Re: gEDA-user: FWD: Testing request for a binary distribution for the gEDA Suite

2008-01-06 Thread Michael Schewe
Hello Ales,

this binary distribution runs fine on my lot of years old linux machine (based 
on Suse 8.1, the first gtk release i ever could try), at least gschem and pcb 
which i tried !


Ales Hvezda wrote:
 [[ Below is a msg I should have also sent to geda-user.  Thanks for any
feedback.  -Ales ]]
 --- Forwarded Message
 From: Ales Hvezda [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: gEDA-dev: Testing request for a binary distribution for the gEDA
 Over the past few years I've been experimenting and attempting to perfect
 a universal binary distribution of the gEDA Suite for i386 Linux.  I think
 I finally have something that should work for at least one other person
 than me.  Several points:
 * Universal means that is should run on any i386 Linux distribution
   that was released after 2001.  
 * You shouldn't have to install any required gEDA dependencies.
   You will need at least X installed and configured correctly.
 * You won't have to build anything and you should be able to just run
   the programs out-of-the-box.   That's the theory at least.
 * Included is a trivial shell based installer which should work on most
   people's system.
 * Note, this binary distribution is highly experimental.  I will remove
   it after a while and eventually replace it with something that should
   work equally well or better (refactored and with newer versions of
   the various program included).
 I'm sending out this e-mail because I would like people to try it out and
 let me know if it works for you.  I do expect there to be quirks here
 and there, so please report those as well.
 Temporary download location:
 11990608 bytes (~11 Mbytes)
 ba3185c780152b2c9f99795ad246c818  gedasuite-20080104.tar.bz2
 Please verify the checksum before running any of the programs.
 (Run: md5sum gedasuite-20080104.tar.bz2  and compare).
 Included gEDA Suite programs in this experimental binary distribution:
   - gEDA/gaf PRERELEASE1-1.3.1  
   This is a complete prerelease of 1.3.1 which is available in the
   git repository.  The real 1.3.1 will be release later this week.
   - gspiceui 0.8.90
 An older version of gspiceui that I happen to have handy.
 There will be an HTML encoding error when this program is
 run, but the GUI should come up.  No guarantees beyond that
 (the simulators are not installed).  I am including this in
 this experimental dist since it is written in C++ and has a
 non-trivial GUI using wxWidgets/GTK.
   - pcb 20070912
 I did notice that the log window and others start up a little
 small, but pcb should run fine.  Also gsch2pcb should work as 
 well.  Please test that too.
   - Other programs will be added if people have some measurable
 success with the above non-trivial programs.
 To install:
   0) Download gedasuite-20080104.tar.bz2 from the above address.
   1) Untar the gedasuite-20080104.tar.bz2 somewhere:
  cd somewhere
  tar xvfj gedasuite-20080104.tar.bz2
   2) cd gedasuite-20080104
   3) ./
   4) Answer the two questions (desired installdir and confirm)
   5) cd installdir/bin  (or add installdir/bin to your PATH)
   6) Run ./gschem or ./pcb or ./gattrib or ./gspiceui or anything 
  else in the bin directory.
 Please try it out and let me know if any problems running the programs.
 Thank you,
 PS. All source tarballs and/or repository versions for this binary
 distribution are available on the gEDA website.
 --- End of Forwarded Message
 geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Problem with OGD1: Can anyone advise on good low-jitter clock

2007-11-28 Thread Michael Schewe
Hello Timothy,

take a look at Analog Devices AD9516-0 ... 5 family, these are flexible clock 
generators with many outputs and low jitter performance, as far as i understood 
the femti-seconds range ( 1ps jitter). I have no practical experience with 
them but i plan to use them in a new project.


Timothy Normand Miller wrote:
 Sorry about the cross-post.  We're -- THIS close to getting OGD1
 done, with artwork in the hands of board makers who are working on
 quotes, and we've discovered a problem that could make the video
 output unacceptable.
 We've discovered that the clock generators in the Xilinx FPGA part are
 lousy for generating video clocks.  We're seeing like 900ps of jitter,
 which causes artifacts on DVI monitors at resolutions as low as
 1280x1024 when the cable gets beyond a certain length.  (I don't
 recall all the details.)
 One option is to use the clock generators in the Lattice part, but
 even they have like 400ps of jitter, and they also severely limit the
 range of frequencies we can generate.
 So the best solution we can come up with is to put on some external
 clock generators.  One for each video head.  Problems:  (1) more time
 to mod the design, (2) up to $15 each for the generators, (3) we have
 no idea what generators to use, how good they are, how to wire them.
 Does anyone know anything about these?  Do you have experience with
 specific high-frequency clock generators and know how they perform and
 what kind of jitter they produce?
 Unfortunately, it could take quite a long time for us to find
 suppliers of clock generators, get samples, wire them up and test
 them, etc., so we just need find out if someone out there already has
 the right answer or knows where to look for it.
 Thank you for your time!

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