[Gimp-user] Re : good graphic design books?

2007-04-25 Thread cedric GEMY
I'm not sure there is so many gimp about gimp that publishers have reach 
the point to do so specialized things. But It would be nice if i am wrong.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] last contribution call for LGM brochure

2007-03-02 Thread cedric GEMY

LGM brochure should already be finished but we are a bit late. Only 
Jimmac answered my last call for contribution, so i would like toinforme 
you again that you can send your pictures to me.

For info, the brochure will be distributed in 4000 ex in the canadian 
magazin Grafika. The purpose is to promote FLOSS and especially graphic 
software and touch professionals and graphic designers there and worldwide.

Pictures must give a professional aspect (of course) but don't think 
you're not good enough. If you like your work, may be others will.

Please, send high resolution or at least big picture in pixel size, and 
don't forget credits+licence if necessary

cedric (pygmee)
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Gimp-python on windows

2006-08-24 Thread cedric GEMY
Many windows user i have introduce to Gimp  complain about the 
difficulties they feel in using python script. I've to tell i've no 
particular knowledge on this OS. Does anybody know a good ressource to 
describe howto use python script with Windows ?

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Non printable colors

2005-11-16 Thread cedric GEMY
We can understand the question if we imagine that some user still use 
Photoshop. Alexandre is right to say that in in Free DTP Software 
process, Gimp don't need mark out of gamut colors. It is the same for 
Color management. But in Adobe's process, all these steps are taken in 
charge by Photoshop. So if you use GIMP+InDesign, you miss this 
functionnality somewhere.

But i've atthis time no solution for that.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] RE : Using lab

2005-10-20 Thread cedric GEMY
Lab is very interesting for photo retouch because Luminosity (better 
said Luminance) is separated from colors.
It is the most complete color model so that Photoshop uses it when you 
want to change the color mode. +> gives more precise result.
But out of that, it is much more difficult to conceive things with 
L*a*b. Gimp does not implement it except in the Decompose Filter. May be 
another thing to do :)

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re : Curve corners

2005-10-13 Thread cedric GEMY

It depends of th eversion you're using :
For any : see http://registry.gimp.org/list?name=rounded.
For dev : Image/Selection>Rounded Rectangle

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Lanczos interpolation method

2005-10-10 Thread cedric GEMY
Testing 2.3, i can there is new  interpolation method called Lanczos. It 
is described as being better than cubic. Does anyboy know simply :) how 
it works with the picture ?

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Publishing Gimp book

2005-09-06 Thread cedric GEMY
I'm not sure that the speed Gimp is developed can stop publisher. Of 
course they like to have up2date docs but as they think in years, they 
will usually work on book update when necessary.
For those who want to self-publish book, it is easily possible. That's 
what have been done for [a la] SOS GIMP (http://www.le-radar.com), which 
is a FGDL book. Translation of it could be done.
For people who to test that : a first is an average of 6 month work. 
Application documentation are very hard to do as they have to be very 

If Olivier need some help for self publication in France, i can help.

I also would like to say that i'm working on a new book. Not a learning 
one, but an example one, with graphists tips. 3 people are already OK to 
contribute, but other are welcome. The purpose is to show what good job 
can be do with free softwares (we know that but not everybody). If self 
published this book could be under a Free licence.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Livre sur Gimp

2005-09-04 Thread cedric GEMY
French speaker may now find "Gimp 2 Efficace" (Ed. Eyrolles) 

No books about Gimp have been published since long a time. I hope it 
will be useful for users.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Re: Gimp-user Digest, Vol 34, Issue 18

2005-07-20 Thread cedric GEMY


I think this has already been asked, but i didn't find it.

Can we use Gimp logo as we wish, even if commercial context ?

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Py-slice with rollover

2005-05-30 Thread cedric GEMY

I'm searching for a working update of the modified py-slice file. The 
one that make rollovers. i would like to documentate it for gimp-help 
because it might be useful.

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Tiff compression options

2005-04-16 Thread cedric
Reading Tiff specs for Scribus Team, we saw that Tiif could have JPEG
compression. We add a simple question : is gimp implementation of Tiff
jpeg compression lossless ? And in which case use one or another
compression options ?

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Alpha Channel Continuing (Re:)

2005-04-13 Thread cedric
I've mistaken i my laste question sorry.
I thought Alpha Channel was that of a layer because i tried to add a
mask to the background layer. But it does in fact display the
transparency for the whole image very well.
No trouble so. Somebody tells me if i'm wrong.

Thanks for everything.
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Alpha Channel Continuing.

2005-04-13 Thread cedric
OK. Understood. But i think something is quite strange (it's UI, only).
Alpha Channel is displayed in the upper part of the window. I thought
this part was made for permanent informations (such as primary
channels), but it seems that the alpha is dealing only with the active
layer. Does anybody have an explanation of that behavior !
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Alpha Channel

2005-04-12 Thread cedric
I wonder why, when Opening or creating a document, there are only 3
color channel and then, when creatin a layer, the alpha is coming. What
this stand for ?

