad segfaults after running for a while (on AWS EC2)

2014-09-21 Thread Sam Barham
The debug build of 3.6.0 finally crashed over the weekend.  The backtrace
#0  0x7f042e4ba38c in hash_insert (key=0x7f0425bcc440,
val=0x7f0425bcc430, hash=0x7239d0) at hash.c:233
#1  0x00408551 in startElement_METRIC (data=0x7f0425bcc770,
el=0x733930 "METRIC", attr=0x709270) at process_xml.c:677
#2  0x004092b2 in start (data=0x7f0425bcc770, el=0x733930 "METRIC",
attr=0x709270) at process_xml.c:1036
#3  0x7f042d55b5fb in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexpat.so.1
#4  0x7f042d55c84e in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexpat.so.1
#5  0x7f042d55e36e in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexpat.so.1
#6  0x7f042d55eb1b in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexpat.so.1
#7  0x7f042d560b5d in XML_ParseBuffer () from
#8  0x00409953 in process_xml (d=0x618900,
buf=0x792360 "\n\n  \n  

> Regardless of whether this is 3.3.8 or 3.6.0, the offending line is:
> WRITE_LOCK(hash, i);
> I was going to guess this was 3.6.0 because it's a different
> backtrace, however the line number in process_xml.c doesn't make sense
> unless it is 3.3.8. What this implies is that the hash table is not
> properly protected by its mutex.
> There are 339 commits between 3.3.8 and the current master branch. I'd
> like to heavily suggest updating because I unfortunately do not have
> time to look through all the commit messages to see if this has been
> solved by work others have done.
> --dho
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[Ganglia-general] gmond occasionally doesn't connect up in unicast

2014-11-12 Thread Sam Barham
We've got about 100 machines running on AWS EC2s, with Ganglia for
monitoring.  Because we are on Amazon, we can't use multicast, so the
architecture we have is each cluster has a Bastion machine, and each other
machine in the cluster has gmond send its' data to the bastion, which
gmetad then queries.  All standard and sensible and it works just fine.

Except that occasionally, when I redeploy the machines in a cluster (but
not the bastion - that stays running through this operation), just one of
the machines will not send data through to the bastion or something.  All I
can say for sure is that gmond is running OK on the problem machine, there
are no error logs on the problem machine, the bastion or the gmetad
machine, but the machine doesn't appear in gmetad.  If I go into the
problem machine and restart gmond, it reconnects just fine and appears in

Which machine has the error is random - it's not a particular type of
machine or anything.  Because the error only shows up rarely, and only at
deployment time, I can't really turn on debug_level to investigate.

Also, some of the configuration values in gmond.conf are filled in when the
userdata is run.  I've edited /etc/init.d/ganglia-monitor so that it starts
up immediately after the userdata has run, just in case that matters.

Any ideas?

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Re: [Ganglia-general] gmond occasionally doesn't connect up in unicast

2014-11-12 Thread Sam Barham
Until recently I wasn't controlling the start order of ec2-run-user-data
and ganglia-monitor, so they were starting at the same 'time'.  Yesterday I
fixed that, so that now ec2-run-user-data starts at S02 and ganglia-monitor
at S03.  I thought the issue might be exactly what you describe -
ganglia-monitor starting before ec2-run-user-data has finished altering the
gmond.conf, but the error still happened today.

Also, I suspect (but don't know for sure) that the gmond.conf will actually
be invalid before ec2-run-user-data has run - I've altered it to have flags
that get replaced with valid values.

On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 12:20 PM, Joe Gracyk  wrote:

> Hi, Sam -
> We've got a similar deployment (EC2 instances unicasting to a per-AZ
> gmetad) that we're managing with Puppet, and I can't say we've seen
> anything like that.
> How are you automating your redeployments and gmond configurations? Could
> your gmond instances be starting up before their unicast configurations
> have been applied? If you had some sort of race condition where gmond could
> be installed and started, and *then *getting the conf file written, I'd
> expect gmond to merrily chug along, fruitlessly trying to multicast into
> the void.
> Good luck!
> On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 2:41 PM, Sam Barham 
> wrote:
>> We've got about 100 machines running on AWS EC2s, with Ganglia for
>> monitoring.  Because we are on Amazon, we can't use multicast, so the
>> architecture we have is each cluster has a Bastion machine, and each other
>> machine in the cluster has gmond send its' data to the bastion, which
>> gmetad then queries.  All standard and sensible and it works just fine.
>> Except that occasionally, when I redeploy the machines in a cluster (but
>> not the bastion - that stays running through this operation), just one of
>> the machines will not send data through to the bastion or something.  All I
>> can say for sure is that gmond is running OK on the problem machine, there
>> are no error logs on the problem machine, the bastion or the gmetad
>> machine, but the machine doesn't appear in gmetad.  If I go into the
>> problem machine and restart gmond, it reconnects just fine and appears in
>> gmetad.
>> Which machine has the error is random - it's not a particular type of
>> machine or anything.  Because the error only shows up rarely, and only at
>> deployment time, I can't really turn on debug_level to investigate.
>> Also, some of the configuration values in gmond.conf are filled in when
>> the userdata is run.  I've edited /etc/init.d/ganglia-monitor so that it
>> starts up immediately after the userdata has run, just in case that matters.
>> Any ideas?
>> Sam
>> --
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>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/ganglia-general
> --
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Ganglia-general mailing list

Re: [Ganglia-general] segfault on gmetad making Ganglia unusable.

2015-02-08 Thread Sam Barham
I can't help unfortunately, but I can say that I've been having exactly the
same issue, although less frequent (crashes anything from several times a
day to once every couple of days).  What is your gmetad hosted on? Mine is
on Amazon Debian EC2s.


On Sun, Feb 8, 2015 at 11:21 AM, jayadevan Chembakassery <
jayadev...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> My  Gmetad is going  down  every 20 - 30 min  with  segfault
> Seeing  the below message  on  /var/log/messages.
> gmetad[2383]: segfault at 7f81ffe30df0 ip 7f7fa0a313a1 sp
> 7f7f98734400 error 4 in libganglia-3.6.1.so.0.0.0[7f7fa0a26000+14000]
> Env  details:
> O/S :  Redhat  EL 6.2
> Ganglia Web Frontend version 3.6.2
> Ganglia Web Backend (gmetad) version 3.6.1
> I had the issue with  Gemtad 3.6.0,  upgraded to 3.6.1 with no luck.
> managed to get the core file.
> not a gdb  expert but could see the below info;
> $gdb gmetad  core.28985
> ...
> ..
> ..
> Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
> #0  0x7fbf1660d3a1 in hash_insert (key=0x7fbf0e310470,
> val=0x7fbf0e310480, hash=0x7fbf08087780) at hash.c:233
> 233   WRITE_LOCK(hash, i);
> ...
> Can some one help?
> Thanks,
> Jay
> --
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> Ganglia-general@lists.sourceforge.net
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