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] X an Y resolution

2005-03-22 Thread cedric
When creating a new document, we have two fields. I've always used the 
same value but if they are 2 it is certainly because there is one. So 
does anybody know in what cases X and Y should be different ?
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Gimp Learning path

2005-01-17 Thread cedric
French GIMP beginner may have a look at http://www.le-radar.com/?mm/gimp.
There is an update of the learning book [a la] SOS GIMP. It will also be 
included, with others, in the GIMP CD made by R. Ostertag (One of the 
main contributor to the Gimp Help) that will soon be available at 

LISEZ -> SOS GIMP : http://www.le-radar.com/?mm/gimp
mais aussi :
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Changing gimp menus

2005-01-09 Thread cedric
I think some menus or not necessary. Especially Dialogs. I find now more 
useful to use windows menus to open a new one. So i would like to know 
if it is possible to change GIMP menus  and eventually delete Dialog entry?

LISEZ -> SOS GIMP : http://www.le-radar.com/?mm/gimp
mais aussi :
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] TIF Compressions

2004-12-16 Thread cedric
What are differences between TIFF compressions ? What are they done for 
? I always use None to keep the document and Sometimes LZW. But may be 
some are richer to some usage.

LISEZ -> SOS GIMP : http://www.le-radar.com/?mm/gimp
mais aussi :
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] 'Cedilla' GTK+ input module

2004-09-14 Thread cedric
Very intersting, and I didn't find any Gimp-doc about it. If I'd know 
where to get more informations about these I could do an help file for 
it. Do you have any good URL Sven ?

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Thoughts about channels

2004-09-13 Thread cedric
May be someone has another feeling, but i've found today strange behaviors.
1. Copy Visible does not copie visible, but the visible of layer aspect. 
Explanation : just deactivate a channel (R for exemple) the copy visible 
picture is the same as if they were all activated. Is there any way to 
overpass that ?

2. It seems that is is not possible to delete a primary channel 
(contextual menuitem is always grayed). What about if I want to do a 
2-channel picture, particularly for 'professional' print ?

3. Strange behavior also, it can't succeed in pasting a channel or layer 
content on another channel (for exemple, pasting R content on G).  Shall 
I need to use  the Channel Mixer to do this ?

4. I've used Decompose to CMYK to get a black channel and increase 
contrast on a document. But i've been surprise, because after doing the 
same in Adobe Photoshop, the black channels were different ? Is that 
normal ? What have I bas done, if any ?

As I always do, some special congratulations to David for his Batch 
Processor that should really be included in GIMP, and to Damien Genet 
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for the Rollover Perl script (unhappily it 
is not updated for 2.x).

Thanks a lot.
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Translation update

2004-09-13 Thread cedric
Other things,
I've just compiled 2.1.4 (starting as failed but this is nothing), and 
it seems that many GUI labels are not translating into my precious 
french. Is there any help needed for this, and if yes how to do ?

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Layers in GIMP and Photoshop Layer Effects

2004-08-30 Thread cedric
As a Photoshop teacher and Gimp book author (french reader can have a 
look at http://www.le-radar.com) i'm interesting in comparison because 
this is a very good source of idea. But i'm a bit fed up reading gimp 
cannot do anything as good as PS. Most of time it is possible, but just 
have to a way to, because in my point of view GIMP is DIFFERENT and 
don't have be a PS clone. But there are few things i can say :

A) I'm not sure i've understood everything but some told few days ago, 
that it was possible to do in GIMP (with layer modes) all what Adobe PS 
does in layer effects. At this time the best thing i know for gimp is 
the layer_effects.scm. But may be I mistake.

Even compared to this script, PS's functionnalities seem to be much more 
comfortable : the effects are updated when the original layer is modified.

B) Photoshop has a very interesting functionnality in being able to 
group layers (pasting in new can be done by copy/paste and layer->new).

C) The add of several layers increases much more the size of a XCF file 
than it does with a PSD

D) It is impossible (may be it is a technical reason) to work with 
transform tools on a masked layer. In my mind, the tool could be easily 
applied to both, but i'm sure i mistake.

We could tell much more about this but may be all this is not the more 
important. I guess that :
   - working in other color spaces (CMYK, Lab ...), with specific 
channel options [including working directly on channels allowing 
copy/paste from one channel to another ...] not only for DTP purpose but 
because some things can easily be done when there is a specific access 
to a luminosity/black channel.
   - improve the more and more the (anti)alias : in some cases pixel 
selection or transition still produce ugly effects.

In conclusion, no tool can be perfect. Loving Gimp, i have to confess 
that i spend much more time doing a thing in GIMP that I should with PS. 
But we also can find defaults in PS : there's no copy visible (you need 
duplicate and flatten), less filters, no real script developement 
because PS's Script is just a way to pack already-there-actions, no 
capacity to sharp a softened selection ...

So those who don't believe in the Gimp could also take notice of this.
Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] What is really used in CMYK ?

2004-07-19 Thread cedric
I've just read a SVEN note (on gimp-dev) about Color Management Gimp 
support. Many things about DTP options (color separation, soft-proof, 
embed profile) which are very interesting but not many about CMYK native 
support (i.e. four channels).

Does anybody have special use of this mode ? Personally, I often use to 
work on contrast because it has a separate black channel. We can work 
separately on Luminosity and colors (such as in Lab mode). (For example 
look at that : http://www.le-radar.com/mm/gimp/images/Nchannel.png)

If soft-proof is intended to be supported, it would be great to work on 
the color selector dialog. In fact, it could display a signal when a 
selected color is not available in other modes (it could also be done 
for websafe colors), and eventually give direct access to the nearer 

LittleCMS is very good, but is written with Qt. I guess it will hardly 
be available on Windows.

Actually, all this is not very clear : diplay filter there, channels 
there, and separate this way, who would it be 'packaged' ?

Does anyone has an opinion on all this ?
Gimp-user mailing list